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Soft Skills


Soft Skills


Si. No. Chapter Name Page No.

01 Effective Communication

02 Grooming and Body Language

03 Interpersonal Skill

04 Social Interaction

05 Teamwork

06 Time Managemaent

07 Resume Preparation

08 Interview Skill

Soft Skills

Soft Skills


Trainees become an active communicator
Trainees can overcome barriers to communication


This activity require the participants to divide into there's one of the participants
is given a word that they need to describe to their partner. Under the word that
needs to be described is a list of five words the person cannot use in his
description. For example, if the word that is being described is “coffee,” the five
most common words can be listed under the word such as
“black,”“drink,”“cream,”“sugar,”“hot.”The person describing the word will have
to use his verbal skills to get his partner to understand the word without using
common words.

Communication skill
What is Communication?
Barrier to communication
 Noise
 Inappropriate medium
 Assumption/misconception
 Emotions
 Language differences
 Poor listening skills
 Distractions

Soft Skills

Process of Communications
Different types of communicators:
The facilitator will start telling a story. The trainees will continue one after the
other play dumb charades.
Jam session:
We must work in Team.

Soft Skills


Lesson objectives:
 Trainees learn to maintain hygiene
 Trainees know to groom neat and tidy
 Trainees use positive body language while speaking
 Trainees know do’s and don’nts of habits

PRE-SESSION ACTIVITY : Trainees will check each other’s grooming.

O;fäxr izdVu vkerkSj ij ge vius vki dks ftl rjg ls rS;kj djrs gSa rFkk
igukok djrs gSa mlls ifjHkkf"kr gksrk gSaA
;g Li"V gS Qyr% lcls vPNh Nki cukus ds fy, ge dSls fn[krs gSa mlij
ns[kHkky rFkk /;ku nsuk pkfg,A ,d dk;Zdkjh ifjos'k esa] vDlj ,d Mªsl dksM
jgrk gS tks dqN ekeyksa esa vfuok;Z gksrk gSA bl ifjfLFkfr dk eryc gS fd
deZpkjh dks dksM dk vuqlj.k djus esa FkksM+h ;k dksbZ dfBukbZ ugha
djuh iM+rh gSaA
,d O;fä dk joS;k cgqr gh egRoiw.kZ gS D;ksafd xyr joS;k dk udkjkRed
çHkko gks ldrk gS rFkk inksUufr ds ekSds dks fcxkM+ ldrk gSA xyr joS;s ls
fdlh dks vkdj vkdzked rFkk yM+kdw Hkklhr gksus dk ifj.kke gks ldrk gS] tks
fd ,d dks iwjh rjg ls xyr Nki nsrk gSA joS;s dh la;ksx vkRefo'okl ds lkFk
iw.kZ :i ls gksrk gS] vU;Fkk ;g nwljs yksxksa dks xyr ladsr ns ldrk gSA
1- vius 'kjhj dh xfr rFkk fLFkfr }kjk vkRefo'okl fn[kk,a& lh/ks cSBs]
eqLdqjk,a rFkk fn[kkb, fd vki vius vki fu;a=.k esa gSa rFkk vki tks Hkh dg
jgs gSa ml ij fo'oLr gSA
2- vka[k dk laidZ j[ksa] ysfdu rkds ugha& vxj vkids lkeus dbZ yksx gks
rks] ,d csgrj laidZ cukus ds fy, mu lHkh dks vka[k ls laidZ djsa vkSj ns[ksa
fd og lqu jgs gSa ;k ughaA cgqr T;knk laidZ Mjkouk gks ldrk gS rFkk cgqr
de ls vki vlqjf{kr yx ldrs gSaA
3- FkksM+h lh txg ys& mnkgj.k ds fy, vius iSjksa dks nwj j[kdj cSBuk ;k
[kM+s gksuk]vkRe&fo”okl dks lwfpr djsxk fd vki vius vki esa vkjkenk;d gSA

Soft Skills

4- vius da/kksa dks vkjke ns& vDlj vius da/kksa esa ruko dk çn'kZu gksrk
gS og FkksM+s Åij ;k vkxs xfr dj ldrs gSaA lko/kkuh ls da/kksa dks fgykdj
rFkk FkksM+k ihNs rFkk uhps fgykrs gq, f<+yk djsaA
5- yksxksa ls ckr djrs le; viuk flj fgyk,a&;g lwfpr djsxk fd vki lqu jgs gSa
ysfdu /;ku j[ksa fd ;g T;knk u gksA
6- eqLdqjk;s rFkk g¡ls& vius dks lkekU; j[ksa [kqn dks xaHkhjrk ls uk ysaA
'kkar gks tk,a] eqLdqjk, rFkk gals] tc dksbZ dqN gkL;dj dgsaA ;fn vki ,d
ldkjkRed O;fä dh rjg fn[ksaxs rks yksx vkidks lquus ds fy, T;knk ço`Ùk
gksaxs] ysfdu vius etkd ij vki gh igys ug¡ls] ;g vkidks ijs'kku rFkk t:jrean çrhr
djsxkA tc vkidks fdlh ls feyk;k tk, rks eqLdqjk,] ysfdu vius psgjs ij ,d
eqLdqjkgV fpidk,a ugha yxsxk fd vki vlqjf{kr gSaA
7- vius flj dks Åij j[ksa& vius flj dks Åij lh/kk j[ksa rFkk viuh utj dks
vkdk'ko`r dh vksj ;k ckrphr esa yksxksa dh vksj j[ksaA tehu ij u ns[ksa] vki
vlqjf{krrFkk FkksM+k [kks;k gqvk vuqHko djsaxsA
8- FkksM+h /kheh jgs& blls vki u dsoy vf/kd “kkar o vkRefo'okl ds :i esa
çrhr gksaxs cfYd ;g vki dks 'kkar djus esa Hkh enn djsxkA ;g dbZ ckrksa ij
ykxw gksrk gS] tSls fd pyuk] ckr djuk rFkk vkidks lacksf/kr djus okys
yksxksa dh vksj eksM+ukA
9- vius gkFkksa dks vkRefo'okl ds lkFk ç;ksx djsa& cspSu u jgs &vius
gkFkksa dks dqN o.kZu djus ds fy, bLrseky djsa ;k ,d ckr ij tks vki dgus dh
dksf'k'k dj jgs gSa ml ij tksj Mkys] ysfdu T;knk ugha D;ksafd ;g /;ku Hkax dj
ldrk gSA
10- vius gkFkksa rFkk iSjksa ij /;ku nsa&mUgsa vius fnypLi yksxksa ;k
vki ij /;ku nsus okyksa dh vksj ladsr djs];g fnypLih çdV djsxk rFkk vkidh vksj
yksxksa dks vkdf"kZr djsxkA
gko Hkko dh Hkk"kk flQZ vius 'kjhj ls fdl rjg O;ogkj djus ds ckjs esa gh
ugha gSAgkoHkko dh Hkk"kk laHkkfor #i ls ¼gkykafd ges'kk ugha] vius ilan
ds ç;ksx dh ifjHkk"kk ij fuHkZj djrs gq,½ lfEefyr djrk gSA
 ge dSls vius 'kjhj dks fLFkr djrs gSaA
 gekjh fudVrk rFkk gekjs rFkk nwljs yksxksa ds chp nwjh ¼ç‚Dlsfed½]
rFkk ;g dSls gekjs psgjs ds Hkko dks cnyrk gSA
 fo'ks"kr% gekjh vka[ksa fdl rjg fu/kkZfjr djrh gSa rFkk /;ku nsrh gSaA
 ge [kqn dks vkSj nwljksa dks dSls Li”kZ djrs gSaA

Soft Skills

 ge dSls vius 'kjhj dks v'kjhjh phtksa ls tksM+rs gSa tSls dye] flxjsV]
p'ek rFkk igukokA
 gekjh lkal ysuk rFkk vU; de ns[kus ;ksX; HkkSfrd çHkko mnkgj.k ds fy,
gekjs fny dh /kM+du rFkk ilhukA
How to present yourself
Our face, eyes, hand gestures and posture express what is going on inside of us.
They each give valuable clues to other (and to us), as to weather the words we say
are consistent with what we are really feeling.
Being aware of our body language allows us to sent a consistent message and be
more aware of what others are subliminally conveying to us.

Eye Contact
 Eye contact is the first thing that people look for when they meet us first and
good eye contact will give them a feeling of comfort and genuine warmth in
our company.
 Maintaining good eye contact shows respect and interest in what they have
to say.
Getting your posture right will automatically make you feel more confident. And
when you feel good other people pick up on that.

Head Position
 When you want to feel confident and self assured, keep your head level both
horizontally and vertically.

Soft Skills

 You canalso use this straight head position when you want to be
authoritative and want what you're saying to be taken seriously.
 Conversely, when you want to be friendly and in the listening, receptive
mode, tilt your head just a little to one side or the other. You can shift the tilt
from left to right at different points in the conversation.


 Your arms give away clues as to how open and receptive we are to everyone
we meet and interact with, so keep your arms out to the side of your body or
behind your back.
 This shows you are not scared to take on whatever comes on your way and
you meet things “fu!frontal”.
 In general terms, the more outgoing you are as a person, the more you tend
to use your arms with big movements.
 The quieter you are the less you move your arms away from your body. So,
try to strike a natural balance and keep your arm movements balanced.
 Crossing your arms is a no, no in meetings or at interview as it can be
interpreted as being passive aggressive or closed to suggestion.


 Your legs are the furthest point away from your brain, consequently theyre
the hardest bits of your body to consciously control.
 When we are nervous, stressed or being deceptive our legs tend to move
around a lot more than normal. So best to keep them as still as possible in
most situations, especially at interviews or work meetings.
 Be careful too in tho way you cross your legs.

Angle of the body In relation to others

The angle of your body in relation to others gives an indication of your attitude and
feelings towards them.

We angle inward toward people we find attractive, friendly and interesting and
angle ourselves away from those we don't, it's that simple!
Hand gestures

Soft Skills

Our hand gestures are so numerous it's hard to give a brief guide but here goes.

 Palms slightly up and outward is seen as open and friendly.

 Palm down gestures are generally seen as dominant, emphasizing and
possiblyaggressive, especially when there is no movement or bending
between the wrist and the forearm.
 This palm up, palm down is very important when it comes to handshaking
and where appropriate we suggest you always offer a handshake upright and
vertical, which should convey equality.

Distance from others

The distance we place between ourselves and others is crucial ifwe want to give off
the right signals.

 Stand too close and you'll be marked as "Pushy" or "In your face".
 Stand or sit too far away and you'l be "Keeping your distance" or "Stand


 If you listen twice as much as you talk you come across as a good
communicator who knows how to strike up awell balanced conversation.
 Remember you never eamanything by speaking, only by listening.

Mouth movements

Our mouth movements can give away all sorts of clues about us.

 We purse our lips and sometimes twist them to the side when we're thinking.
Or, times we use this movement to hold back an angry comment that we
don't wish to reveal they will get the feeling that you were not too pleased.

There are also different types of smiles and each gives off a coresponding feeling.

 A full smile with the lip coming above the teeth shows genuine joy

Soft Skills

 A tight lippedsmile implies disapproval or shyness When one side of the

mouth is raised in a cosed p smile it can imply attraction. or can mean it
complicity for an 'in' joke.
 A smilo that does not reach the eyes is NOT a smile but manipulation.
 Home Etiquettes. Lesson on etiquette begins at a very young age at home.
Adult should prepare children for the world and should make them realize
that what may sound cute at home may bereceived with considerable less
tolerance elsewhere.

The basics of etiquette includes:

i) Being kind and civil

ii) Treating everybody with respect and politeness

What we need to knew la "Duslness Euquette".

 Today management values manners in the workplace. It is vitally important

to know what to say, how to dress, how to react in various situations,
especialyas you keep rising higher in status.
 Corporate Culture
 The basic of corporate.tiquette begins with the job interviews.
 Before you attend the interview, fnd out everything you can about the
company what the compuny does, the stze of the company, whether it is
national or international.
 Have a list of points you want to make, and have a pretty good sense of how
to respond.
 Dress neatty and smartly in clothes suitable for the office.
 Your portfolio briefcase should be polished and dean, and not bulky.
 When you enter the interview room, smile and make ntact with your
interviewer. Wait unti are asked to be seated.
 At the end of the meeting, thank the interviewer cordially, and follow up
with a note.
 If you are attending a and are given the liberty to removo your jacket or coat,
do so, but do not start roling up your sleeves.
 Do not dump your briefcase on the other persons desk, but keep it on your
lap, or et itstand on the floor beside your chair.
Soft Skills

 At the office, aMays compliment the work and not the thes. If someone
compliments you, a necessary to reciprocate by complimenting him but
aways thank the other person while accepting a compliment.

Etiquettes at the workplace

 Proper etiquette at the workplace generates efficiency.

 Establish cordial and respectful relationship with your staff, without being
 When you are introducing your staff to someone, use full name.
 Be aware and worry of malicious gossip that involves you.
 Offer to help your colleague who is in trouble only if you are sure you can.
 If you have an appointment at someone's office, do not be late.
 Do not remain standing if your host is sitting. After the meeting send a
Thank You note.

Dress Code


 Hair shall be neatly trimmed, clean and combed. Hair on the crown or sides
of the head shall be neatly groomed and trimmed so as not to cover any
portion of the ear. Hair in the front shall be groomed so that it does not fouch
the eyebrows. Hair on the back of the head shall not touch the collar of the
uniform shirt. Hair coloring, if used, must appear natural. No exotic hair
styles shall be permited.
 Hair pieces or wigs, if worn on duty, shall conform to the same standards as
those for natural hair.
 If worn, shal be neatly trimmed and shall not extend below the middle ear.
Sideburns shall be of even width and end in a clean shaven horizontal line.
 Full beards as per religion, may be worn; however, they must be cosely
cropped (no more than h in length) or neatly tied as per religious norms.
 Jewelry shal be reasonable and shal not distract from a professional
appearance, disrupt the workplace or create a safety hazard. Jewelry that is
offensive or derogatory to others shall not be worn co as to be visible while
on duty.

Soft Skills

 A maximum of one (1) ring per hand may be worn. A wedding setshall be
considered as one (1) ring.
 One (1) wristwatch may be worn
 Staff requiring the need of eyeglasses (prescription or reading) shallbe
permitted to wear the glasses as needed. Eyeglasses shall not detract from
the uniform or a professional appearance. When not in use, eyeglasses shall
not hang from the uniform pockets or be hung from a neckband.
 Necktie should have a conservative pattern and end mid-belt. Dark shoes
(black lace-ups are best) no loafers.
 Dark socks with matching colour belt (black is best).


 Hairpieces or wigs, if worn on duty, shall conform to the same standards as

those for natural hair.
 No exotic hair styles shal be permitted.
 Jewelry shall be shal not from a professional appea dsrupt tha workplace or
reasonable that is or derogatory others shall not be create a safety hazard.
Jewelry to be visible while on duty.
 Fingernails shall be clean and neatly trimmed and extend no farther than%
beyond the tip of the finger. Fingemails shal not be shaped in a manner that
may present a danger to the staff person or others or that will interfere with
the staff person's assigned duties. Nail polish, if worn. shall be a neutral
color that does not contrast with the uniform and shall contain no designs or
 Cosmetics, when worn, shall be applied conservatively to enhance the
natural features of the staff person and maintain a professional appearance.
Lipstick shall be natural looking or earthy color and conservative in nature.
 A necklace may be wom around the neck; but, it must be worn under the
clothing and not visble.
 A maximum of one (1) ring per hand may be worn. A wedding set shall be
consdered as one (1) ring.

Soft Skills

 One (1) post-type stud earring per ear can be worn while on duty. No
danglers wil be ailowed.
 One (1) wristwatch may be worn.
 Staff requiring the need of eyeglasses (prescription or reading) shall be
permitted to wear the glasses as needed. Eyeglasses shall not detract from
the uniform or a professional appearance. When not in use, eyegiasses shall
not hang from the uniform pockets or be hung from a neckband.
 Shoes must be of 1 ½” heeled ballerina.

Personal Hygiene:
 gj lqcg vkSj 'kke vius nkarksa dks cz'k djsaA
 ,d nSfud psgjs Dysalsj dks pqusA
 vius gkFkksa rFkk iSjksa dks /kks,aA
 rkSfy;k ls vius gkFkksa rFkk iSjksa dks iksaNsA
 vius gkFkksa rFkk iSjksa dks ue djsaA
 gj jkst ugk,A
 vius xqIr çns'k dks /kks ysaA
 fM;ksMsjsaV Lçs djsaA
 iguus ds ckn vius diM+ksa dks /kks ysaA
 gj 6 g¶rs vius ckyksa dks fVªe djsaA
 viuh maxyh rFkk iSj ds uk[kwuksa dks dkV ysaA
 vius uk[kwuksa dks Qkby djsaA
 vius cgrh ukd dks ,d fV';w ¼#eky½ ls iksaN ysA
 vius [kkalh dks ,d #eky ls <adsA
 viuh Nhad dks ,d #eky ds lkFk<ad ysA
djus ds dk;Z
 vPNh rjg ls [kk,aA
 O;k;ke djsaA
 /;ku djsaA
 i;kZIr uhan ysA
 laxhr lqusaA
 viuh l`tukRedrk dks larq"V djsaA
 fdrkcsa i<+sA

Soft Skills

 iSny pys rFkk lh/ks cSBsA

 eqLdqjk,aA
 dpjs dks dpjs ds fMCcs esa MkysA
ugha djus ds dk;Z
 nsj le; lksus ls cpsA
 uk[kwuksa dks nkrksa ls u dk¡VsA
 ukd dh Nsn esa maxyh Mkyus ls cpsaA
 xi'ki u djsaA
 tax QwM er [kk,aA
 rackdw er ysaA
 dM+h 'kjkc ihus ls cpsaA
 >qds ughaA
 gj le; vius lsy Qksu ds lkFk dqycqykgV u djsaA
 pktZ djrs le; lsy Qksu dk bLrseky u djsaA

Let us anlay....

 Grooming sessions
 Positive body language
 Write Right or Wrong beside each sentence:

a. We should sleep atleast for 8 hours

b. An apple a day keeps a doctor away

c. We must slouch while walking

d. We must wear danglers at workplace

e. Brushing once a day is enough for good hygiene

f. Necktie should end mid belt

g.Crossed arms while talking shows confidence

h. We must use handkerchief while we sneeze


Soft Skills

Body Language



Lesson objectives:
 Trainees will be able to bear positive attitude.
 Trainees can take proper decisions.
 Trainees can listen efficiently
 Trainees gain the various skills of Negotiation
 Trainees develops creativity in thinking
 Trainees learn to be empathetic.


SWOTAnalysis: Trainees wil discuss their strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunites

and Thrsats. Then they will be asked to tell how they handle threats.

Soft Skills

It is very important to understand what attitude is.

Hence, calculate the sum:


T – 20

T – 20


T – 20

U – 21



Now calculate the sum....

How much it equals to?


Take, for example, receiving the unexpected gift of an old automobile. One person
might think: It's a piece of junk!", a second might think: "It's cheap transportation"
and a third might think: "It's a real classic!”

ldkjkRed fopkjksa ds ,d iqLrdky; dk fuekZ.k djsa&

 gj fnu dqN çsj.kkRed ;kizksRlkgiw.kZ i<+us] ns[kus ;k lquus ds fy, de
ls de 15 feuV fcrk,a
 xqLlk ;k udkjkRed ek/;e ls nwj jgsa
 f'kdk;r djus okyksa dks utjvankt djsaA
whiners and complainers see the world through crap-colored glasses.

More importantly, complainers can't bear to see somebody else happy and

Soft Skills

If you tell a complainer about a success that you've experienced, they congratulate
them, but ther words ring hollow.

Use a more positive vocabulary

If you want to have a positive attitude, your vocabulary must be consistently

positive. Therefore:

 Stop using negative phrases such as “I can’t, “It’simpossible, or “This

won't work.” These statements it's not my job! program you for negative
 Whenever anyone asks “How are you?"rather than "Hangin' in there," or
"okay, I guess..." respond with "Terrific!" or "Never felt better!" And
mean it.
 When you're feeling angry or upset, substitute neutral words for emotionally
loaded ones. Rather than saying "I'm enraged!" say "I'm a bit annoyed..."

The Power of Positive Attitude Can Change Your Life.

Positive Attitude is the cause of success and happiness.

ldkjkRed joS;k] thou ds nSfud ekeyksa ds lkFk vklkuh ls fuiVus esa enn djrk
gSA ;g vkids thou esa vuqdwyrk ykrh gSa] rFkk fparkvksa vkSj udkjkRed
fopkjksa ls nwj jgus esa Hkh enn djrh gSA
ldkjkRed joS;k] vkids thou dks mTtoy vkSj vk'kkiw.kkZ cukrk gSA
;gfuLlans'k ,d eu dh fLFkfr gS] ftls fodflr djuk pkfg,A
Positive attitude manifests in the following ways:

A positive frame of mind helps in a lot of ways, such as:

 Expecting success and not failure.

 It makes you feel inspired.
 It gives you the strength not to give up, if you encounter obstacles on your

Soft Skills

 You regard failure and problems as blessings in disguise.

 Believing in yourself and in your abilities.
 You show more self-esteem and confidence.
 You look for solutions, instead of dwelling on problems.
 You see and recognize opportunities.

Benefits of a positive attitude:

;g mijksä dh ,d nksgjkbZ yxsxk] ysfdu ;g bl lans'k dks lqLi"V

djus esa enn djsxkA
 ;g vius y{;ksa dks çkIr djus rFkk lQyrk ikus esa enn djrk gSA
 ;g vkids thou esa vf/kd çlUurk yxk,xkA
 ;g vkiesa vf/kd 'kfä mRiUu djsxkA
 ldkjkRed joS;k viuh {kerkvksa esa fo'okl c<+k,xk rFkk ,d mTtoy Hkfo";
ds fy, mEehn iSnk djsxkA
 vki [kqn dks vkSj nwljksa dks çksRlkfgr djus ;ksX; cusaxsA
 vki vius nSfud thou esa vojks/kks rFkk dfBukb;ksa dk lkeuk djsaxsA
 vki vU; yksxksa ls vf/kd lEeku rFkk I;kj ik,axsA
 vki ij ftanxh eqLdqjk,xhA
udkjkRed joS;k dgrk gSa &vki lQyrk çkIr ugha dj ldrsA
ldkjkRed joS;k dgrk gSa &vki lQyrk çkIr dj ldrs gSaA
Here is a list of words that describe negative attitudes:

aggression, anger, betrayal, bigotry, blame, cowardice, critical, cynlcal, depression,

dishonesty, envy, greed, guarded, hatred, indifference, intolerance, inresponsibility,
jealousy, pessimism, prejudice, pride, resentment, revenge, sadness, selfishness,
skeptical, suspicious, thoughtlessness, unemotonal, and untrusting.

Effects of Negativity

 mu phtksa dh ,d lwph rS;kj djsa ftlds fy, vki —rK gSaA vkidks ;g dke
gj fnu de ls de ,d ckj djuk pkfg,A ;gvkidks ç'kalk ds yk;d fo"k;ksa ij /;ku
dsafær djus esa enn rFkk vH;kl ds lkFk vki ç'kalk ds yk;d dbZ fo"k;ksa
dks ns[k ik,axsA

Soft Skills

 gj fLFkfr esa dqN ldkjkRedrk ns[kus dk ç;kl djsaA ,d cqjh fLFkfr Hkh
ldkjkRed cu ldrk gS vxj vki mlls dqN lh[krs gSaA vkSj gka dfBu oDr ls
xqtjus ls O;fäRo dk fuekZ.k gksrk gSA
 f'kdk;r uk djus dh vknr MkysaA dqN ldkjkRed dgus dh dksf'k'k djsa
rFkk yksxksa esa vkSj ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa vPNkbZ ns[ksaA
 viuh dfBukb;ksa dks ihNs NksM+us dh dksf'k'k djsaA dYiuk djsa fd
vkids leL;kvksa dk lek/kku fey x;k gS rFkk ldkjkRedrk ij /;ku dsafær
 vius pky&pyu ds ckjs esa ,glkl djsa] rHkh vki vius joS;k dks cny ldrs
gSaA vkidkjoS;k fdlh vkSj dh nks’k ugha cfYd vkidk gSA
 tSls gh vkidk joS;k udkjkRed ls ldkjkRed esa cnysxk] vki ns[ksaxs fd
yksx vki ls vyx rjhds ls O;ogkj djsaxsA


 This game works well with older teens and adults. Two players are In a
debate. Both players represent the same person, only one is in the midst of
hard times and the debating from the future. When the first player says "Ilost
my job, l'm never going to find another one that pays me what I'm worth,
this is terrible." The character from the future can say "You found a better
job and got paid more."
The purpose of the game is to find positive outcomes for situations that may
seem negative. Like the saying goes, as one door closes, another one opens.
 Ask students to talk about some of their favorite things. Afterward, bring out
some posterboard, magazines, scissors, glue, markers and pretty decorations.
Have them cut pictures from magazines and create a colorful collage
featuring some of the things they talked about. Praise their creativity. Make
a collage of your own and tell the students how your favorite things played a
part in it.
 Try a classroom improve storytelling game. Decide as a group on several
elements of a story (main character, setting, situation, etc.)and point to a
student to start. Let the student say a few lines, then quickly point to another
student to take over. Keep going until the story wraps up or gets hopelessly

Soft Skills

 Also try "Fortunately unfortunately," in which students alternate positive

and negative sentences in a story. Try to end on a positive note.



 Making decisions
 Getting out of dual state of mind


Encourage the participants to share their knowledge or their reaction/proaction in a given
situation and engage in cooperative decision making to enable them to make decisions
To do this, initiate different interesting situations with three or four options to choose from.
Assign To do initiate different interesting situations with three or four options to your
students contextual occurrence and ask them to come up with their decision making from the
options given to them. After students have chosen their options in a given situation ask them
why they have selected a particular option prioritizing from the other options.

Decision making process

1- eqís dks fu/kkZfjr vkSj Li"V djsa&D;k ;g dk;Zokgh dh ekax djrk gS\ ;fn
gka] rks vc ;g eqík vko';d ;k egRoiw.kZ ;k nksuksa gh gSaA
2- lHkh rF;ksa dks bdëk djsa rFkk muds dkj.kksa dks le>saA
3- laHkofodYiks vkSj lek/kkuksa ds ckjs esa lksfp,A
4- çR;sd fodYi ds i{k vkSj foi{k ij fopkj djsa vkSj rqyuk djsa&;fn vko';d gks
rks ijke'kZ djsaA
5- ^nksuksa f'kfojksa esa iSj^ loZJs"B fodYi dk p;u djsa& vLi"Vrk ls cpsaA

Soft Skills

6- mu la;qä rFkk çHkkfor yksxksa dks viuk fu.kZ; Li"V djsa vkSj mfpr vkSj
çHkkoh fØ;kUo;u lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, tkap djsaA

Decision making
fu.kZ; fuekZrk ds ewY;ksa vkSj çkFkfedrkvksa ds vk/kkj ij fodYiksa dh
igpku djus vkSj pquus dk v/;;u gh fu.kZ;u gSA,d fu.kZ; ysus dk eryc gS fd
mlij fopkj djus ds fy, ,dkf/kd oSdfYid fodYiksa dk gksukA vkSj bl ekeys esa
gesa ftruk Hkh laHko gks lds bu fodYiksa dks u dsoy igpkuuk gS cfYd ,d
dks pquuk gS ftlesa loZJs"B lQyrk ;k çHkko'khyrk gksrFkk tks gekjs y{;ksa]
bPNkvksa] thou'kSyh] ewY;ksa ds lkFk mi;qä gksA
fu.kZ; ysuk muesa ls ,d mfpr fodYi dks cukus dh vuqefr nsus ds fy,
fodYiksa ds ckjs esa vfuf'prrk vkSj lansg dks i;kZIr :i ls de djus dh çfØ;k
gSA ;g ifjHkk"kk fu.kZ; ysus dh tkudkjh bdëk djus ds dk;Z ij tksj nsrk gSA ;g
/;ku fn;k tkuk pkfg, fd vfuf'prrk dks lekIr djus ds ctk; de djuk gSAcgqr de
fu.kZ; ije fuf'prrk ds lkFk fy, tkrs gSa D;ksafd lHkh fodYiksa ds ckjs esa iwjk
Kku 'kk;n gh dHkh laHko gSA bl çdkj gj QSlys esa tksf[ke dh dqN fuf'pr
ek=k gksrh gSA
There are several basic kinds of decisions.
1- Decisions whether
;g gS gk¡@ugha] ;k rks@;k fu.kZ; tks ,d dks fodYi dk p;u ds lkFk vkxs
c<+us ls igys fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
2- Decisions which
bu fu.kZ;ks esa lEHkkoukvksa dh ,d lewg ls ,d ;k ,d ls vf/kd fodYiksa esa ls
,d dks pquuk 'kkfey gSA
3- Contingent decisions
vkdfLedu.kZ; ;s fu.kZ; gS ftUgsa fy;k x;k gS] ysfdu dqN 'krZ iwjk gksus rd
jksd ds j[kk x;k gSA
4- Contingent alternatives
vkdfLed fodYi &vkdfLed fu.kZ; dh rjg fodYi esa dk;Zokgh ds nks ;k vf/kd
fodYi 'kkfey gksrs gSa] ftuesa ls ,d dks mi;qä dkj.k ?kfVr gksus ij fy;k tkrk
gSA vDlj ;g ladsr ,d ?kVuk ;k vf/kd tkudkjh nsrh gSA
Hold a Debate ¼rdZ&fordZ½
Encourage the participants to share their knowledge and engage in cooperative decision
making to enable themselves to make decisions independently. To do this, hold a debate.
Assign your students a topic and tell them to come up with reasons for and against the
issue in question. After students have created their lists, assign them a debate stance. Place
Soft Skills

fu.kZ; ysus esa dkSu@D;k@dgka@dc dSls dh /kkj.kk%

Summarize a topic or idea using this graphic organizer cards, noting the 5 Ws
chart, who. when, where, what, and why and allow your students to speak based on
the 5 Ws chart in a given topic or situation.

Steps of Decision Making Process:

Following are the important steps of the decision making process. Each step maybe
supported by different tools and techniques.

How to become more decisive at work?

vius dk;ZLFky esa vkxs c<+us ds fy, jpukRedrk rFkk fu.kZ; ysus ds lfgr
usr`Ro ds xq.kksa dh vko';drk gksrh gSA
 vkidks vius vki esa fo'okl gksuk pkfg,A
 vkidsfopkj gksus pkfg, rkfd mUgsa fdz;k'khy cuk ldsA
 vius dk;Z dks tkjh j[kus ds fy, vkidks leFkZu vkSj Rofjr fu.kZ;ysuk
 vkidks ,d fu.kZ;ds nksuksa vPNs vkSj cqjs ifj.kkeksa dh ftEesnkjh
ysus ds fy, rS;kj jguk pkfg,A
 vki fdlh fo"k; ij fu.kZ; ysus ds ckn rFkk ftu dk;ksZ dks izR;k;qDr fd;k gS
mu lokyksa ds tokc nsus ds fy, rS;kj jfg, D;ksafd vU; deZpkfj;ksa dks
eqf'dy gks ldrk gSA
 fdlh Hkh dk;Z ls lacaf/kr ,d fu.kZ; flQZ fu.kZ; ds lkFk [kRe ugha gksrh
gSA ;g ml fu.kZ; ds ifj.kke ls vafre mRiknksa ds lkFk lekIr gksrh gSA
 vxj vkidks vHkh Hkh lgh ekxZ dk fu/kkZj.k djus esa ijs'kkuh gks jgh gS
rks vius ekfyd lgdfeZ;ksa vkSj fdlh vU; fo'ks"kKksa ds lkFk ijke'kZ
 ;kn jf[k, lgk;rk vkSj lykg ysuk dksbZ nks"k ugha gSA

Soft Skills

 vkids deZpkjh vkSj lgdehZ vkidks ;k vkids QSlyksa dk lEeku rHkh

djsaxs ;fn os tkusaxs fd vki fo"k; ij muds fopkjksa ds fy, mnkj gSaA
 ,d ckj tc vkius lcls mÙke rjhdk ysus dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k gS rks mls
vkRefo'okl vkSj usr`Ro ds lkFk djsaA
 vxj dqN dke ugha dj jgk gks rks fu.kZ; esa la'kks/ku djus ds fy, vius
vkidks rS;kj j[ksaA
 vkids QSlyk djus ds ckn vkidh Vhe dks vkidh ;kstuk esa fo'okl djus dh
vko';drk gS rFkk mUgsa fo'okl gksuk pkfg, fd os lgh dke dj jgs gSaA
 vkidks vius cuk, gq, fu.kZ; ds ifj.kkeksa ds fy, ftEesnkjh Lohdkj djuh
 ;fn vkidk fu.kZ; vkidh çR;k'kk ls vf/kd leL;kvksa dk dkj.k curk gS fQj
Hkh ;g vius lgdfeZ;ksa esa vki dks lEeku vftZr djsxkA
The 5 Step Program in Decision Making


Answer the following questions.

1. What are the different steps for decision making process?

2. Explain the art and science of decision making process.

3. What do you mean by the term "the art and science of decision making”?

B. How do you take your decisions? Narrate with examples.

C. Activity:

i) have just finished your office. You get a call from your group of friends who are
asking you to them to a dinner. You also get a call from your mother who is
requesting y step in soon join as she has cooked sumptuous dishes for you. You are

Friends calling you up and asking you to join them to a dinner.

Mother cooking your favorite dishes and asking you to step in home early.

Activity sheet:

Situation 1:

Situation 2:
Soft Skills

Consequences for alternative 1:











Consequences for alternative 2:











What's important for you?

Soft Skills

Make a decision:

1. Pair work:
Customer. Hi’ I am Mr.Arun Lal, I use XXXXX printer, Boss, it's not
working when I need to take 100 print outs in 1 hours for my clients, Deal
2. Customer is an online content developer. Her computer can?be turned on for
last 1 hour.Deal

3. Case study:
Anil's father who was a government employee passed away just
after his graduation. He was a brilliant student, who dreamt of
pursuing higher studies. It was a sudden demise. hence. Anil,
had to stand by the family. Suppressing his aspirations.he joined
bis father's organization as an office clerk and thus begins his
Do you think Anil took up the right decision?
What would you have done if you had faced the same situation?

Soft Skills


Lesson objective:

 Trainees develop active listening skills


Ask trainees to group in circles. Tell to listen to your instructions very carefully and act.
First, they will act what you say and say what you say
Second, they wil act what you say and say the reverse what you say
Third, they will act reverse what you say and say what you say

Why Listen?

Closing the mouth and opening the ears facilitates effective communication

Seek first to understand, then to be understood Stephen Covey


 Physiological process
 Reception of sound waves by ears
 Hearing as well as interpreting including other signals.

Simple tips to remember:



 Pair up participants, and have one person discuss a hobby or passion of

theirs, while the other person is instructed to ignore them. Discuss the
frustration that can come with not feeling heard or acknowledged, and
review good body language and verbal remarks a good listener should
Soft Skills

 Choose trainees to enact the story:

The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time, there were three bears. One big papa bear, one middle-sized
mamma bear and one little baby bear. They lived in a house in the forest.

There was a giri named Goldilocks. She went for walk in the forest. Pretty soon,
she came upon the beers' house. a she walked right in She knocked and, when no
one answered, she walked right in.

At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowis of porridge. Goldilocks was
hungry. She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.

This pomidge is too hot!" she exclaimed.

So, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl.

This pomidge is too cold," she said

So, she tasted the last bowl of porridge.

"Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate her full.

After she'd eaten she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the next room
where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair.

This chair is too bigl" she exclaimed.

So she sat in the second chair.

"This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

So she tried the last and smallest chair.

"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed. But just as she settled down into the
chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went to the bedroom. She lay down
in the first bed, but it was too hard. Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too
soft. Then she lay down in the thirdbed and it was just right. Goldilocks fell asleep.

Soft Skills

As she was sleeplng. the three bears came home.

They decided to look aroundsome more and when they got to the bedroom,

Just then, Goldilocks woke up and sawthe three bears. She screamed, Helpr And
she jumped up and ran out of the room. Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the
door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three

Now show them the movie and ask them to flnd out the dlfferences tetween
what shown In the movie and the passage.

 Play Chinese Whispers

 Group Storytelling

Soft Skills


Lesson objective:

 Trainees learn the meaning of negotiation and the various techniques of it.


Trainees will try to sell one of their personal belongings to another team member
and negotiate the price to earn maximum profit.

What is Negotiation\
le>kSrk djus dh çfØ;k og gS ftlls ,d eqís ij ikjLifjd :i ls Lohdk;Z lek/kku
dh [kkst ds fy, fofHkUu vko';drkvksa rFkk y{;ksa ds lkFk nks ;k vf/kd ikfVZ;k¡
dke djrh gSA
le>kSrk çfØ;k ds ckjs esa vf/kd tkuus ls gesa vius le>kSrksa dks
vkRefo'okl ds lkFk laHkkyus dh ekSdk feyrh gS rFkk blls nksuksa ikfVZ;ksa
ds ifj.kke ldkjkRed gksrs gSaA
Negotiation Process
le>kSrs ds fy, ijLij #fp ,d egRoiw.kZ eksM+ gSA
dHkh&dHkh ge bu ijLij bPNkvksa dks Hkwy tkrs gSa vkSj nwljksa ds
fopkjksa dh vis{kk djrs gq, gekjs vius fopkjksa ij cgl djrs gSaA
Invent and create options for mutual gain
fodYiks dks <wa<us ds fy, le;vkSj vH;klyxrk gSA ,d ckj ge blrduhd ds
ckjs esa tku tk;s rks le>kSrk djuk cgqr vklku gks tkrk gSA
nksuksikfVZ;ksadks le>kSrk djrs le; 'kkar LoHkko cuk, j[kuk pkfg,A
Insist on Using Objective Criteria
nksuksa ikfVZ;ksa dks çpfyr vkSj vkxs dh le>kSrks ds fy, ewy fu;eksa
ij lger gksus dh t:jr gSA os ifjfLFkfr esa D;k ^^mfpr** gS dh lwph rS;kj dj ldrs
gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy, os ,d fu;e dk ç;ksx dj ldrs gSa ^^,d O;fä viuh jk; dks
O;ä djrs le; nwljk O;fä mls jksd ugha ldrk**A

Soft Skills

dHkh Hkh ncko esa uk vk, ;fn ,d O;fä fdlh ds ekinaM ij gh vkxzg djsa
rks mUgs vkidks ,d dkj.k crkus ds fy, dgsa vkSj ,d u;k fu;e lq>k,a tks ykxw
gks ldsA ^jksxj fQ'kj* ds vuqlkj ncko ,d fj'or] ,d /kedh] ,d gLr dkS'ky vFkok
jtkeanh ds fy, badkj gks ldrk gSA

vke xyfr;ka
 ijLij ewY;ksa dks eku ysukA
 leku lapkj vf/kekU;rkvksa dh vis{kk djukA
 cM+k lkspuk ;k foLrkfjr fo'ys"k.k djukA
 dgkfu;ka ;k rRo\
 çfØ;k ;k fu.kZ; ysus ds fy, le;A
 çfrfØ;k dh mEehn djukA
 fooknksa ls cpukA
 ckrphr ls vki fdrus foosd'khy ;k lgh gS fl) djus dh dksf'k'k djukA
 /;ku ls u lquukA
 blesa ,d lgefr ij vkuk 'kkfey gS tgka gj ,d dks viuh vko';drk ds vuqlkj tks
ekax jgs gSa oks mUgsa feyrk gS] vkSj ,d ikjLifjd larq"V lgefr ij
igqaprs gSaA ,slh fLFkfr dks win-win ;k thr&thr dgrs gSaA
 vkidks ijLij fo'okl dh LFkkiuk djuh pkfg,] bl rjg blds fy, nksuksa
ikfVZ;ksa ¼i{kksa½ ls bZekunkjh vkSj v[kaMrk dh vko';drk gSA
 nksuksa i{k lHkh ds loksZÙke fgrksa dks mi;qä gksus okyh ,d le>kSrk
lek/kku ds lkFk fudyus ds fy, ,d lkFk dke djsaxsA
 çR;sd ikVhZ nwljksa ds –f"Vdks.k ls ns[kus dk ç;kl djrs gSaA
 ;gk¡n`<+ fu'p;kRedrk lcls vPNk rjhdk gS pkgs og fuf"Ø; gks ;k
A strategy for successful negotiations

 Listen carefully to the arguments of the other party and assess the logic of
their reasoning
 Clarify issues you are not clear about by asking how, why, where, when and
what questions.


Jay: Ican? believe you are being so rigid.

Soft Skills

Anitha: "Youre not happy with whatlve asked for."

Jay: "Youre damn right You have to consider what I want

Anitha: Tellme more about it, then. Iube happy to lsten.

List all the issues which are important to both side and identify the key issues.


Sapna wants to buy a cartManuti Suzuk) because oftheirreputation tor safety.

Joeran wants to buy a sedan. She saya, Lors talk about what we agree on. Fint, we
both agree that the car has to have a strong safety record. Socond, we want to buy a
now car, not a used one. And third weve set our price range as Rs.5 Lakhs or less"

 Identify any personal agendas. Question generalzations and challenge

 Identify any areas of common ground.


Jatin and Aarti want to buy a house that is on the market for Rs.20Lakhs. However,
they do not want to pay that much, so they make an offer of Rs.15 Lakhs. Viay the
seller does not want to go that but does want to sel the house soon, so he oaers to
sel for Rs.18 Lakhs. Jadn and Aart accept the the house is sold. In this case,
JatirandAart paid Rs. 2Lakhs more than they wanted deal and 2 Lakhs less, the
house e which was the main goalo. to and Vijay sold for Ra. but was both partios.

 Understand any outside forces that may be affecting the problem.

 Keep calm and use assertive rather than aggressive behavior. Use tact and
diplomacy to diffuse tensions.
 Remember NO is a small word with big power! ue both verbal and non-
verbal persuasion skills. Use open, encouraging body language such as
mirroring, not defensive or closed.
 Know when to compromise. offer concessions where necessary. but minor
ones at first.


Soft Skills

Assume a software vendor pricing a top end software program for Rs. 40,000. The
next alternative costs Rs 35.000, so the vendor is prepared to go down to Rs35,000
as the least acceptable settlement Any settlement between Rs. 40,000 and Rs
35.000 therefore becomes acceptable to the software vendor. Now, a company who
needs the software for projectimplementation has a budget of only Rs. 37.000. and
anything beyond Rs. 37.000 would make the product not worth the price for the
project. Rs.35.000 to Rs. 37.000 is the common ground among the parties involved
in the negotiation, and a win-win negotiation would reach a settlement anwhere
within this bracket.

Distinguish between needs: important points on which you can't compromise and
interests where you can concede ground.

 Allow the other party to save face if necessary via small concessions.
 Make sure there is an agreed deadline for resolution.
 Decide on a course of action and come to an agreement.
 The final agreement needs to be summarized and written down at the
conclusion of the negotiations.
 Plan for alternative outcomes if you can't reach agreement.
le>kSrs dh #dkoVsa
 eq>s ilan djsa bl lksp dks vU; fo"k;ksa ls vf/kd egRo nsukA
 tc fpafrr gksrs gSa T;knk ckr djsaA
 'kfä ¼leFkZ½ ckrphr vkSj dk;ZA
 n`<+ dFkuksa dks nsuk can djsa ^^;g djuk t:jh gS ;g Bhd gS]\
 vlgefr dks n'kkZuk 'kk;n vki bls ilan ugha djksxs ysfdu--------
le>kSrs ds ifj.kke
 nksuksa i{k dks lkeatL; ls fu.kZ; ysuk pkfg, vkSj le>kSrs ij opuc) jguk
 ;g le>kSrk ikfVZ;ksa dschp lalkj rFkk ckrphr dks cuk, j[kus esa enn
djrk gS rkfd Hkfo"; esa Hkh le>kSrs cuk ldsA
le>kSrs dks ,d csgrj lek/kku nsus pkfg,A

Soft Skills

This exercise focuses on negotiation skills. It also shows how people deal with
more difficult situations both as individuals and as part of a group.
A number of delegates are chosen at random as candidates to be removed from the
team. The chosen people have to negotiate their way into staying in the group. The
group collectively votes to remove one person from the group.
 A bigger group works better in this exercise. At least 10 participants are
 The trainer selects three people randomly from the group.
 The chosen people have two minutes each to explain why they should stay in
the group. The reasoning could be based on their valuable past experiences,
likeability, their professional post or personality.
 The group then has 5 minutes for each candidate to debate and reach a
decision This could be through anonymous ballot, hand raising or other
methods of voting.
 The group has 2 minutes per candidate to explain who they want to go out of
the group and how they have reached their decision.


Explaining the Test: 5 minutes.

Activity: 30 minutes

Group Feedback: 20 minutes.


Facilitator should observe delegate's personal and group behaviour closely. What
methods of negotiation, reasoning or persuasion are used by the delegates? How
did the three chosen candidates react to the decisions made by the group? Were
they threatened or taken up the challenge enthusiastically?


This exercise is ideal for team bulldlng and negotiaton where delegates leam to
share their resources and also negotiate with each other in a environment. They wll
learn that cooperation can be much more effective than direct competition or being
Soft Skills


Complete a specific task using your own group's resources or negotiate to obtain
resources from others.

What You Need

 Scissors
 Glue
 Sellotape
 Magnets
 White sheets
 Red sheets
 Blue sheets
 Yellow sheets
 Green sheets


 Divide the delegates to 4 groups.

 Distribute the resources as follows:
 Group 1. Scissors, White sheets,
 Group 2. Glue, Blue sheets,
 Group 3. Sellotape, Yellow sheets
 Group 4. Magnets, Green sheets
 Explain that each group must complete a task. They can use their own
resources and can also negotiate to borrow or exchange resources with other
 Print the following task on saparate papers and distribute one task to each
group at random.


 Make a model of a TV with an antenna. You can use any material as long as
the model resembles a TV.
 Make a paper chain. Each chain must have a different colour to its adjacent

Soft Skills

 Make a cube. Each side must have a different colour in relation with the
sides adjacent to it.
 Make a bridge with two bases one meter apart.
 Alocate 15 minutes for this part.
 Time all groups when they finish their task. Once they dedare that they have
finished, they can no longer participate on the tasks or share their current
 At the end of the allocated time, stop everyone from working on their task
and examine their achievements. The group who has completed the task
successfully and was the first to do so wins.
 Follow with a discussion.


Explaining the Exercise: 5 minutes

Activity: 15 minutes

Group Feedback 10 minutes


How hard was it to get something from the other teams? Did you cooperate with
them easily? Was the atmosphere too competitive? Did you nominate a leader for
your team to coordinate your advities? What was the secret to the success of the
winning team? Why did the losers lose? When a group finished and took resources
of the market, what happened to other groups and their designs? Could they adapt
easily with the lack of certain resources (Example: tearing a sheet rather using a
scissor as a compromise or using glue and paper as a replacement to sellotape)?


You can adjust the difmcutty or the theme of this exercise by changing the supplies
and the tasks to suit your specific needs.

Soft Skills


Lesson Objective:

At the end of this module, the participants will be able to:

 Relate to the concept of creativity

 Review the importance of being creative
 Appreciate how creativity is important both at work and personally
 Get accustomed to being creative
 Identify the process of creativity


 Trainees will be provided various magazines and will be asked t cut
various pictures and make a collage.
 Trainees will introduce themselves in an unique way

What is Creativity

"Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create-to bring into existence, to

invest with a new form. to produce through imaginative skill. to make or bring into
existence something new."- Webster

l`tukRedrk] vfo"dkj djuk] ç;ksx djuk] c<+kuk] tksf[ke ysuk] fu;e rksM+uk]
xyfr;ka djuk vkSj etk ysuk gSA
l`tukRedrk D;k gS\
 l`tukRedrk ,d ;ksX;rk gS & l`tukRedrk dqN u;k l`tu ;k dYiuk djus dh
{kerk gSA gkykafd bldk eryc ;g ugha fd vki 'kwU; ls dqN l`tu dj jgs
gSaA bldk rkRi;Z gS ekStwn fopkjksa dks lac) djds cnyrs ;k iqu%
ç;ksx djrs gq, u, fopkjksa dks mRiUu djukA ;s fopkj vk'p;Ztud vkSj
vn~Hkqr ;k lkekU; rFkk O;kogkfjd gks ldrs gSa tks vc rd fdlh us ugha
fd;k gksA
 l`tukRedrk ,d joS;k gS & ;g ,d joS;k gS tks vkidks cfjorZu dks fLodkj
djkrk gS] laHkkoukvksa ds lkFk [ksyus ds fy, vkºoku djrk gS] uE; –
f"Vdks.k çnku djrk gS vkSj tks lkekU;r;k^^vuqdwy@Lohdk;Z** gS] mls
csgrj cukus dh vknr Mkyrk gSA

Soft Skills

 l`tukRedrk ,d çfØ;k gS &l`tukRedrk ,d çfØ;k gS tgka yksx dfBu ifjJe

djrs gSa vkSj vius dk;Z esa fLFkj ifjorZu vkSj o`f) djrs gq, csgrj
fopkjksa ds fy, yxkrkj dke djrs gSaA l`tukRed mR—"Vrk ds dk;ksaZ
dh la[;k tks ,d gh izfrHkkiw.kZ dkjhxjh ds Li'kZ ls fufeZr fd, x, gks]os
cgqr gh de gSA okLro esa lPpkbZ ;g gS fd ,d mRikn ;k fopkj dks
FkksM+k csgrj cukus ds fy, vUos"kd dks vusd ckj bls lq/kkjuk pkfg,A
l`tukRed yksx ,glkl djrs gSa fd ges'kk lq/kkj dh laHkkouk gksuh pkfg,
vki igys fopkj ij :d ugha ldrsA
Types of People

 Already Creative
 Those who are already creative. This includes people who actively practice
creative thinking for personal pleasure as well as professional success.
 Somewhat Creative
 Those who are sometimes creative. This includes people who experience
instances of creative brilliance. However, this happens irregularly
 Can be Creative
 Those who can be creative. This includes the rest of the people -the ones
who are yet to tap in to their creative potential.

fopkj djus dh çfØ;k

 y{; j[ksaA
 izkFkfedrk nsukA
 ;kstuk cuk,a vkSj dk;Z djsaA
 vius ifj.kke ewY;kadu djsaA
 y{; j[ksa &,d lek/kku <wa<us dk lcls egRoiw.kZ Hkkx gS lgh y{; dh
lek;kstu djukA dHkh&dHkh yksx vLi"V y{;ksa dks r; djrs gSa ;k iwjh rjg
ls xyr y{; Hkh r; djrs gSaA l`tukRed fopkj djus dh çfØ;k ds lk/ku vius
mís'; dks fu/kkZfjr djus esa enn djrk gSA os vkidks vius y{; dks csgrj
igpkuus esa ;k vko';d gks rks mls cnyus esa Hkh enn djrk gSA ,d lgh
y{; dk gksuk egRoiw.kZ gS D;ksafd l`tukRed fopkj djus dh çfØ;k ds
nkSjku ,slk gks ldrk gS fd vki y{; ij fQj ls fopkj djuk pkgrs gSa ;g
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, fd vki lgh fn'kk esa tk jgs gSa ;k ughaA
 dqN u;k djus dh lkspsa] #ds ugha bl igyw ij vki okLro esa vkidh lkjh
l`tukRed fopkjksa dks mRiUu dj jgs gSaA ,d xyrh tks vf/kd yksx djrs
gSa fd dqN fopkj vkus ds ckn os vkSj fodYiksa dks <w¡<uk can dj
nsrs gSaA ;g egRoiw.kZ gS fd vki vius le; esa ftrus fopkjksa dks

Soft Skills

mRiUu dj ldrs gSa djsaA ,slk djus ls vki viuh leL;k dk lcls vPNk lek/kku
dj ldrs gSaA
 çkFkfedrk nsuk &fu.kZ; djsa fd vkidks igys dkSu lk dk;Z djuk gS bl
rjg vki dks fnu ds var esa djus ds fy, de dk;Z gksaxsA
 ;kstuk cuk;s vkSj dk;Z djs & vc vkivius fdz;k nkSj dks fodflr dj ldrs
gSaA ;g dne mBkus esa tYnckth djus dh xyrh u djsaA nwljs pj.k ij
dkQh le; ysaA ,d ckj ;fn vkidks irk py tk, fd ,d fopkj dks dk;Z esa fdl rjg
Mkyuk gS ml ij dke djuk 'kq: djsaA
 vius ifj.kke dk ewY;kadu djsa &l`tukRed lksp dh izfdz;k esa ;fn vki
nwljs dneks esa lko/kkuh cjrs rks ;g dne mruk vk'p;Ztud ugha gksrkA
Activity: Story Time
Activity Description: This activity which explains that sometimes only a stimulus
is required for the process to begin.
 Display the slide with the pictures on it.
 Ask the participants to look at the pictures on the slide.
 Tell them that they have 20 minutes to write the most interesting and
original story they can write using ALL the pictures.
 After the specified time, ask the can cipants to share their stories.
1. When you saw the slide did you think you could cook up a story linking all the
2. Were you surprised at what you came up with?
3. Did you think it was possible?
4. Did the pictures affect your creativity in any way?
5. Were you surprised at the contents of your story?
Being creative enables you to:

 Find solutions to problems

 Think out of the box and look for more than the obvious solution
 Overcome barriers and constraints
 Stand out

Soft Skills

 Keep pace with the changing world

 Create opportunities
 UtilizA each pportunity optimally

Activity: Guess What This Is

Time required: 15, minutes

Material required:
 Stapler
 Bottle
 Eraser
 Book
 Marker
 Compact disc
 Pencil
 Candle
 Tennis ball
 Thread
 Cap
 Glass
 Plate
 Belt
 Earring
 Purseh/wallet
 Eye glasses
 Show the class a stapler. Ask them, what is the general purpose of a stapler
tell them according to you the stapler can be used as a phone (put the stapler
to your ear and pretend to talk).
 Tell them that you will show the cass several items that they might
encounter in their everyday lives. Their task is to think of creative' uses for
each object that you show. However, this use cannot be the reason for which
the product has been created. For example, if you show them a pen, they
cannot say, "it can be used to write".
 Show the first item to the participants and ask for their responses. Be
encouraging. No answer is right or wrong.

Soft Skills

 Now repeat the process with al other objects.

Note: The activity gets the participants to think imaginative, end move away from
the regular pettem of thought. It stimulates the minds of the participants and
encourages them to search for new connections between things and ideas.


Lesson objective:

 Trainees learn to empathize with customers in order to relate to them better.


Trainees will blind fold their eyes and will write the alphabets in a piece of paper in
proper alignment. After completion they will check the perfection and will
understand how tough it is to do something without seeing.They can empathasize
with the blind people then.

Empathy vs Sympathy:

lekuqHkwfr¼gennhZ½,d fLFkfr dks xzkgd dh –f"Vdks.k ls ns[kus dh

dyk gS] tks lQy xzkgd lsok laL—fr dk ,d egRoiw.kZ va'k gSA
lekuqHkwfr lgkuqHkwfr ugha gS tgka vki fdlh dh fLFkfr ds ckjs esa
dqN fd, fcuk mnkl nq%[keglwl djrs gSaA lekuqHkwfr leL;k dk lek/kku djus rd
lhfer ugha gSA D;ksafd ,d fujk'kxzkgd vkids lek/kku ls lger gksus ls igys
vkidks muds Hkkoukvksa dks Loh—r djuk gksxkA
lekuqHkwfr xzkgd ds vuqdwy lek/kku dks <wa<us ls igys muds
Hkkoukvksa rFkk t:jrksa dks tkuus vkSj Lohdkjus dh dyk gSA tc xzkgd dks
yxsxk fd vki muds t:jrksa dks le>rs gSa vkSj jk; dk [;ky djrs gSa og
vkidsdaiuh ls yacs le; rd tqM+us ds fy, rS;kj jgsaxsA
ijarq gj ,d ftUgs vki vius d‚y lsaVj ;k dkmaVj esa dke djus ds fy, j[krs
gSa muesa LokHkkfod :i ls lekuqHkwfr dk y{k.k ugha gksrkA vPNh [kcj ;g

Soft Skills

gS fd lekuqHkwfrHkh ,d dkS'ky gS ftls dqN ljy mik;ks ds ek/;e ls lh[kk tk ldrk

Step 1:lkeus okyk D;k dg jgk gS mls /;ku ls lqusA
Step 2:nwljksa dh Hkkoukvksa dks ekU;rknsA
Step 3: O;fäxr leFkZu çnku djsa A
Step 4: Hkkxhnkjh esa nwljksa dks 'kkfey djsaA
Step 5:xzkgdksa ds lkFk rkyesy cuk,A
Exercises: Answer the following Questions:

Q1. Define Empathy

Q2. How you can differentiate between empathy and sympathy?

Q3. What do you understand by building rapport with customer?

Q4. Justify with examples: Validate the others emotions

1. Activities:

Play a role of who has served food late inspite of fast order place u, LUG3 J, o urry
waiter guest and accordingly handle the guest s complains and shouting.

2. Materials:

Several shoes...In each shoe place an index cardwith one of each of the following
words written on the front: Poor, Rich, Boy, Girt, Homeless, Physically Disabled,
old, Young, Sick, From a Different country Different Religion, Different Ethnicity,
Different Poitical Beliefs.

Poster board with the words, Stop Breathe Listen Respond on it.

Getting on Board (Note anything in italics isto be said out loud by facilitator.)

Today we're going to talk about empathy.

Activity one

Soft Skills

Each person will get a single 'shoe." Ask them to walk around the room for about a
minute, thinking about how this person (label on the index card) might feel, and
what their life is like.

After one to two minutes, have each person switch shoes with someone else.
Repeat this 3 times so that each participant has had 3 different shoes.

Processing Activity One

Bring the participants back into a circle. Going around the circle, have each person
share his or her thoughts on their last shoe. If another person had that same shoe at
some point, and would like to share their thoughts, encourage them to do so.

It's wonderful that you've al been able to understand what it's like to be in other
person's shoes.


Lesson objectives:
 Trainees are capable of social interaction.
 Trainees can introduce their family members.
 Trainees know how to greet people.
 Trainees can schedule their daily routine.



Any 3 paticipants:
Jim was walking down the lane with Kelly when he met Sam, his old friend after 5
years. He introduced Kelly to Sam. They had a good time for 5 minutes.
Rest of whe participants will analyse the conversation followed by discussion.


Soft Skills

1. When you greet people In person for the frst time

To make a positive first impression when meeting new people:

 A warm smile,
 An introduction that includes your first and last name
 A welcoming comment
 Direct eye contact and a firm handshake
 Repeating the person's name. For instance, It's very nice
to meet you Bob.
2. When you meet people who don't tell you their name-
lf this occurs, simply ask them for their name. Say, didn't catch your name."

After they respond, repeat their name as described in the previous point. This is a
simple way of demonstrating your interest in them.

3. When someone introduces you and does not include your name-

When you are introduced to someone and the person making the introduction
doesn't include your name, it's likely they forgot it or they don't know how to make
a proper introduction.

In this case, offer a warm greeting as described in the first tip and be sure to
include yourfirst and last name. This will prove you are paying attention and that
you realize your name was omitted.

4. When you greet someone who likely forgot your name-

When greeting people you have not seen in a while, take the nitiative to introduce
self by name.

You could say, "Hi Paul; Todd Smith, how are you doing?" If you don't remember
the person's name, introduce self by sharing your name and hope they respond by
sharing theirs.

If people don't offer their name in the greeting' say something like, "Will you
kindly remind me of your name?"

5. When you are not introduced-

Soft Skills

When you are not introduced to people, respond by introducing self if the right
opportunity presents itselt This seems to make everyone fee more comfortable.

6. When you meet with a group of people you DON'T know-

Have you ever walked into a room with a small group of people you

When you are not introduced to people, respond by introducing self if the
nghtopportunity presents itser This seems to make everyone feet more comfortable.
6. When you meet with a group of people you DONT know Have you ever walked
into a room with a small group of people you didn't know and stood there
awkwardly not knowing what you should do?

If this happens, be proactive and introduce yourself to each person in the room.
This will make you stand out from the group as someone with confidence. It wil
also make everyone feel more at ease.

7. When you meet with a group of people you DO know-

When you get together with a group of friends or business associates, immediately
greet each person with a friendly greeting.

As new people join the group, be the first one to show you care by greeting them.

8. When you meet with a group of people some you know and some you don't

Aways greet the people you know and introauce self to the people you have not yet
met. Once again, this seems to make everyone in the group feel comfortable.

9. When you greet a receptionist-

Always introduce yourself with a smile and friendly greeting.

For instance, Hi my name is Todd smith. I have a 4:00 appointment with Steve

10. Practice, practice, practice- If you follow these tips, you can be assured of
making a positive first impression and enhance your existing relationships. You
will be viewed as someone who is friendly, confident and recognizes the value of
making people feel comfortable.
Soft Skills


Exercise: The trainees need to practice this in pairs sothat they know how and
when to use it.

Greeting People


Good moming. (before 12 o'clock)

Good afternoon (after 12 o'clock)

Good evening.

Introducing People

What's your name?

Who are you?

My name is...

I am...

My friends call me...

You can call me...

Haven't we met (before)?

Yes, I think we have.

No, I don't think we have.

I think we've already met.

I don't think we've met (before).

This is...


Have you met...

Soft Skills

Yes, I have.

No, I haven't.

No, I haven't.

Yes, I think I have.

No, I don't think I have

Hello, ... (name)

Nice to meet you. (informal)

Pleased to meet you.

How do you do? (formal)

Nice to see you

Nice to see you again.

Say Goodbye

Good bye.

Bye. See you.

See you later.

See you soon.

See you tomorrow.

See you next week.

Good night.


How are you?

How are you today?

Fine, thank you/thanks.

Soft Skills

Not too bad.

Very well.

I'm okay all right.

Not too well, actually.

What's wrong with you?

What's the matter with you

Are you all right?

I'm tired.

I'm exhausted.

I've got a cold.

Soft Skills



Trainees will list down their daily routine.

gekjh nSfud vknrs lQyrk ;k foQyrk ls cgqr lglac) gSA gj fnu dksf'k'k
djus ls vki vU;Fkk vlaHko y{;ks dks çkIr dj ldrs gSa] vki [kqn dks çfØ;k
mUeq[k cuk ldrs gSa] vius vkidks vkf/kD; ekufldrk ns ldrs gSaA
1- tkxks
uhan] fo}Ùkk vkSj Lej.k 'kfä ds fo"k; esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrk
gSA gj fnu vki tks ruko vuqHko djrs gSa ,oa dke djrs gSa mlds fy, vko';d
/;ku vkSj rkdr ds fy, 9 ?kaVs dh uhan t:jh gSA lqcg tYnh rS;kj gksA vius dke
dh ;kstuk cuk,a rFkk jkr esa gh diM+ksa dks rS;kj djds j[ksA vyekjh] est
bR;kfn O;ofLFkr j[kus ls vkidk ;g dke cgqr vklku gks tk,xkA
2- O;k;ke dks çkFkfedrk nsa
vDlj ,d LoLFk fnup;kZ esa O;k;ke 'kkfey gksrk gS ysfdu O;k;ke cgqr
yksxksa dh lwph esa lcls ç/kkU; fcYdqy ugha gksrk gSA O;k;ke tokuh dk
lzksr gS vkSj bls viuh vuqlwph esa vR;f/kd çkFkfedrk nsuk pkfg,A
3- uk'rk djuk t:jh gS
T;knkrj yksx lqcg uk'rk ugha djrs D;ksafd os le>rs gSa muds ikl le;
ugha gSA fnu dk eq[; vkgkj gS uk'rk ;g vkids p;kip; dks c<+krk gS vkSj fnu
ds fy, vko';d mi;qä 'kfä dks çnku djrk gSA
4- vius dke ds fnu dks O;ofLFkr djsa
dk;ZLFky esa cgqr lkjh #dkoVsa gksrh gSa tks vkidks dk;Z iwjk djus ls
jksdrs gSaA fu;a=.k djuk fnu ds lekiu esa vius dk;Z ls 5 ls 10 feuV cpkus ls
fnu dk 'kq#vkr fcuk fdlh xM+cM+ ds lqfuf'pr j[kus dk ,d vPNk rjhdk gksrk
 vxj vki vius MsLd ij gSa rks fod"kZ.k dks lhfer djsa Qksu u djsa
Qslcqd y‚xbu u djsa ;k bZesy psd u djsaA

Soft Skills

 vxj vki vius MsLd ij u gks rks uksV~l vkSj fopkjksa dks fy[kus ds fy,
vius ikl ,d NksVk cqd j[ksa ;k vius LekVZQksu esa fjd‚MZ djsaA
"We are what we repeatedly do Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit -
5- ,d 'kkSd cuk,a
^^'kkSd**& yksxksa ds ikl bl 'kCn ds fy, ,d vyx gh utfj;k gS ysfdu vyx vki
dqN ,slk dj ldrs gSa dsoy vius vkuan ds fy, rks deky gSA ,d ,sls dk;Z dk
fopkj djsa ftlesa vki dh iw.kZ vfHkO;fä vki blesa fn[kk ldrs gSa mnkgj.k ds
fy, ,d okn~; dks ctkukA
i<+uk & vki lgha fdrkcksa dks i<+us ls çsfjr gksaxs thouHkj ds vuqHko
ifjKku rFkk lh[ks x, ikB gekjs fy, iqLrdksa@fdrkcksa ds :i esa fn;k x;k gSA
,d ubZ Hkk"kk lh[ks & O;kikj ifjçs{; ls vkuk ;k cgqHkk"kh; gksuk ,d cgqr
cM+k Qk;nk gS ;fn vki bl /kjrh ij vkSj 50 ls 60 o"kZ thus dh mEehn j[krs gSa]
cgq Hkk"kk fuiq.krk vkids thou Hkj ds volj rFkk vuqHko dk fiVkjk [kksy
6- vxys fnu dh ;kstuk cuk,a
;g vR;ar egRoiw.kZ gS tc vkids ikl Li"V eu ls lkspus ds fy, dqN le; jgs
rc vxys fnu dSls gksuk pkfg, mldh ;kstuk cuk,aA
7- is'ksoj fodkl
vki m|ksx esa lQy gksus ds fy, vius fnu esa dqN le; vius dkS'ky dks
fodflr djus ij yxk,a ;fn vki ukilan ukSdjh esa vVd x, gSa rks ;g nSfud i)fr vkids
fy, cgqr dke vk,xkA
vxj vki vius eupkgs m|ksx esa gS rks vki #ds ugha fujarj ubZ phtksa
dks tkuus ij /;ku dsafær djsa nkSj ds vuqlj.k djsa çfr;ksfx;ksa ij xkSj djsa ;g
vkids fdlh Hkh dke dks djus esa vf/kd ewY; çnku djsxk rFkk lQyrk vklkuh ls

1. Make a study routine of your subjects for a schedule of three hours.

2. write a note on your hobby and show the same to all the team members

Soft Skills


Lesson objectives:

 Trainees can work effectively in a team

 Trainees know work independently and collaboratively

Pre session activity

The participants are divided into groups. They are given equal number of small pieces
of have papers make boats in 3 minutes. The boats must be property folded so that
those sharp edges. They are also given sticks to strengthen the surface of the boats.
Time's up! Each group boats. Not only how soon they finish is checked but also how
accurately and how well the boats sail.


A certain Father had a famiy of Sons, who were forever quarreling among
themselves. No words he could say did the least good, so he cast about in his mind
for some very striking example that should make them see that discord would lead
them to misfortune.One day when the quarreling had been much more violent than
usual and each of the Sons was moping in a surty manner, he asked one of them to
bring him a bundle of sticks. Then handing the bundle to each of his Sons in turn
he told them to try to break it. But although each one tried his best, none was able
to do so.

The Father then untied the bundle and gave the sticks to his Sons to break one by
one. This they did very easily.

"My Sons," said the Father, do you not see how certain it is that if you agree with
each other and help each other, it will be impossible for your enemics to injure
you? But if you are divided among yoursclvos, you will be no stronger than a
single stick in that bundle.

Soft Skills

Teamwork is the actions of individuals, brought together for a common p or goal,

which subordinate the needs of the Individual to the needs of the group. In essence,
each person on the team puts aside his or her individual needs to work towards the
larger group objective. The interactions among the members and the work they
complete is called teamwork.

The sum of the efforts undertaken by each team member for the achievement of the
team's objective is called team work. In other words, team work is the backbone of
any team.

Every member in a team has to perform and contribute in his best possible way to
achieve a common predefined goal. Individual performances do not count in a
team and it is the collective performance of the team workers which matters the

Vhe f'k{kk%
Vhe f'k{kk ,d 'kSf{kd i)fr gS tks Nk= O;olk; dks c<+kus dk la?k"kZ djrk
gS fuEufyf[kr fl)kar f'k{kkdfeZ;ksa dh Vheksa ds xBu dk ekxZn'kZu djrk
1- lewg dks Bhd rjg ls ?kfVr vkSj çcaf/kr fd;k tkuk pkfg, Vhe dk ifj.kke
lewgksa esa lnL; ds fo'ks"krkvksa ds leku forj.k ds lkFk 5 ls 7 lnL; gksuk
2- Nk=ksa dks tokcnsg cukuk pkfg, ^^Nk=ksa ¼,d½ dks O;fäxr :i ls lewg
esa dke djus ds fy, rS;kj gksus] ¼[k½ lewg dk;Z dks iwjk djus ij le; nsus
vkSj ç;kl djus] vkSj ¼x½ mRiknd rjhdksa esa ,d nwljs ds lkFk ckrphr djus ds
fy, tokcnsg gksuk pkfg,A
3- Vhe dk;Z çf'k{k.k vkSj Vhe ds fodkl nksuksa dks c<+kok nsuk pkfg,A
4- Nk= dks fu;fer vkSj rRdky çfrfØ;k çkIr djuk pkfg,A
lkewfgd dk;Z dh vko';drk,¡
T-E-A-M.& gj dksbZ ,d lkFk esa vf/kd izkIr djsxkA
vU; vf/kdka'k fo"k;ksa dh rjg VheodZ cgqr cM+k fo"k; gS bl ij rFkk
fofHkUu fl)karksa vkSj fopkjksa ij cgqr lkjh fdrkcsa çdkf'kr gSaA

Soft Skills

,d Vhe lkewfgd yksxksa ls vyx gS mlesa gj dksbZ ,d lkFk dke djus ls

vke mís'; vkSj y{; dks çkIr djus dks Li"V :i ls ifjHkkf"kr djrk gS vPNk Vhe odZ
viuk vkRelq/kkj dj ldrk gSA
They achieve better results than people working alone.

They get more done in less time than people working alone.

They work to the strengths of individuals, while compensating for the weaknesses
of others.

They split the work up among members of the team and make the task seem less

"With teamwork we can build towards excellence". Stew Leonard.

Vhe yksxksa ls curk gS vkSj yksxksa dks Vheksa esa ,d lkFk dke djus ds
dqN [kkl t:jrsa gksrh gSa bUgsa çHkkoh Vhe odZ ds fy, egRoiw.kZ dgk x;k
gSA muesa%
1- lapkj% ;gizHkkoh VheodZ dk lkj gS çHkkoh lapkj le> O;k[;k vkSj
dkjZokbZ çnku djrk gSAvçHkkoh lapkj xyrQgeh]v'kq) vFkZ vkSj fuf"Ø;rk ;k
vuqfpr dk;Zokgh dh vksj ys tkrk gSA
2- lfØ; lquuk% ;gka nks ftEesnkfj;ka gSa ,d gSa çs"kd vkSj nwljk çkIrdrkZ
izs"kd dks ;g lqfuf'pr djuk pkfg, fd lans'k Li"V vkSj lqcks/k gks vkSj çkIrdrkZ
dks ;g lqfuf'pr djuk pkfg, fd vxj lans'k Li"V ugha gks rks Li"Vhdj.k ds fy, ekax
3- la?k"kZ dk lek/kku djuk% yksx fofHkUu gS vkSj fuLlansg gh O;fäRo ;k
vU; Vdjko mRiUu gks ldrs gSaA la?k"kZ dk lek/kku djuk t:jh gS vkSj
yksxksa dks bls lqy>kus ds fy, ,d çHkkoh lqlaxr –f"Vdks.k dk mi;ksx djuk
4- Vhe fofo/krk% yksx vyx&vyx i`"BHkwfe ls vkrs gSa vkSj ;g pqukSfr;ksa
vkSj voljksa dks çLrqr dj ldrs gSaA yksx viuh vkSj nwljksa dh fof'k"Vrk dks
igpkus] tkus vkSj muls ykHk ik,¡A
5- Vhe vfHkçsj.k%vfHkçsj.k çfrc)rkuohurk vkSj VheodZ ds fy, çsfjr djrk
gSA Vhe yhMj vkSj lnL; çsj.kk dks çHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa vkSj rduhdksa
dks tkus rkfd buds bLrseky ls Vhe dks c<+kok nsus rFkk çksRlkfgr djus esa
enn fey ldsA

Soft Skills


A. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a teamwork and team leaming?

2. What are the essentialsof teamwork?

B."With teamwork we can build towards excellence" Stew Leonard

How is this applicable in your famil?

C. Read the story and write down the points what you can ponder:

A flock of hungry pigeons were fying across the sky in search of food. Having
traveled a ong distance. they felt tired and setted down on a tree. Just below the
tree, theysaw grains strewn al over the ground. The pigeons were happy to have
found enough food toeat. Althe pigecns came down from the tree and started
eading the grains. As they were doing so, a huge net fel on them and trapped them

The pigeons were taken aback. They notced a hunter sitting at a distance from the
tree. a bow and amow in hand. The pigeons realized it was the hunter who had
attracted them by strewing the grains and it was he who had trapped them in the
net. The hunter gotup and began to move towards the pigeons.

The leader of the pigeons spoke, "Friends, we are in great trouble. The hunter wil
catch us if we do not act swiftly in a few seconds. There is only one opson
available at this moment Let al of us use our force and fly up the net lfall of us use
our force and we can flycanying the net along with us. Let us start now."

All the pigeons agreed with him and flew high carrying the net along with them.
After traveling sufficien distance away from the hunter, the pigeons settled on a
tree and carefully came out of the net one by one and thus escaped the evil design
of the hunter.

D. Elaborate the images.

A. Charge two players with the task of lining up the rest of the team in order of
ascending age. However, one player in the pair must keep his/her eyes closed and

Soft Skills

can only ask yes/no questions but cannot touch anyone. The second player in the
pair is mute, but can see and can touch people. No player on the team is to move of
their own volition only the muted player can move them. Through asking these yes
or no questions the two line up the players by ascending age. When completed, the
coach asks people their age and sees if the pair succeeded. This task is meant to
teach players to rely on each other strengths and be aware of each other's
weaknesses while working as a team.

Soft Skills


Lesson objective:

 Trainees can manage work In time.


Trainees will list the time allotted for their regular activity and will tally with the actual
time taken.

le; çca/ku D;k gS\

le; çca/ku vius thou dh xq.koÙkk esa lq/kkj ykus ds mís'; ds lkFk vius
le; ls vf/kd ewY; çkIr djus ds fy, dqN fl)karksa] çFkkvksa] dkS'ky]midj.k vkSj
ç.kkyh dk lewg gSA le; çca/ku cgqr lkjs dk;ksaZ dks iwjk djus ds ckjs esa
ugha gS cfYd lgh vkSj egRoiw.kZ fo"k; ij dke djus ds ckjs esa gSAbl rjg ;g lc
dqN djus ds ctk; cqf)eku le; çca/ku vius le; fcrkus ds ckjs esa cgqr p;ukRed
gksrs gSaA os viuk iwjk le; NksVs dke esa [kpZ djus ds ctk; vius le; dks
dqN egRoiw.kZ ifj;kstukvksa ij /;ku dsafær djuk ilan djrs gSaA
;fn vki ,d vPNs le; çca/ku gS rks vkidks de le; esa T;knk dke djuk gh
ugha iM+sxk cfYd vki vius thou dks fuf'pr /;ku dsafær vkSj fu;af=r eglwl
djsaxsA vki le; dk mi;ksx vf/kd larqfyr vkSj çHkkoh rjhds ls djus esa l{ke
cuksxs vkSj yksxksa rFkk viuh ilan dh xfrfof/k;ksa ds fy, le; fudkyus esa l{ke
cu tkvksxsA vius le; çca/ku dkS'ky esa lq/kkj ykus ls vkidks de dke djus ij
csgrj ifj.kke çkIr djus esa enn feysxk D;ksafd vki dks O;Lr j[kus okyh lHkh
de çkFkfedrk O;Lrdk;Z ds ctk; mu fo"k;ksa ij vki /;ku dsafær djsaxsA
le; çca/ku dk egRo%
1- vkidks çkFkfedrk r; djus esa enn djrk gSA
2- de le; esa vf/kd dke oA
3- vf/kd xq.koÙkk okys dke djsaA
4- fo"k;ksa dks lanHkZ esa j[ksa

Soft Skills

5- lgh fn'kk esa enn djrk gSA

6- le; lhfer gSA
7- vius vki dks vuq'kkflr djus esa enn djrk gSA
le; çca/ku cuke le; mi;ksx%
^le; çca/ku* vkSj ^le; mi;ksx* nks vyx&vyx fof'k"Vrk,a gSaA bu nks
fof'k"Vrkvksa ds chp eq[; varj ;g gS fd dksbZ Hkh fØ;kdyki djuk dk;Z flf) ds
cjkcj ugha gSA bldk vFkZ gS fd vki fdlh Hkh dke esa O;Lr gks ldrs gSa fcuk
dqN gkfly fd,A
;g ,d cgqr gh ljy vkSj çHkkoh le; mi;ksfxrk çfØ;k gS ftls vius fnup;kZ
esa ,dh—r djus ij vki vkSj vf/kd çHkkoh <ax ls dke dj ldrs gSaA
 bl fnu esa eq>s D;k eq[; ifj.kke gkfly djus gSa\
 og eq[; ifj.kke okLro esa D;ksa egRoiw.kZ gS\
 egRoiw.kZ ifj.kkeksa dks çkIr djus ds fy, eq>s vkt D;k djuk pkfg,\
 vkt eSa bu dk;ksaZ dks dc d:axk\
;fn vkidks yxrk gS fd vki fopfyr gks jgs gSa ;k vkidk /;ku gV x;k gS rks
vius vki ls fuEufyf[kr loky djsa%
 vkt eq>s D;k eq[; ifj.kke gkfly djus gSa\
 og ifj.kke okLro esa egRoiw.kZ D;ksa gSa vkSj vHkh esjs le; dk lcls
vPNk mi;ksx fd;k gS\
le; çca/ku% vf/kd le; cukus dh ;qfä;ka%
fuEufyf[kr 15 le; çca/ku ;qfä;ka vius le; dks vf/kd dq'kyrk ls O;ofLFkr djus
esa enn djsaxs%
1- gj fnu ds fy, viuh izkFkfedrkvks fd
2- vius dSysaMjksa dks leØfed cuk,aA
3- çR;sd ifj;kstuk ds fy, ,d dk;Z ;kstuk dh t:jr gSA
4- egRoiw.kZ dk;ksaZ dh vuqlwph rS;kj djsaA
5- ;FkkFkZoknh y{;ksa dks fu/kkZfjr djsaA
6- vki lc dqN ugha dj ldrsA
7- vius le; dk /;ku j[ksaA

Soft Skills

8- fo?ku dks de djsaA

9- lcls vfç; dk;ksZ dks iwjk djsaA
10- vkdfLed ?kVukvksa dk iwokZuqeku djsaA
11- vkof/kd fojke ysA
12- dkxt ij fy[ksA
13- vkn'kZoknh er cuksA
14- rS;kj] y{;] fu'kkuk yxk,aA
15- vuqus; jgsA

1. How does timescale affect planning and organising a work?

2. What are the tips for time management?

3. What is time utiization? How is it different from time management?

4. How can you gain extra mile everyday?

5. Do you realy feel time management is imp How do you manage time to
accompish your tasks?

6. Extempore on:

a. Prioritising saves time

b. Had Ibeen a little more organised...

c. 8020 rule: is t efective?

7. Discuss in group:

a. Good targets are ones that meet the SMART test.

b. Reviewing work is a must.

8. You have 1 hour left to complete the following tasks and leave for office:

a. Breakfast

Soft Skills

b. Cooking- veg rice

c. Washing clothes (don't have a washer)

d. Taking shower

e. Brooming your room

f. Getting ready

Get set and go... share the entire plan as per the process with the entire class.
Group activity:
 Give each group a large pie of paper and fine point markers. Ask them to
writo down on one side of the paper all the necessary but mundane they
should comploto day. This might include such activities as opening and
responding to mail, completing reports, filing and other tasks. On tha other
side of the paper, they should come up with issues that prevent these daily
tasks from being completed in a timely manner. This can be a very eye-
opening exercise for employees who may not have realized how little things
can rob them of time throughout the work day. Trainees are more likely to
improve time management once they have identified the things that cause
them to waste productive time during the day.Ask trainees how they would
feel if they could complete daily tasks more efficiently so they have time left
over for more engaging and creative aspects of their jobs. Most will agree
that conquering these 'time robbers' wil result in a more satisfying job
 Provide each group with muhtiple items of varying sizes and a jar. Each
group's task will be to get all the items into the jar while still being able to
close the id. The team that gets all the items to fit in the least amount of time
is the winner. This game illustrates visually to employees that the large items
should be put in frst in order to fit' everything that must go into the jar.
Explain that job activities work in the same way. The biggest items are the
jobs that are most important. These should be completed first before the
"small, less important jobs.

Soft Skills


Lesson objective:
 Trainees learn to prepare their resumes.


Trainees will be asked to tell something about themselves
A video on resume writing

What is a resume?

A resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials,

and accomplishments and is used to apply for jobs.

Tips for a resume

 Carefully and Clearly Laid Out-

 Each Page Should Be on a Separate Sheet of Paper
 Be Concise
 Be Positive
 Be Honest

The sweet spot of a CV is the area selectors tend to pay most attention to: this is
typically around the upper middle of the first page, so make sure that this
area.contains essential information.

If you are posting your CV, don't fold it put it in a full-size A4 envelope so that it
doesn't arrive creased.



Soft Skills

Trainees are asked to prepare resumes

Soft Skills


Lesson objective:

 Trainees become capable of appearing for interviews


A video on an interview session
A session on Getting a Job

ukSdjh lk{kkRdkj dk lkeuk djus ds fy, rS;kj gksus dh;qfDr;k¡A

baVjO;w rkjh[k dks fpfUgr djsaA
[kqn dk ewY;kadu djsaA
vius dkS'ky vkSj O;ogkfjd y{k.kksa dh leh{kk djsa tks laxBu ds çkFkfed Lrj
ds fy, mi;qä gSA
laxBu dk fo'ys"k.k djsaA
 daiuh ds ckjs esa 'kks/k djsaA
 laxBu osclkbV dks ns[ksa ¼½A
lokyksa dk iwokZuqeku yxk,a%
iwNs tkus okyh lk/kkj.k lokyksdk iwokZuqeku yxkusdh dksf'k'k djsaA
,d vke loky ftls t:j iqNk tk,xk og gS ^^vkids ckjs esa crkb,**A
lkFkgh fuEufyf[kr lokyksa ds lsV ¼lewg½ dk iwokZuqeku djsa%
 vkids vuqHko vkSj fuiq.krkvksa ds ckjs esa crk,¡A
 vkidh 'kfä;ka ,oa detksfj;k¡ D;k gSA
 D;k vius fiNys ukSdjh izn'kZu ds ckjs esa crk ldrs gSa\
 vkidks gekjh daiuh ds ckjs esa D;k çHkkfor djrk gS\
 vki orZeku ukSdjh ;k daiuh dks D;ksa NksM+uk pkgrs gSa\

Soft Skills

dqN lokyksa dks rS;kj djsa%

in] daiuh vkSj m|ksx ds ckjs esa cqf)eku lokyksa dh ,d vuqdwy çfrfØ;k
mnkgj.k ds fy,
 bl in dks ikus ds fy, eSa D;k mEehn dj ldrk gwa\
 bl in esa lcls cM+h pqukSfr;ka D;k gS\
 ;g vki dSls dg ldrs gSa fd eSa bl in ds fy, mfpr gwa\
 vius baVjO;w dh dYiuk djsaA
 vki Lo;a dke djus dh dYiuk djsaA baVjO;w esa vkidh lQyrk dk ,d cM+k
Hkkx igys dqN {k.kksa esa vkids Nki NksM+us ij fuHkZj djrk gSA
 vki ftl in ds fy, baVjO;w ns jgs gSa mlds fy, vkids diM+s mi;qDr gksus
 iks'kkd dk;kZy; ds vanj vPNh rjg ls vuqdwy gksus pkfg, rFkk csnkx
gksus pkfg,A
 twrksa dks i‚fy'k djuk pkfg, bL=h fd;k gqvk isaV ;k LdVZ] 'kVZ] #eky
rFkk VkbZ iguus pkfg,A
 lkQ cky rFkk uk[kwu vko';d gSA
 ckyksa dks ijaijkxr <ax ls cukuk pkfg,A
 le; rkjh[k vkSj baVjO;w txg rFkk baVjO;w nsus okys dk uke dks fuf'pr
 baVjO;w ds fy, ç] vuqeksnd] lk{kkRdkj i= vkSj vU; vko';d lkexzh
dks bdëk djsa vkSj Øe esa j[ksaA
 vius lkFk ,d vfrfjä QksVks rFkk Resume j[ksa ;g baVjO;w ysus okys
dks vkids ResumevkSj QksVks dk ,d vfrfjä laxzg ds fy, iwN ldrs gSaA
Acts To Do On The Day of Interview
be punctual
baVjO;w ds fy, ges'kk ,d ?kaVk igys igqaps D;ksafd nsj ls igqapus ij
cqjk çHkko iM+sxka baVjO;w ds fy, viuh mifLFkfr ds ckjs esa fjlsI'kfuLV dks
Switch of your cell phonesor put it on silent.
Body language
gekjk laokn ¼cksypky½ 'kjhj ds gkoHkko ds vuqdwy gksuk pkfg, ;gh
lQyrk dh dqath gS ldkjkRed pky ldkjkRed fVIif.k;ksa dk leFkZu djuk pkfg,A

Soft Skills

/;ku vkdf"kZr djus ds fy, feyus ij viuh Hk`dqVh dks FkksM+k mBk,aA
fuf'pr eqLdku ds lkFk dejs esa ços'k djsa rFkk lh/kk pysA
tc vki baVjO;w dejs esa ços'k djrs gSa lHkh dh utj cs'kd vkids psgjs ij
gksxh vkSj ;g eq[; fo"k; gSA blfy, ldkjkRed Hkko fn[kk,a lk{kkRdkjdrkZ dks
vfHkoknu djsa tSls ^^ueLrs] Jh vxzoky th**A
,d –<+ lh/kk gkFk feykuk mfpr gS vkSj vkRefo'okl dks fn[kkrk gS gkFk
feykrs le; vka[k ls laidZ djsa <hyk gkFk feykuk detksjh vkSj vkRefo'okl dh
deh dks n'kkZrk gS] ogh lk{kkRdkjdrkZ ds gkFkksa dks nckuk çeq[krk dks
n'kkZrk gSA ;g gkFk feykuk T;knk ls T;knk 3 ls 5 iyksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk
Eye contact
ftruk tYnh gks lds vk¡[k ls laidZ LFkkfir djus dk ç;kl djsa vxj vki vk¡[k ls
laidZ djuk Vkyrs gSa rks lk{kkRdkjdrkZ dks yxsxk fd vki vfo'oluh;rk dks Nqik
jgs gSaA
lk{kkRdkjdrkZ vkidks cSBus dks dgus rd izfr{kk djsa vkSj ;fn u dgsa
rks iqNsaA lk{kkRdkj drkZ vkidks cSBus dks dgus ls igys cSBukvkidh vfr
vkRefo'okl ;k vgadkj ;k ?kcjkgV gksus tSls Hkko n'kkZ ldrs gSaA
Be brief
baVjO;w ds igys pj.k esa lk{kkRdkjdrkZ]in] daiuh rFkk vU; vke tkudkjh
ds ckjs esa fooj.k nsrk gSA fdlh Hkh vekSf[kd lans'kksa dks igqapkrs le;
lko/kku jgsaA
,d lkekU; fu;e gS fd gesa de ckr djuk pkfg,A
Answer to the point

Answer with relevance to the question. Don't beat around the bush.

For example,

Soft Skills

Interviewer. What are your hobbies? Interviewee: (Wrong) Every human being has
a hobby. Hobby is something what we like to do. My hobbies are. (Right) My
hobbies are......

lk{kkRdkjdrkZ dks viuk le; nsus ds fy, /kU;okn djuk ;kn j[ks vkSj
vkRefo'okl ls gkFk feykdj baVjO;w dM+h dks lekIr djsaA
baVjO;w lekIr gksus ij muds cksyus ls igys mBuk vkidks v/khj vkSj baVjO;w
esa fnypLi u gksus dks n'kkZ,xk gkFkksa dks mlh rjg fgyk,a ftl rjg vki
baVjO;w esa fd, FksA
Sample Questions:
 Tell us something about yourself
 vius ckjs esa gesa dqN crk,aA
 Why should we hire you?
 vkidks ge D;ksa fu;qä djsaA
 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
 vkidh rkdr rFkk detksjh;k¡ D;k gSaA
 Are you willing to relocate?
 D;k vki LFkkukarj.k ds fy, rS;kj gSa\
 What are your goals?
 vkids y{; D;k gS\
 What are your hobbies?
 vkids 'kkSd D;k gS\
 Why do you want to join our organisation?
 vki gekjs laxBu lsa D;ksa tqM+uk pkgrs gSa\
 Where do you wish to see yourself 5 years down the line?
 vki vius dks 5 lky ckn dgka rd igqapus dh vk'kk djrs gSa\
 Are you willing to change your profile when required?
 t:jh iM+us ijD;k vki vius çksQkby dks cnyuk pkgsaxs\
 Are you an introvert or extrovert?
 vki vareqZ[kh gSa ;k cfgeqZ[kh\
 What newspaper do you read?
 vki dkSu ls v[kckj i<+rs gSa\
 Tell me something about yourself that is not mentioned in the resume.
 vius ckjs esa crk,a tks fjT;we esa mYys[k ugha fd;k x;k\
 How would you describe yourself as a person?
 ,d O;fä ds :i esa vius vki dks fdl rjg o.kZu djsaxs\

Soft Skills

 How do you rate your communication skill?

 vius lapkj dkS'ky dks dSls ewY;kadu djksxs\
 If you want to change something in your life, what will you change?
 vxj vki vius esa dqN ifjorZu pkgrs gks rks D;k ifjorZu djksxs\
 Can you perform under pressure?
 D;k vki ncko ds varxZr dke dj ldsaxs\
 What is your favourite colour and why?
 vkidkilanhnk jax D;k gS vkSj D;ksa\
 What was your biggest mistake?
 vkidh lcls cM+h xyrh D;k gS\
 If you face a problem with your own performance, what would you do?
 ;fn vki vius çn'kZu esa leL;k dk lkeuk djrs gks rks vki D;k djksxs\
 What is the shape of an egg? Can you relate the shape to some other objects?
 vaMs dk vkdkj D;k gS D;k vki bl vkdkj ls vU; phtksa dks lac) dj ldrs
 What does your name mean?
 vkids uke dk vFkZ D;k gS\
 Had you been in Mars, what would you have survived on?
 vxj vki eaxy xzg ij gSa vki dSls ¼fdlds vk/kkj ij½ thfor jgsaxs\
 How many planets are there?
 fdrus xzg gSa\
 How many states are there?
 fdrus jkT; gSa\
 Can you tell us something about the state you belong to?
 vius jkT; ds ckjs esa gesa dqN crk ldrs gSa\
 Do you also admit that Customers are always right"?
 D;k vki ekurs gSa fd xzkgd ges'kk lgh gksrs gSa\
Questions will also be specific to the job role and industry.



Video on Common Mistakes in an Interview

Mock Interview

Soft Skills


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