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KirbyAnne Plessala (kpless2@lsu.

Ch. 21 Worksheet


Lichens Spores Septa Mycorrizae Hyphae Mycelium Endophytes

1. The body of almost all fungi is a mycelium , interwoven threadlike filaments

called hyphae .

2. Hyphae of most species are divided into many cells by partitions called septa .

3. Spores are tiny reproductive packages capable of developing into adult fungi.

4. Lichens are formed by fungi that live with photosynthetic algae or bacteria.

5. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots.

6. Endophytes are fungi that live inside plant stems and leaves.

What are the five phyla of fungi?

1. Chytridiomycota

2. Zygomycota

3. Glomeromycota

4. Basidiomycota

5. Ascomycota

Match the following characteristics to one of the five phyla listed above.
a. Live in close contact with plant roots Glomeromycetes
b. Common examples would include most food-spoiling molds, morels, truffles, yeasts,
and Penicillium Ascomycetes
c. Most feed on dead aquatic material Chytrids
d. During sexual reproduction in this phylum, two hyphae of different mating types
come into contact and fuse to form a zygosporangium. Zygomycetes
e. The interaction between this phylum of fungi and roots forms a beneficial
relationship called a mycorrhiza. Glomeromycetes
f. Each fruiting body for this phylum of fungi contains numerous club-shaped
structures called basidia. Basidiomycetes
g. Called sac fungi and reproduce both asexually and sexually Ascomycetes
h. During asexual production, spores are produced in black spore cases called
sporangia. Zygomycetes
i. Most are aquatic. Chytrids
j. Most live in soil or on decaying plant or animal material. Zygomycetes
k. Their hyphae penetrate root cells and form microscopic branching structures inside
the cell. Glomeromycetes
l. Called the club fungi because they produce club-shaped reproductive structures
m. At the tips of some hyphae in the fruiting body, a saclike case called an ascus (plural,
asci) forms Ascomycetes

1. Cells are surrounded by cell walls composed of chitin, a sulfur-containing
polysaccharide. False, nitrogen*
2. Fungi can move, so they grow rapidly in any direction within a suitable
environment. False, can’t move*
3. Fungi obtain their nutrients from other organisms. True
4. Most fungi can reproduce both sexually and asexually. True
5. Sexual reproduction usually occurs under stable conditions and results in the rapid
production of genetically identical clones. False, asexual
6. During sexual reproduction, the zygote undergoes meiosis to form haploid sexual
spores. True
7. A symbiotic relationship is a close interaction between organisms of the same
species over a short period of time. False, different* extended period of time*
8. The plant provides the fungi with energy-rich sugar molecules produced
photosynthetically by the plant. True, the fungi is going to take the energy rich sugar
and decomposes from plants or animals….
9. Fungal saprophytes (which feed on dead organisms) release extracellular
substances that digest the tissues of the dead and liberate the elements C, N, and P,
as well as minerals that can be reused by plants. True,

How do fungi reproduce?

By spores
Describe reproduction in glomeromycetes. What makes it different from reproduction in
other phyla?
Sexual reproduction has not disovered
During asexual reproduction, clusters of spores are produced by mitosis and remain
outside the host plant cell at the tip of hypae
When the spores germinate, hyphae grow into the surrounding soil and penetrate a new
plant root

What have mycorrhizae done to help plants invade land?

See slide 38

What are some ways that fungi attack humans?

A lot of plant are attack by fungi, they attack misquotes see slide 41also slide 44

What are some antibiotics that are derived from fungi?

Penicillin - asco and cyclosporin

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