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5 tips to help you review

for your LET (Licensure

Exam for Teachers)
A 2008 LET passer and 2nd-placer shares her tips for doing well in Licensure Exam for Teachers

Teaching is considered a noble profession, and many refer to it as a calling and passion, not just
a job. From my experiences in the academe and basic education classrooms, I realize that
numerous responsibilities are bestowed upon teachers.

As educators, we are expected to serve as good role models, responsible citizens, and inspiring
classroom facilitators. Teachers must also possess credentials and experiences that would
indicate capabilities to manage the demands on the profession.

On March 20, 2016, a new batch of prospective educators will take the Licensure Examination
for Teachers (LET) nationwide. Fresh graduates, retakers, and professionals with teaching
certificates will sit down for the exam with the goal of passing to earn the covetable license.

I have been teaching for almost a decade now. After graduating from university, I immediately
took a teaching post in its laboratory school where I handled elementary and secondary classes.

I was also given the opportunity to volunteer in a public elementary school while I was
completing my thesis for my master’s degree. I went on to become a college instructor in a
private institution, handling education and general education courses.

Based on my experience as a former examinee and later on, a LET review lecturer, below are
some useful tips to help you prepare and pass the examination:


My first consideration was my objective for taking the LET. I wanted to secure a license and be
considered a professional teacher.

Schools typically employ licensed teacher-applicants. I used to visualize myself holding that
license, credentials that I believe would enhance my resume and help with my professional
teaching career. Whenever I aspire to achieve something, I picture myself in that area.
An examinee should clearly establish the reasons for taking the test. Is it employment-related or
a personal goal?

There will be a number of challenges along the way, but knowing your goals and having the
willpower will help you immensely. What’s your objective for taking the LET?

Know your learning style

I reviewed for the exam using notes, cue cards, and diagrams because I am a visual learner.
Whenever I had the chance and time to read (e.g., while queuing in a supermarket or
commuting), I made sure that I had my notes with me so I can refer to them anytime. Knowing
your learning style is key.

Using that understanding, you can devise a particular plan that will work best for you. Know
your learning preferences, limitations and capabilities. How do you learn?

Prepare a plan for your review

Knowing that I am not an effective crammer, I devised a plan in reviewing for the test. I had
approximately nine (9) months to prepare but I had to consider my full-time teaching post.

I was handling 7 sections in elementary and secondary levels while I was prepping for the LET.
My priority was my students so I had to adjust my review plans accordingly. I decided to borrow
reviewers and readings from the university libraries (review sessions and review materials were
quite pricey). I made cue cards containing the concepts that I thought were of value. I allotted
more time in preparing for Professional Education (one of the exam subjects) because that area
was my waterloo.


On the other hand, I was more confident with the General Education lessons (thanks to my
professors!). Every night, I would study 5 concepts to help me concentrate and focus. My
teaching load actually aided my review because the subject that I taught helped me revisit the
concepts in my area of specialization.

I also requested my friends from the History department to allow me to attend their classes to
review. Preparing a review plan will help as you will be able to see your roadmap, the areas to
focus more and the timing for the review. This will make your review more effective and
efficient. How would you prepare for the LET?

Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it

Self-reflection helped me identify my areas of concern during the review. Whenever I had
troubles in understanding the review materials and readings, I would revisit the references and
ask help from others who may potentially know the answers, or can guide me where to find the

During the review, you may encounter instances where you will be confused with some topics,
and panic may immediately kick in.

However, know that there are people who can assist you while preparing, such as friends, former
professors, classmates, reviewers, among others. Also, sometimes it is helful to participate in
group reviews.

Instead of reviewing alone, studying with a group of friends or co-examinees may help as you
will be able to exchange ideas, ask questions right away and reinforce the concepts and

Who are the people who could help you prepare?

Stay positive

While I was doing my study routine, there were times that I felt tired or discouraged. I had a lot
of things to do and sometimes I questioned the value of sacrificing my time and effort for the

In order to rebuild my confidence and the drive to strive, I would always go back to my
motivation and visualize my target. I would instantly feel better whenever I think about my
ultimate goals down the line.

Holding on to positive thoughts and visualizing the success would help you become motivated.
Treat the review as an enjoyable challenge, instead of a boring and time-consuming ordeal. And
don’t forget to treat yourself. At times you will feel down, which is absolutely normal. Believing
in yourself that you can do it is key.

Your LET review may seem tedious sometimes, but continue to push through. As a friend
advised, “You will get what you deserve.”

How can you stay happy and positive while reviewing? Share your own tips with us below. –

How to PASS the PRC LET Exam on your FIRST

PRC (Professional Regulation Commission) recently announced the September 2017 LET (Licensure Examination
for Teachers) results with 26.33% and 46.47% national passing percentage for elementary and secondary teachers

I passed the PRC LET exam with 100% self review on my first take and maybe you are wondering how I do it.

I wrote this article to share with you how I do it, the technique and strategy I used and how much time and effort I
invest on it so that you will pass the LET exam either on your first, second or third take.

PRC LET board exam is composed of:

1. Multiple choice questions (5 choices) and what comes in my mind? Pick one answer and you have a
20% chance to get a correct answer, right?

2. 3 subjects (General Education, Professional Education and Specialization for secondary level (English, Science,
Math, Social Science, TLE...) and 2 subjects for elementary level, General Education and Professional Education.
Don't take for granted one subject because every subject is vital and important.

3. National Passing rate or percentage range at most at ~50%, it means you have 1/2 chance of passing or even

How to PASS the PRC LET Exam on your FIRST TAKE?

Passing the LET Exam depends on:

1. Planning Ahead
2. Collecting Your Materials and Resources
3. Doing Your Study and Exam Techniques
4. Giving Time
5. Trying Your Luck
6. Prayers

Do you want to pass the LET board exam on first take? or you want to land on TOP 10 or TOP 20? So you have to
decide and make it a goal. Better plan it ahead of time than everyone else. Be ready physically, mentally,
emotionally and spiritually.

Note: Make sure that you specialization is aligned with your bachelor's degree when you file your application at

You need reading materials, books and questionnaires. Online and mobile app LET review materials are also very
helpful. You also need financial resources.

So, start collecting books and materials related to your exam coverage. You can borrow books and reading materials
to your classmates, friends or to your older brothers and sisters who took the same major with you.

You need at least to 2 reference books for General Education, 2 books for Professional Education and 2 books for
your Specialization or major. A total of six reference books.



Before I start the review process, I accidentally found an article about Study technique SQ3R -
Survey, Question, Read Recite and Review. I used this technique during my review and pass it on to my sisters who
took PRC LET Board Exam and what can I tell you? They also pass and it's very effective.


If you have financial resources, you may enroll at your favorite review center.


Like what I said, LET exam is multiple choice, so you have 80% (chance of choosing the wrong answer), pretty high
huh? In addition, national passing rate ranges from 20-50% so you have a 1/5 to 1/2 chance of passing. So, we have
a high chance of failing than passing but how do we avoid that?

During your review, you must develop your skills in answering multiple choice questions. I will write a separate
guide " How to PASS the PRC LET Exam in 40 Days", just stay tuned.

Moreover, LET comprises of 3 subjects with different weights, General Education - 20% , Professional Education -
40%, Specialization (for secondary teachers) - 40%. One technique is devoting more review time to Professional
Education and your Specialization rather than on General Education.

On the other hand, for elementary, General Education - 60% and Professional Education - 40%, you should devote
more time on Gen. Ed. than on Prof. Ed.

Do you want a full time review or a just a part time review due to your work or family concern? Upcoming PRC
LET exam is scheduled on March 25, 2018 - Sunday (Deadline of Filing: January 18, 2018) and September 30, 2018
-Sunday (Deadline of Filing: July 20, 2018).

After you graduated at college, you have a 5-6 months of review time before the scheduled exam. 4 months is just a
right time but 6 months review will give you an edge.

Do you believe in LUCK? What is the chance that what have you read and review will appear on the LET exam?
The best thing to do is read as much as you can and do the read, recite and review technique and your luck will
Don't to forget to pray to god that He will give you knowledge, wisdom and strength you needed in time of review
and exam.

If you didn't make it on your first take, Always remember that there is a reason and a time for everything.

This is just the beginning, good luck and study hard! Hope it helps. If you have one guide to add, let us know in the
comment section below

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