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'. : Cohorti Hampton I Mizzou 1l9~Mis;;:ba,rrderbtl.'t Teacher: Ms. Fulgiam / Ms. Mills/ Ms. Thomas
Sameness Ef'i'ect Chart efk ~t? -·Ci\nnOWtti f\
. ~ wr~n n 'fV'
:St~tions: Explanation of sameness Effect of same ss ~Ov\

What did receiving this envelope literally How did this make ou feel . In other words, ,Yylli!t
<191 In other words, what does this ex 9mgle effect did sameness ave on you?

of saw;~cig? th r-b/lfi J;-f I'll A.Jt. /-11,t. /,t,I, /

Ii+~ httlly }t,b~ J-JH h>-t11£tt~J./t, bk4JJ~
A vl4V 111i.J t'U,I 114111i.. -lh-t- h4 /11-t-- _/'fl? /
, n&lw 1ivif1 ,.~ 11A
111Y r,e-4( t74 ff-,l.
Sameness took away:
Choice ,I- Freedom *
What did receiving t!;lis~u,v~ lqP..§..ILt~J?IIY How c:fid this make you fee!? In other words, what
do? In other words, what does this example effect did sameness have on you?
ofsameness do? 1" l J:'~ ~e- W\_;,!
1ht-. ttwtlq~ /ft-t-ft. r-c I J\74vAI 11f..!J
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Sameness took away:
Choice •· · F,_reedom · . -~

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.11· ~..•·. .,. .• of sa,,,enla$s
'do? s,·thwhat
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e you fe~!7 In other words, what -

Jil:fy .f::f~r~
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es is example
literally effect did sa


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Sameness too1.r .
Choice t reed~~ Individuality

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• • I
Date: September 23 , 2019 ~/~);}
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'✓:ii i. , ~
Teacher: Ms. Fulgi am /Ms. Mills / Ms. T hJ ~
Objective: SWBAT understand the ef~ ':'ns of Sameness by going through a simulation.
~ -
Directions: Today you will venture through your new community. Use the questions and the graphic
organizer below to guide you through your~ r ney. Be sure to use precise language.

Station 1: What's in a name? ~i ·

What's our name? ~

Lio/' : : '

Station 2: What's in an age/birthday?

. . -~;.~
Jib-' i i'?
-· ,

Why_ js
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v~ n.+4rt+ . bJ,&uJ.,(
VY"4 1' 14;-1tz. 5N

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Station 3: What's in a job?
What 93:u want t;;;{/1°/-~p_? /zA 4t/ 4LMt~

:., ~ .. ' '

... ' • - t .., • ' " •

Station 4: What's in a holiday?

What is ·

- ~~~l...7..b:__ ~ ::...._~ ~- _ _ J~ ~- _ u . ~ ~- ~=-=::.__._.:~:........:..---- -

;;, .

Station 5: What's in a family?

Who is you,c parent/guardian;

How many siblings do 'iOU have?

Wjlat's_your favorJte family memory..9.Ltrasfili2.n?

~ Coho, ~ • -• 01• Ml" l""""""HP Tmh,., Ms. ~ am/ :•;~'h'i!h'· Thomas

! . ~ ,-; Directions: On the

' \'\ -v,, h.o. \- .
in"'1<~ldn n an academic ar
Q res
onse to the followin
s Samen communi:

-r1~ ~~~....:......!~~~~~------=-,,.=-=--~~~---=-_µ,=::::;......- t~ sertion: Should NOT say "yes," ----=--,---1----

or "I think/believe."
-fi~~~»- ...!:....!!__~:::::::=:__._M_._r- -i-:-~ ~ ~~_u~ .::::::~:___ _ _ _ !"' tate whether it has positively or
•. -, ;1atively affected the
~µ,~q~~~_J_Ll~ ¥;-!.i£!!.~:;J~=U~::J~- ~~~~~~~~ ·,,- mmunity and how!
't c: Q Did I answer all parts of the
,, :, .
1r"·i prompt?
=ir:11~gtf!1~2~===~tfiii~i~B~ttitk~l:::1~ai~~~fa1~-f.,r't:.'1:j~, :::== .t?~ Q Is my position clear?
-.f t Q Can I prove this?
yidence: Give context for and cite
- Nidence that supports the
·~sertion with direct quotes. (For
,-'rxample, at Station _ _...)
Q Does my evidence support
my assertion/claim?
Q Did I introduce or set up my
Q Is my evidence just right or
~_. _;. ~., t ,. J ~/J. A -'~-11 is it too long?
~1 :I ., J :' . .j .X ~ l L - - ~ /J t , · ,_ ~
~ ~ , -'- ' ' 1.-1"1 \_ A. \ J ~ ..; 1 i, _,,h f •ft ·,t "-. f "f d!1l. I. ;.. :.
i1"'1i t!-::
' 41< ;, I

V, --:7 l..,W..-\ i - 1 1 :i"'CY ~ tJ . · f ·_-, .

~ - i
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A' \ I...-.. ~tA.::;::!!>fl
'•l""• !,t,1,~' t 7.,,,§
t rJ -,..f ,f'u ,
-• : Commentary: Explains what
' . meness took away and the
---i<!l---1..- ~L..:!...-+,,-~ ---.--'---,-""!f
..:~ \ . t , l!.;ft~J~,~[1/ b. l1 ~ ~
,,_ ~ion it caused. [Commentary
,l .....,- J . ,~· 1f. -<J1 ~
/ •'&r•1; 10n of chart]
J • --r +·?,t ·r -~t,o••r .::· ~ ,d;
,,..,,.'J. " ,,. ,...~.,.
' . ~ &· ., .. •~ ~
E--~- ---:1=--,L-:..~~L......:=:r~-"--'-'----;(;- ..,, , , - E O Demonstrates original
.,,,· I • 4-,
-1 1 4
l . ..:.,:.. ' t. ~= ...
' ....
..-~ , - · ·' • ~
- t ert
. her via
, • ..:::. ~ 1
f n_ r'\'\_\ / explanation, analysis, or
..\ U t\. \ ~-..l ~ I evaluation - Have I introduc1
'!.- and explained my thinking, r
"can't touch this" idea(s)? D
get at the SO WHAT? Why d
this matter?
0 Explains how the evidence
proves the assertion - Have
~~ linked my thinking back to 1
~ 'j assertion/what I am trying
. ,-,..
~ -! prove?
:f"" ... .,_~
. ,;

. ..

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