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International Tournal of Computer Applications (0975 ~ 5) Volume 166—No.10, May 20 Automatic Question Paper Generator System Fenil Kiran Gangar Hital Gopal Gori Ashwini Dalvi Department of Information Department of Information Department of Information Technology ‘Technology Technology K. J. Somaiya College of K. J. Somaiya College of K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Engineering Engineering Vidhyavinar, Mumbai-77 ABSTRACT Information and intelligence are to vital cals om whieh evelopment of Inmamkind mse ad knowledge has significant impact on operating of society. Student assesment isa crucial pat of teaching ad is done through te process of examinations and preparation of exam question papers has consist been a mutter of interest. Preseat-day technologies asst the tescher to sock the questions ia computer databases but the problem which emerges is bow the preseat day technologies would also aesit the teachers 0 automatically create the varity ste of questions ffom every ‘now and then without worry about replication aad duplication fom the previous exam while the question baal keeps ‘growing. so # non-automatic pth for conniving a exam paper ‘would not be able to serve to this ced so in this paper we introduce an sutomited wy which wotlé pent the ‘operation of conniving exam paper to be fither well organized and productive and it would also aid in developing fa databare of questions which enald be father clasfied for Fending of exam question paper, caneatly there is no systematic procedure to forty qualiy of exam question pape. Hence thee appears a sequent to have a systeat ‘which will automatically crete the question paper from teacher entered description within fee seconds. Ia this paper sve have inplentented a modern evoltiouary path tt is sble te manage multinconstrains ine along with creating question papers for examinations in sotonomos instiites fom a very vast guestion baal dotsbse, Tie paper descebes the wilienion of rondomioation algo in an Atornatic Question paper Generator System which hae been lmplemented spesilly for auionomoos institutes, The seadeavor useded for generating question paper is diminished ‘ne the inplemietaton of this advanced systems and bese Of this advanced system there is obligtion for humans ponder and employ time which can be utilized on some ‘ldtioual important duty instead of designing question paper Keywords ‘Questions Selection, Question Paper Gencration, Difficulty level, Random Ing. PDF fle, Question paper format, pate composer, question ageresator 1. INTRODUCTIO? 1.1 Examinations in Autonomous Institutes Examinations predominantly use question papers ae a vital constitient to discover the caliber of students. A good exam gives all students an equal opparunity to fully demonstrate ther Ieaming. The National Board of ‘Accreditation (NBA)Jadia Tytafes that Autonomous Jnsutter shonle encourage the standard of teaching sel analysis and responsibility in higher education and promote the Insitutions in perceive their educational sin, embrace Vidhyavihar, Mumbai-77 Vidhyavihar, Mumbal-77 cuction exercises that acredit them to yild appreciative ‘walty professionals and toa them in censlessly bestowing {0 the area of education dough trausormnation 4 research, Asscrsinent is one or ine activity that recognizes, anther, fd constrict deta t sacs the falllment of Case omtoome and program Outcomes. Automatic Question paper geurator ftom considers question paper creation as ite fundamental activity, and the caliber of question i the key in enancing samination sendard, which depend on ivelligent and taurdom choice ofa oe of gueetins 1.2. Teacher’s role and responsibility Producing exam questions is challenging, wonotonous aad time consuming fr teachers. Usvally the teacher cai their ‘own question Banksia some form which aids them compose fire ems question papers Tn autonomous inwtiues there ae some rales and regulations which are to be practiced by the teachers, They are as fllows ‘© Toda variety to student laming 1+ Tomtivate stents to sty 1+ Toprocide statistics forthe couse or institution + Tosacilitate students” choices ‘+ Consider the pot value of diferent question types ‘+ Creating objective test questions 1.3. Examination pattern followed in Autonomous institutes ‘The key pont kept in mind while designing s qvestion paper for exins in autonomous insite foeunes on achieving the soure outcomes, Knowledge of students in autonomous Tnstintes ie assented based on. verious parnaeters which include Online Multiple choice question quiz, presentations, home assignments, mini projects, followed by the midterms and ead tems. Following Table shows comparison of ‘iversity exam pattem with Autonomous exam pater, Table |: Table of Comparison for Exam Patterns Unie patern ‘aos peters Them | Extem | Tot | lniemal | Extemal | Tote al ‘al | 1 | Assessment | Assessme | 1 Ta | Semen | 100 | Ca | Ga | Semester | 100 tet fer | mar [ten | 2 ar eam | is | 30 100 ks 20 ak | 10 | sake aks | 80 s | mar | (scale seks | downto 0 marks) 1.4 Automation: Avfomation means to replace the manual operations wit ‘oniputer procedures and other machines. Automation is famed at increasing productivity, maunfcturing prowess. It also reduces costs, labor and clataates Inman ero ™ ‘Table 2: Showing comparison of Manual process and automated process of question paper generation [Manual Paper Generation] ] Automatic Question Paper] Generation ‘Hama roses “Auoated Proees Partems or epetiions may | Totally random and wabiased occur proses TLow Security we chances oF paper leaking ae high “ier Securiy as chances cof paper leaking ae ze10 peccest ‘Slows ina labour -Fster die to compater involved ‘ved automation Tess waretyof difizeat per | Huge variety of Gtfereat questions types of questions ‘Table 3: Showing Automated process being used in ‘currently in autonomous institutes ‘Automated proses followed eumenily a Antonomous Institute Galise Guia Re NICO 7 ‘Online sabmitsion for sesignment 7 ‘allze Submision of Lab wate we Online Feediock Sytem A So there is ned fora system that can generate exam question paper forthe Autonouous lasting ‘Thos we em conshided thst by implementing the astomstion system for extn question paper generation will yield ahancemeat ia phrase of comvolle access to the resources, ‘andam creation of question papers anda secure plato, 1.5 Question Paper Generation In today’s euzent ambitious world, an examination plays a ‘mica fle in chesting the academic development of tadents and the era of information teshnology is now substituted by productive applicstion of te tecialogy. So producing wility fiom Kniowledige is evil for developinent of society ito a “Infomation Society For vasots examinations conducted ia 4 year in any academic course, teachers need. 10 create ‘aration of question papers a per the autonomous college ‘idelines and assesment requirements It is very difficult for Inzernational Journal of Computer Applications (0975 ~ 8887) Volume 166—No.10, May 2017 the teachers to cover all fentues of the covrse asteomes and evade duplication of questions in the suoceding exams, There is no sjstematis procedure and hence the quality of the question paper relies entirely on an individual teacher's experience and profciey. At times, this entire element may ‘gede standatd of the question paper. As per reexch, ‘quality questo paper is a real combination of questions Supervised by varied esiteria each ar dificult level Aistibution of marks across the question paper in form of paper pater and the Qe of examination The precede Jnsolved in composition of an equitable examination paper by an independent iv challenging and complex. Standard of the ‘examination paper rely on diverse set of specifications so Taking into aseouat the dstnet levels of leamers is also a crisal parameter and the course ontsomes also play 9 vital {ole in planuing a eystematic question paper. So artoiating the lenning outcome ofthe subject t the examination paper Js aloo a great job. With the profound dispersal of technology inthe aea of education, aequting technology to smooth the technique of exauiaation paper creation isa pure option and steaion of extensively vast questo bank snd automatic ‘vam paper generation finishes a key provision to the fre sneouitered during the manual composition of examination pipers. Automatic creation of examination paper yields 3 Stage to sreste a well-organized examination paper and also the automation would smooth in incorporating many elenment, detemiing quality of ® question paper The stuctwre presented in the next module i to automate the activity of examination paper generation. The system would. be ‘comprised of a cluster of questions upon which regulation ‘would be imslemented to create question paper. The sucture 4s gener and is not for any speciic bunch of learning. Tt fecks to fimishy a generic procedure to the diverse requirement of dstnet feds of sty. This generis srustre can be redesigned to all departments ia colleges thus ease the fusetaient noeds, Before the exam could be given to the sent, teachers must compose the questions according othe rodiules covered for individual sbjest. A proficient question paper is habitually it for usual students but it also encloses lenauding ites for clever students. Ths automatically feting question paper fom a teachers entered description ‘sing a semantically labelled question bank is the requirement of the hour in preseat dey. Here we are implementing 2 system which aecordingly creates the question paper fem this, ecautcaly labelled qaetion ane Since the prevaing systems are sft md absence of flexibility of aiding all ypes of labels the produced question paper may not be completely range with ite given outoomes. Our each suis define’? with f sange demonstrating that value should sot be under the botox vale aad aot supats the topmost value of the range. ‘Also, is nul base spate which takes all the associations of the labels and crests soliton based onthe le relevant 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ‘The outcome of coching and education can be stained by pedfonting evaluation to compute student's iafllecial levels fd therefore the writen exsin is a method for teachers #0 ‘aldate student understanding end knowledge, as well a5, 0 evaluate the degree to which students are able to adjust a Teaming thesis in a given envicomment, Evaluation though ‘writen examination is 4 conventional procedure but it is Universal test technique performed in almost of the educational colleges prevent day. Therefore, the question must bereatering in fllowig with the subject contents lemed by stadeas to atain leaming outcomes. Hoscever, the technique of questions uniting is very demanding task forthe tncher ‘The state is geting more challenging when tescher try to 8 compose fui quality and fer questions to evaluate diverse level of iatelletua In 2006, Itizne Aldabe otal “! made an attempt to cteate stort question called Akan the procedure ws based ‘on Corpora and NLP methods, sn te information source for the systea was the linguistically inspected real compors, depicted in XML mark-up langage. The benefit ofthe system ‘was its capacity to exshude the il developed questions, In 2006, Li-Chun Sung et al"! presated s outline for Automatic Quiz Geveration for worldoade Eaghsh E-leaning ‘System fom 2 given Eaglish text to evaluste leaner. This was built on quiz eestion apse for understanding of text content, The question genertor takes the pure semantic ‘network: ad the information base of WordNet and Google create questions for quiz In 2010, Ming Liu et al ©! presented automatic question generation for literature review writing sipport. He tok the Tierature review ts input ord and then the selected sytactic saad semantic characteviie of words Tete Ueed fo question ‘generation, which were based ona specification question bane ‘consisting of equal match pattem and question texplaes However, the questions sere not simple word based questions: they were based on groups like opinion, result, ‘System, which evaluated the iatlletual leaning experience OF the leaner. Another close work done by tein tas G ASKS, where the similar method was used for sezdemic ‘writing to create questions built on Gracsser & Person taxonomy, here the Citation Clasifiaton was finished with the aid of Naive Bayes Classifier ‘+ Prevailing Paper-based Systems ‘The prevailing system for Question Paper ereation needed haan staff to cal ut questions that come ia the question paper. Teachers selet the questions according tothe sylabus fd pattem se presenibed by the college The question paper ‘hen may be refemed 104 higher authority that has the inl ‘decison ia these uatters ‘+ Restriction of Paper based Systems ‘As majority of lnan working method this system ngonizes due to bins There might be few questions which are Gupliceted in most of question papers ab the professor hos a pertonal tendency towards thea So there iso assurance of virtuous randomly generated question paper. Other issue that ‘may’ affect this system ate aon-availabilty of teachers and resources. Alto the secunty of the system can be easily lundetennined if grip over the person respousible for generating question papers i obtained ‘Other limitations include 4) Inwaficiency of toraze space 1») Vulneisble to damage 1) lnsepable document toasportation 4) Indigent enviromental credentials 2) Restricted collaboration 5) Modiication problems 3. CHALLENGES FOR MAKING AUTOMATIC QUESTION PAPER GENERATOR SYSTEM 1. Course Outcome mapping Course ostoomes are statements that describe significant and International Tournalof Computer Applications (0975 ~ 8557) Volume 166—No.10, May 2017 essential Leming that lesmers have achieved, snd ean clibly lemoastite at the end of a course or program. Mapping of ‘gestions with the Cours owtcomes is one of the importat shalleges faced while making Question paper. So Question paper validation i o be ensued fo get desired standard from futeome atsinment perspective as well a» lenning levels perspective 2. No repetition of questions While making question paper_ many a times patterns or tepefitions ay occur. Soto avoid this station the challenge faced isto make use of such algorithis which keep tack of questions and do not allow the repetition of questions. 3. Chapter wise allocation ‘As there are ditftreat types of exams like unit test and end ewester exam, 10 cach exam has diffreat modules of lhapters covered ott which the queton paper as to. be fgeterated. So challenge faced hare is to make system such ‘hati is able to allocate the question chapter wise or module wise forthe respective exams, 4. Analysis of database In order to effectively assess the students, the important step is to plan the question paper which covers all the vital ‘componente to test knowledge of dent One such taxonomy teas presented by Bloom (1056), who desenived degree of leaning to be classified into six unique domains, namely TRaowledge 2Couprehension ~3Application 4 Analysis SSyathesis 6, Evaluation, the benefit of making questions ‘ped om Bloom's taxonomy prepares to make the questions that help to evaluate leaming ably of the students, to achieve this thing we have to design our database according 0 Bloom's taxonomy which sil cover all types of questions snd challenge faced there isto segregate the questions in the ‘question bank dstibase os per thei types defined by the Bloons taxonony. S._ Formatting of paper ‘The generated qhestons foes the epstem axe to be peeented in proper format or proper exam teuplete. So the challenge ‘ced is how to format the layout ofthe paper iu the reqused style and in a compatible format 6. _ Paper pattern [ts very imporiant to know the question paper pattern and ‘Marks allocation Scheie. So while designing the question paper the challenge stot the system should poe Rei liyin shoosing the desved paper pattem and allocating mak’ to cosh question in paper 4. IMPLEMENTATION The Antomstic Question Paper Geaesator System is developed ond built vp using Java programming Imguage. “The filly Setional yetema hae sererves of cones, questions snd patterns of question papers. It then executes the algorthm fon the stocked question set aud generates the question paper in PDF fora. ‘Modinles in Automatic Test Paper Generator 8) Login Module 1) Adaxiistratoe Mode ©) User Module 4) Subjece module ©) Examiype selection module “ A rR ) Paper patter module 1). Priority assignment module Login Module: Login Module is divided into two parts as ‘wer modile and adiinistrtor module. In login mod, fdminisater a= well a8 staff sremiber ail enter thei credentials 42, Login i and Pasword to sooess the Sten, Administrator Module: Administstor mole hes t9 fmsjor roles: Staff) Management and Category ‘Management 1. Staff Management: Admin of systena will ate is credetils and then he wal add foulty weber fo the eystem who have right to generate quertion paper and sive rights to faulty members to eld update questions and generste paper 2. Module Management: Adusin will manage module according to the Depatment ‘User module: Normal user na login throug this and sBenrate the question paper as per his requirements Subject Module: It comprises of list of subject available for selection tothe user The taer ea pt the initials of subject and can select the subjest fiom list in onder to ‘Benerat he question paper [Exam type selection module: I this module wer gets the option to select the type of exam fer which he wants 9 seenerate the question paper, The exam sype comprises of titer one and vo wich are of 30 aia and. ial ad semester exam which sof 100 marks Paper pattern module: In this module user as to enter the distribution of marks according tothe main question and sub question Priority assignment module: In this module user has to assign priority tothe question number inform of tags ike ‘easy, medium and dificult question. As per the priority Sssigaed by the user the question ae randomly fetched ‘ous the question Sake database ad displayed tothe vse, ‘Steps Involved in Automatic Question paper geuerior system ae a followse 1, Admin Logins Admin ll be provided with the login 1D and password after registering tothe system fier the auccesful login admin can enter the question ia ddtabase according to unique key uch as paper code aad subject name this question will be stored in the detabace in the form of question bank. 2 Question Insertion; Admin can inset as may sqrestons ashe ean secording the eyllabas requirement of the college. The questions will be lassfied sccording to marks allocated, level of Sifculyie pron, 3. Subject and exam type selection 4. Difficulty Choosing: Admin will desde the evel of

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