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In this chapter consist of the backround of the study, Identification of

problem, Imitation of the problem, formulation of the problem objectivies of the
study and the significance of the study.
1.1 Backround Of The Study
Language is very important for our life, it even be our needs as a social
creature, language is a way for people can communicate with each other, but for
communicate wich each other we must to know the language what the other use
and speak, and than with language we can express our thought, ideas and opinion
if we know the language that is spoken, except that we need to know language for
getting science and knowledge, it is therefore writer believe that the language is
very important part in human life to communicate with the other people.
English is one of the international languages that is used by many people in
the word, for Indonesia, English is foreign language. Learning a foreign language
is an integrated process that the learner should study the four basic skills is
listening, speaking, reading and writing, we use listening and reading for received
information or knowledge and to understand the world and than we use speaking
and writing to communicate or express our opinion or ideas, thought, and our
Speaking is one of four basic skills in language, mostly in English. Speaking
is very important in teaching and learning English, interestingly enough, speaking
is the skill most people wish to be really good at.
According to Grognet A. G (136:1997) Speaking is one of the skills that
have be mastered by students in learning English. Speaking is an essential tool for
The problem is the other skills in English like listening, writing, and reading
we can do that olone, like we can read book alone, we can listening alone and we
write a letter or anything alone, but about speaking we can really speak alone, we
need someone to speak and get responds from each other.

In the teaching we need some method to improving the students speaking
because Speaking is crucial part of second language learning and teaching. The
mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second-language or
foreign-language learners. Our learners often evaluate their success in language
learning as well as the effectiveness of their English course on the basis of how
much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency.
Hornby (1995:37) defines that speaking is the skill that the students will be
judged upon most in real-life situations. It is an important part of everyday
interaction and most of often the first impression of a person is based on his/her
ability to speak fluently and chomprehensively. So, as teachers we have
responsibility to prepare the students as much as possible to be able to speak in
English in the real world outside the classroom.
One of method we can use for improving students speaking is card, because
Communicative activities may refer to the spontaneous interaction between
teachers and students or among students themselves with the use of appropriate
materials, communicative topics, or automatic question-response based on instant
thinking and feeling or creativity. One of method we can use for improving
students speaking is card.
Rhalmi (2010) explains that communicative activities have “real purposes
such as finding and exchanging information, breaking down barriers, talking
about oneself, and learning about culture.” It is supported by Richard (2006, p.
17) who state that Communicative activities require students to use their language
resources to overcome an information gap or solve a problem. The researcher uses
communicative activities through identity card.
Klipple (1992, p.13) states the example of communicative activities are
trademark, name circle, Identity Cards, choosing pictures, etc. Identity card has
aims in speaking skill to question about personal data, introducing someone else
to the group and getting to know each other. Klipple (1992, p. 4) says that when
the students have to work together in a group it is advisable that they get to know
each other a little at the beginning.

The process of English teaching and learning should be adapted to the
primary goals according to the existing curriculum. It is very improtant to
understand the problems encountered in the field so that in the future teacher can
determine and decide effective teaching media, techniques, or strategies for
making students learn effectively.
Finding the solving of the problem is not easy but this researcher limited the
problem with use some media attractive for help the student to improving they
speaking skills, the media is called smart card.

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