Form 60

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AMERICAN LANGUAGE COURSE PLACEMENT TEST FORM 60 PART I - LISTENING Directions for items 1-56. You will hear statements ox questions on the tape. Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d. DO NO? WRITE ON THE TEST BOOKLUT. 1. a) yesterday 8. a) The water becones b) to town salty. c) with his friend b) Phe water becomes a) dim dia muddy . ce) The water pecomes ice. 2. a) permit him to go d) The water out. b\ make him stay ho: ¢) let him play at home 9. a) Accidents happen a’ a) help him study his yellow Lights. Lessons b) Recidents occur when there are many cars. 3, a) the people ©) dents cut down b) the mountains ng the night. c) the weather d) Accidents ense d) the food when the lights are xed. paying taxes voting in elections 10. a) She removed ler coat driving regulations b) She bought her coat. robbery c) She held her coa a) She sold h a) different b) alive 11. a) monkeys c) alike b) tennis d) difficult ¢) cartoons a) comedies 6. a) We can have a picnic even ii it rains. 12. a) to see his d b) We can havea picnic b) to town if the bus comes. c) yesterday c) We can have a picnic d) by taxi if the day is nice d) We can have a picnic in his if the food comes. b) while driving his car + a) A lot of people work c) when he first saw the for Mr. Richards. car b) A lot of people live d) after he stopped his with Mr. Richards. car c) A lot of people agree with Mr. Richards. 14. a) work d) A lot of people 1i b) play bal to Mr. Richards. c} eat supper a) sleep ALCPT FORM 60 is. 116. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ) ) ve 20 ) ) stand at attention move toward the officer move to the rear salute the officer 3 o'clock for no one two hours because it was late He refilled my tank. le filled the tire with air. He patched the tire. Me removed the tire. how it is used who uses it what its characteristics are where it is found The wire is The wire is covered for protection, The wire is not carrying electricity. the wire is not visible. not good. not a drop of water colors in the sky a waterproof coat. a stub from a ticket after a while immediately at noon before 9:00 a.m. Many will go. A few will go. Some will go. They will all go. It came on. It grew stronger. Tt grew weaker. It went off. 24. 27. 28. 29. 30, BL. a) b) e) d) He sold. th He over] tool. He.chose-the best tool.” He didn' tool. beut tool, d the best the cateh things that can yet dirty things that can change color things that can get rusty Many bones were broken. It was badly burned. The muscles.were strong. It was cut off completely. You should mail them. You should destroy them. You should save them. You should throw them away. buy some medicine see a doctor give some help get a private room $14.00 $14.20 $13.80 $13.98 decide what she wanted think about it not to bother change ber met ALCPT FORM 60 32. 33. 34. 35. 37. a) b) e) d) a) b) e} a) a) b) e) » a) b) ec) a) b) ec) d) change jobs often avoid distraction go to school eat well He wrote these books. These books are not his. He didn't write these books. He bought these books. she is halfway through high school. She is through with high school. She is starting high school. She isn't going to go to college. He made under 90. He was language qualified. He won't be language qualified. fie may be language qualified. I left only a minute before vou calied. You called before I leit. My office is to the Lege. I entered the office ‘just as you called. You could see the wires. The ‘wires were in front of the walls. You could not see the wires. The wires were outside the walls. 38. 39, a 40. 41. 42. 43. e) a) a) c) a) We read it We studicd carefully. We omitted it entirely. We had sufficient time. I did his work. T bought medicine for bin. £ looked after him. I wrote to h: fhe group party on ¢ The party wa: postponed at 9 o'clock. The party ended at 9 o'clock. The qroup wa according te instructions. divided Re came this morning. We left this morning. He was given so) money this mor He was out of this morning. The police took nim in. The police over. The police The police him. She can't b She can't wall She can't talk. She can't see. ALCPT FORM 60 44, 45. 46. aT. aa. ag, 50. a) b) e) q) a) b) I speak better English than Schn. John speaks better English than 2. John and T speak English equally well I cannot speak English at all. You should forget about it. You should take advantage of it. You shouldn't talk about it. You shouldn't go to the doctor. to drive nails to hend or cut wire to turn screws to cut wood fly live expire float a storm a bath a harvest day a sunny day the the the the new procedure new theory new situation new material 50 everybody would follow him so he could finish some business so he could visit his friends 50 nobody would find him 51. 52. 56. her remark her because of because of appearance because ¢ because of influence hex her memory Get off. 1 happy. Continue. happy- Sing. Stop. not *s not not, happy. not happy. Be because because because because sl : angry Tt was It was It was It was unbalanced, stable. from left to right up 2nd down from ono corner to center around the the acawing Yes, I've lost interest. Yes, there are here. Yes, it. Yes, 1 vaten. two there's a hole in © already ALCPT FORM 60 44a. 45. 46. a7. 49. a) b) ce) a) a) b) I speak better English than John. John speaks better English than I. Sohn and I speak English equally well I cannot speak Engli at all. You should forget about it. You should take advantage of it. You shouldn't talk about it. You shouldn't go to che doctor. to drive nails to bend or cut wire to turn screws to cut wood fly Live expire float a storm a bath a harvest day a sunny day the the the the new procedure new theory new situation new material 80 everybody would follow hin so he could finish some business so he could visit his friends so nobody would find him 51. 52. her remark her because of because of appearance because of her mewory because of he: influence Get off. happy. Continue. te happy. Sing. Stop. because ch because because because 5 re rh It was unbalanced. It was stable. from left to right up and down from one corner to center around the the drawing Yes, I've lost interest. Yes, there here. Yes, there's at. Yes, I've eaten. a hole in ALCP? FORM 60 Directions for items 57-66. persons 57. a) b) c) a) 58. ears 59. aj b) 60. a) 61. a) THIS IS giving information. Golf is the most difficult sport for him. Golf in the sport he likes the most. Golf is! the sport he is least interested in. Golf is the sport he practices the most. a apecial book a ruler good manners a pair of glasses He doesn't want the plane to stop at Dallas. Ne doesn't think that the plane stops at Dallas. Ho doesn't care if the plane stops at Dallas. He doesn't know if the plane stops’ at Dallas. She is wrong. Ho will remain at home. He will not be there. He will not ‘say who is right. if she lives in the city if she knows the man if she has a husband if she has a job 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. a) b) a) a) a) b) c} a) You will hear conversations or Select the best answer and mark your answer sheet, a, b, c, or a. introduce her tell her he is sorry leave the room open the door for her He listened to it on the radio. He learned about it from a frie: He read about newspaper. His brother about it. it ina told him trucks containers trains cubes His house i His house i s big. pretty. old. modern, His house His house Mer coat got lost. Her coat got stolen. Her coat got dirty. Her coat got old. ‘NL END OF TRE LISTENING PART OF THE TEST. ALCPT FORM 60 PART II = READING Directions for items 67-100. Select the best answer and 1 your answer sheet, a, b, c, or d- DO NOT WRITE Oi EST BOOKLET. he 67. Ed: How long has Mr. Rivers studied Eng Tom: He for one month. a) studies b) is studying c) will study da) has been studying 68. I ama student. The instructor teaches me. a) I am teaching the student. b) I am taught by the instructor. ¢) I teach the instructor. d) I am not taught by the instructor. 69. How ___ you like the weather in Texas? a) do ° b) are c) have d) must 70. The river has its origin in Minnesota. a) waterfalls bj} ports c¢) end a) beginning 71. The singer is very popular. a) The singer sings badly. b) Many people like to listen to the singer. c) The singer sings folk music. d) People who like the singer are intelligent. 72. A man who cashes a check wants it . a) deposited b) changed for money c) mailed da) saved ALCP'T FORM 60 73. Man has known about petroleum for many centu ) hundreds of years b) thousands of years ) ) ¢) several years d) many decades 74, She _ get to the dance last night. a) shouldn't b) couldn't ¢) can't 4) won't 75. It is against regulations cod in your room. a) to had b) to have ©) to having d) have 76+ tom had the chair _ from the office. a) removes b) to remove c) removing d) removed 77. Select the correct sentence. a) We will go on a picnic if it doesn't rai b) If we will go on a picnic, it doesn't c) If we doesn't go on a picnic, it will rain. d) We if it will rain doesn't go on a picn 79. For billions of years, the sun, which is a large stax, has been burning intensely without dissipating itsel The reason for this unique action is the performance of thermonuclear reaction which gives off heat and energy without a great loss of fuel. The light and warmth that w enjoy each day are a result of the sun's thermonuclear reaction. cording to this paragraph, the sun _ a) gets hotter b) emits heat and energy c) gets cooler d) is dissipating intensely ALCPT FORM 50 79. Learning a second language requires a great deal of determination and effort. A person must concentrate material. The learner must immerse himseli. According to the paragraph, __. a) it is casy to learn a second languaqe bj a person need only listen to learn a second language °c) second language learning demands hard work d) occasional studying results in second language learnir 90. The best fire prevention system a) cooking « ) b) ‘housekeeping? ¢): painting a) flooring 81. The principal waa appointed by the board of education. a) named b) replaced c} educated d) instructed 62. Why don't you use your head when you drive? be quick q use your eyesight use your hat ave ) think ) d) 83. The inch, foot, and yard are measurement. a) quality - b) linear c) weight d) volume 84. visiting with Americans you an opportuni English. » speak a) to give b) gives c) giving a) given ALCPT FORM 60 85. 06. 87. as. 89. 90. Not much to nay is saying has been said have to say about the matter since that time any physical fitness program, self-discipline mist be a b) e) da) emphasize to emphasize emphasized emphasizing You should use a pen your checks. ) ) <) ) ave Joe rides the bus rather than the train. He s to writing of writing for writing for wri faster and is as comfortable as the train. ¢) d) He believes the train is more comfortable. He thinks the bus travels faster. The bus is more comfortable. He prefers the train to the bus. will probably eat my lunch before I leave want to should will likely must Silver, for_instance, is a good conductor. a) b) ce) a) for a moment for example instantly for necessity Don't oppose his interests. a) b) c) a) be for work against examine protect say: he bus is 93. oa. 97. 98. FORM 60 The path is so narrow that _ a) I'm tized b) I must walk behind you c) it's damaging my shoes @) i can see for miles Paul took his clothes to the cleaners and to a) put a special finish on the clothes b) have the clothes taken to his house ©) throw the clothes away because they are too old d) come get Paul's clothes to be cleaned _Miasissippi River flows sont! a) ___, the b) The, the c) The, qd), Tam tired reading. let's go for a walk. a) to b) of c) by a) for The wind's effect on an airplane while it is on the ground is different __ when it is flying. a) so b) compared c} to a) from Don't ___s that old shirt; it will make a goo rag. aning a}! wipe| b) diseard- ¢) describe“ d) polish he animal died because it was underfed and _ . overworked underway overcooked undercover Rare ALCP? 99. 200. THIS FORM 60 The woman was seized a) harmed b) captured c) destroyed a) aided You can ays coun b) ©) by dj to IS THE END OF THE TEST. Jerry to do the iL right thing.

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