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The SPE Board in June 1982 endorsed revisions to “SPE proposed and/or adopted by other groups involved in the
Tentative Metric Standard” (Dec. 1977 JPT. Pages metrication exercise, including those agencies charged
1575 161 1) and adopted it for implementation as this with the responsibility (nationally and internationally)
“SPE Metric Standard.” for establishing metric standards. These few exceptions,
The following standard is the final product of 12 years’ still to be decided, are summarized in the introduction to
work by the Symbols and Metrication Committee. Part 2 of this report.
Members of the Metrication Subcommittee included These standards include most of the units used com-
John M. Campbell, chairman. John M. Campbell & monly by SPE members. The subcommittee is aware that
Co.: Robert A. Campbell. Magnum Engineenng Inc.; some will find the list incomplete for their area of
Robert E. Carlile. Texas Tech U.; J. Donald Clark, specialty. Additions will continue lo be made but too
petroleum consultant; Hank Groeneveld, Mobil Oil long a list can become cumbersome. The subcommittee
Canada: Terry Pollard. retired. et--c@io member: and believes that these standards provide a basis for metric
Howard B. Bradley. professional/technical training practice beyond the units listed. So long as one maintains
consultant. these standards a new unit can be “coined” that should
With very few exceptions. the units shown are those prove acceptable.

Part 1: SI-The International System of Units*

Introduction SI Units and Unit Symbols3
Worldwide scientific, engineering, industrial. and cotn- The short-form designations of units (such as ti for feet.
mercial groups are converting to SI metric units. Many kg for kilograms, m for meters, mol for moles, etc.)
in the U.S. arc now active in such conversion. based on have heretofore been called unit “abbreviations” in SPE
work accomplished by national ’ and international’ terminology to avoid confusion with the tetm “sym
authorities. Various U.S. associations. professional bols” applied to letter symbols used in mathematical
societies. and agencies are involved in this process. in- equations. However, international and national standard
cluding. but not limited to. the American Sot. for practice is to call these unit designations “unit sym-
Testing and Materials (ASTM)? American Petroleum bols”; the latter usage will be followed in this report.
Inst. (API).‘.’ American Nat]. Standards Inst. (AN-
SI), ‘.’ American Sot. of Mechanical Engineers SI Units
(ASME).’ and American Natl. Metric Council SI is based on seven well-defined “base units” that
(ANMC).X The Canadian Petroleutn Assn. (CPA) and quantify seven ymntitic~ that hi c,orz~wztiorz are
other Canadian groups have been especially active in regarded as dimensionally independent. It is a matter ot
conversion work. ” SPE intends to hccp its worldwide choice how many and which quantities arc considered
memberahlp informed on the conversion to and use of SI base quantities.’ SI has chosen the seven babe quantities
metric unit,. and base units listed in Table I. I * as the basis of the ln-
The term “SI” is an abbreviation for Le Systgme In- tcrnational System. In addition, there arc two “sup-
ternational d’Unit& or The International System of plcmentary quantities” (Table I .2).
Units. Tables 1. I and 1.2 show current practices for
SI is not identical with any of the former cgs, mks, or designating the dimensions of base and supplementary
mksA systems of metric units but is closely related to physical quantities, plus letter symbols for use in
them and is an extension of and improvement over them. mathematical equations.
SI measurement symbols are identical in all languages. SI “&rived units” arc a third claxs. formed by con-
As in any other language, rules of spelling, punctuation, boning. as needed, base units. supplementary units. and
and pronunciation are essential to avoid errors in other derived units according to fhe algebraic relations
numerical work and to make the system easier to use and linking the corresponding quantities. The symbols for
understand on a worldwide basis. These rules, together derived units that do not have their own individual sytn-
with decimal usage, units coherence, and a series of bols arc obtained by using the mathematical signs for
standard prefixes for multiples and submultiples of most multiplication and division. together with appropriate
SI units, provide a rational system with minimum dif- exponent> (e.g.. SI velocity. meter per second. m/s or
ficulty of transition from English units or older systems I11 s I SI anoular velocity. radian per second. radis or
of metric units. Refs. 1 through 4 of this paper are rad.\-‘). e
recommended to the reader wishing official information, Table I.3 contains a number of SI derived unit>. in-
development history, or more detail on SI: material from cluding all the I9 approved units assigned special names
these and other references cited has been used freely in and individual unit hymbolh.
this report. Appendix B provides a more dctallcd cxplanatmn oi
Appendix A provides definitions for some of the terms the S! system of unils. their dct’initions. Xld
used. ahhr-aviations.
‘Prepared by T A Pollard for the subcommittee Based on paper SPE 6212
presented by T A Pollard at Ihe ,976 SPE Annual Techn~ca, Conference and ‘Table and flgure numbers of Ihe or,glnal SPE publ,cat,on are used fhroughout ,h,s
EXhlb, ho”. New Orleans. act 3-6 chapter

SI Unit Prefixes* Style and Usage

The Sl unit prefixes. multiplication factors, and SI prefix Take care to use unit symbols properly: the agreements
symbols are shown in Table 1.4. Some of the prefixes in international and national standards provide uniform
may seem strange at first, but there are enough familiar rules (summarized in Appendix C). It is essential that
ones in the list to make it relatively easy for technical these rules be followed closely to provide maximum ease
personnel to adjust to their use; kilo, mega, deci, centi, of communication and to avoid costly errors. Handling
milli, and micro are known to most engineers and of unit names varies somewhat among different countries
scientists. because of language differences, but using the rules in
One particular warning is required about the prefixes: Appendix C should minimize most difficulties of
in the SI system, k and M (kilo and mega) stand for 1000 communication.
and 1 000 000, respectively, whereas M and MM or m
and mm have been used previously in the oil industry for Usage for Selected Quantities
designating thousands and millions of gas volumes. Note Mass, Force, and Weight. The principal departure of SI
carefully. however, that there is no parallelism because from the gravimetric system of metric engineering units
SI prefixes are raised to the power of the unit employed, is the use of explicitly distinct units for mass and force.
while the customary M and MM prefixes were not. Ex- In SI. kilogram is restricted to the unit of mass. The
amples: km’ means cubic kilometers, not thousands of nebtlton is the only SI unit of force, defined as I
cubic meters; cm* means square centimeters, nor one- (kg. m)/s’, to be used wherever force is designated, in-
hundredth of a square meter. The designation for 1000 cluding derived units that contain force-e.g., pressure
cubic meters is IO’ m3 and for I million cubic meters is or stress (N/m* =Pa), energy (N.m=J), and power
10’ m’--not km3 and Mm’, respectively. [(N.m)/s=W].
Appendix C gives examples of the vital importance of There is confusion over the use of the term weight as a
following the precise use of upper-case and lower-case quantity to mean either force or mass. In science and
letters for prefixes and for unit symbols. technology, the term weight ofa body usually means the
force that, if applied to the body, would give it an ac-
Application of the Metric System
celeration equal to the local acceleration of free fall (g,
General when referring to the earth’s surface). This acceleration
SI is the form of the metric system preferred for all ap- varies in time and space; weight, if used to mean force,
plications. It is important that this modernized version be varies also. The term force of gravity (mass times ac-
thoroughly understood and properly applied. This sec- celeration of gravity) is more accurate than weight for
tion, together with Appendix material, provides this meaning.
guidance and recommendations concerning style and In commercial and everyday use, on the other hand,
usage of the SI form of the metric system. the term weight nearly always means mass. Thus, when


Letter Symbol
SI Unit Symbol for Mathematical
(“Abbreviation”), Equations,
Base Quantity or Use Roman Use Italic
“Dimension” SI Unit - (Upright) Type (Sloping) Type
length meter L
mass kilogram k” m
time” second t
electric current* * ampere i
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K r
amount of substance mole + mol n
luminous intensity candela cd
‘The seven base unrls. two supplementary units and other terms are deiined I” Appendixes A and 6. Part 1.
“SPE heretofore has arbrlrar~ly used charge q. the product of sfectrlc current and time, as a basic dunenslon. In untt symbols this would be A.s. m SPE mathematical symbols. IV
tWh%nthe moleis used.the eler~ntaryentitw rWSt be Spenhed;they r~ybeatOrt~s. rm%WeS. iOnS.el8c1rOnS.other partlCla% OrSpW&l groupsof suchpartides. In petroleum work.
the terms kilogram m&.““pound mole.” etc., often are shortened erroneously to “mole.”


Letter Symbol
SI Unit Symbol for Mathematical
(“Abbreviation”), Eauations.
Supplementary Quantity or Use Roman Use Italic’
“Dimension” SI Unit (Upright) Type (Sloping) Type
radian rad
plane angle”
solid angle’ ’ steradran sr h
‘The seven base umts, two supplementary units. and other terms are defmed I” Appendaxes A and 8. Part 1
“IS0 speafn?s these two angles as dlmensnnless wth respect to the seven base quanhties


SI Unit Symbol
(“Abbreviation”), Formula,
Quantity Unit Use Roman Type Use Roman Type
absorbed dose gray GY J/kg
acceleration meter per second squared ml.9
activity (of radionuclides) becquerel Bq 1Is
angular acceleration radian per second squared rad/s2
angular velocity radian per second rad/s
area square meter m2
Celsius temperature degree Celsius “C K
density kilogram per cubic meter .., kg/m3
dose equivalent sieverl sv J/kg
electric capacitance farad A.sN ( = GN)
electric charge coulomb E As
electrical conductance siemens S AN
electric field strength volt per meter V/m
electric inductance henry Ii V&A ( = Wb/A)
electric potential volt V W/A
electric resistance ohm n VIA
electromotive force volt V W/A
energy joule J N.m
entropy joule per kelvin J/K
force newton N kgm/$
frequency hertz HZ l/s
illuminance Iux lx lm/m2
luminance candela per square meter cd/m2
luminous flux lumen Im cdsr
magnetic field strength ampere per meter A/m
magnetic flux weber Wb vs
magnetic flux density tesla T Wb/m2
potential difference volt V W/A
power watt W J/s
pressure Pascal Pa N/m2
quantity of electricity coulomb C As
quantity of heat joule J N*m
radiant flux watt W J/s
radiant intensity watt per steradian . Wlsr
specific heat joule per kilogram kelvin J(kgW
stress Pascal Pa Nlm2
thermal conductivity watt per meter kelvin W/(m.K)
velocity meter per second . m/s
viscosity, dynamic Pascal second Pas
viscosity, kinematic square meter per second ,.. ml/s
voltage volt V WIA
volume* cubic meter .. m3
wave number 1 per meter . l/m
work joule J N.m
‘In 1964, the General Conference on Welghls and Measures adopted liter as a special name for the cubic decimeter but discouraged the
use of later for volume measurement 01 extreme precision (see Appendix 8).


SI Prefix
Symbol, Meaning
SI Use Roman In Other
Multiplication Factor Prefix Type- Pronunciation (U.S.)” Meaning (U.S.) Countries
1 000 OOLl000 000 000 000 = 10’8 exa** E ex’ a (a as in a bout) one quintillion timest trillion
1 ooo 000 000 000 000 = 10’5 peta” P as in p eta1 one quadrillion timest thousand billion
1 000 000 000 000 = 10’2 tera T as in terra ce one trillion timest billion
1 000 000 000 = 1OQ giga G jig’ a (a as in a bout) one billion times7 milliard
1000000 = 106 mega M as in mega phone one million limes
lOOO= 103 kilo k as in kilo watt one thousand times
100 = 102 hectot h heck’ toe one hundred times
10 = 10 deka$ da deck’ a (a as in a bout) ten times
0.1 = 10-l deci$ as in deci mal one tenth of
0.01 = 10m2 centi* as in senri ment one hundredth of
0.001 = 10m3 milli as in mili tary one thousandth of
0.000001 = 1Om6 micro as in micro phone one millionth of
0.000 000 001 = 10eg nano nan’ oh (an as in an t) one billionth oft milliardth
0.000 000 000 001 = lo-l2 pica peek’ oh one trillionth oft billionth
0.000 000 000 000 001 = lo-l5 femto fern’ toe (tern as in one quadrillionth oft thousand billionth
fern inine)
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 = 1Om’8 atto a as in anafo my one quintillionth oft trillionth
‘The l~rsl syllable of every prehx IS accented lo assure that the prellx will retain Its Ideniiiy Therefore. the prelerred pronunxlion of kllomeler places the accent on the first syllable, not the
“Approved by the 15th General Conlerencs of WaghIs and Measures (CGPM). May-June ,975.
tThese terms should be avoided in technaal wrong because the denomlnatnns above 1 millon are dlflerent in most other countries. as lndlcated I” the last column.
tWhtle hecto, deka.dect, and cents are St prehxes. their use generally should be avolded except for the SI UN mult~pleslorarea. volume, moment, and nontechmcal use of centmwer, as
for body and clothing meas”reme”t.

one speaks of a person’s weight, the quantity referred to Energy. The SI unit of energy, the joule, together with
is mass. Because of the dual use, the term weight should its multiples, is preferred for all applications. The
be avoided in technical practice except under cir- kilowatt-hour is used widely as a measure of electric
cumstances in which its meaning is completely clear. energy, but this unit should not be introduced into any
When the term is used, it is important to know whether new areas; eventually it should be replaced by the
mass or force is intended and to use SI units properly as megajoule.
described above by using kilograms for mass and
newtons for force. Torque and Bending Moment. The vector product of
Gravity is involved in determining mass with a balance force and moment arm is expressed in newton meters
or scale. When a standard mass is used to balance the (N m) by SPE as a convention when expressing torque
measured mass, the effect of gravity on the two masses is energies.
canceled except for the indirect effect of air or fluid
buoyancy. On a spring scale, mass is measured indirect- Pressure and Stress. The SI unit for pressure and stress
ly since the instrument responds to the force of gravity. is the Pascal (newton per square meter); with proper SI
Such scales may be calibrated in mass units if the varia- prefixes it is applicable to all such measurements. Use of
tion in acceleration of gravity and buoyancy corrections the old metric gravitational units-kilogram-force per
are not significant in their use. square centimeter, kilogram-force per square millimeter,
The use of the same name for units of force and mass torr, etc.-is to be discontinued. Use of the bar is
causes confusion. When non-9 units are being con- discouraged by the standards organizations.
verted to SI units, distinction should be made between It has been recommended internationally that pressure
,forcr and mass-e.g., use Ibf to denote force in units themselves should not be modified to indicate
gravimetnc engineering units, and use Ibm for mass. whether the pressure is “absolute” (above zero) or
Use of the metric ton, also called mnne (1.0 Mg), is “gauge” (above atmospheric pressure). If the context
common. leaves any doubt as to which is meant, the word
“pressure” must be qualified appropriately: “ a
Linear Dimensions. Ref. 3 provides discussions of gauge pressure of 13 kPa,” or “. . .at an absolute
length units applied to linear dimensions and tolerances pressure of 13 kPa,” etc.
of materials and equipment, primarily of interest to
engineers in that field. Units and Names To Be Avoided or Abandoned
Tables 1.1 through 1.3 include all SI units identified by
Temperature. The SI temperature unit is the kelvin (not formal names, with their individual unit symbols. Vir-
“degree Kelvin”); it is the preferred unit to express ther- tually all other named metric units formerly in use (as
modynamic temperature. Degrees Celsius (“C) is an SI well as nonmetric units) are to be avoided or abandoned.
derived unit used to express temperature and temperature There is a long list of such units (e.g., dyne. stokes.
intervals. The Celsius scale (formerly called centigrade) “esu,” gauss, gilbert, abampere, statvolt, angstrom.
is related directly to the kelvin scale as follows: the fermi, micron, mho, candle, calorie, atmosphere, mm
temperature interval 1 “C= 1 K, exactly. Celsius Hg, and metric horsepower). The reasons for abandon-
temperature (Tot) is related to thermodynamic ing the non-9 units are discussed in Appendix B. Two of
temperature (Tx) as follows: Tot =TK --To exactly, the principal reasons are the relative simplicity and the
where To =273.1.5 K by definition. Note that the SI unit coherence of the SI units.
symbol for the kelvin is K without the degree mark,
whereas the older temperature units are known as Rules for Conversion and Rounding3
degrees Fahrenheit, degrees Rankine, and degrees
Celsius, with degree marks shown on the unit symbol
(“F, “R, “C). Table 1.7, Appendix D, contains general conversion fac-
tors that give exact values or seven-digit accuracy for im-
plementing these rules except where the nature of the
Time. The SI unit for time is the second, and this is
dimension makes this impractical.
preferred, but use of the minute, hour, day, and year is
The conversion of quantities should be handled with
careful regard to the implied correspondence between the
accuracy of the data and the given number of digits. In
Angles. The SI unit for plane angle is the radian. The use all conversions, the number of significant digits retained
of the arc degree and its decimal submultiples is per- should be such that accuracy is neither sacrificed nor
missible when the radian is not a convenient unit. Use of exaggerated.
the minute and second is discouraged except possibly for Proper conversion procedure is to multiply the
cartography. Solid angles should be expressed in specified quantity by the conversion factor exactly as
steradians. given in Table 1.7 and then round to the appropriate
number of significant digits. For example, to convert
Volume. The SI unit of volume is the cubic meter. This 11.4 ft to meters: 11.4x0.3048=3.474 72, which
unit, or one of its regularly formed multiples, is pre- rounds to 3.47 m.
ferred for all applications. The special name liter has
been approved for the cubic decimeter (see Appendix B), Accuracy and Rounding
but use of the liter is restricted to the measurement of liq- Do not round either the conversion factor or the quantity
uids and gases. before performing the multiplication; this reduces ac-

curacy. Proper conversion procedure includes rounding or “maximum,” must be handled so that the stated limit
the converfed quantity to the proper number of signifi- is not violated. For example, a specimen “at least 4 in.
cant digits commensurate with its intended precision. wide” requires a width of at least 101.6 mm, or (round-
The practical aspects of measuring must be considered ed) at least 102 mm.
when using SI equivalents. If a scale divided into six-
teenths of an inch was suitable for making the original Significant Digits. Any digit that is necessuy to drjne
measurements, a metric scale having divisions of 1 mm the specific vulue or quantity is said to he significant.
is obviously suitable for measuring in SI units, and the For example, a distance measured to the nearest I m may
equivalents should not be reported closer than the nearest have been recorded as 157 m; this number has three
1 mm. Similarly, a gauge or caliper graduated in divi- significant digits. If the measurement had been made to
sions of 0.02 mm is comparable to one graduated in divi- the nearest 0.1 m, the distance may have been 157.4
sions of 0.001 in. Analogous situations exist for mass, m-four significant digits. In each case, the value of the
force, and other measurements. A technique to deter- right-hand digit was determined by measuring the value
mine the proper number of significant digits in rounding of an additional digit and then rounding to the desired
converted values is described here for general use. degree of accuracy. In other words, 157.4 was rounded
to 1.57; in the second case, the measurement may have
General Conversion. This approach depends on first been 157.36, rounded to 157.4.
establishing the intended precision or accuracy of the
quantity as a necessary guide to the number of digits to Importance of Zeros. Zeros may be used either to in-
retain. The precision should relate to the number of dicate a specific value, as does any other digit, or to in-
digits in the original. but in many cases that is not a dicate the magnitude of a number. The 1970 U.S.
reliable indicator. A figure of 1. I875 may be a very ac- population figure rounded to thousands was
curate decimalization of a noncritical I xh that should 203 185 000. The six left-hand digits of this number are
have been expressed as I. 19. On the other hand. the significant; each measures a value. The three right-hand
value 2 may mean “about 2” or it may mean a very ac- digits are zeros that merely indicate the magnitude of the
curate value of 2, which should then have been written as number rounded to the nearest thousand. To illustrate
2.0000. It is theretbre necessary to determine the intend- further, each of the following estimates and
ed precision of a quantity before converting. 771;s measurements is of different magnitude, but each is
cstitnale of ititertdnl precisiorl .~/7011/rl twlw he stnullet specified to have only one significant digit:
thctt1 l/l? flrc’ut-flc~\’ c~f’tr7f~L4.slr~emrft txrr 1r.s14a11\ .s17014Id hc

.vt~ul/cr fhur7 one-tend7 the tcrlrrtrt7c~e ~f’otw exists. After 1 000

the precision of the dimension is estimated. the con- 100
verted dimension should be rounded to a minimum 10
number of significant digits (see section on Significant 0.01
Digits) such that a unit of the last place is equal to or 0.001
smaller than the converted precision. 0.000 1.

It is also important to note that, for the first three

1. A stirring rod 6 in. long: In this case, precision is numbers, the identification of significant digits is possi-
estimated to be about % in. (+ i/4 in.). Converted. ‘/z in. ble only through knowledge of the circumstances. For

is 12.7 mm. The convened 6-in. dimension of 152.4 mm example, the number 1000 may have been rounded from
should be rounded to the nearest IO mm, or I50 mm. about 965, or it may have been rounded from 999.7, in
2. SO,OO@psi tensile strength: In this case, precision is which case all three zeros are significant.
estimated to be about t_200 psi (i I .4 MPa) based on an
accuracy of _+0.25% for the tension tester and other fac- Data of Varying Precision. Occasionally, data required
tors. Therefore, the converted dimension, 344.7379 for an investigation must be drawn from a variety of
MPa. should be rounded to the nearest whole unit, 345 sources where they have been recorded with varying
MPa. degrees of ref-mement. Specific rules must be observed
3. Test pressure 2OOk 15 psi: Since one-tenth of the when such data are to be added, subtracted, multiplied,
tolerance is + 1.5 psi (10.34 kPa). the converted dimen- or divided.
hion should be rounded to the nearest 10 kPa. Thus. The rule for addition and subtraction is that the answer
1378.9514-t 103.421 35 kPa becomes 138Oi 100 kPa. shall contain no significant digits farther to the right than
occurs in the least precise number. Consider the addition
Special Cases. Converted values should be rounded to of three numbers drawn from three sources, the first of
the minimum number of significant digits that will main- which reported data in millions, the second in thousands,
tain the required accuracy. In certain cases, deviation and the third in units:
from this practice to use convenient or whole numbers
may be feasible. In that case, the word “approximate” 163 000 000
must be used following the conversion-e.g., I% 217 885 000
in. =47.625 mm exact, 47.6 mm normal rounding, 47.5 96 432 768
mm (approximate) rounded to preferred or convenient 477 317 768
half-millimeter. 48 mm (approximate) rounded to whole
number. This total indicates a precision that is not valid. The
A quantity stated as a limit, such as “not more than” numbers should jirst be rounded to one significant digit

farther to the right than that of the least precise number, Examples:
and the sum taken as follows. 4.463 25 if rounded to three places would be 4.463.
8.376 52 if rounded to three places would be 8.377.
163 Ooo 000
4.365 00 if rounded to two places would be 4.36.
217 900 000
4.355 00 if rounded to two places would be 4.36.
96 400 000
477 300 ooo
Conversion of Linear Dimensions
Then, the total is rounded to 477 000 000 as called for of Interchangeable Parts
by the rule. Note that if the second of the figures to be
Detailed discussions of this subject are provided by
added had been 217 985 000, the rounding before addi-
ASTM,” API,” and ASME’ publications and arc
tion would have produced 218 000 000, in which case
recommended to the interested reader.
the zero following 218 would have been a significant
Other Units
The rule for multiplication and division is that the
product or quotient shall contain no more significant
Temperature. General guidance for converting
tolerances from degrees Fahrenheit to kelvins or degrees
digits than arc contained in the number with the fewest
Celsius is given in Table 1.5. Normally, temperatures
signijcant digits used in the multiplication or division.
The difference between this rule and the rule for addition expressed in a whole number of degrees Fahrenheit
should be converted to the nearest 0.5 K (or 0.5”C). As
and subtraction should be noted; for addition and sub-
with other quantities, the number of significant digits to
traction, the rule merely requires rounding digits to the
retain will depend on implied accuracy of the original
right of the last significant digit in the least precise
dimension: e.g.,*
number. The following illustration highlights this
100*5”F (tolerance); implied accuracy. estimated
Multiplication: 113.2~1.43=161.876 rounded total 2°F (nearest I “C) 37.7778&2.7778”C
to 162. rounds to 38+3”C.
Division: 113.2+1.43=79.16 rounded 1.000~50”F (tolerance): implied accuracy.
to 79.2 estimated total 20°F (nearest 10°C)
Addition: 113.2+1.43=114.63 rounded 537.7778k27.7778”C rounds to 54Ok3O”C.
to 114.6
Subtraction: 113.2-1.43=111.77 rounded Pressure or Stress. Pressure or stress values may be
to 111.8. converted by the same prmciple used for other quan-
tities. Values with an uncertainty of more than 2% may
The above product and quotient are limited to three bc converted without rounding by the approximate
significant digits because 1.43 contains only three factor:
significant digits. In contrast. the rounded answers in the
addition and subtraction examples contain four signifi- 1 psi=7 kPa.
cant digits.
Numbers used in the illustration are all estimates or For conversion factors see Table I .7.
measurements. Numben that ure cxwt counts (and con-
aversion ,firctors
that arc exuct) at-c treated as though thq Special Length Unit-the Vara. Table 1.8* Appendix
cmsist of’otlinjrzitr rumher oj’.sip$cant digit.,. Stated E, provides conversion factors and explanatory notes on
more simply. when a unmt is used in computation with a the problems ofconverting the several kinds of vara units
measurement. the number of significant digits in the to mctcrs.
answer is the same as the number of significant digit?, in
rhe measurement. If a count of 40 is multiplied by a
Special Terms and Quantities Involving
measurement of 10.2. the product is 408. However, if 40
Mass and Amount of Substance
wcrc an estimate accurate only to the nearest IO and,
hence. contained one significant digit. the product would The Intl. Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. the lntl.
be 300. Union of Pure and Applied Physics. and the Intl.

Rounding Values lo
‘See Appendlx A and pnor paragraph on “General Conversion.”
When a figure is to be rounded to fewer digits than the
total number available, the procedure should be as
When the First Digit The Last Digit TOLERANCE REQUIREMENTS
Discarded is Retained is Tolerance Tolerance
(“F) (K or “C)
less than 5 unchanged
21 X0.5
more than 5 increased by 1 z-2 *I
5 followed only unchanged if even, -c5 +3
by zeros* increased by I if odd 210 + 5.5
A15 -8.5
‘Unless a number of rounded values are lo appear I” a gfven problem, mosl roundlngs
conform lo the ,,is, two procedures - 1.e rounding upward when the llrst dlgll dw 220 k-11
carded IS 5 or hlg”er k-25 t 14

Organization for Standardization provide clarifying 4 “General Principles Concerning Quantities. Unirs and Symbols,”
Gm~rcrl fnrroducrion rcj /SO 31. second edition. Intl. Standard
usages for some of the terms involving the base quan-
IS0 3110. Intl. Organization for Standardization. ANSI. New
tities “mass” and “amount of substance.” Two of these
York City (1981).
require modifying the terminology appearing previously 10. “American National Standard Practice for Inch-Millimeter Con-
in SPE’s Symbols Standards. version for Industrial Use,” ANSI 848.1-1933 (Rl947). IS0
Table 1.6 shows the old and the revised usages. R370- 1964, Intl. Organization for Standardization. ANSI, New
York. (A later edition has been issued: “Toleranced Dimen-
sions--Conversion From Inches to Millimeters and Vice Versa.”
Mental Guides for Using Metric Units
IS0 370-1975.)
Table 1.9. Appendix F, is offered as a “memory jog- II. “Factors for High-Precision Conversion.” NBS LC1071 (July
ger’ ’ or guide to help locate the “metric ballpark” 1976).
12. “Information Processing-Representation5 of SI and Other Units
relative to customary units. Table 1.9 is not a conversion
for Uae in Systems With Limited Character Sets.” lntl. Standard
table. For accurate conversions, refer to Table 1.7, or to
IS0 2955-1974. Intl. Organization for Stdndardization. ANSI.
Tables 2.2 and 2.3 for petroleum-industry units, and New York Ctty. (Ref. 5 reproduces the 1973 editton of this stan-
round off the converted values to practical precision as dard in its entirety.)
described earlier. 13. “Supplementary Metnc Practxe Guide for the Canadian
Petroleum Industry.” fourth edition. P.F. Moore (ed.). Canadian
Petroleum Assn. (Oct. 1979).
References* 14. “Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement,” ANSI/IEEE Std.
260-1978. Available from American Natl. Standards Inst.. New
I. “The lntematmnal System of Units (Sl).” NBS Special Publica-
York City.
tion 330. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Natl. Bureau of Standards,
IS. Mechtly. E.A.: “The International System trt Units-Physical
Superintendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Constants and Conversion Factors,” NASA SP-7012. Scientific
Washmgton. D.C. (1981). (Order by SD Catalog No.
and Technical Information Office, NASA, Washmgton. D C.
1973 edition available from U.S. Government Printing Office,
7. “S1 Units and Recommendations for the Use of Thctr Multtplca
Washington. D.C.
and of Certain Other Units,” wcond edition, 1981.02-15. Intl.
16. McElwee, P.G.: The Terns Vlrrcj. Available from Commissioner.
Standard IS0 1000. lntl. Oganlzation for Standardlzatton.
General Land Office, State of Texas. Auatm (April 30. 1940).
American Natl. Standards Inst. (ANSI). New York (1981).
3 “Standard for Metrtc Practtce,” E 380-82. Amencan Sot. ftir
Testing and Materials. Philadelphia. (Slmdar matcrlal published APPENDIX A3
in 1EEE Std. 268-1982.)
To ensure consistently reliable conversion and rounding
practices, a clear understanding of the related
nontechnical terms is prerequisite. Accordingly, certain
terms used in this standard are defined as follows.

6. “A Bibliography of Metric Standard,.” ANSI. New York (June Accuracy (as distinguished from precision). The
1975). (Alw &ee ANSI‘\ annual catalog of national and intrma-
degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value
Imnal standard\.)
to some recognized standard or specified value. This
concept involves the systematic error of an operation,
which is seldom negligible.

Approximate. A value that is nearly but not exactly cor-

.&w~c Edirorid G&P. thlrd edition. American Natl. Metric
rect or accurate.
Councd (ANMC). Washington. D.C. (July 1981).
Coherence. A characteristic of a coherent system of
units, as described in Appendix B, such that the product
‘For information on any 01 these references. Cantact the Book Order Dept at SPE
headquarters or quotient of any two unit quantities is the unit of the


Old Usage Standardized Usage
(IS0 Symbols, SI Unit
Term See Table 1 .l) Term Symbol
atomic weight M mass of atom kg
(SPE Symbols Standard)
. .
atomic weight relative atomic mass
equivalent - mole mol
mass of molecule M molecular mass kg
molar - molar (means, “divided by l/m01
amount of substance”)
molar@ - concentration mo1/m3
molecular weight M molar mass kg/mol
(SPE Symbols Standard)
l l
molecular weight relative molecular mass
normal - obsolete

resulting quantity. The SI base units, supplementary assigned to each; in some cases, special names and unit
units, and derived units form a coherent set. symbols are given-e.g., the newton (N).

Deviation. Variation from a specified dimension or One Unit per Quantity. The great advantage of SI is
design requirement, usually defining upper and lower that there is one, and only one, unit for each physical
limits (see also Tolerance). quantity-the meter for length (L), kilogram (instead of
gram) for mass (m). second for time (r). etc. From these
Digit. One of the 10 Arabic numerals (0 to 9). elemental units, units for all other mechanical quantities
are derived. These derived units are defined by simple
Dimension(s). Two meanings: (1) A group of fun- equations among the quantities, such as tB=dLldt
damental (physical) quantities, arbitrarily selected, in (velocity), u=dv/dt (acceleration), F=ma (force),
terms of which all other quantities can be measured or W=FL (work or energy), and P= Wit (power). Some of
identified. 9 Dimensions identify the physical nature of, these units have only generic names. such as meter per
or the basic components making up. a physical quantity. second for velocity; others have special names and sym-
They are the bases for the formation of useful dimen- bols, such as newton (N) for force, joule (J) for work or
sionless groups and dimensionless numbers and for the energy. and watt (W) for power. The SI,r
powerful tool of dimensional analysis. The dimensions energy, and power are the same regardless of \r>hether
for the arbitrarily selected base units of the SI are length, the process is mechanical, electrid, chemiccd, or
mass, time, electric current. thermodynamic tempera- nuclear. A force of 1 N applied for a distance of 1 m can
ture, amount of substance. and luminous intensity. SI produce 1 J of heat, which is identical with what 1 W of
has two supplementary quantities considered dimension- electric power can produce in 1 second.
less-plane angle and solid angle. (2) A geometric ele-
ment in a design, such as length and angle. or the Unique Unit Symbols. Corresponding to the SI advan-
magnitude of such a quantity. tages of a unique unit for each physical quantity are the
advantages resulting from the use of a unique and well-
Figure (numerical). An arithmetic value expressed by defined set of symbols. Such symbols eliminate the con-
one or more digits or a fraction. fusion that can arise from current practices in different
disciplines, such as the use of “b” for both the hur (a
Nominal Value. A value assigned for the purpose of unit of pressure) and barn (a unit of area).
convenient designation; a value existing in name only.
Decimal Relation. Another advantage of SI is its reten-
Precision (as distinguished from accuracy). The tion of the decimal relation between multiples and sub-
degree of mutual agreement between individual multiples of the base units for each physical quantity.
measurements (repeatability and reproducibility). Prefixes are established for designating multiple and sub-
multi le units from “exa” (10”) down to “atto”
Quantity. A concept used for qualitative and quan- (I 0 Ps) for convenience in writing and speaking.
titative descriptions of a physical phenomenon. 9
Coherence. Another major advantage of SI is its
Significant Digit. Any digit that is necessary to define a coherence. This system of units has been chosen in such
value or quantity (see text discussion). a way that the equations between numerical values, in-
cluding the numerical factors, have the same form as the
Tolerance. The total range of variation (usually corresponding equations between the quantities: this
bilateral) permitted for a size, position, or other required constitutes a “coherent” system. Equations between
quantity; the upper and lower limits between which a units of a coherent unit system contain as numerical fac-
dimension must be held. tors only the number 1. In a coherent system, the product
or quotient of any two unit quantities is the unit of the
U.S. Customary Units. Units based on the foot and the resulting quantity. For example, in any coherent system,
pound, commonly used in the U.S. and defined by the unit area results when unit length is multiplied by unit
Natl. Bureau of Standards. ” Some of these units have length (1 m x 1 m= 1 m*), unit force when unit mass* is
the same name as similar units in the U.K. (British, multiplied by unit acceleration (1 kgx 1 m/s* = 1 N),
English, or U.K. units) but are not necessarily equal to unit work when unit force is multiplied by unit length (1
them. N x 1 m= 1 J), and unit power when unit work is divided
by unit time (I J+ 1 second= 1 W). Thus, in a coherent
APPENDIX B3 system in which the meter is the unit of length, the
SI Units square meter is the unit of area, but the are** and hectare
Advantages of SI Units are not coherent. Much worse disparities occur in
systems of “customary units” (both nonmetric and older
SI is a rationalized selection of units from the metric
metric) that require many numerical adjustment factors
system that individually are not new. They include a unit
in equations.
of force (the newton), which was introduced in place of
the kilogram-force to indicate by its name that it is a unit
of force and not of mass. SI is a coherent system with Base Units. Whatever the system of units, whether it be
coherent or noncoherent, particular samples of some
seven base units for which names, symbols, and precise
definitions have been established. Many derived units
arc defined in terms of the base units, with symbols

physical quantities must be selected arbitrarily as units of and placed one mctcr apart in vacuum. would product
those quantities. The remaining units are defined by ap- hctwecn these conductors a force equal to 2 x IO -’
propriate cxperimcnts related to the theoretical intcrrcla- newton per meter of length.” (Adopted by Ninth CGPM
tions of all the quantities. For convenience of analysis. lY48.)
units pertaining to c~r-fuin hrrsc>ylrrrfztitics ~Irf’ by (~~171*0- “Kchi77 (K)-The kelvin. unit of thermodynamic
tior7 rc~~crrrld us dir77~~r7siot7all~~ ir7tlqxwder7t; tl7c.w ur7it.s temperature. is the fraction 11273. IS of the ther-
(I~C crr//c~! basr unirs (Table I I ). and all others (derived modynamic temperature of the triple point of water.” ’
units) can be cxprcsscd algebraically in temls of the base (Adopted by 13th CGPM 1967.)
units. In SI. the unit of mass. the kilogram, is defined as “MCI/C (mol)-The mole is the amount of substance of
the mass of a prototype kilogram preserved by the Intl. a system which contains as many clcmcntary entities as
Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) in Paris. All thcrc are atoms in 0.012 kilograms of carbon-12.”
other base units are defined in terms of reproducible (Adopted by 14th CGPM 1971.)
phenomena-e.g., the wave lengths and frequencies of “Note-When the mole is used. the elementary en-
specified atomic transitions. tities must be specified and may be atoms. molecules.
ions, electrons. other particles. or specified groups of
Non-S1 Metric Units such particles. ”
Various other units are associated with SI but are not a “Crrn&/u (cd)-The candela is the luminous intensity
part thereof. They are related to units of the system by in a given direction of a source that emits
powers of 10 and are used in specialized branches of monochromatic radiation of frequency 540 (E + 12) hertz
physics. An example is the bar, a unit of pressure. ap- (Hz) and that has a radiant intensity In that direction ol
proximately equivalent to 1 atm and exactly equal to 100 l/683 watt per steradian.”
kPa. The bar is used extensively by meteorologists. “Rudiurz (rad)-The radian is the plane angle between
Another such unit is the gal. equal exactly to an accelera- two radii of a circle which cut off on the circumfcrencc
tion of 0.01 m/s?. It is used in geodetic work. These. an arc equal in length to the radius.”
however. are not coherent units-i.e., equations involv- “Sr~~&iu~? (sr)-The stcradian i\ the solid angle
ing both thcsc units and SI units cannot be written which. having its vertex at the center of a sphere. cuts oft
without a factor of proportionality even though that fat- an area of the surface of the sphere equal to that of a
tor may be a simple power of 10. square with sides of length equal to the radius of the
Originally (1795). the liter was intended to be identical sphere.”
to the cubic decimeter. The Third General Conference
on Weights and Measures (CGPM) in 1901 defined the
Definitions of SI Derived Units
liter as the volume occupied by the mass of 1 kilogram of
Having Special Names3
pure water at its maximum density under normal at-
Physical Quantity Unit and Definition
mospheric pressure. Careful determinations subsequent-
ly established the liter so defined as equivalent to Absorbed dose The gray (Gy) is the absorbed
1.000 028 dm’. In 1964. the CGPM withdrew this dose when the energy per unit
definition of the liter and declared that “liter” was a mass imparted to matter by
special name for the cubic decimeter. Thus. its use is ionizing radiation is I J/kg.
pemlitted in Sl but is discouraged because it creates two Activity The hrcyuerrl (Bq) is the activi-
units for the same quantity and its use in precision ty of a radionuclide decaying at
measurements might conflict with measurements record- the rate of one spontaneous
ed under the old definition. nuclear transition per second,
Celsius temperature The degree Ce1siu.s (“C) is equal
SI Base Unit Definitions to the kelvin and is used in place
Authorized translations of the original French definitions of the kelvin for expressing
of the seven base and two supplementary units of SI Celsius temperature (symbol
follow’ (parenthetical items added). Tot) defined by Tot =T, -To,
“Mrfer cm)-The meter is the length equal to I 650 where TK is the thermodynamic
763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the radiation cor- temperature and To =273. IS K
responding to the transition between the levels 2p I~) and by definition.
5d5 of the krypton-86 atom.” (Adopted by I lth CGPM Dose equivalent The sievcrt is the dose
1960.) equivalent when the absorbed
“Kilogmn7 (kg)-The kilogram is the unit of mass dose of ionizing radiation
(and is the coherent SI unit); it is equal to the mass of the multiplied by the dimensionless
international prototype of the kilogram.” (Adopted by factors Q (quality factor) and N
First and Third CGPM 1889 and 1901.) (product of any other multiply-
“Sc~nrzci (s)-The second is the duration of 9 192 63 I ing factors) stipulated by the
770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transi- Intl. Commission on Radiolog-
tion between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state ical Protection is I J/kg.
of the cesium- 133 atom.*” (Adopted by 13th CGPM Electric capacitance The&r& (F) is the capacitance
1967.) of a capacitor between the plates
“Atnper~~ (A)-The ampere is that constant current of which there appears a dif-
which. if maintained in tw’o straight parallel conductors ference of potential of I V when
of infinite length. of ncgliglble circular cross-section. it is charged by a quantity of
electricity equal to I C.

Electric The siemens (S) is the electric the force exerted on an element
conductance conductance of a conductor in of current is equal to the vector
which a current of 1 A is pro- product of this element and the
duced by an electric potential magnetic flux density.
difference of 1 V. Power The wutt (W) is the power that
Electric inductance The hpn~l (H) is the inductance represents a rate of energy
of a closed circuit in which an transfer of I J/s.
electromotive force of 1 V is Pressure or stress The pascul (Pa) is the pressure
produced when the electric cur- or stress of I Nim2.
rent in the circuit varies uniform- Electric charge, Electric charge is the time in-
ly at a rate of 1 A/s. quantity of tegral of electric current; its unit,
Electric potential The volr (V) is the difference of electricity the coulomb (C), is equal to 1
difference, elec- electric potential between two A.s.
tromotive force points of a conductor carrying a
No other SI derived units have been assigned special
constant current of 1 A when the
names at this time.
power dissipated between these
points is equal to 1 W. APPENDIX C3’**
Electric resistance The ohm (Q) is the electric
Style Guide for Metric Usage
resistance between two points of
a conductor when a constant dif- Rules for Writing Metric Quantities
ference of potential of I V, ap- Capitals. I/nits-Unit names, including prefixes, are not
plied between these two points, capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence or in
produces in this conductor a cur- titles. Note that for “degree Celsius” the word
rent of I A, this conductor not “degree” is lower case; the modifier “Celsius” is
being the source of any elec- always capitalized. The “degree centrigrade” is now
tromotive force. obsolete.
Energy The joule (J) is the work done Symbols-The short forms for metric units are called
when the point of application of unit symbols. They are lower case except that the first
a force of 1 N is displaced a letter is upper case when the unit is named for a person.
distance of 1 m in the direction (An exception to this rule in the U.S. is the symbol L for
of the force. liter.)
Force The nr~r~~ (N) is that force Examples: Unit Name Unit Symbol
that, when applied to a body meter** m
having a mass of 1 kg. gives it
an acceleration of I m/s’. newton 6
Frequency The hertz (Hz) is the frequency Pascal Pa
of a periodic phenomenon of
Printed unit symbols should have Roman (upright) let-
which the period is 1 second.
ters, because italic (sloping or slanted) letters are re-
Illuminance The Iu.r (Ix) is the illuminance
served for quantity symbols, such as m for mass and L
produced by a luminous flux of I
for length.
Im uniformly distributed over a
Prejx Symbols-All prefix names, their symbols, and
surface of I m2
pronunciation are listed in Table I .4. Notice that the top
Luminous flux The lumen (Im) is the luminous
five are upper case and all the rest lower case.
flux emitted in a solid angle of 1
The importance of following the precise use of upper-
sr by a point source having a
case and lower-case letters is shown by the following ex-
uniform intensity of 1 cd.
amples of prefixes and units.
Magnetic flux The ember, is the magnetic
flux that, liriking a circuit of one G for giga; g for gram.
turn, produces in it an elec- K for kelvin; k for kilo.
tromotive force of 1 V as it is M for mega; m for milli.
reduced to zero at a uniform rate N for newton; n for nano.
in I s. T for tera: t for tonne (metric ton).
Magnetic flux The teslu (T) is the magnetic information Processing-Limited Character Sets-
density flux density of 1 Wb/m2. In an Prefixes and unit symbols retain their prescribed forms
magnetic induction alternative approach to defining regardless of the surrounding typography, except for
the magnetic field quantities the systems with limited character sets. IS0 has provided a
tesla may also be defined as the standard” for such systems; this standard is
magnetic flux density that pro- recommended.
duces on a l-m length of wire
carrying a current of 1 A, Plurals and Fractions. Names of SI units form their
plurals in the usual manner, except for lux, hertz, and
oriented normal to the flux den-
sity, a force of 1 N, magnetic
flux density being defined as an ‘The spellings “metre” and “l~tre” are preferred by IS0 but “meter” and “liter” are
axial vector quantity such that ottlclal u s QcNernmenl spelhngs.

Values less than one take the singular form of the unit Compound Units. For a unit name (not a symbol) de-
name; for example, 0.5 kilogram or % kilogram. While rived as a quotient (e.g., for kilometers per hour), it is
decimal notation (0.5, 0.35, 6.87) is generally preferred, preferable not to use a slash (/) as a substitute for “per”
the most simple fractions are acceptable, such as those except where space is limited and a symbol might not be
where the denominator is 2, 3, 4, or 5. understood. Avoid other mixtures of words and symbols.
Symbols of units are the same in singular and Examples: Use meter per second, not m/s. Use only one
plural-e.g., I m and 100 m. “per” in any combination of units-e.g., meter per sec-
ond squared, not meter per second per second.
Periods. A period is nof used after a symbol, except at For a unit symbol derived as a quotient do not, for ex-
the end of a sentence. Examples: “A current of 1.5 mA is ample, write k.p.h. or kph for km/h because the first two
found.. ” “The field measured 350x 125 m.” are understood only in the English language, whereas
km/h is used in all languages. The symbol km/h also can
The Decimal Marker. IS0 specifies the comma as the be written with a negative exponent-e.g., km. h -’ .
decimal marker9 ; in English-language documents a dot Never use more than one slash (/) in any combination
on the line is acceptable. In numbers less than one, a of symbols unless parentheses are used to avoid ambigui-
zero should be written before the decimal sign (to pre- ty; examples are m/s*, not m/s/s; W/(m.K), not
vent the possibility that a faint decimal sign will be W/m/K.
overlooked). Example: The oral expression “point For a unit name derived as a product, a space or a
seven five” is written 0.75 or 0,75. hyphen is recommended but never a “product dot” (a
period raised to a centered position)-e.g., write newton
Grouping of Numbers. Separate digits into groups of meter or newton-meter, not newton.meter. In the case of
three, counting from the decimal marker. A comma the watt hour, the space may be omitted-watthour.
should not be used between the groups of three9 ; in- For a unit symbol derived as a product, use a product
stead, a space is left to avoid confusion, since the comma dot-e.g., N.m. For computer printouts, automatic
is the IS0 standard for the decimal marker. typewriter work, etc., a dot on the line may be used. Do
In a four-digit number, the space is not required unless not use the product dot as a multiplier symbol for
the four-digit number is in a column with numbers of calculations-e.g., use 6.2~5, not 6.2.5.
five digits or more: Do not mix nonmetric units with metric units, except
those for time, plane angle, or rotation-e.g., use
kg/m3, not kglft3 or kg/gal.
For 4,720,525 write 4 720 525 A quantity that constitutes a ratio of two like quantities
For 0.52875 write 0.528 75 should be expressed as a fraction (either common or
For 6,875 write 6875 or 6 875 decimal) or as a percentage-e.g., the slope is l/l00 or
For 0.6875 write 0.6875 or 0.01 or l%, not 10 mm/m or 10 m/km.
0.687 5

SI Prefix Usage. General--S1 prefixes should be used to

indicate orders of magnitude, thus eliminating non-
Spacing. In symbols or names for units having prefixes, significant digits and leading zeros in decimal fractions
no space is left between letters making up the symbol or and providing a convenient alternative to the powers-
the name. Examples are kA, kiloampere; and mg, of-10 notation preferred in computation. For example,
milligram. 12 300 m (in computations) becomes 12.3 km (in non-
When a symbol follows a number to which it refers, a computation situations); 0.0123 hA (12.3 x 10m9 A for
space must be left between the number and the symbol, computations) becomes 12.3 nA (in noncomputation
except when the symbol (such as “) appears in the situations).
superscript position. Examples: 455 kHz, 22 mg, 20 Selection-When expressing a quantity by a numerical
mm, lo6 N, 30 K, 20°C. value and a unit, prefixes should be chosen so that the
When a quantity is used as an adjective, a hyphen numerical value lies between 0.1 and 1000. Generally,
should be used between the number and the symbol (ex- prefixes representing steps of 1000 are recommended
cept “C). Examples: It is a 35-mm film; the film width is (avoiding hecto, deka, deci, and centi). However, some
35 mm. I bought a 6-kg turkey; the turkey weighs 6 kg. situations may justify deviation from the above:
Leave a space on each side of signs for multiplication, 1. In expressing units raised to powers (such as area,
division, addition, and subtraction, except within a com- volume and moment) the prefixes hecto, deka, deci, and
pound symbol. Examples: 4 cm x 3 m (not 4 cm X 3 m); centi may be required-e.g., cubic centimeter for
kg/m3; N.m. volume and cm4 for moment.
2. In tables of values of the same quantity, or in a
Powers. For unit M~ZP.P, use the modifier .rquared or discussion of such values within a given context, it
cubed after the unit name (except for area and generally is preferable to use the same unit multiple
volume)-e.g.. meter per second squared. For area or throughout.
volume, place a modifier before the unit name. including 3. For certain quantities in particular applications, one
derived units:-e.g.. cubic meter and watt per square certain multiple is used customarily; an example is the
meter. millimeter in mechanical engineering drawings, even
For unit symbols. write the symbol for the unit fol- when the values lie far outside the range of 0.1 to 1000
lowed by the power superscript-e.g., 14 m’ and 26 mm.
cm3. Powers of Units-An exponent attached to a symbol

containing a prefix indicates that the multiple or sub- Equations. When customary units appear in equations,
mulripie of the unit (the unit with its prefix) is raised to the SI equivalents should be omitted. Instead of inserting
the power expressed by the exponent. For example, the latter in parentheses, as in the case of text or small
tables, the equations should be restated using SI unit
1 cm3 =(10p2m)3 = 10 -6,3
symbols, or a sentence, paragraph, or note should be
1 ns-’ =(10P9s) -1 =109s-’
added stating the factor to be used to convert the
1 mm*/s =(10-“m)2/s = 10-5m2/s
calculated result in customary units to the preferred SI
Double Pre$xes-Double or multiple prefixes should
not be used. For example, Pronunciation of Metric Terms
use GW (gigawatt), not LMW; The pronunciation of most of the unit names is well
use pm (picometer), not ppm; known and uniformly described in U.S. dictionaries, but
use Gg (gigagram), not Mkg; four have been pronounced in various ways. The follow-
use 13.58 m, not 13 m 580 mm. ing pronunciations are recommended:

Prefix Mixtures-Do not use a mixture of prefixes candela - Accent on the second syllable and
unless the difference in size is extreme. For example, pronounce it like de/l.
use 40 mm wide and 1500 mm long, not 40 mm wide joule - Pronounce it to rhyme with pool.
and 1.5 m long; however, 1500 m of 2-mm-diameter Pascal - The preferred pronunciation rhymes
wire is acceptable. with rascal. An acceptable second
Compound Units--It is preferable that prefixes not be choice puts the accent on the second
used in the denominators of complex units, except for syllable.
kilogram (kg) which is a base unit. However, there are siemens - Pronounce it like sea,nerl ‘.r.
cases where the use of such prefixes is necessary to ob-
tain a numerical value of convenient size. Examples of For pronunciation of unit prefixes, see Table 1.4.
some of these rare exceptions are shown in the tables
contained in these standards. Typewriting Recommendations
Prefixes may be applied to the numerator of a com- Superscripts. The question arises of how numerical
pound unit; thus, megagram per cubic meter (Mg/m3), superscripts should be typed on a machine with a con-
but not kilogram per cubic decimeter (kg/dm3) nor gram ventional keyboard. With an ordinary keyboard.
per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). Values required outside numerals and the minus sign can be raised to the
the range of the prefixes should be expressed by powers superscript position by rolling the platen half a space
of 10 applied to the base unit. before typing the numeral, using care to avoid in-
Unit of Mass-Among the base units of SI, the terference with the text in the line above.
kilogram is the only one whose name, for historical
reasons, contains a prefix; it is also the coherent SI unit Special Characters. For technical work, it is useful to
for mass (See Appendices A and B for discussions of have Greek letters available on the typewriter. If all SI
coherence.) However, names of decimal multiples and symbols for units are to be typed properly, a key with the
submultiples of the unit of mass are formed by attaching upright Greek lower-case p (pronounced “mew.” not
prefixes to the word “gram.” *‘moo”) is necessary, since this is the symbol for micro.
Prefises Alone-Do not use a prefix without a meaning one millionth. The symbol can be approximated
unit-e.g., use kilogram, not kilo. on a conventional machine by using a lower-case u and
Calculations-Errors in calculations can be minimized adding the tail by hand (p). A third choice is to spell out
if, instead of using prefixes, the base and the coherent the unit name in full.
derived SI units are used, expressing numerical values in For units of electricity, the Greek upper-case omega
powers-of-10 notation-e.g., 1 MJ= lo6 J. (Q) for ohm also will be useful; when it is not available,
the word “ohm” can be spelled out.
Spelling of Vowel Pairs. There are three cases where It is fortunate that, except for the more extensive use
the final vowel in a prefix is omitted: megohm, kilohm, of the Greek p for micro and Q for ohm, the change to SI
and hectare. In all other cases, both vowels are retained units causes no additional difficulty in manuscript
and both are pronounced. No space or hyphen should be preparation.
The Letter for Liter. On most U.S. typewriters, there is
Complicated Expressions. To avoid ambiguity in com- little difference between the lower-case “cl” (“I”) and
plicated expressions, symbols are preferred over words. the numerical “one” (“1”). The European symbol for
liter is a simple upright bar; the Canadians I3 used a
Attachment. Attachment of letters to a unit symbol for script P but now have adopted the upright capital L; AN-
giving information about the nature of the quantity is in- SI now recommends the upright capital L.
correct: MWe for “megawatts electrical (power), ” kPag
for “kilopascais gauge (pressure),” Paa for “pascals ab- Typewriter Modification. Where frequently used, the
solute (pressure),” and Vat for “volts ac” are not ac- thllowing symbols could be included on typewriters:
ceptable. If the context is in doubt on any units used, superscripts ’ and ’ for squared and cubed; Greek p for
supplementary descriptive phrases should be added to micro; ’ for degree; . for a product dot (not a period) for
making the meanings clear. symbols derived as a product; and Greek Q for ohm.

A special type-ball that contains all the superscripts, FL, Where fewer than six decimal places are shown, more
Q, and other characters used in technical reports is precision is not warranted.
vailable for some typewriters. Some machines have The following is a further example of the use of Table
replaceable character keys. 1.7.

To Convert From To Multiply By

Longhand. To assure legibility of the symbols m, n. and
p. it is recommended that these three symbols be written pound-force per
to resemble printing. For example. write nm, not ,I~,,. square foot Pa 4.788 026 E+OI
The symbol p should have a long distinct tail and should pound-force per
have the upright form (not sloping or italic). square inch Pa 6.894 757 E+03
inch m 2.540* E-02
Shorthand. Stenographers will find that the SI symbols
generally are quicker to write than the shorthand forms These conversions mean that
for the unit names.
I Ibf/ft’ becomes 47.880 26 Pa,
APPENDIX D I Ibf/in.’ becomes 6894.757 Pa or
General Conversion Factors” 6.894 757 kPa, and
I inch becomes 0.0254 m (exactly).
Table 1.7 is intended to serve two purposes:
The unit symbol for pound-force sometimes is written Ibf
1. To express the definitions of general units of and sometimes lb, or lb/: the form Ibf is recommended.
mcasurc ah exact numerical multiples of coherent
“m&c” units. Relationships that are exact in terms of
the fundamental SI unit arc followed by an asterisk.
Relationships that are not followed by an astcrlsk either The conversion factors generally arc liatcd alphabetically
arc the result of physical measurements or arc only by units having specific names and compound units
derived from these specific units. A number of units
2. To provide tnultiplying factors for converting cx- starting with the pound symbol (lb) arc located In the
prcssions of measurements given by numbers and “p” section of the list.
2encral or miscellaneous units to corresponding new Conversion factors classified by physical quantities arc
listed in Refs. 3 and 4.
numbers and metric units.
The conversion factors for other compound units can
be generated easily from numbers given in the
Notation alphabetical list by substitution of converted units. Two
Conversion factors are presented for ready adaptation to examples follow.
computer readout and electronic data transmission. The I. Find the conversion factor for productivity in&x,
factors are written as a number equal to or greater than (B/D)/psi to (mj/d)/Pa. Convert 1 B/D to I.589 873
one and less than IO, with six or fewer decimal places (E-01) m”/d and I psi to 6.894 7.57 (E+03) Pa. Then.
(i.e.. seven or fewer total digits). Each number is fol- substitute
lowed by the letter E (for exponent), a plus or minus
symbol, and two digits that indicate the power of 10 by [ 1.589 873 (E-01)]/]6.894 757 (E-03)]
which the number must be multiplied to obtain the cor- =2.305 916 (E-OS) (m3/d)/Pa.
rect value. For example,
3.523 907 (E-02) is 3.523 907~ IO-’ 2. Find the conversion factor for tonf.mile/ft to
or MJim. Convert I tonf to 8.896 444 (E+03) N: 1 mile to
0.035 239 07. 1.609 344” (E+03) m; and I ii to 3.048* (E-01) m.
Similarly, Then. substitute
3.386 389 (E+03) is 3.386 389~ IO3
or 18.896 444 (E+03)] [I.609 344 (E+03)]
3 386.389. +[3.048 (E-O])]
=4.697 322 (E+07) (N.m)/m or J/m
An asterisk (*) after the numbers shown indicates that =4.697 322 (E+Ol) MJim.
the conversion factor is exact and that all subsequent
digits (for rounding purposes) are zero. All other conver- When conversion factors for complex compound units
sion factors have been rounded to the figures given in ac- are being calculated from Table I .7. numerical uncer-
cordance with procedures outlined in the preceding text. tainties may be present in the seventh (or lesser last
“significant”) digit of the answer because of roundings
‘Based on ASTM Pub E380-82 @?I 3), values Of CO”“elSlO” IaCtOrs tabulated already taken for the last digit of tabulated values.
herewth are identical with those in E380-82, generally slm~far material IS found m Mechtly ” provides conversion factors of more than
Ref 4 Conversion values in earlier edltlons of E 380 (for example E 380.74) are
based on Ref 15 wh,ch has available some faclors w,,h more than seven d,g,,s \cvcn digits for certain quantities.


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From To Multiply By
abampere ampere (A) 1.O’ E+Ol
abcoulomb coulomb (C) 1.O’ E+Ol
abfarad farad (F) 1.O’ E+O9
abhenry henry (H) 1.0 E-09
abmho siemens (S) 1.O’ E+09
abohm ohm (0) 1.0’ E-09
abvolt volt (V) 1.0’ E-08
acrefoot (U.S. survey)“’ meter3 (m3) 1.233489 E+03
acre (U.S survey)“’ mete? (m’) 4.046 873 E + 03
ampere hour coulomb (C) 3.6’ E+03
are meter* (m2) 1.O’ E+02
angstrom meter (m) 1.O’ E-10
astronomical unit meter (m) 1.495979 E+ll
atmosphere (standard) Pascal (Pa) 1.013250’ E+05
atmosphere (technical = 1 kgf/cm2) Pascal (Pa) 9.806 650’ E + 04
bar Pascal (Pa) 1.O’ E+05
barn meter* (m*) 1.O’ E-28
barrel (for petroleum, 42 gal) meter3 (m”) 1.589873 E-01
board foot meter3 (m”) 2.359 737 E - 03
Elntish thermal unit (International Table)“’ joule (J) 1.055 056 E + 03
Bntish thermal unit (mean) loule (J) 1.05587 E+03
Bntish thermal unit (thermochemical) joule (J) 1.054 350 E + 03
Bntish thermal unit (39°F) joule (J) 1.05967 E+03
Bntish thermal umt (59°F) joule (J) 1.05480 E+03
Bntlsh thermal unit (60°F) joule (J) 1.05468 E+03
Btu (International Table)-fV(hr-ft2-“F)
(thermal conductlvrty) watt per meter kelvin [W/(mK)] 1.730 735 E f 00
Btu (thermochemical)-ft/(hr-ft*-OF)
(thermal conductlvtty) watt per meter kelvin [W/(mK)] 1.729 577 E + 00
Btu (International Table)-m.i(hr-R*-“F)
(thermal conductlvrty) watt per meter kelvin [W/(m.K)] 1.442 279 E ~ 01
Btu (thermochemical)-in.‘(hr-RZ-“F)
(thermal conductivity) watt per meter kelvin [Wl(m.K)] 1.441 314 E-01
Btu (International Table)-in.i(s-Hz-“F)
(thermal conductivity) watt per meter kelvin [W/(m.K)] 5.192 204 E +02
Btu (thermochemical)-in./(s-f12-“F)
(thermal conductlvily) watt per meter kelvin [Wl(m.K)] 5.188 732 E+02
B1u (International Table)/hr watt(W) 2.930711 E-01
Btu (thermochemical)/hr watt (W) 2.928 751 E - 01
Btu (thermochemical):mm watt(W) 1.757250 E+Ol
Btu (thermochemical)% watt (W) 1.054350 E+03
Btu (International Table)ift? joule per meter2 (Jim*) 1.135653 E+04
Btu (thermochemlcai)ifV joule per meter2 (Jim*) 1.134893 E+04
Btu (thermochemical)i(ft*-hr) watt per mete? (W/ml) 3.152481 E-00
Btu (thermochemical)i(H2-min) watt per meter2 (W/m’) 1.891 489 E + 02
Btu (thermochemical)i(ft*-s) watt per mete? (W/m*) 1.134893 E+04
Btu (thermochemical)/(irxZ-s) watt per mete? (W/m’) 1.634 246 E + 06
Btu (International Table)I(hr-V-OF)
(thermal conductance) watt per meter* kelvin [W/(m’.K)] 5.678 263 E + 00
Btu (thermochemical)i(hr-V-OF)
(thermal conductance) watt per meter* kelvin [W/(m*.K)] 5.674 466 E + 00
Btu (International Table)i(s-R*-“F) watt per meter* kelvin [W/(m*.K)] 2.044 175 E + 04
Btu (thermochemical)@tt*-OF) watt per meter2 kelvin [W/(m’.K)] 2.042 808 E + 04
Btu (International Table)ilbm joule per kilogram (J/kg) 2.326’ E+03
Btu (thermochemical):lbm joule per kilogram (J/kg) 2.324 444 E + 03
Btu (International Table)i(lbm-“F)
(heat capacity) joule per kilogram kelvin [J/(kg.K)] 4.186 8’ E+03
Btu (thermochemical)i(lbm-“F)
(heat capaaty) joule per ktlogram kelvin [J/(kgeK)] 4.184 000 E +03

“Fence 1893 the U S bass 01 length measurement has been dewed IrOm metric standards In 1959 a small rellnement was made I” the defimlmn of the yard to resolve
d,screpanc,es both I” this country and abroad. which changed ,ts length from 3600 3937 m lo 0 9144 m exactly This resulted I” the new value being shorter by two parts I” a
rrvlnn At the same time it was deaded that any data r leet derived from and publIshed as a result of geodetic surveys withm the U S would wna~n with the old standard
(1 f, = ,200 3937 m) unt,l further dec,s,on Th,s loot IS named the U S suvey loot As a result, all U S land measurements I” U S. c”stoma~ ““1,s WIIIrelate tothe meter by the
old standard All the mnvers~on factors I” these tables for umts relerenced to thus loatnote are based on the U.S survey foot. ratherthaiihe inlernatu,nal loot Con&on
Iactors for me land measure glen below may be delemned from the loltowlng relatlonships
1 league = 3 miles (exactly)
1 rod = 16”~ fl (exactly]
1 chain = 66 fl (exactly)
1 SectIon 1 sq mile
1 townsh,p = 36 sq m,les

@This value was adopted m 1956. Some of the older lnlernatlonal Tables use Ihe value 1 055 D4 E + 03 The exact con~ers!on factor IS 1 055 055 852 62‘ E + 03


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From To Multiply By”
bushel (U.S.) mete? (ml) 3.523 907 E - 02
caliber (inchj meter (m) 2.54 E-02
calorie (International Table) joule (J) 4.1868’ E+OO
calorie (mean) joule (J) 4.19002 E+OO
calorie (thermochemical) joule (J) 4.184’ E+OO
calorie (15°C) joule (J) 4.185 80 E+OO
calorie (20°C) joule (J) 4.181 90 E+OO
calorie (kilogram, International Table) joule (J) 4.186 8’ E+03
calorie (kilogram, mean) joule (J) 4.190 02 E+03
calorie (kilogram, thermochemical) joule (J) 4.184’ E+03
cal (thermochemical)/cm* joule per meter* (J/m’) 4.184’ E+04
cal (International Table)/g joule per kilogram (J/kg) 4.186’ E+03
cal (thermochemical)ig joule per kilogram (J/kg) 4.184’ E+03
cal (International Table)/(gX) joule per kilogram kelvin [Jl(kgK)] 4.186 8 E+03
cal (thermochemical)/(gX) joule per kilogram kelvin [J/(kg.K)] 4.184’ E+03
cal (thermochemical)imin watt (W) 6.973 333 E - 02
cal (thermochemical)is watt (W) 4.184’ E+OO
cal (thermochemical)/(cmz.min) watt per meter’ (W/m*) 6.973 333 E + 02
cal (thermochemical)/(cm**s) watt per mete? (W/m2) 4.184’ E+O4
cal (thermochemical)~(cm+‘C) watt per meter kelvin [W/(m.K)] 4.184’ E+02
capture unit (cu. = 10m3cm-‘) per meter (m-l) 1.O’ E-01
carat (metric) kilogram (kg) 2.0’ E-04
centimeter of mercury (0°C) Pascal (Pa) 1.33322 Et03
centimeter of water (4°C) Pascal (Pa) 9.806 38 E + 01
centipoise Pascal second (Pas) 1.O’ E-03
centistokes mete? per second (m*/s) 1.O’ E-06
circular mil mete? (m2) 5.067 075 E - 10
cl0 kelvin mete? per watt [(Km*)/W] 2.003 712 E-01
cup meteP (m3) 2.365 882 E - 04
curie becquerel (Bq) 3.7’ Et10
cycle per second hertz (Hz) 1 .O’ E+OO
day (mean solar) second (s) 8.640 000 E + 04
day (sidereal) second (s) 8.616 409 E+04
degree (angle) radian (rad) 1745329 E-02
degree Celsius kelvin (K) T, = T,c + 273.15
degree centigrade (see degree Celsius)
degree Fahrenheit degree Celsius r, = (T, - 32)11.8
degree Fahrenheit kelvin (K) T, = (T, + 459.67)/1.8
degree Rankine kelvin (K) r, = J41.8
“Fshr-ft2/Btu(International Table)
(thermal resistance) kelvin mete? per watt [(Km*)/W] 1.781 102 E-01
“ (thermochemical)
(thermal resistance) kelvin meter’ per watt [(K.m*)IW] 1.762 250 E - 01
denier kilogram per meter (kg/m) 1.111 111 E-07
dyne newton (N) 1.O’ E-05
dynecm newton meter (N.m) 1.O’ E-07
dyne/cm2 Pascal (Pa) 1.O’ E-01
electronvolt joule (J) 1.602 19 E-19
EMU of capacitance farad (F) 1.O’ E+O9
EMU of current ampere (A) 1.O’ E+Ol
EMU of electric potential volt (V) 1.O’ E-08
EMU of inductance henry U-V 1.O’ E-09
EMU of resistance ohm (0) 1.O’ E-09
ESU of capacitance farad (F) 1.112650 E-12
ESU of current ampere (A) 3.335 6 E- 10
ESU of electnc potential volt (V) 2.997 9 E+02
ESU of inductance henry 0-U 8.987554 E+ll
ESU of resistance ohm (0) 8.987 554 E + 11
erg joule (J) 1.o E-07
erg/cm% watt per meter* (W/m>) 1.O’ E-03
erg/s watt (W) 1.O’ E-07
faraday (based on carbon-l 2) coulomb (C) 9.648 70 E + 04
faraday (chemical) coulomb (C) 9.649 57 E + 04
faraday (physical) coulomb (C) 9.652 19 E+04
fathom meter (m) 1.828 8 E+OO
fermi (femtometer) meter (m) 1.o E-15
fluid ounce (U.S.) meter’ (m3) 2.957 353 E - 05
foot meter (m) 3.048’ E-01
foot (U.S. survey)“1 meter (m) 3.048 006 E -01


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From To Multiply By”
foot of water (39.2”F) Pascal (Pa) 2.988 98 E +03
sq ft meter2 (m’) 9.290 304’ E - 02
ft*/hr (thermal diffusivity) mete? per second (m*is) 2.580 640’ E - 05
ftV3 meter? per second (m’is) 9.290 304’ E - 02
cu ft (volume; section modulus) mete? (m3) 2.831 685 E - 02
ftYmin mete? per second (m’1.s) 4.719 474 E -04
W/S mete? per second (mVs) 2.831 685 E -02
ff (moment of section)@) mete? (ml) 8.630 975 E -03
fUhr meter per second (m/s) 8.466 667 E - 05
ft/min meter per second (m/s) 5.080’ E-03
ftk meter per second (m/s) 3.048’ E-01
ft/SZ meter per second2 (misz) 3.048’ E-01
footcandle Iux (lx) 1.076391 E+Ol
footlambert candela per meter2 (cdim2) 3.426 259 E + 00
ft-lbf joule (J) 1.355818 E+OO
ft-lbf/hr watf (W) 3.766 161 E -04
ft-lbfimin watt (wj 2.259 697 E - 02
ft-lbf/s watt (W) 1.355818 E+OO
ft-poundal joule (J) 4.214 011 E -02
free fall, standard (g) meter per second’ (m/s’) 9.806 650’ E + 00
cm/s? meter per second2 (m/s’) 1.O’ E-02
qallon (Canadian liquid) mete? (m3) 4.546 090 E - 03
gallon (U.K. liquid) mete? (m3) 4.546 092 E - 03
gallon (U.S. dry) mete? (m3) 4.404 884 E - 03
gallon (US liquid) mete? (mJ) 3.785412 E-03
gal (U.S. liquid)iday mete? per second (mVs) 4.381 264 E - 08
gal (US. liquid)/min mete? per second (m%) 6.309 020 E - 05
gal (U.S. liquid)/hphr
(SFC, specific fuel consumption) mete? per joule (mYJ) 1.410089 E-09
gamma (magnetic field strength) ampere per meter (Aim) 7.957 747 E - 04
gamma (magnetic flux density) tesla (T) 1.O’ E-09
gauss tesla (T) 1.o E-04
gilbert ampere (A) 7.957 747 E - 01
gill (U.K.) mete? (m3) 1.420 654 E - 04
gill (U.S.) mete? (ma) 1.182941 E-04
grad degree (angular) 9.0’ E-01
grad radian (rad) 1.570796 E-02
grain (117000 Ibm avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 6.479 891 l E - 05
grain (Ibm avoirdupoisi7000)lgaI
(U.S. liquid) kilogram per mete? (kg/m3) 1.711 806 E-02
gram kilogram (kg) 1.O’ E-03
glcm3 kilogram per mete? (kg/m3) 1.O’ Et03
gram-force/cm2 Pascal (Pa) 9.806 650’ E + 01
hectare meter* (m2) 1.O’ E+04
horsepower (550 ft-lbfis) watt (W) 7.456 999 E + 02
horsepower (boiler) watt (W) 9.809 50 E + 03
horsepower (electric) watt (W) 7.460’ E+02
horsepower (metric) watt (W) 7.354 99 E+02
horsepower (water) watt (W) 7.460 43 E + 02
horsepower (U.K.) watt (W) 7.457 0 E+O2
hour (mean solar) second (s) 3.600 000 E + 03
hour (sidereal) second (s) 3.590 170 E + 03
hundredweight (long) kilogram (kg) 5.080 235 E + 01
hundredweight (short) kilogram (kg) 4.535 924 E + 01
inch meter (m) 2.54’ E-02
inch of mercury (32°F) Pascal (Pa) 3.386 38 E + 03
inch of mercury (60°F) Pascal (Pa) 3.376 85 E + 03
inch of water (39.2”F) Pascal (Pa) 2.490 82 E + 02
inch of water (60°F) Pascal (Pa) 2.488 4 E+02
sq in. meter* (m*) 6.451 6’ E-04
cu in. (volume; section modulus)i41 meteP (m”) 1.638 706 E ~ 05
in.3/min mete? per second (m%) 2.731 177 E-07
in4 (moment of section)13’ meteP (ma) 4.162 314 E-07
in/s meter per second (m/s) 2.54’ E-02
in .I$ meter per second* (m/s2) 2.54’ E-02
kayser 1 per meter (1 /m) 1.O’ E+02
kelvin degree Celsius T., = T, - 273.15
I31Thus sometimes IS tailed the rrwment of merha of a plane sechon about a spafled ~XIS
14’The exact c~nwrslon factor IS 1.636 706 4’E-05


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From To Multiply By”
kilocalorie (International Table) joule (J) 4.186 8’ E+03
kilocalorie (mean) joule (J) 4.190 02 E+03
kilocalorie (thermochemical) joule (J) 4.184’ E+03
kilocalorie (thermochemical)imin watt (W) 6.973 333 E + 01
kilocalorie (thermochemical)/s watt (W) 4.184’ E+03
kilogram-force (kgf) newton (N) 9.806 65’ E + 00
kgf.m newton meter (N.m) 9.806 65’ E + 00
kgfs*im (mass) kilogram (kg) 9.806 65’ E + 00
kgf/cm2 Pascal (Pa) 9.806 65’ E + 04
kgf/m* Pascal (Pa) 9.806 65’ E + 00
kgf/mm? Pascal (Pa) 9.806 65’ E + 06
km/h meter per second (m/s) 2.777 778 E - 01
kilopond newton (N) 9.806 65’ E + 00
kilowatthour (kW-hr) joule (J) 3.6 E+06
kip (1000 Ibf) newton (N) 4.448 222 E + 03
kip/in.* (ksi) Pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 E + 06
knot (international) meter per second (m/s) 5.144444 E-01
lambert candela per meteP (cd/m*) 1in’ E+04
lambert candela per mete? (cd/m*) 3.183099 E+03
langley joule per mete? (J/mz) 4.184 E+04
league meter (m) (see Footnote 1)
light year meter (m) 9.46055 E+15
IiteV’ meter-l (ml) 1.0 E-03
maxwell weber (Wb) 1.o E-08
mho siemens (S) 1.o E+OO
microinch meter (m) 2.54’ E-08
microsecond/foot (@ft) microsecond/meter (&m) 3.280 840 E + 00
micron meter (m) 1.O’ E-06
mil meter (m) 2.54’ E-05
mile (international) meter (m) 1.609 344’ E + 03
mile (statute) meter (m) 1.609 3 E+03
mile (U.S. survey)“) meter (m) 1.609 347 E + 03
mile (international nautical) meter (m) 1.852 E+03
mile (U.K. nautical) meter (m) 1.853 184’ E+03
mile (U.S. nautical) meter (m) 1.852’ E+03
sq mile (international) mete? (m2) 2.589 988 E + 06
sq mile (U.S. survey)“’ mete? (m2) 2.589 998 E + 06
mileihr (international) meter per second (m/s) 4.470 4’ E-01
mileihr (international) kilometer per hour (kmih) 1.609 344’ E + 00
mileimin (international) meter per second (m/s) 2.682 24’ E +Ol
mile/s (international) meter per second (m/s) 1.609 344’ E+03
millibar Pascal (Pa) 1.O’ E+02
millimeter of mercury (0°C) Pascal (Pa) 1.33322 E+02
minute (angle) radian (rad) 2.908 882 E - 04
minute (mean solar) second (s) 6.0’ E+Ol
mcnute (sidereal) second (s) 5.983617 E+Ol
month (mean calendar) second (s) 2.628 000 E + 06
oersted ampere per meter (A/m) 7.957 747 E + 01
ohm centimeter ohm meter (0.m) 1.O’ E-02
ohm circular-mil per ft ohm millimeter* per meter
[(0.mm2)m] 1.662 426 E ~ 03
ounce (avoirdupois) kilogram (kg) 2.834 952 E ~ G2
ounce {troy or apothecary) kilogram (kg) 3.110348 E-02
ounce (U.K. fluid) meter3 (m”) 2.841 307 E-05
ounce (U.S. fluidj mete? (m3) 2.957 353 E - 05
ounce-force newton (N) 2.780 139 E-01 newton meter (N.m) 7.061 552 E - 03
oz (avoirdupois)igal (U.K. liquid) kilogram per meterj (kg/m>) 6.236 021 E + 00
oz (avoirdupois)/qal (U.S. liquid) kilogram per metep (kgimJ) 7.489 152 E+OO
oz (avoirdupois)&? kilogram per meterj (kg/mJ) 1.729994 E+03
oz (avoirdupois)/fF kilogram per meter2 (kg/m2) 3.051 517 E-01
oz (avoirdupois)/yd2 kilogram per meter’ (kg/m’) 3.390 575 E - 02
parsec meter (m) 3.085 678 E + 16
peck (U.S.) mete? (m3) 8.809 768 E ~ 03
pennyweight kilogram (kg) 1.555 174 E-03
perm (‘C)@) kilogram per Pascal second meter*
[kg!(Pas.m2)] 5.721 35 E-11
‘%, 1964 the General Conference on Weights and Measures adopted the name liter as a special name for the c,,blc decr,,eter Before ,h,s dec,s,on ,be ,,ter d,f,e,ed
slightly (prewous value, 1 WO 028 dm3 and m expression of preclslon volume measurement this lact must be kept I” mind
t61Not the sameas resewmr “per”, ”


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From Multiply By”
perm (23”C)16’ kilogram per Pascal second mete?
[kg/( Pasm2)] 5.74525 E-11 (OC)c71 krlogram per Pascal second meter
[kg/(Pasm)] 1.45322 E-12 (23°C)“’ kilogram per Pascal second meter
[kmi(Pasm)] 1.459 29 E- 12
phol lumen per mete? (lm/m2) 1.O’ E+04
oica (orinter’s) meter (m) 4.217518 E-03
pint (U.S. dryj metep (m3) 5.506 105 E-04
oint (U.S. liauid) mete? (m3) 4.731 765 E - 04
point (printers)’ meter (m) 3.514 598’ E - 04
poise (absolute viscosity) Pascal second (Pas) 1.o E-01
pound (lbm avoirdupois)@’ kilogram (kg) 4.535 924 E - 01
pound (troy or apothecary) kilogram (kg) 3.732417 E-01
Ibm-ftz (moment of Inertia) kilogram meter’ (kg-m’) 4.214 011 E-02
Ibm-in.? (moment of inertia) kilogram mete? (kg-m*) 2.926 397 E - 04
Ibmift-hr Pascal second (Pas.) 4.133 789 E -04
lbmift -s Pascal second (Pas) 1.488 164 E+OO
IbmW kilogram per mete? (kg/m2) 4.882 428 E + 00
Ibm/ft3 kilogram per mete? (kg/m3) 1.601 846 E +Ol
Ibm/gal (U.K. liquid) kilogram per mete? (kg/m3) 9.977 633 E + 01
lbmigal (U.S. liquid) kilogram per meter3 (kg/m3) 1.198264 E+02
lbmihr kilogram per second (kg/s) 1.259979 E-04
Ibm/(hp hr)
(SFC, specific fuel consumption) krlogram per Joule (kg/J) 1.689 659 E - 07
Ibmlin.3 krlogram per mete? (kg/ma) 2.767 990 E + 04
lbmimin ktlogram per second (kg/s) 7.559 873 E - 03
lbmis kilogram per second (kg/s) 4.535 924 E - 01
Ibm/yd3 kilogram per meter] (kgim3) 5.932 764 E - 01
poundal newton (N) 1.382 550 E - 01
poundalift’ Pascal (Pa) 1.488 164 E+OO
poundal-s/R2 Pascal second (Pas) 1.488 164 E+OO
pound-force (lbf)‘91 newton (N) 4.448 222 E + 00
IbfWO’ newton meter (N.m) 1.355818 E+OO
Ibf-ft:in.“‘J newton meter per meter [(N-m)/m)] 5.337 866 E +Ot
lbf-in.“‘l newton meter (N.m) 1.129848 E-01
Ibf-rn.:ln.l”’ newton meter per meter [(N-m)/mj 4.448 222 E t 00
Ibf-sift’ Pascal second (Pas) 4.788 026 E + 01
lbfift newton per meter (N/m) 1.459 390 E t 01
IbfW Pascal (Pa) 4.788 026 E + 01
Ibfiin. newton per meter (N/m) 1.751 268 Et 02
Ibf/itxz (psi) Pascal (Pa) 6.894 757 E + 03
lbfllbm (thrust/weight [mass] ratio) newton per kilogram (N/kg) 9.806 650 E t 00
quart (U.S. dry) mete? (m3) 1.101 221 E-03
quart (U.S. liauid) meter3 (m3) 9.463 529 E - 04
rad (radiation’dose absorbed) gray (GY) 1.0’ E-02
rhe 1 per Pascal second [ 1/(Pas)] 1.O’ E+Ol
rod meter (m) (see Footnote 1)
roentgen coulomb per kilogram (C/kg) 2.58 E-04
second (angle) radian (rad) 4.848 137 E -06
second (sidereal) second (s) 9.972 696 E -01
section meter2 (m*) (see Footnote 1)
shake second (s) 1.000 000’ E - 08
slug kilogram (kg) 1.459 390 E t 01
slug/(ft-s) Pascal second (Pas) 4.788 026 E t 01
slug/fV kilogram per metel3 (kg/m3) 5.153 788 E+02
statampere ampere (A) 3.335 640 E 110
statcoulomb coulomb (C) 3.335 640 E - 10
statfarad farad (F) 1.112650 E-12
stathenry henry (H) 8.987 554 E + 11
statmho sremens (S) 1.112650 E-12
statohm ohm (It) 8.987 554 Et 11
statvolt volt (V) 2.997 925 E + 02
stere mete? (m”) 1.O’ E+OO
“‘Not the same dlmenslons as “m#!darcy-foot”
‘BJThe exacf conversion factor IS 4 535 923 7’E 01.
lg’The exact conversion factor IS 4 448 221 615 260 5’E + 00
“@‘Torque unit. see text dwzusslon of “Torque and Bending Moment”
““Torque dlwded by length see fexf d!scuss!on 01 Torque and Bendmg Moment


(symbols of SI units given in parentheses)
To Convert From To Multiply By”
stilb candela per meter* (cd/m*) 1.O’ E+04
stokes (kinematic viscosity) meter* per second (m*/s) 1.O’ E-04
tablespoon metef (m3) 1.470 676 E - 05
teaspoon mete? (m3) 4.928 922 E - 06
tex kilogram per meter (kg/m) 1.O’ E-06
therm joule (J) 1.055 056 E + 08
ton (assay) kilogram (kg) 2.916 667 E-02
ton (tong, 2,240 Ibm) kilogram (kg) 1.016047 E+03
ton (metric) kilogram (kg) 1.o E+03
ton (nuclear equivalent of TNT) joule (J) 4.184 E+09””
ton (refrigeration) watt (W) 3.516 800 E +03
ton (register) metep (m3) 2.831 685 E + 00
ton (short, 2000 Ibm) kllogram (kg) 9.071 847 E + 02
ton (long)/ydJ kilogram per mete? (kg/m3) 1.328 939 E + 03
ton (shott)/hr kilogram per second (kg/s) 2.519958 E-01
ton-force (2000 Ibf) newton (N) 8.896 444 E + 03
tonne kilogram (kg) 1.O’ E+03
torr (mm Hg, 0°C) Pascal (Pa) 1.33322 E+02
township mete? (mz) (see Footnote 1)
unit pole weber (Wb) 1.256 637 E - 67
watthour (W-hr) joule (J) 3.60’ E+03
w.s joule (J) 1.O’ E+OO
W/cm2 watt per meter? (W/m’) 1.O’ Et04
W/in.? watt per meter2 (W/m2) 1.550003 E+03
yard meter (m) 9.144’ E-01
yd2 mete? (m2) 8.361 274 E - 01
Yd3 mete? (m3) 7.645 549 E - 01
ydJ/min mete? per second (m%) 1.274 258 E - 02
year (calendar) second (s) 3.153600 Et07
year (sidereal) second (s) 3.155 815 Ei07
year (tropical) second (s) 3.155693 E+07
“2JOet~ned (not measured) value

Value of Conversion Factor,
Location Vara in Inches Varas to Meters Source
Argentina, Paraguay 34.12 8.666 E-01 Ref. 16
Cadiz, Chile, Peru 33.37 8.476 E-01 Ref. 16
except San Francisco 33.3720 8.478 49 E-01 Ref. 16
San Francisco 33.0 8.38 E-01 Ref. 16
Central America 33.87 8.603 E-01 Ref. 16
Colombia 31.5 8.00 E-01 Ref. 16
Honduras 33.0 8.38 E-01 Ref. 16
Mexico 8.380 E-01 Refs. 16 and 17
Portugal, Brazil 43.0 1.09 Et00 Ref. 16
Spain, Cuba, Venezuela, Philippine Islands 33.38” 8.479 E-01 Ref. 17
Jan. 26, 1801, to Jan. 27, 1838 32.8748 8.350 20 E-01 Ref. 16
Jan. 27, 1838 to June 17, 1919, for
surveys of state land made for Land Office 33-113 8.466 667 E-01 Ref. 16
Jan. 27, 1838 lo June 17, 1919, on private surveys
(unless changed to 33-113 in. by custom arising
to dignity of law and overcoming former law) 32.8748 8.350 20 E-01 Ref. 16
June 17, 1919, to present 33-113 8.466 667 E-01 Ref. 16
*It IS evident from Ref 16 that accurate defined lengths 01 the vala varied slgnlflcantly, according to hlslotlcal date and localay used For work rqulrlng accura&
Co”“ers~~“s. the user should check Closely lnlo Lhe dale and localIon of the wrveys mvolved, with due regard lo what local ,x,cl,ce may have been at that t,me
and place
“This value quoted horn Webster’s New lnternakmal D~chona~


“BallPark” Metnc Values;
(Do Not Use As
Conversion Factors)
4000 square meters
-i 0.4 hectare
barrel 0.16 cubic meter
British thermal unit 1000 joules
British thermal unit per pound-mass 1 2300 joules per kilogram
2.3 kilojoules per kilogram
calorie 4 joules
centipoise 1’ millipascal-second
centistokes 1’ square millimeter per second
darcy 1 square micrometer
degree Fahrenheit (temperature difference) 0.5 kelvin
dyne per centimeter 1’ millinewton per meter
foot -i 30 centimeters
0.3 meter
cubic foot (cu ft) 0.03 cubic meter
cubic foot per pound-mass (fWbm) 0.06 cubic meter per kilogram
square foot (sq ft) 0.1 square meter
foot per minute
{ g’” ~i%%&n$%cond
foot-pound-force 1.4 joules
foot-pound-force per minute 0.02 watt
foot-pound-force per second 1.4 watts
horsepower 750 watts (% kilowatt)
horsepower, boiler 10 kilowatts
inch 2.5 centimeters
kilowatthour 3.6’ megajoules
mile 1.6 kilometers
ounce (avoirdupois) 28 grams
ounce (fluid) 30 cubic centimeters
pound-force 4.5 newtons
pound-force per square inch (pressure, psi) 7 kilopascals
pound-mass 0.5 kilogram
pound-mass per cubic foot 16 kilograms per cubic meter
260 hectares
section 2.6 million square meters
2.6 square kilometers
ton, long (2240 pounds-mass) 1000 kilograms
ton, metric (tonne) 1000’ kilograms
ton, short 900 kilograms


Part 2: Discussion of Metric Unit Standards*

The standards and conventions shown in Part I are part commonly to achieve convenient unit size. Any ap-
of the SPE tentative standards. Table 2. I presents proved prefix may be used in combination with an ap-
nomenclature for Tables 2.2 and 2.3. Table 2.2 is a proved SI unit without violation of these standards ex-
modified form of a table in API 2564 reflecting SPE cept where otherwise noted.
recommendations. Table 2.3 shows a few units com-
monly used in the petroleum industry that are not shown Other Allowable. A small, selected list of non-3 units
in Table 1.7 and 2.2. The columns in these tables are that are approved temporuril~~ for the convenience of the
based on the following. English-metric transition. Use of the allowable units
may be discouraged but is not prohibited. Any tradi-
Quantity and SI Unit. The quantity and the base or tional. non-9 unit not shown is prohibited under these
derived SI unit that describes that quantity. standards.

Customary Unit. The unit most commonly used in ex- Conversion Factor. For certain commonly used units, a
pressing the quantity in English units. conversion factor is shown. The primary purpose in
these tables is to show how the preferrelf metric unit
SPE Preferred. The base or derived SI unit plus the ap-
compares in size with the traditional unit. An effort has
proved prefix, if any, that probably will be used most
been made to keep the unit sizes comparable to minimize
‘Prepared by John M Campbell for the subcommftfee transition difficulties.

A detailed summary of general conversion factors is (a). Note that (a) is used as the abbreviation for year (an-
included as Table 1.7 in Part 1 of this report. num) instead of (yr). The use of the minute as a &me unit
The notation for conversion factors in Tables 2.2 and is discouraged because of abbreviation problems. It
2.3 is explained in the introduction to Table 1.7. should be used only when another time unit is absolutciy
Fig. 2. I shows graphically how SI units are related in inappropriate.
a very coherent manner. Although it may not be readily
apparent, this internal coherence is a primary reason for Date and Time Designation
adoption of the metric system of units. The Subcommittee proposes to recommend a standard
The SPE Metrication Subcommittee is endeavoring to date and time designation to the American Nat]. Stan-
provide SPE members with all information needed on the dards Inst., as shown below. This form already has been
International System of Units and to provide tentative introduced in Canada.
standards (compatible with SI coherence, decimal, and
other principles) for the application of the SI system to 76 - 10 - 03 - 16 : 24 : I4
SPE fields of interest. The tentative SPE standards are year month hour minute second
intended to reflect reasonable input from many sources, (76-IO-03-16:24: 14)
and we solicit your positive input with the assurance that
all ideas will receive careful consideration. The sequence is orderly and easy to remember: only
Review of Selected Units needed portions of the sequence would be used - most
documents would use the first three. No recommenda-
Certain of the quantities and units shown in Tables 2.2 tion has been made for distinguishing the century, such
and 2.3 may require clarification of usage (see also the as 1976 vs. 1876 vs. 2076.
notes preceding Tables 2.2 and 2.3).
Time Area
Although second(s) is the base time unit, any unit of time The hectare (ha) is allowable but its use should be con-
may be used - minute (min), hour(h), day (d), and year fined to large areas that describe the area1 extent of a por-


Symbol Name Quantitv Tvpe of Unit
A ampere electric current base SI unit
annum (year) time allowable (not official SI) unit
4 becquerel activity (of radionuclides) derived SI unit = l/s
bar bar pressure allowable (not official SI) unit, = lo5 Pa
C coulomb quantity of electricity derived SI unit, = 1 As
cd candela luminous intensity base SI unit
“C degree Celsius temperature derived SI unit = 1.0 K
degree plane angle allowable (not official SI) unit
d day time allowable (not officialSI) unit, = 24 hours
F farad electric capacitance derived SI unit, = 1 A.sN
GY gray absorbed dose derived SI unit, = J/kg
9 gram mass allowable (not official SI) unit, = 10~3 kg
H henry inductance derived SI unit, = 1 Vs/A
h hour time allowable (not official SI) unit, = 3.6 x 10’s
Hz hertz frequency derived SI unit, = 1 cycle/s
ha hectare area allowable (not official SI) unit, = lo4 m2
J joule work, energy derived SI unit, = 1 N.m
K kelvin temperature base SI unit
kg kilogram mass base SI unit
kn knot velocity allowable (not official Sl) unit, = 5.144 444 x 10-j m/s
= 1.852 km/h
L liter volume allowable (not official Sl) unit, = 1 dm3
Im lumen luminous flux derived SI unit, = 1
IX Iux illuminance derived SI unit, = 1 Im/mZ
m meter length base SI unit
min minute time allowable (not official SI) unit
minute plane angle Allowable cartography (not official SI) unit
N newton force derived SI unit, = 1 kg,m/s2
naut. mile U.S. nautical mile length allowable (not official SI) unit, = 1.652 x lo3 m
R ohm electric resistance derived SI unit, = 1 V/A
Pa Pascal pressure derived SI unit, = 1 N/m*
rad radian plane angle supplementary SI unit
S siemens electrical conductance derived SI unit, = 1 AN
s second time base SI unit
second plane angle allowable cartography (not official 9) unit
sr steradian solid angle supplementary SI unit
T tesla magnetic flux density derived SI unit, = 1 Wb/mZ
tonne mass allowable (not official SI) unit, = lo3 kg = 1 Mg
v volt electric potential derived SI unit, = 1 W/A
W watt power derived SI unit, = 1 J/s
Wb weber magnetic flux derived SI unit, = 1 V..s

tion of the earth’s crust (normally replacing the acre or In the U.S., the “ -er” ending for meter and liter is of-
section). ficial. The official symbol for the liter is “L.” In other
Volume countries the symbol may be written as “Y” and spelled
The liter is an allowable unit for small volumes only. It out with the “ -re” ending (metre, litre). Since SPE is in-
should be used for volumes not exceeding 100 L. Above ternational. it is expected that members will use local
this volume (or volume rate), cubic meters should be conventions.
used. The only two prefixes allowed with the liter are Notice that “API barrel” or simply “barrel” disap-
“milli” and “micro:’ pears as an allowable volume term.










Fig. Xl-Graphic relationships of SI units with names


Force Unit Standards Under Discussion

Any force term will use the newton (N). Derived units There are some quantities for which the unit standards
involving force also require the newton. The expression have not been clarified to the satisfaction of all parties
of force using a mass term (like the kilogram) is ab- and some controversy remains. These primary quantities
solutely forbidden under these standards. are summarized below.

Mass Permeability
The kilogram is the base unit, but the gram, alone or The SPE-preferred permeability unit is the square
with any approved prefix, is an acceptable SI unit. micrometer (pm*). One darcy (the traditional unit)
For large mass quantities the metric ton (t) may be equals 0.986 923 pm*.
used. Some call this “tonne:’ However, this spelling The fundamental SI unit of permeability (in square
sometimes has been used historically to denote a regular meters) is defined as follows: “a permeability of one
short ton (2,000 lbm). A metric ton is also a megagram meter squared will permit a flow of I m’is of fluid of
(Mg). The terms metric ton or Mg are preferred in text I Pa. s viscosity through an area of I m’ under a
references. pressure gradient of 1 Pa/m.”
The traditional terms of “darcy” and “millidarcy”
Energy and Work have been approved as preferred units of permeability.
The joule (J) is the fundamental energy unit; kilojoules Note 11 of Table 2.2 shows the relationships between
(kJ) or megajoules (MJ) will be used most commonly. traditional and SI units and points out that the units of the
The calorie (large or small) is no longer an acceptable darcy and the square micrometer can be considered
unit under these standards. The kilowatthour is accep- equivalent when high accuracy is not needed or implied.
table for a transition period but eventually should be
replaced by the megajoule. Standard Temperature
Some reference temperature is necessary to show certain
Power properties of materials, such as density. volume. viscosi-
The term horsepower disappears as an allowable unit. ty. and energy level. Historically, the petroleum industry
The kilowatt (kW) or megawatt (MW) will be the almost universally has used 60°F [15.56”C] as this
multiples of the fundamental watt unit used most reference temperature, and metric systems have used
commonly. O”C, 2O”C, and 25°C most commonly, depending on
the data and the area of specialty.
API has opted for 15°C because it is close to 60°F.
Pressure ASME has used 20°C in some of its metric guides. The
The fundamental pressure unit is the Pascal (Pa) but the bulk of continental European data used for gas and oil
kilopascal (kPa) is the most convenient unit. The bar correlations is at O”C, although 15°C is used sometimes.
(100 kPa) is an allowable unit. The pressure term The SPE Subcommittee feels that the choice between
kg/cm2 is not allowable under these standards. 0°C and 15°C is arbitrary. Tentatively, a standard of
15°C has been adopted simply to conform to API stan-
Viscosity dards. It may be desirable to have a flexible temperature
standard for various applications.
The terms poise, centipoise, stokes, and centistokes are
no longer used under these standards. They are replaced Standard Pressure
by the metric units shown in Table 2.2.
To date. some groups have opted for a pressure reference
of 101.325 kPa, which is the equivalent of I std atm.
Temperature The Subcommittee considers this an unacceptable
Although it is permissible to use “C in text references, it number. Its adoption possesses some short-term conve-
is recommended that “K” be used in graphical and nience advantages but condemns future generations to
tabular summaries of data. continual odd-number conversions to reflect the change
of pressure on properties. It also violates the powers-
of-10 aspect of the SI system, one of its primary
Density advantages.
The fundamental SI unit for density is kg/m3. Use of this The current SPE standard is 100 kPa and should be
unit is encouraged. However, a unit like kg/L is used until further notice. It is our hope that reason will
permissible. prevail and others will adopt this standard.
The traditional term “specific gravity” will not be
used. It will be replaced by the term “relative density.” Gauge and Absolute Pressure
API gravity disappears as a measure of relative density. There is no provision for differentiating between gauge
and absolute pressure, and actions by international
Relative Atomic Mass and Molecular Mass bodies prohibit showing the difference by an addendum
The traditional terms “atomic weight” and “molecular to the unit symbol. The Subcommittee recommends that
weight” are replaced in the SI system of units by gauge and absolute be shown using parentheses follow-
“relative atomic mass” and “relative molecular mass,” ing p:
respectively. See Table 1.6. p=643 kPa, p(g)=543 kPa

[p is found from p(g) by adding actual barometric 10. See discussion of “Energy, Torque, and Bending
pressure. (100 kPa is suitable for most engineering Moment,” Part 1.
calculations.)] 11. The permeability conversions shown in Table 2.2
In custody transfer the standard pressure will be are for the traditional definitions of darcy and
specified by contract. Unless there is a special reason not millidarcy.
to do so, the standard pressure will be 100 kPa to In SI units, the square micrometer is the preferred
preserve the “multiples of ten” principle of the metric unit of permeability in fluid flow through a porous
system. medium, having the dimensions of viscosity times
Standard pressure normally is defined and used as an volume flow rate per unit area divided by pressure
absolute pressure. So, psc = 100 kPa is proper notation. gradient, which simplifies to dimensions of length
Absolute pressure is implied if no (g) is added to denote squared. (The fundamental SI unit is the square
gauge pressure specifically. meter, defined by leaving out the factor of IO-‘* in
the equation below).
Standard Volumes A permeability of 1 pm* will permit a flow of
Cubic meters at standard reference conditions must be 1 m3/s of fluid of 1 Pa. s viscosity through an area
equated to a term with the standard “SC” subscript. For of 1 m2 under a pressure gradient of lo’* Pa/m
example, for a gas production rate of 1 200 000 m3/d, (neglecting gravity effects):
I pm2 = lo-‘* Pa.s [m3/(s.m2)](m/Pa)
qx,y,=1.2x IO6 m3/d or 1.2 (E+06) m3/d = 10 ~ I2 Pa. s(m/s)(mlPa)
read as “1.2 million cubic meters per day.” = lo-‘* m2

If the rate is 1200 cubic meters per day, write The range of values in petroleum work is best
served by units of 1O-3 pm2. The traditional
q,,Yc=1.2x103 m3/d. millidarcy (md) is an informal name for 10 -3 pm*,
which may be used where high accuracy is not
For gas in place, one could write implied.
For virtually all engineering purposes, the
G,,=11.0x10’* m3. familiar darcy and millidarcy units may be taken to
be equal to 1 pm2 and 10 -3 pm*. respectively.
Notes for Table 2.2 12. The ohm-meter is used in borehole geophysical
1. The cubem (cubic mile) is used in the measurement devices.
of very large volumes, such as the content of a 13. As noted in Sec. 1, the mole is an amount of
sedimentary basin. substance expressible in elementary entities as
2. In surveying, navigation, etc., angles no doubt will atoms, molecules, ions, electrons. and other par-
continue to be measured with instruments that read ticles or specified groups of such particles. Because
out in degrees, minutes, and seconds and need not the expression “kilogram mole” is inconsistent
be converted into radians. But for calculations in- with other SI practices, we have used the abbrevia-
volving rotational energy, radians are preferred. tion “kmol” to designate an amount of substance
3. The unit of a million years is used in which contains as many kilograms (groups of
geochronology. The mega-annum is the preferred molecules) as there are atoms in 0.0 12 kg of carbon
SI unit, but many prefer simply to use mathematical 12 multiplied by the relative molecular mass of the
notation (i.e., X 106). substance involved. In effect, the “k” prefix is
4. This conversion factor is for an ideal gas. merely a convenient way to identify the type of en-
5. Subsurface pressures can be measured in tity and facilitate conversion from the traditional
megapascals or as freshwater heads in meters. If the pound mole without’violating SI conventions.
latter approach is adopted, the hydrostatic gradient
becomes dimensionless. Notes for Table 2.3
6. Quantities listed under “Facility Throughput, 1. The standard cubic foot (scf) and barrel (bbl) rem
Capacity” are to be used only for characterizing the ferred to are measured at 60°F and 14.696 psia; the
size or capacity of a plant or piece of equipment. cubic meter is measured at 15°C and 100 kPa
Quantities listed under “Flow Rate” are for use in (1 bar).
design calculations. 2. The kPa is the preferred SPE unit for pressure. But
7. This conversion factor is based on a density of 1.0 many are using the bar as a pressure measurement.
kg/dm 3 The bar should be considered as a nonapproved
8. Seismic velocities will be expressed in km/s. name (or equivalent) for 100 kPa.
9. The interval transit time unit is used in sonic log- 3. See discussion of “Torque and Bending Moment , ”
ging work. Part I.


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Length m naut mile km 1.852’ E+00

mile km 1.809 344* E + 00
chain m 2.011 68 E+Ol
link m 2.011 68 E-01
fathom m 1.828 8’ E+OO
m m 1.O’ E+OO
yd m 9.144’ E-01
fl m 3.048’ E-01
cm 3.048’ E+nl
in. mm 2.54’ E+Ol
cm 2.54’ E+OO
cm mm 1.O’ E+Ol
cm 1.O’ E+00
mm mm 1.O’ E+OO
mil pm 2.54’ E+Ol
micron (f.~) bm 1.O’ E+OO
Length/length m/m fUm+ m/km 1.893 939 E-01
Length/volume m/m3 fUU.S. gal m/m3 8.051 964 E+Ol
ftw m/m3 1.078 391 E+Ol
ft/bbl m/m3 1.917 134 E+OO
Length/temperature m/K see “Temperature, Pressure, Vacuum”
Area m2 sq mile km2 2.589 988 E +00
section km2 2.589 988 E +00
ha 2.589 988 E+O2
acre m2 4.046 858 E+03
ha 4.046 856 E-01
ha m2 1.o Ec04
sq yd m2 8.361 274 E-01
sq fl m2 9.290 304’ E - 02
cm2 9.290 304’ E + 02
sq in. mm2 6.451 8’ E+O2
cm2 6.451 6’ E+OO
cm2 mm2 1.0 Et02
cm2 1.0 Et00
mm2 mm2 1.0 E+OO
Area/volume m2/m3 ft?in? m21cm3 5.699 291 E-03
Area/mass m2/kg cm2ig m*/kg 1.0 E-01
mYg 1.0 E-04
Volume, capacity m3 cubem km’ 4.168 182 E+OO””
acre-ft m3 1.233 489 E+03
ham 1.233 489 E-01
m3 m3 1.o E+OO
cu vd m3 7.645 549 E - 01
bbl (42 U.S. aal) m” 1.589 873 E-01
cu R m3 2.831 685 E-02
dm3 L 2.831 685 E+Ol
U.K. gal m3 4.546 092 E-03
dm3 L 4.546 092 E+OO
U.S. gal m3 3.785 412 E-03
.-tm3 I 37A‘iAl7 F+rul
liter dm3 L 1.0’ E+OO -
U.K. qt dm3 L 1.136 523_ Finn

11s nt rim3 I Q AR7 5X

_.._-__ J E-01
U.S. pt dm3 L 4.731 765 E-01
‘An asterisk cdcates that the conversion factcf IS exact using the numbers shown. all subsequent numbers are zeros
“Conversion factors for length. area. and volume (and related quanblles) I” Table 2.2 are based on the intemabonal foot See Footnote 1 of Table 1 7. Part 1


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unrt


Volume, capacity m3 U.K. fl oz cm3 2.841 308 E+Ol

U.S. fl oz cm3 2.957 353 E+Ol
cu in. cmJ 1.638 706 E+Ol
mL cm3 1.O’ E+OO
Volume/length m31m bbliin. m31m 6.259 342 Et00
(linear displacement) bbl/H m3/m 5.216 119 E-01
H3/H m31m 9.290 304’ E - 02
U.S. gal/H m31m 1.241 933 E-02
dm31m Urn 1.241 933 E+Oi
Volume/mass m3ikg see “Density, Specific Volume, Concentration, Dosage”
Plane angle rad rad rad 1.O’ E+OO
deg (“1 rad 1.745 329 E -. 02 121
0 1.O’ E+OO
min (‘) rad 2.908 882 E - 04 12’
1.O’ E+OO
set (“) rad 4.848 137 E - 06 ‘2’
n 1.o E+OO
Solid angle sr sr sr 1.o E+OO
Time S million years (MY) Ma 1.o E + 00 ‘W
v a 1.0 E+OO
wk d 7.0 E+OO
d d 1.o E+OO
hr h 1.o E+OO
min 6.0 E+Ol
min S 6.0 E+Ol
h 1.666 667 E-02
min 1.O’ E+OO
S S 1.o E+OO
millimicrosecond ns 1.0 E+OO


Mass U.K. ton (long ton) Mg t 1,016 047 E+OO

US. ton (short ton) Mg t 9.071 847 E-01
U.K. ton kg 5.080 235 E+Ol
U.S. cwt kg 4.535 924 E+Ol
kg kg 1.o E+OO
ibm ka 4.535 924 E-01
oz (troy) 9 3.110 348 E+Ol
oz (av) 9 2.834 952 E + 01
9 9 1.o E+OO
grain m9 6.479 891 E+Ol
m9 m9 1.o E+OO
9 9 1.O’ E+OO
Mass/length kg/m see “Mechanics”
Masslarea kg/m2 see “Mechanics”
Mass/volume kg/m3 see “Density, Specific Volume, Concentration, Dosage”
Mass/mass ‘Wkg see “Density, Specific Volume, Concentration, Dosage”
Amount of mol Ibm mol kmol 4.535 924 E-01
substance g mol kmol 1.O’ E-03
std m3 (WC, 1 atm) kmol 4.461 58 E - 02 II 131
std m3 (15”C, 1 atm) kmol 4.229 32 E- 02 II 131
std ft3 (6O”F, 1 atm) kmol 1.1953 E - 03 II 131


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multrply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Calorific value J/kg Btuilbm MJikg 2.326 E-03

(mass basis) kJ/kg J’g 2.326 E+OO
(kW.h)/kg 6.461 112 E-04
Cal/g kJ/kg J’g 4.184’ E+OO
caklbm J/kg 9.224 141 E+OO
Calorific value Jimol kcalig mol kJ/kmol 4.184’ c+o3’3
(mole basis) Btu/lbm mol MJikmol 2.326 E-0313
kJ/kmol 2.326 E + OOt3
Calorific value J/m3 therm/U.K. gal MJlm3 kJ/dm3 2.320 80 E+04
(volume basis - kJ/m3 2.320 80 E+07
solids and liquids) (kW.h)/dm3 6.446 660 E+OO
BtuiUS. gal MJlm3 kJ/dm3 2.787 163 E-01
kJ/m3 2.787 163 E+02
(kW,h)/m3 7.742 119 E-02
Btu!U.K. gal MJlm3 kJ/dm3 2.320 8 E-01
kJ/m3 2.320 8 E+02
(kW.h)/m3 6.446 660 E-02
BtuifP MJlm3 kJidm3 3.725 895 E-02
kJ/m3 3.725 895 E+Ol
(kW.h)/m3 1.034 971 E-02
kcal/m3 MJlm3 kJidm3 4.184’ E-03
kJ/m3 4.184’ E+OO
cal/mL MJ/m3 4.184’ E+OO
ft-1bfiU.S. gal kJ/m” 3.581 692 E-01
Calorific value Jim3 cal/mL kJ/m3 J/dm3 4.184. E+03
(volume basis - kcalim3 kJlm” J/dm3 4.184’ E+OO
BtuiH3 kJ/m” Jldm3 3.725 895 E+Oi
(kW. h)/m 3 1.034 971 E-02
Specific entropy J1kg.K Btu/(lbm-“R) kJi(kg.K) J/b. N 4.186 8’ E+OO
cali(g-“K) kJi(kg.K) J/b. K) 4.184’ E+OO
kcal!( kg%) kJi(kg.K) J/h. W 4.184’ E+OO
Specific heat J/kg.K kW-hr/(kg-“C) kJ/(kg.K) J4g ’K) 3.6’ E+03
capacity Btu/(lbm-“F) kJ/( kg.K) J/h. K) 4.186 8 E+OO
(mass basis)
kcal/(kg-“C) kJ/( kg.K) J/b. to 4.184’ E+OO
Molar heat Jlmo1.K Btui(lbm mol-“F) kJI(kmo1.K) 4.186 8’ E+00r3
capacity cal!(g mol-“C) kJI(kmo1.K) 4.184’ E - 0013


Temperature K “R K 519
(absolute) “K K 1.O’ E+OO
Temperature K “F “C (“F - 32)/l .8
(traditional) “C “C 1.O’ E+OO
Temperature K “F K “C 5i9 E+OO
(difference) “C K “C 1.O’ E+OO
Temperature/length K/m “F/100 ft mWm 1.822 689 E+Ol
(geothermal gradient)
Length/temperature m/K ft/‘F m/K 5.486 4’ E-01
(geothermal step)
Pressure Pa atm (760mm Hg at 0°C or MPa 1.013 25’ E-01
14.696 (Ibfiin.2) kPa 1.013 25’ E+02
bar 1,013 25’ E+OO
bar MPa 1.O’ E-01
kPa 1.O’ E+02
bar 1.0 E+OO
at (technical atm., kgf:cm*) MPa 9.806 65’ E-02
kPa 9.806 65’ E+Ol
bar 9.806 65’ E-01


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Pressure Pa Ibflin.2 (psi) MPa 6.894 757 E - 03

kPa 6.894 757 E+OO
bar 6.894 757 E - 02
in. fig (32’F) kPa 3.386 38 E+OO
in. Hg (60°F) kPa 3.376 05 E+OO
in. Hz0 (39.2”F) kPa 2.490 82 E-01
in. Hz0 (60°F) kPa 2.408 4 E-01
mm Hg (0°C) = torr kPa 1.333 224 E-01
cm Hz0 (4°C) kPa 9.806 38 E-02
Ibf/A* (psf) kPa 4.788 026 E - 02
v Hg (0°C) Pa 1.333 224 E-01
pbar Pa 1.O’ E-01
dyne/cm2 Pa 1.O’ E-01
Vacuum, draft Pa in. Hg (60°F) kPa 3.376 85 E+OO
in. Hz0 (39.2-F) kPa 2.490 82 E-01
in. Hz0 (60°F) kPa 2.488 4 E-01
mm Hg (0°C) = torr kPa 1.333 224 E-01
cm HZ0 (4°C) kPa 9.806 38 E-02
Liquid head m R m 3.048’ E-01
in. mm 2.54’ E+Ol
cm 2.54’ E+OO
Pressure drop/length Pa/m psi/ft kPa!m 2.262 059 E + 01
psi/l 00 ft kPa/m 2.262 059 E - 01 w


Density (gases) kg/m3 IbmW kg/m3 1.601 846 E+Ol

g/m3 1.601 846 E +04
Density (liquids) kg/m3 1bmiU.S. gal kg/m3 1.198 264 E+02
g/cm3 1.198264 E-01
Ibm/U.K. gal kg/m3 9.977 633 E + 01
kg/dm3 9.977 633 E - 02
IbmlfP kg/m3 1.601 846 E+Ol
g/cm3 1.601 846 E-02
g/cm3 kg/m3 1.o* E+03
kgidm3 1.o E+OO
“API g/cm3 141.5!(131.5+“API)
Density (solids) kg/m3 IbmW kg/m3 1.601 846 E+Ol
Specific volume ma/kg R3/lbm m31kg 6.242 796 E - 02
(gases) m31g 6.242 796 E - 05
Specific volume m%g fWlbm dm3/kg 6.242 796 E + 01
(liquids) cmYg
U.K. galilbm dm31kg 1.002 242 E+Ol
U.S. galilbm dm3/kg cm3/g 8.345 404 E+OO
Specific volume m3/mol Ug mol m3/kmol 1.O’ E + 00’3
(mole basis)
fWbm mol m3ikmol 6.242 796 E - 0213
Specific volume m31kg bb1iU.S. ton m% 1.752 535 E-01
(clay yield) bbl/U.K. ton m% 1.564 763 E-01
Yield (shale m3/kg bbliU.S. ton dm% ut 1.752 535 E+02
bb1iU.K. ton dm% Lit 1.564 763 E+02
U.S. gal/US. ton dm311 ut 4.172 702 E+OO
U.S. ga1lU.K. ton dm3/t Lit 3.725 627 E+OO
Concentration Wb wt % Wkg 1.O’ E-02
(mass/mass) @kg 1.0’ E+Ol
w mm w/kg 1.O’ E+OO
(mass/volume) kg/m3 lbmibbl kg/m3 gidm3 2.853 010 E+OO
g/US. gal kg/m3 2.641 720 E-01
gIU.K. gal kg/m3 9’L 2.199 692 E-01


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Gel Metric Unit


Concentration kg/m3 lbmilOO0 U.S. gal g/m3 mg/dmJ 1.198 264 E+02
(mass/volume) IbmilOOO U.K. gal glm3 mg/dmJ 9.977 633 E + 01
grains/US. gal gimJ mg/dm3 1.711 806 E+Ol
grains/W mg/m3 2.266352 E+O3
IbmilOOO bbl g/m3 mg/dm3 2.853010 E+OO
mg1U.S. gal g/m3 mgldm3 2.641 720 E-01
grains000 ft3 mgim3 2.266 352 E+Ol
Concentration m31mJ bbllbbl m31m3 1.O’ E+OO
(volume/volume) ftw m31m3 1.O’ E+OO
bbl/acreft m31m3 1.288 923 E-04
ma/ham 1.288 923 E+OO
vol % m3/m3 1.O’ E-02
U.K. aal/W dm3/m3 L/m3 1.m=l4R7 F+fP
U.S. aaW dm3/m3 Urn3 i .336 An8 F+n7
mL/U.S. aal dm3/m3 L/m3 2.841 720 F-n1
mL/U.K. aal dm31m3 L/m3 2.199 Is2 F-01
vol ppm cm3im3 1.O’ E+OO
dm31m3 L/m3 1.O’ E-03
J.K. gal/l000 bbl cm31m3 2.859 406 E+Ol
J.S. gal11000 bbl cm3im3 2.380 952 E+Ol
IJ.K. pti1000 bbl cmYm3 3.574 253 E+OO
Concentration mol/m3 Ibm mo1iU.S. gal kmollm3 1.198 264 E+02
(mole/volume) Ibm moliU.K. gal kmol/m3 9.977633 E+Ol
Ibm mol/fP kmol/m3 1.601 846 E+Ol
std H3(6o”F, kmol/m3 7.518 18 E-03
1 atm)/bbl
Concentration m3/mol U.S. gall1000 std W dm3ikmol Ukmol 3.166 93 E+OO
(volume/mole) (6O”Fi6O”F)
bbl/million std ft3 dm3/kmol Ukmol 1.330 11 E-01


Throughput kg/s million Ibm/yr ffa Mg/a 4.535 924 E+02

(mass basis) U.K. toniyr t/a Mgla 1.016 047 E+OO
US. toniyr t/a Mgla 9.071 847 E-01
U.K. ton/D Vd Mgid 1.016047 E+OO
t/h, Mgih 4.233 529 E-02
U.S. ton/D t/d 9.071 847 E-01
tih, Mg/h 3.779 936 E - 02
U.K tonlhr t/h Mg/h 1.016 047 E+OO
U.S. tonlhr t/h Mglh 9.071 a47 E-01
lbmlhr kg/h 4.535 924 E-01
Throughput m3/s bbl/D t/a 5.603 036 E+Ol “I
(volume basis) maid 1.589 a73 E-01
m3/h 6.624 471 E-03
W/D m3/h 1.179 869 E-03
m31d 2.831 685 E-02
bbllhr mJ/h I.589 a73 E-01
113/h m31h 2.831 685 E-02
U.K. gallhr m3/h 4.546 092 E-03
L/s 1.262 803 E-03
U.S. gallhr m31h 3.785 412 E-03
US 1.051 503 E-03
U.K. gal/min m31h 2.727 655 E-01
US 7.576 819 E-02
U.S. galimin m3/h 2.271 247 E-01
US 6.309 020 E ~ 02


Conversion Factor”
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Throughput molis Ibm mol!hr kmolih 4.535 924 E - 01

(mole bass) kmolis 1.259 979 E-04

Pipeline capacity m31m bblimile mVkm 9.879 013 E-02

Flow rate kg/s U.K. tonimin kg/s 1.693412 E+Ol
(mass basis) U.S tonimin kg/s 1.511 974 E+Ol
U.K. tonihr kg/s 2.822 353 E-01
U.S. tonihr kg/s 2.519 958 E-01
U.K. ton/D kg/s 1.175980 E-02
U.S ton/D kg/s 1.049 982 E-02
million lbmiyr kg/s 5.249 912 E+OO
U.K. ton/yr kg/s 3.221 864 E-05
US toniyr kg/s 2.876 664 E-05
lbmls kg/s 4.535 924 E-01
lbmlmin kg/s 7.559 873 E-03
Ibm/hr kg/s 1.259 979 E-04
Flow rate m% bbl/D m3id 1.589 873 E-01
(volume basis) US 1.840 131 E-03
ftVD m’ld 2.831 685 E-02
US 3.277 413 E-04
bbl/hr mJls 4.416 314 E-05
US 4.416 314 E-02
RVhr m% 7.865 791 E-06
US 7.865 791 E-03
U.K. galihr dmVs US 1.262 803 E-03
U.S. galihr dm% US 1.051 503 E-03
U.K. gal/min dmVs US 7.576 820 E-02
U.S. galimin dmVs US 6.309 020 E - 02
ftVmin dm3!s US 4.719 474 E-01
ftVS dm% US 2.831 685 E+Ol
Flow rate mol/s Ibm molis kmolis 4.535 924 E-01=
(mole basis) Ibm mol/hr kmolis 1.259 979 E - 04’5
million scWD kmolis 1.363 449 E - 02’3
Flow rate/length kgism Ibmi(s-ft) kg/(sm) 1.488 164 E+OO
(mass basis) Ibm/(hr-ft) kg/(sm) 4.133 789 E-04
Flow rate/length m2is U.K. gal!(min-ft) m% mV(sm) 2.485 833 E - 04
(volume basis) U.S. gal!(min-ft) m2is mV(sm) 2.069 888 E - 04
U.K. gali(hr-in.) m2/s mV(sm) 4.971 667 E-05
US. gali(hr-in.) mVs mV(sm) 4.139 776 E-05
U.K. gali(hr-ft) m*/s mV(sm) 4.143055 E-06
US. gali(hr-ft) m’ls m3/(sm) 3.449 814 E-06
Flow rate/area kg/sm* lbm/(s-ft’) kg/sm2 4.882 428 E+OO
(mass basis) lbmi(hr-ft2) kg/sm2 1.356 230 E-03
Flow rate/area m/s W(S4t~) mis m’(sm*) 3.048 E-01
(volume basis) Wlmin-ftz) m/s mV(sm*) 5.08’ E-03
U.K. gaV(hr-tn2) m/s mV(sm*) 1.957 349 E-03
U.S. gal!(hr-rn2) m/s m3/(smz) 1.629 833 E-03
U.K. gal!(mm-ft’) mls m’/(sm*) 8.155 621 E-04
US. gal!(mmW) mis mV(sm*) 6.790 972 E - 04
U.K. gali(hr-ft’) mls mV(sm*) 1.359 270 E-05
U.S. gal!(hr#) m/s m31(sm2) 1.131 829 E-05
Flow rate/ mYsPa bbli(D-psr) mV(d.kPa) 2.305 916 E-02
pressure drop
(productivity index)


Conversion Factor*
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Energy, work J quad MJ 1.055 056 E+12

TJ 1.055 056 Et06
EJ 1.055 056 E+OO
MW*h 2.930 711 Et08
GW.h 2.930 711 Et05
TWh 2.930 711 Et02
therm MJ 1.055 056 E+02
kJ 1.055 056 E+05
kW.h 2.930 711 E+Ol
U.S. tonf-mile MJ 1.431 744 E+Ol
hp-hr MJ 2.684 520 E+OO
kJ 2.684 520 E+03
kW.h 7.456 999 E-01
ch-hr or CV-hr MJ 2.647 796 Et00
N 2.647 796 E+03
kW.h 7.354 99 E-01
kW-hr MJ 3.6’ E+OO
kJ 3.6’ E+03
Chu kJ 1.899 101 E+OO
kW.h 5.275 280 E-04
f3tu kJ 1.055 056 E+OO
kW.h 2.930 711 E-04
kcal kJ 4.184’ E+OO
cal kJ 4.184’ E-03
ft-lbf kJ 1.355 818 E-03
Ibf-ft kJ 1.355 818 E-03
J kJ 1.O’ E-03
Ibf-ftz/s2 kJ 4.214 011 E-05
erg J 1.O’ E-07
Impact energy J kgf-m J 9.806 650’ E + 00
Ibf-ft J 1.355818 E+OO
WorWlength Jim U.S. tonf-mileift MJlm 4.697 322 Et01
Surface energy J/m2 erg/cm2 mJlmZ 1.O’ E+OO
Specific impact J/m2 kgf.m/cm* J/cm’ 9.806 650’ E - 00
energy Ibf+t/in.* J/cm2 2.101 522 E-01
Power W quadiyr MJia 1.055 056 E+12
TJia 1.055 056 Et06
EJia 1.055 056 E+OO
erg/a TW 3.170 979 E-27
GW 3.170979 E-24
million Btu/hr MW 2.930 711 E-01
ton of kW 3.516 853 E+OO
ml/s kW 1.055 056 E+OO
kW kW 1 .O’ E+OO
hydraulic horse- kW 7.460 43 E-01
power - hhp
hp (electric) kW 7.46’ E-01
hp (550 ft-lbfis) kW 7.456 999 E-01
ch or CV kW 7.354 99 E-01
Btuimin kW 1.758 427 E-02
ft*lbf/s kW 1.355 818 E-03
kcalihr W 1.162222 E+OO
Btuihr W 2.930 711 E-01
Albfimin W 2.259 697 E-02
Power/area W/m2 Btuis.ft? kWlmz 1.135653 E+Ol
cal/hrcm? kWlm2 1.162222 E-02
Btuihrft? kW/m2
.- 3.154 591 E-03


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Heat flow unit - hfu ~calls’cm2 mWlm2 4.184’ E+Ol

Heat release rate, W/m3 hpift3 kWlm3 2.633 414 E+Ol
mixing power cal/(hpcm3) kW/m3 1.162 222 E+OO
Btu/(sft3) kW/m3 3.725 895 E+Ol
Btui(hrW) kWlm3 1.034 971 E-02
Heat generation cal/(s-cm3) pWlm3 4.184’ E+12
unit - hgu
(radioactive rocks)
Cooling duty WAN Btu/(bhp-hr) W/kW 3.930 148 E-01
Specific fuel kg/J Ibm/(hp-hr) mg/J kg/MJ 1.689 659 E-01
consumption kg/(kW-h) 6.082 774 E-01
(mass basis)
Specific fuel m3/J mJ/(kW-hr) dm31MJ mm3/J 2.777 778 E + 02
consumption dm?(kW.h) 1.0 E+03
(volume basis) U.S. gal/(hp-hr) dm3/MJ mm3/J 1.410089 E+OO


Velocity (linear), m/s knot km/h 1.852 E+OO

speed mileihr km/h 1.609 344’ E + 00
m/s m/s 1.O’ E+OO
fUS m/s 3.048’ E-01
cm/s 3.048’ E+Ol
mfms 3.048’ E - 04@’
ftlmin m/s 5.08’ E-03
cm/s 5.08’ E-01
ftihr mm/s 8.466 667 E-02
cm/s 8.466 667 E - 03
ft/D mm/s 3.527 778 E - 03
m/d 3.048’ E-01
in.& mm/s 2.54’ E+Ol
cm/s 2.54 E+OO
in./min mm/s 4.233 333 E-01
cmls 4.233 333 E ~ 02
Velocity (angular) radls revlmin radls 1.047 198 E-01
rev/s rad/s 6.283 185 Et00
degree/min radls 2.908 882 E-04
Interval transit time s/m S/ft s/m KS/m 3.280 840 E + OO@
Corrosion rate m/s in./yr (ipy) mmla 2.54’ E+Ol
miliyr mmla 2.54’ E-02
Rotational frequency rev/s rev/s rev/s 1.O’ E+OO
revimin rev/s 1.666 667 E-02
revimin radls 1.047 198 E-01
Acceleration m/s* ftk* m/s2 3.048’ E-01
(linear) cm/s2 3.048’ E+Ol
gal(cm@) mls2 1.O’ E-02
Acceleration rad/s2 radls2 rad/s2 1.O’ E+OO
(rotational) rpmis lad/s2 1.047 198 E-01
Momentum kg.m/s Ibm.ftJs kg.m/s 1.382 550 E-01


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


LI S. tonf kN 8.896 443 E+OO

kgf (kp) N 9.806650’ Et00

Ihf N 4.448 222 E+OO
N N 1.O’ E+OO
ndl mN 1.382 550 E+02
dyne mN 1.o E-02
Bending moment, N.m US. tonf-ft kN.m 2.711 636 E + OO”O’
torque kgf-m N.m 9.806 650’ E + 00”01
Ibf-ft N.m 1.355 818 E + OO”o
Ibf-in. N-m 1.129848 E - ,,,“O’
odl-ft N.m 4.214011 E- 021’0’
Bending moment/ N.m/m (Ibf-ft)/in. (N.m)/m 5.337 866 E + Ol”O1
length (kgf-m)/m (N.m)/m 9.806 650’ E + OO”O1
(Ibf-in.)/in. (N.m)/m 4.448 222 E + OO”O’
Elastic moduli Pa Ibf!in.’ GPa 6.894 757 E-06
(Young’s, Shear bulk)
Moment of inertia kqm* Ibm-ft2 kg.m2 4.214 011 E-02
Moment of section m4 in.4 cm* 4.162 314 E+Ol
Section modulus m3 cu in. cm3 1.638 706 E+Ol
cu fi cm3 1.638 706 E+04
mm3 2.831 685 E+04
m3 2.831 685 E-02
Stress Pa U.S. tonf/in.2 MPa N/mm2 1.378 951 E+Ol
kgWmm2 MPa N/mm2 9.806 650’ E + 00
US. tonf/ft2 MPa N/mm2 9.576 052 E - 02
IbWin.?(osi) MPa N/mm2 6.894 757 E-03
Ibf/ft2 (psf) kPa 4.788 026 E-02
dyne/cm2 Pa 1.O’ E-01
Yield point, Ibf/lOO ft2 Pa 4.788 026 E-01
gel strength
Ldrillina fluid)
Mass/length kg/m Ibm/ft kg/m 1.488 164 E+OO
kg/m2 U.S. ton/ft2 Mgim2 9.764 855 E+OO
structural loading,
bearing capacity Ibm/ft2 kg/m2 4.882 428 E+OO
(mass basis)
Coefficient of m/(m.K) In./(in.-“F) mm/(mm.K) 5.555 556 E-01
thermal expansion

Diffusivity m21s fV/S mm2/s 9.290 304’ E + 04
cm2’s mm21s 1.O’ E+02
ft2/hr mm2/s 2.580 64’ E+Ol
Thermal resistance (k.m*)/W (“ (K.m2)/kW 8.604 208 E +02
(“F-ft2 hr)iBtu (K.m2VkW 1.761 102 E+O2
Heat flux Wlm2 Btu/(hr-R*) kW/mz 3.154 591 E-03
Thermal W/(m.K) (Cal/s-cm2-%)/cm W/(m.K) 4.184* E+02
conductivity Btu/(hr-ft-“Fift) W/(m.K) 1.730 735 E+OO
kJ.m/(h.m2.K) 6.230 646 E+OO
kcali(hr-mz-“Cim) W/(m.K) 1.162 222 E+OO
Btu/(hr-R2-“Fiin.) W/(m.K) 1.442 279 E-01
- cal/(hr-cm’-“C/cm) W/(m.K) 1.162222 E-01


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiolv Customarv
Customary SPE Other Unii dy Factor to’
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Heat transfer W/(m2.K) cal/(s-cm?-“C) 4.184’ E+Ol

coefficient Btu/(s-ft2-“F) 2.044 175 E +Ol
cal/(hr-cm2-“C) 1.162 222 E-02
Btu/(hr-ft2-“F) kWi(m2.K) 5.678 263 E - 03
kJ/(h.m>.K) 2.044 175 E+Ol
Btu/(hr-f&OR) kW/(m*.K) 5.678 263 E-03
kcal/(hr-m2-“C) kWi(m*.K) 1.162222 E-03
Volumetric heat W/(m3.K) Btui(s-ft3-“F) kW/(m3.K) 6.706 611 E+Ol
transfer coefficient Btu/(hr-f13-“F) kW/(m3.K) 1.862 947 E-02
Surface tension N/m dyne/cm mN/m 1.O’ E+OO
Viscosity P&S (Ibf-s)iin.2 Pas (Ns)im2 6.894 757 E + 03
(dynamic) (Ibf-s)ift2 Pas (N.s)/m’ 4.788 026 E+Ol
(kgf-s)/m* Pas (Ns)/m2 9.806 650’ E + 00
Ibm/(ft-s) Pas (Ns)/m* 1.488 164 E+OO
(dyne-@/cm2 Pas (Ns):m2 1.O’ E-01
cP Pa.s (Ns)/m* 1.O’ E-03
Ibm/( Pas (N+m2 4.133 789 E-04
Viscosity m21s ft% mm% 9.290 304’ E + 04
(kinematic) in.*/s mm% 6.451 6 E+02
m2/hr mm2is 2.777 778 E+O2
cm21s mm2/s 1.o E+02
ft*/hr mm2is 2.580 64’ E+Ol
cst mm% 1.O’ E+OO
Permeability m2 darcy km2 9.869 233 E -01’“’
millidarcy km2 9.869 233 E - 04’“’
10m3pm2 9.869 233 E-O,‘“,


Admittance S S S 1.O’ E+OO

Capacitance F CLF )LF 1.O’ E+OO
Capacity, C A-hr kC 3.6’ E+OO
storage battery
Charge density C/m3 C/mm3 C/mm3 1.O’ E+OO
Conductance S S S 1.O’ E+OO
U (mho) S 1.O’ E+OO
Conductivity S/m S/m S/m 1.O’ E+OO
u/m S/m 1.O’ E+OO
mu/m mS/m 1.o E+OO
Current density A/m2 Almm’ A/mm2 1.O’ E+OO
Displacement C/m2 C/cm2 C/cm? 1.o E+OO
Electric charge C C C 1.O’ E+OO
Electric current A A A 1.o E+OO
Electric dipole C*m C.m C.m 1.o E+OO
Electric field V/m Vim V/m 1.O’ E+OO
Electric flux C C C 1.O’ E+OO
Electric polarization C/m2 C/cm2 C/cm2 1.O’ E+OO
Electric potential V V V 1.O’ E+OO
mV mV 1.O’ E+OO
Electromagnetic A.m2 A.m2 A.m2 1.O’ E+OO
Electromolive force V V V 1.O’ E+OO
Flux of displacement C C C 1.O’ E+OO


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Frequency HZ cycles/s HZ 1.O’ E+OO

Impedance n n n 1.O’ E+OO
Interval transit time slm @ft t&m 3.280 840 E+OO
Linear current Aim A/mm Aimm 1.O’ E+OO
Magnetic dipole Wbsm Wb.m Wbm 1.o E+OO
Magnetic field A/m A/mm Aimm 1.O’ E+OO
strength oersted Aim 7.957 747 E+Ol
gamma Aim 7.957 747 E-04
Magnetic flux Wb mWb mWb 1.O’ E+OO
Magnetic flux T mT mT 1.O’ E+OO
density gauss T 1.o* E-04
Magnetic induction T mT mT 1.O’ E+OO
Magnetic moment A*mZ A-m2 A.m2 1.o* E+OO
Magnetic T mT mT 1.O’ E+OO
Magnetic potential A A A 1.O’ E+OO
Magnetic vector Wb/m Wbimm Wblmm 1
Magnetization Aim A/mm A/mm 1
Modulus of S S S 1
Modulus of R n n 1
Mutual inductance H H H 1
Permeability H/m pH/m PHim 1
Permeance H H H 1
Permittivity F/m WFlm kF/m 1
Potential difference V V V 1
Quantity of C C C 1
Reactance n cl n 1
Reluctance H-’ H-1 H-’ 1
Resistance n R R 1
Resistivity Darn @cm fkm 1
Dm Drn 1 W,
Self inductance H mH mH 1
Surface density C/m* mClm* mClmz 1
of charge
Susceptance S S S 1
Volume density C/m3 C/mm3 C/mm3 1
of charae


Absorbed dose GY rad GY 1.o E-02

Acoustical enerav J J J 1
Acoustical intensity Wfm2 W/cm2 Wlm* 1.o E+O4
Acoustical Dower W W W 1
Sound oressure N/m* Nim2 N/m2 1
llluminance lx footcandle lx 1.076 391 E+Ol
Illumination lx footcandle lx 1.076 391 E+Ol
lrradiance Wlm* W/m2 Wlm* 1
Light exposure 1x3 footcandles 1x.s 1.076 391 E + 01
Luminance cd/m* cd/m2 cd/m2 1
Luminous efficacv ImiW ImiW ImiW 1


Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unrt Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit


Luminous exitance Im/mz lmim2 lm/mZ 1

Luminous flux Im Im Im 1
Luminous intensity cd cd cd 1
Quantity of light I’m.s talbot t’m.s 1.O’ E+OO -
Radiance W/(m%r) Wl(m%r) W/(m%r) 1
Radiant energy J J J 1
Radiant flux W W W 1
Radiant intensity Wisr Wlsr W/sr 1
Radiant power W W 1
Wave length m r nm 1.O’ E-01
Capture unit mm’ lo-km 1 m-1 1.O’ Et01
10.“cm-’ 1

Radioactivity curie 3.7’ E+lO



Conversion Factor’
Metric Unit Multiply Customary
Customary SPE Other Unit by Factor to
Quantity and SI Unit Unit Preferred Allowable Get Metric Unit
Capillary pressure Pa ft (fluid) m (fluid) 3.048' E-01
Compressibility of Pa-’ psi-’ Pa-’ 1.450 377 E-04
reservoir fluid kPa ’ 1.450 377 E-01
Corrosion allowance m in. mm 2.54' E+Ol
Corrosion rate mls miliyr mm/a 2.54' E-02
Differential orifice Pa in. f-l,0 kPa 2.488 4 E-01
pressure (at 60°F) cm Hz0 2.54' E+OO
Gas-oil ratio m3/m’ scfibbl “standard” 1.801 175 E -0,“‘”
Gas rate mYs sci/D “standard” 2.863 640 E-02"'
Geologic time S Yr Ma
Head (fluid mechanics) m fl m 3.048' E-01
cm 3.048' E+Ol
Heat exchange rate W Btu/hr kW 2.930 711 E-04
kJ/h 1.055 056 E+OO
Mobility m?Pas dicp ~m*/mPas 9.869 233 E-01
km21Pa.s 9.669233 E+02
Net pay thickness m fl m 3.048 E-01
Oil rate m3ls bbl/D m31d 1.589 873 E-01
short toniyr Mgla Va 9.071 847 E-01
Particle size m micron w 1.0’
Permeability-thickness m3 md-ft md.m pm2.rn 3.008 142 E-04
Pipe diameter (actual) m in. cm 2.54 E-c00
mm 2.54' E+Oi
Pressure buildup Pa psi kPa 6.894 757 E + OO’*’
per cycle
Productivity index m3iPes bbli(psi-D) mY(kPad) 2.305 916 E - 0212’
Pumping rate m% U.S. galimin m3/h 2.271 247 E-01
US 6.309 020 E-02
Revolutions per minute radls vm rad/s 1.047 198 E-01
radlm 6.283 185 E+OO
Recovery/unit volume m31m3 bbl/(acre-ft) m3/m3 1.286 931 E-04
(oil) mYha*m 1.288 931 E+OO
Reservoir area m2 sq mile km* 2.589 988 E+OO
acre ha 4.046856 E-01
Reservoir volume m3 acre-ft m3 1.233 482 E+03
hem 1.233 482 E-01
Specific productivity m3/Pasm bbl/(D-psi-R) mY(kPa-d.m) 7.565 341 E - 02’>’
Surface or interfacial N/m dyne/cm mN/m 1.O’ E+OO
tension in reservoir
Torque N.m Ibf-ft Nom 1.355 818 E + 0013’
Velocity (fluid flow) m/s ws m/s 3.048' E-01
Vessel diameter m
l-100 cm in. cm 2.54' E+OO
above 100 cm ft m 3.048' E-01
‘An asterisk mdlcates the cowersum lactor IS exact wng the numbers shown, all subsequent numbers are zeros
“See Notes 1 through 3 on page 58-E


- 459.67 to - 19 -1ato53 54 to 350 360 to 1070 1990t01790 1990 to 3000

(“C) (“F) WI (“F) (“Cl (“F) (“Cl (“F)

-11, II -0P 0 -17 II --II -a ‘ 1171 160 ,110a I llll 1,100 ,7?7Q
-16, JO -‘,n --I, I, -1J I ‘ 11118 110 (98 0 161 I UP0 I.P9‘0 967 I I.110 3 290 0
-10 77 -‘*a -76bJ --I6 11 191 1 ,110 'I60 5911 I.100 l.Ol?O 9911 I I20 113ao
-7jbbJ -410 ~ -**17 --II SO lPll I 190 I,‘ a IPB D I.110 7.0100 (PIT I I10 I ,I, 0
-75, I, -470 -75 IL --I‘ 4I 10‘ ‘ ‘00 7110 60“ 1.110 1.0‘10 100“ I I‘0 I I“ a

--1‘S 56 -410 -,1bQ -11 I6 710 Q ‘IQ 110 Q 610 0 1.110 1.0660 10100 I 110 I lb! 3
-740 a0 -400 4“‘ -11 10 4 tll b 170 JOB 0 615 b l.t‘O 2.01‘0 1011 b 1.8LO I.100 0
--I,, ‘I --I90 -,I OP --II 111 771 I 410 806 Q 6711 I.150 ?.16?0 1.0711 1810 l.JU 0
-7,n 69 --In0 -71 I, -10 I‘ 0 776J “0 674 6 676, 1 I60 1.1700 1076J 1110 1‘160
-,,I I, -310 -77 16 - 9 IS 6 717 7 ‘la 6‘7 0 617 2 1 113 I.1110 1 all I 1,aoa 1‘1‘ a

-717 7) --I60 -7777 -8 IJb 711 II 00 lb0 a 6110 ,180 ?.I~60 I QIJ I I PO0 ,117 6
--211 17 -150 -7, 6J - J I9 1 I‘,1 110 6180 6‘11 LIP0 11160 1.0‘1 1 I 910 1,410 0
-7u 61 -113 -7, 1, - 6 21 7 7‘8 9 ‘80 IV6 a 611 P 1.100 2.11?0 ,041 1 LP?b , ‘81 0
-701 II --lx -70 5) - I no 711‘ ‘TO 91‘0 ,I“ 1710 I.1100 1QI4 4 I,?,0 ,106 0
-19% lb --1x -7000 --I 716 J‘QQ 100 P,? 0 660 0 I ?70 17760 ,060 0 I 9‘0 1.17‘ ‘i

-190 00 --I13 --IP“ --I 766 765 6 510 P19 a 6616 1130 7.7460 1.06, ‘ I.750 I I‘7 0
-,M ‘4 --loo --1nn9 - I 76‘ 7JI I 170 968 0 bJ1 I 1 740 ?.?blC 1,071I 1 960 1160 Q
--lin 6J -m -IS31 - 1 IQ I 776J 110 VBb 0 6JbJ 1710 ??6?0 1.0167 1110 1.116Q
--II, II -783 -27 n Q 320 77 7 I7 lbl 6 767 I 5‘0 I0040 667 f t 760 2100 a
--I69 I, -,I, I, -‘IV ‘I --I,7 I 11 6 776 II lb,‘ 76J II II0 IQ710 6816 IPJO 11180

-169 BP 477 -‘II 6 -16 J J 316 711 I‘ 1617 79, I 560 IQ‘00 69, I I lb0 I ,,*a WI I 7.WQ ,617 :
-‘b, :* -1JQ -‘I‘ a -,b 1 I 37‘ 7,P J5 1610 790 P 110 IO580 08 P 1790 7 3i‘O 1096 9 2 010 1610 C
-I61 ?7 -163 -416 0 -15 6 I 317 7 1 J6 1616 IQ‘ 1 580 1 QJb? 711‘ II00 7lJ7 Q I IO‘ ‘ 1070 1661 0
-1 j‘ ‘J -710 218 a -,\a I ‘IQ 750 JI 1736 110 0 $90 I 0% 0 710 c 1110 7,"OQ lilO0 7010 IbOb'
-,jl II -740 400 a --I“ 6 176 lid 18 1;71 ,llb 100 11170 7llb 1170 2‘080 11116 20‘0 ,.Jo‘C

--111 56 -710 --In7 a --1,P 7 ‘4 6 76 I Jl II2 7 171 1 610 I ~100 ,711 1110 2‘760 I 171 I tOI0 3.777C
-1‘0 03 -170 -,b‘ 0 --II I a ‘6‘ 76, 80 lJ60 116 J 670 1.1460 ,767 11‘0 I“‘0 ! 176 7 1060 I.?‘0?
--II“‘ -710 -1‘6 0 --I?B ? ‘9 7 777 81 illI 117 7 610 l,lbbb 112 I 1150 ?.66?0 II)?? 1070 37Iaa
-179 09 200 -128 a -17 7 16 500 IJB 87 II96 I,78 6‘0 11810 ?lJ 8 I lb0 I ‘IQ0 1 II? I 1010 l.JJ6C
--17,x -100 -,,a 0 -,,I II $1 I I6 I 81 111 ‘ I‘, I ,I0 1,101 0 7‘1 I 1.310 I‘980 1.1‘1I ?.OPQ ,.,rr0

--11J 711 -I110 -?Sl a -II I 17 II 6 *I P 0‘ 1617 746 P 660 I,7700 7‘8 9 1180 1.1160 I.l‘d, :.100 1,lIIC
-,\I 12 -IJO -77‘0 -10‘ 1, II ‘ 29‘ II 1850 11“ 670 17160 II“ IHO 1 ,,‘Q 1.15‘4 I.110 I.,,60
--ID, 67 -160 -7% 0 -10 0 I‘ 111 100 a* leda ,600 680 Ill60 760 0 1 400 1 II?0 1160 0 1.110 1.1‘1 0
-,a1 I/ -110 -718 0 - 9 4‘ Ii IV0 JO 6 81 166 6 ,656 690 I.1740 JhI 6 I ‘IO IS100 1.M ‘ 2.110 11bb 0
- PI 16 -ILO -710 0 -860 1* *a & II I 88 IPQ 4 311 I JO0 I1970 1,1J1I 1.1‘0 ,ll‘Q

- 9000 -110 -7070 --II,, 11 67 * II J IP IV7 I ,JbJ 110 1.1100 Jib 7 1‘10 ? 6060 I.176 7 I150 3.907 0
- 8“‘ -170 --II‘0 - J I8 111 6‘1 17 7 PO lS‘0 387 7 770 T.378Q I67 7 I,‘10 7 6,4 Q 1,111 I I.160 1.910 0
- ,880 -110 -1660 - 1 12 10 661 18J II 110 I,,460 76JI 1110 ? 6‘10 I.1118 1.110 I.9190
- II I, -100 -1‘10 - 6 6J 10 60 0 ,931 1‘0 I ,b‘Q 7V33 IWO ? Lb0 0 LIT1 I 1110 3.T16 0
- 70 I‘ - OS --I,90 - ‘ I, 71 *(I 198 9 1SQ \ ,670 790 P 1.110 ?.6JI0 1.10 9 ?.llO 1.91‘0

- 6, IO - 90 -1,OQ - I 16 27 Jl 6 ,“ PI 701 7 ‘0“ I60 I.‘000 no4 1 1 ‘IO 2 bPb0 I.10“ 1100 1.9v1 0
- bl 00 - II -17, 0 - 100 7, II‘ II 0 PI 7010 ,100 JJQ 1.4160 llOQ I‘(0 1,140 ,710 a I.110 4.OIOO
- 67 77 - 110 -I170 - ‘ I‘ I‘ 75 7 II 6 Pb 704 8 ‘II 6 780 1.4160 8lS ‘ ,500 11110 1,211‘ ?.??Q ‘028 0
- ,P ‘5 - II --1a,a - I 89 7, 770 ,&I PI 1066 ‘71 I JPQ I ‘;!o 811 1 1 510 1.1~00 1271 1 2110 ‘ 0410
- 1667 - JO - 9‘0 - I II 76 786 16 I 98 700 4 ,767 000 I‘,*0 8761 I I7Q ,,I‘60 117‘J 1.1‘0 ‘Ob‘P

- 7J6 7J IO* I, 7 PP 710 7 ‘II 7 610 I‘900 ),I I 1,110 ?.?I* 0 1 111 I 1.150 ‘,O#? 0
- 177 76 671 II 6 100 717 D ‘IJ a 170 I 106 a 811 * 15‘0 1.10‘ 0 I II? I I260 4.100 Q
‘I 1 110 ?I00 “I I 010 1 116 a 8‘3 I 1 II0 78770 I?‘,, ??JO ‘lllQ
‘8 D 170 71110 “8 9 1‘0 1 1‘40 I‘8 P 1 560 ?.6tQO I ?‘a T l?OQ ‘.IIb Q
I“ 110 JhbQ ‘5“ 010 II670 1.71‘1 2.790 ‘15‘0

- to 00 - ‘0 - ‘00 60 0 I‘0 7610 ‘60 0 1160 I I80 0 1.1640 I IW 4,1120

- ,'I‘I - 19 - 167 616 IS0 1070 ‘616 810 I 118 0 1265 1 2.110 ‘190 0
- 18 BP - ,R - 36‘ II I 160 17Qo ‘II I 880 I6160 111 I 1600 19110 I,??\ I 2 170 ‘7010
- 1a 14 - Ii - II 6 76, 110 IIBQ ‘lb J BP0 I b,(L) 8161 1610 29100 1 276 7 2 110 4.116 0
- II JO - 36 - I7B 677 180 ,160 ‘62 I 900 1.6170 O(ll? I.670 19480 1.11, 1 2 1‘0 4.1“ 0

- II 71 - II - II a nJ 0 IPP ,140 ‘178 910 I6JOQ BSJll Id,0 19160 l.llJ* 1,111 ‘.I*:0
- ,661 - Ii - 79 7 P, 1 100 197 a “)I 1 970 1.bR.Q IIPI 3 I 6‘0 two 1.193 I 7 1‘0 4.m 0
- 16 17 - I, - 7, 4 I BP IV 107 1 PBP 710 ‘lb0 ‘98 9 P,Q I.Jo6Q BOB9 lb!0 lQO?O 1.191 1 ?.I70 ‘,?Tl 0
- II I* - II - 7i6 1 ‘4 ‘0 IQ‘ a IQ“ 770 478 a IQ‘ 4 P‘b 1.71‘0 PO“ I 660 1.0700 1 IQ‘ 1 2.110 4.316 0
- II 00 - 31 - 11 6 ,lbQ 710 “LO 110 a PI0 1 1‘70 9100 ,610 10110 ,,I00 IV0 ‘11‘0

- 1‘ 4‘ - ,Q - 770 iI56 710 ‘6‘0 $15 6 960 I.?600 9116 I.680 ,bUQ 1.1‘1, 1.416 ‘ 10 0
- II IP - 79 - 707 171 I 710 ‘670 III I PJQ LJJ80 971 1 i 600 107‘0 1.311 I 2 500 4.117 0
- 11 11 - 111 - ,114 176 J 7bQ 1000 $76, (10 lJSbQ 976 ? ,100 I bP?O l,,Pb 9 I.SIO ‘LIZ a
- 17 7n - ,7 - lb6 1317 7JQ II80 III I PVQ 1 1140 9177 1JlQ 11100 I.‘?,J 1.600 4,1170
- II 72 - 76 - ,411 111 I 780 116 o III II 1.000 I 8170 v3rn ,770 31780 I ‘5‘ 1 2 650 ‘,M7 0

- II ‘I ~ II - I,0 1‘31 790 II‘0 ,‘I I I a,0 1.1500 9‘11 ,?,b II‘60 1.‘61 I *.?a0 4.197 6
--III, -,‘ - I, 7 I‘8 9 JO0 $77 0 ,‘8 T , 070 W8Q 9‘19 l.J‘o I l6‘0 1.110 0 1.116 4.w 6
- IQ lb - 71 - P‘ II“ 110 IPQQ I$‘ ‘ I.010 1 II6 0 PI“ 1.750 11170 I.,,16 I600 I.0116
- ,000 - 72 - 76 10 0 II I?7 a IbQ 0 170 606 Q lb00 1.0‘0 l.?Q‘Q Pbbb L?LQ IZQQQ 1.16,1 2 150 1.147 0
- 7) ‘5 - 71 - IO IO 6 II 1736 161 6 110 b?bo $65‘ I.050 1.9120 9656 1.710 17190 1.191I ?.TaQ US? 0

- 7II8P - IQ - ‘0 ,,I 1 ,‘b 64‘0 ,I\ I 1.060 1.9‘00 PII I 1,611 11160 I ,I1 1 1.910 I341 0
-76:: -,P - I7 116 7 150 6670 IJb? I.010 1,956Q Vb I 1 ?90 Ill‘0 I “6 9 l.WQ 1‘37 0

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