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POBox 58 Me Hage Wester Highlands Province WP 281 Papua New Guine Phone: 5421577 Fax: 5423638 Eenail: par pg March 24, 2018 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF ALL TRUCKING COMPANIES Dear Sir/Madam, The transportation of our stock is a vital part of our business and is concerning given the current state of the highway and the value of the stock in transit. We truly appreciate and value the service you provide in transporting our stock. However, the COMMUNICATION between Truck Drivers, Trucking Company's Operational Staff and their Owners has been lacking in the past few months. Please note it is the Trucking company’s own responsibility not Tininga’s to monitor the movement of your own trucks. Hence herewith are various conditions we are setting for the transportation of our Stock, should you wish to continue to provide this service : 1._Key contacts for trucking company particularly Owners and Operation Mangers must be on file with Tininga and any changes to phone numbers advised immediately. 2. Owner / Operations Manger must be aware of where trucks are at all times and must be available for assistance at any time while the truck is in transit. 3. Our Logistics staff must have current details of all your driver’s phone numbers. Should a driver's phone number change, this must be advised before any load is allocated to that truck. 4, Driver's phone battery must be fully charged and must have a spare phone battery while in transit. 5. Once the container is loaded on the truck, the driver must call or text Tininga’s CUG number to advice cargo picked and departing point of pick up. ‘ 6. By 8am the next day driver must call Tininga CUG to report location. Failure to follow these simple guidelines will result in Tininga either giving preference to company’s who comply or possibly ceasing to use your trucks. Please sign and return this document to confirm your understanding and agreement to the above. Yours Sincerely, Patrick Duckworth Managing Director Tininga Limited Ihave read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions of providing trucking services to Tininga Limited set out above and confirm that | will comply with same. Any failure to follow these terms and conditions will result in Tininga Limited ceasing to use your services. Joseph Torrya OWNER MOUNTAIN TRADERS TRANSPORT

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