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Introduction to Oceanography

OCS 1005 (Section 6)

This course will provide you with a broad overview and introduction to
oceanography. The field of oceanography is highly interdisciplinary, incorporating
physics, geology, chemistry, and biology. Through this course you should
develop a basic understanding of all these areas of oceanography and the
scientific critical thinking and methodology employed by oceanographers.


Dr. Malinda Sutor Office: 2265 Energy, Coast, and Env. Bldg.

Phone: 8-8055 email:

Office hours are by appointment so please email or call to set up a meeting.

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Kieley Hurff Office: 2133 Energy, Coast, and Env. Bldg.


Office hours are by appointment.


Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science by Tom Garrison, 8th edition

You can purchase through the bookstore or via this website

There is an online component of the book available to students that you may find
useful. It is not required for the course, however.

CourseMate Supplement

There is an online learning site called CourseMate that the textbook publisher
has created and maintained. It contains supplemental materials and interactive
quizzes to test your knowledge. These quizzes are purely for your own
assessment and are not graded or reviewed. If you would like to take advantage
of this resource, there is an instruction guide on how to access the site on
Technology Requirements

For this online class, you will need a computer, an internet connection, and
sound capabilities (speakers or headphones). The sound capabilities will be
necessary to listen to lectures and videos. Not all videos may play properly on a
mobile device so a computer will be necessary to view all materials. There are
additional technological requirements for students who choose to take exams via
a secure online system called ProctorU. More information on ProctorU is
provided in the section on exams.


Your final grade will be determined by your grades on four exams (100 points
each), 12 short answer quizzes (10 points each—14 quizzes are given and the
lowest two grades are dropped), contributing resources to a database (40 points),
and a glossary (40 points). The final grade will be calculated on 600 total points.
Each exam grade and the final quiz grades are curved to achieve a 75% average
and so there is no curve on the final grade. There may be opportunities for
bonus points offered during the course.

Quizzes will be given online via Moodle. Each quiz will be available to take during
a designated time period (example, between 7am and 9 pm on a given day).
Each quiz will also be timed. You will have to complete the quiz in the allotted
time. Only the portion of the quiz that is completed in the time period will be
graded and count towards your total grade for the quiz. The timing of quizzes will
be announced in advance via email and placed on the Moodle calendar.

Exams can be taken in the computer testing center in Himes Hall, at another
approved testing center (at another university, for example) or online via the
Proctor U service for a fee.

Taking Exams in the Testing Center: You will log in via the website to set up
an appointment to take your exam. Exams will be available in the testing center
for designated time periods (example, one full day). The website contains
detailed instructions and the location of the testing center.

Taking Exams using ProctorU: You will need to set up an account with
ProctorU and schedule your exam through them. The cost is $17.50 for a one
hour proctoring session. The time limit on exams is 60 minutes so the cost will
be $17.50 per exam. There is a pdf with details uploaded to Moodle.

IMPORTANT Makeup exams are available to students who have legitimate

medical excuses or other reasons that are up to me to decide (travel for student
organizations, required court appearances including jury duty, etc). In order to be
considered for a make-up exam you MUST contact the instructor by email or in
person 24 hours in advance of the exam with documentation for proof of a valid
reason for absence. Weddings, family reunions, vacations, car repairs, etc. are
not valid reasons for a make-up exam BUT you may be able to take any exam
early with advanced planning.

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

0-59 F


Lectures will be posted on Moodle along with supplementary materials such as

videos and readings. Quizzes and exams will be based on the material presented
in the lecture and if supplemental material is included, it will be clearly

I work very hard to provide you with a great learning experience and to introduce
you to a subject that I dearly love and have made my life’s work. If you need
assistance with class material PLEASE come and see me or contact me. While
the material may be challenging and you are expected to learn and comprehend
it and to be able to demonstrate your knowledge on exams, I am interested in
every student learning the material and I would be very happy if at the end of the
semester, everyone deserves an A in this class.
Review Sessions

In person review sessions will be offered prior to each exam. You will be notified
in advance of the time and place and asked to sign up to insure attendance.
These review sessions are not mandatory, but can be extremely helpful.

Also, there will be a forum posted in each section where you can ask questions
and view answers to other student’s questions. This can serve as a great way to
get answers to common questions.

Finally, there will be a live chat offered the day before each quiz where you can
ask questions and get immediate answers on the course material for the quiz.

Tentative Class Schedule

The tentative class schedule and exam schedule will be posted the first week of

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