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Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology Student: ALEXA MURIEL L.

MOZAR Section: BLOCK 261



Vibramycin Doxycycline Tetracycline

Brand Name: ________________________________________________ Generic Name: _____________________________ Drug Classification: ___________________________________

Dosage, Route & Frequency Drug-Drug & Drug- Side Effects Adverse Reactions
Drug Action Indications Contraindications
Recommended Prescribed Food Interactions (By System) (By System)
Antiinfective: It is a semisynthetic Drug: Antacids, Chlamydial and Use during period of Anorexia GI: Anorexia, nausea,
broad spectrum calcium, magnesium, mycoplasmal tooth development vomiting, enterocolitis,
Adult: PO/IV 100mg q12h on tetracycline antibiotic zinc, sodium infections including last of Nausea esophageal irritation,
day 1, then 100mg/d as derived from bicarbonate, iron, pregnancy, lactation, diarrhea
single dose Syphilis in penicillin- Vomiting
oxytetracycline. Better kaolin-pectin can infants and children
absorbed with decrease the allergic patients Special senses:
Child: PO/IV >8y/o, 4.4 mg/k Diarrhea
effective blood absorption. Avoid prolonged Interference with color
in 1-2 doses on day 1, then Acute exacerbations exposure to sunlight. vision
vessels maintained Dysphagia
2.2-4.4mg/kg/d in 1-2 Effects of doxycycline of chronic bronchitis
for longer periods and photosensitivity
divided doses and desmopressin Sensitivity to any Skin: Rashes,
excreted more slowly Gonorrhea
antagonized tetracycline Rash photosensitivity
Gonorrhea: than most other
ttracyclines. Rickettsial diseases History or
Increase of digoxin Urticaria
Adult: PO 200mg predisposition to oral Other:
It requires less and absorption can
immediately. Followed by candidiasis (Oracea). Thrombophlebitis,
smaller frequent increase risk for
100mg h.s, the 100mg b.I.d superinfections
dosing. digoxin toxicity.
foe 3days
Methoxyflurane can
Primary and Secondary
increase risk of renal
Adult: PO 300mg /d in
dicvided doses for atleast 10

Traveler’s Diarrhea:
Adult: PO 100mg during risk
period beginning day 1 of


Adult: PO 100mg q12h on

day 1 the 100mg q.d

Child: PO >8y/o and >45kg,

100mg q12h o day 1, then
100mg qd

Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE) Responsibilities in the Nursing Process (ADPIE)

 Assess for superinfections  Take capsule or tablets with full glass of water to ensure passage into stomach and thus
prevent esophageal ulceration.
 Assess for sudden onset of painful or difficult swallowing
 Instruct patient to take medication around the clock and to finish the drug completely as
 Question for history of allergies, esp. to tetracyclines, sulfites. directed, even if feeling better.
Possible Nursing Diagnoses: Evaluation:

 Risk for infection  Resolution of the signs and symptoms of infection. Length of time for complete resolution
depends on the organism and site of infection.
 Decrease in acne lesions.
Patient/Family Teaching:
 Treatment of inhalation anthrax (postexposure) or treatment of cutaneous anthrax
 Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet light during and for 4-5 days after therapy to
decrease risk phototoxic reaction
 Reduced inflammations
 Do not breastfeed wile taking this drug.

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