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Get Ready to Train

There are several elements that go into good Dog Skills People Skills

None Patience
The biggest issue is our ability to become Persistence
frustrated when it seems training isn’t Consistency
progressing. Observation
High rate of
Stop the session when frustration enters the reinforcement

Get Ready to train - set up for success

1. Get ready to train - gather these before • Keep notes on what • If training a specific
you get the dog: went well behavior did not go
1. Treats • Plan your next step for well, analyze why?
2. Treat Pouch each behavior
3. Clicker Was it due to:
4. Leash, if needed • Location
5. Props, if needed • Distractions
6. Training plan - what are you • Moving to fast
working on, how many through the training
repetitions? process for that
7. Video set up - great for review behavior - dog
doesn’t understand?
Stage the above items - treats in pouch,
pouch on you. Clicker handy! Props
where you need them.

THEN get the dog!

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