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Year 1/2 Weekly Update

November 4-November 8

Important Days

Welcome back from vacation! I hope everyone had a

Wednesday- 1:40 dismiss

nice break from the regular routine and safe travels if

you were away from Tivat.

PE: Wednesday, Friday

Library: Monday

Music: Tuesday I spent the week in Egypt visiting pyramids, museums,

diving, snorkelling, and relaxing! I look forward to
getting back into the swing of things.

We are Learning About…

Reading-This week we will continue practicing comprehension skills with Fairy
Tales and Folk Tales and review our good reading habits after having a short

Writing- This week we will continue writing to describe something, using

adjectives in a simple sentence (Year 1- creating a simple sentence and adding
1 detail with support as needed. Year 2- writing more than one sentence to
describe something clearly.)

We will be writing about our vacation. Please send some photos of things
from the vacation (via email or messenger) that we can use for our writing.

Math-This week we continue focusing on measurement units with Year 1 and

Year 2. As we think about measurement we will be comparing to measure and
learning to use some standard units for measurement (centimeters, meters,

Year 1/2 Weekly Update

Unit of Inquiry-This week we will begin looking at factors that determine

where people live and how homes reflect the local culture. We will think about
how our homes here in Tivat might compare to a home in a different part of
the world.

Transdisciplinary Theme- Where we are in place and time

An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations
and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilisations,
from local and global perspectives.

Central Idea-Homes reflect cultural influences and local conditions.

Lines of Inquiry-

what constitutes a home

How homes reflect family values

How homes reflect local culture

Factors that determine where people live

Learner Profile Focuses- Inquirer, Knowledgeable, Open Minded


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Read the book in the Read the book in the Read the book in the Read the book in the
homework bag and homework bag and homework bag and homework bag and
record in your record in your record in your record in your
Reading Log. Reading Log. Reading Log. Reading Log.

Complete the Complete the

handwriting or handwriting or
writing homework in writing homework in
your homework bag. your homework bag.

-please send an email to Ms. Jelena with the name or a link to a video (or send to
me and I can forward on to Ms. Jelena)

-practice a kids or nursery song in your home language to share in music

(you can write the title on a piece of paper and Ms. Jelena will find the song online)

-practice and be ready to share how to say "hello" in your home language

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