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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS — = UNISA lex PYC1501 (sare Maye 2018 RPY1501 —(aserr Basic Psychology Dwaten 2 Hur 20 Mata en ane sues masexo Mas vil veciavranse He SSE URSIN SECOND PROF EN MOUAPELO-BATKA Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be ‘removed from the examination venue The following information 1s very important 1. Please provide your student number here - 2 Please complete the attendance register on the back page, tear off and hand ito the invigiator 3. This examination paper remains the property of the University of South Afnca and may not be removed from the examinabon room After completing the examination, you must hand inthe following (0 One mark-reading sheet (on which you indicated your angwers) © This examinaton paper (all pages must be handed in) 4° The examination paper consists of fity multiple-choice questions The mark you abtain wil be Converted automatically to a percantage (in other words a mark out of 100) 5 Answer the examination questions on a mark reading sheet You will receive a mark-eading sheet with this paper Read the altached instructions for complation of a mark-reading sheet and follow these structions carefully Ensure thal you provide the following information on the mark-reading sheet 2 Your student number © Thecourse code The paper's unique number (TURN OVER] UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS: UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA lee FER PYC1504 (494279) Mayllune 2018 RPY1501 (490776) Basic Psychology Duration 2 Hours 50 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MR S MASEKO. MRS VM NEKHAVHAMBE MS FT SILINDA MR GM SKOSANA. SECOND PROF EM MOJAPELO-BATKA Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of 12 pages plus instructions for completion of @ mark reading sheet The following information 1s very important 1. Please provide your student number here: = = 2. Please complete tne attendance register on the back page, tear off and hand ito the nviglator 3. This examination paper remains the propery of the Unwersity of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination room After completing the examination, you must Nand inthe folowing © One mark-reading sheet (on which you indicated your answers} © This examination caper (all pages must be handed in) 4 The examination paper consists of fiy muluple-choxce questions The mark you obtain will be converted automatically toa percentage (in other words a mark out of 100) 5 Answer the examination questions on a mark reading sheet You will receive a mark-eading sheet with this paper Read the attached instructions for completion of a mark-reading sheet and follow these instructons carefully Ensure that you provide the followang information on the mark-reading sheet © Your student number © The course code © The papers unique number [TURN OVER] PYC1501 MAYAUNE 2018 Questions 1 to 10 are based on human nervous system Question 4 Dunng a class presentation, one student mentions that neurons can send impulses continuously This statement is| 1 correct, because neurons are never inactive 2 incorrect, because the resting potential has to be restored before another impulse can fire 3 incorrect, because impulses cannot be conducted during the absolute refractory period 4 correct, because the refractory period prevents over-stimulation of the nervous system Question 2 Which of the following statements about neurons s incorrect? 1 Neurons are part of a communication network that influences the manner in which the body functions 2 The nucieus is a control centre because it controls all metabolic actwvities in 2 cell 3. Motor or efferent neurons carry messages from the environment to the spinal cord and the bran 4 |mputse conduction in a neuron is mainly made up of electrical and chemical processes Question 3 While walking to schoo! Khensani was startled by very loud explosions from a local factory Refernng to the characteristics of impulse conduction, please mdicate which one of the following statements 1s correct when considering the scenano above 1 The frequency of impulse conduction increased because of the loud explosion 2 The magnitude of impulse conduction increased because of the loud explosion 3 In comparison to softer sounds, a loud explosion leads to impulse conduction becoming faster 4 The loud explosion is more intense stimulus and st causes larger changes in the mambrane potential Question 4 ‘The gaps that separate the myelin sheaths in a neuron are called 1 axon hillocks 2 nodes of ranwer 3 boutons 4° dendntes Question 5 In a myelinated axon impulse conduction is known as conduction, whereas in an un-myelinated axon Wisknown as — conduction resting membrane - generator potential postsynaptic potential - salutatory axon hillock - refractory period salutatory - action potential (TURN OVER] PYC1501 MAYIJUNE 2018 Question § ‘When the electrical charge 1s strong enough to exceed the threshold, the resting membrane potential 1s changed into (an) postsynaptic potential synapse resting membrane potential action potential RON Question 7 Which of the following neurotransmitters is associated with seasonal depression? Acetylcholine Adrenalin Serotonin Dopamine Bone ‘Questions 8 to 10 are based on the scenario below. Scenario You read in the newspaper about an accident n which Mrs Smith sustained head mjunes The | report states that pnor to the accident, Mrs Smith was a very good swimmer but now she 1s. unable to execute basic swimming movements Moreover, she could not feel the temperature of water when she tries to swim The report also states that since the accident, Mrs Smith struggles to understand what 1s bemg said to her and she 1s unable to use language effectively | Question 8 The report states that Mrs Smith could not execute basic syamming movements after he accident Which part of the brain could be damaged? 4 Frontal lobe 2 Occipital lobe 3° Temporal iobe 4 Panetal lobe Question 9 The report states that Mrs Smith could not fee! the temperature of water when she tned to swim Which part of the brain could be damaged? Occipital tobe Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe BON= [TURN OVER} PYC1501 MAYIJUNE 2018 Question 10 The report also states that Mrs Smith struggles to understand spoken words Which part of the brain could be damaged? Occipttal lobe Frontal lobe ‘Temporal lobe Panetal lobe ‘Questions 11 to 15 are based on the states of consciousness Question 11 When you wake up and clearly remember the dream, what stage of sleep have you woken up from? 1 D-sleep 2 phase 2 sieep 3. phase 3 sleep 4 $Sleep Question 12 In which of the following phases of sleep does a person become confused, has slurred speech, and poor motor co-ordination when woken up? 1 Phase 1 sleep 2 Phase 2 sleep 3. Phase 3 sleep 4 Phase 4 sleep Question 13, The brain waves are charactensed by drowsiness and falling asleep 1 delta 2 alpha 3° beta 4 theta Question 14 The drug cocaine is a and works by 1 stimulant, decreasing the action of inhibitory neurons 2 depressant, decreasing fears and anxiety 3 stimulant, mmicing other drugs 4 depressant, increasing the release of dopamine Question 15 Stimulants act by increasing alertness, boosting energy and activity, and producing 2 pleasant feeling Which of the following 1s an example of a stimulant? 1 Catiene 2 Manuana 3 Alcohol 4° Ecstasy [TURN OVER} PYC1501 MAY/JUNE 2018 ‘Questions 16 to 20 are based on sensation and perception Questions 16 The system that provides people with information about the environment immediately outside the skin 1s called the system 1 chemical 2 wsual 3 proproceptve 4 somaesthetc Question 17 ‘You give the child some toys to play with Then you notice that the child groups the toys close together Which principle of perceptual organization is the child displaying? 4 Principle of proximity 2 Principle of simanty 3. Principle of symmetry 4 Principle of continuity Question 18 Which of the following statement(s) refer(s) to the orenting reaction? 1 The onenting reaction occurs when a stimulus 1s recognised or given meaning 2 The orienting reaction follows a sudden change in environmental stimulation 3. Habituation refers to the re-appearance of the onenting reaction 4 Allof the above Question 19 The main aim of an advertisement is to attract people's attention and motivate them to buy the advertised product The best results are obtained by the advertisements that 1 contain small and familar elements 2 appeal to subjective needs and wishes of the consumer 3. rely on extemal more than internal determinants of attention 4 appear on big billboards along the roads Question 20 Which of the following statements about monitoring (onenting reaction) is incorrect? Monitoring happens below the level of awareness: Monitoring enables people to block physical pain voluntanly during surgery Monitonng occurs when the receptors receive stimulus eneray Monitoring enables us to respond quickly to possible important events (TURN OVER} PYC1501 MAY/JUNE 2018 Questions 21 to 28 are based on cognition Question 21 When John could not open the door, he decided to try only the keys that could possibly open the door What kind of strategy did John use? 1 Heurestic strategy 2 Tnal-and-error strategy 3. Insight strategy 4 Inductive reasoning strategy Question 22 Mr Cheng believes that his children are out of control and the only solution is to use physical punishment to discipline them, as his parents and grandparents did in thew mes This is an example of barnes to problem-solving 1 emotional 2° cultural 3 perceptual 4 psychological Question 23, Which of the following 1s not one of the steps in the process of problem-solving? 1. Identify the problem and define it clearly 2 Explore various strategies 3. Gaining insight 4 Explore possible solutions, Question 24 You forgot to meet with your groupmate in the library at 12h00 as agreed 30 minutes later, your groupmate: finds you at the coffee shop You ask how he found you, he explains that you are usually ether at the library ‘or the coffee shop around 12h30 everyday What approach did your groupmate use to find you? 1 Informal reasoning because there was only one possible option 2 Restricted thinking because he restricted his options: 3. Deductive reasoning because itwas based on logical reasoning that that fthe premise is true, then the conclusion must also be true 4 Inductive reasoning because it was based on a premise that did not guarantee and outcome Quostion 25 Dung group discussion, Peter states that he understands why some people tend to steal in order to make @ ling Upon hearing this, Susan claims that Peter 1s n favour of stealing What kind of reasoning fallacy 1s Susan displaying? 1 Susans playing on Peter's sympathy to get something done 2 Susans trying to discredit the issue of stealing by discrediting Peter 3. Susan is using a slightly changed version of Peter's point as a basis for reasoning 4 Susans relying on the characienstics of the group to gain support for her conclusion [TURN OVER] Pyc1s01 MAY/JUNE 2018 Question 26 Your groupmate on myUnisa explains that the difference between informal and formal reasoning 1s that formal reasoning 1s logical whereas informal reasoning is illogical " This answer is, 1 correct 2 incorrect, because formal reasoning 's based on inductive and deductive reasoning 3. incorrect, because the difference lies in the topic thal is being discussed 4 incorrect, premises and conclusions are exphatiy stated in formal reasoning but usually not so in informal reasoning Question 27 Crivcal seasoning consists of a vanely of attitudes, procedures and skils, Which one of the following cannot be seen as part of cntical reasoning? 1 Identifying the problem 2 Being open-minded about an issue under consideration 3 Finding the only one nght answer 4 Developing collective thinking in a task-onented group Question 28 While reading through some material, James comes across the following syllogism “All angels are unmortal Gabnel 1s an angel Therefore, Gabriel is immortal " ‘The above statement is an example of reasoning inductive entice deductive analogical Questions 29 to 30 are based on intelligence and creatwity. Question 29 Creative thinking consists of generating onginal, new and useful ideas Which statement is incorrect about creativity? 1 Divergent thinking is associated with creativity 2 Creatwity is associated with cognitive complexity 3. Creativity and intelligence are similar 4 Creative achievement is dependent on other factors such as motivation, personality and intelligence Question 30 Which of the foliowing 1s a possible explanation for the finding that highly creative people often do not perform well on traditional tests of intelligence? Performance on intelligence tests rely on convergent thinking Creativity and intelligence are unrelated abiities Create people are convergent thinkers Creative people do not have above average intelligence [TURN OVER] PYC1501 MAYIJUNE 2018 Questions 31 to 40 are based on learning and memory Question 31 ‘What type of learning is traditionally classified as learning by association? 1 Social leaming 2 Cognitwe learning 3. Classical conditioning learning 4 Observational learning Question 32 Thabo is afrand of snakes He also demonstrates fear of other objects that look like snakes This is an example of 1 conditioned response 2 stimulus discrimination 3. stimulus generalization 4 spontaneous recovery Question 33, Observational learning means that we learn 4 through understanding, knowing and making use of mental processes 2 by watching and imitating the behaviours of others. 3. through interacting with other people in our social environments 4 by operating on the environment and receiving rewards Question 34 Which of the following occurs when a person makes a response that removes an unpleasant event or stimulus? 1 Positive reinforcement 2 Generalssation 3 Negative reinforcement 4 Extinction Question 35 The process whereby people interact with their environment by exploring, and manipulating objects 1s known as 1 classical conditioning 2 operant conditioning 3. discovery learning 4 perceptual-motor leaming Question 36 Which component of the working memory will you use to recall someone's celiphone number? Long-term knowledge Executive control system Visuospatial sketchpad Phonological loop [TURN OVER] 10 PYC1501 MAY/JUNE 2018 Question 37 Which of the following monitors and regulates the information needed for reasoning and problem solving 7 1 Visuospatial sketchpad 2 Executive control system 3 Long-term knowledge 4 Phonological loop Question 38 Which memory system refers to the storage of explicit, factual information such as names and places? 1 Declarative memory 2. Short-term memory 3. Episodic memory 4 Non-deciarative memory Question 39 Mr Naidoo was a lifeguard at the beach It has been a long time since Mr Naidoo swam but he still knows how to The information about knowing how to swim 1s stored in the memory 1 long-term 2 expheit 3 episodic 4° procedural Question 40 You are about to switch on the TV, your cellphone rings and you answer After the call, you have forgotten what you were about to do The reason you have forgotten is because of 1 ineffective selection 2 interference 3. lack of rehearsal 4 poor organisation Questions 41 to 46 are based on emotion Question 41 Which of the following is not associated with the cognitive appraisal theory of emotion? 1 The perception of physiological arousal is a necessary element after an emotion is experienced 2 The experience of an emotion involves interpreting physiological arousal with reference to cognitive content 3. Primary and secondary appratsal are integral components of the expenence of an emotion 4 Thinking occurs before feeling n the experience of emotion (TURN OVER} " PYC1501 MAY/JUNE 2018 ‘Question 42 Emotions are usually expressed in actions of the autonomic nervous system whereby people fight or fight to protect themselves This isa component of emotions 1 behavioural 2 cognitive-perceptual 3. psychological 4 physiological Question 43 According to the Two-factor theory of emotion, which of the following 1s the correct sequence in the experience of emotion? 1 Stimulation - appraisal - differentiation of emotion - arousal 2 Stimulation - arousal - cognitive appraisal - emotion 3. Stimulation - arousal - cifferentiation of emotion - appraisal 4 Stimulation - arousal- appraisal - emotion - behaviour Question 44 ‘The Two-factor theory of emotions states that 1. cognitive control ofthe qualty and intensity of feelings 1s possible 2 _ the differentiation of an emotion involves the interpretation of physiological appraisal 3 _ the perception of physiological arousal is nol important n differentiation of an emotion 4 an emotion is interpreted based on the meaning given to Question 45 ‘You are jogging at night and you see a car driving siowly behind you You start sweating and your heart rate and breathing increase Which nervous system is associated with your reaction? 1 Parasympathetic nervous system 2 Sympathetic nervous system 3 Peripheral nervous system 4 Central nervous system Question 46 Which of the following statement(s) about emotions and motivation is/are not true? Emotions and motwation are both tnggered by some kind of stimult Emotions and motwvation actwate and affect behaviour We can predict the kind of behaviour that can be produced by both emotions and motivation All of the above [austen 47 to 50 are based on personality ‘Question 47 Which personality theory holds the belief that rewards and punishment shape personaliy development? Humanistic theory Behaviouristic theory Person-centered theory Psychoanalytic theory [TURN OVER} 12 PYC1501 MAYIJUNE 2018 Question 48 ‘Which of the following 1s not a charactensstic of a “hardy personality"? 1 Asense of personal commitment 2 Asense of control 3. Perception of life as a series of challenges 4 Highly compettve and achieverent-onented Question 49 The term character refers to people's emotions and the way in which they deal and express those emotions aspects of personality involving a person’s values and his/her abiity to behave according to those values stable qualities that mostly remain consistent mn vanous and changing situations people who have several traits in common Question 50 Ifyou describe your best fnend as “optimistic, reserved, and friendly,” which personality approach are you using? Humanistic approach Trait approach Psychodynamic approach Psychoanalytic approach [50] End of examination paper Remember to provide the following information on your mark reading sheet © Your student number © The course code The paper's unique number Hand in 0 The mark reading sheet on which you indicated your answers, © This question paper (All the pages must be handed in) ® UNISA 2018 unwersiry oF sours arnica U NISA. ae UNIVERSITEIT VAN SUID-AFRIKA EXAMINATION MARK READING SHEET EKSAMEN-MERKLEESBLAD PART 4 (GENERAL/ALGEMEEN) DEEL 1 e foo eo em eos , [sseenieeaten arty fanaa For use by examination invigilacor ja eds cas csias eo gee Hevea a oan eo: a ©: 3 Vir gebruik deur eksamenopsiener fess ess 260 MMM cos ese chop fess cg: ARM cs -5 ¢ lcs sees exncas cas coseed] ay cnt server dc Iasenecti ear eee [scar ceva se] t ART 2 cansweRs/aNTwoordE) | DEEL 2, x ee “ af) Eas Tone pane) aaa + i242 waa 2 ama, | we cians] pe] baba] Boa. barca Pape aes BOARS: 1 tian ep. - o aigianes Bo oaaie Me coca Ve averaress ca eae) | m aracced) | im menses 1 ohgrate gil MEG) |p aaow, ie i hea 3k 3 Daa) | ROSAS NSLP Ie di aien al = Gaba sy Waban amma)! |i ideune = Meee Mae | Mane! gle madras, = wma). |e manna || a mare woes = Maes, |e manpaed |B anes oe} dias aecay aia thar, B wea C3 ea Deniecasp | we tiaeg Sea ea Hagia cae Boiay Saueap rep uresy i teaean ‘Boaiaia: o[ i waa Haid estas Lae eiaea ecin® e en OF & nea asec se & & = = wave = 5 ase = a |e mao Ge ares] | amare] deepen eins )) a mag wnaena@en | fiarasendy, | ib iadaracl = wo] BOWE aay @ otperaenr | | a Hvac caesy Heresies B Gna & 3 Road 5 arash a SE Sa Pann pe |e sais: : Maas, w creer sf af a aveasassaresy ane grarc degrees Bowamarg B waren Pommaal |B das. 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