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ICT as a medium for Advocacy and development communication

 ICT as a medium for ADVOCACY and developmental communication. How ICT tools and
platforms have changed the way people communicate, and how social change has been bought
about by the use of ICT’s?

 ICT is a big help for everyone. It has many users worldwide. It is a great instrument in spreading
such things. It can be a medium for advocacy like giving information’s in every tragedy. It can
easily spread through social media because it has many users. It can be in a developmental
communication because there are many ways on how to possibly spread information’s. After
spreading, you will know how far it goes and its growth on the social media by looking at the
number of views it covered. It has the exchange of ideas and its shares on the social media. It is
also a great way in giving awareness to everybody by using gadgets such as smart phones and etc.

 Nowadays, people are now engaged in using gadgets. Every day, people are used on waking up
then scanning their phones and sometimes they forgot to thank God for the blessing. Being
practical and realistic, ICT changed our daily living. It changed our society to a new and digital
world. Gadgets are everywhere and that is the reason why our communication process changed.
For us, teenagers, we are now engaged in the big population of social media. Instead of texting,
we do have group chats on Facebook. In having relationships, teenager prefers chats and text than
the old way of courting. Because of ICT’s, younger people are now engaged in using gadgets for
fun. I can say that the generation now is at risk and so with the next generations.


 Social media is the most powerful form of marketing and market research the world has ever
seen. But it’s not a magic bean that grows overnight into business success. It’s a platform for real
work. The art knows the best places to put the work so you get results and not just a lot of
annoying people who think they’re your friends. That’s what we’re going to talk about today.

 With the millions of apps, websites and other platforms for people to communicate through media
that all over the internet these days, this is truly the age of social media. Teenagers are among the
top users of most social media platforms on the internet. Whether it’s updating a Facebook status,
fitting a joke into 140 characters or uploading a picture of our lunch to instagram,we are on the
internet a lot. Social media is a huge part of our culture.

 Many people seem to have a negative outlook on social media and its influence on today’s youth.
There are a lot of negative aspects of kids having so much freedom on the internet in this day and
age. Advertisers have endless opportunities to manipulate and influence people. Privacy is not
really an option for most social media users. Plus; the internet is now an environment that allows
people to easily and anonymously hurt others. Cyber bullying has become a huge problem in the
last few years. These are all negative aspects of being a part of online communities. Social media
world are beneficial to teenagers. It provides a space for youth to share opinions, stories and
thoughts. It allows us to connect with people all over the world. It can be used for bad things, but
it can also be used for good.

 On the internet and off, bullying has always been a huge problem among youth, and probably will
be for a long time to come. There are other ways to make a difference. The people who are
against social media seem to focus so much on the fact that this environment gives users an easy
way to spread hate, and less on the fact that it also gives users an easy way to spread love at any
time, you can compose a message on a forum like Facebook or twitter and send it out for anyone
in the world to see. The thing is the internet gives youth so much freedom. We now have a
relevant voice because of social media

 The youth of today have a voice like we never have before. Social media can be a an awesome to
encourage each other communities with people and share our stories. Social media gives as a
change us to reconnect and keep up with old friends and friends that live far away. It gives as
opportunities to share our stories and get out opinion out there. Having the freedom to say what
we want on the internet makes us feel heard. That can be such a powerful feeling, and I think it’s
a really important one for teenagers to have.

 Social media platforms like twitter have given so many other teen agers a lot of power. People
need to start listening to what the youth has to say and understand that so much good can come
from this opportunity if we are encouraged and accepted online and offline

Importance of digital citizenship

 Refers to a person utilizing information technology (IT)in order to engage in society, politics, and
government participation. K .Mossberger define digital citizens as ”those who use the internet
regularly and effectively”

 People characterizing themselves as digital citizens often social networks and participating in
online journalism

 A recent survey revealed that teenagers and young adults spend more time on the internet than
watching TV. Digital youth can be generally view as test market for the next generation’s digital
content and services. Sites such as twitter and Facebook have come to the fore-in sites where
youth participate and engage with others on the internet.



 Helps us youths to gain more information in a specific lessons.


 Due to the social media, YouTube are more focus to such things and forget their responsibility as
a student.


 Digital citizenship teaches students how to look out, select, and streamline information and how
to choose a real and authentic source of information.

 Teach and value every one the proper awareness of digital citizenship to avoid cyber-bullying and
other circumstances.

 Today with the digitalization, employers judge prospective students or employees for their social
media profile. So it is important to teach students how to create online personas that project
positive and constructive image.

ICT as a medium for advocacy and developmental communication

 ICT is a big help for everyone. It has many users worldwide. It is a great instrument in spreading
such things. It can be a medium for advocacy like giving information in every tragedy. It can
easily spread through social media because it has many users.

 It can be in a developmental communication because there are many ways on how to possibly
spread information. After spreading, you will know how far it goes and its growth on the social
media by looking at the number of views it covered. It has the exchange of ideas and its shares on
the social media. It is also a great way in giving awareness to everybody by using gadgets such as
smart phones.
What is the social power of social media?

 Social media influence is a marketing term that describes an individual's ability to affect other
people's thinking in a social online community. The more influence a person has, the more appeal
that individual has to companies or other individuals who want to promote an idea or sell a

What is digital citizenship and why is it important?

 Addressing the 21st century skill of digital citizenship is important; to help students to learn,
communicate and collaborate safely and responsibly. Being a best digital citizen in the
community includes having email etiquette, reporting and preventing cyber bullying, learning
how to protect private information.

Developing an ICT Project for Social Changes

“Developing and Constructing the ICT Project”

Planning and Conceptualizing an ICT Project for Social Changes

Communicating with individuals and such organizations requires method and technology such as an ict
by the help of computer systems.

-Information technology serves as the engine for economic and social development the wealthy countries
of the world today

- ICT is generally seen as a useful tool to employ better and cheaper communications and to facilitate the
generation of knowledge.

- ICT evaluation can be defined as establishing by quantitative and qualitative methods the value of the
ICT to the organization

- Performance cannot be judged as good or bad w/o the successful implementation of the project.

- Evaluating ICT projects can be quite problematic and can sometimes be quite subjective ( heeks
2002,Currie 1995,Bannister..)
Literature shows that planning and management of ICT project has a very poor record in developing
A careful review of reasons for failure identifies other factor whose presence or absence determines
success or failure projects. The researcher looks at the output variables which are the benefits to be
achieved if the initiative succeeds. The purpose is to classify the goal of ICT Projects

Output variables - The authors see ICT as a means to and end and not an end it in self. The value of ICT
lies in its ability to assist the government in finding solutions to its problem. It can only be justified if
there are benefits accruing to it and not adopting it for its own sake.
The benefits are:
A. Cost reduction
B. Quality of service delivery
C. Increasing capacity of government
D. Improved decision making
E. Transparency

For Success
Their absence can cause failure and their presence can cause success. Drivers are the factors that
encourage or reinforce the successful implementation or ICT projects.
Factors for ICT success and Failure
A. Vision and strategy
B. Government support
C. External pressure and donor support
D. Rising consumer expectations
Those are occurrences that constraint power/smooth implementation of ICT projects in government, can
either be barriers or inhibitors.
Barriers can be considered as those occurrences that hinder ICT implementation

Factors for failure

A. Infrastructure
B. Finance
C. Poor data systems and lack of compatibility
D. Skilled Personnel

The best way to achieve maximum benefit for ICT implementation is to have all the factors for success
with no occurrence of the factors for failure.
Clockwork (2004) suggests the following framework for implementing e- Government projects.
Action plan for success
A. Examine national e- Readiness
B. Identify and prioritize themes
C. Develop a program of action
D. Apply to target groves
1. Do not underestimate the complex environment in which ICT programs evolve.
2. be sure to select a project that benefit for your target group.
The suggested Best Practices in ICT
To be able to measure the role of ICTs in HE teaching and their consequent contribution to the energy
expended in the teaching and learning process, we need comparable methods for determining how much
effort (time) is spent by teachers teaching and students learning for a particular course or module.
Conceptualizing of ICT Projects
We have drafted a working paper to account for the transformative effect of ICTs on HIM teaching and
offer a number of related approaches to conceptualizing the role of ICTs in teaching models and assessing
ICT intensiveness, for the purpose of data collection and analysis of their environmental impacts
Audience Profile
Economic characteristics (disposable income, car ownership, home ownership, etc.) and social
characteristics (lifestyle, leisure activities, buying patterns) of the listener-ship, readership, or the
viewership of a particular advertising medium.

Research for ICT Projects, Audience Profiling (demographics and psychographics)

Why does audience profiling matter?

Audience profiling doesn't limit your audience, it simply helps you choose where to spend your time and
money for the greatest return of your investment.
Audience profiling isn't just a method used to understand the target audience, it is also an important part
of crafting unified goal and vision for your business, brand, or product.
Step 1: Create Demographic and Psychographics Profiles


Is the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

Often confused with demographics where historical generations may be defined both by demographics,
such as the years in which a particular generation is born or even the fertility rates of that generations
parents, but also by psychographic variables like attitudes, personality formation and culture touchstones.

Involves dividing your market into segments based upon different personality traits, values, attitudes,
interests, and lifestyle of consumers. This segmentation is advantageous because it allows you to engage
in product design and marketing in a focused manner.

When a relatively complete profile of a person or groups psychographic make up is constructed, this is
called "psychographic profile". Psychographic profiles are used in market segmentation as well as in
Some categories of psychographic factors used in market segmentation include:
Activity, Interest, Opinions
Are the study of a populations based on factors such as age, race, sex, and economic status, level of
education, income level, and employment among others.
Are used by governments, corporations, and non-government organizations to learn more about a
population characteristic for many purposes including policy development and economic market research.
Step 2: Develop the buyer Persona
Is "an archetype, a character profile of your ideal or typical customer". Think of it as a qualitative deep
dive that goes behind demographic categories and documents a customer needs, wants, goals, desires,
challenges, values, and attitudes.
Is an opportunity to add some depth to the statistics you gathered during your demographic profile?

Designing and Copywriting for ICT Project

Question: “How?”
The plan for the end system is developed
One or more designs are developed, with which the project result can apparently be achieved
One project involved producing a number of designs, which were quite important to the success of the
Depending on the subject of the project, the products of the design phase can include dioramas, sketches,
flow charts, site trees, HTML screen designs, prototypes, photo impressions and UML schemas
The project supervisors use these designs to choose the definitive design that will be produced in the
The project supervisors use these designs to choose the definitive design that will be produced in the
Defines the implementation of the project without actually executing the project
Once the design has been chosen, it cannot be changed in a later stage of the project.
Why we are doing this?
To undertake a structured process to develop a detailed design for a solution that meets agreed
What you’ll need to do produce a detailed design?
Detailed design specifications Product planning
Develop test plans and use cases
Create stage plan for next stage, update project plan and refine business case accurately
Copywriting and Design
When both don’t align from the start of a project, the warning signs start to flare and the project goes
downhill fast.
Partnership between a copywriter and a designer is crucial to the success and effectiveness of any web
Copy and design are like the two oars of a rowboat. If they’re not moving in concert,
You’re going to exercise an enormous effort only to gain very little.
If you’re a marketer who has ever written copy for a display ad, case study, eBook, etc., you’ve probably
interacted with a designer. And the same goes for designers — if you’ve ever designed a piece of
marketing collateral, you definitely had to work with a copywriter.
Constructing and Developing
Question: “How to implement?”

To use the agreed detailed design to build a solution that meets agreed business requirements.
The ICT team actually constructs the project or system
The team uses a process map that identifies the procedures
That need to be completed to duplicate the agreed upon terms
Everything that will be needed to implement the project is arranged
Potential suppliers or subcontractors are brought in, a
Schedule is made, materials and tools are ordered, and instructions are given to the personnel and so forth
Implementation should be ready to start

Developing and Constructing an ICT Project

At the end of the presentation, you should be able to:
Know the basic steps in developing and constructing ICT project;
Collaboratively participate actively in the creation and development of an ICT project and;
Observe proper attitude in dealing with your partner/s in developing and creating ICT project for social
1. Definition of Terms
2. about Word Press
3. Features
4. Advantages and Disadvantages
5. vs.
Definition of Terms
Blog is a part of a website usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary,
descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a file that tells our browsers how the website should look like.
Content Management System (CMS) is software that facilitates creating, editing, organizing, and
publishing content.
Dashboard is a first screen which will be seen when you log into the administration area of your blog
which will display the overview of the website.
Domain Name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or
control in the Internet (.com, .net, .org, .edu, and .biz).
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended
for display on a World Wide Web browser page.
Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is an HTML embedded Web scripting language. This means PHP code
can be inserted into HTML of a Web page ICT a technology functioning to support the process of
conveying information and communication.
My Sites lists all the sites for which a user is an administrator.
Plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a Word Press website.
They can extend functionality or add new features to your Word Press websites.
Publish is used to make the post available to all the users wherein every user can view that particular
Theme modifies the way the site is displayed, without modifying the underlying software.
Web Hosting is the allocated server space where all your website files are stored (eg., Site Ground, Blue
host, I page, FlyWheel,Dreamhost, Hesitator)
Website is a set of related web pages containing content (media), including text, video, music, audio,
images, etc.
Widgets are small blocks that perform specific functions. These give design and structure control to the
Word Press theme.
WORDPRESS is an open source Content Management Software (CMS). Allows users to build dynamic
websites and blogs.
User Management
Media Management
Theme System
Extend with Plugins
Search Engine Optimization
Open source
Easy to edit
CSS files can be modified
Media files can be uploaded easily and quickly
Allows different roles for users

Limited plugins
PHP knowledge is required
Modifying and formatting is difficult
Software needs to be updated
Limited Theme Support
No Plugins allowed
Limited Monetization
Pay to Remove Branding
Limited SEO Control
Limited Analytics
Cannot Create an Online Store
Cannot Create Membership Site
No Maintenance
Full Theme Support
All Plugins allowed
Regular Expense
Monetization freedom
Branding Freedom
All SEO Features

II. Developing and Constructing ICT Project

How to create a website using
1. Create your Word Press account. Ensure that you won’t forget your account. You will be using this
every time you edit your website.
2. Go to
3. Create a project
4. Choose a theme for your website
5. Set the domain name of your website.
6. Verify your account through the email that you have provided during the registration. Verify by
clicking the button. Then you will be redirected to the dashboard.
III. Developing and Constructing ICT Project
Adding text-based and image type of information to Page Content
1. Open your wordpress account
2. Click on “My Site” Page
3. Choose “Pages”
4. on the right panel, click on the ellipses button along page title which you would like to add.
5. You may opt to copy an existing file based from your copy-writes and analysis of data.
6. Also, you may use the page elements presented below to enhance your page content.
7. Click update when done.
IV. Developing and Constructing ICT Project
Adding pictures in the Gallery page
1. Open your word press account
2. Click on “My Site” Page
3. Choose “Pages”
4. Proceed to Gallery, left click then select edit
5. Use Image tool to insert image/s
6. Create at least 3 rows for displaying the set of images
7. Insert 5 images in each row by choosing “Add new”.
8. Choose your desired presentation layout. Set the column to 5.
9. Insert a caption for each picture by going to edit tab
10. Click on “Save and Update” button
Adding multimedia widget to your website
Go to “modules” panel
In “themes” module, click the “customize” button
Scroll down from navigation panel then choose Widgets Sidebar
Select Gallery. In style property, choose slideshow
Add images to the Gallery and select multiple images, which will be used for the video clip.
Choose your desired presentation output.
Click the “save and update button”


It Website management platform is integrated set at tools and services

That Allows teams to create, design, develop, launch, manage, administer,
And monitor website contents. Web building involves Web management,
Navigation support, homepage contents, content writing, and design for

Examples of web managenent:

I. Word Press – is a free and open source content management system (CMS) based on PhP and
II. Microsoft Office Project Server – is a project management server solution made by Microsoft
that allows you to view and upload documents.
III. File Manager – is an uploading tool web inter face that allows you to manage all your files.


To get more traffic and traction you should not only good in writing/designing, but also good in
promotion, get more shares, more email, subscribes and higher search rankings promotes validate, grow
your product, get keep, and grow costumers and users.

I. Linkedin – a business oriented social networking service.
II. Google adwards – Is an online advertisement service that enables advertiser to compute, to
display brief advertising copy to web user.
III. Reddit – allows you to gather feedback and advice.
IV. Feedback ads – is an ad-network platform to test and validate ideas.


I. Use multimedia – there should first be away on how the reader will encounter your past one way
is to blend search, social and email, created in different channels and format to say connected to
different kind of audiences in different ways.
II. Use various and Online Tools – create headlines grab in attention in email, twitter and Facebook
III. Used Images – create images in pinterest, instagram, slideshare and youtube what will catch the
attention of viewers.
IV. Use Blogs – use your blogs to frequently connect with other people and build relationship and



User feedback is the information coming directly from customer’s bout the satisfaction or
dissatisfaction; they feel with a product or a service. Customers comments and compliant given to a
company are an important resource improving and addressing the needs and wants of the customers.

I. Get users feedback on prototype.
II. Usability study.
III. Conceptual Design: overall framework for the design.
IV. Interaction Design: a careful look at how the user will interact with the system, within the
conceptual design.
V. Detailed Design: the details of the appearance and the interaction.

I. Tests usability and functionality of system.
II. Evaluates both design and implementation.
III. Should be considering at all stages in the design life cycle.

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