Daisy Department Store: Sales Report From August To December 2018

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Sales Report from August to December 2018

English for Economics and Business

Annisa Puspita Amalia

190422627674 – Offering G

S1 Accounting – Faculty of Economics

Universitas Negeri Malang

October 2019
A. Short Illustration

There is a department store named Daisy. This department intends to make report sales
in every part of the store from August to December 2018. The proceeds of this sale are
recapitulated in a table and the decreases and increase sales will be analyzed in a bar
graph. As the conclusion, there is a highest and lowest sale at the end of the year.

B. Illustration Presentation

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb, good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for coming
today. First, let me to introduce myself. My name is Annisa Puspita Amalia and I’m the
Marketing Manager of Daisy Department Store.

Today, I’m here to talk to you about the sales of Daisy Department Store with the data that
has been recorded in the following table. My objective today is to show you about the
change in sales for three sections in Daisy Department Store. Those sections are Women
section, Men section, and Kids section in between 5 months in 2018. I’d like to illustrate
this by showing you a graphic at the next slide.

As we can see at the graph in the Y axis, we got the change in sales from $10.000 to
$100.000 and in the X axis, express the months from August to December 2018 and the
bar shows three section, which has been colored differently. The blue one show Women
section, the red one show Men section and the purple one show Kids section. Next I will
explain the growth of each section, started from Women Section.

If you look at the graph, we can see there was an increase in sales from $45.000 in August
to $55.000 in September and climbed constantly to $70.000 at the next month. Then, there
was a fall in sales to its lowest level at $40.000 in November and followed by a sharp
increase in the last month, December, reaches about $86.000.

Then move to the next part, Men Section. The graph shows a continually rising start from
$30.000 in August to $70.000 in December as it was a shoot up sale from $55.000 to
$70.000 between November and December.

Let’s now turn to the last graph from Kids Section, there was a drop in sales from $40.000
in August to $29.000 in September then sales remains stable in $29.500 from September
to November. Lastly, there was additional growth in December and sales reach a peak at

Generally speaking, each section had an increase and fall in their sales every month. The
highest sales were Women section which improved sharply to reach a total of $86.000 at
the end of the year. Conversely, the lowest one was Kids section at around $65.000.

So that’s all I have to say about the change in sales of three sections in Daisy Department
Store from August to December 2018. Does anyone have any question or comments? Do
feel free to ask me if you have any.

Does this answer your question? I hope this explains the situation for you. That’s bringing
me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. Wassalamualaikum wr.

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