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Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.




Compiled by CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd., December 2007

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


This Manual has been compiled by CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. for the sole and
exclusive use of onsite staff of the Asset Services Department, Vietnam, and particularly for the
guidance of the onsite Property Managers in the carrying out of their everyday duties.

Although this Manual has been made as comprehensive as possible, the contents are not
intended to be completely exhaustive on any subject, and may from time to time be amended or
up-dated, in line with changing management practices or policies for Property Management.

The contents fall into six main categories:

I. Standard Job Descriptions

II.. General Discipline and Duties
III. Standing Instructions
IV. IRT Operational Procedures
V. Standard Emergency Procedures
VI. Standard Documentation Procedures

Any difficulties in interpretation of the instructions contained in this Manual should be brought
to immediate attention of the Property Manager or Operations Manager for clarification.

This Manual is designed for internal use of Property Management only and no part of this
manual may be reproduced or copied to any by any third party.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


“The Tenant is the CUSTOMER”

At all times Property Management staff will be aware that the Tenants within Indochina
Riverside Towers are our customers or future customers. Their needs, irrespective of the
significance in our view, will be addressed as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

We must remember the Landlord pays our wages. A satisfied Landlord will greatly appreciate
your efforts. That the average lease term of tenancies within the complex is a mere 1- 3 years.
A satisfied customer will invariably return to renew their lease - an unsatisfied customer will

Our ultimate goal, as we all work towards it, is for Indochina Riverside Towers to be a highly
efficient operational building providing and maintaining a premium standard of property
management service to all its tenants unsurpassed by any other building of its type in Vietnam.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.



Future Market
Labour Market

Financial/Capital Growth PROPERTY Economic Growth

Markets CYCLE Decline

Obsolescence Supply/Demand


Ingredients of Property
Services Requiring O & M Management
Tenants Financial Management
Geographical Tenancy Management
Risk Management
Must include
- Day to Day Management (MGT)
- Efficient Operational Structure
- Mgt Procedures and Systems
- Medium/Long Term Planning
- Strategic Market Planning
- Financial Control
- Cost Control and Performance



Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Property Management is a skilled science which demands very high interpersonal skills in
dealing with your tenants, in response to their respective requirements of management services
or in answer to their requests. All senior management staff must have a sound knowledge not
only in respect of estate management but also in dealing with Security, Emergency and
unexpected incidents. Generally, Property Management covers the following four main areas:

1) Physical Management (Operation & Maintenance)

2) Financial Management
3) Tenancy Management
4) Risk Management

Physical Management (Operation & Maintenance): relates to the physical properties of the
investment, more particular the management and maintenance of all services including but not
limited to: mechanical, electrical, plumbing and water reticulation, structural, data,
environmental, landscaping, pest control, cleaning and security.

Financial Management:
Relates to the financial aspects of the investment, ensuring that receipt of all rental and other
sums are received from tenants and to ensure the regular payment of all expenditure items
incurred by the property are made. In addition this also includes the setting and establishing of
annual financial forecasts and ensuring that expenditure levels remain within these budget

Tenancy Management:
Relates to the communication with all tenants within the investment as well as the
understanding of their particular needs. This is a crucial factor of the overall management
service which must not be overlooked nor under-estimated.

Risk Management:
Relates to the health and safety of all persons (tenants and public) and property within the
investment and includes but is not limited to fire evacuation procedures, alarm testing, security
and insurance and the implementing of fire prevention advice guidelines.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.














Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.








These are the standard job descriptions for onsite property management personnel. They are not
specific and may change from time to time.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.



To be on site at Indochina Riverside Towers specified (hereafter referred to as the property)

location and to organize the day to day operation of that property. The Property Manager will
provide the site with a professional property management service at all times, and will report
directly to the Landlord or his/her authorized person.

Job Tasks and Responsibilities:

• To monitor, control and organize all on site staff assigned to the property and to be
responsible for the actions of such staff in addition to ensuring that staff rosters and all
holidays are adequately covered.
• To liaise with the Chief Building Engineer regularly to ensure sufficient service staff are
maintained at all times with respect to the property.
• To regularly inspect the property on a daily basis.
• To monitor and review the operation of all on service subcontractors. In particular, cleaning,
security, pest control and lift contractors and to ensure that any work contracted is
completed as agreed and at the cost quoted.
• To monitor and control all Purchase Order (PO), Work Orders (WO) and Requisition Forms
(RF) generated in respect of the property.
• To administer all leases to ensure the ongoing compliance by the tenants.
• To maintain an accurate up-to-date flow of information to the Accounting Department in
order to maintain an accurate and current Tenancy Schedule including a Diary of all
pertinent action dates for each tenancy.
• To be responsible for authorizing all invoices relating to the property and to clearly
understand the difference between those areas designated as “common areas” and those
designated as “tenancy areas”.
• To ensure the management team has attended to all tenant complaints and requirements
which are to be noted in the Tenants Complaint Register.
• To develop and maintain an operative tenants and Landlord communication programme and
to liaise regularly with the tenants to ensure continued satisfaction.
• To follow procedures contained in this Operations Manual and in particular maintain the
Property Management Checklist. Regular inspections of this document by the Operation
Manager and Director - Property Management will be undertaken from time to time to
ensure up-to-date information is contained.
• To provide the Landlord or his/her authorized person with a monthly written report in a
format to be advised, covering the four main areas of Physical Financial, Tenancy and Risk

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• To act as Chief Fire Marshall in the event of an evacuation of the property for fire or bomb

The Property Manager will effectively be responsible for all staff under his or her control and
they will ensure the overall management service provided to the tenants is comprehensive,
consistent and at all times professional. Responsibility will also extend to include the Service
Department Division assigned to the property.



The Chief of Engineering will report directly to the Property Manager.

Job Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Chief of Engineering will be required to:

• Provide day by day management to the technical team including but not limit to training,
staff performance supervising and evaluating.
• Arrange repairs and maintenance as instructed by the Property Manager or Assistant
Property Manager relating to building finishes and operational services and to convey the
same to the services department.
• Regularly inspect the property to ensure that required standards of presentation, repairs and
operations are being maintained and will ensure all sections of the overall property are
visited on a daily basis.
• Attend and supervise all building operations, including the use of public thoroughfares,
common areas, access control, security procedures, cleaning, building maintenance, lift
usage, tenant conditions and parking arrangements.
• Assist with the production and implementation of all emergency procedures at the property
including over viewing evacuation and fire drills.
• Work in close liaison with the Property Manager and provide any support on any duties that
may be required.
• Arrange repairs and maintenance as instructed by the Property Manager or Assistant
Property Manager relating to building finishes and operational services and to convey the
same to the services department.
• To monitor access into the building of all tradespersons, deliveries and project consultancy
• To monitor the performance of contractors providing operational services such as, but not
limited to, security, cleaning, lifts and pest control.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• Ensure that correct and safe work practices are carried out at all times on or in the property.
• Ensure tenancy fit-out plans and specifications are submitted to the appropriate consultancy
team for vetting and follow through to approval.
• To monitor tenancy fit-out works and to supervise physical occupation by the tenants
including the administering of building works conditions which are to be agreed prior to
commencement date.
• To ensure the regularly monthly reading of all meters and submit the same to the Accounts
Department on the 20th of each calendar month.
• Any other duties and tasks as directed by the Property Manager and/or Assistant Property
Manager. (or as advised).



The Assistant Property Manager will report directly to the Property Manager.

Job Tasks and Responsibilities:

The Assistant Property Manager will be required to:

• To monitor access into the building of all tradespersons, deliveries and project consultancy
• To receive complaint/request from tenants
• To monitor the performance of contractors providing operational services such as, but not
limited to, security, cleaning, lifts and pest control.
• Ensure tenancy fit-out plans and specifications are submitted to the appropriate consultancy
team for vetting and follow through to approval.
• Assist with the production and implementation of all emergency procedures at the property
including over viewing evacuation and fire drills.
• Attend and supervise all building operations, including the use of public thoroughfares,
common areas, access control, security procedures, cleaning, building maintenance, lift
usage, tenant conditions and parking arrangements.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.




Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


The following are the general duties and disciplines expected from all onsite CB Richard Ellis

Also included in this section are the specific job descriptions for staff based at Indochina
Riverside Towers. These job descriptions may change from time to time.


The success of property management depends to a very great extent upon the perception of the
management services by the occupants/tenants. A satisfactory service in turn depends upon the
competence, conduct and co-operation of all management staff. For this reason, a high standard
of Conduct, Courtesy and Discipline is required from all management staff members and it will
be the responsibility of the Property Manager to enforce such disciplines.

All Property Management Staff are advised to observe and comply with the following:

1. All management staff are expected to adhere to the minimum of eight (8) working
hours, which may vary from time to time.

2. No management Office will be left unattended at any time during normal duty hours. In
the event of any staff not being relieved from duty at the appropriate time or within a
reasonable period thereafter they should: -

a) During Office Hours - advise the Operation Manager and Director - Property

b) After Office Hours - advise the Property Manager/Assistant Property Manager to

seek instructions.

3. All staff are required to carry and display CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. security
identification card while on duty.

4. All staff shall obey the verbal or written instructions given by the Property Manager in-
charge and Operation Manager.

5. Drinking alcohol, taking of dangerous drugs while on duty is strictly prohibited.

6. No gambling or any game of chance involving stakes or bets of money is allowed.

7. Sleeping on duty is not permitted, which may also contravene the regulation in law.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

8. All staff are not permitted to smoke while performing any duty within the property.

9. No chatting, reading newspaper/books, listening to radios or watching TV is allowed

while on duty.

10. No staff are allowed to Solicit or Ask for any money/advantages from occupants,
tenants or other persons. Acceptance of any gratuity or gifts without consent of any
Board of Directors of CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. is strictly prohibited.

11. No staff are allowed to undertake any second job unless approval has been granted.

12. Negligence in damage of any of Indochina Riverside Towers property will result in
liability for compensation.

13. No staff are permitted to disclose any information relating to Indochina Riverside
Towers policy without prior consent from the Director - Property Management .

14. No staff are permitted to use public property for their personal use.

15. All building staff shall present themselves at all times in a manner likely to reflect the
good and reputable image of Indochina Riverside Towers.


Property Manager

A Property Manager (PM) is the senior officer of the property. He or she is responsible for the
Discipline, Training, Welfare, Efficiency and the effective performance of Duties of all
personnel under their command in accordance with the contents of this manual, relevant
Standing Orders and the day to day instructions issued by the Operation Manager Director -
Property Management. The scope of duties are as follows:

1. The PM is responsible for the good maintenance of the property under his or her charge
and for the security and proper operation of the property under his or her control.

2. The PM is responsible for the strict implementation of Building Rules and Regulations
including fitting-out guidelines and related policies.

3. The PM shall develop a medium-term plan for operation and management, capital asset
preservation, as well as the general enhancement of property value.

4. Being directly in daily contact with tenants of the property, the PM is expected to ensure
that prompt and efficient service is rendered to tenants at all times. A good relationship
with the building tenants is to be maintained at all times.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. The PM shall allocate work to his or her subordinates on a fair basis and will ensure that
all such work is carried out in accordance with the Operation Manager and Director -
Property Management instructions.

6. The PM shall supervise the daily duties and shall provide training of Junior staff or new
comers ensuring that their performance meets with the standard requirements.

7. The PM shall maintain the overall discipline. All allegations of breaches of discipline
shall be thoroughly and promptly investigated and if there is any prima facie case of a
disciplinary offense on the part of his/her subordinate, he or she shall refer the matter to
the Operation Manager and Director- Property Management to take disciplinary action
against the defaulting party.

8. The PM is also expected to anticipate daily management problems. If the problem can
not be solved, he or she will advise the Operation Manager and Director - Property
Management at the earliest opportunity. A detailed written report is to be suPMitted if


Generally, the duties of the Accountant can be summarized as follows:

1. The Accountant shall maintain proper records of all financial transactions of Indochina
Riverside Towers.

2. The Accountant shall carry out the preparation of invoices and billings of Indochina
Riverside Towers.

3. The Accountant shall ensure that all Books of Accounts of Indochina Riverside Towers
are all updated and properly recorded.

4. The Accountant shall carry out the preparation of the financial statements as required.

5. The Accountant shall be responsible for the collection of accounts receivable and
accounts payable.

6. The Accountant shall ensure the daily deposits of all collections.

7. The Accountant shall responsible for the preparation of the Annual budgets with
consultation to the Property Manager.

8. The accountant shall handle liaison work with government agencies on matters relating
to registration of books , payment taxes and licenses.

9. The Accountant shall carry-out any duties as directed by the Property Manager.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


In general, the duties of Building Attendants can be summarized as follows :

1. All BA on duty shall carry out designated duties as directed by the Operation Manager
and Director - Property Management/Property Manager.

2. All BA shall primarily guard the property and prevent occurrence of any offense, crime,
accident from occurring at the building.

3. All BA shall be familiar with operation of the Building Security System, Fire Fighting
Equipment and other building facilities.

4. All BA shall patrol the Building including the staircases, common areas, car parks,
meter rooms etc. regularly or as directed by the Director - Property Manager/Property

5. All BA shall inquire of all visitors or strangers politely and record their personal
particulars if necessary. No stranger shall be permitted to enter the Building without
appropriate identification.

6. All BA shall handle emergency incidents related to the property such as in respect of
Flooding, Electrical Failure, Water Shortage, Lift Breakdown etc.


In general, the duties of the Secretary can be summarized as follows:

1. The Secretary shall provide all necessary administrative assistance to the Property
Manager and clients.

2. The Secretary shall accept complaints from clients and assist in liaising with tenants to
ensure their continued satisfaction.

3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the custody and handling of Petty Cash Funds.

4. The Secretary shall facilitate the monetary and issuance of the required Purchase Order
(PO) as authorized by the Property Manager.

5. The Secretary shall carry out any duties as directed by the Property Manager.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


The following are standard instructions that should be undertaken and followed at all CB
Richard Ellis managed buildings.

These are to be used as a guide only by Property Managers to adapt, revise and implement at
their own buildings.


The day to day management of a building not only concerns the efficient running of the
premises for the enjoyment and use of the tenants; but also requires a high standard of security
to ensure that a safe and comfortable living/working environment is provided. Full team work
of all management staff is necessary, and any negligence or omission in carrying out any pre-set
security procedures may render their work futile.

Although the designated security contractor will ensure this service is undertaken, it will be the
responsibility of the Property Manager to monitor their performance by the undertaking of
irregular, both night and day inspections.


As Indochina Riverside Towers is sophisticated in layout and usage, more exposure to public
access demands much more attention and expertise among the security personnel. The
following instructions can be adopted to strengthen the access control and will ensure that
security personnel are undertaking their tasks correctly. These checks should be undertaken at
irregular intervals and at least one evening inspection per quarter (3 months).

1. Retail: The main entrances to the building are open to the public from 9:30 am. to 10:00
pm, 7 days a week. Restaurants will be open till 11:00 pm.
Office towers: The entrance to the office towers is open from 8:00 am. to 6:00 pm.
Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays.
Parking area: The parking is open for public during business hours, 7 days a week.

2. The Property Manager may refuse admissions to the building outside of the regular
office hours any person not properly identified and may require such persons admitted
to or leaving the building to register.

3. The Property Manager may require any person leaving the building with any package or
other object to present a gate pass from the tenant/occupant from whose premises the
package or object is bring removed. However the establishment or enforcement of such
requirement shall not impose any responsibility on the Property Manager for the

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

protection of the occupant/tenant against the removal of the property from the occupant/
tenants premises.

4. Any person whose presence in the building at any time shall in the judgment of the
Property Manager, be prejudicial to the safety, characters reputation and interest of the
building or its occupants/tenants maybe denied access to the building or may be ejected.

5. In case of invasion, riot, public excitement or other connection, the Property Manager
may prohibit all access to the building during the continuance of the same, by closing
doors or otherwise, for safety of the tenants/occupants or protection of property in the

6. The Property Manager shall in no way be liable to the occupant/tenant damages or

losses arising from the admission, exclusion or ejection of any person to or from the
premises or the building under the abovementioned provisions.

• Indochina Riverside Towers Security Identification Card

1. All the occupants/tenants of Indochina Riverside Towers including their sub-contractor
and their principals and personnel are to be issued a Security Identification Card by the
Management Office. All are required to wear them at all times to avoid being
challenged by Security personnel.

2. Please note that this is primarily for the tenants/occupants personal protection as well as
for the protection of property.

High-rise patrol is one of the most effective methods of not only preventing crime but also in
detection of fire, faults of building maintenance and unexpected incidents. Patrol tours should
be conducted irregularly or as directed by the Property Manager. Again an inspection by the
Property Manager should be undertaken from time to time with at least one evening inspection
being completed once per quarter (3 months).

When conducting a high-rise patrol, staff shall: -

1. Ensure all doors of the tenant’s premises or some specific area are locked according to
the instructions.

2. Ensure all locks, padlocks or chains are in good condition without any sign of damage.

3. Upon discovering any premises not having been properly locked, the guard shall be
advised and the owner will be notified to come back to check and lock up the premises.

4. Inspect all Common Areas such as staircases, Refuse Rooms, Meter Rooms and Duct
Rooms etc. to make sure no one is hiding there.

5. Inspect all major perimeters of the Building including perimeter, walls, roof, Garden,
Terrace and windows of lower level areas to ensure no intrusion.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

6. Ensure illumination of Common Areas of the Building is sufficient. Any damage, or

faulty light bulbs are to be reported immediately.

7. Any suspicious person(s) found loitering in any part of the building/common areas must
be notified to the security personnel.

8. Record activities of any suspicious character(s) found in the car park and report to
security personnel if necessary

9. Inspect all facilities. If you discover any damage to the building facilities or any unusual
circumstances such as smoke, unknown gas, water pipe burst or flooding etc., you
should report to the Property Manager.

10. Pay attention to all individual burglary alarm systems, if any. Make sure those systems
are not being tampered with or improperly activated.

11. Make sure all fire escapes are clear and all Fire Fighting Equipment, including
extinguishers, are correctly placed and in good working order. Prevent at all times, any
potential fire hazard. Ensure that extinguisher service label have up to date records
confirming when last serviced/inspected.


1. Routine daily inspections of each building should be carried out by the Property
Manager/Building Attendant.

2. All staff are expected to be conscious of this requirement.

3. It is emphasized that these inspections are of great importance in maintaining standards

of cleanliness, repairs and management of the property. Particular attention should be
paid to lifts to ensure cleanliness and mechanical functioning.

4. Regular inspections of Fire Safety Equipment should also be made to ensure the service
of extinguishers, and hose reels have not been tampered with.

5. Maintain a vigilant eye at all times on lighting in Common Areas and basement car park
storage areas so as to minimize wastage.


1. Building Inspections Reports are to be submitted to the Operation Manager once per
month. The report, of the format following, will consist of a summary of the main
building management activities for the preceding month.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2. Property Managers are expected to be fully conversant with the contents of this Manual
and with the essentials of management of their buildings, and to be aware of all matters
relating to Building Inspection Reports.

3. Property Managers are expected to ensure that all daily and other inspection patrols of
their buildings are carried out properly in order to present a complete report.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.




Property _______________ Month _____________

Prepared _______________ Date _____________



General Performance/Comments:

2.0 SERVICES (Commence from the top of the Building and move down stairwells)

2.02 Rooftop :

Water Ponding Y/N Drainage Block Y/N Debris Build-up Y/N

Cladding Deterioration Y/N Exit Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

Comments :

2.03 Plant/Service Rooms

Water Leakage Y/N Rubbish Y/N Grease Oil Y/N

Lights ON Entry Y/N Entry Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

Comments :

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2.04 Stairwells

Water Leakage Y/ Rubbish Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N

Lights ON on Entry Y/ Entry Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

Comments :

2.05 Common Area Lift Lobby and Hallways:

All doors secure Y/N Smoke Detectors OK Y/N Hose Reels OK Y/N
Extinguishers OK Y/N Rubbish Y/N Cleaning Y/N
Light Bulb replacement Y/N Air-conditioning Y/N Toilet Areas Y/N
CCTV locations Y/N Obstruction Y/N

Comments : (use the above checklist to note deficiencies on each common area floor)

2.06 Ground Floor Entrance and Lobby

Granite Clean Y/N Window Clean Y/N Floor Clean Y/N

Fire Doors held open Y/N Rubbish Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N
Lobby Information/Clean Y/N Glass Wall Panel Y/N Sliding Door Clean Y/N

Comments :

2.07 Common Toilets:

Granite Clean Y/N Mirror Clean Y/N Floor Clean Y/N

Rubbish Y/N Toilet Supplies Y/N Ventilation Y/N
Light Bulb replacement Y/N Y/N Y/N

Comments :

2.08 Car-park Areas:

Floor Clean Y/N Ceiling Pipes Clean Y/N Water Leakage Y/N
Toilets Clean Y/N Toilets Supplies Y/N Fire Equipment Y/N
Water Ponding Y/N Drainage OK Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N
Fire Doors held open Y/N Rubbish Y/N Driver Room Clean Y/N

Comments : (use the above checklist to note deficiencies on each common area floor)

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2.09 Lift Interiors:

Floors Clean Y/N Walls Clean Y/N Controls Clean Y/N

Comments : Lift Number

Lift Number
Lift Number

2.10 General Cleaning Services

Performance - Common Area Entrance

Lift Lobbies/Hallways
Lift Cars
Interior Window Cleaning

Exterior Window Cleaning - Date of last Clean


2.11 Security:

Performance - Common/Area/Entrances
Lift Lobies/Hallways
Internal Patrols

2.12 Gardening:

Performance - Gardens
Water Features

Signed by : Dated
Property Manager

IMPORTANT - This report is to be submitted to the Operation Manager on or before

the 15th of the month following the period of inspection.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. Precautionary duties and responsibilities will be followed at all times.

2. All on-site staff are expected to render all reasonable service to tenants in the event of
an emergency.

3. Separate instructions issued by the Emergency Services personnel will be followed in all

4. Property Managers and Building Attendant are expected to maintain all tools,
equipment and stores for use in emergencies in a state of readiness, and in the
designated storage area at all times and to ensure that all their staff are aware of the
location and use of such equipment in the event of action being required during their

5. All staff are expected to perform the instructions concerning Emergency Call-Out


1. The Management Office will be kept clean and tidy at all times and will be manned
during normal working hours at all times by at least one staff member especially during
the lunchtime period.

2. All staff are to be made aware that if any telephone is ringing unattended ,then they will
answer the call politely and make note of the caller, the request and the time of the call.

3. The Property Manager and Operation Manager will be responsible for the orderly
operation of the Management Office as well as ensuring the operational budget levels of
the office are not exceeded.

4. Management Offices must not be used as restrooms for tenants, drivers or meeting
places, etc.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. No eating of food or smoking is permitted in those areas of the office exposed to the
tenants or the public.

6. No sleeping overnight nor the storage of personal items is permitted.


1. Brief details of any accidents, burglary or other incident will be reported to the
Operation Manager or in his/her absence, to the Property Manager as it relates.

2. In all cases, and where plainly required, the first member of the building staff on the
scene, or the Property Manager if he/she is present, will report the accident, burglary or
incident to the appropriate emergency service authority (Fire Services,
Police/Ambulance) and remain on the scene in order to assist the emergency service
personnel upon their arrival.

3. Where required, appropriately qualified staff at scene of the accident will render First
Aid as necessary.

4. As soon as practical or upon instructions from Operation Manager, the Property Manager
and Building Attendant will complete a full Incident Report and forward the same to the
Property Manager and Operation Manager as soon as possible, or instructed.

5. In all cases of incidents, building staff will make themselves available to act on the
instructions of the Property Manager or any member of the Senior Staff present at the
scene, or on the instructions of emergency service personnel.

6. Under no circumstances will any information of the incident be given to the news media
or members of the general public. Any such inquiries should be directed to the
Operation Manager.


1. Building Management records as specified elsewhere in this Manual are to be

maintained in the Property Manager’s office at all times and made available for

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

inspection by the Operation Manager and Director - Property Management and

Indochina Riverside Towers Board of Directors..

2. All official records will be maintained in a proper manner. Each tenant /owner will have
a separate file for correspondence which will include a copy of their current Lease

3. All tenant and property records will be kept in an orderly manner in an appropriate filing
cabinet. Each cabinet will have Master File which will list the reference of all files
contained within.

4. Property Managers are reminded of the importance of complete and accurate records
and of the need to ensure that, during their absence, all necessary information is
obtained by their Junior Staff to enable the building records to be maintained.

5. It will be the Property Managers responsibility to ensure the handing over of all as-built
drawings has been received and that they are aware of where copies may be held. It is
preferable that a copy is held in the CB Richard Ellis Co., Ltd. Head Office, and within
the designated Management Office.

6. CB Richard Ellis Co., Ltd. Head office shall also keep files an all tenants Leases,
Reports, Budgets, etc. for easy reference.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. Management staff are expected to carry out minor routine maintenance work as and
when necessary in the course of their normal daily duties.

2. All tools, equipment and maintenance stores provided to the staff, will be kept safe,
clean and tidy when not in use and will be available for use by all staff. For this
purpose, keys to tool stores will be made available to the senior member and Building
Attendant of the building staff on duty at any time.

3. Tenants or contractors (whether engaged by the Company or by any tenants) are not
permitted to carry out noisy work inside normal work hours or outside prescribed hours.

4. Routine procedures for repairs and maintenance requirements set out in a Maintenance
Schedule compiled by the Chief Building Engineer and M&E Sub contractor are to be
followed at all times, except as separately instructed in special cases.

5. Property Managers and Building Attendant will take particular care in respect of repair
works in progress. The Property Manager will ensure that service personnel or the
contractor takes all necessary safety precautions to protect themselves, that of the public
and any third party person.


1. All complaints, requests and comments made by tenants to management staff must be
recorded in the “Daily Log Book” (Complaints Register) and reported to the Property
Manager immediately upon receipt if serious.

2. Failure to record and report on these matters will be viewed very seriously. In the event
of any complaint or request not being fully or clearly understood the tenant should be
asked to make a brief note of the matter for the attention of the Property Manager and
Building Attendant.

3. Depending on the urgency of the matter, Property Manager and Building Attendant is
expected to take immediate action to ensure that the matter is settled with all necessary
speed. Depending upon the severity of the complaint the Property Manager will ensure
the following procedures personally or will delegate actions to be undertaken by the
Chief Building Engineer or Building Attendant.


Complaint/fault received Tenant

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Recorded in Daily Log Book Secretary /Receptionist

Building Attendant

Action plan agreed Bldg. Mgr./ Chief Tech

Tenant Advised of actions to be undertaken Bldg.Mgr./ Chief Tech /

either by phone or hand delivered letter Building Attendant

Follow-up with tenant to ensure works, actions completed Chief Bldg. Engineer
to tenants satisfaction. Confirmation will only then be Secretary/Receptionist
recorded in Tenant Complaint Register

4. All complaints, request and comments made by tenants to building staff, right or wrong,
shall be handled with politeness and all details recorded.


To achieve the management objectives, all staff must pay attention to the importance of planned
maintenance of the building and its services. Any failure to plan for the future will certainly
lead to occurrence of frequent breakdown and will result in repairs at much higher costs.
Therefore, in order to avoid deterioration and frequent breakdown, the Property Manager in
consultation with the Chief Building Engineer M&E (Sub Contractor), is required to work out a
preventive maintenance programme for the property under their control. The following are
general guidelines:

1. Check failure of electricity supply i.e. overheat or noise from electrical switches, loose
connection, fuse broken, defective fluorescent tubes, light bulbs and lamp shades.

2. Check faults to alarm systems, fire fighting systems, lift intercom and other security

3. Check faults to doors, gates, bolts, locks or other access facilities to see whether loose,
and whether repair or grease as required.

4. Inspect the piping system, drainage system, and reservoirs to see whether there is risk of
leakage, blockage or overflow.

5. Inspect the pump system, emergency generator, air-conditioning system, Building

Management System to ensure they are in good condition.

6. Check external walls and ceilings for any cracking, or other damage.

7. Report any illegal structure or unauthorized modification/alteration.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

When faults or breakdowns occur in building facilities such as incidents of burst, pipes, peeling
of paint, defective door locks or unexpected damage to sprinkler system, building lifts breaking
down etc. the Property Manager shall refer the same to the Chief Building Engineer for
recommendations. The Property Manager shall then complete a full report to the Operation
Manager with supporting documentation and recommendations for final decision.


1. No additional alteration is permitted to any premises for the provision of air-

conditioners without the prior approval of Landlord. Any case of unauthorized building
alterations for this purpose should be reported to the Operation Manager and Director-
Property Management as soon as possible.

2. No external drain pipes from air conditioners will be permitted without the prior
approval of the Chief Building Engineer.

3. No existing air-conditioners will be permitted to drip onto the public areas of the

4. Defective air-conditioner drip-trays, drainage pipes (where applicable) or cases of

damage to the external paint work/finish of the building including rusting or staining
will be reported to the Property Manager.

5. Regular maintenance work to air-conditioning system carried out by the technical staff
will be recorded.

6. In case of emergency, such as interruption of electricity supply, staff are expected to

carry out a simple inspection to the air-conditioning system, or inform the technical
staff, as necessary.


1. All management staff are expected to be aware of the general cleaning specification
applicable to their building, and to bear in mind its contents during their patrols through
the building, ensuring that all work specified is properly carried out to an acceptable

2. Property Managers and Building Attendant must take special care during building
inspections to note that all dust and cobwebs are removed as necessary, and that the
cleaning specification is adhered to at all times.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. All Management staff are expected to maintain normal relationships with staff of the
cleaning contractor working in their building, and to ensure co-operation in the
completion of all cleaning routines. Any problem encountered in this regard should be
reported as soon as possible.

4. Quarters for cleaning staff are not to be provided in any building without the authority
of Operation Manager and the Director - Property Management and Landlord.

5. Changes in the number of cleaning staff allotted to the building should be advised by
Special Report for approval by the Operation Manager and Landlord.

6. Cleaning staff will not be permitted to leave the building until all specified work (in
particular the cleaning of lift cars and ground floor entrances and lobbies) has been
completed to the satisfaction of the Property Manager (when present) or (where
applicable) of the Building Attendant.

7. All faults in the standard of cleaning, all omissions in routine cleaning works and
shortfall of cleaning materials or defects in machinery and equipment and all
complaints made or received in respect of cleaning services will be recorded by way of
the Daily Log Book and Building Attendant Reports. One copy will be the duplicate
copy will be forwarded to the Property Manager for information. Follow-up inspections
will be required and a report, by way of a memo, will be submitted to the Property
Manager to confirm that works have been completed.

8. Under no circumstances whatsoever are cleaning staff permitted to ask for money from
tenants for carrying out any of the duties of the cleaning contractor, such as removal of


1. All cleaning staff shall be instructed on the specific requirements for the collection,
storage and disposal of refuse in the building.

2. Refuse disposal instructions will be issued and maintained in effect unless amended at
the discretion of the Property Manager. (Refer to Garbage Collection and Payment
Further in this report).

3. Refuse collections rooms, refuse stores, bins, baskets and containers will be checked
regularly for damage and general cleanliness. All installations, fittings and equipment
will be kept clean and properly disinfected at all times and freshly painted as necessary.

4. All refuse collection areas will be washed down and disinfected after such visit by the
refuse collection vehicle.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. No refuse will be permitted in the lifts or in the public staircases or landings of the
building. Any persistent cases of littering of these areas will be reported to the Property
Manager for action.

6. No goods or articles shall be stored in any refuse room or in the vicinity of any refuse
chamber, other than collection bins or baskets, and normal cleaning equipment.
Alternative storage rooms for other articles may be provided at the discretion of the
Property Manager.


1. Pest Control will be carried out by the authorized contractor in accordance with the Pest
Control Specification. Property Manager and Building Attendant will ensure that this
work is carried out efficiently and at the due time, reporting any deficiencies in service
or work standards to the Operation Manager.

2. Any occurrences of insect or rodent pests in any part of the building or arising by
tenant’s complaint, will be advised to the authorized contractors and reported to the
Operation Manager.

3. All water channels and drains will be regularly inspected and any standing water
removed or treated to prevent mosquito breeding.

4. All staff are expected to be constantly on the watch for likely mosquito breeding
grounds, such as blocked surface channels or drains, discarded tins, bottles, flower pots,
buckets, (including car cleaning utensils) and to act immediately to remove such articles
or to clear blockages causing standing water.

5. Each unit shall have its own regular pest control service at least on a monthly basis of
the occupants/tenants expense. Copy of the service reports should be furnished to the
Administration Office.


1. Copies of the fire regulations issued should be forwarded to all tenants in the property
showing the escape route and assembly points where appropriate.

2. All fire fighting equipment within the building will be inspected regularly and any
damage reported immediately to the Property Manager and Building Attendant in
accordance with the Fire Prevention Inspection Report.

3. Fire alarm bells and warning systems will be tested once each month or in accordance
with Standing Orders where applicable.

4. Fire fighting equipment installed in electricity meter switch rooms and lift machinery
rooms will be inspected weekly.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. The fire pump room should be kept cleaned and free of obstruction at all times.

6. Fire equipment annual maintenance certificates shall be renewed every year and
displayed in the management office.

7. General fire advise manuals should be forwarded to all tenants in an effort to prevent


Passenger Lifts

1. Computerized passenger lifts are provided for all floors and are operated automatically
by merely pressing the designated floor buttons. There are 2 passenger lifts servicing
the retail area and 1 service lift. 8 passenger lifts are servicing the office towers (A and

2. Heavy deliveries or furniture removals may be permitted in the goods lifts only after the
installation of protective equipment in the lift car.

3. No dogs are permitted in passenger in passenger lift cars. Any case of persistent misuse
of the lift by any tenants of the property will be reported to the Property Manager and
Operation Manager for action.

4. Passenger lift cars will be checked at least once per day for damage and general
cleanliness. Cleaning staff will be instructed immediately where any special cleaning is

5. Children are not permitted to play in the passenger lift cars or to transport bicycles or
other large toys in the lift cars. Any persistent cases of such action will be reported to
Property Manager for action

6. Passenger Lifts may not be used for Cargo use.

7. All lifts should be regularly serviced (monthly) in accordance with the manufactures

Service / Goods Lift

1. There is one(1) service/goods lift (retail area), for persons working to convey for cargo
purposes or transferring/delivery of office equipment, mechanics, supplies, etc.

2. Service lift car will be inspected at least daily and cleaning staff instructed as necessary
on general cleaning.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. Any damage of the lift car should be recorded during inspection and reported to the
Property Manager immediately.

4. Service lift may be used by cleaning staff for the collection of boxes, bottles or other
large articles of refuse only as directed by the Property Manager. Use of the lift for this
purpose should be timed to cause minimum inconvenience to tenants.

General Lift Guidelines

1. In the event of lift breakdown, the lift maintenance contractor will be informed
immediately. Any person trapped in the lift car will be advised as soon as possible that
action has been taken to free them. Maintain contact at all times with the trapped
passenger(s) until released.

2. Every case of lift breakdown will be reported to the Property Manager.

3. In the case of lift breakdown/malfunction this will immediately be reported to the

responsible lift maintenance contractor.

4. Every case of a lift breakdown will be recorded in accordance with Standing Orders.

5. Lift alarm bells and intercom systems should be tested weekly and any defects reported
to the Management Office as soon as possible.


1. All staff should be aware of the location of all gas and water supply pipes and main
switches at the property.

2. All staff are expected to be alert to the possibility of leakage of gas and to report any
suspected leakage immediately to the Property Manager.


1. The building is provided with communication devices located on the roof. All staff are
expected to be acquainted with the Policies and Procedures on these systems and to
advise tenants now to await.

2. No radio or television antennas other than the communal roof-top antennas will be
permitted on the roof or any part of the building without the authority of the Landlord.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. All water storage tanks, pumps, pump rooms, exposed water pipes and meters will be
checked weekly for damage, rust leaks and general condition and cleanliness especially
those in the car park areas.

2. Breakdown of water pumps and burst pipes will be reported to the Property Manager.

3. Regular testing of water supply will be done twice a year.


1. Inspect all areas within the car park and ensure no vehicles are parked in the non
designated areas.

2. Be familiar with the driveway passages and security facilities within the car park.

3. Direct drivers to their designated parking space and driving route.

4. Record all incidents which occur inside the Car Park and report any damage of public
facilities immediately, via incident report form.

5. Prohibit entry of a vehicle if such entry would contravene the Parking Regulation or a
traffic sign.

6. Order any unauthorized to leave the Car Park or report to security personnel if any
person is found acting suspiciously.

7. No staff are permitted to solicit any kind of reward from car owners or driver without
the Property Manager consent.

8. Report to Police if any occurrence of Crime is seen.

9. Upon discovering that any vehicle has not been properly locked, notify the management
office to locate the car owner by quoting the details on the window. If it is a visitor and
details are unknown, a guard is to be stationed in close proximity to ensure that no
illegal entry is made. The owner, upon their return, will be advised at the same time to
ensure that they are more careful in future.


Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

In recent years, there is an increasing trend of theft of luxury vehicles / motorbikes and parts.
The most common ways of stealing are:

a) To enter directly the Car Park to steal.

b) To drive a stolen vehicle / motorbike into the Car Park then steal another one.

c) To threaten and restrain car park guard to allow theft of several cars / motorbikes.

In order to prevent any occurrence of such circumstances, Car Park Guard shall comply with the
following instructions.-

Car Park Access

1. The Car Park entrance must be manned by staff at All Times.

2. Motor vehicles with Indochina Riverside Towers car park stickers provided by the
Management office shall be allowed access to the parking areas. Visitors are allowed to
park inside as long there is parking space left.

3. Any suspicious person found loitering in the car park area/common area must be reported
to security via security report.

4. Motor vehicles entering the car park area with heavily tinted glass are required to lower
their windows to allow security guards to check on their passenger.


Crime prevention is a very important and the duty of Security Guards. To stop a culprit before
he takes illegal action is more effective than arresting him after a crime has occurred. Generally
speaking, most people have reasonable grounds to stay in an area i.e.

a. Have just finished parking a vehicle / motorbike and are about to leave
the car park and.

b. Enter the car park to collect the vehicle / motorbike.

Apart from these two reasonable grounds, any person found in the car park may be waiting for
an opportunity to steal a vehicle / motorbike, commit theft from a vehicle / motorbike or
commit robbery. Therefore before questioning a suspicious character, staff should:

1) Observe the suspicious character for a period of time.

2) Notify the Management office/Security Control Room.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3) Record activities of the suspicious character.

e.g. Frequently glancing at property inside the vehicle, or tries to open its door.

Should the suspicious character be involved in any of the above activities, car park guard
should then notify the Police because even if the suspicious character has not yet stolen any
vehicle, he may have actually committed the offense of TAMPERING WITH A VEHICLE /


1. If the Management Office is handed any found property staff shall record the following

i. The finder’s personal particulars.

ii. Date, Time and Place found.

iii. A description of the property.

2. Every effort shall be made to locate the owner of the property.

3. When property is returned to a claimant, they shall be required to acknowledge receipt

of such property.

4. If the property remains unclaimed after a certain period, or the property is in value, staff
shall hand such property to the Property Manager for safekeeping.


1. All buildings are to keep a visitor logbook.

2. This is supplied by CBRE head office in the beginning of each year.

3. All CBRE employees who visit on site are required to complete the log book stating,
time on site, date, signature and purpose.

4. At the end of each month the Property Manager is to fax a copy for the month to CBRE
head office property management personal department

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


The following are specific operational procedures prepared for Indochina Riverside Towers
(IRT) retail/office building.


Building signage i.e. lifts, no-smoking signs, emergency signs, floor numbers etc.

Signage is very important in any building to increase effectiveness, building efficiency and

CBRE currently outsource sign making to an advertisement company.

 Building Attendant inspects signs each week.

 If any damaged signs or new/additional signs needed these are reported to the
Property Manager.

 Property Manager requests quotation from supplier.

 Normal approval process then follows.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


There are two types of directory boards at Indochina Riverside Towers they are:

Main directory- Located on the 1st floor behind the reception desk

Sub directory - Located on each floor indicating tenants on the particular floor.

Note: Sub directory boards are at the tenants discretion and not compulsory.


New tenant
The Main directory board is provided for free and for sub directory the tenant will be charged.
Existing tenant
If a name change is necessary the cost to replace the board are at costs of the tenant

1. A new tenant will request (via a form send to CBRE) for their name to be put on the
main directory. No charge will be levied

2. If the new tenant would also like a sub directory board the Application form will be
logged as per point 1 and a fee is charged.

3. If an existing tenant would like to change the directory sign the management office
should be informed.

4. Application form is then sent to the Building Attendant. A copy is made.

5. Application form is sent by Building Attendant to sub contractor.

6. Sub-contractor will prepare draft sign which is sent to Building Attendant and Building
Attendant sends to tenant to approve the design.

7. If design approved by tenant the Building Attendant will authorize the sub-contractor to
complete the sign.

8. Once sign work complete Building Attendant receives and installs.

Note: Sub and Main directory panels are kept in storage.

Photocopy of Application form is kept in Management Office files, the other copy is sent to the
secretary who will arrange for the tenant to be charged in the monthly invoice.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


The Building Attendant at Indochina Riverside Towers will complete a weekly report to the
Property Manager every Monday.

Building Attendant also keep for their own personal records a daily work book indicating work
in progress on a day by day basis.

The weekly report is signed and dated by the Building Attendant and received by Property
Manager dated and signed.



To regulate traffic and parking at the Indochina Riverside Towers.


To provide guidelines for the planning, administration and control of traffic and parking at
Indochina Riverside Towers.


All tenants, their staff, and visitors using vehicles (including motorbikes, cars, and bicycles) to
enter the parking area of Indochina Riverside Towers. Furthermore, staff of IRT involved in
observing vehicle parking rules and regulations (security and car park attendants).

Motorbikes of visitors

1. Motorbikes must be parked in the second basement (B2).

2. When a bike arrives at the entrance desk, the car-park attendant hands over a ticket to
the visitor, indicating the last four (4) numbers of the license plate. Only after receiving
this ticket visitors are allowed to enter the parking lots.

3. Once the visitor returns, the ticket must be handed over to the park attendant and the
visitor must pay the parking fee.

4. The park attendant checks the license plate number on the receipt with the license plate
number on the motor bike. In case the number on the receipt and the license plate
number are not identical, security must be warned and they must investigate the
situation. In case of attempting theft, police must be warned at all times. In case of

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

human mistake, the visitor is allowed to leave the parking upon showing an ID card and
the owner registration card of the bike.

5. When the fee is paid by the visitor and the number on the ticket is identical to the
license plate number on the motorbike, the visitor is allowed to leave the parking area.

Motorbikes of tenants

1. Tenant motor bikes park in the first basement (B1).

2. When a motorbike arrives at the entrance desk, the park attendant hands over the park
permit to the driver.

3. Drivers without motorbike parking permits are considered as visitors and must be
redirected to the second basement (B2).

4. Once the driver returns, the motorbike permit must be handed over to the park attendant
for security check (license plate and picture) and storage. The driver will not be charged
with a parking fee.

5. The park attendant checks the security number on the receipt with the number on the
motor bike. In case the number on the ticket and the bike are not identical, security must
be warned and they must investigate the situation. In case of attempting theft, police
must be warned at all times. In case of human mistake, the visitor is allowed to leave the
parking upon showing an ID card and the owner registration card of the bike.

6. When the security number on the permit is identical to the number on the bike, the
visitor is allowed to leave the parking area.

Cars of visitors* and tenants

1. Visitor and tenant cars park in the first basement (B1) and the second basement (B2).
B2 will be used when B1 is full.

2. When a car enters, the park attendant will direct the car to an appropriate lot.

3. The park attendant hands over a ticket to the visitor or tenants without permit, indicating
the last four (4) numbers of the license plate. Tenants which have a car permit sticker do
not receive a ticket.

4. Once the visitor or tenant returns, the ticket must be handed over to the park attendant.
Tenants with a car parking sticker did not receive a ticket.

4a. The park attendant checks the number on ticket with the license plate (visitors and
tenants without permits).

4b. In case the number on the receipt and the license plate number are not identical, security
must be warned and they must investigate the situation. In case of attempting theft,
police must be warned at all times. In case of human mistake, the visitor is allowed to

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

leave the parking upon showing an ID card, the owner registration card, and the parking
fee (if any).

5. The park attendant checks the car parking permit sticker (if any) on validity. Invalid
permits or copies must be confiscated at once.

6. Only visitors and tenants without permit must pay the parking fee. Tenants with a valid
parking permit do not have to pay a parking fee.

7. Visitors: Upon receiving the parking fee and the ticket (if applicable) cars are allowed to
leave the parking. When the fee is paid by the visitor and the number of the license plate
on the ticket is identical to the license plate, the visitor is allowed to leave the parking
* As soon as the assumed 100 available parking lots are assigned to tenants, visitors are no longer allowed to enter
the car park basement due to limited parking space. This is to be expected as soon as the office towers are leased.

Car/Motorbike Parking Request Form

1. Tenants can apply for a car/motorbike parking permit for themselves and their

2. A sticker is used as car parking permit. A hard plastic card, including details and a
photograph of the holder, is used as motorbike parking permit.

3. Tenants should ask for a registration form at CBRE Management office and indicate
exactly how many permits they need for motorbikes and how many for cars.

4. Upon receiving back the application form and the exact amount to be paid, CBRE will
issue the permits to the tenant.

5. The tenants are responsible for distribution among personnel.

6. In case a permit is lost or stolen, tenant/personnel should report this to security and
provide details on the lost/stolen card to them.

6a. In case a permit is lost or stolen, security should in turn inform CBRE Management

7. In case a permit is lost or stolen, the tenant should apply for a new one at CBRE
Management office. The tenant/personnel should be aware of the fact that lost and
stolen cards can only be replaced upon receiving another application accompanying the
total fee and the replacement costs of a new card (approximately 2 USD).

General Rules

These regulations have been made with the objective of ensuring that parking at Indochina
Riverside Towers is safe, orderly and pleasant.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• Speed limit in the parking is 5 kilometers per hour;

• Parking is not allowed in restricted zones identified by signs or indicated by IRT
parking attendants;
• Vehicles may not occupy more than one space and must be parked properly in line;
• Cars/motorbikes must not block service drives or entrances and exits to parking lots;
• Pedestrians have the right-of-way in crosswalks at all times;
• If a vehicle is found in violation of any of these regulations, the person in whose name
the vehicle is registered will be held responsible;
• In case of emergencies, the emergency procedures must be followed.

Lost or Stolen Parking Tickets

Lost or stolen parking receipts should be reported to security located in the parking area. Only,
upon showing the owners registration card and a personal identity card (ID), the bike can be

Misbehavior And Disobedience By Visitors

Misbehavior and/or disobedience by visitors entering the parking must be warned by parking
attendants and/or security personnel. In case the visitor continues his/her misbehavior, security
has the right to take in the parking permit till further order.

Specific Parking Restrictions

A person shall not stop, stand or park a vehicle in any of the following places, except when
necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or the parking attendants.

• In any place or in any manner so as to block immediate exit from any emergency exit or
exits which are conspicuously marked as building emergency exits;
• In any place or in any manner so as to block or hamper the immediate use of an
immediate exit from any fire escape which is conspicuously marked as a fire escape and
which provides an emergency means of egress from any building;
• At any place where official signs prohibit stopping, standing, or parking.

Prohibited Purposes

A person shall not park a vehicle in the parking area (B1 & B2) for the principal purpose of
doing any of the following:
• Displaying such vehicle for sale;
• Washing, polishing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle;
• Selling merchandise from such vehicle;
• Storage for more than 48 continuous hours.

Impounding Of Vehicles

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

A vehicle may immediately be removed from public property or any other place open to travel
by the public and impounded in any of the following circumstances:

• When a vehicle is parked in such a manner as to create an immediate public hazard or

obstruction of traffic;
• When a vehicle is left continuously unattended for more than 48 hours and may be
presumed to be abandoned;
• When removal is necessary in the interests of public safety because of fire, flood, storm,
or other emergency reasons;
• If the removal of a vehicle is necessitated under the aforementioned circumstances, the
owner is responsible for the costs of towing and storage in addition to any fines that may
be imposed.

Loss Or Damage To Vehicle Or Contents

All cars, motorbikes, and bicycles are at all times parked and driven entirely at the
car/motorbike owner’s risk. IRT JSC, nor CB Richard Ellis Vietnam Ltd. do not accept or take
any responsibility for the safe custody of any vehicles or articles (therein or attached thereto)
however caused, nor are they liable for any injury to any person or damage to property. CB
Richard Ellis nor IRT JSC assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles parked or
operated in the parking, or for the contents thereof.


Indochina Riverside Towers:

• Uniforms & Identity cards;
• Payment of wages according to Vietnamese Labour Law;
• Adequate training of staff;
• Staff allocation
• Drinking water, toilets and change rooms for staff.

Park attendants and security:

• To ensure that parking at Indochina Riverside Towers is safe, orderly and pleasant;
• Reporting incidents to parking manager / security manager / property manager;
• Suggest improvements to parking manager / security manager;
• Ensure proper executing of parking rules and regulations and security;
• Collection of parking fees and depositing the collected fees;
• Warn visitors who misbehave or disobey instructions of park attendants;
• Check validity of parking permits;
• Relocating bikes which form obstacles for other visitors.

• Inform IRT about any changes in parking rules and regulations;
• Judging the situations and make recommendations to IRT management;
• Issuing parking permits to tenants;
• Informing tenants on issues related to the car parking.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Indochina Riverside Towers is to have on display a staff organization chart. This chart
should be located in the main lobby.

A photograph of all staff are to be displayed with their name and job title.

This is to include subcontractors as well i.e. M&E, security, and cleaning.

This is to be regularly updated.


1. Outstanding Invoices are those invoices that have not been paid by the 1st of every month.
These must be kept to an absolute minimum. Property Managers must not be afraid to
disconnect services to tenants that have not paid (with Operation Manager approval of

Please be reminded each tenant has usually given a 3 months rental deposit. So any
outstandings must not exceed more than 2 months.

2. The secretary will ring all tenants between the 1st and the 6th of every month to chase
outstanding payments.

3. Any problems encountered the secretary will verbally inform the Property Manager. It will
also be noted in the summary

4. The office manager contacts Landlords Accountant and receives information about current
Invoice status on the 7th of every month.

5. A reminder letter will be send to all tenants which have not paid yet on the 7th.

6. The office manager keeps in close contact with the landlords accountant and the Property
Manager regarding any outstanding.

7. A 2nd reminder letter will be send, giving 7 days to rectify before breaching lease.

8. 28th of the month: breach/lock store.


1. Between the 15th and the 20th of each month the management office sends amounts for
the lease and if applicable:

- Overtime Air.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

- Electricity.
- Car park.
- Motorbike.
- Marketing fee
- And other special cases i.e. ceiling tile etc.

2. If invoices are not paid, refer to the section about outstanding invoices (section 6).


1. Payment of invoices must be received by IRT before the 1st day of each month.

2. Payments will be done directly to IRT account.

3. On the 1st of each month the office manager contacts the Landlords Accountant and
informs about any outstandings. See Outstanding invoices (see section 6).


1. All buildings must have a list indicating air-conditioning operating times for tenants.

2. The air-conditioning hours are between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm and from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
on Saturdays (offices) *.

3. It is important this is kept up to date and is the same as what is written in the Lease.

4. This must be signed and approved by the Property Manager.

* After-hours air-conditioning charges are generally a question asked by perspective office tenants. We expect that
the air-conditioning will be provided during normal business hours between 7.00am and 7.00pm Monday to Friday
and 8h00am to 13h00pm on Saturday s, thereafter tenant will be expected to pay for additional air-conditioning.


1. The power company collects the electricity fee from IRT.

2. The Building Attendant reads the electricity meters of all tenants from the 15th of month A
to the 15th of month B.

3. The “Electric Meter Reading form” is then completed by the Building Attendant and given
to the CBRE office manager before the 20th of every month.

4. Secretary checks that the Previous reading is the same as the current reading for the month
before for every tenant.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. The form is then signed by the Property Manager and the debit note can be sent out to the


1. Daily log book is kept at the front desk.

2. Daily log book records all incidents and complaints by tenants and Building Attendants.

3. Tenant rings secretary in first instance, if not Building Attendant answers.

Note: if the Building Attendant see any lights or repairs necessary he will also complete
the daily log book.

4. Complaint filled out in the daily log book.

5. M&E staff informed of complaint or/and M&E supervisor reviews log book (i.e. lights bulb
needed) and daily log book completed.

6. The Daily log book is sent at the end of each day to the Property Manager to review.


An Inventory List must be kept at all buildings listing with a code/series no, quantity and
location of all fixed Assets.

The inventory list must be regularly updated constantly as soon as any new fixed asset is
purchased and positioned within the building.

The inventory list must be dated and signed each time it is updated.

Operation Manager and Property Manager are to ensure each fixed Asset is accurately described
with the make and model number also included.

A copy of an asset list is included overleaf.

An index is important at the beginning of any asset inventory list.


1. Tenant Mail boxes are kept at the 1st floor inside the lobby of the office towers. Keys are
provided by management to each tenant for their mail box and kept by the tenant.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2. If the tenant loses their mail box key, the management office will provide another key upon
receiving the cost to re-cut. If urgent the security guard at the lobby may use the master key
to open a mail box only with permission of the Building Attendant.

3. Mail is delivered to Indochina Riverside Towers and given to the security guard at the 1st

4. All general Mail is put into tenant’s mail boxes.

5. Registered mail and EMS mail will be recorded in the mail book and kept at the secretary
desk and if the mail is not picked up by that day it will be delivered by security to the tenant
who will then sign, as received in the mail book.


Stock Control of Capital and miscellaneous items are to be kept. These follow the same process
as stock control for M&E spare parts.

Stock Control sheets are kept for all items including soap, toilet paper, garbage bags, carpet,
glass, ceiling tiles etc.

A copy of the stock control of capital items follow.



1. Either a tenant, M&E, security guard or cleaner etc. report to Building Attendant that a light
is missing.

2. Building Attendant will record in daily log book i.e. 1 fluorescent 18W light is needed on
floor 8.

3. On spare part list the Building Attendant will indicate on the day taken 1unit of 18W
fluorescent light used.

4. Building Attendant will also write at the end of the spare part list the date, type of spare
part, and where it is used.

5. End of the month Building Attendant confirms total used of each type of spare part both the
total used and balance remaining.

6. At the end of the month once Building Attendant totals balance remaining a physical stock
take is undertaken by the Building Attendant to ensure the M&E spare part inventory is

7. If the figures do not balance (i.e. the balance written in the inventory and the actual physical
number kept in stock) the Property Manager is to be informed immediately and Operation
Manager informed by the Property Manager.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

8. There is a minimum amount of stock kept see last column.

9. Once the minimum amount of stock is reached the Building Attendant completes a
Purchase Order (P.O.).

Store room and keys

All M&E parts are kept in the store room.

This must be kept locked at all times.

Only the Building Attendant responsible for stock control and the Property Manager have the
key for the store room.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.



Conducted the same as for security guards.

Monthly Report and Meetings

1. The M&E (sub-contractor or in-house) submits a report detailing all M&E issues for the
previous month.

2. The report must be read and copies kept at CBRE, management office and Landlord.

3. Chief tech completes report and send to building management office.

4. A monthly meeting is held between CBRE and IRT to review the report.

5. A meeting is held every 2 weeks with the chief tech and Property Manager and if possible
the CBRE Operation and M&E manager to discusses routine matters.

6. Minutes should be kept of meetings.


1. CBRE have in-house technicians to cross check that M&E sub-contractor performance is

2. They must visit the site at least once every week, site visiting log book to be completed.

3. They must attend all meetings especially monthly and fortnightly meetings.


Security work schedule

The security manager will provide a work schedule and must be sent to the Operation Manager
and Property Manager.

Property Manager to pass a copy to Building Attendant or assistant Property Manager who will
be responsible for checking that the schedule is being followed.

If schedule is not followed, Property Manager to be informed immediately and Property

Manager to inform Operation Manager.


Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Security has a supervisor that will inspect the site continuously.

2. Building Attendant should meet the supervisor and discuss any potential minor problems.
Property Manager to be informed.

3. A meeting must be held with the Property Manager, Building Attendant and Operation
Manager to discuss the performance over the last 2 weeks, highlighting areas of

4. Minutes of these meetings (see point 3) should be kept and followed upon.

5. Property Manager should visit the site late at night / early morning at least once per month
to confirm security guards are not asleep and work is at an acceptable standard.


The Property Manager, Building Attendant and Operation Manager should meet with cleaning
supervisor at least once every 2 weeks. Minutes should be kept of meeting.

If any problems or improvements are necessary in the performance, the Property Manager must
discuss with Operation Manager and a meeting held with Operation Manager to resolve

Cleaning work schedule

The cleaning supervisor must provide a work schedule daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

This is sent to the Operation Manager and Property Manager. Property Manager will send a
copy to Building Attendant.

If the work schedule is not followed the Building Attendant to inform the Property Manager
immediately in writing. Property Manager is turn will inform Operation Manager.

A meeting will be called with the cleaning manager/supervisors to discuss their performance in
case the schedule is not followed.


1. Request for payment is done by filling out a standard form.

2. Approval for signage must be approved by Operations Manager or Director - Property


3. The Office Manager will issue petty cash upon approval by the Operations Manager /
Director/Property Management.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. Copy of receipt is kept in the management office.


1. Any invoice received by the management office from any sub-contractor is passed onto the
office manager. However it must be checked by the Building Attendant to ensure it is

2. The secretary completes the “request for payment forms”.

3. The form is then checked and approved by Property Manager who sign and date the form.

4. Office manager decides which form should be send to IRT for payment and which forms
should be kept at CBRE to pay.

5. Original copy of invoice and invoice forms are sent to CBRE Account Dept. Head Office
for approval.

6. Once approval, the original copy of invoice is returned to Office manager for her to allow
her to pay the outstanding amount.

7. A “received stamp” must be stamped on each invoice as it is received indicating the date
and signed by the person who received the invoice.


For permission to use Goods / Service Lift a tenant will ask for permission upon which the
security guard at the basement will provide a Lift Request form

1. Tenant will complete the form which follows and sign.

2. Once the form is completed it is sent to management office and Building Attendant to
approve and sign.

3. The Request form is then sent to the tenant and a copy sent to the security guard at the

4. On the date and time prescribed in the request form, the tenant will contact the guard at the
basement who will arrange for operation of the goods lift.


1. An incident is reported to the management office.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2. Building Attendant then inspects location of incident and takes a photo and checks damage.

3. In the case of an incident involving a vehicle the damage will usually be covered by
insurance so the appropriate insurance steps are taken.

4. Building Attendant will organize a quotation if vehicle and give to visitor/tenant to claim
from insurance. If vehicle does not have any insurance, vehicle owner will pay cash to
repair damage to building.

5. If any other form of incident most will be claimed from insurance.

6. The incident report must be signed and dated by Building Attendant.

7. Each incident will also include the security report.

8. Building Attendant keeps in contact with insurance to ensure payment.

9. Meanwhile Building Attendant will arrange for repair with Property Managers approval.


Management Staff Meeting

1. Every week a property management staff meeting is held at the management office.

2. Staff to attend: Property Manager

Building Attendant or Asst. Property Manager
Office Manager
Security supervisor
Cleaning supervisor
M&E senior technician and supervisor

3. The Aim of the meeting is to discuss / inform and update staff of work in progress etc.

4. Minutes are kept by the secretary and filed.

Landlord Meeting

1. A meeting is held with the Landlord at IRT Office every 2 weeks.

2. Staff attending include : Operation Manager

Property Manager
General Director IRT

3. Minutes are to be kept by Property Manager.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. Key control is administered by the Building Attendant.

2. Keys are kept in a locked key cabinet. Storeroom keys are kept by the Building Attendant
and Property Manager only.

3. Keys are kept for vacant units and common areas only. For units occupied by tenants the
management office do not have keys, only the tenant. This reduces any liability of the
management office and staff.

4. Any request for a key, the key book is completed


Any new lease or lease renewal a process is followed by Head office and the onsite
management office.

1. CBRE will negotiate with potential new tenant.

2. An Offer to Lease is signed by the Perspective Tenant and must be approved and signed by
IRT. An Acceptance Letter is then sent to the Tenant and a booking deposit obtained.

3. A copy of the signed offer letter is kept on file by CBRE Management Office.

4. Management office will start the handover procedures of the premises as soon as the offer
and a copy of the acceptance letter has been sent to the Property Manager.


Insurance claims

1. An incident report indicating the claim must be send to the Property Manager. This report is
made by Building Attendant.

2. Building Attendant will then organize a quotation and complete the insurance claim form.

3. Building Attendant will ring and verbally confirm with insurance before hand.

4. Any problems that may occur or disagreement with the insurance company is to be
informed to the Property Manager and Operation Manager.

Building Insurance

Indochina Riverside Towers has comprehensive insurance coverage for the building. However
tenants must insure their own goods, equipment and fit out.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.



To briefly explain the operation of the fire protection systems in Indochina Riverside Towers,
the procedures to be adopted by the staff to assist in smooth evacuation of the building in the
event of a fire, and the specific procedures to follow in that event. Understanding of the fire
protection system in the building and co-operation in the implementation of the procedures in
the total evacuation is important.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the Fire Safety Operation Manual is :-

a. To ensure the safety of human lives in the event of fire.

b. To establish a systematic and orderly evacuation plan.
c. To ensure prompt raising of the fire alarm and fire fighting efforts in the event of
d. To instill a keen awareness in all occupants of the need to prevent an outbreak of
fire by constant and habitual observation of basic fire precautions.

1.2 Joint Fire Safety Committee

A Joint Fire Safety Committee shall be formed in the building for achieving the
above purpose. It shall comprise the following persons :-

a. Co-ordinator / Assistant Co-ordinator. (Building Management Personnel)

b. Fire Wardens / Assistant Fire Wardens. (Tenant’s Fire Safety Committee)
c. Members of the fire-fighting team. (Building Management Personnel)

1.3 Fire Alarm

The fire alarm may be raised by:

a. Manual Alarm Station

This consists of “Push Button” Call Points located throughout the building. In case
of fire, a person should push the button which will cause the release of the contact
button in order to ring the alarm bell.

b. Automatic Heat Detector System

The building is protected by heat detectors at various locations in the building. Heat
detectors can be activated when sufficient heat is generated below them. When heat

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

detector is activated, it will send a signal to the Main Fire Panel in the security
control station to activate the alarm in the building.

c. Automatic Smoke Detector System

Smoke detectors are installed throughout the building. When there is a smoke-filled
atmosphere, these detectors will be activated. The alarm signal will be sent to the
monitoring station in the security control room.


2.1 Co-ordinator / Assistant Co-ordinator
a. Ensure that all occupants in the building are familiar with the evacuation
b. Record the dates / times of any Evacuation Drill.
c. Appoint one person as Co-ordinator during his absence from the building.
d. Responsible for the formation and training of a fire-fighting team within the
building from amongst responsible and physically fit employees.
e. Ensure that exit doors are kept closed but unlocked during business hours and
that hallways, corridors, lobbies and staircases are kept free from obstructions at
all times.
f. Ensure that fire extinguishers, hose reels, fire-fighting / protection system are
kept in good working condition. Any system fault shall be reported to The
Building Management office to immediate repair.
g. Ensure that the Fire Emergency Plan is updated as and when necessary.

2.2 Fire Wardens / Assistant Fire Wardens

a. Acquaint new employees with the Fire Emergency Plan in his specific role (if
any) during an emergency.
b. Be familiar with the Fire Emergency Plan and means of escape of the building.
c. Be familiar with the operation of the fire alarm system and the use of first-aid
and fire-fighting equipment.
d. Liaise and co-ordinate with each other.

2.3 Fire Fighting Team

a. Be familiar with the operation of the Fire Alarm System.
b. Be familiar with the Fire Emergency Plan, location of staircases and emergency
c. Be familiar with the location and use of first-aid and fire-fighting equipment.


3.1 Informant
The person who discovers the fire shall immediately:

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

a. Raise the alarm by activating the nearest fire alarm “Push button Alarm” call
b. Attempt to extinguish any incipient fire with the available fire fighting
equipment such as fire extinguishers and hose reels but without taking any
personal risk.

3.2 All Staff

a. Upon hearing the fire alarm being sounding continuously in the building all staff
shall lock up their important document, shut down all electrical equipment and
follow the instruction given by the floor Fire Warden to evacuate from their
office by using the nearest exit and proceed to the assembly point.
b. During the evacuation, all occupants should guide their guests / customers /
visitors on their respective floor to immediately evacuate in an orderly manner.
c. When evacuating, do not panic but walk quickly down the staircase by the
nearest exit and proceed to the assembly point. REMEMBER, DO NOT USE
d. The assembly point is located at the foot-path on the opposite side of the
e. All staff / guests / customers / visitors shall not re-enter the building unless
authorized by the Fire Brigade or Fire Command Officer in attendance.
f. Lifts should not be used as they have been programmed to descend and park at
the 1st storey and to cease operation.

3.3 Coordinator/Assistant Coordinator

In the event of fire:
a. Inform Fire Brigade immediately.
b. Proceed quickly to the main fire alarm panel at the Basement to ascertain the
location of the fire and ensure that the fire-fighting team is mobilized to respond
to the alarm.
c. Ensure that the building evacuation status is monitored at the assembly point
through reports obtained from the Fire Wardens.
d. Report the condition of the fire and number of persons missing, if any, to the
officers of the Fire Brigade upon their arrival at the building.
e. Ensure that the Fire Emergency Plan and the necessary keys are readily available
at the arrival of the officers of the Fire Brigade.

3.4 Fire Warden / Assistant Fire Warden

On hearing fire alarm:
a. All Fire Wardens and Assistant Fire Wardens shall conduct physical checks on
their respective floors for sign of fire.
b. If the fire is not on his floor, the Fire Warden / Assistant Fire Warden shall alert
all occupants on his floor to be ready for evacuation.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

c. If it is confirmed that the fire is on his floor, he shall inform his Co-coordinator
and initiate immediate evacuation for his floor, at the same time trying to
extinguish the fire if possible without taking any personal risk.
d. Check all offices and alert everyone on his floor to evacuate in an orderly
manner using the nearest exits.
e. Ensure that the disabled, children, pregnant woman, etc. if any, are given
particular attention during evacuation.
f. Leave the building after ascertaining that all the occupants of the floor have
complied with his order.
g. On reaching the assembly area, conduct a roll call of the staff present and report
the evacuation status, in person, to the Co-coordinator or Assistant coordinator.


4.1 Fire evacuation drills shall be conducted at least once a year.

4.2 All persons in the building shall participate in the drill.

4.3 The Fire Brigade and the Local Police Station should be notified in advance of the date
and time of the drill.

4.4 All occupants in the building shall familiarize themselves with the location of the
assembly point.

Remember, it is in your own interest:
a. To know how to report a fire - sound the alarm without delay.
b. To know what to do in the event of fire - avoid panic and confusion.
c. To know the locations of nearby fire extinguishers and hose reels learn the
proper way to use them.
d. To know the means of escape in case of fire and to keep staircases, landings and
other escape routes clear of obstructions at all time.

If you have any queries with regard to any matter on fire safety prevention, please
Property Manager at Tel. 220.0220

It is in your interest to ensure that your staff are properly briefed on the emergency
procedures. Make sure they will:
a. Know the location of the emergency exits and fire extinguishers.
b. Know the action to be taken in the event of fire.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

c. Report any burning smell, fire or fire hazards e.g. obstruction of emergency
staircases, to the Building Management Office immediately.


It is very simple to operate a fire extinguisher.

Remember the following steps:

STEP 1 - Remove Safety Device (Pin)

Remove the safety device (pin) which is fitted to prevent accidental discharge of the

STEP 2 - Aim Nozzle

Aim the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire. Keep a safe distance of about
1 to 1.5 metres away from the fire.

STEP 3 - Press Trigger

Press the top lever of the extinguisher and sweep it from side to side to allow the
discharge to be directed at the entire fire area.

When the fire is extinguished, remember to ventilate the area by opening windows and


Activate the nearest “ Push Button Alarm ” call point in order to ensure that the building
is aware of the existence fire.

Get everyone out of the area where the fire is and close the door to stop the spread of
smoke and fire.

See that everyone leave the area.

Plan a safe escape routes for your staff now, even if you never have to use them.

Call the Fire Brigade. Make sure that all members of your staff know this number.

After you have called the Fire Brigade, you can then try to extinguish the fire but only if
you can do so without endangering yourself or others.


Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Once a tenant completes there Lease term and is ready to vacant Indochina Riverside
Towers the following process is to be followed. (Note: we refer to tenant fit out guide).

1. The tenant must reinstate and handover the premises as per the original drawings
and handover form.

2. The same process is followed as per tenant fit out.

3. A work schedule must be sent to management office for approval, and the
appropriate fees paid, same as for fit out.

4. Once completed the premises are inspected by management and M&E.

5. The tenant will then write to confirm completion and request refund of deposits
and rental deposits.

6. Property Manager submits tenants request letter to IRT.

7. IRT/CBRE must confirm reinstatement and payment of all fees (i.e. rent, phone
bills etc.) by the tenant

8. IRT issue the deposit refund cheque to the management office.

9. Management office completes the deposit refund. Once signed by the tenant,
copies of the form are sent to CBRE Management office and IRT.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. Tenant will sign the offer letter and in some cases the Lease contract if prepared
in time.

2. Tenant is given the Fitout Handbook to study. The management office provides
the original plan of the space to be occupied before the tenant moves in indicating light, air
conditioning ducting, fire protection and safety systems etc.

3. Management office and Tenants representatives complete the Handover form.

This is signed and dated by the Lessee and Lessor and/or representatives. A copy is given to
each party.

4. Tenant will then submit their fitting out drawings in 3 copies. The drawings will
indicate fire protection, air-conditioning ducts, lighting, partitions, offices desks etc.

1 Copy for Management Office

1 Copy for Landlord
1 Copy for M&E sub contractor

5. Management, Landlord, and M&E sub contractor consider and discuss the tenant
plans. A conclusion is reached and a letter sent to the tenant.

6. Once approved the tenants sub contractor will submit a schedule for completing
fit out work. All fit out and Building regulations are to be followed.

7. Tenant must also pay the deposit before fit out work commences.

8. The number of sub contractors workers there, names, ID., and vehicle
registration is to be provided to the management office to ensure security is maintained.

Note: Property Manager must read the Fit out Handbook and ensure all rules and
regulations as stipulated in the handbook are followed.

12. Once fit out completed, the management office shall then inspect the premises
to ensure it has been built and fit out as per the fit out drawings. Any changes made not as per
the drawings must be changed.


The Property Manager is responsible for calculating the yearly Budget for the Building.

The Operation Manager is to oversee and amend where necessary before the budget is
sent to the Landlord and Owner for approval.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

The budget is to be prepared before January each year.

1. Property Manager completes draft. He shall base the anticipated costs for the
next 12 months based upon past experience and discussions with other Property Managers and
Operation Manager.

2. Property Manager will then prepare Budget before January each year.


The following are standard Emergency procedures that apply to all buildings both Commercial
and Retail in nature.


1. In the event of an occurrence of any emergency incident, whether relating to Fire,

Crime, complaint or serious faults/breakdown of the building facilities, the senior
building staff on the scene or the Property Manager if present, shall record particulars
in an Incident Report. -

2. The report should include the following:

a) Addressee

b) Subject of the Report

c) Date and Time of the Event

d) Exact location

e) The Reporter’s Name, Position and Signature

f) Police Reference (if any)

3. All particulars of the event should be described briefly, clearly and in sequence. The
writing must be legible.

4. Damage part, value of property and initial action are also to be mentioned in the report.

5. The format of the Incident Report is detailed on the following page.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Indochina Riverside Towers Building


To: __________________________________________

Incident Nature: __________________________________________

Date, Time & Place: __________________________________________

Reference Number: __________________________________________

Incident Details :


Reported by :

Position :

Date :

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


When heavy rain is expected and flooding is immanent, the Property Manager shall ensure the
following actions to be taken:

1. Display a Warning Notice at the Lift Lobby or Notice Board to inform all Tenants.

2. Inspect and ensure all windows on the roof, pump room, switch room, air-conditioning
plant room areas and generator room are closed and secured.

3. Ensure all building facilities such as gondola, scaffolding are fastened and secured.

4. Inspect the whole building to ensure no blockage of drains, gutters and manholes.

5. If required, prepared sandbags, sweeping equipment and submersible pumps to prevent

possible flooding.

6. Make sure all precautionary procedures have been completed and standby to handle any
emergency incidents.



Once fires break out, they can spread easily and quickly. Therefore, fire prevention is one of
the main responsibilities of property management personnel. All staff shall

1. Inspect and ensure all fire fighting equipment within the building is valid and in good
condition. Any damage or overdue maintenance is to be reported immediately, via an
incident report form.

2. Be familiar with all fire escape routes and assembly areas, and ensure that no goods or
articles are left causing obstruction to the exit passage. Fire escape staircases must be
inspected on a daily basis.

3. Make sure the roof and emergency exits can be readily opened from inside without the
use of a key.

4. Make sure no inflammable material or dangerous goods exceeding normal standard are
stored by Tenants.

5. Ensure no illegal modification is made to the fire service installation such as Smoke
Lobby doors wedged in the open position, removed or locked; hydrant hand wheels
missing and main control values turned off etc.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

6. An instruction for fire evacuation should be displayed prominently to notify all tenants.

7. A fire drill should be conducted at least once a year.

• In case you hear the fire alarm.

1. Remain calm as your floor may not be affected by the fire.
2. Quickly check you own work area and adjacent areas for signs of fire.
3. Alert employees and leave the building immediately in an orderly manner through the fire
4. Do not use the lifts.
5. Check and make sure nobody is left inside the office / shop.

• In case of Evacuation
1. Remain calm and lock away all valuable documents, cash and jewelry etc.
2. Switch of all electrical items except lights.
3. Make sure office / shop is empty prior to closing it.
4. Leave via the nearest staircase or fire exit
5. Do not wander about.
6. Do not use the elevator.
7. Walk - do not run.
8. Be considerate and avoid panic.
9. Carry nothing larger than a briefcase.
10. Obey instructions given by the building security personnel.
11. The appointed Fire Marshall or senior member/staff present in the office/floor should
account for all staff in the occupant/tenants office/floor in the event of evacuation.


In case of fire breakout, management staff shall :-

1. Remain CALM

2. Sound the fire alarm and alert all people in the immediate vicinity.

3. Call the nearest Fire Protection Station and inform the Fire Service Department and
inform the Security Department and Property Manager immediately.

4. Attempt to put out the fire by using the nearest fire extinguishing equipment but never
put yourself in danger. Do Not use water for electric fires.

5. Should the fire get beyond your control, leave the scene immediately and await the
arrival of Fire fighting force in order to give details of the situation.

6. Assist all tenants to evacuate the building via stairwells and prevent anyone using the

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

7. Cordon off the fire scene and forbid any attempt of entry.

8. Record all details including the cause of fire, damage and affected areas in an Incident
Report which should be submitted to the Director - Property Management within 24
hours of the event.

Note: Please read the fire section specifically relating to fire in Indochina Riverside Towers
further in this report.


2. When there is a report of gas leakage, management staff shall proceed to scene for
investigation, and switch off the gas.

3. Upon arrival of the scene, staff shall NOT press door bells or touch any electric
appliances. They should only open windows, doors and switch off the gas supply.

4. If the gas leakage is serious or the situation is beyond control, they must immediately
inform the Building Maintenance and Security personnel in the first instance.

5. Alert all occupants to leave the scene and cordon the scene forbidding any attempt of

6. Look after any injured persons while awaiting the arrival of an ambulance.

7. Record all details including the cause of the leakage, damage and affected areas in an
Incident Report which should be submitted to the Director - Property Management
within 24 hours of the event.


In case of a lift breakdown either during office hours or after office hours, staff should
telephone the lift maintenance emergency services team. The telephone number is usually
marked in the lift car or lobby. A warning notice of ‘Out of Service’ should be displayed to
notify tenants and the public alike.

If persons are trapped inside a lift the following emergency rescue procedures will be
immediately applied for action:

1. You should NOT make any attempt to release them other than by authorized lift
mechanics who may do so. Immediately call and inform the Elevator Emergency
Service Company at Telephone No. _________.

2. Immediately talk to the trapped passenger inside the car through the emergency
(intercom) call panel with the following message:

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

First :
“Please stand-by. We are having some minor computer problem due to power
fluctuation. Just stay calm. Out technicians are already on their way to re-level your car
to the nearest floor and open the door for you.

Second :
Please stay calm. We know you are still there. In just a short while the door will be

Third :
We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please don’t panic. Please stand by for

3. If the lift mechanic does not arrive within 30 minutes, you should initiate immediately
the emergency/lift rescue procedures.

4. Record all in an Incident Report which should be submitted to the Operation Manager
within 48 hours of the event.


1. All staff are expected to be aware of the Nuisance created by excessive noise, from
machinery or heavy manual work or music, both in and around the building.

2. Tenants or contractors are not permitted to carry out noisy work in the building within
specified hours (see tenant handbook).

3. Occurrence of noisy work, whether reported from roving guard, or by tenant complaint
should be immediately investigated and recorded.

4. Any tenant or contractor refusing to stop all noisy work after repeated warning should
be reported to the Operation Manager.

5. Record all details including the time and location of the occurrence in an Incident
Report which should be submitted to the Director - Property Management within 24
hours of the event.


1. Traffic accident causing other vehicles or property damage; and

2. Traffic accident causing injury to persons.

No matter which type of traffic accident has occurred when Management staff arrives on the
scene, their primary duty is to ensure there is no further accident. The proper handling
procedures are as follows:

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• Traffic Accident Causing Damage Only

1. Maintain order so that traffic within the area can return to order.

2. Record all particulars of the involved parties.

3. Take photographs as necessary.

4. Cordon off the scene if the damaged part of building will endanger other people.

5. Inform technicians to make emergency repairs if necessary.

6. Display a warning notice.

7. Inform your senior officer, Property Manager, Operation Manager and Director -
Property Management.

8. The Property Manager should notify the Operation Manager by submitting a

comprehensive written Incident Report.

• Traffic Accident Causing Injury to Person

1. Direct traffic and give warning to approaching vehicles.

2. Depending on the severity of the accident remove injured Person (s) from dangerous

3. Call Police/Ambulance for assistance.

4. Record all details and take photographs as necessary.

5. Inform Senior officer, Property Manager, Operation Manager and Director - Property


Upon discovering any suspicious articles or receiving report of bombs, Management staff
should KEEP CALM and adopt the following procedures.

1. Notify the Police and the Security Control Center.

2. Forbid any person or vehicle other than Policeman and Bomb Disposal team to enter the
affected area.

3. Ensure all lifts to the affected area are suspended.

4. Assist evacuation according to the Fire escape route of each floor.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. Before the arrival of the Police, a staff member may visually inspect the surrounding to
see if there is any suspicious article or bomb. Do not Touch any suspicious item.

6. Upon locating a suspicious article, cordon it off by using tape, rubbish bins or traffic

7. NEVER deal with any suspicious articles or bomb privately.

8. NEVER use the communication Radio in the area where bombs or suspicious articles
are found.

9. NEVER cover or move the articles.

10. Record all in an incident Report which should be submitted to the Operation Manager
and Director- Property Management within 24 hours of the event.


Thru Telephone

• The receiving party should be calm and courteous. As much as possible listen carefully and
write down all information that the caller shall provide before he hangs up try to write his
exact words as possible.

• Try to encourage caller to converse longer in order to get information as much as possible.
Listen for speech characteristics such as intonation, pronunciation, tone which may describe
persons, age, sex, nationality, etc.

• Pretend to have difficulty in hearing or refer the caller to a person of a higher position or
more senior.

• Seek exact conformation re : identity of person/office being threatened , floor location,

time the bomb is set to explode and type of device.

• Report all the above mentioned to the Security Department immediately.

Written Communications

• The bomb threat received through letter form, note or telegram should be retained carefully
observed and turned over for the Security Department immediately. for evaluation.

Personal Contact

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• A Person receiving bomb threat personally or over hearing one should immediately notify
the Security Department. Any physical characteristics (height, weight , sex, age, color of
skin, hair, eyes, etc.) of the person making the threat should be noted down. Mode of
transportation used by said person such as the make, model and possible plate number of
vehicle when he leaves the scene should likewise be noted down and reported.

Car/Package/Letter Bomb

• Report to the Security Department if one stumbles upon a car bomb or package/letter bomb.
Do not attempt to teach or move the bomb. Report exact location and any other details in

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


In case of occurrence of Robbery, Burglary, Theft of other serious crime in the property, staff
shall : -

1, Notify the Operation Manager and report to the Police.

2. Inspect the scene of crime to see if there are still any culprits.

3. Take care of wounded if applicable.

4. Preserve and safeguard the scene against contamination.

5. Never touch or move any articles or switch on/off any electric appliances at the scene to
avoid destruction of evidence.

6. Forbid any person other than Police or rescue team to enter the scene.

7. If you witness the crime, note down all information and inform Police. i.e. the culprits
appearance number of criminals, their clothing, any possession of weapons and the
direction in which they fled.

8. Record all details including the nature of crime, the outcome of initial inquiry, the rank
and number of the arriving Police Officer and Police reference number etc.

9. The Property Manager should submit a comprehensive report to Operation Manager as

soon as possible.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. All staff should be aware of the location of the main switch of the main electrical
supply and make sure the emergency generator is always in working condition.

2. In the event of unexpected electrical failure, Management staff shall inform the on-site
technical staff and the Building Manager - immediately.

3. Under no circumstance should Management staff other than a qualified technician deal
with such electrical breakdowns.

4. If any information regarding the suspension of electricity supply is received, the

Property Manager should notify the Operation Manager. A notice should also be
displayed prominently to notify all Tenants.

5. Forbid any attempts to use lifts during the suspension period.

6. Be prepared with some portable lighting for sudden suspension of electricity

7. Be attentive to security risks arising during power suspension periods.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


When flooding occurs in the building, prompt action is required by the duty building staff to
prevent possible damage to the tenants property and the building facilities. As soon as a report
of flooding is received the immediate action is as follows : -

1. Proceed to the scene to find out the cause of the flood.

2. Attempt to turn off the appropriate main branch or valve.

3. If the flood is caused by a burst water pipe or leakage, inform the Chief Building
Engineer to make emergency repairs.

4. Stop water from flowing to other areas by using sand bags.

5. Raise all lifts to the higher level and switch off to avoid damage.

6. Clean up the affected area by mop, sweeper, submersible pump or other equipment.

7. Take photographs of the damaged property for reference.

8. Record all particulars in an Incident Report which should be submitted to the Operation
Manager within 24 hours of the event.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Dropping objects is a serious offense in Law. When Property Management staff receive such
a complaint, they will :-

1. Make an immediate investigation to locate the offender.

2. Give a warning to such offender and inform Police. (Dependant upon Building policy.

3. If the offender can not be traced, staff shall display a notice to remind all tenants
regarding the serious consequence of such acts.

4. Take photographs to the damaged property for reference.

5. Record all details.

If someone was hurt by the falling object, staff shall : -

1. Render assistance to the injured person.

2. Call Police and ambulance for assistance.

3. Try to located the offender or witness.

4. Cordon off the scene and wait for the arrival of the Police.

5. Record all details and Police reference.

6. Record all particulars in an Incident Report which should be submitted to the

Operation Manager within 24 hours of the event.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


1. If there is any minor blockage of the plumbing systems in the building, duty staff shall
inform technician services personnel to make an immediate repair and inform the
Property Manager.

2. If tenant requests such repairs to their unit during emergency, we may render assistance
in carrying out repairs where possible but service fees will be charged.

3. If the repairs are beyond the ability of our staff and the repairs urgent, then immediately
inform the Property Manager.


The following is a list of the standard documentation which can be used on a regular basis by
the Property Manager.

Note: Indochina Riverside Towers and other CB Richard Ellis managed buildings do not use
the documentation procedure described overleaf, but rather an amended process.

The following information should therefore be used as a guide only.


This is a summary checklist which includes all the important documentation and procedures to
be completed by each of the Property Managers. It is by no means an exhaustive list and may
be amended from time to time. Each Property Manager must ensure that their Checklist is up-
to-date at all times as they will be called upon, from time to time, by the Director - Property
Management to produce any or all of the information contained.

A Master File will be compiled from items identified by

⊗ in the Management Checklist. It will be held in a separate file which must
be accessible to all staff. The Master File should be continually updated and
will form the basis of a summary of pertinent daily management issues relating to the
property. The format of the Master File is contained in the Appendix and is headed
“Property Master File.”

The contents of the Checklist include the following sections.

1.00 Physical Management (O & M)

2.00 Tenancy Management

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3.00 Financial Management


What is a Purchase Order (PO) ?

This is a form that needs to be completed each time goods and/or services are required to be
purchased by any Administration Staff or Service/Technical Staff member. This form, once
initialed by the Property Manager or Director - Property Management effectively grants
authority to purchase the and/or service at the price and under the terms and conditions
contained in the quotation attached to the PO.

This form will be completed by the Secretary and will be passed the Property Manager or
Director - Property Management for authorization. Copies of the recommended quotation are to
be attached to the PO with reference to be noted.

What are the Purchase Order (PO) Procedures ?

All Purchase Order (PO) Books are to held by the Secretary who will be responsible for
ensuring that the following procedures are followed:

Steps :

1. Upon receipt of a signed Requisition Form (RF) or Work Order (WO), the Purchase
Order (PO) will be completed by the Secretary.

2. The Purchase Order (PO) (3 copies) will be passed to the Property Manager or
Director- Property Management for authorization.

3. Once authorized, all three (3) copies will be passed back to Secretary who will advise
the service provider to forward the goods or services. It will be most important that the
“Order Number “, appearing on the top right corner of the Purchase Order form, is
quoted to the service provider,

No invoice will be paid without the corresponding attachment of

Purchase Order (PO) Number appearing on it.

4. Goods are then delivered or services provided.

5. The invoice will then be received by the Accounting Department. It will be stamped
and coded depending on the detail contained on the Purchase Order (PO) form, and
forwarded to Property Manager.

6. It is the responsibility of the Property Manager to confirm receipt of the goods or

satisfactory completion of services prior to initialing the stamp. Once initialed the
Property Manager has confirmed that the invoice is in order to pay.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

7. Property Manager will pass the initialed invoices back to the Accounting Department.


3 Copies required - 1 x Copy to Service / Good Supplier

- 1x Copy to Property Manager
- 1x Copy to Accounting Department

Accounting Department copy will be attached to the invoice when passed to the Property
Manager for initialing (Step 6).


What is a Works Order (WO) ?

A Works Order (WO) will be completed if Indochina Riverside Towers Building Maintenance
Personnel are commissioned by a tenant to undertake works within the tenant’s premises. A
separate charge will be raised for the completion of such work. (subject to building consents)

What are the Works Order (WO) Procedures ?

A Works Order (WO) will be produced by the Chief Building Engineer when works have been
or will be undertaken by the Indochina Riverside Towers Building Management division which
are related to a particular tenancy premises area.
Steps :

1. The tenant will request that specific works within their premises area is required. They
will be advised that although the responsibility for rectifying the problem is their own, we
are able to undertake the works but we will invoice labor and materials directly to them.

2. A quotation by way of a Works Order (WO) form will be completed by the Chief
Building Engineer and passed to the tenant estimating the cost to complete the work.

3. Should the tenant agree, they will initial/sign the Works Order (WO) form. A copy will be
retained by the tenant, a copy to Accounts (on completion of the job). and a copy to the
Property Manager. If the tenant declines, no further action is required.

4. Work commences (assuming tenant agrees in Step 3 above).

5. Should materials be required then an appropriate Requisition Form (RF) will be

completed by the Chief Building Engineer with reference to the Works Order (WO) number,
and will be submitted to the Secretary in order that a Purchase Order (PO) can issued for the

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Should Indochina Riverside Towers Building supply Stock via the Stock Supply Department,
then a separate Requisition Form (RF) will be completed indicating Stock Supply.

6. Steps 3-8 of the purchase Order (PO) procedures will then be followed.

7. The Chief Building Engineer will be required to notify the Accounting Department of
final completion of the job. Accounts will compile and maintain all records on each job
is completed they will produce a corresponding summary invoice to the tenant.


3 Copies Supplied - 1x Copy to Tenant

- 1x Copy to Property Manager
- 1X Copy to Accounting Department


What is a Requisition Form (RF) ?

A Requisition Form(RF) will be completed if any of the Management Staff and/or Service
staff are required to purchase any item from an outside source. This constitutes a request to
“purchase” and does not give authority to purchase (only a signed Purchase Order (PO) from
the Property Manager or General Manager - Property gives authority to purchase).

What are the Requisition Form (RF ) Procedures ?

A Requisition Form (RF) will be completed by Management and Service staff for the request
of goods or services. This form along with confirmed pricing estimates will be passed to the
Secretary for the issuing of a Purchase Order (PO).

Steps :

1. The need for goods or services will be identified and the person requesting such good or
services will attach to the Requisition Form (RF) confirmed quotations from a
minimum of three (3) suppliers.

2. The Assistant Property Manager will then issue a Purchase Order (PO) and will record
the Requisition Number on the PO form. The original copy of the Requisition Form
(RF) will be attached to the Property Managers copy.

3. Approval will be the sought from the Property Manager or Director - Property

4. Upon approval Steps 3-8 of the Purchase Order (PO) Procedures will be followed.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


2 Copies - -1x Copy to be attached to the Property Manager’s

Purchase Order (PO).
1x Copy retained by Secretary.


Throughout the management of any commercial or residential property expenditure is incurred

daily in order to maintain the services within the property and to supply the respective tenants
with a clean, safe working environment . The cost of these services is passed to us by the
service provider or supplier in the form of an Invoice. This document refer to the goods,
services and/or materials used along
with the cost and VAT sums.

An Invoice should not be confused with a statement as the latter refers to the state of an account
with the creditor. In most cases the Statement will not include the creditors registered VAT
number, whereas an Invoice will.

Invoices will be received daily by the Accounts division who will attach the necessary
documentation to the Invoice (Purchase Order/Works Order copy) and pass it to the Property
Manager for Authorization.

After checking the details the Property Manager will initial confirmation that the goods and/or
services have been received and/or completed as per the terms of the agreed quotation or
contract. This verifies that the Invoice is certified for payment. The Accounting Division will
not issue a payment on the Invoice until the Property Manager has authorized it.

All authorized Invoices are to be passed back to the Accounts by Thursday of each working
week. Failure to do so will not guarantee inclusion of the Invoice within the next cheque-run.

Please note that payment of Invoices must be completed within a reasonable

period of time, normally by the 20th of the month following receipt, if there is
no reason to withhold authorization.

The following is a summary of the steps required and persons responsible during this process:


1. The Invoice will firstly be received by the Accounting Division who will attach all
documentation, principally the Purchase Order (PO) referred to in the Invoice, to it.

2. The invoice will then be “stamped” and the relevant sections completed from the
information contained in the Purchase Order (PO).

3. Once completed the Invoice and attachments will be passed to the Property Manager
for authorization.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. The Property Manager will check the details of the Invoice and ensure that the goods
and/or services have been received or completed as per the terms of the contract or
quotation. He or she will also check that all details have been completely correctly.

5. Once satisfied, the Property Manager will initial the “stamp” in the bottom right hand
corner. although not included on the “stamp” it is recommended that the date of
authorization is noted under the initials.

6. On or before each Thursday the authorized invoices will be passed back to the
Accounting Division for payment.

7. A cheque will be issue by the Accounting Division with the appropriate number noted
on the “stamp”.

8. Filing of all documents by the Accounting Division will be based on each individual
Fund within each Phase.


Key Register Procedures - This includes the recording procedures of all key movements to
ensure that any key issued has all the necessary information recorded with respect to the
borrower of the key.

Control Procedures

1. The keys and locks should be under the Key Control Officer who shall be directly
responsible to the Property Manager.

2. The Key Control Officer (KCO) should be the Chief Property Manager or the Shift
Engineer. The key control officer can designate the Detachment Commander or
Building Security officer to take custody and control of keys at a designated period of
time. (At night time or during holidays)

3. Keys should be accessible only to those persons whose official function and duties
require access to critical areas identified.

Steps :

1. Details of the person requesting the key are to be entered into the Key Register.

2. By reference to the Key Index, the specific key is sourced from the Key Box. Cabinet
located at a designated place by the Property Manager with the Key Control Officer
having full control over said box/cabinet.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. A numbered Key Tag is placed on the hook in the keys place to register the removal
of the key. If more than one key of the same number is removed, the corresponding
number of the Key Tags will be placed on the hook.

4. Key Tag number (s) will be entered along side details in the Key Register.

5. Key can then be passed to the person requesting it.

When the key is returned, the register will be completed by noting the date received and the
initials or signature of the management staff who received the key. When the key is returned to
the Key Box, the Key Tag will be removed and the key returned to the appropriate hook.

The Assistant Property Manager will be responsible for the regular audit and review of Key
Register procedures.

Stringent control will be required with regards to the Master Key use and allocation.
Responsibility again will be that of the Assistant Property Manager. No allocation of Master
Keys will occur without the authorization form the Property Manager.



Prior to any Move-In, a tenant /occupant must accomplish the following :

• Register with the Property Manager

• Provide a copy of Lease Contract to the Property Manager
• Arrange for the issuance of ID’s
The occupant/tenant may either have the unit renovated or not. Prior to the actual move in, the
occupant /owner must submit a list of items to be brought, schedule of move in and authorized
parties to conduct the move-in. These are submitted to the Property Manager for clearance then
referred to Engineering/Security for the forms, approval, and assistance during implementation.


All move-outs must be pre-cleared with the Property Manager. A one month’s prior notice
must be given by an occupant/tenant prior to any move-out. A clearance shall be processed by
the Property Manager to collate all accountabilities of the occupant/tenant that have to be
settled prior to move-out. As soon as all accounts have been paid, the occupant/tenant may
move-out provided a list of all items to be taken out plus a schedule is given to the
management office.


Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Application for Additional Air-conditioning - this form, in triplicate, must be submitted to

the Management Office at least 3 hours prior to the time needed. The (assistant) Property
Manager will arrange the service is provided from the time requested.

A Sundry Charge form will be completed and attached to a copy of the Application for
Additional Air-conditioning which will then be passed to the Accounting Department.

The application form must be signed by the tenant, accompanied by the Company Stamp

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

tµi liÖu ®iÒu hµnh



Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

C«ng ty CB Richard Ellis biªn so¹n – th¸ng 10 n¨m 2006

Lêi giíi thiÖu

Tµi liÖu nµy ®îc c«ng ty CB Richard Ellis biªn so¹n dµnh riªng cho nh©n viªn thuéc bé phËn
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ. §Æc biÖt, ®©y lµ tµi liÖu híng dÉn dµnh cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

MÆc dï ®· ®îc biªn so¹n mét c¸ch ®Çy ®ñ nhÊt song chóng t«i cho r»ng néi dung cuèn s¸ch
kh«ng thÓ bao hµm toµn diÖn mäi vÊn ®Ò vµ cã thÓ cÇn ph¶i chØnh söa vµ cËp nhËt ®Ó phï hîp
víi nh÷ng thay ®æi vÒ chÝnh s¸ch qu¶n lý.

Tµi liÖu ®Ò cËp ®Õn 6 néi dung chÝnh sau:

I. Miªu t¶ c«ng viÖc

II. Nguyªn t¾c vµ nhiÖm vô
III. ChØ dÉn
IV. Nguyªn t¾c ®iÒu hµnh toµ nhµ
V. Nguyªn t¾c gi¶i quyÕt trêng hîp khÈn cÊp
VI. C¸c nguyªn t¾c chuÈn

NÕu b¹n gÆp khã kh¨n trong vÊn ®Ò dÞch thuËt, h·y liªn hÖ víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®Ó ®îc
gi¶i ®¸p

Cuèn s¸ch nµy ®îc biªn so¹n dµnh riªng cho V¨n phßng qu¶n lý toµ nhµ. Nghiªm cÊm mäi h×nh
thøc sao chÐp hoÆc t¸i b¶n tõ bÊt cø bªn thø ba nµo.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Tuyªn ng«n lµm viÖc


Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i nhËn thøc ®îc r»ng kh¸ch thuª trong Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ lµ kh¸ch
hµng hoÆc sÏ lµ kh¸ch hµng trong t¬ng lai. Nh÷ng nhu cÇu cña hä, kÓ c¶ nh÷ng nhu cÇu kh«ng
n»m trong nhiÖm vô cña chóng ta còng ph¶i ®îc chó ý gi¶i quyÕt nhanh chãng vµ hiÖu qu¶.

Nªn nhí r»ng Chñ ®Çu t tr¶ l¬ng cho chóng ta. Hä sÏ hµi lßng khi thÊy nç lùc lµm viÖc cña
chóng ta. Thêi h¹n trung b×nh ®èi víi kh¸ch thuª lµ tõ 1 ®Õn 3 n¨m. NÕu kh¸ch hµng hµi lßng,
hä sÏ gia h¹n hîp ®ång khi thêi h¹n kÕt thóc; nÕu kh¸ch hµng kh«ng hµi lßng, hä sÏ tõ chèi gia
h¹n hîp ®ång.

Môc ®Ých cuèi mµ chóng ta lu«n híng tíi lµ lµm sao cho Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ trë thµnh mét Toµ nhµ
tiÖn nghi cho kh¸ch thuª víi chÊt lîng cao vÒ cung cÊp vµ duy tr× dÞch vô qu¶n lý.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Nh÷ng ¶nh hëng (vÜ m«) tõ bªn ngoµi

Xu híng thÞ trêng

t¬ng lai
ThÞ trêng lao ®éng
ChÝnh trÞ

Trëng thµnh

ThÞ trêng vèn/ Ph¸t triÓn PROPERTY T¨ng trëng kinh tÕ

tµi chÝnh CYCLE xuèng dèc

Sù lçi thêi Trë l¹i Cung/CÇu

nh÷ng ¶nh hëng (vi m«) tõ bªn trong

CÊu t¹o toµ nhµ
CÊu tróc QU¶N Lý
M¸y mãc
DÞch vô Yªu cÇu Qu¶n lý O & M
Kh¸ch thuª Qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh
§Þa lý Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª
Qu¶n lý rñi ro
Bao gåm
- Qu¶n lý nh÷ng viÖc ph¸t sinh hµng ngµy (MGT)
- CÊu tróc ®iÒu hµnh hiÖu qu¶
- Thñ tôc vµ hÖ thèng qu¶n lý
- KÕ ho¹ch dµi/ ng¾n h¹n
- ChiÕn dÞch qu¶ng b¸ thÞ trêng
- KiÓm so¸t tµi chÝnh

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

- KiÓm so¸t vµ ®iÒu hµnh gi¸ c¶

KÕt qu¶

MôC TI£U ®¹t ®îc

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Qu¶n lý toµ nhµ lµ c«ng viÖc ®ßi hái ph¶i cã kü n¨ng c¸ nh©n cao trong viÖc liªn hÖ víi kh¸ch
hµng, ë ®©y lµ Kh¸ch thuª, ®¸p øng nh÷ng ®Ò nghÞ vµ yªu cÇu cña hä vÒ dÞch vô qu¶n lý. Nh©n
viªn qu¶n lý u tó kh«ng chØ cã kiÕn thøc vÒ qu¶n lý toµ nhµ mµ cßn ph¶i biÕt gi¶i quyÕt c¸c vÊn
®Ò liªn quan ®Õn an ninh, vÖ sinh vµ c¸c trêng hîp bÊt thêng x¶y ra. Nh×n chung, qu¶n lý toµ
nhµ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm 4 phÇn viÖc sau:

1) Qu¶n lý vËt chÊt (®iÒu hµnh vµ b¶o qu¶n)

2) Qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh
3) Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª
4) Qu¶n lý c¸c rñi ro

Qu¶n lý vËt chÊt (®iÒu hµnh vµ b¶o qu¶n): lµ qu¶n lý c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan ®Õn c¸c tµi
s¶n cña toµ nhµ, réng h¬n lµ qu¶n lý vµ b¶o dìng tÊt c¶ c¸c dÞch vô bao gåm nhng kh«ng giíi
h¹n bëi c¸c môc: m¸y mãc, ®iÖn, hÖ thèng tho¸t níc, cÊu tróc, d÷ liÖu, m«i trêng, c¶nh quan,
vËt g©y h¹i, vÖ sinh vµ an ninh.

Qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh: lµ qu¶n lý c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan ®Õn tµi chÝnh cña toµ nhµ, ®¶m b¶o viÖc
thu phÝ vµ c¸c kho¶n kh¸c tõ phÝa kh¸ch thuª, ®¶m b¶o viÖc thanh to¸n c¸c phÝ tæn ph¸t sinh tõ
c«ng t¸c qu¶n lý. H¬n n÷a, qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh cßn bao gåm c¶ viÖc lËp dù to¸n vµ kiÓm so¸t c¸c
kho¶n chi n»m trong giíi h¹n tiªu dïng cho phÐp.

Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª: lµ qu¶n lý c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan ®Õn kh¸ch thuª, hiÓu nh÷ng nhu cÇu
®Æc thï cña hä. §©y lµ nh©n tè chñ yÕu trong c«ng t¸c qu¶n lý kh«ng thÓ bá qua vµ còng kh«ng
®îc xem thêng.

Qu¶n lý c¸c rñi ro: lµ qu¶n lý c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan ®Õn an toµn vµ søc khoÎ cña con ngêi
trong toµ nhµ (bao gåm c¶ kh¸ch thuª vµ kh¸ch tham quan) vµ tµi s¶n bao gåm nhng kh«ng giíi
h¹n ë c¸c ph¬ng thøc cøu ho¶, hÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o, an ninh, b¶o hiÓm vµ viÖc thùc hiÖn néi
quy phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

môc lôc

I. Miªu t¶ c«ng viÖc

1) VÞ trÝ: Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ
2) VÞ trÝ: Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc §iÒu phèi kh¸ch thuª
3) VÞ trÝ: Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt
4) VÞ trÝ: Hµnh chÝnh:
5) VÞ trÝ: LÔ t©n
6) VÞ trÝ: Nh©n viªn kü thuËt

II. Quy t¾c vµ nhiÖm vô chung

1) Quy t¾c vµ t c¸ch ®¹o ®øc nh©n viªn qu¶n lý
2) NhiÖm vô chung

III. Nh÷ng chØ dÉn hiÖn hµnh

1) An ninh chung
2) B¸o c¸o kiÓm tra toµ nhµ
3) NhiÖm vô khÈn
4) V¨n phßng qu¶n lý
5) B¸o c¸o sù cè
6) Ghi chÐp chung vÒ toµ nhµ
7) Söa ch÷a vµ b¶o dìng chung
8) Yªu cÇu cña kh¸ch thuª
9) B¶o dìng toµ nhµ
10) HÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ
11) VÖ sinh chung
12) VÊn ®Ò chuyÓn nhîng ®å thõa
13) KiÓm so¸t vËt g©y h¹i
14) ThiÕt bÞ phßng chèng ch¸y næ
15) Thang m¸y
16) HÖ thèng Gas vµ níc
17) TrÇn kü thuËt

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

18) HÖ thèng cung cÊp níc

19) NhiÖm vô nh©n viªn tr«ng xe
20) B¶o vÖ hÇm ®Ó xe
21) Nh÷ng dÊu hiÖu kh¶ nghi
22) Tµi s¶n t×m thÊy
23) Sæ lé tr×nh kh¸ch ra vµo

IV. Tµi liÖu vËn hµnh TOµ NHµ B¾C ¸

1) BiÓn hiÖu chung cña toµ nhµ
2) B¶ng chØ dÉn trong toµ nhµ
3) B¸o c¸o tuÇn vÒ kh¸ch thuª
4) §iÓm ®ç xe dµnh cho kh¸ch tham quan
5) BiÓu ®å tæ chøc nh©n viªn
6) Ho¸ ®¬n tån ®äng
7) Ho¸ ®¬n th¸ng
8) Ho¸ ®¬n cho kh¸ch thuª
9) Giê sö dông ®iÒu hoµ
10) Ho¸ ®¬n ®iÖn
11) Sæ lé tr×nh hµng ngµy
12) B¶ng kiÓm kª hµng ho¸
13) Hßm th
14) KiÓm so¸t kho hµng: danh môc vèn
15) KiÓm so¸t kho hµng: thiÕt bÞ bé phËn M&E
16) B¸o c¸o ho¹t ®éng bé phËn M&E
17) Ho¹t ®éng an ninh
18) Ho¹t ®éng vÖ sinh
19) Chøng tõ cho nh÷ng kho¶n chi nhá
20) Ho¸ ®¬n tõ nh÷ng nhµ thÇu nhá
21) PhiÕu yªu cÇu thang m¸y
22) B¸o c¸o sù cè vµ c¸ch gi¶i quyÕt
23) Häp Ban qu¶n lý dù ¸n/ Bé phËn qu¶n lý
24) KiÓm so¸t ch×a kho¸/ §¨ng ký
25) Hîp ®ång míi/ Hîp ®ång kh«i phôc
26) B¶o hiÓm vµ nh÷ng kho¶n bæ sung
27) An toµn ch¸y næ

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

28) Sù bè trÝ kh¸ch thuª

29) Hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt
30) Ng©n s¸ch cho n¨m

V. Tµi liÖu híng dÉn gi¶i quyÕt sù cè

1) C¸c b¸o c¸o
2) B·o lín
3) Ch¸y
4) Dß gas
5) Háng thang m¸y
6) TiÕng ån
7) Tai n¹n giao th«ng
8) Khñng bè b»ng bom
9) Tµng tr÷ hµng ¨n c¾p
10) MÊt ®iÖn
11) NgËp lôt
12) VËt thÓ l¹
13) Dß èng níc

VI. tµi liÖu chuÈn vÒ nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ
1) B¶ng liÖt kª nh÷ng danh môc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ
2) BiÓu mÉu yªu cÇu mua hµng
3) BiÓu mÉu yªu cÇu c«ng viÖc
4) MÉu ®Ò nghÞ
5) Ho¸ ®¬n ®îc uû quyÒn
6) Híng dÉn ®¨ng ký dïng ch×a kho¸
7) Thñ tôc chuyÓn vµo vµ chuyÓn ra khái toµ nhµ
8) §iÒu hoµ sau giê lµm viÖc

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

I. Néi dung c«ng viÖc

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Díi ®©y lµ nh÷ng néi dung c«ng viÖc cña nh©n viªn bé phËn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ. Nh÷ng c«ng viÖc
nµy cã thÓ thay ®æi theo thêi gian.

1) VÞ trÝ: Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ

NhiÖm vô: cã mÆt t¹i Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ (díi ®©y gäi lµ toµ nhµ) vµ ®iÒu hµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng hµng
ngµy cña toµ nhµ. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ cung cÊp c¸c dÞch vô qu¶n lý chuyªn nghiÖp, vµ
cã tr¸ch nhiÖm b¸o c¸o trùc tiÕp víi Tæng gi¸m ®èc.

Tr¸ch nhiÖm vµ nghÜa vô:

• §iÒu khiÓn, gi¸m s¸t vµ tæ chøc nh©n viªn c¸c phßng ban qu¶n lý, chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ ho¹t
®éng cña hä; ®¶m b¶o lÞch ph©n c«ng nh©n viªn lµm viÖc trong kú nghØ.
• Gi÷ liªn l¹c ®Òu ®Æn víi Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt. ®¶m b¶o c¸c dÞch vô trong toµ nhµ ®¹t hiÖu qu¶
• Thêng xuyªn kiÓm tra toµ nhµ.
• §iÒu hµnh vµ xem xÐt ho¹t ®éng cña c¸c nhµ thÇu cung cÊp dÞch vô trong toµ nhµ. §Æc biÖt,
c¸c dÞch vô vÖ sinh, an ninh, kiÓm so¸t c¸c vËt g©y h¹i vµ dÞch vô thang m¸y ph¶i ®îc thùc
hiÖn ®ång bé vµ n»m trong vßng kiÓm so¸t tµi chÝnh cho phÐp.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• §iÒu hµnh vµ kiÓm so¸t c¸c phiÕu mua hµng; c¸c ®Ò nghÞ mua hµng ph¸t sinh trong ho¹t
®éng qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.
• Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª trong viÖc tu©n thñ c¸c ®iÒu kho¶n trong hîp ®ång thuª.
• §¶m b¶o cung cÊp th«ng tin míi nhÊt vµ chÝnh x¸c nhÊt cho bé phËn kÕ to¸n, nh»m cung
cÊp cho kh¸ch thuª b¶ng liÖt kª bao gåm c¸c kho¶n sö dông hµng ngµy cña kh¸ch thuª.
• ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ tÊt c¶ c¸c ho¸ ®¬n liªn quan ®Õn toµ nhµ vµ lµm râ sù kh¸c biÖt gi÷a
khu vùc chung vµ khu vùc kh¸ch thuª.
• §¶m b¶o r»ng nh©n viªn bé phËn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i quan t©m tíi nh÷ng phµn nµn vµ ®Ò
nghÞ cña kh¸ch hµng (®îc ghi trong Sæ phª b×nh gãp ý cña kh¸ch thuª).
• Ph¸t triÓn vµ duy tr× nh÷ng ch¬ng tr×nh liªn kÕt kh¸ch thuª vµ toµ nhµ còng nh viÖc liªn hÖ
thêng xuyªn víi kh¸ch thuª nh»m ®¹t ®îc sù hµi lßng cña hä.
• Theo dâi nh÷ng tµi liÖu trong cuèn Híng dÉn ®iÒu hµnh nãi chung vµ cuèn Danh môc nhiÖm
vô qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.
• Cung cÊp cho Chñ ®Çu t c¸c b¸o c¸o viÖc thùc hiÖn 4 nhiÖm vô chÝnh cña c«ng viÖc qu¶n lý
nh: Qu¶n lý vËt chÊt; Qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh; Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª vµ Qu¶n lý rñi ro.
• Thùc hiÖn nhiÖm vô cña §éi trëng ®éi cøu ho¶ trong trêng hîp ho¶ ho¹n hoÆc bÞ tÊn c«ng.

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ qu¶n lý nh©n viªn mét c¸ch hiÖu qu¶ díi sù gi¸m s¸t cña hä vµ hä
sÏ ®¶m b¶o viÖc kh¸ch thuª còng sÏ nhËn ®îc c¸c dÞch vô qu¶n lý mét c¸ch toµn diÖn, nhÊt
qu¸n vµ chuyªn nghiÖp.

2) VÞ trÝ: TRî Lý GI¸M §èC / ®iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng

NhiÖm vô: §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm b¸o c¸o trùc tiÕp víi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

NhiÖm vô vµ tr¸ch nhiÖm c«ng viÖc:

• Thêng xuyªn kiÓm tra toµ nhµ vµ ®¶m b¶o viÖc giíi thiÖu, söa ch÷a vµ ®iÒu hµnh toµ nhµ ®îc
duy tr× thùc hiÖn theo quy ®Þnh vµ ®¶m b¶o viÖc kiÓm tra c¸c bé phËn cña toµ nhµ.
• Chó ý kiÓm tra toµn bé ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ, bao gåm viÖc sö dông hÌ ®êng, khu vùc
chung, cöa ra vµo, vÖ sinh, an ninh, b¶o dìng, thang m¸y, c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn cña kh¸ch thuª vµ
tho¶ thuËn ®ç xe.
• Hç trî viÖc s¶n xuÊt vµ thùc hiÖn tµi liÖu híng dÉn xö lý t×nh huèng trong c¸c trêng hîp
khÈn nh thùc tËp tho¸t hiÓm khi x¶y ra ch¸y.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• Thêng xuyªn liªn hÖ víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®Ó hç trî hoÆc thùc hiÖn bÊt kú nhiÖm
vô ®îc yªu cÇu nµo.
• Tæ chøc s¾p xÕp c¸c ho¹t ®éng söa ch÷a vµ b¶o tr× toµ nhµ theo yªu cÇu cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Trî lý gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ vµ ph©n c«ng cho c¸c bé phËn liªn quan gi¶i quyÕt.
• KiÓm so¸t t¹i tÊt c¶ c¸c lèi vµo cña toµ nhµ ®èi víi c¸c ®èi tîng: kh¸ch, ngêi giao hµng vµ
c¸c t vÊn viªn.
• KiÓm tra ho¹t ®éng cña c¸c nhµ thÇu cung cÊp dÞch vô nh: vÖ sinh, an ninh, thang m¸y vµ
vËt g©y h¹i.
• §¶m b¶o c¸c ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ ®îc diÔn ra an toµn mäi chç vµ mäi lóc.
• §¶m b¶o r»ng kÕ ho¹ch l¾p ®Æt cïng th«ng sè kü thuËt v¨n phßng cña kh¸ch thuª ph¶i ®îc
tr×nh lªn Ban qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®Ó chê phª duyÖt.
• KiÓm so¸t viÖc l¾p ®Æt v¨n phßng cña kh¸ch thuª ®Ó hç trî hä vÒ ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc trong
toµ nhµ nh tho¶ thuËn ban ®Çu trong Hîp ®ång cho thuª.
• §¶m b¶o viÖc xuÊt c¸c phiÕu b¸o nî ®a lªn bé phËn kÕ to¸n vµo c¸c ngµy 20 cña mçi th¸ng.
• Thùc hiÖn bÊt kú nhiÖm vô hç trî nµo theo yªu cÇu cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Trî
lý gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.


NhiÖm vô: Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm ph©n c«ng, híng dÉn, gi¸m s¸t c«ng viÖc cña
§éi kü thuËt. B¸o c¸o vµ nhËn nhiÖm vô trùc tiÕp cho/tõ Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ.

NhiÖm vô vµ tr¸ch nhiÖm c«ng viÖc:

• Thêng xuyªn kiÓm tra, söa ch÷a, thay thÕ, t×m nhµ thÇu dÞch vô cho toµn bé hÖ thèng kü
thuËt h¹ tÇng cña Toµ nhµ.
• §¶m b¶o tÝnh ho¹t ®éng liªn tôc cña mäi hÖ thèng kü thuËt toµ nhµ.
• Lªn kÕ ho¹ch b¶o dìng, söa ch÷a hµng quý, hµng th¸ng, hµng tuÇn, ngµy cña toµn bé hÖ
thèng, thiÕt bÞ cña toµ nhµ. §¶m b¶o viÖc phßng ngõa c¸c sù cè kü thuËt.
• LËp kÕ ho¹ch dù trï vËt t, trang thiÕt bÞ tiªu hao phôc vô toµ nhµ
• Phª chuÈn, gi¸m s¸t, hç trî viÖc trang trÝ néi thÊt cña kh¸ch thuª theo ®óng tiªu chuÈn cña
toµ nhµ.
• KiÓm tra, gi¸m s¸t, phèi hîp ho¹t ®éng cña c¸c nhµ thÇu kü thuËt.
• §äc vµ ghi chÐp chØ sè tiªu thô ®iÖn cña c¸c kh¸ch thuª, b¸o c¸o l¹i cho KÕ to¸n vµo ngµy
20 hµng th¸ng.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• §ãng vai trß thµnh viªn thêng trùc cña ®éi phßng ch¸y, ch÷a ch¸y, cøu hé cña toµ nhµ. Duy
tr× kh¶ n¨ng liªn l¹c 24/7 trong mäi t×nh huèng.
• §ãng vai trß Phô tr¸ch An toµn VÖ sinh lao ®éng cho toµn bé toµ nhµ.
• C«ng viÖc kh¸c theo sù ph©n c«ng cña Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ


NhiÖm vô: B¸o c¸o cho Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ

• ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm trä gióp vÒ mÆt ng«n ng÷ cho Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ khi cÇn thiÕt
• ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm hç trî vÒ mÆt hµnh chÝnh/nh©n sù cho mäi ho¹t ®éng cña Ban Qu¶n lý Toµ
• Ho¹t ®éng nh mét kÕ to¸n cho mäi kho¶n thu/chi/c«ng nî cña Ban Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ.
• Lµm viÖc nh mét lÔ t©n cña Toµ nhµ khi ®îc yªu cÇu.
• C«ng viÖc kh¸c khi ®îc yªu cÇu


NhiÖm vô: B¸o c¸o cho Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ

§¶m b¶o duy tr× khu vùc s¶nh lÔ t©n s¹ch sÏ, gän gµng, chuyªn nghiÖp.
TiÕp ®ãn, híng dÉn, trî gióp kh¸ch ®Õn th¨m vµ lµm viÖc t¹i toµ nhµ m«t c¸ch chu ®¸o, tËn t×nh
CÊp thÎ ra vµo toµ nhµ t¹m cho kh¸ch theo ®óng quy tr×nh.
TiÕp nhËn vµ sö lý mét c¸ch chuyªn nghiÖp mäi ph¶n håi/®Ò nghÞ/ yªu cÇu cña kh¸ch hµng
§ãng vai trß phiªn dÞch trong trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt.
C«ng viÖc kh¸c khi ®îc yªu cÇu.


NhiÖm vô: B¸o c¸o vµ nhËn nhiÖm vô cho/tõ Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt

Thùc thi c¸c c«ng viÖc kü thuËt nh söa ch÷a, b¶o tr×, b¶o dìng, vËn hµnh hÖ thèng... trong ph¹m
vi Toµ nhµ, theo sù ph©n c«ng cña Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt
Ph¸t hiÖn nh÷ng háng hãc, sù cè, bÊt thêng, nguy c¬ ... cña c¸c hÖ thèng kü thuËt trong toµ nhµ.
B¸o c¸o kÞp thêi cho Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt, sö lý ngay lËp tøc mét c¸ch hîp lý nÕu cã thÓ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Tham gia ®éi Phßng ch¸y, cøu hé cña Toµ nhµ.

Tham gia gi¸m s¸t, hç trî, phèi hîp víi c¸c nhµ thÇu thi c«ng trong toµ nhµ theo sù ph©n c«ng
cña Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt.
C¸c c«ng viÖc kh¸c theo sù chØ ®¹o cña Gi¸m s¸t kü thuËt.

II. NhiÖm vô vµ néi quy chung

C¸c nhiÖm vô díi d©y ®îc ¸p dông cho toµn bé nh©n viªn CBRE. MÆc dï c¸c ®iÒu kho¶n
®îc miªu t¶ chØ dµnh cho nh©n viªn t¹i Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ song nã cã thÓ thay ®æi theo thêi

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1) Néi quy vµ nguyªn t¾c ®èi víi nh©n


Sù thµnh c«ng cña c«ng t¸c qu¶n lý toµ nhµ phô thuéc rÊt nhiÒu vµo nhËn thøc cña kh¸ch thuª
vÒ dÞch vô qu¶n lý. Mét dÞch vô lµm hµi lßng kh¸ch hµng phô thuéc vµo n¨ng lùc, h¹nh kiÓm vµ
sù kÕt hîp cña c¸c nh©n viªn qu¶n lý. ChÝnh v× thÕ, nh©n viªn qu¶n lý ph¶i tu©n thñ c¸c quy
®Þnh chuÈn vÒ t c¸ch ®¹o ®øc, tÝnh lÞch sù vµ ngay c¶ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ còng ph¶i cã
tr¸ch nhiÖm tu©n thñ quy ®Þnh nµy.

TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i thùc hiÖn vµ tu©n thñ c¸c quy ®Þnh sau:

1/ Nh©n viªn ph¶i t«n träng triÖt ®Ó quy ®Þnh lµm viÖc tèi thiÓu 8 tiÕng/ngµy vµ cã thÓ thay ®æi
theo thêi gian.
2/ Kh«ng mét nh©n viªn nµo ®îc ®i ra ngoµi trong giê lµm viÖc mµ kh«ng xin phÐp. Trong trêng
hîp cã viÖc ph¶i ra ngoµi th× ph¶i:
a) Trong giê lµm viÖc: xin phÐp hoÆc Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.
b) Ngoµi giê lµm viÖc: hái Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Trî lý
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®Ó xin chØ dÉn.
3/ Nh©n viªn ph¶i ®eo thÎ tªn CBRE (Vietnam) trong giê lµm viÖc.
4/ Nh©n viªn ph¶i tu©n theo quy ®Þnh cña Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ.
5/ Nghiªm cÊm uèng rîu, chÝch thuèc phiÖn trong giê lµm viÖc.
6/ Nghiªm cÊm ®¸nh b¹c, c¸ ®é trong c«ng ty.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

7/ Nghiªm cÊm ngñ trong giê lµm viÖc.

8/ Kh«ng hót thuèc trong giê lµm viÖc trong toµ nhµ.
9/ Kh«ng trß truyÖn, ®äc s¸ch b¸o, nghe nh¹c hoÆc xem TV trong giê lµm viÖc.
10/ Nghiªm cÊm mäi h×nh thøc nµi xin c¸c t lîi tõ phÝa kh¸ch thuª.
11/ Kh«ng ®îc lµm viÖc cho mét c«ng ty kh¸c cïng thêi gian nÕu kh«ng ®îc sù chÊp thuËn.
12/ SÏ ph¶i båi thêng nÕu lµm thiÖt h¹i ®Õn bÊt kú tµi s¶n nµo cña toµ nhµ.
13/ Nghiªm cÊm mäi h×nh thøc tiÕt lé th«ng tin vÒ chÝnh s¸ch cña toµ nhµ mµ kh«ng ®îc sù cho
phÐp cña Gi¸m ®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ.
14/ Nghiªm cÊm mäi h×nh thøc sö dông tµi s¶n chung vµo môc ®Ých riªng.
15/ TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn ph¶i thÓ hiÖn th¸i ®é lµm viÖc chuyªn nghiÖp ®Ó ph¶n ¸nh h×nh ¶nh cña Toµ
nhµ B¾c ¸.

2) NhiÖm vô

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ lµ nh©n viªn cao cÊp cña toµ nhµ, cã tr¸ch nhiÖm trong c«ng t¸c ®µo
t¹o, b¶o vÖ vµ ®iÒu hµnh hiÖu qu¶ viÖc thùc thi nhiÖm vô cña c¸c nh©n viªn cÊp díi theo quy
®Þnh mµ C«ng ty ®Ò ra. Tr¸ch nhiÖm cña Gi¸m ®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ hä liªn quan ®Õn c¸c lÜnh
vùc sau:

1. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ cã tr¸ch nhiÖm ®iÒu hµnh c¸c ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ díi sù
kiÓm so¸t cña m×nh.

2. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cã tr¸ch nhiÖm duy tr× viÖc thùc hiÖn Néi quy toµ nhµ
bao gåm c¶ chØ dÉn l¾p ®Æt v¨n phßng vµ c¸c chÝnh s¸ch kh¸c.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ lËp kÕ ho¹ch ng¾n h¹n cho viÖc ®iÒu hµnh vµ qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ, duy tr× nguån vèn còng nh n©ng cÊp tµi s¶n trong toµ nhµ.

4. B»ng c¸ch liªn hÖ hµng ngµy víi kh¸ch thuª, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ duy tr×
®îc sù cung cÊp c¸c dÞch vô mét c¸ch hiÖu qu¶ nhÊt cho kh¸ch thuª.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ chØ ®¹o c«ng viÖc cho cÊp díi vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng tÊt c¶ c«ng
viÖc sÏ ®îc thùc hiÖn trïng khíp víi híng dÉn cña C«ng ty vµ V¨n phßng qu¶n

6. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ gi¸m s¸t c¸c nhiÖm vô ®îc thùc thi hµng ngµy vµ
®µo t¹o nh©n viªn míi, ®¶m b¶o viÖc thùc hiÖn c«ng viÖc cña hä phï hîp víi tiªu
chuÈn ®Ò ra.

7. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ duy tr× toµn bé c«ng viÖc. TÊt c¶ vi ph¹m sÏ ®îc
kiÓm tra mét c¸ch nhanh chãng vµ triÖt ®Ó vµ nÕu cã bÊt kú trêng hîp vi ph¹m
nµo cña cÊp díi, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ tham kh¶o ý kiÕn cña C«ng ty vµ
Chñ ®Çu t, ®a ra ph¬ng thøc hµnh ®éng ®Ó gi¶i quyÕt vÊn ®Ò.

8. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ tham gia vµo c¸c ho¹t ®éng qu¶n lý hµng ngµy cña
toµ nhµ. NÕu kh«ng gi¶i quyÕt ®îc vÊn ®Ò, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ tham vÊn
ý kiÕn C«ng ty vµ Chñ ®Çu t. B¶n b¸o c¸o sÏ ®îc duyÖt ngay trong trêng hîp cÇn

NhiÖm vô KÕ to¸n

Nh×n chung, cã thÓ tæng kÕt c¸c nhiÖm vô cña bé phËn kÕ to¸n nh sau:

1. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ thùc hiÖn c¸c b¶n ghi nhí vÒ tÊt c¶ ho¹t ®éng giao dÞch tµi
chÝnh cña Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸

2. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n phèi hîp víi Chñ ®Çu t sÏ ®¶m tr¸ch viÖc chuÈn bÞ ho¸ ®¬n cho
kh¸ch thuª

3. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ ®¶m b¶o r»ng sæ s¸ch kÕ to¸n cña Toµ nhµ ®îc cËp nhËt vµ lu
gi÷ hµng ngµy.

4. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ thùc hiÖn viÖc cung cÊp ho¸ ®¬n tµi chÝnh theo yªu cÇu.

5. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm ph©n lo¹i ho¸ ®¬n thu vµ ho¸ ®¬n chi.

6. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm c¸c kho¶n ®Æt cäc hµng ngµy.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

7. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm chuÈn bÞ kÕ ho¹ch thu chi hµng ngµy díi sù
t vÊn cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

8. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm liªn hÖ víi c¸c c¬ quan hµnh chÝnh liªn quan
®Õn ®¨ng ký kinh doanh, thuÕ vµ giÊy phÐp.

9. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ thùc hiÖn bÊt kú nhiÖm vô nµo theo yªu cÇu cña Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

§iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng

Nh×n chung, §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô sau:

1. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô theo sù chØ ®¹o trùc tiÕp cña
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

2. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ b¶o vÖ toµ nhµ vµ ng¨n chÆn mäi sù vi ph¹m, téi ¸c, tai
n¹n x¶y ra trong toµ nhµ.

3. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ n¾m râ c¸c ho¹t ®éng cña hÖ thèng an ninh, thiÕt bÞ
phßng ch¸y vµ c¸c tµi s¶n kh¸ch cña toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ tuÇn tra c¸c khu vùc trong toµ nhµ nh thang bé, khu vùc
chung, hÇm ®Ó xe, phßng ®iÒu hµnh... theo sù chØ ®¹o trùc tiÕp tõ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ.

5. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ thÈm vÊn kh¸ch vµ ngêi l¹ vµo trong toµ nhµ mét c¸ch
lÞch sù vµ ghi l¹i lý lÞch c¸ nh©n trong trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt. Kh«ng ai cã thÓ vµo
toµ nhµ mµ kh«ng cã giÊy tê tuú th©n.

6. §iÒu phèi kh¸ch hµng sÏ gi¶i quyÕt mäi sù cè liªn quan ®Õn toµ nhµ nh: lôt léi,
mÊt ®iÖn, rß níc, háng thang m¸y...

Hµnh chÝnh

Nh×n chung, Hµnh chÝnh thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô sau:

1. Nh©n viªn Hµnh ChÝnh sÏ thùc hiÖn nhiÖm vô hç trî hµnh chÝnh cho Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ
vµ kh¸ch hµng.

2. Nh©n viªn Hµnh ChÝnh sÏ thu gi÷ c¸c ®¬n phµn nµn cña kh¸ch hµng vµ gi¶i quyÕt ®Ó hä
c¶m thÊy hµi lßng.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. Nh©n viªn Hµnh ChÝnh sÏ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vµ ®¶m tr¸ch Quü chi tiªu v¨n phßng cña toµ

4. Nh©n viªn Hµnh ChÝnh sÏ t¹o ®iÒu kiÖn gi¶i quyÕt c¸c kho¶n chi vµ b¶o hiÓm theo PhiÕu
®Ò nghÞ mua hµng ®· ®îc Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ chÊp thuËn.

5. Nh©n viªn Hµnh ChÝnh sÏ thùc hiÖn bÊt kú nhiÖm vô nµo theo yªu cÇu cña Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


Díi ®©y lµ c¸c chØ dÉn theo tiªu chuÈn ®îc thùc hiÖn vµ tu©n thñ bëi bé phËn thùc hiÖn c«ng t¸c
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cña C«ng ty CB Richard Ellis.
Nh÷ng chØ dÉn nµy ®îc sö dông nh mét híng dÉn cho c¸c gi¸m ®èc qu¶n l ý toµ nhµ, hä cã thÓ
chØnh söa, duyÖt vµ thùc hiÖn chóng trong c¸c toµ nhµ hä qu¶n lý.

1) an ninh chung cho toµ nhµ

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Ho¹t ®éng qu¶n lý hµng ngµy cña toµ nhµ kh«ng chØ lµ viÖc vËn hµnh hiÖu qu¶ viÖc sö dông mÆt
b»ng cña kh¸ch thuª mµ cßn ph¶i ®¶m b¶o vÊn ®Ò an ninh theo tiªu chuÈn ®Ó duy tr× m«i trêng
lµm viÖc an toµn vµ thuËn tiÖn. CÇn thiÕt ph¶i cã mét ®éi ngò ®Çy ®ñ c¸c nh©n viªn qu¶n lý vµ
bÊt kú sù vi ph¹m nµo trong viÖc thùc hiÖn c¸c quy ®Þnh vÒ an ninh còng mang ®Õn mét kÕt qu¶
v« Ých.

MÆc dï nhµ thÇu an ninh sÏ ®¶m tr¸ch c¸c dÞch vô liªn quan song Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ
vÉn ph¶i gi¸m s¸t ho¹t ®éng cña hä c¶ ngµy vµ ®ªm.

KiÓm so¸t lèi vµo

B¾c ¸ lµ toµ nhµ V¨n phßng cho thuª víi nhiÒu c«ng ty vµ kh¸ch níc ngoµi v× vËy ®ßi hái ph¶i
cã sù chó ý nhiÒu tíi bé phËn an ninh. Nh÷ng lêi chØ dÉn sau ®îc ¸p dông ®èi víi nh©n viªn an
ninh trong viÖc kiÓm so¸t c¸c lèi ra vµo toµ nhµ còng nh thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô b¶o vÖ kh¸c
mét c¸ch chÝnh x¸c. ViÖc kiÓm tra nªn ®îc thùc hiÖn ®Òu ®Æn trong 1 ®ªm, Ýt nhÊt 1 lÇn/quý.

2. Khu v¨n phßng: Lèi vµo khu v¨n phßng sÏ ®îc më tõ 7h s¸ng ®Õn 7h tèi tõ thø 2
®Õn thø 6 vµ tõ 7.30 h s¸ng ®Õn 1h chiÒu c¸c thø 7.
Khu ®ç xe: ®îc më trong suèt giê lµm viÖc c¶ 7 ngµy trong tuÇn.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cã thÓ kh«ng cho phÐp bÊt kú ai vµo toµ nhµ ngoµi giê
lµm viÖc mµ kh«ng cã giÊy tê tuú th©n vµ cã thÓ yªu cÇu ®¨ng ký khi tíi vµ ra
khái toµ nhµ.

4. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cã thÓ yªu cÇu nh÷ng ngêi mang hµng ho¸ hoÆc bÊt kú
tµi s¶n nµo ra khái toµ nhµ ph¶i cã giÊy phÐp ra vµo ®îc c¸c c«ng ty thuª trong
toµ nhµ cung cÊp cho. Tuy nhiªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ kh«ng ph¶i chÞu bÊt
kú tr¸ch nhiÖm nµo trong viÖc b¶o vÖ hµng ho¸ ®ã cho kh¸ch thuª.

5. Mäi ngêi cã mÆt trong toµ nhµ ®Òu ph¶i chÞu sù gi¸m s¸t cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ. BÊt kú hµnh ®éng g©y thiÖt h¹i vÒ an ninh, danh tiÕng hoÆc kh¸ch thuª
cña toµ nhµ sÏ kh«ng ®îc vµo trong toµ nhµ.

6. Trong trêng hîp cã bÊt cø sù x©m ph¹m, g©y rèi hoÆc c¸c hµnh ®éng kh¶ nghi
kh¸c, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cã thÓ ra lÖnh ®ãng cöa toµ nhµ ®Ó ®¶m b¶o an
toµn cho kh¸ch thuª còng nh tµi s¶n trong toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

7. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ kh«ng ph¶i chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm víi bÊt kú háng hãc hoÆc
mÊt m¸t nµo g©y ra do viÖc chÊp nhËn hay tõ chèi bÊt kú ngêi nµo ra vµo toµ nhµ
theo nh nh÷ng ®iÒu kho¶n ®· viÕt ë trªn

ThÎ ra vµo Toµ nhµ

• TÊt c¶ c¸c kh¸ch thuª trong Trung t©m th¬ng m¹i IRT bao gåm c¶ c¸c nhµ thÇu, nh©n viªn
cña hä ®Òu ph¶i cã thÎ ra vµo toµ nhµ do V¨n phßng qu¶n lý cÊp. §Ò nghÞ ®eo thÎ trong giê
lµm viÖc trong toµ nhµ ®Ó nh©n viªn an ninh cã thÓ kiÓm so¸t ®îc.
• Xin lu ý r»ng thÎ nµy nh»m ®Ó b¶o vÖ kh¸ch thuª còng nh tµi s¶n cña hä cã trong toµ nhµ.

Bé phËn TuÇn tra

TuÇn tra lµ ph¬ng thøc hiÖu qu¶ nhÊt kh«ng chØ ®èi víi nhiÖmvô ng¨n chÆn téi ¸c mµ cßn gióp
phßng chèng ch¸y næ vµ ph¸t hiÖn sai ph¹m trong trêng hîp b¶o dìng toµ nhµ hoÆc sù cè. Gi¸m
®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cÇn thêng xuyªn tuÇn tra. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®¶m tr¸ch viÖc kiÓm
tra ho¹t ®éng tuÇn tra trong 1 ®ªm Ýt nhÊt 1 lÇn/quý.

Khi thùc hiÖn nhiÖm vô tuÇn tra, nh©n viªn nªn:

1. §¶m b¶o tÊt c¶ c¸c cöa cña kh¸ch thuª vµ c¸c khu vùc ®Æc biÖt ®îc kho¸ theo chØ
2. §¶m b¶o tÊt c¶ kho¸ cöa, kho¸ mãc hoÆc d©y xÝch cña kh¸ch thuª ®îc b¶o vÖ tèt.
3. Trong trêng hîp ph¸t hiÖn ra cöa v¨n phßng hoÆc gian hµng cha ®îc kho¸, nh©n
viªn b¶o vÖ ph¶i th«ng b¸o cho kh¸ch thuª ®Ó hä ®Õn kiÓm tra vµ kho¸ l¹i.
4. KiÓm tra c¸c khu vùc chung nh thang thêng, phßng ®iÒu hµnh kü thuËt.
5. KiÓm tra tÊt c¶ khu vùc cña kh¸ch thuª nh ®ång hå ®o tiªu dïng, têng, trÇn, vên,
thÒm vµ cöa sæ ®¶m b¶o kh«ng cã sù x©m ph¹m.
6. §¶m b¶o sù trang trÝ t¹i c¸c khu vùc chung cña toµ nhµ lµ hiÖu qu¶. Mäi háng
hãc cÇn ph¶i ®îc th«ng b¸o kÞp thêi.
7. Ph¶i th«ng b¸o cho nh©n viªn an ninh tÊt c¶ c¸c trêng hîp ®¸ng nghi ng¹i trong
toµ nhµ.
8. Ghi l¹i tÊt c¶ c¸c trêng hîp ®¸ng nghi trong hÇm ®Ó xe vµ b¸o c¸o cho nh©n viªn
an ninh nÕu cÇn thiÕt.
9. KiÓm tra tÊt c¶ c¸c thiÕt bÞ cña toµ nhµ. Trong trêng hîp ph¸t hiÖn ra bÊt kú sù
háng hãc nµo hoÆc c¸c trêng hîp nh khãi thuèc, dß gas, dß níc hoÆc lôt... ph¶i
b¸o c¸o cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

10. Chó ý ®Õn tÊt c¶ hÖ thèng b¸o trém, nÕu cã. §¶m b¶o r»ng hÖ thèng nµy kh«ng
bÞ ph¸ háng hoÆc b¸o ®éng gi¶.
11. Gi÷ cho lèi tho¸t hiÓm trong ®îc ®¶m b¶o an toµn. C¸c thiÕt bÞ phßng chèng
ch¸y næ bao gåm b×nh cøu ho¶ ph¶i trong ®iÒu kiÖn sö dông tèt. Tr¸nh mäi rñi ro
do ho¶ ho¹n g©y ra.

TuÇn tra hµng ngµy

1. C«ng t¸c tuÇn tra trong Toµ nhµ thêng ®îc c¸c Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ/ Trî lý Gi¸m
®èc ®¶m tr¸ch.

2. TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn cÇn ph¶i n¾m ®îc th«ng tin nµy.

3. CÇn nhËn thøc ®îc r»ng ho¹t ®éng tuÇn tra toµ nhµ lµ ho¹t ®éng cã tÇm quan träng to lín
trong c«ng t¸c qu¶n lý, söa ch÷a vµ b¶o dìng cña mét toµ nhµ. §Æc biÖt lu ý ®Õn viÖc hÖ
thèng thang m¸y ph¶i ®îc vËn hµnh tèt.

4. Thêng xuyªn kiÓm tra hÖ thèng phßng chèng ch¸y næ, ®Æc biÖt lu ý thiÕt bÞ dËp löa vµ
chu«ng b¸o ch¸y.

5. KiÓm tra hÖ thèng chiÕu s¸ng t¹i c¸c khu vùc chung trong toµ nhµ còng nh hÇm ®Ó xe ®Ó
gi¶m thiÓu sù thiÖt h¹i nÕu cã.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.



1. C¸c b¸o c¸o ho¹t ®éng kiÓm tra trong toµ nhµ ph¶i ®îc Gi¸m ®èc ®iÒu hµnh phª duyÖt
1th¸ng/lÇn. B¶n b¸o c¸o sau tæng kÕt nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng qu¶n lý chÝnh yÕu trong th¸ng tr-

2. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i th«ng hiÓu toµn bé néi dung cuèn s¸ch nµy còng nh
nh÷ng yÕu tè cÇn thiÕt cña c«ng t¸c qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ c¸c b¸o c¸o ho¹t ®éng kiÓm tra
trong toµ nhµ.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i ®¶m b¶o ho¹t ®éng tuÇn tra hµng ngµy ®îc thùc hiÖn mét
c¸ch nghiªm tóc.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

TOµ NHµ B¾C ¸


Toµ nhµ _______________ Th¸ng _____________

Ngêi lµm b¸o c¸o _______________ Ngµy _____________

1.0 Nh©n viªn qu¶n lý

Kho b·i:

Ho¹t ®éng chung/KiÕn nghÞ :

2.0 KiÕn nghÞ (B¾t ®Çu tõ tÇng thîng xuèng nhµ ®Õn cÇu thang)

2.02 M¸i nhµ :

Water Ponding Y/N Drainage Block Y/N Debris Build-up Y/N

Cladding Deterioration Y/N Exit Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

KiÕn nghÞ:

2.03 Phßng Kü thuËt

Water Leakage Y/N Rubbish Y/N Grease Oil Y/N

Lights ON Entry Y/N Entry Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ:

2.04 Thang bé :

Water Leakage Y/ Rubbish Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N

Lights ON on Entry Y/ Entry Door Unlocked Y/N Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ :

2.05 Khu vùc s¶nh tÇng 1 vµ vØa hÌ chung:

All doors secure Y/N Smoke Detectors OK Y/N Hose Reels OK Y/N
Extinguishers OK Y/N Rubbish Y/N Cleaning Y/N
Light Bulb replacement Y/N Air-conditioning Y/N Toilet Areas Y/N
CCTV locations Y/N Obstruction Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ : (use the above checklist to note deficiencies on each common area floor)

2.06 Lèi vµo tÇng 1 vµ s¶nh lÔ t©n :

Granite Clean Y/N Window Clean Y/N Floor Clean Y/N

Fire Doors held open Y/N Rubbish Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N
Lobby Information/Clean Y/N Glass Wall Panel Y/N Sliding Door Clean Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ :

2. Nhµ vÖ sinh :

Granite Clean Y/N Mirror Clean Y/N Floor Clean Y/N

Rubbish Y/N Toilet Supplies Y/N Ventilation Y/N

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Light Bulb replacement Y/N Y/N Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ :

2.08 HÇm ®ç xe :

Floor Clean Y/N Ceiling Pipes Clean Y/N Water Leakage Y/N
Toilets Clean Y/N Toilets Supplies Y/N Fire Equipment Y/N
Water Ponding Y/N Drainage OK Y/N Light Bulb replacement Y/N
Fire Doors held open Y/N Rubbish Y/N Driver Room Clean Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ : (use the above checklist to note deficiencies on each common area floor)

2.09 PhÝa trong thang m¸y :

VÖ sinh sµn thang m¸y Y/N VÖ sinh têng thang Y/N VÖ sinh phÇn ®iÒu khiÓn Y/N

KiÕn nghÞ : Sè thang

Lift Number
Lift Number

2.10 DÞch vô vÖ sinh

C¸c ho¹t ®éng - Lèi vµo toµ nhµ

S¶nh thang m¸y
Thang «t«
Thang bé
HÇm ®Ó xe
KÝnh cöa sè bªn trong toµ nhµ

Cöa sæ bªn ngoµi toµ nhµ - Ngµy lµm vÖ sinh lÇn tríc
KiÕn nghÞ

2.11 An ninh:

C¸c ho¹t ®éng - Lèi vµo toµ nhµ

S¶nh thang m¸y
HÇm ®Ó xe
Thang bé/ TuÇn tra
TÇng 1
TuÇn tra bªn trong toµ nhµ

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2.12 C¶nh quan:

C¸c ho¹t ®éng- Vên tîc

C©y cèi
HÖ thèng phun níc

Ngêi lµm b¸o c¸o : Ngµy

Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ

Chó ý – B¶n b¸o c¸o nµy ®îc tr×nh duyÖt lªn Chñ ®Çu t tríc ngµy 15 hµng th¸ng.

7) Gi¶i quyÕt sù cè

1. Tr¸ch nhiÖm vµ nghÜa vô phßng chèng c¸c sù cè trong toµ nhµ ph¶i ®îc tu©n thñ
trong suèt thêi gian lµm viÖc.

2. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i cung cÊp cho kh¸ch thuª ®Çy ®ñ c¸c thao t¸c
xö lý thÝch hîp trong c¸c trêng hîp khÈn.

3. Nh©n viªn an ninh ph¶i cung cÊp cho kh¸ch thuª cuèn s¸ch chØ dÉn trong trêng
hîp khÈn.

4. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª cã tr¸ch nhiÖm lu ý ®Õn thiÕt
bÞ, kho hµng trong c¸c trêng hîp khÈn

5. TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn ph¶i tu©n thñ theo chØ dÉn cña Tµi liÖu xö lý t×nh huèng trong
trêng hîp khÈn.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

8) V¨n phßng qu¶n lý

1. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i ®îc gi÷ g×n s¹ch sÏ vµ gän gµng trong suèt giê lµm viÖc
vµ lu«n ph¶i cã Ýt nhÊt 1 ngêi tóc trùc kÓ c¶ trong giê ¨n tra.

2. Toµn bé nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i tr¶ lêi bÊt kú cuéc ®iÖn tho¹i gäi ®Õn
nµo víi th¸i ®é lÞch sù vµ ghi l¹i tªn ngêi gäi, yªu cÇu vµ thêi gian gäi ®Õn.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm víi c¸c ho¹t ®éng cña v¨n phßng
qu¶n lý ®ång thêi ®¶m b¶o c¸c kho¶n thu chi cña v¨n phßng kh«ng vît qu¸ ng-
ìng cho phÐp.

4. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý kh«ng ®îc dïng ®Ó kh¸ch thuª, l¸i xe nghØ ng¬i vµ còng
kh«ng ph¶i lµ n¬i héi häp.

5. Kh«ng ®îc ¨n quµ, hót thuèc trong khu vùc v¨n phßng.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

6. Kh«ng ®îc ngñ l¹i hoÆc ®Ó c¸c vËt dông c¸ nh©n trong v¨n phßng hoÆc kho b·i
toµ nhµ.

9) Tai n¹n, trém c¾p vµ c¸c trêng hîp rñi ro kh¸c

1. B¶n b¸o c¸o v¾n t¾t vÒ tai n¹n, trém c¾p vµ c¸c trêng hîp rñi ro ph¶i ®îc göi tíi
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ .

2. Trong bÊt kú trêng hîp khÈn nµo, nh©n viªn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ (nÕu ®ang cã mÆt) ph¶i lµ ngêi ®Çu tiªn th«ng b¸o t×nh h×nh cho bé
phËn gi¶i quyÕt cã liªn quan (bé phËn cøu ho¶, c¶nh s¸t hoÆc cøu th¬ng) ®ång
thêi tiÕp tôc theo dâi ®Ó hç trî cho c¸c bé phËn liªn quan lµm nhiÖm vô.

3. Nh©n viªn c¸c bé phËn liªn quan ph¶i cã mÆt t¹i hiÖn trêng tai n¹n ®Ó gäi hç trî
trong trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.


5. Trong trêng hîp x¶y ra sù cè, nh©n viªn trong toµ nhµ ph¶i lµm ngay nh÷ng viÖc
cÇn thiÕt theo chØ dÉn cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc nh©n viªn díi quyÒn
nµo cã mÆt t¹i hiÖn trêng hoÆc theo chØ dÉn cña nh©n viªn bé phËn liªn quan.

6. Trong bÊt cø trêng hîp nµo, kh«ng ®îc th«ng b¸o víi c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn truyÒn
th«ng hoÆc c«ng chóng nh÷ng th«ng tin vÒ c¸c sù cè x¶y ra trong toµ nhµ. C¸c
yªu cÇu ®a tin kiÓu nµy sÏ ®îc C«ng ty hoÆc/vµ Chñ ®Çu t trùc tiÕp chØ ®¹o.

10) hå s¬ lu tr÷ cña toµ nhµ

1. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý lu gi÷ hå s¬ toµ nhµ. Hå s¬ nµy cã thÓ dµnh cho Chñ ®Çu t
kiÓm tra bÊt cø lóc nµo.

2. TÊt c¶ tµi liÖu chÝnh thøc sÏ ®îc lu gi÷. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ cã mét b¶n sao bao gåm
c¶ Hîp ®ång thuª diÖn tÝch hiÖn thêi cña hä.

3. Tµi liÖu vÒ kh¸ch thuª vµ hå s¬ cña toµ nhµ ®Òu ®îc lu gi÷ trong tñ ®ùng tµi liÖu
cña V¨n phßng qu¶n lý. Mçi tñ ®ùng ®Òu cã file qu¶n lý liÖt kª danh s¸ch c¸c
file ®îc lu gi÷ bªn trong.

4. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cÇn nhËn thøc ®îc tÇm quan träng cña viÖc lu tr÷ hå s¬
mét c¸ch ®Çy ®ñ vµ chÝnh x¸c vµ cÇn ph¶i ®¶m b¶o viÖc nÕu hä v¾ng mÆt, nh©n
viªn cÊp díi cña hä cÇn th©u nhËn nh÷ng th«ng tin cÇn thiÕt ®Ó cËp nhËt vµo hå

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ cã tr¸ch nhiÖm trao c¸c b¶n vÏ míi nhÊt cho kh¸ch thuª vµ
®¶m b¶o r»ng hä biÕt ®îc c¸c tµi liÖu ®ã ®îc ®a ®Õn tõ ®©u. V¨n phßng chÝnh cña
CBRE lµ n¬i thÝch hîp ®Ó cÊp ra c¸c tµi liÖu ®ã

6. V¨n phßng chÝnh cña CB Richard Ellis sÏ lu gi÷ toµn bé hîp ®ång, b¸o c¸o, dù
to¸n ng©n s¸ch cña kh¸ch thuª... ®Ó tiÖn cho viÖc tham kh¶o.

11) söa ch÷a vµ b¶o dìng

1. Trong trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý cã nhiÖm vô thùc hiÖn
c«ng viÖc b¶o dìng th«ng thêng.

2. Nh÷ng c«ng cô, thiÕt bÞ vµ kho ®å b¶o dìng ®îc cung cÊp cho nh©n viªn khi cha
dïng ®Õn ph¶i ®îc gi÷ an toµn, s¹ch sÏ. ChÝnh v× môc ®Ých nµy, ch×a kho¸ cña
kho ®Ó ®å b¶o dìng ph¶i ®îc s½n sµng cung cÊp cho Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ
vµo bÊt kú lóc nµo.

3. Kh¸ch thuª hoÆc c¸c nhµ thÇu x©y dùng (dï lµ cña toµ nhµ hoÆc kh¸ch thuª) ®Òu
kh«ng ®îc phÐp g©y ra tiÕng ån trong giê hµnh chÝnh hoÆc ngoµi giê quy ®Þnh
cña toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm biªn so¹n tµi liÖu vÒ c¸c yªu cÇu söa ch÷a
b¶o dìng theo lÞch tr×nh. Nhµ thÇu M&E cã tr¸ch nhiÖm thùc hiÖn trong suèt thêi
gian lµm viÖc ngo¹i trõ chØ dÉn riªng biÖt trong c¸c trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt.

5. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ ®¶m tr¸ch c«ng trêng söa ch÷a. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ ph¶i ch¾c ch¾n r»ng nh©n viªn söa ch÷a hoÆc nhµ thÇu cung cÊp dÞch vô
nµy ph¶i tù ®¶m b¶o an toµn cho hä.

12) KiÕn nghÞ cña kh¸ch thuª

1. TÊt c¶ c¸c kiÕn nghÞ, kªu ca, phµn nµn cña kh¸ch thuª ®Òu ph¶i ®îc ghi l¹i trong
Sæ nhËt ký hµng ngµy cña toµ nhµ vµ ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o ngay cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ nh÷ng trêng hîp nghiªm träng.

2. SÏ rÊt nghiªm träng nÕu nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý kh«ng ghi l¹i vµ b¸o c¸o
nh÷ng kiÕn nghÞ nµy. Trong trêng hîp c¸c yªu cÇu, kiÕn nghÞ kh«ng ®Çy ®ñ vµ dÔ
hiÓu, kh¸ch thuª cã thÓ lµm b¶n b¸o c¸o lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Trî
lý Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. Víi c¸c trêng hîp khÈn thiÕt, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc
Toµ nhµ cã thÓ quyÕt ®Þnh ngay c¸c hµnh ®éng cÇn thiÕt ®Ó gi¶i quyÕt vÊn ®Ò
nhanh nhÊt. Tuú theo tÝnh chÊt nghiªm träng cña c¸c phµn nµn, Gi¸m ®èc toµ
nhµ sÏ chØ ®Þnh Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt hoÆc Trëng bé phËn an ninh gi¶i quyÕt tuú
theo tr¸ch nhiÖm cña mçi bªn nh sau:

NhiÖm vô bé phËn thùc hiÖn

NhËn kiÕn nghÞ, than phiÒn Kh¸ch thuª

Ghi l¹i trong sæ nhËt ký toµ nhµ Th ký/ LÔ t©n/ Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª

ChÊp thuËn th kiÕn nghÞ Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt/ Trî lý G§

Gi¶i quyÕt kiÕn nghÞ cña kh¸ch thuª qua ®iÖn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ/ Gi¸m s¸t Kü
tho¹i hoÆc th thuËt/ Trî lý G§

Theo dâi ®Õn khi kiÕn nghÞ cña kh¸ch thuª ®îc Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt / Th ký/LÔ t©n v¨n
gi¶i quyÕt. Ghi nhËn kÕt qu¶ vµo Sæ kiÕn nghÞ phßng qu¶n lý
kh¸ch hµng.

4. TÊt c¶ c¸c khiÕu n¹i, kiÕn nghÞ cña kh¸ch thuª dï ®óng hay sai còng ph¶i ®îc
nh©n viªn qu¶n lý tiÕp nhËn mét c¸ch lÞch sù nhÊt vµ ghi l¹i ®Çy ®ñ vµo Sæ nhËt

13) B¶o dìng toµ nhµ

§Ó ®¹t ®îc môc tiªu qu¶n lý, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i nhËn thøc ®îc tÇm quan träng
cña c«ng t¸c b¶o dìng toµ nhµ vµ c¸c dÞch vô liªn quan cña nã. ViÖc kh«ng thùc hiÖn theo kÕ
ho¹ch tÊt yÕu sÏ dÉn ®Õn c¸c háng hãc trong t¬ng lai vµ viÖc söa ch÷a sÏ tiªu tèn mét kho¶n chi
phÝ. ChÝnh v× vËy, ®Ó tr¸nh c¸c háng hãc th«ng thêng, Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt toµ nhµ nªn t vÊn cho
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®a ra ch¬ng tr×nh b¶o dìng. Díi ®©y lµ c¸c híng dÉn chung vÒ vÊn ®Ò

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. KiÓm tra sù cè cña tÊt c¶ c¸c hÖ thèng cung cÊp ®iÖn, ®iÒu hoµ hoÆc tiÕng ån tõ
c«ng t¾c, háng æ ®iÖn, ch¸y ®Ìn huúnh quang...

2. KiÓm tra sù cè hÖ thèng b¸o trém, hÖ thèng b¸o ch¸y, thang m¸y vµ c«ng t¸c an

3. KiÓm tra háng hãc cña cöa sæ, cöa ra vµo, kho¸ vµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ kh¸c xem cÇn söa
ch÷a hoÆc thay thÕ ë ®©u.

4. KiÓm tra hÖ thèng dÉn vµ tho¸t níc, bÓ chøa níc ®Ó tr¸nh hiÖn tîng dß níc hoÆc
ngËp lôt.

5. KiÓm tra hÖ thèng m¸y b¬m, hÖ thèng tho¸t hiÓm, hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ vµ hÖ thèng
qu¶n lý ®¶m b¶o chóng lu«n ë trong ®iÒu kiÖn ho¹t ®éng tèt.

6. KiÓm tra hÖ thèng têng vµ trÇn nhµ.

7. B¸o c¸o ngay c¸c trêng hîp söa ch÷a hoÆc thay ®æi bÊt hîp lÖ nµo.

Khi x¶y ra c¸c vÊn ®Ò sai háng vÒ trang thiÕt bÞ trong toµ nhµ nh ch¸y, háng èng dÉn níc, cöa
háng kho¸ hoÆc c¸c thiÖt h¹i do hÖ thèng phun níc cøu ho¶ g©y ra... Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ
sÏ th«ng b¸o cho Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ®ång thêi b¸o c¸o lªn C«ng ty
hoÆc/vµ Chñ ®Çu t chê quyÕt ®Þnh gi¶i quyÕt cuèi cïng.

14) HÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ kh«ng khÝ

1. Kh«ng ®îc phÐp thay ®æi bÊt kú ®iÒu kho¶n nµo vÒ viÖc cung cÊp hÖ thèng ®iÒu
hoµ kh«ng khÝ nÕu kh«ng ®îc phÐp cña chñ toµ nhµ. BÊt kú sù vi ph¹m nµo còng
ph¶i b¸o c¸o lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2. Kh«ng mét èng dÉn níc th¶i nµo ®îc l¾p nÕu cha ®îc phÐp cña Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt
toµ nhµ.

3. Kh«ng ®îc ®Ó bÊt kú èng tho¸t níc nµo cña hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ rß dØ ra ë khu vùc
c«ng céng xung quanh toµ nhµ.

4. Ph¶i b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ c¸c trêng hîp háng lång b¶o vÖ m¸y
®iÒu hoµ, èng dÉn níc hoÆc bÊt kú háng hãc nµo kh¸c cña hÖ thèng nµy.

5. C«ng t¸c b¶o dìng ®Òu ®Æn ®îc nh©n viªn kü thuËt ®¶m nhËn ph¶i ®îc ghi l¹i
mét c¸ch ®Çy ®ñ.

6. Trong c¸c trêng hîp khÈn nh mÊt ®iÖn, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i kiÓm
tra hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ vµ b¸o cho bé phËn kü thuËt nÕu cÇn thiÕt.

15) vÖ sinh

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i nhËn biÕt ®îc c¸ch lµm vÖ sinh thÝch hîp cho
mçi toµ nhµ vµ ph¶i biÕt ®îc danh môc viÖc lµm vÖ sinh ®Ó kiÓm tra, ®¶m b¶o
r»ng c«ng t¸c vÖ sinh toµ nhµ ®îc thùc hiÖn theo tiªu chuÈn.

2. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ Trî lý ph¶i ®Æc biÖt lu ý ®Õn vÊn ®Ò m¹ng nhÖn vµ
bôi bÈn khi ®i tuÇn tra toµ nhµ, ®©y lµ vÊn ®Ò cÇn ®Æc biÖt quan t©m.

3. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i duy tr× mèi quan hÖ tèt ®Ñp víi nh©n viªn vÖ
sinh lµm viÖc trong toµ nhµ vµ gi÷ g×n mèi quan hÖ ®ã trong qu¸ tr×nh lµm viÖc.
BÊt kú trêng hîp bÊt hoµ nµo còng ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o víi l·nh ®¹o cÊp trªn.

4. Trong c¸c toµ nhµ kh«ng cã khu vùc sinh ho¹t riªng cho nh©n viªn vÖ sinh nÕu
kh«ng cã sù ®ång ý cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hoÆc Chñ toµ nhµ.

5. Nh÷ng thay ®æi vÒ nh©n viªn vÖ sinh ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o vµ chÊp thuËn cña Gi¸m
®èc toµ nhµ.

6. Nh©n viªn vÖ sinh kh«ng ®îc phÐp rêi khái toµ nhµ cho ®Õn khi c¸c c«ng viÖc (vÖ
sinh thang hµng, lèi vµo vµ s¶nh tÇng trÖt) ®îc hoµn thµnh víi sù chÊp thuËn cña
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ (nÕu cã mÆt) hoÆc (nÕu v¾ng mÆt) Trî lý.

7. Nh÷ng lçi kh«ng ®óng theo tiªu chuÈn vÖ sinh toµ nhµ, nh÷ng vi ph¹m trong ca
lµm viÖc cña nh©n viªn vÖ sinh, sù thiÕu hôt ho¸ chÊt tÈy röa, nhîc ®iÓm cña thiÕt
bÞ m¸y mãc vÖ sinh hoÆc c¸c kiÕn nghÞ, than phiÒn vÒ dÞch vô vÖ sinh sÏ ®îc ghi
l¹i trong NhËt ký toµ nhµ vµ c¸c b¸o c¸o cña ûTrî lý. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ
sÏ nhËn ®îc 1 b¶n sao ®Ó lu gi÷. Ph¶i duy tr× ho¹t ®éng thanh tra ®Ó b¸o c¸o vµ
chê sù phª duyÖt cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ, x¸c nhËn c«ng viÖc ®· ®îc hoµn

8. Trong mäi trêng hîp, nghiªm cÊm nh©n viªn vÖ sinh ®ßi hái tiÒn c«ng tõ kh¸ch
thuª ®Ó thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô vÖ sinh nh dän r¸c v¨n phßng.

16) xö lý chÊt phÕ th¶i

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Nh©n viªn vÖ sinh ®îc ®µo t¹o ®Ó thùc hiÖn c¸c c«ng viÖc thu gom r¸c th¶i trong
toµ nhµ.

2. B¶ng híng dÉn thu gom r¸c th¶i ®îc cung cÊp vµ duy tr× viÖc thùc hiÖn trõ phi ®-
îc söa ch÷a ®æi míi cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

3. Thêng xuyªn kiÓm tra vµ lµm vÖ sinh hÇm, kho, thïng chøa r¸c. C¸c ho¹t ®éng
l¾p ®Æt vµ trang bÞ cho v¨n phßng ph¶i ®îc gi÷ g×n s¹ch sÏ vµ tÈy uÕ hoÆc s¬n
míi trong trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt.

4. C¸c khu vùc thu gom r¸c th¶i ph¶i ®îc lµm s¹ch vµ tÈy uÕ khi xe chë r¸c dêi ®i.

5. C¸c khu vùc thang m¸y, thang bé vµ c¶nh quan xung quanh toµ nhµ kh«ng ®îc
®Ó cã r¸c th¶i. NÕu cã r¸c t¹i c¸c khu vùc nµy ph¶i lËp tøc b¸o c¸o víi ngêi qu¶n
lý ®Ó kh¾c phôc.

6. Kh«ng ®îc ®Ó hµng ë hÇm chøa r¸c hoÆc xung quanh khu vùc chøa r¸c th¶i. C¸c
kho chøa hµng cã thÓ ®îc bè trÝ theo sù s¾p xÕp cña Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

17) KiÓm so¸t vËt g©y h¹i

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Nhµ thÇu cã thÈm quyÒn sÏ thùc hiÖn viÖc kiÓm so¸t vËt g©y h¹i trong toµ nhµ.
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ î Trî lý sÏ ®¶m b¶o c«ng t¸c nµy diÔn ra hiÖu qu¶.

2. C¸c trêng hîp s©u bä hoÆc c¸c loµi gÆm nhÊm cã mÆt trong toµ nhµ hoÆc ®îc
kh¸ch thuª ph¸t hiÖn ®Òu ®îc b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc Toµ nhµ.

3. C¸c ®êng èng dÉn níc ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra thêng xuyªn ®Ó tr¸nh ®äng níc, ng¨n
chÆn sù sinh s«i cña muçi.

4. Nh©n viªn nªn thêng xuyªn canh chõng sù s¶n sinh cña muçi tõ c¸c vòng níc,
lon níc, lä hoa, sät r¸c; nhanh chãng lo¹i bá c¸c vËt nµy vµ lµm s¹ch c¸c vòng n-
íc ®äng.


18) ThiÕt bÞ phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Ph¸t hµnh Néi quy phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y cho tÊt c¶ c¸c kh¸ch thuª trong toµ nhµ
lµ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó híng dÉn hä c¸ch tho¸t hiÓm vµ xö lý trong nh÷ng trêng hîp

2. C¸c thiÕt bÞ phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra ®Òu ®Æn. Ph¶i b¸o c¸o víi
Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ Trî lý nh÷ng trêng hîp háng hãc c¸c thiÕt bÞ nµy.

3. HÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o ch¸y ph¶i ®îc dïng thö 1th¸ng/lÇn hoÆc theo thêi h¹n
chuÈn cho phÐp.

4. ThiÕt bÞ phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y ph¶i ®îc l¾p ®Æt t¹i phßng ®iÒu hµnh ®iÖn vµ
phßng ®iÒu hµnh thang m¸y vµ ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra hµng tuÇn.

5. BÓ chøa níc cøu ho¶ ph¶i s¹ch sÏ vµ s½n sµng khi cÇn thiÕt.

6. GiÊy b¶o hµnh thiÕt bÞ phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y ph¶i ®îc lµm míi hµng n¨m vµ
tr×nh cho v¨n phßng qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

7. B¶ng híng dÉn kiÓm so¸t löa ph¶i ®îc göi tíi tÊt c¶ c¸c kh¸ch thuª.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

19) Thang m¸y

Thang kh¸ch

1. Thang kh¸ch ®îc sö dông cho tÊt c¶ c¸c tÇng vµ ®îc ®iÒu khiÓn tù ®éng bëi c¸c
nót bÊm t¬ng øng víi c¸c tÇng. Cã 4 thang m¸y phôc vô khu v¨n phßng.

2. Hµng ho¸ chØ ®îc chuyªn chë trong thang hµng khi thang ®ã ®· l¾p ®Æt c¸c thiÕt
bÞ b¶o vÖ.

3. Kh«ng ®îc cho chã mÌo vµo thang kh¸ch. BÊt kú trêng hîp vi ph¹m nµo sÏ ®îc
b¸o c¸o lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ xin chØ dÉn gi¶i quyÕt.

4. Thang kh¸ch ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra Ýt nhÊt 1lÇn/ngµy ®Ó ®¶m b¶o an toµn vµ s¹ch sÏ.
Nh©n viªn vÖ sinh sÏ ph¶i lµm nhiÖm vô ngay lËp tøc t¹i thang m¸y nÕu cã bÊt kú
chç bÈn nµo.

5. TrÎ em kh«ng ®îc ch¬i trong thang m¸y

6. Kh«ng sö dông thang kh¸ch ®Ó vËn chuyÓn hµng ho¸.

7. Ph¶i b¶o dìng thang m¸y ®Þnh kú 1th¸ng/lÇn theo nh khuyÕn c¸o cña nhµ s¶n

Híng dÉn chung sö dông thang m¸y

1. Mäi vÊn ®Ò háng hãc cña thang m¸y sÏ ®îc th«ng b¸o ngay ®Õn nhµ s¶n xuÊt. Ph¶i
th«ng b¸o ngay lËp tøc c¸c trêng hîp m¾c kÑt ngêi trong thang m¸y ®Ó bé phËn qu¶n lý
gi¶i cøu hä. Duy tr× liªn l¹c víi ngêi bÞ m¾c kÑt cho ®Õn khi gi¶i cøu ®îc hä.

2. Ph¶i b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ c¸c trêng hîp háng hãc cña thang m¸y.

3. B¸o c¸o víi nhµ s¶n xuÊt mäi trêng hîp háng hãc hoÆc sù cè cña thang m¸y.

4. Ph¶i ghi l¹i c¸c trêng hîp háng hãc cña thang m¸y.

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5. Chu«ng b¸o vµ hÖ thèng liªn l¹c cña thang m¸y ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra hµng tuÇn vµ b¸o c¸o
l¹i víi v¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

20) Gas vµ níc

1. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i biÕt chç ®Æt b×nh gas vµ èng níc, nh÷ng nót
®iÒu chØnh chÝnh trong toµ nhµ.

2. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i lu ý ®Õn c¸c kh¶ n¨ng dß gas vµ b¸o c¸o c¸c
trêng hîp kh¶ nghi víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n l ý toµ nhµ.

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21) trÇn kü thuËt

1. Toµ nhµ ®îc trang bÞ hÖ thèng truyÒn th«ng ®îc ®Æt trong trÇn. TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn
ph¶i lµm quen víi Nh÷ng ChÝnh S¸ch vµ Néi Quy cña nh÷ng hÖ thèng nµy vµ h-
íng dÉn kh¸ch thuª.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2. Kh«ng ®îc sö dông ®µi hoÆc anten tivi ë bÊt cø vÞ trÝ nµo trong toµ nhµ mµ kh«ng
®îc sù ®ång ý cña Gi¸m ®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ

22) HÖ thèng níc

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. HÇm chøa, thïng chøa vµ c¸c èng dÉn níc ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra hµng tuÇn, phßng
c¸c trêng hîp rØ sÐt, háng hãc vµ c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn an toµn, s¹ch sÏ chung trong toµ
nhµ ®Æc biÖt lµ ë khu ®Ó xe.

2. Ph¶i b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ c¸c trêng hîp háng èng dÉn hoÆc trµn níc.

3. KiÓm tra hÖ thèng cung cÊp níc ®Òu ®Æn 2 lÇn/n¨m.

23) NhiÖm vô chung cña nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. KiÓm tra khu vùc gi÷ xe vµ ®¶m b¶o kh«ng xe nµo ®ç ngoµi n¬i quy ®Þnh.

2. KiÓm tra t¬ng tù ®êng xe vµo vµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ b¶o vÖ trong khu vùc gi÷ xe.

3. Híng dÉn l¸i xe cho xe vµo khu vùc göi xe theo quy ®Þnh.

4. Ghi l¹i c¸c sù cè x¶y ra trong HÇm ®ç xe vµ lµm b¸o c¸o víi bÊt kú trêng hîp h
háng nµo c¸c thiÕt bÞ chung.

5. CÊm c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn vµo HÇm ®ç xe nÕu vi ph¹m Néi quy ®ç xe hoÆc ®Ìn b¸o
giao th«ng.

6. §Ò nghÞ c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn dêi khái HÇm ®Ó xe hoÆc b¸o c¸o víi bé phËn an ninh
bÊt kú trêng hîp kh¶ nghi nµo.

7. Nghiªm cÊm nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe xin quµ tõ chñ xe hoÆc l¸i xe

8. B¸o c¸o víi c«ng an ®i¹ ph¬ng c¸c trêng hîp ph¹m téi.

9. Nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi V¨n phßng qu¶n lý nÕu ph¸t hiÖn thÊy
xe nµo kh«ng ®îc kho¸ ®Ó nh¾c chñ xe. NÕu ®ã lµ kh¸ch th¨m quan, nh©n viªn
tr«ng gi÷ xe ph¶i lu ý ®Õn trêng hîp ®ã ®Ó ®¶m b¶o kh«ng x¶y ra hµnh vi gian
lËn. Chñ xe sÏ ®îc nh¾c nhë ®Ó cÈn thËn h¬n trong c¸c lÇn sau.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

24) An ninh hÇm ®Ó xe

Trong nh÷ng n¨m gÇn ®©y, cã mét sè c¸ch th«ng thêng bän ph¹m téi vÉn dïng ®Ó trém c¾p c¸c
xe ®¾t tiÒn, nh sau:

a) Trùc tiÕp ®i vµo khu vùc ®Ó xe ®Ó ¨n trém.

b) §a mét xe ®· ®îc bän chóng ¨n trém vµo göi t¹i hÇm ®Ó xe vµ lÊy mét c¸i ®¾t tiÒn kh¸c

c) §e do¹ vµ b¾t nh©n viªn tr«ng xe th«ng ®ång lÊy trém xe m¸y vµ «t«.

§Ó ng¨n chÆn c¸c t×nh tr¹ng t¬ng tù x¶y ra, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe nªn tu©n thñ c¸c quy ®Þnh

Lèi vµo hÇm ®Ó xe:

1. Cöa ra vµo hÇm ®Ó xe ph¶i ®îc b¶o vÖ 24/24.

2. ThÎ göi xe m¸y vµ «t« trong Toµ nhµ ph¶i do V¨n phßng qu¶n lý cÊp míi ®îc
phÐp vµo khu vùc ®ç xe nh©n viªn. Kh¸ch tham quan chØ ®îc göi xe khi hÇm xe
cßn chç trèng.

3. BÊt kú trêng hîp kh¶ nghi nµo l¶ng v¶ng quanh hÇm ®Ó xe còng ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o
cho bé phËn an ninh.

4. C¸c xe «t« cã d¸n kÝnh ®æi mµu sÏ ®îc yªu cÇu h¹ kÝnh xuèng ®Ó nh©n viªn b¶o
vÖ kiÓm tra.

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25) Nh÷ng dÊu hiÖu kh¶ nghi

Ng¨n chÆn téi ¸c lµ nhiÖm vô rÊt quan träng cña nh©n viªn an ninh toµ nhµ. ChÆn ®øng hµnh
®éng ph¹m téi tríc khi x¶y ra sÏ hiÖu qu¶ h¬n lµ b¾t giam kÎ c¾p sau khi hä ph¹m téi. Nh×n
chung, phÇn lín kÎ t×nh nghi kiÕm lý do xuÊt hiÖn trong nhµ ®Ó xe:

a) Võa kÕt thóc viÖc göi xe trong hÇm vµ chuÈn bÞ dêi khái nhµ ®Ó xe.

b) Vµo hÇm ®Ó xe ®Ó t×m kiÕm xe.

Víi c¶ 2 lý do trªn, bÊt kú ngêi nµo cã trong mÆt trong hÇm xe còng cã c¬ héi ®Ó ¨n trém xe.
Víi nh÷ng trêng hîp kh¶ nghi, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe nªn:

1. Theo dâi hä trong mét kho¶ng thêi gian nhÊt ®Þnh.

2. Th«ng b¸o cho v¨n phßng qu¶n lý hoÆc phßng an ninh.

3. Ghi l¹i nh÷ng trêng hîp nµy.

Thêng xuyªn ®Ó ý ®Õn c¸c tµi s¶n trong hÇm xe.

Víi nh÷ng trêng hîp cã dÊu hiÖu kh¶ nghi trªn, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe nªn th«ng b¸o víi c«ng
an v× mÆc dï nh÷ng kÎ t×nh nghi cha thùc hiÖn hµnh vi trém c¾p, h¾n cã thÓ ®· dïng xe gi¶ m¹o.

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26) Tµi s¶n mÊt ®îc t×m thÊy

1. NÕu v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ®îc trao nhËn tµi s¶n nhÆt ®îc, nh©n viªn ph¶i ghi l¹i ®Çy
®ñ c¸c th«ng tin sau:

a) Th«ng tin ngêi trao tr¶.

b) Ngµy, giê vµ ®Þa ®iÓm t×m thÊy.

c) Miªu t¶ tµi s¶n.

2. Cè g¾ng t×m ®îc chñ nh©n tµi s¶n bÞ mÊt.

3. Khi chñ së h÷u nhËn l¹i tµi s¶n bÞ mÊt, ®Ò nghÞ hä ký nhËn vµo phiÕu nhËn ®å.

4. NÕu kh«ng t×m thÊy chñ së h÷u trong mét kho¶ng thêi gian nhÊt ®Þnh, nh©n viªn
sÏ ®a tµi s¶n ®ã cho Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ cÊt gi÷.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

27) Sæ nhËt ký ra vµo

1. TÊt c¶ c¸c toµ nhµ cho thuª ®Òu ph¶i cã sæ nhËt ký ra vµo.

2. QuyÓn sæ nµy ®îc v¨n phßng chÝnh cña CBRE cÊp vµo mçi ®Çu n¨m.

3. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng CBRE ph¶i ®iÒn ®Çy ®ñ th«ng tin vµo sæ nhËt ký: giê cã
mÆt, ngµy, ch÷ ký vµ môc ®Ých.

4. Cuèi mçi th¸ng, Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ göi mét b¶n copy ®ã ®Õn bé phËn nh©n sù v¨n
phßng CBRE.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

IV. TµI LIÖU ®iÒu hµnh HO¹T §éNG cña

TOµ NHµ B¾C ¸

Nh÷ng chØ dÉn sau ®îc dïnglµm tµi liÖu ho¹t ®éng cña Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1) B¶ng chØ dÉn trong toµ nhµ

B¶ng chØ dÉn trong toµ nhµ lµ c¸c biÓn nh: biÓn b¸o thang m¸y, biÓn cÊm hót thuèc, biÓn b¸o
khÈn, biÓn b¸o tÇng...

B¶ng chØ dÉn lµ rÊt quan träng trong viÖc t¹o nªn Ên tîng, hiÖu qu¶ vµ uy tÝn cña mçi toµ nhµ.

CBRE hiÖn giê ®ång ý cho mét c«ng ty qu¶ng c¸o s¶n xuÊt c¸c lo¹i b¶ng nµy.

1. ¶ Trî lý kiÓm tra biÓn hiÖu 1tuÇn/lÇn.

2. Ph¶i b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ c¸c trêng hîp biÓn bÞ háng
hoÆc cã thªm biÓn míi.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ yªu cÇu nhµ s¶n xuÊt cung cÊp b¶ng b¸o

4. TiÕn tr×nh cung cÊp biÓn sau ®ã diÔn ra theo quy ®Þnh th«ng thêng.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

2) B¶ng chØ dÉn chÝnh vµ b¶ng chØ dÉn riªng

Cã 2 lo¹i b¶ng chØ dÉn trong Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸. §ã lµ:

- B¶ng chØ dÉn lín: ®Æt t¹i s¶nh tÇng 1.
- B¶ng chØ dÉn riªng: ®Æt t¹i mçi tÇng.
Lu ý: B¶ng chØ dÉn riªng lµ kh«ng b¾t buéc vµ ®îc lµm theo ý cña kh¸ch thuª.

Chi phÝ: - Kh¸ch thuª míi ®Õn: B¶ng chØ dÉn chung ®îc cung cÊp miÔn phÝ vµ
kh¸ch hµng chØ ph¶i tr¶ chi phÝ cho b¶ng chØ dÉn riªng cña m×nh.
- Kh¸ch thuª hiÖn t¹i: NÕu kh¸ch thuª thay ®æi tªn c«ng ty ®· cã trªn B¶ng chØ
dÉn chÝnh sÏ ph¶i tr¶ phÝ cho toµ nhµ.

TiÕn tr×nh thùc hiÖn:

1. Kh¸ch thuª míi sÏ yªu cÇu (th«ng qua mét mÉu cã s½n göi tíi V¨n Phßng Ban Qu¶n lý) bè trÝ
tªn cña hä trªn b¶ng chØ dÉn chÝnh mµ kh«ng bÞ tr¶ phÝ.

2. NÕu nh kh¸ch thuª míi muèn cã tªn trªn b¶n chØ dÉn phô th× sÏ ph¶i göi phiÕu yªu cÇu ghi
cïng víi ®iÒu 1 nãi trªn vµ sÏ ph¶i tr¶ phÝ.

3. NÕu kh¸ch hµng hiÖn t¹i muçn thay ®æi b¶ng hiÖu chØ dÉn th× sÏ ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi v¨n
phßng qu¶n lý.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. PhiÕu yªu cÇu sau ®ã sÏ ®îc göi tíi Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª. SÏ cã mét b¶n sao ®îc lu gi÷.

5. PhiÕu yªu cÇu nµy sÏ ®îc Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª göi tíi cho nhµ thÇu lµm biÓn.

6. Nhµ thÇu lµm biÓn sÏ chuÈn bÞ lµm mét b¶n thö nghiÖm cña biÓn hiÖu chØ dÉn råi chuyÓn tíi
Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª, Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª sÏ chuyÓn tíi kh¸ch hµng ®Ó kh¸ch hµng duyÖt thiÕt kÕ
cho biÓn hiÖu nµy.

7. NÕu kh¸ch hµng ®· duyÖt thiÕt kÕ cña biÓn hiÖu th× Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª sÏ uû quyÒn cho c¸c
nhµ thÇu hoµn thiÖn biÓn hiÖu.

8. Ngay sau khi c«ng viÖc ®îc hoµn thµnh Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª sÏ nhËn s¶n phÈm vµ bè trÝ l¾p
Ghi chó: Nh÷ng b¶ng chØ dÉn chÝnh vµ b¶ng chØ dÉn phô ®îc cÊt gi÷ trong kho lu tr÷.

Chi phÝ

V¨n phßng qu¶n lý gi÷ b¶n sao cña ®¬n ®Ò nghÞ cÊp biÓn. Mét b¶n kh¸c ®îc göi tíi th ký ®Ó
h¹ch to¸n vµo ho¸ ®¬n hµng th¸ng cho kh¸ch hµng thanh to¸n.

3) B¸o c¸o tuÇn cña ûTRî Lý

Trî lý cã tr¸ch nhiÖm lµm b¸o c¸o hµng tuÇn göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµo mçi thø 2.

Trî lýcòng lu gi÷ mét b¶n ghi chÐp c¸ nh©n vÒ nh÷ng c«ng viÖc hµng ngµy.

Trî lýký vµ ®Ò ngµy th¸ng vµo b¸o c¸o tuÇn råi göi cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ký vµ ®Ò ngµy

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4) HÇm ®Ó xe kh¸ch

ChÝnh s¸ch

§iÒu hµnh giao th«ng vµ ®ç xe trong Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸

Môc ®Ých

Nh»m cung cÊp tµi liÖu híng dÉn vÒ kÕ ho¹ch, thñ tôc hµnh chÝnh vµ kiÓm so¸t giao th«ng vµ
t×nh tr¹ng ®ç xe trong toµ nhµ B¾c ¸.

Dµnh cho tÊt c¶ kh¸ch thuª, nh©n viªn vµ kh¸ch tham quan sö dông c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn nh xe m¸y,
xe ®¹p, «t« ®ç xe trong toµ nhµ B¾c ¸. Tµi liÖu híng dÉn cßn ®îc dïng ®èi víi nh©n viªn an ninh
vµ nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe.

Xe m¸y cña kh¸ch

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1. Xe m¸y cña kh¸ch ph¶i ®ç t¹i hÇm .

2. Khi xe m¸y vµo nhµ xe, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe sÏ ®a vÐ xe cã ghi biÓn sè xe cho
kh¸ch. ChØ khi nhËn ®îc vÐ, kh¸ch míi ®îc ®ç xe trong nhµ xe.

3. Khi kh¸ch quay l¹i lÊy xe, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe sÏ thu l¹i vÐ xe vµ phÝ göi xe.

4. Nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe kiÓm tra sù trïng khíp gi÷a sè ghi trªn vÐ xe vµ biÓn sè
xe. Trong trêng hîp sè kh«ng trïng nhau, ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi nh©n viªn an ninh
®Ó kiÕm so¸t nhanh. LËp tøc gäi c¶nh s¸t nÕu ph¸t hiÖn trêng hîp gian lËn. NÕu
chØ lµ sù nhÇm lÉn, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe yªu cÇu kh¸ch xuÊt tr×nh chøng minh
nh©n d©n vµ giÊy tê xe ®Ó x¸c nhËn.

5. Sau khi nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe x¸c nhËn sè trªn vÐ vµ biÓn xe trïng khíp vµ ®·
thu phÝ, kh¸ch ®îc phÐp mang xe ra khái nhµ xe.

Xe cña nh©n viªn

1. Xe m¸y cña nh©n viªn ®ç t¹i tÇng hÇm.

2. Khi xe vµo hÇm ®ç, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe trao tr¶ thÎ göi xe cho chñ xe.

3. NÕu chñ xe kh«ng cã thÎ göi xe th× ®îc coi nh kh¸ch

4. Khi quay l¹i lÊy xe, chñ xe sÏ ®a thÎ göi xe cho nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe kiÓm tra. Chñ xe
kh«ng ph¶i tr¶ phÝ.

5. Nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe kiÓm tra sè trªn thÎ göi xe vµ biÓn sè xe. NÕu 2 sè ®ã kh«ng
trïng khíp, ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi nh©n viªn an ninh ®Ó kiÓm so¸t nhanh. LËp tøc gäi c¶nh
s¸t nÕu ph¸t hiÖn trêng hîp gian lËn. NÕu chØ lµ sù nhÇm lÉn, nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe yªu
cÇu kh¸ch xuÊt tr×nh chøng minh nh©n d©n vµ giÊy tê xe ®Ó x¸c nhËn.

6. Nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe kiÓm tra thêi h¹n cña thÎ xe. Nh÷ng thÎ hÕt h¹n sÏ bÞ tÞch thu.

7. ChØ kh¸ch vµ nh÷ng nh©n viªn kh«ng cã thÎ göi xe míi ph¶i tr¶ phÝ. Nh÷ng nh©n viªn cã
thÎ göi xe cßn h¹n kh«ng ph¶i tr¶ phÝ.

8. Kh¸ch: ChØ khi nh©n viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe nhËn ®îc phÝ vµ thÎ xe (hîp lÖ), xe míi ®îc dêi
khái nhµ xe.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• Chó ý: NÕu vÞ trÝ cho 100 xe cña nh©n viªn toµ nhµ ®îc sö dông hÕt, kh¸ch kh«ng ®îc göi xe trong hÇm ®Ó xe
cña toµ nhµ.

§¬n ®¨ng ký lµm thÎ göi xe

1. Kh¸ch thuª cã thÓ ®¨ng ký lµm thÎ göi xe cho nh©n viªn cña hä.

2. ThÎ göi xe b»ng nhùa cã ®Çy ®ñ th«ng tin vµ ¶nh cña chñ xe sÏ ®îc cung cÊp cho kh¸ch

3. Kh¸ch thuª lÊy b¶n ®¨ng ký t¹i v¨n phßng qu¶n lý vµ kiÓm tra xem cã thÓ ®¨ng ký cho
bao nhiªu xe m¸y vµ bao nhiªu «t«.

4. Khi nhËn ®îc b¶n ®¨ng ký vµ kho¶n phÝ t¬ng øng, v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ ph¸t hµnh thÎ
xe cho kh¸ch thuª.

5. Kh¸ch thuª cã tr¸ch nhiÖm ph¸t thÎ cho nh©n viªn cña hä.

6. Trong trêng hîp bÞ mÊt thÎ xe, chñ xe ph¶i th«ng b¸o cho bé phËn an ninh vµ cung cÊp
sè thÎ ®· bÞ mÊt.

7. Trong trêng hîp thÎ bÞ mÊt hoÆc bÞ lÊy c¾p, nh©n viªn an ninh ph¶i th«ng b¸o cho v¨n
phßng qu¶n lý
9. Chñ xe lµm ®¬n ®¨ng ký cÊp l¹i thÎ xe t¹i v¨n phßng qu¶n lý. Do tù ®¸nh mÊt thÎ xe,
chñ xe sÏ ph¶i thanh to¸n phÝ lµm thÎ l¹i.

Quy ®Þnh chung

Nh÷ng quy ®Þnh nµy ®îc thùc hiÖn nh»m ®¶m b¶o sù an toµn, thø tù vµ thuËn tiÖn trong viÖc ®ç
xe t¹i toµ nhµ

• VËn tèc tèi ®a cña ph¬ng tiÖn trong nhµ xe lµ 5km/giê.

• Chñ xe ph¶i ®ç xe ®óng n¬i ban qu¶n lý quy ®Þnh.
• Mçi xe kh«ng ®îc ®ç h¬n mét kho¶ng diÖn tÝch hoÆc ngoµi v¹ch s¬n cho phÐp.
• C¸c xe kh«ng ®îc ®ç t¹i cöa ra vµo cña toµ nhµ.

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• Kh¸ch bé hµnh ph¶i ®i l¹i t¹i phÇn ®êng dµnh cho hä.
• NÕu vi ph¹m bÊt kú quy ®Þnh nµo cña viÖc ®ç xe, chñ xe sÏ bÞ gi÷ l¹i chê gi¶i quyÕt.
• Trong c¸c trêng hîp ®Æc biÖt sÏ gi¶i quyÕt theo tµi liÖu gi¶i quyÕt sù cè.

VÐ bÞ r¬i hoÆc bÞ ®¸nh c¾p

Ph¶i b¸o c¸o ngay víi nh©n viªn an ninh c¸c trêng hîp r¬i hoÆc mÊt vÐ. Chñ xe chØ cã thÓ nhËn
l¹i xe khi xuÊt tr×nh CMTND vµ giÊy tê xe.

C¸c hµnh vi bÊt lÞch sù cña kh¸ch

C¸c hµnh vi kh«ng tu©n theo quy ®Þnh göi xe trong toµ nhµ cña kh¸ch sÏ ®îc th«ng b¸o tíi nh©n
viªn tr«ng gi÷ xe vµ nh©n viªn an ninh. VÐ xe sÏ bÞ thu l¹i chê gi¶i quyÕt.

Khu vùc cÊm ®ç xe

Chñ xe kh«ng ®îc ®ç, dõng xe ë c¸c khu vùc sau, ngo¹i trõ trong trêng hîp tr¸nh t¾c nghÏn víi
c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn kh¸c:

• T¹i c¸c n¬i mµ cöa tho¸t hiÓm bÞ ®ãng do x¶y ra sù cè.

• T¹i c¸c n¬i mµ cöa tho¸t hiÓm bÞ ®ãng do x¶y ra ch¸y næ.
• T¹i c¸c khu vùc cã biÓn cÊm ®ç, dõng.

C¸c trêng hîp bÞ cÊm trong hÇm xe

Chñ xe göi xe t¹i tÇng hÇmkh«ng ®îc thùc hiÖn c¸c viÖc sau:

• Bµy b¸n xe.

• Röa, ®¸nh bãng, lau dÇu xe.
• B¸n phô tïng xe.
• Göi xe trong nhµ xe qu¸ 48 tiÕng.

TÞch thu ph¬ng tiÖn

Ph¬ng tiÖn cã thÓ bÞ di dêi ®Õn n¬i kh¸c hoÆc bÞ tÞch thu nÕu vi ph¹m c¸c trêng hîp sau:

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• Khi ph¬ng tiÖn ®ç trong hÇm xe t¹i n¬i mµ ngay lËp tøc lµm t¾c nghÏn giao th«ng hoÆc t¨ng
c¸c rñi ro n¬i c«ng céng.
• Khi ph¬ng tiÖn ®· ë trong nhµ xe liªn tôc sau h¬n 48 tiÕng vµ cã vÎ bÞ bá quªn.
• Khi ph¬ng tiÖn cÇn ph¶i chuyÓn dêi ®Ó ®¶m b¶o cho an toµn chung nh ch¸y, lôt, b·o hoÆc
c¸c trêng hîp khÈn kh¸c.
• Khi ph¬ng tiÖn buéc ph¶i di dêi bëi vi ph¹m c¸c trêng hîp kÓ trªn, chñ xe cã thÓ ph¶i tr¶ phÝ
lu kho kÌm theo tiÒn ph¹t.

MÊt hoÆc háng xe trong hÇm xe

Toµn bé «t«, xe m¸y vµ xe ®¹p ®ç vµ ®i l¹i trong hÇm xe tù chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ an toµn cña tµi
s¶n. Chñ ®Çu t vµ CBRE ®Òu kh«ng chÊp nhËn vµ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ bÊt kú rñi ro nµo cña ph-
¬ng tiÖn hoÆc hµng ho¸ (g¾n víi trong hoÆc ngoµi). Tuy nhiªn Chñ ®Çu t vµ CBRE sÏ chÞu tr¸ch
nhiÖm vÒ c¸c tæn h¹i g©y ra cho c¸ nh©n hoÆc toµ nhµ. Hai ®¬n vÞ nµy còng kh«ng chÞu tr¸ch
nhiÖm cho nh÷ng háng hãc cña ph¬ng tiÖn ®ç vµ di chuyÓn trong hÇm xe.

Tr¸ch nhiÖm

Chñ ®Çu t:
• CÊp ®ång phôc vµ thÎ nh©n viªn.
• Tr¶ l¬ng cho nh©n viªn theo luËt lao ®éng ViÖt Nam.
• §µo t¹o nh©n viªn.
• Ph©n cÊp nh©n viªn.
• Cung cÊp níc, nhµ vÖ sinh vµ phßng ®æi tiÒn cho nh©n viªn.

Nh©n viªn tr«ng xe vµ nh©n viªn an ninh:

• Gi÷ cho viÖc göi xe trong toµ nhµ ®îc an toµn, thø tù vµ thuËn tiÖn.
• B¸o c¸o sù cè víi Trëng bé phËn tr«ng xe, Trëng bé phËn an ninh vµ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ
• Gîi ý nh÷ng c¶i tæ lªn Trëng bé phËn tr«ng xe vµ Trëng bé phËn an ninh.
• §¶m b¶o viÖc thi hµnh c¸c ®iÒu lÖ, quy t¾c vµ an toµn ®iÓm ®ç xe.
• Thu vÐ göi xe vµ phÝ lµm thÎ.
• C¶nh b¸o nh÷ng kh¸ch göi xe vi ph¹m ®iÒu lÖ ®iÓm ®ç.
• KiÓm tra thêi h¹n thÎ xe.

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• S¾p xÕp xe nµo lµm c¶n trë sù tham gia giao th«ng cña xe kh¸c.

Ban Qu¶n lý:

• Th«ng b¸o cho Chñ ®Çu t bÊt kú sù thay ®æi nµo vÒ ®iÒu lÖ vµ quy ®Þnh cña ®iÓm ®ç xe.
• Xö lý t×nh huèng vµ b¸o c¸o l¹i víi Chñ ®Çu t.
• Ph¸t hµnh thÎ göi xe cho kh¸ch thuª.
• Th«ng b¸o vÒ kh¸ch thuª cho bé phËn tr«ng gi÷ xe.

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6) ho¸ ®¬n tån ®äng

1. Ho¸ ®¬n tån ®äng lµ nh÷ng ho¸ ®¬n cha ®îc thanh to¸n vµo ngµy mïng 1
hµng th¸ng. Nh÷ng ho¸ ®¬n nµy ph¶i nhanh chãng ®îc gi¶i quyÕt. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ
nhµ kh«ng ph¶i ngÇn ng¹i tõ chèi cung cÊp dÞch vô cho kh¸ch thuª nÕu hä chËm trÔ
thanh to¸n phÝ thuª.

Chó ý: Mçi kh¸ch thuª ph¶i ®Æt cäc 3 th¸ng tiÒn thuª. V× vËy bÊt kú sù tån ®äng nµo
còng kh«ng ®îc qu¸ 2 th¸ng.

2. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ gäi ®iÖn nh¾c nhë kh¸ch thuª ®ãng phÝ tõ 1 ®Õn 6 hµng

3. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ bÊt kú trêng
hîp tranh c·i nµo ®ång thêi ph¶i ghi l¹i nh÷ng trêng hîp nµy.

4. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh lÊy th«ng tin vÒ nh÷ng trêng hîp ®· thanh to¸n tríc ngµy
7 hµng th¸ng tõ bé phËn kÕ to¸n cña toµ nhµ.

5. Th nh¾c nhë sÏ ®îc göi ®Õn c¸c kh¸ch thuª nÕu ®Õn mïng 7 hä vÉn cha nép phÝ.

6. Trëng phßng hµnh chÝnh gi÷ liªn l¹c víi bé phËn kÕ to¸n vµ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ nh÷ng trêng hîp cha thanh to¸n phÝ thuª.

7. Th nh¾c nhë lÇn 2 sÏ ®îc göi ®Õn kh¸ch thuª, ra h¹n 7 ngµy cho hä ®ãng phÝ tríc
khi chÊm døt hîp ®ång do vi ph¹m thêi h¹n ®ãng phÝ.

8. ChÊm døt hîp ®ång cho thuª nÕu ®Õn ngµy 28 cña th¸ng kh¸ch thuª vÉn cha nép

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7) C¸c ho¸ ®¬n cÇn thanh to¸n

1. Tõ ngµy 15 ®Õn ngµy 20 hµng th¸ng v¨n phßng qu¶n lý göi giÊy b¸o nî c¸c kho¶n kh¸ch
thuª ph¶i thanh to¸n:

• PhÝ ®iÒu hoµ ngoµi giê.

• PhÝ ®iÖn.
• PhÝ ®ç xe «t«.
• PhÝ ®ç xe m¸y.

• C¸c kho¶n phÝ liªn quan kh¸c (nÕu cã)

2. NÕu c¸c kho¶n nµy kh«ng ®îc thanh to¸n ®óng h¹n, bé phËn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ gi¶i
quyÕt theo ®iÒu lÖ ®èi víi ho¸ ®¬n tån ®äng (®iÒu 6).

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8) Thanh to¸n phÝ thuª

1. PhÝ thuª ph¶i ®îc nép ®Õn bé phËn kÕ to¸n cña toµ nhµ tríc ngµy 1 hµng

2. PhÝ thuª ph¶i ®îc nép trùc tiÕp cho bé phËn kÕ to¸n cña Chñ ®Çu t.

3. Vµo ngµy 1 hµng th¸ng, Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh lµm viÖc víi bé phËn kÕ
to¸n cña Chñ ®Çu t th«ng b¸o nh÷ng trêng hîp tån ®äng (xem phÇn 6)

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9) Thêi gian sö dông ®iÖn cho hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ

1. C¸c toµ nhµ ®Òu cã b¶n danh s¸ch tÝnh thêi gian sö dông ®iÖn cho ®iÒu
hoµ kh¸ch thuª sö dông.

2. §iÖn cho ®iÒu hoµ ®îc cung cÊp tõ 7 giê s¸ng ®Õn 7 gê tèi tõ thø 2 ®Õn
thø 6 vµ tõ 8 giê s¸ng ®Õn 1 giê chiÒu thø 7 hµng tuÇn.

3. B¶ng tÝnh ®iÖn sö dông

4. B¶ng tÝnh nµy ph¶i ®îc Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ ký duyÖt.

• PhÝ ®iÒu hoµ ngoµi giê nh×n chung lµ c©u hái thêng xuyªn cña kh¸ch thuª. Chóng t«i mong r»ng ®iÒu hoµ ®îc
cung cÊp miÔn phÝ trong giê lµm viÖc (nh ®· nªu trªn). Sau giê ®ã, kh¸ch thuª ®ång ý sÏ tr¶ phÝ cho ®iÒu hoµ.

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10) Ho¸ ®¬n tiÒn ®iÖn

1. Chñ ®Çu t ph¶i thanh to¸n phÝ ®iÖn sö dông cho c«ng ty cung cÊp ®iÖn.

2. Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt ghi chØ sè ®iÖn kh¸ch thuª tiªu thô tõ ngµy 20 th¸ng
nµy ®Õn ngµy 20 th¸ng sau.

3. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh kiÓm tra: ho¸ ®¬n th¸ng tríc t¬ng øng víi h¸o
®¬n th¸ng sau.

4. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ký x¸c nhËn vµ phiÕu b¸o nî sÏ ®îc göi tíi
kh¸ch thuª.

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11) Sæ nhËt ký toµ nhµ

1. Sæ nhËt ký ®îc ®Æt t¹i bµn lÔ t©n.

2. Sæ nhËt ký ghi l¹i nh÷ng sù cè vµ kiÕn nghÞ hµng ngµy cña kh¸ch hµng
vµ Trî lý.

3. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ gäi Gi¸m ®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ hái nÕu Trî lý kh«ng tr¶

Chó ý: NÕu Trî lý ph¸t hiÖn thÊy bãng ®Ìn háng hoÆc cÇn söa ch÷a còng sÏ ghi vµo sæ nhËt ký.

4. KiÕn nghÞ cña kh¸ch thuª ph¶i ®îc ghi l¹i trong sæ nhËt ký.

5. Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt sÏ ®îc th«ng b¸o vÒ nh÷ng kiÕn nghÞ nµy vµ gi¶i
quyÕt kip thêi.

6. Vµo cuèi mçi ngµy, sæ nhËt ký ph¶i ®îc göi cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ
nhµ xem xÐt.

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12) Danh s¸ch hµng tån kho

Ph¶i lu gi÷ danh s¸ch hµng tån kho cïng m· sè, sè lîng vµ ®Þa ®iÓm cña c¸c tµi s¶n trong toµ

Danh s¸ch nµy ph¶i ®îc cËp nhËt thêng xuyªn ngay khi cã c¸c tµi s¶n míi ®îc mua vµ sö dông
cho toµ nhµ.

Danh s¸ch nµy ph¶i ®îc ký x¸c nhËn vµ ghi ngµy ngay khi cËp nhËt.

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i ®¶m b¶o r»ng danh s¸ch nµy lµ chÝnh x¸c vÒ sè hiÖu.

B¶n sao cña danh s¸ch nµy ph¶i cã bªn kia mÆt giÊy.

Danh s¸ch nµy cÇn thiÕt ph¶i cã môc lôc ngay tõ khi liÖt kª lÇn ®Çu.

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13) th tÝn

1. Hßm th cho kh¸ch thuª ph¶i ®îc ®Æt ë tÇng 1 s¶nh chÝnh cña toµ nhµ.
Bé phËn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cung cÊp kho¸ cho c¸c kh¸ch thuª.

2. NÕu kh¸ch thuª mÊt kho¸, v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ cÊp l¹i kho¸ kh¸c,
kh¸ch thuª ph¶i tr¶ phÝ lµm kho¸. Trong trêng hîp khÈn, nh©n viªn an
ninh sÏ dïng ch×a kho¸ dù phßng më hßm th cho kh¸ch thuª nÕu Gi¸m
®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ/trî lý cho phÐp.

3. Th ®îc ph©n ®Õn toµ nhµ vµ nh©n viªn an ninh sÏ nhËn t¹i tÇng 1.

4. Th sÏ ®îc cho vµo c¸c hßm th cña mçi kh¸ch thuª.

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5. Th b¶o ®¶m vµ th EMS sÏ ®îc ghi l¹i trong sæ nhËn th vµ ®îc gi÷ ë bµn
lÔ t©n vµ nÕu th ®ã kh«ng ®îc kh¸ch thuª nhËn trong ngµy, bé phËn an
ninh sÏ ph¸t th cho kh¸ch hµng vµ ®Ò nghÞ hä ký nhËn.

14) kiÓm so¸t kho hµng – c¸c danh môc

Danh môc kho hµng vµ c¸c hµng ho¸ liªn quan cÇn ®îc cÊt gi÷. Híng dÉn sau dµnh cho viÖc
kiÓm so¸t kho hµng cña bé phËn Kü thuËt

Danh môc kiÓm so¸t kho hµng ph¶i bao gåm c¸c môc: xµ phßng, giÊy toilette, tói r¸c, th¶m,

Ph¶i theo dâi b¶n sao danh môc kiÓm so¸t kho hµng.

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15) ThiÕt bÞ Kü THUËT

VÝ dô:

1. Kh¸ch thuª, Kü thuËt, nh©n viªn an ninh, nh©n viªn vÖ sinh... th«ng
b¸o víi Trî lý mét bãng ®Ìn bÞ biÕn mÊt.

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2. Trî lý ghi l¹i trong sæ nhËt ký hµng ngµy: tÇng 8 cÇn thay bãng ®Ìn
fluro 18W.

3. Trî lý ghi l¹i thêi gian sö dông bãng ®Ìn fluro 18W trong danh s¸ch
thiÕt bÞ.

4. Trî lý ®ång thêi ghi l¹i ngµy thay, lo¹i thiÕt bÞ thay vµ ®Þa ®iÓm sö
dông vµo cuèi danh s¸ch thiÕt bÞ.

5. Cuèi mçi th¸ng, Trî lý x¸c nhËn l¹i tæng sè thiÕt bÞ ®· dïng trong
th¸ng, c¶ lo¹i míi dïng vµ lo¹i cÇn thay thÕ.

6. Còng vµo cuèi mçi th¸ng, Trî lý tÝnh to¸n sè thiÕt bÞ cßn l¹i trong kho,
®¶m b¶o danh môc thiÕt bÞ M&E ®îc chÝnh x¸c.

7. NÕu con sè thèng kª kh«ng khíp (gi÷a sè thiÕt bÞ thùc tÕ cßn l¹i trong
kho vµ sè ®îc ghi trong b¶n danh s¸ch), Trî lý sÏ th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m
®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

8. Cã mét sè nhá cña kho hµng ®îc lu l¹i.

9. Trî lý ®iÒn form §Ò nghÞ mua b¸n khi cÇn mua sè Ýt hµng.

Kho vµ ch×a kho¸

Toµn bé thiÕt bÞ Kü thuËt ph¶i ®îc gi÷ trong kho.

Kho ph¶i ®îc kho¸ cÈn thËn.

Trî lý chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ kho vµ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ gi÷ kho¸ cña kho.

16) Ho¹t ®éng cña phßng Kü thuËt vµ b¸o c¸o

Thùc hiÖn

Thùc hiÖn theo ho¹t ®éng cña bé phËn an ninh.

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Häp vµ b¸o c¸o hµng th¸ng

1. Bé phËn Kü thuËt (nhµ thÇu cung cÊp hoÆc cña toµ nhµ) ph¶i lµm b¸o c¸o chi tiÕt vÒ c¸c
vÊn ®Ò Kü thuËt cña th¸ng tríc.

2. CBRE, v¨n phßng qu¶n lý vµ chñ toµ nhµ sÏ ®äc vµ lu gi÷ 1 b¶n sao.

3. Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt lµm b¸o c¸o vµ göi tíi v¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

4. CBRE , Chñ ®Çu t sÏ häp ®Ó tæng kÕt b¸o c¸o 1th¸ng/lÇn.

5. Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt vµ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ häp 2tuÇn/lÇn vµ nÕu cã thÓ th× cïng
c¶ Gi¸m ®èc CBRE th¶o luËn vÒ c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan.

6. Ph¶i ghi l¹i biªn b¶n mçi cuéc häp.

KiÓm tra

1. Ban Qu¶n lý cã nh©n viªn kü thuËt trùc tiÕp kiÓm tra ho¹t ®éng cña nhµ thÇu kü thuËt.

2. Nh©n viªn kü thuËt ph¶i kiÓm tra phßng kü thuËt tèi thiÓu 1lÇn/tuÇn. Ghi l¹i viÖc kiÓm
tra trong sæ nhËt ký.

3. Nh©n viªn kü thuËt ph¶i tham gia tÊt c¶ c¸c cuéc häp th¸ng vµ häp 2tuÇn/lÇn.

17) Ho¹t ®éng an ninh

LÞch lµm viÖc

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Trëng bé phËn an ninh sÏ cung cÊp lÞch lµm viÖc tíi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ chuyÓn 1 b¶n copy cho Trî lý , ngêi chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm kiÓm tra lÞch
lµm viÖc cña bé phËn an ninh.

NÕu cã bÊt kú trêng hîp nµo kh«ng tu©n theo lÞch lµm viÖc, sÏ lËp tøc ®îc b¸o c¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ .


1. Bé phËn an ninh sÏ cã mét nh©n viªn gi¸m s¸t kiÓm tra ho¹t ®éng hµng ngµy t¹i c¸c khu

2. Trî lý nªn gÆp gì gi¸m s¸t viªn vµ th¶o luËn vÒ c¸c trêng hîp nhá nhÆt. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ sÏ nhËn ®îc b¸o c¸o.


4. Biªn b¶n cña c¸c cuéc häp nµy ph¶i ®îc lu gi÷ vµ thùc hiÖn theo.

5. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i trùc tiÕp ®i tuÇn tra vµo s¸ng sím hoÆc tèi muén Ýt nhÊt
1lÇn/th¸ng, kiÓm tra viÖc thùc hiÖn nhiÖm vô cña nh©n viªn b¶o vÖ.

18) ho¹t ®éng vÖ sinh

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1. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ, Trî lý nªn häp víi Trëng bé phËn vÖ sinh Ýt
nhÊt 2tuÇn/lÇn vµ ghi l¹i Biªn b¶n cuéc häp.

2. NÕu cÇn bÊt kú thay ®æi nµo ®Ó c¶i thiÖn c«ng viÖc, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ sÏth¶o luËn víi nhµ thÇu th«ng qua mét cuéc häp khÈn.

LÞch lµm viÖc

Nhµ thÇu vÖ sinh ph¶i cung cÊp lÞch lµm viÖc hµng ngµy, hµng tuÇn, hµng th¸ng vµ hµng n¨m
cho Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ göi mét b¶n sao cho Trî lý.

NÕu lÞch lµm viÖc nµy kh«ng ®îc thùc hiÖn theo b¸o c¸o, Trî lý sÏ lµm b¸o c¸o ®Õn Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Mét cuéc häp víi Nhµ thÇu vÖ sinh sÏ ®îc thùc hiÖn ®Ó th¶o luËn ph¬ng thøc thùc hiÖn tèt lÞch
lµm viÖc ®· ®Ò ra.

19) ph¬ng thøc sö dông quü v¨n phßng

1. TÊt c¶ c¸c kho¶n chi ®Òu ph¶i ®iÒn vµo PhiÕu chi tiÒn mÆt.

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2. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ ký chÊp thuËn PhiÕu chi nµy.

3. Nh©n viªn hµnh chÝnh sÏ xuÊt tiÒn theo sù chÊp thuËn cña Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

4. B¶n sao cña ho¸ ®¬n thanh to¸n sÏ ®îc lu t¹i V¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

20) Thanh to¸n ho¸ ®¬n cho c¸c nhµ thÇu

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1. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý nhËn ®îc ho¸ ®¬n tõ c¸c nhµ thÇu sÏ chuyÓn ®Õn
Chñ ®Çu t. Tuy nhiªn Trî lý sÏ kiÓm tra ®é chÝnh x¸c cña c¸c ho¸ ®¬n

2. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh lµm PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ chi tiÒn mÆt.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ kiÓm tra vµ ký chÊp thuËn vµo phiÕu nµy.

4. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh quyÕt ®Þnh göi lªn Chñ ®Çu t phiÕu thanh to¸n
nµo vµ gi÷ l¹i CBRE phiÕu nµo.

5. B¶n sao cña ho¸ ®¬n sÏ ®îc göi tíi bé phËn kÕ to¸n cña CBRE – v¨n
phßng chÝnh ®Ó duyÖt.

6. Sau khi ®îc chÊp thuËn, b¶n sao ®ã sÏ ®îc göi tr¶ cho Nh©n viªn hµnh
chÝnh ®Ó chi tiÒn.

7. DÊu “®· nhËn tiÒn” sÏ ®îc ®ãng lªn c¸c ho¸ ®¬n ®Ó chØ ngµy th¸ng vµ
ch÷ ký cña ngêi nhËn tiÒn.

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21) B¶n ®Ò nghÞ vËn chuyÓn hµng trªn thang m¸y

Kh¸ch thuª sÏ lÊy B¶n ®Ò nghÞ vËn chuyÓn hµng trªn thang m¸y tõ nh©n viªn an ninh t¹i khu
vùc quÇy LÔ t©n.

1. Kh¸ch thuª ®iÒn th«ng tin vµ ký vµo b¶n nµy.

2. B¶n nµy sÏ ®îc göi tíi V¨n phßng qu¶n lý vµ Trî lý chê ký vµ chÊp

3. B¶n nµy sÏ ®îc göi tr¶ l¹i kh¸ch thuª; nh©n viªn an ninh t¹i TÇng 1
còng nhËn ®îc mét b¶n sao.

4. Vµo thêi gian x¸c ®Þnh trong B¶n ®Ò nghÞ, kh¸ch thuª sÏ liªn hÖ víi
nh©n viªn b¶o vÖ t¹i TÇng hÇm, s¾p xÕp vËn chuyÓn hµng b»ng thang

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22) B¸o c¸o/Gi¶i quyÕt sù cè

1. Toµn bé sù cè ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o cho V¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

2. Trî lý kiÓm tra ®Þa ®iÓm x¶y ra sù cè, chôp ¶nh vµ kiÓm tra tæn thÊt.

3. Trong trêng hîp sù cè liªn quan ®Õn ph¬ng tiÖn, c¬ quan b¶o hiÓm sÏ
®¶m tr¸ch viÖc ®Òn bï.

4. NÕu ph¬ng tiÖn g©y ra tæn h¹i cho toµ nhµ, Trî lý sÏ lªn mét b¶n dù
to¸n thiÖt h¹i vµ ®a cho c«ng ty b¶o hiÓm gi¶i quyÕt. NÕu ph¬ng tiÖn ®ã
kh«ng cã b¶o hiÓm, chñ xe sÏ ph¶i ®Òn bï thiÖt h¹i cho toµ nhµ.

5. HÇu hÕt nh÷ng sù cè sÏ ®îc c«ng ty b¶o hiÓm ®Òn bï thiÖt h¹i.

6. Trî lý ph¶i ghi ngµy th¸ng vµ ký c¸c b¶n b¸o c¸o sù cè.

7. Mçi sù cè ®Òu ph¶i lu hå s¬ an ninh.

8. Trî lý gi÷ liªn l¹c víi c«ng ty b¶o hiÓm chê thanh to¸n ®Òn bï.

9. Trî lý thùc hiÖn viÖc söa ch÷a díi sù chÊp thuËn cña Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ.

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23) Häp nh©n viªn V¨n phßng qu¶n lý

Häp nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý

1. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i tæ chøc häp nh©n viªn 1tuÇn/lÇn

2. Thµnh phÇn tham dù: Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ; Trî lý; Nh©n viªnhµnh
chÝnh; Nhµ thÇu an ninh; Nhµ thÇu vÖ sinh; Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt vµ nh©n
viªn kü thuËt;

3. Môc ®Ých cña cuéc häp lµ nh»m th¶o luËn/th«ng b¸o vµ cËp nhËt c«ng
viÖc ®ang tiÕn hµnh.

4. Trî lý ghi vµ lu Biªn b¶n cuéc häp.

Häp chñ toµ nhµ

1. Mét cuéc häp víi Chñ toµ nhµ ®îc tæ chøc 1 th¸ng/lÇn.

2. Thµnh phÇn tham dù: Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ; Chñ ®Çu t; Gi¸m ®èc CBRE.

3. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ gi÷ biªn b¶n cuéc häp.

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24) §¨ng ký/ Qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸

1. Trî lý chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸.

2. Ch×a kho¸ ®îc gi÷ trong ng¨n kÐo cã kho¸. ChØ cã Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ vµ Trî lý ®îc quyÒn gi÷ ch×a kho¸ kho.

3. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý chØ cÊt gi÷ ch×a kho¸ cña c¸c l« trèng vµ khu vùc
chung. Nh÷ng l« ®· ®îc thuª th× kh¸ch thuª gi÷ ch×a kho¸. §iÒu nµy sÏ
lµm gi¶m thiÓu tr¸ch nhiÖm ph¸p lý ®èi víi nh©n viªn vµ v¨n phßng
qu¶n lý.

4. NÕu cã ®Ò nghÞ sö dông ch×a kho¸ th× ph¶i ghi l¹i vµo sæ qu¶n lý ch×a.

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25) Hîp ®ång thuª míi/ Kh«i phôc hîp ®ång thuª

ChØ cã v¨n phßng chÝnh vµ bé phËn qu¶n lý toµ nhµ hiÖn t¹i míi ®îc thùc hiÖn lµm hîp ®ång
thuª míi vµ hîp ®ång kh«i phôc.

1. CBRE sÏ ®µm ph¸n thuyÕt phôc kh¸ch hµng tiÒm n¨ng.

2. B¶n mêi thuª ph¶i ®îc ký x¸c nhËn cña kh¸ch thuª vµ ký chÊp thuËn
cña Chñ ®Çu t. Th chÊp thuËn sau ®ã sÏ ®îc göi tíi kh¸ch thuª vµ kh¸ch
thuª tiÕn hµnh ®Æt cäc.

3. Mét b¶n sao cña th mêi thuª sÏ ®îc gi÷ trong file tµi liÖu cña CBRE.

4. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ thùc hiÖn c¸c thñ tôc trao mÆt b»ng theo nh th
mêi thuª ®· ®Ò cËp. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ nhËn ®îc b¶n sao th
chÊp thuËn cho thuª.

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26) B¶o hiÓm

§Òn bï b¶o hiÓm

1. B¶n b¸o c¸o sù cè ghi râ sè tiÒn cÇn ®Òn bï ph¶i ®îc göi cho Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ. Trî lý sÏ lµm b¸o c¸o nµy.

2. Trî lý sau ®ã sÏ lËp b¶ng dù to¸n cho ®Òn bï vµ ®iÒn ®¬n yªu cÇu c«ng
ty b¶o hiÓm ®Òn bï.

3. Trî lý sÏ gäi ®iÖn vµ x¸c nhËn b»ng lêi víi c«ng ty b¶o hiÓm tríc khi
göi ®¬n yªu cÇu.

4. Ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ bÊt kú m©u thuÉn nµo x¶y
ra víi c«ng ty b¶o hiÓm.

B¶o hiÓm toµ nhµ

Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ ph¶i ®îc b¶o hiÓm toµn diÖn. Tuy vËy kh¸ch thuª vÉn ph¶i tù chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ
hµng ho¸, thiÕt bÞ vµ néi thÊt cña hä.

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27) chØ dÉn an toµn ch¸y næ

1. Lêi giíi thiÖu

Tµi liÖu híng dÉn an toµn ch¸y næ ®îc cung cÊp cho nh©n viªn nh»m tho¸t hiÓm mét c¸ch ªm
thÊm trong trêng hîp ho¶ ho¹n. Cuèn s¸ch nµy gi¶i thÝch ng¾n gän ho¹t ®éng cña hÖ thèng
phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y. Nh×n chung, trong trêng hîp cÇn di t¶n, viÖc hiÓu biÕt vµ kÕt hîp hiÖu
qu¶ xö lý ch¸y næ lµ rÊt quan träng.

1.1 Môc ®Ých

(a) §¶m b¶o an toµn cho ngêi trong trêng hîp ho¶ ho¹n.

(b) LËp kÕ ho¹ch di t¶n cã hÖ thèng vµ tuÇn tù.

(c) §¶m b¶o hÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o vµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ ch÷a ch¸y trong trêng hîp tèt.

(d) Lµm cho tÊt c¶ kh¸ch thuª thÊm nhuÇn nhËn thøc quan träng cña viÖc ng¨n chÆn sù bïng
ph¸t cña löa.

1.2 Gia nhËp Ban an toµn ch¸y næ

Ban an toµn ch¸y næ sÏ tæ chøc huÊn luyÖn nh©n viªn lµm viÖc trong toµ nhµ nhËn thøc ®îc c¸c
môc ®Ých trªn.Ban nµy sÏ bao gåm c¸c c¸ nh©n sau:

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(a) / Trî lý (V¨n phßng qu¶n lý)

(b) Ngêi gi¸m s¸t ch¸y næ/ Trî lý gi¸m s¸t (Uû ban an toµn ch¸y næ cña kh¸ch thuª)

(c) Thµnh viªn ®éi cøu ho¶.

1.3 Chu«ng b¸o ch¸y

Chu«ng b¸o ch¸y cã thÓ ®îc l¾p ®Æt bëi:

1.3.1 Tr¹m chu«ng cè ®Þnh:

Tr¹m nµy cã dßng ch÷ “BÊm ë ®©y” vµ ®îc bè trÝ ë kh¾p n¬i trong toµ nhµ. Trong trêng hîp cã
háa ho¹n, bÊt kú ai còng cã thÓ bÊm nót nµy ®Ó hÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o ch¸y kªu.

1.3.2 HÖ thèng b¸o nhiÖt tù ®éng:

Toµ nhµ ®îc b¶o vÖ bëi hÖ thèng b¸o nhiÖt tù ®éng ®îc ®Æt ë nh÷ng vÞ trÝ cÇn thiÕt. HÖ thèng
nµy sÏ tù ®éng ho¹t ®éng khi h¬i nãng ph¸t ra. Khi hÖ thèng nµy ho¹t ®éng, nã sÏ truyÒn tÝn
hiÖu vÒ tÊm b¸o ch¸y t¹i phßng ®iÒu khiÓn an ninh vµ lµm kªu chu«ng b¸o ch¸y.

1.3.3 HÖ thèng b¸o khãi tù ®éng:

HÖ thèng b¸o khãi tù ®éng sÏ ®îc l¾p ®Æt kh¾p toµ nhµ. Khi cã khãi bèc ra tõ bÊt cø ®©u, hÖ
thèng nµy sÏ tù ®éng ho¹t ®éng. TÝn hiÖu b¸o ch¸y sÏ truyÒn ®Õn tr¹m ®iÒu khiÓn cña phßng b¶o
vÖ an toµn.

2. tr¸ch nhiÖm vµ nghÜa vô

2.1 Trî lý

(a) §¶m b¶o r»ng tÊt c¶ kh¸ch thuª trong toµ nhµ ®Òu cã tµi liÖu híng dÉn tho¸t hiÓm trong
trêng hîp x¶y ch¸y.

(b) Ghi l¹i ngµy giê cuéc thùc tËp tho¸t hiÓm khi x¶y ch¸y.

(c) Cö mét ngêi kh¸c lµm thay nÕu v¾ng mÆt.

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(d) ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm cung cÊp th«ng tin vµ ®µo t¹o ®éi cøu ho¶ trong toµ nhµ tõ tr¸ch nhiÖm
cña mçi thµnh viªn ®Õn toµn ®éi.

(e) §¶m b¶o cöa ra vµo toµ nhµ ®îc ®ãng nhng kh«ng kho¸ trong giê hµnh chÝnh ®ång thêi
hµnh lang, s¶nh chÝnh vµ thang bé ®îc th«ng tho¸ng.

(f) §¶m b¶o m¸y dËp löa, hÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o, hÖ thèng cøu ho¶ lu«n trong ®iÒu kiÖn tèt.
BÊt kú trêng hîp háng hãc nµo ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o lªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý gi¶i quyÕt ngay.

(g) §¶m b¶o kÕ ho¹ch phßng ch¸y lu«n ®îc ®æi míi nÕu cÇn thiÕt.

2.2 Nh©n viªn kü thuËt

(a) Th«ng b¸o cho nh©n viªn míi kÕ ho¹ch xö lý khi x¶y ch¸y.

(b) Th«ng b¸o ph¬ng thøc tho¸t hiÓm trong toµ nhµ.

(c) Th«ng b¸o ho¹t ®éng cña hÖ thèng b¸o ch¸y vµ c¸ch sö dông thiÕt bÞ cøu ho¶ vµ cøu hé.

(d) Liªn hÖ vµ phèi hîp víi nh÷ng bé phËn kh¸c.

2.3 §éi cøu ho¶

(a) Th«ng b¸o vÒ ho¹t ®éng cña hÖ thèng chu«ng b¸o ch¸y.

(b) Th«ng b¸o kÕ ho¹ch xö lý khi x¶y ch¸y, ®Þa ®iÓm thang bé vµ cöa tho¸t hiÓm.

(c) Th«ng b¸o ®Þa ®iÓm vµ c¸ch sö dông thiÕt bÞ cøu ho¶ vµ thiÕt bÞ cøu trî.

3. hµnh ®éng khi x¶y ch¸y

3.1 Ngêi ®a tin

Khi ph¸t hiÖn ra ®¸m ch¸y, ph¶i thùc hiÖn ngay c¸c bíc sau:

(a) BÊm nót “BÊm ë ®©y” t¹i ®iÓm chu«ng b¸o ch¸y gÇn nhÊt.

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(b) Cè g¾ng dËp t¾t ®¸m löa míi chím víi thiÕt bÞ cøu ho¶ t¬ng øng nh häng cøu ho¶ hoÆc
vßi rång nhng kh«ng ®îc lµm th¬ng bÊt kú ai.

3.2 Nh©n viªn

(a) Khi nghe thÊy chu«ng b¸o ch¸y vang lªn trong toµ nhµ, nh©n viªn ph¶i ®ãng ngay c¸c
tµi liÖu quan träng, t¾t c¸c thiÕt bÞ dïng ®iÖn vµ hµnh ®éng theo chØ dÉn cña nh©n viªn
gi¸m s¸t löa, nhanh chãng tho¸t hiÓm t¹i cöa tho¸t hiÓm gÇn nhÊt råi ®i ®Õn ®iÓm tËp

(b) Trong khi tho¸t hiÓm, kh¸ch thuª ph¶i híng dÉn kh¸ch cña m×nh còng lËp tøc tho¸t hiÓm
theo trËt tù.

(c) Kh«ng nªn hèt ho¶ng mµ nªn ®i thËt nhanh theo lèi thang bé ®i ®Õn ®iÓm tËp trung. Chó

(d) §iÓm tËp trung nªn bè trÝ ë vØa hÌ ®èi diÖn toµ nhµ.

(e) TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn/kh¸ch v¨n phßng/kh¸ch trung t©m th¬ng m¹i/kh¸ch tham quan kh«ng
®îc phÐp vµo trong toµ nhµ trõ trêng hîp ®îc sù cho phÐp cña ®éi cøu ho¶ hoÆc nh©n
viªn ®éi cøu ho¶ toµ nhµ.

(f) Kh«ng ®îc sö dông thang m¸y khi tho¸t hiÓm xuèng tÇng 1.

3.3 §iÒu phèi viªn/ Trî lý ®iÒu phèi viªn

Khi x¶y ch¸y:

(a) Th«ng b¸o cho ®éi cøu ho¶ ngay lËp tøc.

(b) Nhanh chãng tíi bèt chu«ng b¸o ch¸y, x¸c ®Þnh ®Þa ®iÓm x¶y ch¸y, kiÓm tra xem ®éi
cøu ho¶ ®· hµnh ®éng cha.

(c) §¶m b¶o t×nh tr¹ng tho¸t hiÓm ®îc ®iÒu khiÓn tíi ®iÓm tËp hîp theo nh b¸o c¸o cña
nh©n viªn gi¸m s¸t löa.

(d) B¸o c¸o t×nh tr¹ng löa ch¸y vµ sè ngêi mÊt tÝch, nÕu cã, cho ®éi cøu ho¶ cña thµnh phè
khi hä cã mÆt t¹i hiÖn trêng.

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(e) §¶m b¶o kÕ ho¹ch khi x¶y ch¸y vµ .... khi ®éi cøu ho¶ cã mÆt t¹i hiÖn trêng.

3.4 Nh©n viªn ®éi phßng ch¸y

Khi nghe thÊy chu«ng b¸o ch¸y:

(a) TÊt c¶ nh©n viªn phßng ch¸y sÏ dÉn ®êng ®éi kiÓm so¸t t¹i c¸c tÇng hä gi¸m s¸t.

(b) NÕu löa kh«ng xuÊt hiÖn t¹i tÇng m×nh, hä sÏ c¶nh b¸o toµn bé nh©n viªn trªn tÇng ®ã
s½n sµng tho¸t hiÓm.

(c) NÕu löa xuÊt hiÖn t¹i tÇng m×nh phô tr¸ch, nh©n viªn phßng ch¸y ngay lËp tøc th«ng b¸o
víi ®ång nghiÖp vµ b¾t ®Çu c«ng viÖc tho¸t hiÓm, cïng lóc ®ã nªn cè g¾ng dËp löa nÕu
cã thÓ mµ kh«ng lµm tæn h¹i ®Õn ai.

(d) KiÓm tra tÊt c¶ v¨n phßng vµ th«ng b¸o cho mäi ngêi khÈn tr¬ng tho¸t hiÓm theo trËt tù
t¹i c¸c cöa tho¸t hiÓm gÇn nhÊt.

(e) Ngêi tµn tËt, trÎ em vµ phô n÷ mang thai nªn ®îc chó ý ®Æc biÖt trong qu¸ tr×nh tho¸t

(f) Dêi khái toµ nhµ sau khi biÕt ch¾c r»ng toµn bé nh©n viªn ë tÇng m×nh phô tr¸ch ®·
tho¸t hiÓm trËt tù.

(g) Khi mäi ngêi tô tËp ®Çy ®ñ ë khu vùc tËp trung, ph¶i tiÕn hµnh ®iÓm danh nh÷ng nh©n
viªn cã mÆt vµ b¸o c¸o t×nh tr¹ng tho¸t hiÓm víi trî lý.

4. DiÔn tËp tho¸t hiÓm khi x¶y ch¸y

4.1 Ph¶i tæ chøc diÔn tËp tho¸t hiÓm Ýt nhÊt 1 lÇn/n¨m.

4.2 TÊt c¶ c¸c c¸ nh©n lµm viÖc trong toµ nhµ ph¶i tham gia buæi diÔn tËp nµy.

4.3 §éi cøu ho¶ vµ c¶nh s¸t ®Þa ph¬ng ph¶i ®îc th«ng b¸o tríc thêi gian diÔn tËp.

4.4 Mäi ngêi trong toµ nhµ ph¶i th«ng hiÓu ®Çy ®ñ ®Þa ®iÓm tËp kÕt.

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5. KÕt luËn

Nªn nhí nh÷ng ®iÒu sau lµ ®Ó ®¶m b¶o cho lîi Ých cña mäi ngêi:

(a) BiÕt c¸ch b¸o c¸o mét ®¸m ch¸y – bÊm chu«ng b¸o ch¸y kÞp thêi.

(b) BiÕt c¸ch xö lý khi x¶y ch¸y – tr¸nh ho¶ng lo¹n.

(c) BiÕt chç ®Æt b×nh dËp löa vµ vßi rång gÇn nhÊt – häc c¸ch sö dông chóng hîp lý.

(d) BiÕt cöa tho¸t hiÓm khi x¶y ch¸y vµ sö dông thang bé, vµ c¸c ph¬ng thøc tho¸t hiÓm
thÝch hîp khi x¶y ch¸y.

6. Liªn hÖ

NÕu cã bÊt kú th¾c m¾c nµo cÇn hái, h·y liªn hÖ víi V¨n phßng qu¶n lý toµ nhµ, sè ®iÖn tho¹i:

7. Ghi nhí

§Ó ®¶m b¶o cho lîi Ých chung, h·y híng dÉn cho nh©n viªn biÕt ®îc c¸c th«ng tin sau:

(a) BiÕt cöa tho¸t hiÓm vµ n¬i ®Æt b×nh cøu ho¶.

(b) BiÕt c¸ch xö lý t×nh huèng khi x¶y ch¸y.

(c) B¸o c¸o víi V¨n phßng qu¶n lý bÊt kú mïi khãi, löa hoÆc c¸c tæn thÊt do löa g©y ra.

8. C¸ch sö dông b×nh cøu ho¶

Thùc hiÖn c¸c bíc sau:

bíc 1: Th¸o gì c¸c thiÕt bÞ an toµn (Chèt an toµn)

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Th¸o gì thiÕt bÞ an toµn (chèt an toµn) lµ c¸c thiÕt bÞ ®îc l¾p ®Æt ®Ó ng¨n chÆn tai n¹n cã thÓ x¶y
ra tõ b×nh cøu ho¶.

bíc 2: sö dông vßi cøu ho¶

ChÜa miÖng vßi cøu ho¶ vµo ®¸m ch¸y. Gi÷ kho¶ng c¸ch an toµn kho¶ng 1 – 1.5m víi ®¸m

bíc 3: BÊm nót

BÊm nót trªn cïng cña b×nh cøu ho¶ vµ quÐt lan vÒ phÝa ®¸m ch¸y. Khi ®¸m ch¸y ®· ®îc dËp,
nhanh chãng më cöa sæ vµ cöa kÝnh lµm th«ng h¬i khu vùc ch¸y.

9. Khi ph¸t hiÖn ra ®¸m ch¸y

• Nhanh chãng bÊm nót “BÊm chu«ng b¸o ch¸y ë ®©y”, th«ng b¸o cho toµ nhµ vÒ ®¸m ch¸y.
• ChuyÓn mäi ngêi ra khái khu vùc ch¸y vµ ®ãng cöa ra vµo ng¨n chÆn sù lan to¶ cña khãi vµ
• KiÓm tra xem mäi ngêi ®· dêi khái khu vùc ch¸y cha. Ngay tõ b©y giê, ®Ò ra kÕ ho¹ch tho¸t
hiÓm an toµn, kÓ c¶ trong trêng hîp b¹n cha tõng sö dông chóng.
• Gäi ®éi cøu ho¶.

28) sù s¾p xÕp kh¸ch thuª

Khi kh¸ch thuª ký hîp ®ång thuª vµ s½n sµng vµo lµm viÖc t¹i Toµ nhµ, sÏ ph¶i tiÕn hµnh c¸c b-
íc sau:

1. Kh¸ch thuª ph¶i s¾p xÕp vµ bµn giao hîp ®ång theo híng dÉn.

2. Thùc hiÖn tiÕn tr×nh t¬ng tù víi mçi thñ tôc hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt cña mçi kh¸ch thuª.

3. B¶n lÞch tr×nh tiÕn hµnh hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt vµ kho¶n phÝ t¬ng øng ph¶i ®îc kh¸ch thuª
göi ®Õn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý chê chÊp thuËn.

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4. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý vµ bé phËn kü thuËt sÏ tiÕn hµnh kiÓm tra mÆt b»ng sau khi hoµn


29) hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt

1. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ ký b¶n mêi thuª hoÆc Hîp ®ång thuª trong trêng hîp s½n sµng.

2. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ ®îc cung cÊp Sæ tay hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt ®Ó thùc hiÖn theo. V¨n phßng qu¶n
lý sÏ cung cÊp s¬ ®å gèc cña mÆt b»ng thuª bao gåm ®Ìn ®iÖn, hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ, hÖ thèng
phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y vµ hÖ thèng an toµn... tríc khi kh¸ch thuª chuyÓn ®Õn.

3. V¨n phßng qu¶n lý vµ §¹i diÖn kh¸ch thuª hoµn thµnh thñ tôc trao tay. Biªn b¶n bµn giao
®îc c¶ 2 bªn ký vµ ®Ò ngµy th¸ng. Mçi bªn sÏ gi÷ 01 b¶n sao.

4. Kh¸ch thuª sau ®ã sÏ lµm 3 b¶n sao cña b¶n thiÕt kÕ néi thÊt. B¶n vÏ bao gåm hÖ thèng
phßng ch¸y, èng dÉn hÖ thèng ®iÒu hoµ, ®Ìn chiÕu s¸ng, v¸ch ng¨n, bµn lµm viÖc...

5. Ban qu¶n lý, chñ ®Çu t vµ nhµ thÇu M&E c©n nh¾c vµ th¶o luËn s¬ ®å cho kh¸ch thuª ®Ó
®a ra kÕt luËn cuèi cïng, sau ®ã göi th tíi kh¸ch thuª.

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6. Sau khi ®îc chÊp thuËn, c¸c nhµ thÇu cña kh¸ch thuª sÏ göi lÞch tr×nh lµm néi thÊt. Ph¶i
tu©n thñ theo c¸c néi quy toµ nhµ vµ hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt.

7. Kh¸ch thuª ph¶i ®Æt cäc mét kho¶n tríc khi tiÕn hµnh lµm néi thÊt.

8. Kh¸ch thuª ph¶i cung cÊp cho v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sè lîng, tªn tuæi, sè chøng minh cña
c«ng nh©n c¸c nhµ thÇu ®Ó tiÖn cho viÖc b¶o vÖ qu¶n lý.
Chó ý: Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i ®äc cuèn sæ tay hoµn thiÖn néi thÊt vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng
c¸c néi quy ®îc tu©n thñ nghiªm tóc.

9. Khi viÖc thiÕt kÕ l¾p ®Æt v¨n phßng ®îc hoµn tÊt, v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ kiÓm tra xem
kh¸ch thuª cã tu©n thñ theo b¶n vÏ ®· ®Ö tr×nh kh«ng. BÊt kú sù vi ph¹m nµo còng sÏ bÞ yªu
cÇu thay ®æi.

30) ng©n quü hµng n¨m

Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ cã tr¸ch nhiÖm tÝnh to¸n ra kho¶n ng©n quü chi tiªu hµng n¨m cña toµ

Gi¸m ®èc ®iÒu hµnh sÏ xem xÐt vµ söa ch÷a nÕu cÇn thiÕt tríc khi b¶n h¹ch to¸n nµy ®îc göi tíi
chñ toµ nhµ.

B¶n h¹ch to¸n ng©n s¸ch nµy ph¶i ®îc lµm tríc th¸ng 1 hµng n¨m.

1. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ lµm b¶n th¶o. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sÏ lÊy d÷ liÖu tõ 12
th¸ng ho¹t ®éng võa qua theo kinh nghiÖm ®· cã

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2. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ sau ®ã sÏ lµm b¶n h¹ch to¸n ng©n s¸ch tríc th¸ng 1 mçi

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V. tµi liÖu híng dÉn xö lý t×nh huèng trong c¸c

trêng hîp khÈn

1) ViÕt b¸o c¸o

1. Khi x¶y ra c¸c trêng hîp khÈn cã liªn quan ®Õn ch¸y næ, trém c¾p hoÆc c¸c trêng hîp nh
háng hãc nghiªm träng trang thiÕt bÞ toµ nhµ, nh©n viªn ban qu¶n lý hoÆc Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ
nhµ sÏ ghi l¹i trong B¸o c¸o sù cè.

2. B¶n b¸o c¸o ph¶i bao gåm c¸c néi dung sau:

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(a) §Þa chØ.

(b) Chñ ®Ò cña b¸o c¸o
(c) Thêi gian x¶y ra sù kiÖn.
(d) §Þa ®iÓm chÝnh x¸c.
(e) Tªn, chøc vô vµ ch÷ ký cña ngêi lµm b¸o c¸o.
(f) X¸c nhËn cña c¶nh s¸t (nÕu cã)

3. Toµn bé sù kiÖn ph¶i ®îc miªu t¶ mét c¸ch ng¾n gän, râ rµng.

4. PhÇn háng hãc còng nh gi¸ trÞ cña toµ nhµ lóc ban ®Çu ph¶i ®îc ®Ò cËp trong b¶n b¸o c¸o.

5. B¶n b¸o c¸o ph¶i ®îc lµm chi tiÕt theo mÉu sau.

Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸

B¸O C¸O Sù Cè

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Göi : __________________________________________

Tªn sù cè : __________________________________________

Thêi gian & ®Þa ®iÓm : __________________________________________

Sè Ref. . __________________________________________

M« t¶ chi tiÕt :


Ngêi lµm b¸o c¸o :

Chøc vô :

Ngµy :

2) b·o lín

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Khi gi«ng b·o g©y nªn lôt trong toµ nhµ, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i ®¶m b¶o thùc hiÖn theo
c¸c bíc sau:

1. Treo biÓn c¶nh b¸o hoÆc biÓn chó ý t¹i s¶nh thang m¸y ®Ó th«ng b¸o cho toµn bé
kh¸ch thuª.

2. KiÓm tra vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng cöa sæ tÇng m¸i, phßng b¬m níc, phßng ®iÒu khiÓn,
phßng ®iÒu hoµ kh«ng khÝ vµ phßng ®iÒu hµnh chung ®îc ®ãng vµ ®îc b¶o vÖ.

3. §¶m b¶o r»ng c¸c trang thiÕt bÞ cña toµ nhµ nh giá khÝ cÇu, giµn gi¸o ®îc kÑp
chÆt vµ ®îc b¶o vÖ.

4. KiÓm tra tæng thÓ ®Ó ch¾c ch¾n r»ng toµn bé toµ nhµ kh«ng bÞ bao v©y bëi èng
dÉn, m¸ng níc vµ miÖng cèng.

5. NÕu cã thÓ, nªn chuÈn bÞ tói c¸t, tµu lÆn ®Ó phßng trõ trêng hîp lôt léi.

6. §¶m b¶o r»ng tÊt c¶ c¸c biÖn ph¸p phßng ngõa ®îc tu©n thñ ®Ó xö lý trong
nh÷ng trêng hîp cÇn thiÕt.

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3) ho¶ ho¹n

(A) Phßng chèng ch¸y næ

Khi ho¶ ho¹n bÊt th×nh l×nh x¶y ra, chóng cã thÓ lan ra mét c¸ch nhanh chãng vµ dÔ dµng. V×
vËy, phßng chèng ch¸y næ lµ mét trong nh÷ng tr¸ch nhiÖm chÝnh ®èi víi nh©n viªn qu¶n lý toµ
nhµ. Toµn bé nh©n viªn sÏ:

1. KiÓm tra vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng tÊt c¶ c¸c thiÕt bÞ phßng ch¸y ch÷a ch¸y trong toµ
nhµ vÉn cßn h¹n sö dông vµ lu«n trong ®iÒu kiÖn tèt. BÊt kú háng hãc hoÆc sù
qu¸ h¹n b¶o hµnh nµo còng ph¶i ®îc b¸o c¸o theo mÉu b¸o c¸o sù cè.

2. TiÕn hµnh t¬ng tù víi quy tr×nh tho¸t hiÓm vµ khu vùc tËp trung, ®¶m b¶o r»ng
kh«ng cã bÊt kú hµng ho¸ nµo bÞ bá l¹i, t¹o thµnh vËt c¶n ë cöa tho¸t hiÓm.
Thang bé ph¶i ®îc kiÓm tra hµng ngµy.

3. §¶m b¶o r»ng trÇn nhµ vµ cöa tho¸t hiÓm cã thÓ më tõ bªn trong mét c¸ch dÔ
dµng mµ kh«ng cÇn ch×a kho¸.

4. §¶m b¶o r»ng kh«ng cã bÊt kú vËt liÖu dÔ ch¸y hay hµng ho¸ nguy hiÓm nµo
kh«ng n»m trong danh môc tiªu chuÈn cho phÐp ®îc kh¸ch thuª cÊt gi÷ trong

5. Ch¾c ch¾n r»ng kh«ng cã bÊt kú sù söa ®æi kh«ng hîp lÖ nµo ®èi víi hÖ thèng
phßng chèng ch¸y næ, vÝ dô nh cöa ra vµo cña khu vùc hót thuèc bÞ chÌn, kh«ng
më ®îc hoÆc bÞ kho¸; van kho¸ vßi m¸y níc bÞ mÊt hay c¸c cöa ®iÒu khiÓn chÝnh
bÞ t¾t.

6. B¶ng híng dÉn tho¸t hiÓm khi x¶y ch¸y ph¶i ®îc treo ë n¬i dÔ thÊy.

7. Hµng n¨m ph¶i tæ chøc diÔn tËp tho¸t hiÓm Ýt nhÊt 1 lÇn.

• Khi nghe thÊy chu«ng b¸o ch¸y:

1. Gi÷ b×nh tÜnh nh khi cha x¶y ra ch¸y.

2. Nhanh chãng kiÓm tra xem chç lµm viÖc cña m×nh vµ c¸c vïng xung quanh cã bÞ
ch¸y kh«ng.

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3. Th«ng b¸o cho tÊt c¶ mäi ngêi dêi khái toµ nhµ ngay lËp tøc trong trËt tù theo lèi
thang tho¸t hiÓm.
4. TuyÖt ®èi KH¤NG sö dông thang m¸y.
5. KiÓm tra vµ ch¾c ch¾n r»ng kh«ng ai bÞ bá r¬i trong v¨n phßng hoÆc gian hµng.

• Khi tho¸t hiÓm

1. Gi÷ b×nh tÜnh vµ cÊt gi÷ cÈn thËn tµi liÖu quan träng, tiÒn mÆt vµ trang søc.
2. T¾t tÊt c¶ c¸c thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn trõ ®Ìn chiÕu s¸ng.
3. §¶m b¶o r»ng v¨n phßng/gian hµng kh«ng cßn ai tríc khi ®ãng cöa.
4. Nhanh chãng tiÕn tíi cöa tho¸t hiÓm gÇn nhÊt.
5. Kh«ng ®i lang thang trong toµ nhµ.

7. §i bé, kh«ng ch¹y nh¶y.

8. CÈn thËn vµ tr¸nh ho¶ng lo¹n.
9. Kh«ng mang vËt g× lín h¬n vali.
10. Tu©n thñ theo híng dÉn cña nh©n viªn an ninh.
11. Nh©n viªn cøu ho¶ hoÆc nh©n viªn ®· lµm viÖc t¹i hiÖn trêng x¶y ra ho¶ ho¹n nªn
gi¶i thÝch nguyªn nh©n cho mäi ngêi.

(B) Ho¶ ho¹n bÊt th×nh l×nh

Trong trêng hîp bÊt ngê x¶y ra ch¸y, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý nªn:

1. Gi÷ b×nh tÜnh.

2. BÊm chu«ng b¸o ch¸y vµ c¶nh b¸o tíi mäi ngêi xung quanh.

3. Nhanh chãng gäi ®éi cøu ho¶ gÇn nhÊt vµ th«ng b¸o bé phËn an ninh còng nh Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

4. Cè g¾ng dËp löa b»ng häng cøu ho¶ gÇn nhÊt nhng ph¶i chó ý kh«ng g©y nguy hiÓm cho
b¶n th©n. TuyÖt ®èi KH¤NG dïng níc trong trêng hîp ch¸y do ®iÖn g©y ra.

5. Nªn ®Ó löa lan ®i theo sù kiÓm so¸t cña b¹n, dêi khái hiÖn trêng ngay lËp tøc vµ ®îi ®éi
cøu ho¶ ®Õn, cung cÊp th«ng tin chi tiÕt cña vô ch¸y.

6. Hç trî kh¸ch thuª tho¸t hiÓm theo ®êng thang bé vµ ng¨n kh«ng cho ai sö dông thang

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7. Dïng hµng rµo bao v©y ng¨n kh«ng cho bÊt kú ai kh«ng liªn quan vµo bªn trong toµ nhµ.

8. Ghi l¹i chi tiÕt vô ch¸y bao gåm nguyªn nh©n g©y ch¸y, tæn thÊt vµ c¸c khu vùc bÞ ¶nh
hëng theo mÉu b¸o c¸o sù cè, tr×nh lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ trong vßng 24 tiÕng
sau khi x¶y ra ho¶ ho¹n.

4) dß ga

1. Khi nhËn ®îc b¸o c¸o cã sù cè dß ga, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý
ngay lËp tøc tíi hiÖn trêng kiÓm tra, kho¸ van ga.

2. Khi tíi hiÖn trêng, nh©n viªn tuyÖt ®èi KH¤NG Ên chu«ng cöa hay bÊt
kú thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn nµo, chØ nªn më tÊt c¶ cöa.

3. NÕu hiÖn tîng dß ga nghiªm träng hoÆc ngoµi tÇm kiÓm so¸t, nh©n viªn
phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ nh©n
viªn bé phËn an ninh ngay.

4. Th«ng b¸o tÊt c¶ mäi ngêi dêi khái hiÖn trêng vµ dïng hµng rµo bao
v©y, kh«ng cho ai vµo bªn trong hiÖn trêng.

5. Ch¨m sãc nh÷ng ngêi bÞ th¬ng trong khi chê xe cøu th¬ng tíi.

6. Ghi l¹i chi tiÕt vô viÖc bao gåm: nguyªn nh©n, tæn thÊt vµ c¸c khu vùc
bÞ ¶nh hëng theo mÉu b¸o c¸o sù cè, sau ®ã göi lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ trong vßng 24 tiÕng sau khi x¶y ra sù cè dß gas.

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5) háng thang m¸y

Trong trêng hîp thang m¸y háng kÓ c¶ trong hoÆc ngoµi giê lµm viÖc, nh©n viªn qu¶n lý nhanh
chãng ®iÖn tho¹i cho ®éi b¶o dìng thang m¸y. Ph¶i lu«n ®Ò sè ®iÖn tho¹i nµy ë thang m¸y hoÆc
s¶nh chÝnh. BiÓn b¸o “Kh«ng phôc vô” ph¶i ®îc treo ®Ó c¶nh b¸o cho kh¸ch thuª ®îc biÕt.

NÕu cã bÊt kú ai bÞ m¾c kÑt trong thang m¸y, nh©n viªn qu¶n lý ph¶i thùc hiÖn c¸c bíc sau:

1. Kh«ng cè g¾ng gi¶i tho¸t hä ra khái thang m¸y mµ nªn ®Ó kü s b¶o dìng lµm viÖc ®ã.
ChØ nªn gäi ngay ®Õn c«ng ty thang m¸y t¹i sè ®iÖn tho¹i.....

2. Ngay lËp tøc nãi chuyÖn víi ngêi bÞ m¾c kÑt b»ng loa liªn l¹c víi c¸c th«ng tin sau:

• §Çu tiªn: “Xin h·y nghe theo chØ dÉn cña chóng t«i. HiÖn ®ang cã sù thay ®æi vÒ nguån
®iÖn. H·y b×nh tÜnh. Kü s cña chóng t«i ®ang tíi ®©y më cöa cho b¹n.”
• TiÕp theo: “H·y b×nh tÜnh. Chóng t«i biÕt b¹n vÉn ®ang trong ®ã. ChØ mét vµi phót n÷a th«i,
cöa sÏ ®îc më.”
• Thø ®Õn: “ Chóng t«i rÊt xin lçi bëi sù viÖc nµy. Xin ®õng ho¶ng lo¹n. H·y thùc hiÖn theo
chØ dÉn cña chóng t«i”.

3. Trong trêng hîp c«ng nh©n c¬ khÝ thang m¸y kh«ng tíi trong vßng 30 phót, b¹n h·y tiÕn
hµnh gi¶i tho¸t cho ngêi m¾c kÑt theo tµi liÖu híng dÉn liªn quan.

4. Ghi l¹i toµn bé sù cè theo b¸o c¸o, göi lªn Gi¸m ®èc Qu¶n lý Toµ nhµ trong vßng 48

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6) tiÕng ån qu¸ møc

1. Nh©n viªn phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i ý thøc ®îc r»ng tiÕng ån qu¸ møc tõ m¸y mãc, ®éng c¬
c¶ bªn trong vµ bªn ngoµi toµ nhµ ®Òu g©y ra phiÒn to¸i.

2. Kh¸ch thuª vµ nhµ thÇu kh«ng ®îc phÐp g©y ra tiÕng ån qu¸ møc trong giê hµnh
chÝnh. (xem Sæ tay kh¸ch thuª).

3. Sù cè vÒ tiÕng ån ®îc nh©n viªn b¶o vÖ hoÆc kh¸ch thuª ph¶n ¶nh ®Òu ph¶i ®îc kiÓm
tra vµ xö lý kÞp thêi.

4. BÊt kú kh¸ch thuª hoÆc nhµ thÇu nµo chèng ®èi viÖc dõng g©y ra tiÕng ån khi ®· nhËn
®îc sù c¶nh b¸o ®Òu ph¶i b¸o c¸o lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý.

5. Ghi l¹i chi tiÕt sù cè, bao gåm: thêi gian, ®Þa ®iÓm x¶y ra sù cè, göi b¸o c¸o lªn Gi¸m
®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ trong vßng 24 giê.

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7) tai n¹n giao th«ng

Lµ c¸c tai n¹n:

1. G©y ra ®èi víi xe cé hoÆc toµ nhµ, vµ

2. G©y h¹i ®Õn con ngêi.

§èi víi c¸c tai n¹n x¶y ra khi nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý tíi hiÖn trêng, nhiÖm vô cña hä lµ
®¶m b¶o kh«ng cã thªm bÊt kú tai n¹n nµo kh¸c. Thùc hiÖn c¸c bíc sau:

• Tai n¹n giao th«ng chØ g©y ra tæn h¹i vËt chÊt
1. Duy tr× trËt tù giao th«ng t¹i hiÖn trêng.

2. Ghi chÐp l¹i tÊt c¶ c¸c bªn liªn quan.

3. Chôp ¶nh hiÖn trêng nÕu cÇn thiÕt.

4. Dïng hµng rµo c¶nh s¸t ng¨n kh«ng c¸ch mäi ngêi nÕu hiÖn trêng cã thÓ g©y nguy hiÓm
cho ngêi qua l¹i.

5. Th«ng b¸o nh©n viªn kü thuËt nÕu cÇn söa ch÷a.

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6. Treo biÓn c¶nh b¸o.

7. Th«ng b¸o víi cÊp trªn, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ,.

8. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i b¸o c¸o tíi CBRE vµ Chñ ®Çu t theo mÉu B¸o c¸o sù cè.

• Tai n¹n giao th«ng g©y nguy hiÓm cho con ngêi

1. §iÒu hµnh giao th«ng vµ treo biÓn c¶nh b¸o cho c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn tham gia giao th«ng biÕt.

2. Tuú thuéc vµo tÝnh chÊt nghiªm träng cña tai n¹n mµ di chuyÓn n¹n nh©n khái n¬i nguy

3. Gäi c¶nh s¸t/xe cøu th¬ng nÕu cÇn.

4. Ghi l¹i toµn bé chi tiÕt vµ chôp ¶nh nÕu cÇn thiÕt.

5. B¸o c¸o víi cÊp trªn, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ

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8) khñng bè B»NG BOM

Khi ph¸t hiÖn ra bÊt kú hµng ho¸ kh¶ nghi hoÆc nhËn ®îc b¸o c¸o khñng bè b»ng bom, nh©n
viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý nªn GI÷ B×NH TÜNH vµ lµm theo c¸c bíc sau.

1. B¸o ngay cho c¶nh s¸t vµ bé phËn an ninh toµ nhµ.

2. Nghiªm cÊm bÊt kú c¸ nh©n hoÆc ph¬ng tiÖn nµo ngo¹i trõ c¶nh s¸t vµ ®éi chèng bom
®îc vµo khu vùc kh¶ nghi.

3. §¶m b¶o r»ng tÊt c¶ thang m¸y ®· dõng ho¹t ®éng.

4. Hç trî mäi ngêi tho¸t hiÓm theo chØ dÉn tho¸t hiÓm trong trêng hîp ho¶ ho¹n.

5. Tríc khi c¶nh s¸t tíi, cè g¾ng kiÓm tra khu vùc xung quanh cã bÊt kú vËt thÓ kh¶ nghi
hoÆc bom m×n. TuyÖt ®èi kh«ng ch¹m ®Õn chóng.

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6. T¹i khu vùc ph¸t hiÖn ra vËt thÓ kh¶ nghi, dïng hµng rµo ng¨n c¸ch chóng víi b¨ng ®iÖn,
thïng r¸c hay “cone” giao th«ng.

7. KH¤NG ®¬n ph¬ng xö lý vËt thÓ kh¶ nghi hoÆc bom.

8. KH¤NG sö dông ®iÑn ®µm t¹i khu vùc t×m thÊy bom m×n hoÆc vËt thÓ kh¶ nghi.

9. KH¤NG che phñ hoÆc di dêi vËt thÓ kh¶ nghi.

10. Ghi l¹i sù viÖc vµo B¸o c¸o sù cè, göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ trong vßng 24 giê kÓ
tõ sau khi x¶y ra sù cè.

C¸c kiÓu khñng bè b»ng bom vµ c¸ch gi¶i quyÕt

Qua ®iÖn tho¹i

• Ngêi nhËn cuéc gäi nªn tá ra b×nh tÜnh vµ lÞch sù. HÕt søc l¾ng nghe vµ viÕt l¹i toµn bé
th«ng tin tõ ngêi gäi mét c¸ch cÈn thËn.

• Cè g¾ng khuyÕn khÝch ngêi gäi nãi chuyÖn l©u ®Ó cã thÓ th©u nhËn ®îc nhiÒu th«ng tin
nhÊt. L¾ng nghe ®Ó nhËn d¹ng c¸c ®Æc ®iÓm cña ngêi gäi nh ng÷ ®iÖu, c¸ch ph¸t ©m, ©m
s¾c, nh÷ng ®iÒu cã thÓ miªu t¶ tuæi t¸c, giíi tÝnh, quèc tÞch cña ngêi gäi.

• Gi¶ vê tá ra khã kh¨n trong viÖc nghe qua ®iÖn tho¹i , giíi thiÖu ®Ó cÊp trªn cña m×nh ra

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

• T×m kiÕm th«ng tin vÒ ngêi gäi: nhËn d¹ng ngêi/v¨n phßng ®ang bÞ ®e do¹, tÇng, thêi gian
cµi bom.

• Nhanh chãng b¸o c¸o tÊt c¶ chi tiÕt trªn víi bé phËn an ninh.

Th tay

• Mèi ®e do¹ tÊn c«ng b»ng bom ®îc göi qua th, ®iÖn tÝn, tin nh¾n... ph¶i ®îc gi÷ l¹i cÈn thËn
vµ nhanh chãng göi tíi bé phËn an ninh.

Liªn l¹c c¸ nh©n

• Khi mét ai ®ã nhËn ®îc th«ng tin cã nguy c¬ khñng bè b»ng bom tõ mét c¸ nh©n nµo ®ã
ph¶i nhanh chãng b¸o cho bé phËn an ninh. BÊt kú ®Æc ®iÓm nhËn d¹ng nµo cña kÎ kh¶ nghi
(c©n nÆng, chiÒu cao, giíi tÝnh, tuæi t¸c, mµu da, mµu m¾t, mµu tãc...) ph¶i ®îc ghi l¹i. Ph-
¬ng tiÖn vËn chuyÓn cña kÎ kh¶ nghi nh lo¹i xe, ®êi xe hay biÓn sè xe (nÕu cã thÓ) khi h¾n
dêi khái hiÖn trêng còng ph¶i ®îc ghi l¹i vµ b¸o c¸o ngay.

Bom th/ bom hµng/ bom xe

• Nhanh chãng b¸o c¸o víi bé phËn an ninh nÕu cã ai ®ã t×nh cê ph¸t hiÖn thÊy bom th/ bom
xe hoÆc bom hµng. Kh«ng cè g¾ng di dêi bom. Nhanh chãng b¸o c¸o mét c¸ch chÝnh x¸c
®Þa ®iÓm cã bom hoÆc c¸c chi tiÕt cô thÓ kh¸c.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

9) Xö Lý TéI ph¹m TRéM C¾P

§èi víi c¸c trêng hîp trém c¾p hoÆc c¸c téi ph¹m nghiªm träng kh¸c ®Õn tµi s¶n cña toµ nhµ,
nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý xö lý theo c¸c bíc sau:

1. Th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý vµ c¶nh s¸t khu vùc.

2. KiÓm tra hiÖn trêng vô ¸n xem cßn bÊt kú téi ph¹m nµo kh¸c kh«ng.

3. Ch¨m sãc nh÷ng ngêi bÞ th¬ng nÕu cã thÓ.

4. B¶o vÖ hiÖn trêng chê gi¶i quyÕt.

5. Kh«ng ®éng ch¹m hoÆc di dêi bÊt kú vËt g× hoÆc t¾t c¸c thiÕt bÞ ®iÖn t¹i hiÖn trêng, tr¸nh
sù ph¸ huû b»ng chøng.

6. Nghiªm cÊm mäi ngêi ngo¹i trõ c¶nh s¸t vµ ®éi ®iÒu tra ®îc vµo hiÖn trêng.

7. NÕu lµ ngêi chøng kiÕn téi ¸c, h·y ghi l¹i toµn bé th«ng tin vµ th«ng b¸o cho c¶nh s¸t:
®Æc ®iÓm nhËn d¹ng, trang phôc, vò khÝ cña thñ ph¹m hoÆc chØ dÉn trong trêng hîp
chóng bá trèn.

8. Ghi l¹i tÊt c¶ chi tiÕt vÒ lo¹i téi ¸c, kÕt qu¶ thÈm vÊn ban ®Çu, sè hiÖu cña c¶nh s¸t.

9. Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ nhanh chãng b¸o c¸o lªn CBRE vµ Chñ ®Çu t.

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10) MÊT §IÖN

1. Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý ph¶i biÕt ®îc n¬i ®Æt bµn ®iÒu khiÓn chÝnh cña hÖ thèng
cung cÊp ®iÖn vµ ®¶m b¶o cho m¸y ph¸t ®iÖn lu«n trong ®iÒu kiÖn tèt.

2. Trong trêng hîp mÊt ®iÖn ®ét xuÊt, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ th«ng b¸o cho nh©n
viªn kü thuËt ®ang trùc vµ Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ngay.

3. Trong mäi trêng hîp gi¶i quyÕt sù cè nµy, mét nh©n viªn kü thuËt ®¹t tiªu chuÈn sÏ hiÖu
qu¶ h¬n nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

4. Khi nhËn ®îc th«ng tin hÖ thèng cung cÊp ®iÖn t¹m dõng ho¹t ®éng, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ ph¶i kÞp thêi th«ng b¸o cho toµn bé kh¸ch thuª ®îc biÕt.

5. Nghiªm cÊm viÖc sö dông thang m¸y khi hÖ thèng ®iÖn kh«ng ®îc cung cÊp.

6. ChuÈn bÞ s½n sµng c¸c ®Ìn chiÕu s¸ng dù phßng trong trêng hîp mÊt ®iÖn.

7. CÈn träng víi c¸c tai n¹n cã thÓ x¶y ra khi mÊt ®iÖn.

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11) NGËP LôT

Khi trong toµ nhµ x¶y ra t×nh tr¹ng ngËp lôt, nhiÖm vô cña nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý lµ ng¨n
chÆn tèi ®a tæn thÊt ®èi víi tµi s¶n cña kh¸ch thuª vµ cña toµ nhµ. Nhanh chãng lµm b¸o c¸o vµ
thùc hiÖn theo c¸c bíc sau:

1. Tíi ngay hiÖn trêng t×m hiÓu nguyªn nh©n t×nh tr¹ng ngËp lôt.

2. Cè g¾ng t¾t hoÆc ®ãng van níc.

3. NÕu t×nh tr¹ng ngËp lôt bÞ g©y ra bíi sù dß rØ ®êng èng níc, nhanh chãng th«ng b¸o víi
Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt toµ nhµ ®Ó kh¾c phôc kÞp thêi.

4. Dïng tói c¸t ng¨n chÆn dßng ch¶y cña níc tíi c¸c khu vùc kh¸c.

5. §a toµn bé thang m¸y lªn c¸c tÇng cao vµ dõng ho¹t ®éng, tr¸nh tæn thÊt.

6. VÖ sinh khu vùc bÞ ¶nh hëng b»ng giÎ lau, m¸y quÐt, m¸y g¹t níc hoÆc c¸c thiÕt bÞ lµm
s¹ch kh¸c.

7. Chôp ¶nh c¸c tµi s¶n bÞ tæn thÊt.

8. Ghi l¹i sù viÖc vµ tr×nh lªn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý b»ng B¸o c¸o sù cè trong vßng 24 giê kÓ
tõ khi sù viÖc x¶y ra.

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12) vËt thÓ r¬i

VËt thÓ r¬i lµ mét vi ph¹m nghiªm träng luËt ph¸p. Khi nhËn ®îc kiÕn nghÞ nµy, Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ thùc hiÖn c¸c bíc sau:

1. KhÈn tr¬ng ®Õn kiÓm tra hiÖn trêng.

2. C¶nh b¸o víi ngêi vi ph¹m vµ th«ng b¸o víi c¶nh s¸t (phô thuéc vµo chÝnh s¸ch toµ nhµ)

3. NÕu kh«ng t×m thÊy ngêi vi ph¹m, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ treo biÓn c¶nh b¸o tíi
toµn bé kh¸ch thuª vÒ møc ®é nguy hiÓm cña hµnh ®éng nµy.

4. Chôp ¶nh nh÷ng tæn thÊt tíi tµi s¶n toµ nhµ, lu tµi liÖu.

5. Ghi l¹i toµn bé sù viÖc.

NÕu cã ai ®ã bÞ th¬ng bëi vËt thÓ r¬i, nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý thùc hiÖn c¸c bíc sau:

1. Hç trî n¹n nh©n.

2. Gäi c¶nh s¸t vµ xe cøu th¬ng.

3. Cè g¾ng gi÷ nguyªn hiÖn trêng vµ c¸c chøng cø.

4. Dïng hµng rµo c¶nh s¸t t¹i hiÖn trêng, ®îi c¶nh s¸t ®Õn gi¶i quyÕt.

5. Ghi l¹i toµn bé sù viÖc b¸o c¸o c¶nh s¸t.

6. Lµm B¸o c¸o sù cè göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ trong vßng 24 tiÕng.

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13) HÖ thèng èng níc

1. Víi bÊt kú ®iÓm dß nhá nµo cña hÖ thèng èng níc, nhiÖm vô cña nh©n viªn phßng qu¶n
lý lµ ph¶i khÈn tr¬ng th«ng b¸o cho nh©n viªn trùc kü thuËt ®Ó kÞp thêi söa ch÷a, sau ®ã
th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

2. NÕu kh¸ch thuª ®Ò nghÞ ban qu¶n lý söa ch÷a nh÷ng háng hãc néi bé cña hä, chóng ta
cã thÓ hç trî song hä ph¶i thanh to¸n chi phÝ.

3. NÕu viÖc söa ch÷a thuéc vÒ tr¸ch nhiÖm cña toµ nhµ, nhanh chãng th«ng b¸o víi Gi¸m
®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ chê gi¶i quyÕt.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

VII. tµi liÖu chuÈn vÒ nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ

Sau ®©y lµ danh môc c¸c tµi liÖu chuÈn vÒ nh÷ng ho¹t ®éng cña toµ nhµ, ®îc Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý
toµ nhµ sö dông mét c¸ch th«ng thêng.

Chó ý: Toµ nhµ B¾c ¸ vµ c¸c toµ nhµ ®îc CB Richard Ellis qu¶n lý kh«ng ®îc sö dông c¸c tµi
liÖu kh¸c nÕu kh«ng qua söa ®æi.

Nh÷ng th«ng tin sau nªn ®îc dïng chØ nh híng dÉn.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

1) b¶n liÖt kª nh÷ng môc cÇn kiÓm tra cña bé phËn qu¶n
lý toµ nhµ

§©y lµ b¶n tãm t¾t c¸c môc cÇn kiÓm tra, bao gåm c¸c tµi liÖu quan träng ®îc c¸c Gi¸m ®èc
qu¶n lý toµ nhµ thùc hiÖn. Nh÷ng tµi liÖu nµy cã thÓ cha bao hµm toµn diÖn vµ cã thÓ ®îc söa
®æi theo thêi gian. Mçi Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ ph¶i ®¶m b¶o r»ng danh môc nµy ®îc cËp

Néi dung danh môc bao gåm c¸c phÇn sau:

1.0 Qu¶n lý vËt chÊt

2.0 Qu¶n lý kh¸ch thuª
3.0 Qu¶n lý tµi chÝnh

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2) phiÕu thanh to¸n mua hµng

PhiÕu thanh to¸n (PO) lµ g×?

§©y lµ biÓu mÉu ®îc dïng khi nh©n viªn hµnh chÝnh hoÆc nh©n viªn kü thuËt ®Ò nghÞ mua hµng
ho¸ hoÆc sö dông bÊt cø dÞch vô g×. MÉu nµy ban ®Çu sÏ ®îc Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ xÐt
duyÖt gi¸ c¶ vµ c¸c ®iÒu kiÖn liªn quan ®· ®îc cung cÊp trong b¶n b¸o gi¸ hµng ho¸ hoÆc dÞch
vô kÌm theo.

BiÓu mÉu nµy sÏ ®îc Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh lµm vµ göi ®Õn Gi¸m ®èc qu¶n lý toµ nhµ chê xÐt
duyÖt. CÇn göi kÌm theo 1 b¶n sao b¶n b¸o gi¸ hµng ho¸ hoÆc dÞch vô cÇn sö dông.

Thñ tôc thanh to¸n mua hµng lµ g×?

Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh qu¶n lý toµn bé biÓu mÉu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n vµ chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm thùc thi
c¸c thñ tôc sau:

C¸c bíc:

1. Khi nhËn ®îc PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n hoÆc c«ng viÖc, Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ
®iÒn PhiÕu thanh to¸n mua hµng.

2. PhiÕu thanh to¸n mua hµng (3 b¶n sao) sÏ ®îc göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ chê xÐt

3. Sau khi ®îc chÊp thuËn, c¶ 3 b¶n nµy sÏ ®îc göi tr¶ l¹i Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh,
Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ gäi tíi nhµ cung cÊp. Ph¶i lu ý ghi “Sè ®Ò nghÞ” t¹i lÒ
ph¶i bªn trªn PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n vµ th«ng b¸o cho nhµ cung cÊp.

Chó ý: SÏ kh«ng cã ho¸ ®¬n nµo ®îc thanh to¸n nÕu kh«ng cã Sè ®Ò nghÞ nµy.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

4. Hµng ho¸ hoÆc dÞch vô sau ®ã sÏ ®îc cung cÊp.

5. Bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ nhËn ®îc ho¸ ®¬n. Ho¸ ®¬n nµy sÏ ®îc ®ãng dÊu vµ ghi m·
sè phô thuéc vµo chi tiÕt trong PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n, råi chuyÓn ®Õn Gi¸m
®èc toµ nhµ.

6. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ cã nhiÖm vô x¸c nhËn chÊt lîng hµng ho¸ hoÆc dÞch vô tríc
khi ®ãng dÊu. Ho¸ ®¬n chØ ®îc thanh to¸n khi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ ®· x¸c nhËn.

7. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ chuyÓn ho¸ ®¬n l¹i cho Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh.

Tãm t¾t:

3 b¶n sao ®Ò nghÞ: - 1 b¶n göi tíi nhµ cung cÊp hµng ho¸/dÞch vô
- 1 b¶n göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ
- 1 b¶n göi tíi Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh

B¶n sao sÏ ®îc bé phËn kÕ to¸n göi kÌm víi ho¸ ®¬n gèc cho Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

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3) thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc

PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc (WO) lµ g×?

PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc sÏ ®îc kh¸ch thuª uû quyÒn cho nh©n viªn §éi kü thuËt toµ nhµ lµm theo
tho¶ thuËn trong hîp ®ång thuª. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ ph¶i thanh to¸n c¸c kho¶n phÝ riªng biÖt ®Ó hoµn
thµnh c«ng viÖc nµy.

Thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc lµ g×?

Phô tr¸ch Kü thuËt toµ nhµ sÏ ®a ra PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc khi c«ng viÖc ®îc lµm hoÆc V¨n
phßng qu¶n lý ®¶m tr¸ch viÖc nµy theo c¸c ®iÒu kho¶n vÒ khu vùc mÆt b»ng thuª cña kh¸ch.

C¸c bíc:

1. Kh¸ch thuª sÏ yªu cÇu lµm c¸c c«ng viÖc ®· ®îc x¸c ®Þnh trong hîp ®ång thuª.
Hä sÏ ®îc gi¶i thÝch r»ng mÆc dï hä tù chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ c¸c c«ng viÖc söa
ch÷a song toµ nhµ sÏ ®¶m tr¸ch phÇn thùc hiÖn vµ hä sÏ thanh to¸n.

2. B¶n b¸o gi¸ vµ PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc sÏ ®îc Phô tr¸ch Kü thuËt toµ nhµ lµm vµ
göi tíi kh¸ch thuª ®¸nh gi¸ vÒ gi¸ c¶ tríc khi tiÕn hµnh thùc hiÖn.

3. NÕu kh¸ch thuª ®ång ý, hä sÏ ký nhËn vµo PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc.

4. TiÕn hµnh thùc hiÖn c«ng viÖc.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

5. C¸c tµi liÖu liªn quan: PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ sÏ ®îc Phô tr¸ch Kü thuËt toµ nhµ lµm cïng
víi viÖc ghi sè trªn PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ lµm viÖc, sau ®ã Trî lý sÏ th«ng qua.

6. TiÕp theo thùc hiÖn t¬ng tù nh bíc 3-8 cña Thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n.

7. Phô tr¸ch Kü thuËt toµ nhµ ph¶i th«ng b¸o víi Nh©n viªn hµnh chÝnh khi c«ng
viÖc ®îc hoµn thµnh. Nh©n viªn hµnh chÝnh sÏ kÕt nèi c¸c th«ng tin vµ ghi l¹i
trong hå s¬ lu tr÷ tõng viÖc kh¸c nhau vµ xuÊt ho¸ ®¬n cho kh¸ch thuª.

Tãm t¾t:

3 b¶n sao: - 1 b¶n göi tíi kh¸ch thuª

- 1 b¶n göi tíi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ
- 1 b¶n ®îc Nh©n viªn hµnh chÝnh lu.

4) thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n

MÉu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n(RF) lµ g×?

Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý hoµn thµnh mÉu ®Ò nghÞ khi cÇn mua hµng ho¸ tõ bªn ngoµi. MÉu
nµy ®îc lµm ®Ó ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n chø kh«ng ph¶i lµ b»ng chøng chÊp thuËn mua b¸n (chØ cã
mÉu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n ®îc Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ ký duyÖt míi ®îc thanh to¸n).

Thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n nh thÕ nµo?

Nh©n viªn v¨n phßng qu¶n lý sÏ ®iÒn mÉu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n khi cÇn mua hµng. MÉu nµy ph¶i ®-
îc göi kÌm theo b¶n b¸o gi¸ chi tiÕt vµ göi tíi Trî lý, lµm PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n.

C¸c bíc:

1. Nh©n viªn x¸c ®Þnh viÖc cÇn mua hµng hoÆc dÞch vô vµ ®iÒn vµo MÉu ®Ò nghÞ
mua hµng, göi kÌm theo b¸o gi¸ cña tèi thiÓu 3 nhµ cung cÊp.

2. Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ ®a ra PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n vµ ghi l¹i sè ®Ò nghÞ
trªn phiÕu nµy. B¶n gèc cña PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ mua b¸n sÏ ®îc göi tíi cïng b¶n sao
cña Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ phª duyÖt.

4. Thùc hiÖn tiÕp theo nh bíc 3-8 cña thñ tôc ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n.

Tãm t¾t:

2 b¶n sao: - 1 göi kÌm víi PhiÕu ®Ò nghÞ thanh to¸n ®· ®îc Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ duyÖt.
- 1 ®îc Nh©n viªn Hnµh chÝnh lu gi÷.

5) X¸c nhËn ho¸ ®¬n nî

Qu¸ tr×nh qu¶n lý lµm ph¸t sinh nh÷ng chi phÝ hµng ngµy cña toµ nhµ nµo nµo nh»m duy tr×
nh÷ng dÞch vô trong toµ nhµ, mang l¹i cho kh¸ch thuª m«i trêng lµm viÖc an toµn vµ s¹ch sÏ.
Chi phÝ cho nh÷ng dÞch vô nµy sÏ ®îc nh÷ng bªn cung cÊp dÞch vô chuyÓn ho¸ ®¬n qua cho bé
phËn qu¶n lý. Ho¸ ®¬n nµy ®Ò cËp tíi nh÷ng hµng ho¸, dÞch vô hay nh÷ng vËt liÖu ®· ®îc sö
dông víi tæng sè tiÒn bao gåm c¶ thuÕ gi¸ trÞ gia t¨ng.

Ho¸ ®¬n kh«ng ®îc nhÇm lÉn víi b¶ng th«ng b¸o nî nh nh m« t¶ vÒ b¶ng th«ng b¸o nî ®îc göi
cho chñ nî ë môc sau. Trong mäi truêng hîp, b¶ng th«ng b¸o nî sÏ kh«ng cã m· sè thuÕ cña
chñ nî nh trong ho¸ ®¬n.

Hµng ngµy bé phËn kÕ to¸n sÏ nhËn nh÷ng ho¸ ®¬n vµ sÏ ®Ýnh kÌm nh÷ng giÊy tê cÇn thiÕt víi
ho¸ ®¬n (b¶n copy cña phiÕu mua hµng) vµ chuyÓn qua cho Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ x¸c nhËn.

Sau khi kiÓm tra chi tiÕt, Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ sÏ ký x¸c nhËn r»ng hµng ho¸ hay dÞch vô ®ã ®· ®îc
nhËn/hoµn thµnh theo nh c¸c ®iÒu kho¶n ®· ®îc ®ång ý trong b¸o gi¸ hay hîp ®ång. §iÒu nµy
chøng tá r»ng Ho¸ ®¬n ®ã ®· ®îc x¸c thùc ®Ó thanh to¸n. µoNh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ kh«ng
lµm lÖnh thanh to¸n cho ho¸ ®¬n nµo nÕu kh«ng cã x¸c nhËn cña Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Toµn bé nh÷ng ho¸ ®¬n ®· ®îc x¸c nhËn sÏ ®îc chuyÓn qua cho bé phËn kÕ to¸n vµo thø n¨m
hµng tuÇn. NÕu kh«ng lµm ®óng quy tr×nh nh vËy th× sÏ kh«ng kÞp thanh to¸n cho ho¸ ®¬n ®ã
vµo ®óng kú thanh to¸n.

Xin lu ý r»ng viÖc thanh to¸n ho¸ ®¬n ph¶i ®îc hoµn tÊt trong mét kho¶ng thêi gian hîp lý,
th«ng thêng lµ vµo ngµy 20 hµng th¸ng, nÕu kh«ng cã lý do g× ®Ó tr× ho·n viÖc x¸c nhËn ho¸

Díi ®©y lµ tãm t¾t nh÷ng bíc ph¶i thùc hiÖn vµ nh÷ng ngêi chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm trong qu¸ tr×nh
thùc hiÖn

C¸c bíc:
1. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ lµ n¬i ®Çu tiªn nhËn ho¸ ®¬n råi ®Ýnh kÌm nh÷ng chøng tõ ,
nh phiÕu mua hµng (PO) cña ho¸ ®¬n ®ã.
2. Ho¸ ®¬n sau ®ã sÏ ®îc ®ãng dÊu vµ nh÷ng bé phËn cã liªn quan sÏ hoµn tÊt theo nh
nh÷ng th«ng tin ®· cã trong phiÕu mua hµng.
3. Sau khi ®· hoµn tÊt, ho¸ ®¬n vµ chøng tõ sÏ ®îc chuyÓn qua cho Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ x¸c
4. Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ sÏ kiÓm tra chi tiÕt cña ho¸ ®¬n vµ ®¶m b¶o r»ng hµng ho¸ vµ dÞch vô
®· ®îc nhËn/hoµn tÊt ®óng nh c¸c ®iÒu kho¶n ®· tho¶ thuËn trong hîp ®ång hay b¸o gi¸.
Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ còng sÏ kiÓm tra xem mäi chi tiÕt ®· chÝnh x¸c cha.
5. Sau khi ®· lµm xong c¸c bíc ®ã, Gi¸m §èc toµ nhµ sÏ ®ãng mét dÊu vµo gãc ph¶i ë
phÇn cuèi trang, ngoµi viÖc ®ãng dÊu ra th× còng cÇn ghi râ ngµy th¸ng x¸c nhËn vµo
phÝa díi.
6. Vµo ngµy hoÆc tríc ngµy thø n¨m nh÷ng ho¸ ®¬n ®· ®îc x¸c nhËn sÏ ®îc chuyÓn qua
cho bé phËn kÕ to¸n ®Ó thanh to¸n.
7. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh sÏ ph¸t hµnh sÐc thanh to¸n cã ®ãng dÊu.
8. Nh©n viªn Hµnh chÝnh lu sÏ lu gi÷ chøng tõ theo tõng quü riªng tÝnh theo tõng giai ®o¹n.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

6) Thñ tôc ®¨ng ký ch×a khãa

Thñ thôc ®¨ng ký ch×a kho¸ - Thñ tôc nµy gåm hå s¬ cña tÊt c¶ c¸c ch×a kho¸ lu ®éng, nh»m
®¶m b¶o r»ng bÊt kú ch×a kho¸ nµo ph¸t hµnh ®Òu cã c¸c th«ng tin chi tiÕt cô thÓ ®îc ghi trong
hå s¬ cña ngêi nhËn ch×a kho¸.

Qu¸ tr×nh qu¶n lý:

1. C¸c ch×a kho¸ vµ kho¸ sÏ do Nh©n viªn Qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸ gi÷, nh©n viªn nµy sÏ trùc tiÕp
chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm víi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

2. Nh©n viªn qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸ sÏ lµ (KCO) Gi¸m s¸t Kü thuËt toµ nhµ hoÆc nh©n viªn trùc
theo ca. Nh©n viªn qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸ sÏ chØ ®Þnh nh©n viªn b¶o vÖ kiÓm so¸t ch×a kho¸
trong ca lµm viÖc cña hä (ban ®ªm hoÆc trong c¸c ngµy nghØ lÔ).

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

3. Ch×a kho¸ sÏ chØ giao cho nh÷ng ngêi cã phËn sù vµ cã thÈm quyÒn ®îc vµo khu vùc ®îc
ph©n ®Þnh giíi h¹n.

C¸c bíc tiÕn hµnh:

1. Th«ng tin chi tiÕt cña ngêi yªu cÇu mîn ch×a kho¸ sÏ ®îc ghi vµo mÉu ®¨ng ký ch×a

2. ChuyÓn ®Õn b¶ng danh môc ch×a kho¸, ch×a kho¸ riªng biÖt ®îc lÊy tõ Hép ch×a kho¸.
Tñ ch×a kho¸ nµy ®îc ®Æt t¹i v¨n phßng Qu¶n lý toµ nhµ vµ Ngêi qu¶n lý ch×a kho¸ sÏ
qu¶n lý trùc tiÕp nh÷ng hép ch×a kho¸ vµ tñ ch×a kho¸ nãi trªn.

3. ThÎ ch×a kho¸ ®îc ®¸nh sè trªn mãc ch×a kho¸ vµ ...NÕu cã h¬n mét ch×a kho¸ cã cïng
m· sè th× sÏ huû bá vµ m· sè t¬ng øng cña thÎ ch×a kho¸ sÏ ®îc thay thÕ trªn mãc ch×a

4. Sè thÎ ch×a kho¸ sÏ còng ®ùoc ghi l¹i trong Hå s¬ ®¨ng ký ch×a kho¸ bªn c¹nh c¸c th«ng
tin ®· cã.

5. Ch×a kho¸ sÏ ®îc giao cho ngêi yªu cÇu mîn.

Khi tr¶ l¹i ch×a khãa, ngêi ®¨ng ký sÏ ghi ngµy th¸ng nhËn ch×a kho¸ ®ång thêi ch×a kho¸ ®îc
tr¶ l¹i hép ch×a kho¸.

Trî lý gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ cã tr¸ch nhiÖm kiÓm tra sæ s¸ch vµ xem l¹i thñ tôc ®¨ng ký mîn ch×a
ViÖc sö dông ch×a kho¸ tæng còng ®îc yªu cÇu cã sù kiÓm so¸t nghiªm ngÆt nµy. Tr¸ch nhiÖm
sÏ thuéc vÒ Trî lý Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ. Kh«ng ch×a kho¸ nµo ®îc cÊp cho kh¸ch thuª mµ kh«ng
cã sù phª chuÈn cña Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

7) chuyÓn ®Õn vµ chuyÓn ®i

ChuyÓn ®Õn

Tríc khi chuyÓn ®Õn toµ nhµ, kh¸ch thuª ph¶i tiÕn hµnh lµm c¸c thñ tôc sau:

• §¨ng ký víi Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.

• Cung cÊp b¶n sao Hîp ®ång thuª cho Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ.
• Tr×nh CMTND

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Kh¸ch thuª cã thÓ n©ng cÊp v¨n phßng hoÆc kh«ng. Tríc khi thùc sù chuyÓn ®Õn toµ nhµ, kh¸ch
thuª ph¶i göi tíi bé phËn qu¶n lý danh s¸ch c¸c tµi s¶n ®em theo, thêi gian chuyÓn ®Õn vµ c¸c
bªn ®îc uû quyÒn cho viÖc chuyÓn ®Õn. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ xem xÐt chÊp thuËn, sau ®ã lÊy
mÉu ®Ò nghÞ liªn quan, chê chÊp thuËn vµ hç trî tõ phÝa bé phËn kü thuËt vµ b¶o vÖ cña toµ nhµ
trong qu¸ tr×nh tiÕn hµnh c«ng viÖc.

ChuyÓn ®i

TÊt c¶ c¸c trêng hîp chuyÓn ®i ®Òu ph¶i ®îc thanh to¸n hÕt c«ng nî víi toµ nhµ. Tríc khi
chuyÓn ®i, kh¸ch thuª ph¶i th«ng b¸o b»ng v¨n b¶n tríc 1 th¸ng. Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ chÝnh
thøc gi¶i quyÕt, ®èi chiÕu c¸c vÊn ®Ò liªn quan. Sau khi tÊt c¶ c¸c kho¶n ®îc thanh to¸n, kh¸ch
thuª cung cÊp danh s¸ch ®å ®¹c vµ lÞch tr×nh chuyÓn ®i cho v¨n phßng qu¶n lý.

8) ®iÒu hoµ ngoµi giê

NÕu muèn sö dông ®iÒu hoµ ngoµi giê, kh¸ch thuª ph¶i göi ®¬n ®Ò nghÞ lªn V¨n phßng qu¶n lý
Ýt nhÊt 3 tiÕng tríc thêi h¹n cÇn thiÕt. (Trî lý) Gi¸m ®èc toµ nhµ sÏ s¾p xÕp vÊn ®Ò nµy.

Kh¸ch thuª sÏ ®iÒn vµo mÉu §¬n ®Ò nghÞ cung cÊp ®iÒu hoµ ngoµi giê ®Õn Ban qu¶n lý toµ nhµ.

Indochina Riverside Towers CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

§¬n ®Ò nghÞ nµy ph¶i cã ch÷ ký vµ con dÊu cña kh¸ch thuª.


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