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U2M1 Quiz 1

1.refers to population that lives in the same place>community

2.refers to organisms of one type.>population
3.contains all ecosystem>biosphere
4-5 differentiate ecosystem from biosphere.
6-9 Give just 4 biological organizational components that makes up an organism>organ system,
10-12. Give 3 Organ system that are connected with the nervous system.
13-14 provide 2 organs of the Urinary System
15-16provide 2 organs of the cardiovascular system
17-18 Provide an organ and a function of the integumentary system
19-20 Differentiate root system from shoot system in terms of function.
21-22.Differentiate a heart from the kidney in terms of function.
23contains Lymph nodes>Immune System
24 Organ system just related to Nervous System, Circulatory System, & Endocrine System>reproductive
25. Organ system just related to Muscular System, Nervous System, Circulatory System>Skeletal System

U2M2 Quiz 2
1-15 Provide 5 cell characteristics, with indicators of presence and absence under the plant and animal cell
16 called as the “suicidal bags”>lysosomes
17 The main sites of cellular respiration>mitochondria
18 Involved in the Manufacturing/Synthesis of Proteins.>ribosomes
19 Takes part in manufacturing fats or lipids>SER
20-21. 2 organelles which animal cells doesn’t have>chloroplast, cell wall
22. 3 major parts of microscope>magnifying, mechanical,illuminating
23-28 provide the 3 objectives identified yesterday and provide each of their magnifying power
29-31 Provide 3 Practices Taking care of the microscope for an efficient and longer use.
32-33 Provide 2 steps in storing the microscope
34-35 Differentiate fine from coarse adjustment knob in terms of focus
36 the capacity to distinguish small gaps in a specimen>resolving power
37 the ability to make small objects bigger>magnification

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