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S. ABRAT@ and C. T. SUN$
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN47907, U.S.A.

(Received 7 September 1982; received for publication 27 October 1982)

Abstract-Beam-like truss structures undergoing large deflections when subjected to static and dynamic
loadings are studied by using the matrix method and equivalent continuum models. For the matrix
method, an incremental procedure with equilibrium iterations are used. Equivalent continuum beam
models are derived based on the properties of a typical substructure of the truss. Solutions obtained by
using both methods are compared for a number of examples.

INTRODUCTION proposed [7,8] where the generalized coordinate space

Large space truss structures consisting of a great num- is represented by an appropriate reduced basis which,
ber of identical substructures can be studied using e.g. may be a set of first linear eigenvectors. Sub-
matrix methods of analysis. However, the large num- structuring techniques have been proposed also for
ber of resulting equations limits the size of problems problems where the nonlinearities are confined to a
that can be solved, and, therefore, for linear analysis, specific zone of the structure[9], Continuum models
methods have been developed to reduce the dimension accounting for non~nea~ties still remain lacking.
of the problem. In this paper, beam-like truss structures undergoing
One such method is the order reduction method[l] large deflections when subjected to static and dynamic
which reduces the system of equations in order to loadings are studied by using the matrix method and
retain a smaller number of normal modes. Another is equivalent continuum models. The solutions obtained
the subs~c~~ng methodf2j which requires solving by these two approaches are compared to evaluate the
several substructural problems as a preliminary step adequacy of the continuum models.
for the analysis of the global system. These two ap-
proaches require the description of each individual FORMULATION BY MATRIX METHOD
member and the formulation of governing equations The equations of equilibrium are formulated by the
for the total assemblage, and simplifi~tions in the direct stiffness matrix approach. It is assum& that the
analysis depend on certain methematical manipu- pin-ended bar elements remain straight, undergo large
lations of the resulting system of equations. rotations, and that the stress-strain behavior follows
A third approach, in which one takes advantage of Hooke’s law so that only geometric nonlinearities are
the fact that many complex structures may appear considered. Taking into account material non-
grossly as beams or plates, consists of using an equiv- linearities would not present additional difficulties,
alent continuum model. A truss structure consisting of especially if the constitutive relations can be modelled
a large number of identical cells can be modelled as a by a Romberg-Osgood equation.
beam or a plate. The properties of the equivalent The derivation of the element stiffness matrix is
model can be derived as in [3] where the stiffness given in detail in [IO] and discussed also in [l 11.Con-
equations for the unit cell, written in terms of sider the axial element shown in Fig. 1 in the reference
difference operators, are transformed into differential configuration under a load P which produces an axial
equations. An alternative is to express the strain en- strain 6’. As further deformation takes place, the total
ergy and the kinetic energy of the unit cell in term of strain is:
the joint displacements, the transition from the dis-
crete lattice to the continuum is done by introducing L =P+eo (1)
basic assumptions with regard to the displacement
components and using Taylor series expansions to go where t’ is the incremental strain.
from discrete to continuous variables Refs. [4,5]. Considering moderately large rotations but small
These two procedures for finding equivalent con- strains we can write:
tinuum properties require a long analysis for each type
of unit cell used thus limiting the interest of the
method as far as time savings are concerned. A third c4 = du/dx + f (du/dx)2. (2)
procedure to determine equivalent continuum proper-
ties from a finite number of numerical analyses on the The total strain energy increment U may then be
typical cell has been proposed[6]. written as:
For nonlinear problems, the need for simplification
is magnified. Reduction methods have beerr
U =I (J;+?r Q)dV. (3)

For a linearly elastic material, Hooke’s law holds:

tGraduate Research Assistant.
fFVofessor. o=Er. (4)
491 S. ABRATE and C. T. SUN

The stiffness matrices in ghe global frame of reference

‘t are obtained from the local stiffnesses by the trans-
formation TrKT where the transformation matrix T
is given as:


_ 1

with L = cos 0 and p = sin 6. The global stiffnesses

-P 0 10 1 (9)

(a) are then:

P2 $ -P2 - 4J

[ Symmetric

I (10)

KG = P/L
P2 -1p


R2 1 (11
The mass matrix is obtained by lumping the mass
at the joints.

Fig. I. Bar element (a) in the local coordinate system (b) in
the global coordinate system. For static analysis, an incremental procedure with
equilibrium iterations was used. Assuming that the
configuration at the end of increment n is known, the
After substitutions and retaining only terms up to the stiffness matrices are computed at this configuration.
second order we obtain The node1 displacements for increment n + 1 are

determined from an iterative procedure. Let the
AE(du,dx)2 dx + i,’ A&’ [; (dv,dx)‘] dx converged nodal displacement vector at step n be Qz,
0 and the increment in displacements between iteration
i=L i and i+l be Q=Qi:‘,-Q,!,, with Qi+,=Qz,
J 0
dx. (5)
then the equilibrium equations are given by

We introduce the shape functions: WE+ KAQ = Rt , I - F’ (12)

II = (1 - X/L)& + (x/L)u,
where the subscripts n and (n + 1) indicate the quan-
(6) tities evaluated after the n th and (n + 1)th in-
v = (1 - x/L)o, + (x/L)v* crements, respectively, R,, , is the vector of in-
cremental external forces for increment n + 1, and F’
where u,, u2, u, and v2 are the node1 displacement is the internal force vector.
components. Substituting eqn (6) into eqn (5) and
performing the necessary integrations and
100 I”
differentiations we obtain 1 A

Elastic stiffness matrix:


$_ EA,pA

1 0 -1 0
0 0
&= VEIL) _; 0 1 ; (7)

0 0 0 0
P (Ibs)
Geometric stiffness matrix:

0 0
0 1
0 0 (8)
0 Fig. 2. Nickell’s rod-spring example.
Dynamic analysis of geometrically nonlinear truss structures 493

At the beginning of each increment the KE and K. corresponding equations of motion which account
matrices are evaluated and used throughout the for large deflections are given by
iterative process to determine the deformed position
at the end of the increment. At the end of each N,, = riiii
iteration, the internal force vector is determined (15)
M,,, + (NW&, = ritri;
directly from the deformed configuration. The iter-
ative process is stopped when the maxima com-
where & is the mass per unit length and
ponent of the incremental displacement during iter-
ation is less than a prescribed fraction of the
maximum component during the first iteration. N=F;i[u,+;(w,J’]
It is to be noted that with this procedure, a -
deviation from the true solution at the beginning of M = - Eiw,,.
the increment and the error stemming from the
linearization process in the derivation of the stiffness It should be noted that in eqn (15), the rotatory
matrices do not create a drift of the solution from the inertia has been neglected.
~uilibrium path. Also provided that the load in- Several authors have studied large amplitude vi-
crements are small, the iteration process, which is of bration of beams. Yang[l4] developed a method for
the Newton-Raphson type, will converge. the analysis of large displacements of beams using the
For dynamic analysis, the equations of motion matrix displacement approach. Solutions were given
read for inextensional beams and agreement with previous
results was shown to be excellent. Bathe[l2] in-
JCL bl +Vh+&)rQ =&+~r-6 vestigated the static and dynamic behavior of a
cantilever beam undergoing large displacements us-
where Q, + ht = vector of nodal point accelerations for ing isoparametric plane stress finite elements.
time f + At; Q = Qz+A,- Q, = vector of nodal point McDonald [ 161gave a series solution for a beam with
incremental displacements; and @is the lumped mass hinged end supported axially restrained, which is
matrix. subjected to a concentrated lateral force at the mid-
These equations were solved using Newmark’s point of its span and released from rest at the
integration scheme with equilibrium iterations as deflected position.
described in [12]. This well known procedure has been
proven to be unconditionally stable when non- NUMERICAL EXAMPLES
linearities of material and geometrical nature are Five examples are presented in this section. The
present[l3]. first one dealing with a simple problem for which
detailed results are available shows the validity of the
CORM MODEL present formulation. The following examples dealing
To represent a truss as a continuum beam, the with planar beam-like trusses are aimed at gaining
equivalent beam properties must be evaluated first. hindsight into the behavior of such geometrically
Since only the geometrical nonlinearity is included, nonlinear structures in comparison with equivalent
the beam stiffness properties can be determined homogeneous beams.
within the scope of linear theories. For an extended
Timoshenko beam which includes extension, ben- Rod-spring system
ding, and transverse shear deformations, the linear Nickell[7] studied this classical problem using
constitutive equations are several numerical procedures to solve the governing
differential equation determined analytically. In the
present analysis, the bar (Fig. 2) was modelled as an
axial element with a lumped mass at node 2 equal to
one third of the total mass of the element. The spring
was represented by a very long massless bar element.
Table 1 shows the comparison between the present
where N = extensional force; Q = transverse shear results and those in Ref. [8]. In Fig. 3, the solid line
force; M = bending moment; u = longitudinal dis- representing the present results, shows good agree-
placement; w = transverse_displacement; $ = rotat- ment with results in [7l obtained using Newmark’s
ion of the cross-section; EA = lo~tudinal rigidity; inte~ation which are represented by triangles.
GA = transverse shear rigidity; EI = bending rigid-
ity; yU= coupling coefficients; and a comma indicates Canfilever truss under a static concentrated force
partial differentiation. In this study, we assume that The IO-bay cantilever truss structure shown in Fig.
the truss is symmetrical with respect to its mid-plane, 4 has been studied in [6] for small amplitude vi-
then qii = 0, and there are three beam rigidities to be brations using both the finite element method and an
evaluated, i.e. EA, GA, EI. A procedure has been equivalent beam model. Its characteristics are given
proposed in [6] to determine these beam rigidities by by
analyzing a typical substructure (cell). A,=80x 10-6m2, L,=7Sm
If the transverse shear defo~ation is neglected, i.e.
A,=60x 10-6m2, L,=S.Om
w,, + $ = 0
(14) A,=40 x 10d6m2,
$., = - W,u E = 7.17 x 10’ON/mZ

then the classical ~emoulli-Euler beam results. The p = 2768 kg/m3

494 S. ABRATE and C. T. SUN

Table 1. Comparison of present results with Nickell’s[7]in both cases Newmark’s integration method was
used with Ar =O.l s

Present Present
Time Method Nickel1 Time Method Nickel1

0.1 0.0037 0.0037 2.1 1.2572 1.2436

0.2 0.0184 0.0184 2.2 1.3070 1.2927

0.3 0.0470 0.0470 2.3 1.3525 1.3376

0.4 0.0883 0.0883 2.4 1.3933 1.3779

0.5 0.1407 0.1406 2.5 1.4290 1.4134

0.6 0.2022 0.2018 2.6 1.4592 1.4435

0.7 0.2707 0.2700 2.7 1.4836 1.4681

0.8 0.3443 0.3430 2.8 1.5018 1.4867

0.9 0.4211 0.4192 2.9 1.5137 1.4992

1.0 0.4996 0.4970 3.0 1.5190 1.5054

1.1 0.5786 0.5751 3.1 1.5177 1.5051

1.2 0.6570 0.6526 3.2 1.5098 1.4985

1.3 0.7341 0.7287 3.3 1.4953 1.4855

1.4 0.8094 0.8029 3.4 1.4746 1.4663

1.5 0.8823 0.8747 3.5 1.4479 1.4413

1.6 0.9526 0.9439 3.6 1.4155 1.4107

1.7 1.0201 1.0103 3.7 1.3777 1.3748

1.8 1.0845 1.0737 3.8 1.3350 1.3341

1.9 1.1456 1.1338 3.9 1.2878 1.2888

2.0 1.2033 1.1905 4.0 1.2393


N-l - PRESENT SClLUTII3N The static large deflections of the truss under an
z . NICKELL horizontal force at node 22 was analyzed. The non-
- Y. dimensional displacements [(Q + ~4~)/(2L.)] and
[l - (a*, + t&/(215)] are plotted vs the non-
z r-
dimensional loads PL2/EI in Fig. 5, where ui and vi
i5 are the horizontal and vertical displacements at node
g WI.
i, respectively. These results are compared with those
2 given in [14] for a homogeneous Bernoulli-Euler
2 beam.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
As shown in Fig. 5, the displacements of the truss
are slightly larger than those given in Ref. [14] for an
TIME (S) homogeneous beam. This can be attributed to the
Fig. 3. Solution of Nickel13 rod-spring example. transverse shear deformation which was not ac-
counted for in [14]. Shear deformation has been
where A,, A, and Ad are the cross-sectional areas of shown to be of importance for such a truss[6], and
the longitudinal, transverse and diagonal members, Sinclair[lS] showed that the effects of shear defor-
respectively, E is the Young’s modulus and p is the mation on the large deflections of homogeneous
density. beams are similar to what is shown in Fig. 5.
As obtained in [14] the equivalent bending rigidity,
extensional rigidity, and the mass per unit length are
Cantilever trw under a static distributed load
~=7.17x107N~mz, G=1.46x107N, The same truss considered in the previous example
was subjected to a distributed load p which was
modelled by concentrated forces applied at each
fi = 0.875 N - sec*/m’ node._The nondimensional displacements vs load
(pL3/EZ) curves in Fig. 6 compare well with similar
respectively. results for homogeneous beams[l2].
Dynamic analysis of geometrically nonlinear truss structures 495

~_ 4 6 0 70

Dimensionless load

Fig. 6. Static deflections of the cantilever truss under a

distributed load.

Table 2. Maximum displacement of the tip of a cantilever

beam subjected to a step pressure load, and comparison
with results for an homogeneous beam (AZ= 0.01 s)
Truss Beam in Ref. [12]

Fig. 4. Cantilever truss.

0.742 0.720

0.602 0.59

in [12]. Amplitudes of oscillations show good agree-

ment (Table 2), but since the bending rigidities are
different, periods of oscillations cannot be compared.

Pinned-pinned truss beam

Because of the symmetry of the structure and the
loading, only half of the truss needs to be considered
as shown in Fig. 8. Its characteristics are the same as
those of the previous examples. A concentrated load
P = 70OOON was applied at the center and then
suddenly removed. The same problem was solved by
McDonald for homogeneous beams[l6]. In Fig. 9

0 2
results of the truss analysis are shown to be in good
agreement with the series solutions from f16] for the
DimensIonless load equivalent beam.
Fig. 5. Static deflections of cantilever truss (Fig. 4) under a CONCLUSION
concentrated tip toad.
A method by which geometrically nonlinear truss
structures can be analyzed has been proposed and
solutions for several beam-like trusses presented. The
Cantilever truss under a step pressure loading static and dynamic behaviors compare well with
The same cantilever truss wmden subjected to a available results for homogen~us beams, pointing
uniform pressure such that pL’/EI = 2.85, varying in out the possibility of continuum model&g in the case
time as a step function. The same problem was solved of geometrically nonlinear beam-like trusses. Such
in [12] for an homogeneous beam using plane stress simple models offer the advantage of time savings and
isoparametric elements. Qualitatively, the truss re- will also allow the use of existing solutions and
sponse shown in Fig. 7 is similar to that of the beam computer programs developed for beam problems.
S. ABRATEand C. T. Suw

_ Noni~ncar anaiys~s

-_- Linear dnalysis

0 5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

TIME (s)

Fig. 7. Cantilever beam subjected to a step pressure load.

Fig. 9. Response of the pinny-pinned truss in Fig. 8.

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