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Activity 2

Student: Angela Maria Bermudez ID 638818

15 sentences using present perfect

1. I find I have changed my mind.

2. I have opened up the doors.
3. Now my life has changed.
4. Like I have never done before.
5. You know I have needed someone.
6. My Independence seems have vanished in the haze
7. I have appreciated that you ar by my side.
8. I have felt sad
9. The days have ended
10. I feel that I have fallen
11. I have set foot on the ground
12. I have not needed anyone´s help
13. When I have been Young
14. I have requested help
15. I have not been sure of myself

Present Perfect continuous (negative form)

1. I have not been changing my mind.

2. I have not been opening up the doors.
3. My life has not been changing.
4. I have not been doing before.
5. You know I have not been needing someone.
6. My Independence have not been vanishing in the haze
7. I have not been appreciating that you ar by my side.
8. I have not been felling sad
9. The days have not been ending
10. I feel that I have not been falling
11. I have not been setting foot on the ground
12. I have not been needing anyone´s help
13. When I have not been being Young
14. I have not been requesting help
15. I have not been being sure of myself

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