SAD HardCore Interview Elem

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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University – Bustos Campus

Bustos, Bulacan

Submitted by:

Eddiel Hussein G. Silungan

Nathaniel Joseph F. Evangelista

Chester S. Balmediano

Chester Ian C. Andres

Submitted to:

Lyn M. Dalisaymo

Bonga Mayor Elementary School is not an elementary school in the late 50's. It is a primary
school because they only have Grade 1 to Grade 4 back then. Before it became a school it is a
mango farm and the only elementary school that the children can be enrolled is in the other
barangays to be specific in the Brgy. Tibagan and Brgy. Bonga Menor. So the parents or the PTA
Members talk to each other and they decided to build a school here in Bonga Mayor. They
bought the mango farm to start building a school. When the PTA build the school, this school
only have Grade 1 to Grade 4 and the date this school established is in 1954 and keep
functioning in 1995. In 1996 they upgraded this primary school and make it an elementary
school. So the founder of this school are the PTA Members

When we go in that school we dont see any problem because its upgraded, not using blackboards
because they are using laptops now and they are presenting the lessons in powerpoint. But when
we interview the principal we notice a little problem, we know that this school not only have
lab they have an internet connection but they are just using it in a subject, we know kids now is
familiar about the gadgets and the internet. What if we create an ONLINE/OFFLINE LIBRARY
SYSTEM that can search, accomkodate any kind of books, and help them learn in just a click?
They dont need a new building for their library because they just need a computer, a system, an
internet connection, and us.


EDDIEL: Goodmorning sir, we are the students from Bulacan State University. We would like to
interview you for our reasearch and for our project in our subject SAD.
MR. DURAN: Ok goodmorning, please have a seat.
MR. DURAN: I have a question, why me? and why my school?
EDDIEL: Sir because Nathaniel is an alumni here and he wants to help the school a little
NATHANIEL: Yes sir that's true, but before we go to that part I just want to ask how long have
you been here as a principal?
MR. DURAN: I've been here 7 months, because before i've been a principal here in Bonga
Mayor Elementary School. I'm from Liciada Elementary School.
CHESTER: Oh okay sir, are you also a principal there?
MR. DURAN: Yes I'm also a principal there
CHESTER: For how long sir?
MR. DURAN: 10 years
IAN: Ok sir, so how's the environment here?
MR. DURAN: The environment here is perfect, the teachers are very nice they're also friendly,
the PTA and the parents are very cooperative. Actually we have a meeting later, the PTA and the
EDDIEL: Okay sir, so next question. How many faculty staff is in this school?
MR. DURAN: We have 16 faculty staff including me
EDDIEL: How's the benefit of the faculty staff? MR. DURAN: You know like other schools,
becaude we are part of the GSIS and you can loan when you are employed here 2 years.
NATHANIEL: So when you are giving them their pays, is it manually or thru their atm
MR. DURAN: Thru their ATM accounts
NATHANIEL: Sir is it okay if I ask the history of the school and who is the founder?
MR. DURAN: I dont know the whole story but I know that this is a primary school way back
1954, because it only have a Grade 1 to Grade 4.
MR. DURAN: You should ask one of my teachers because she knows well about the history of
this school.
IAN: Ok sir can we go and see her?
MR. DURAN: Sure - - - -
EDDIEL: Goodafternoon ma'am
MRS. GRACE: Goodafternoon, take a seat
EDDIEL: We just want to know the history and who is the founder of this school?
MRS. GRACE: The founder of this school is the PTA members, because back then we dont have
a school here in Bonga Mayor so the childrens are studying in other brgy and also this is a
Mango Farm even Nathaniel knows that. In 1954 it became a primary school and in 1996 it
became an elementary school.
EDDIEL: Thankyou for the info ma'am - - -
CHESTER: Sir we have a couple of questions before we go.
MR. DURAN: Ok sure go ahead and ask them.
CHESTER: So sir if you have a news about the school or events and upcomming activities, how
do you manage to let the parents and the students know?
MR. DURAN: Well if we have a news, I will make a tarpaulin and post it outside, for the events
and upcomming activites we have a GC or grouo chat with the teachers and the PTA Members
and we talk about it. IAN: Ok sir, next question. The enrollment system? How it is functioning?
MR. DURAN: For the new students the requirements is just simple bringing their birth
certificate and after that we are listing their names and they are enrolled.
IAN: How about sir the old students and the transferee?
MR. DURAN: For the old students its just their grade and for the transferee their grades and a
birth certificate and we have a NO COLLECTION FEE policy
EDDIEL: Are you having problems with the enrollment system?
MR. DURAN: Actually there's a problem specially in the transferee, if they have remaining
balance in their old school, we dont accept the student but their parents will surely file a case in
EDDIEL: So how do you solve that problem sir?
MR. DURAN: We have a policy called 1 month temporary enrolles for the transferee to settle
their remaining balance or any problems in their old school.
NATHANIEL: Sir how many enrollees do you have in a year?
MR. DURAN: This year we have 521 enrollees.
EDDIEL: Ok sir, do you have a library or a computer lab?
MR. DURAN: We dont have a library because we dont have enough facility, but we have a
computer lab for childrens subject EPP.
CHESTER: Sir if you dont mind, what do you think is the biggest problem here in this school?
MR. DURAN: In academics I dont have any problem because the teachers are hands on in their
lesson plans and it's computerize so it's easy to type, but physical problems? a lot. Like the
fences, the other rooms specially now its raining season, when its raining the room got flooded
and hopefully a new room to make it a library.
NATHANIEL: In you computer lab sir, do you an internet connection?
MR.DURAN: Yes, we also have wifi.
EDDIEL: Okay sir, thank you for your time

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