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FOREIGN SCHOLARSHIP AND TRAINING PROGRAM TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNEX A ~ Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) 1. Who are qualified to apoly? Offcers and employees nominate by the head of denadenlogency, istituion or nivaraly or nongovernmental oigenization ad priate enterprise ‘Must heve rendered at lest two year a service ir tho government at te tine of nominacn Nuat had a permanent apgoinient a the organizaen nominating himhar bet heve obtained a asta very slisfacoyy aeronmarce rang fr wo consecutve peiads preceding the nomination ‘ust havea college decree andlor sufient demensated zhlly and experianne rlatadreevant lo the course apni for Aust have no pending edinistatve andr criminal case ue! haven pering naminaton for scholarstip n annie progremeou'se Aus! have aead rendered the requtec serie obligation fora schokarstin previous enjoyed ‘Nusi meet the poston eve, ae, educaon and experience required and specifed by the enor county/rganizatin/course R888 OK Terms and Coverage: Please see the Executive Summary for the Program provided IIL Basic Documentary Requirements - Nominees must subi the follawing on or before the deadline set by TESDA: ‘A. Nominetion Letter indicating why the nominee is being endorsed and signed by the Deparment Secretary or Heed of ‘AgencyiUriversty or Enity or the duly authorized official, adsressed Wo: SEC, EMMANUEL JOEL J. VELANUEVA Director Genoral ‘Tecinieal Eduoation and Skills Development Authority East Sovvice Road, South Suparhighvay, Taguig City ATTENTION: Foreign Scholarship and Tralning Program Unit B, Personal Data Shee! to include list of raining srograms ane seminars atended 1 orginal, 2 cetiied copies C._ Statement of Actual Duties and Responsibilities RELEVANT to he course (Present end Past involvement Jand ssgned by ne immedate superviso - 1 orignal 2 oexfied copies ._ Certification from the HRD/Personne! Head/Manager allesing lie folowing: = 1 original, 2 corfied cepies (Pls. see the laced farm provided) ‘+ Thal ne nominee tas No Pencing Administrative andlor Criminal Case. + Thal enominze tas No Pencing Scholarship Nomination, +The romines’s Performance Ratings for two consecutive seinesters immediately preceding the rominaton were al least Very Satisfactory 1+ That ite nominee has alteacy rendered the required service ablgation for a scholarch previously enjoyed, it eny + Thal ne nominee i physically and mentelly 6 travel and cttend foreign trening + Thal henominee willnol wihdraw for the course once acceptes E. SCP Application Form with passoor-size photos —4 se’s ‘+ Applicaton forms shauld be printed or typed, and in BLACK ink, + Alicopies must bear orignal photos. F. Copies of Valid Passport Personal Palin only) -3 copes Note: Please use A4 Bond Paper for the Application Farm. HONEVLET R. TUGADE Desk Oficer Telefax: 817-9005 Mobi: 0¢17-8080759 Email: tesda fstpunt@ameilcon (Letter Head of the Agency/Department) CERTIFICATION Mr. /Ms. herein refered to as the Applicant and Mr./Ms. referred hereto as the Personnel Manager certify that: The Depariment of thru its Scholarship Committee endorses the nomination of Mr. /Ms. fo the scheduled from the to and sponsored by ae ae eee The said applicant has no pending administrative or criminal case; The applicant has no pending nominaticn in another course; The applicant rendered the required service obligation for a scholarship previously enjoyed; ‘The applicant's PES rafings for two immediate rating periods were at least Very Satisfactory; The applicant is physically and mentally fit to travel and attend training abroad; and The applicant shall not withdrew from the nomination and cnce accepted shall complete the course and not be allowed to cancel or terminate the scholarshipitraining without justfiable reason and without giving prior notice to and getting the approval from the donor institution, TESDA and his agency. This ceriification is issued as part of the requiremenis for application to short-term, non degree courses under the Foreign Scholarshio Training Program. Done this day of 20, Applicant HR/Personnel Manager

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