In Search of A Soul Mate

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when soulmates connect,

more than the people in the relationship get


Soulmate : someone who is suitable for my soul and neccessary for my assignment.

1. They come by revelation not by manipulation

"if she's mine, I don't have to manipulate for her."
2. Their values allign with your needs.
What if you tell someone you're hungry, and they say "Stop being so physical."
Compatibily doesn't mean 'they need from you what you need from them."
But it means, they personally value themselves something that you need.
Ex. If you have a need for honesty, they have to be a person that value intigrity outside your
relationship. So they don't have to try to be honest, to meet your needs. Cause their value allign
with your need.

some thinga are just things people don't value.

Sometimes, people don't know what they value, until they get into relationship, and not getting
what they value.

If you don't know you, you don't know what you need.
And if you don't know what you need, you don't know if thwy can meet it.

3. They compliment you, they don't complete you,

It's dangerous to be in a relationship with anybody, who think they're doing you a favor by being
in a relationship with you.

You don't want someone who sees you as a 'half'.

You waant sant someone who sees you accurately, who can value you appropriately, who says
"You're moving by yourself, but we're a force when we're together. I come along side you, and I
compliment you."

4. They push you closer to God and not further away.

People don't have to share the same things to be happy.
But they question, would God send you somebody that pulls you away from Him?
You can say "I'm happy". That's true, but that doesn't mean you're obeidient.

You can't be and "all-in-christian" if you're with someone who doesn't share those values.
You can choose between obeying the one you're with and the One you serve.

This is the problem, "We don't trust God with our happyness."

It's right in the Bible.

You see it, but you ignore it, because "I don't trust God enough to obey what You say about
relationship is gonna make me happy."

You are settling for happyness when you can have joy, unexplainable joy, joy unspeakable and
full of glory.

You think you know what you need, and you don't.
Your heart is deceiving you.

I don't care how strong you feel it, if it's not alligned with The Word, it's not God, He's not in it,
and He will not bless it.

"I don't care how you smilin', I'm not in it."

"I don't care if you're happier than you've ever been, I'm not in it."

"Whom the Lord loves, He corrects."

Love says "Stop! I love you. This is gonna hurt you."

5. They don't interfere with your assignment, the advance it

God's not gonna give you a purpose and then send you somebody who gets in the way of you
carrying it out.


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