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Rovie Perpetua N. Andes

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

A. Determine the structure of a specific academic text (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1)


A. Topic:


B. References: From Hand to Mouth by Michael C. Corballis

(English for Academic and Professional Purposes (DepEd Copy)), CommunicateToday

English for Academic and Professional Purposes for Senior HighSchool by Jessie
Saraza Barrot, PhD and Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio

C. Teaching Materials:

Power Point Presentation, Projector, Texts


A. Activity

1. Students will be grouped into 5

2. The teacher will read passages from different texts.

There are 10 persons died in the accident last June 10,2017 at Brgy Malayantok,
Science City of Muñoz NuevaEcija.

The warrior saved to a princess and they live happily everafter.

Cinderella left her shoes in the party and the princes keptlooking for her3. The students
will identify if the text came from a publication or a
fictional story. The group who’ll get the most number of scores will win.
B. Analysis

Structure of Academic Text

Academic texts are typically formal. They have clearly structured introduction, body and
conclusion. They include information from credible

sources which are, in turn, properly cited. They also include list of references used in
developing the academic paper.

C. Abstraction

The teacher will ask the students to read the text entitled
From Hand toMouth by Michael C. Corballis
(English for Academic and ProfessionalPurposes (DepEd Copy)),.The students will do
the Pop-Corn Reading. (One students will be called to start reading the text, when the
teacher said stop the student will stop reading and another student will be called to
continue the reading exactly where his/her classmate stopped)

D. Application

The teacher will let the students identify the parts of an academic text
In the ‘From Hand to Mouth by Michael C. Corbalis’

IV. Evaluation

Based on their previous groups, the students will be asked to go to the

library by group and find one academic text for 7minutes. After the given time each
group will pick a number in choosing what academic text will they analyze to identify the
academic parts. Each group will be given 10 minutes for evaluating the text and 3
minutes each for the presentation.

V. Assignment
Find one academic text (students may copy it, photocopy or cut).Paste it on your
notebook and identify the parts of the text.

VI. Reflection
Students will answer the following questions:
1. What were your misconceptions about the topic prior to taking up this lesson?
2. What new or additional learning have you had after taking up this lesson in terms of
skills, content and attitude?

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