MIL DLL September 9-12, 2019

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GRADES 1 TO 12 SCHOOL Siaton National High School GRADE LEVEL Grade 12

DAILY LESSON LOG TEACHER Rodjone A. Binondo LEARNING AREA Media and Information Literacy
TEACHING DATES AND TIME September 09-12, 2019 QUARTER Second


I.OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed
and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are
assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable to find significance
and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A.Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of people media and gain the comprehensive knowledge to effectively evaluate them.

The learners demonstrate an understanding of audio media and information, and gain comprehensive knowledge on how to effectively evaluate them.
B.Performance Standards The learners shall understand the similarities and differences of people as a medium of information.

The learners shall be able to produce an audio-based presentation anchored on design principles and elements
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Describe the different dimensions Comprehend how audio information Comprehend how audio Describe the different dimensions
Write the LC Code for each of audio information and media. and media are formally and information and media are of audio information and media.
(MIL-11/12AIM-IVd-11) informally produced, organized, and formally and informally (MIL-11/12AIM-IVd-11)
disseminated. (MIL11/12AIM-IVd- produced, organized, and
Discuss how audio information 13) disseminated. (MIL11/12AIM-IVd- Discuss how audio information and
and media is/are formally and 13) media is/are formally and
informally produced, organized, Produce and evaluate a creative informally produced, organized,
and disseminated. (MIL11/12- audio-based presentation using Produce and evaluate a creative and disseminated. (MIL11/12-AIM-
AIM-IVd-12) design principles and elements. audio-based presentation using IVd-12)
(MIL11/12AIM-IVd-14) design principles and elements.
Evaluate the reliability and (MIL11/12AIM-IVd-14) Evaluate the reliability and validity
validity of audio information and of audio information and media
media and their sources using and their sources using selection
selection criteria. (MIL11/12-AIM- criteria. (MIL11/12-AIM-IVd-13)
Comprehend how audio
Produce and evaluate a creative information and media are formally
audio-based presentation using and informally
design principles and elements. produced, organized, and
(MIL11/12-AIM-IVd-14) disseminated. (MIL11/12AIM-IVd-
Produce and evaluate a creative
audio-based presentation using
design principles and elements.
II.CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week
or two.
14. Audio Information and Media 14. Audio Information and Media 14. Audio Information and Media 14. Audio Information and Media
a. Definition, characteristics, a. Definition, characteristics, format a. Definition, characteristics, a. Definition, characteristics,
format and types, sources, and types, sources, advantages and format and types, sources, format and types, sources,
advantages and limitations, and limitations, and value advantages and limitations, and advantages and limitations, and
value b. Hearing vs. Listening, Learning value value
b. Hearing vs. Listening, Learning Out Loud b. Hearing vs. Listening, Learning b. Hearing vs. Listening, Learning
Out Loud c. Selection Criteria Out Loud Out Loud
c. Selection Criteria d. Design principle and Elements c. Selection Criteria c. Selection Criteria
d. Design principle and Elements d. Design principle and Elements d. Design principle and Elements

III.LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a
mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper- based materials. Hands- on learning promotes concept development.
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages pp. 131- 134 pp. 135- 138 pp. 135- 138 pp. 131-138
2.Learner’s Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Highlight Audio Media and 1. Have the learners listen to a Recap of activities. Recap of activities.
presenting the new lesson Information as the topic for podcast.
today’s session. State the 2. Review the design elements and
objectives of the lesson. principles relative to creating a
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson 1. Show the learners a video clip
of a Charlie Chaplin movie (silent
movie) without audio.
2. Start a quick discussion about
how they found the experience of
watching something without
3. Write down key words/ideas
on the board. Use those words to
highlight the value of audio
information and media to the
C.Presenting examples/instances of the
new lesson
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing Discuss the Types and Categories
new skills #1 of Audio Information
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F.Developing mastery Hearing vs Listening Divide the learners into small The learners continue their Group Listening
(Leads to formative assessment) 1. Call the attention of the groups. Have the learners plan to creation of podcast. 1. Have each group play their
learners and have them be quiet design a podcast about their podcast to the class.
to listen to the short audio clip school, class subject, or a class or 2. Give other learners the
(Note: This school activity or advocacy. opportunity to comment or
audio clip is a monologue in critique the presentation using the
French): As a guide for the podcast planning, rubrics below to assess the group’s
2. Ask the learners whether they ask them to answer the questions output.
heard the audio or listened to the below (Media and Information 3. Ask the learners to write a short
audio (“Did you hear the audio or Design Framework). Inform each paragraph evaluating the activity
did group that they are to create a 5- and have them post their
you listen to the audio?” minute podcast on their topic using paragraphs on their ePortfolio.
3. Ask the learners if they can any recording device and computer 4. All outputs including reflections
differentiate between hearing software. should be submitted at the MIL
and listening. Portal and licensed under CC.
4. Explain the difference between
hearing and listening
G.Finding practical/applications of Ask:
concepts and skills in daily living
How audio information will help
you to be a keen listener?
H. Making generalizations and The learners generalize the
abstractions about the lesson concepts.
I.Evaluating Learning Check their progress. Check their progress. Judge the outputs using the
suggested rubrics.
J.Additional activities for application or
V.REMARKS Media and Information Literacy is taken four (4) times a week by the learners with one (1) hour per meeting.
VI.REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students, progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask relevant questions.
A.No. of learners who earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B.No. of learners who require additional
activities to remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized material
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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Checked by:


SHS Teacher-in-Charge Subject Teacher

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