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Design of a Hydroponic Monitoring System with Deep Flow

Technique (DFT)
Subuh Pramono 1,a), Arif Nuruddin1,b) and Hamka Ibrahim 1, c)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

Abstrak. Hydroponics is transformation or water management which is used as a support to grow plants and where the
roots of plants absorb the necessary nutrients. Hydroponic farming is very suitable to be developed in urban areas where
the land is narrow enough to allow planting. Plants grown in hydroponics as well as conventional plants need adequate
nutrition in terms of quantity and type. The purpose of this study is the creation of a realtime hydroponic monitoring system
and the design of a cellular application as a display to show the results of monitoring. Among the parameters that must be
taken into account are pH, TDS, EC, and temperature. The parameter value is sent to the Blynk application via an Internet
connection. Parameter data can be monitored in real-time via the Blynk application and stored on a micro-SD card in tabular
form. This device successfully measures pH, TDS, EC, solution temperature, temperature, and humidity, as well as the
height of the solution with a level of accuracy of ± 5.83%. This device can connect to the Blynk application and send
parameter values to the Blynk application and display it on the device's LCD screen. Besides, this unit can control the
solution pump and spray pump with automatic adjustments. The use of this device makes it possible to monitor the quality
of a hydroponic solution and to control the pump continuously so that the hydroponic owner knows the condition of the
hydroponic system.

Now, many people begin to practice a healthy lifestyle. One way to be healthy is to pay attention to the
consumption of fruits and vegetables every day. Indonesia has a lot of fruits and vegetables, but unfortunately,
many Indonesian farmers still use pesticides to kill pests or insects that attack plants. So that fruits and vegetables
are contaminated by pesticides. From here the community will be more selective in choosing fruits and vegetables
for consumption. Non-pesticide fruits and vegetables are alternatives on the market, even now many people are
starting to grow their fruits and vegetables in their home yards. Healthy lifestyles are also influenced by the
development of information and communication technology which has rapidly increased with the emergence of
the term Internet of Things (IoT). IoT allows all objects to communicate with each other using an internet
connection. The concept of IoT can be applied in various fields, one of which is in agriculture [1].
One of the most famous cultivation techniques today is hydroponics. Hydroponics is water management which
is used as a medium for growing plants and where plant roots need to take nutrients [2]. At present there are eight
modern hydroponic techniques, namely Nutrient Film Technique (NFT), Static Aeration Technique (SAT), Ebb
and Flow Technique (EFT), Deep Flow Technique (DFT), Aerated Flow Technique (AFT), Drip Irrigation
Technique (DIT), Root Mist Technique (RMT), and Fog Feed Technique (FFT) [3].
Deep Flow Technique (DFT) is a hydroponic method that uses water as a medium to supply nutrients to plants
through ponds. Plants are cultivated in drainage channels with a nutrient solution that is about 4-6 cm in height that
flows continuously, where the roots of plants are always submerged in the nutrient solution. Nutrition solutions
will be collected back into the nutrient basin, then pumped through a distribution pipe to the planting pond
continuously [3].
Hydroponics uses a nutrient solution consisting of two variables pH and electrical conductivity (EC) [4]. The
pH level must be constant to keep the roots of the plant absorbing nutrients. If the roots of the plant are exposed to
a low pH, the plant will be damaged [5]. EC is used to measure the concentration of nutrient solution. EC must be
monitored to ensure adequate nutrition for plants. Each plant has its pH and EC values [6]. In addition to pH and
EC, the temperature of nutrient solutions also plays an important role in hydroponics. Plant roots absorb nutrients
well when submerged in 20-25 ° C for at least 12 hours. The temperature of nutrient solution more than 25 ° C or
less than 15 ° C tends to reduce chlorophyll content and will have an impact on plant growth [7].
Urban communities are mostly busy workers. With this, an instrument is needed that can be used as a
monitoring solution for the solution and the environment of the hydroponic system. From these problems, the
authors make research that can be used as a hydroponic condition monitoring system by the owner using an
application. Implement several types of sensors installed in the hydroponic system installation, which will measure
and get the data needed. By utilizing existing technology, this tool is expected to be able to assist the owners of
hydroponics in monitoring the state of hydroponic systems that are being cultivated anytime, anywhere.


Hardware Design
In this research, using various types of sensors consist of pH sensor, TDS sensor, DHT11 sensor, ultrasonic
sensor and LM35 temperature sensors. Furthermore, the data generated from sensor will be processed by the
microcontroller Arduino Mega 2560. Then the data that has been processed will be displayed using TFT LCD 2.4”
and send to Blynk App. Another component is also used is the relay to control the solution pump and fogging system.
The data will be stored on MicroSD. The system configuration of it are shown on figure 2.

FIGURE 1. System Configuration of Hyroponic and Blynk App


FIGURE 2. Hardware Design (a) Box 1, (b) Box 2, (c) Box 3

After the series of tools has been designed according to figure 3, it is continued with the design of a system
mechanism involving all components starting.

Software Design

FIGURE 3. Flowchart of System Mechanism of Blynk App

The process mechanism of blynk app are shown on figure 4. When the device starts, it will check the status of
the ESP8266 module and start connecting with the available WiFi networks. Then it will send an Auth Code to the
Blynk server. When successfully connected to the Blynk server the tool will download RTC via the Blynk server.
The DS3231 RTC module contained in this tool is only used for data acquisition.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 4. Interface of Blynk Design (a) Real-Time Monitoring, (b) Chart Monitoring

Then the sensor will read the actual conditions of contained in the hydroponic system. Automatic control of the
nutrient solution pump and the fogging pump work according to the schedule specified in the Arduino program.
Sensor readings will be displayed on a 2.4" TFT LCD and will be sent to the Blynk server so that they can be
monitored in real-time in the Blynk application needs as shown in figure 5. In addition, sensor readings will be stored
on a MicroSD card.

Testing and Measurement Method

The testing process is comparing the results of reading the prototype with the results of reading conventional
measuring instruments. Both probes from the prototype and and conventional measuring instruments are placed in
adjacent positions to obtain similar test conditions. The sensor readings from the prototype during the testing process
can be observed via the TFT LCD and the Blynk mobile application.

FIGURE 5. Hardware Configuration

The process of collecting data on nutrient solution monitoring is carried out by taking 10 samples in a period of
10 hours lasting from 07: 00-16: 00
Every 1 hour data will be taken manually using conventional measuring tools. provided that conventional
measuring probe is placed as close as possible to the prototype probe. The data taken include the following:
1. Ambient temperature
2. The temperature of the nutrient solution
3. High of the nutrient solution
4. Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)
5. Electrical Conductivity (EC)
6. pH of the nutrient solution


Sensor Testing
The devices have been made tested into severals steps, consist of sensor testing, WiFi connection testing and
power usage testing.
TABLE 1. The Result of DHT11 Sensor Testing
Prototype Thermometer Error Prototype Thermometer Error
Time Time
(⁰C) (⁰C) (%) (⁰C) (⁰C) (%)
7.00 28.2 30 6.00 13.00 29.2 31 5.81
8.00 28 30 6.67 14.00 29.1 31 6.13
9.00 27.7 29 4.48 15.00 29.1 30 3.00
10.00 28.6 31 7.74 16.00 29.2 31 5.81
11.00 29 30 3.33
12.00 29.1 31 6.13 Average 5.51

DHT11 sensor testing is done by comparing the results of sensor readings with conventional thermometers.
Based on testing, the average sensor error reading is relatively small, which is 5.51%. From the results, it shown that
the DHT11 sensor has good performance.

TABLE 2. The Result of LM35 Sensor Testing

Prototype Thermometer Error Prototype Thermometer Error
Time Time
(⁰C) (⁰C) (%) (⁰C) (⁰C) (%)
7.00 31.74 28.1 12.95 13.00 35.16 28 25.57
8.00 33.2 28.2 17.73 14.00 33.69 27.7 21.62
9.00 29.79 28.5 4.53 15.00 33.69 28.3 19.05
10.00 36.62 28.3 29.40 16.00 29.3 28.4 3.17
11.00 30.76 28.5 7.93
12.00 28.81 27.8 3.63 Average 14.56

LM35 sensor testing is done by comparing the sensor readings with a conventional thermometer. Based on
testing, the average sensor error reading is relatively small, amounting to 14.56%. From the results, it shown that
the LM35 sensor has good performance

TABLE 3. The Result of Ultrasonic Sensor Testing

Prototipe Ruler Prototipe Ruler
Time Error (%) Time Error (%)
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
7.00 26.27 26 1.05 13.00 26.17 26 0.67
8.00 26.13 26 0.49 14.00 26.15 26 0.58
9.00 26.12 26 0.47 15.00 26.32 26 1.23
10.00 26.11 26 0.42 16.00 26.19 26 0.74
11.00 26.10 26 0.40
12.00 26.11 26 0.42 Average 0.65
Ultrasonic sensor testing is done by comparing the results of sensor readings with ruler. Based on testing, the
average sensor error reading is relatively small, that is 0.65%. From the results, it shown that the ultrasonic sensor
has good performance

TABLE 4. The Result of TDS Sensor Testing

Prototipe TDS Meter Error Prototipe TDS Meter Error
Time Time
(ppm) (ppm) (%) (ppm) (ppm) (%)
7.00 1458.81 1371 6.40 13.00 1454.92 1352 7.61
8.00 1458.81 1363 7.03 14.00 1409 1348 4.53
9.00 1466.61 1472 0.37 15.00 1451.05 1325 9.51
10.00 1462.71 1375 6.38 16.00 1451.05 1318 10.09
11.00 1462.71 1304 12.17
12.00 1412.77 1367 3.35 Average 6.74

TDS sensor testing is done by comparing the results of sensor readings with conventional TDS meter. Based on
testing, the average sensor error reading is relatively small, that is 6.74%. From the results, it shown that the TDS
sensor has good performance

TABLE 5. The Result of EC Convertion Testing

Prototipe EC Meter Error Prototipe EC Meter Error
Time Time
(µS/cm) (µS/cm) (%) (µS/cm) (µS/cm) (%)
7.00 3103.85 2917 6.41 13.00 3095.58 2876 7.63
8.00 3103.85 2900 7.03 14.00 2997.86 2868 4.53
9.00 3120.46 3131 0.34 15.00 3087.33 2819 9.52
10.00 3112.15 2925 6.40 16.00 3087.33 2804 10.10
11.00 3112.15 2774 12.19
12.00 3005.9 2908 3.37 Average 6.68

TDS to EC conversion follows the calibration results of the TDS and EC meter used, as follows:

𝐸𝐶 = = µ𝑆/𝑐𝑚 (1)
EC conversion testing is done by comparing the results of sensor readings with conventional EC meter. Based
on testing, the average coversion is relatively small, that is 6.68%. From the results, it shown that the EC conversion
has good performance.

TABLE 6. The Result of pH Sensor Testing

Time Prototipe pH Meter Error (%) Time Prototipe pH Meter Error (%)
7.00 6.57 6.6 0.45 13.00 6.61 6.6 0.15
8.00 6.58 6.7 1.79 14.00 6.61 6.6 0.15
9.00 6.59 6.7 1.64 15.00 6.61 6.7 1.34
10.00 6.59 6.6 0.15 16.00 6.62 6.7 1.19
11.00 6.59 6.5 1.38
12.00 6.61 6.6 0.15 Average 0.84

pH sensor testing is done by comparing the results of sensor readings with conventional pH meters. Based on
testing, the average sensor error reading is relatively small, that is 0.84%. From the results, it shown that the pH
sensor has good performance
Full Day Monitoring
Monitoring is carried out for a whole day starting at 07:00 until 16:00. from this parameter, we can get the
average of the data in one day as shown in table 7.

TABLE 7. Full Day Monitoring

Time DHT11 LM35 Ultrasonic TDS EC pH
07.00 30 31.74 26.27 1458.81 3103.85 6.57
08.00 30 33.2 26.13 1458.81 3103.85 6.58
09.00 29 29.79 26.12 1466.61 3120.46 6.59
10.00 31 36.62 26.11 1462.71 3112.15 6.59
11.00 30 30.76 26.10 1462.71 3112.15 6.59
12.00 31 28.81 26.11 1412.77 3005.9 6.61
13.00 31 35.16 26.17 1454.92 3095.58 6.61
14.00 31 33.69 26.15 1409.00 2997.86 6.61
15.00 30 33.69 26.32 1451.05 3087.33 6.61
16.00 31 29.30 26.19 1451.05 3087.33 6.62
Average 30.40 32.28 26.17 1448.84 3082.65 6.60

In summary, we have made a device that can measure ambient temperature, temperature of nutrient solution,
nutrient solution height, TDS value, EC value and pH value simultaneously which is capable and practical to use
using DHT11, LM35, ultrasonic, TDS, pH, Arduino sensors , relay, LCD, esp8266 and microSD card adapters are
arranged in such a way that monitoring results can be viewed through a 2.4 "LCD and Blynk mobile LCD application
in real-time and monitoring data can be saved to the microSD card with an accuracy level of ± 5.83%. the same, this
device can carry out automatic control for nutrient solution pumps and fogging pumps according to the schedule set
in the Arduino program that has been uploaded to the Arduino mega 2560 board. With this device, we can monitor
the actual condition of the hydroponic system from anywhere and at any time as long as the device and the Blynk
app are connected to an internet connection, from the results, the hydroponic monitoring system device has good
performance and accuracy.

I would like to thank Subuh Pramono and Hamka Ibrahim, who for without patience, guidance, and
understanding, I would not have succeeded so far, especially with this research. I also remain thankful to all my
friends who have been willing to share and guide me during my research. You are all special to me.

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