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Thorac Surg Clin 17 (2007) 529–547

Anatomy of the Neck and Cervicothoracic Junction

Jean Deslauriers, MD, FRCS(C)
Centre de Pneumologie de Laval, Department of Thoracic Surgery, 2725, Chemin Sainte-Foy,
Québec, QC G1V 4G5, Canada

Although thoracic surgeons often use cervical Surgical landmarks and triangles of the neck
and cervicothoracic incisions for operations on
Over the anterior neck, the laryngeal prom-
the upper airway, cervical esophagus, superior
inence (Adam’s apple) is formed by the angle of
mediastinum, and lung apices, the neck and
union of the two lateral laminae of the thyroid
thoracic inlet are anatomically complex regions
cartilage at the level of C4–C5 (Fig. 1). It is more
that traditionally have posed a problem for
prominent in men than in women because in
surgical access [1]. Important neurovascular struc-
men this angle of union is more acute. Above
tures traversing the neck often are crowded to-
the laryngeal prominence, the laminae diverge
gether, making exposure difficult and resectional
to create a V-shaped depression, the thyroid
surgery hazardous. Malignancies arising in the
notch. The anterior arch of the cricoid cartilage
thoracic inlet such as anteriorly located Pancoast
(level of C6) lies immediately inferior to the thy-
tumors or mediastinal neoplasms also may mag-
roid cartilage to which it is united by a thick and
nify the problem because they distort the normal
avascular membrane, the cricothyroid mem-
anatomy in addition to invading local structures
brane. It is through this membrane that crico-
such as the spine, major blood vessels, or brachial
thyroidotomies [2] and minitracheotomies used
for pulmonary toilet are performed [3,4]. Al-
The anatomic information that every thoracic
though upper tracheal rings sometimes can be
surgeon must know and understand about the
felt at the base of the neck, they usually are
neck and thoracic inlet may not appear as such in
not palpable because they are covered by the
standard anatomy textbooks, because in those
thyroid isthmus, which often must be divided
volumes the anatomy is seen through the eyes of
or retracted superiorly to gain access to the up-
an anatomist rather those of a surgeon. Indeed
per trachea during an open tracheotomy or a tra-
there often are considerable differences in what is
cheal resection. The hyoid bone (level of C3),
seen in an immobile cadaver lying in its back and
which is not a true part of the larynx, lies above
what is observed in the operating room with
the thyroid cartilage, to which it is united by the
patients lying in different positions. Attempts to
thyrohyoid membrane.
perform operative procedures in the neck or over
The thoracic inlet, which is the anatomic
the cervicothoracic junction without both per-
region where the neck communicates with the
spectives can result in incomplete operations or
mediastinum, is the superior aperture (inlet) of the
technical mishaps.
thorax. It is bounded by the spine posteriorly
(level of T1), the cartilage of the first ribs laterally,
and the sternal (jugular) notch anteriorly.
The sternocleidomastoid muscle, which runs
superiorly and laterally from the manubrium
(sternal head) and the medial half of the clavicle
E-mail address: hopitallaval.chir-thor@ssss.gouv. (clavicular head) to the mastoid process of the temporal bone (Fig. 2), divides the side of the
1547-4127/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Body of
hyoid bone





tracheal ring


Fig. 1. The laryngeal landmarks of the anterior neck. Note the two laminae of the thyroid cartilage that are fused
together in the midline to form the laryngeal prominence.

neck into anterior and posterior triangles, which surgeon. These muscles include the prevertebral
are important descriptive landmarks (Box 1). muscles, the scalene muscles, the infrahyoid and
The supraclavicular fossa is a depression lo- suprahyoid muscles, the sternocleidomastoid
cated above the clavicle lateral to the clavicular muscle, the platysma, and, over the back of the
site of insertion of the sternocleidomastoid neck, the trapezius muscle.
muscle. There are three sets of deep prevertebral
muscles which are covered by the prevertebral
fascia and whose actions are to flex the neck and
Muscles and skeleton of the neck
to flex the head on the neck.
In the neck, there are several groups of The scalene muscles (Box 2) have an oblique
muscles, all of which are important to the thoracic orientation from their origin on the transverse






Inferior belly of
omohyoid muscle


Fig. 2. Topography of the triangles of the neck. Note that the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle divides the posterior
triangle into an occipital triangle and a supraclavicular triangle.

processes of the cervical vertebrae to their sites of triangle is bounded by the scalenus anterior ante-
insertion on the superior border of the first two riorly, the scalenus medius posteriorly, and the
ribs (Figs. 3 and 4). The scalene anterior is first rib inferiorly. Collectively, the scalene mus-
located under the sternocleidomastoid muscle cles elevate the first two ribs and thus are con-
and inserts on the scalene tubercle of the first sidered inspiratory muscles. For the thoracic
rib. The subclavian vein passes in front of it to surgeon, the importance of the costoclavicular
unite with the internal jugular vein; the subcla- space and of the scalene triangle is that anatomic
vian artery, and brachial plexus pass behind it. variations can cause compression of the brachial
The scalenus medius also inserts on the superior plexus and subclavian artery (see the article on
border of the first rib lateral to the scalenus ante- the anatomy of the thoracic outlet by Urschel
rior, and the scalenus posterior muscle inserts on in this issue). When a Pancoast tumor is resected
the external surface of the second rib. The scalene from the anterior cervical approach, the middle

superior mediastinum while doing a mediastino-

Box 1. Boundaries of the triangles of the scopy. As a group, the infrahyoid muscles de-
neck press the hyoid bone and larynx and thus help
lower the lower jaw during the process of
Anterior triangle swallowing.
Anterior border of sternocleidomastoid The suprahyoid muscles (Box 4) are located in
muscle the submandibular region superior to the hyoid
Inferior margin of mandible bone and connect the hyoid bone to the skull
Anterior midline of the neck (see Fig. 5). These muscles include the genio-
Posterior triangle hyoid (deep layer), the mylohyoid (middle layer),
Posterior border of sternocleidomastoid and the stylohyoid muscles (superficial layer).
muscle The digastric muscle also is superficial and, like
Middle part of clavicle the omohyoid, has an anterior and a posterior
Anterior border of trapezius belly united by an intervening tendon. The poste-
rior belly arises from the mastoid process (tem-
poral bone), and the anterior belly is attached
on the digastric fossa on the inferior border
of the mandible. Collectively, the suprahyoid
muscles lower the lower mandible (geniohyoid,
mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric) or elevate
Box 2. Origin and site of insertion of the the hyoid bone (posterior belly of digastric,
scalene muscles stylohyoid).
The sternocleidomastoid muscle (Fig. 6) is
Scalenus anterior
Origin: Transverse process of C3–C6 a large muscle located in the anterolateral portion
Insertion: Scalene tubercle on the of the neck. As previously described, it extends
obliquely up the neck from the manubrium (ster-
superior border of the first rib
nal head) and medial third of the clavicle (clav-
Scalenus medius icular head) to the mastoid process of the
Origin: Transverse process of C2–C7 temporal bone. Its main actions are to flex the
Insertion: Superior border of first rib, head and tilt the head. It is crossed superficially
lateral to the scalenus anterior by the external jugular vein, and it covers the
Scalenus posterior great vessels of the neck.
The platysma muscle is a wide, thin quadrilat-
Origin: Transverse process of C4–C6
Insertion: Superior border of second rib eral muscle that covers the front and side of the
neck and the lower face.
The important muscle in the posterior part of
the neck is the trapezius (Fig. 7), which is a wide,
thin, and triangular muscle extending from the
and anterior scalenus muscles must be divided spinous processes of C7 and T1 to T10 to the clav-
above their site of insertion on the first rib to icle (posterior lateral third), the acromion, and
gain access to the brachial plexus. the scapula. Its action is to elevate and rotate
The infrahyoid muscles (Box 3) lie inferior to the scapula.
the hyoid bone and are called ‘‘strap muscles’’ The bony skeleton of the neck consists of the
because they have a ribbon-like appearance. upper sternum, clavicles, first ribs, and cervical
They anchor the hyoid bone to the sternum, vertebrae. The upper sternum is called the ‘‘ma-
clavicle, and scapula. These muscles include the nubrium’’; its superior surface is indented by
sternothyroid, the thyrohyoid, the sternohyoid, a depression, suprasternal or jugular notch. On
and the omohyoid, which has two bellies (ante- each side of this notch is the articular facet for the
rior and posterior) united by an intermediate articulation of the medial end of the clavicle (see
tendon (Fig. 5) and extends obliquely from the Fig. 4). Part of the sternodeidomastoid muscles
hyoid bone to the scapula. Between the left- originates from the anterior surface of the
and right-sided strap muscles, a layer of loose manubrium.
connective tissue must be accessed and elevated The clavicle or collarbone extends from the
to gain access to the prevertebral fascia and manubrium (sternoclavicular joint) to the




posterior C6





Fig. 3. The origin and insertion of the scalene muscles. Note that the anterior scalenus and middle scalenus insert on the
first rib, whereas the posterior scalenus inserts on the second rib.


C2 Origins of
Scalenus anterior

Origins of C3
Scalenus medius
C5 anterior muscle

Insertion of C6 medius muscle
medius muscle Scalenus
Insertion of

First rib


Fig. 4. Topographic anatomy of the scalene muscles. The scalene muscles descend obliquely from the transverse
processes of the cervical vertebrae to the first two ribs.

acromion of the scapula laterally (acromioclavic- of Pancoast tumors, Dartevelle and colleagues [6]
ular joint). This latter articulation connects the recommended that the medial half of the clavicle
upper limb to the chest wall. The clavicle is be resected to gain better surgical exposure. Be-
important for the stability of the shoulder–girdle cause the clavicle is the site of insertion of the
complex. The acromioclavicular joint, whose con- sternocleidomastoid muscle (superior surface)
struction is reinforced by the powerful coracocla- and of the pectoralis major muscle (inferior sur-
vicular ligament, provides mobility between face), and because it stabilizes the shoulder
clavicle and scapula [5]. girdle, its resection can lead to shoulder instabil-
In their original description of the anterior ity, especially when the clavicular resection is
transcervical–thoracic approach for the resection associated with first rib resection and cervical

through the skin. Their distinctive feature is their

Box 3. Infrahyoid muscles (strap transverse process, which circumscribes the trans-
muscles) verse foramen through which the vertebral ar-
teries and veins pass. The sixth cervical vertebra
Superficial plane has a prominent anterior tubercle of its transverse
Sternothyroid process called the ‘‘tubercle de Chassignac,’’
Extends from sternum to thyroid which has a close relationship with the common
cartilage carotid artery.
Located deep to sternohyoid muscle
Extends from the hyoid bone to the Topographic anatomy of the neck: anterior
scapula and posterior triangles
Has two bellies united by a tendon
Topographically, the neck is divided into an
Deep plane anterior and a posterior triangle by the sterno-
Thyrohyoid cleidomastoid muscle (see Box 1 and Fig. 2).
Continuation of sternothyroid muscle Complete knowledge of the anatomy of these tri-
up to the hyoid bone angles is important for the thoracic surgeon oper-
Sternohyoid ating in the area, because they contain many
Anterior to sternothyroid and important structures that must be identified and
thyrohyoid preserved during surgery. Superior sulcus tumors
Extends from clavicle to hyoid bone located anteriorly and extending in front of the
anterior scalene muscle, for example, may invade
the subclavian and internal jugular veins, whereas
tumors extending between the anterior and med-
vertebra resection. Because clavicular resection
ius scalene muscles may invade the phrenic nerve,
also can lead to serious alterations of shoulder
the subclavian artery and its branches, and the
mobility, cervical posture, and discomfort,
brachial plexus [8].
most thoracic surgeons now advocate the trans-
The general shape of the posterior triangle of
manubrial approach described by Grunenwald
the neck is that of a triangle whose base is the
and Spaggiari [7]. This approach spares the clavi-
middle third of the clavicle and whose apex is the
cle and all its muscular insertions while affording
meeting of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and
excellent access to the supraclavicular region.
trapezius muscles on the superior nuchal line. Its
The first rib is important for maintaining
exact boundaries are presented in Box 1. The floor
stability of the shoulder girdle. It is the shortest,
of the posterior triangle is made of four muscles,
broadest, and most curved of all ribs, and it
including the scalenus medius and scalenus poste-
extends from the lateral margin of the manubrium
rior, which are covered by a deep cervical fascia.
inferior to the clavicular notch to a single-facet
The inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle divides
articulation with the body of the first thoracic
the posterior triangle into an occipital triangle
vertebra. The first rib has a prominent scalene
(superior to the omohyoid) and a supraclavicular
tubercle on the inner border of its superior surface
triangle that is crossed superficially by the external
for the insertion of the scalene anterior muscle.
jugular vein.
This site of insertion is important because the
The anterior triangle of the neck, whose apex is
scalene triangle located between the scalene ante-
the sternal notch and whose base is the inferior
rior muscle anteriorly, the scalene medius muscle
border of the mandible, contains the common
posteriorly, and the first rib inferiorly allows the
carotid artery and its division into external and
passage of the subclavian artery and brachial
internal branches (carotid triangle).
plexus. The subclavian vein crosses the first rib
in front of the scalene tubercle and scalene
anterior muscle.
Topographic anatomy of the neck: the root of
The cervical spine is made of seven vertebrae
the neck
(C1–C7), the first one being called the ‘‘atlas,’’ the
second one the ‘‘axis,’’ and the seventh the ‘‘verte- The root of the neck, the thoracocervical
bra prominens’’ because of its long spinous pro- region, is bounded laterally by the first ribs,
cess that can be palpated easily and seen anteriorly by the sternal notch and manubrium,

Anterior belly of
digastric muscle

Mylohyoid muscle

Stylohyoid muscle

muscle Posterior belly of
digastric muscle

muscle (cut)

Sternohyoid muscle

Anterior belly of
Sternothyroid omohyoid muscle
Posterior belly of
omohyoid muscle

Fig. 5. Topography of the infrahyoid and suprahyoid muscles. Note the two bellies of the omohyoid muscle united by an
intermediate tendon.

and posteriorly by the first dorsal vertebra (D1). (Fig. 9) at the root of the neck (Box 5) is usually
Its general arrangement is shown diagrammati- dissected first.
cally in Fig. 8. Most of the external jugular vein is located in
the posterior triangle of the neck, where it runs
downward crossing the sternocleidomastoid mus-
Veins and thoracic duct
cle obliquely to empty into the subclavian vein.
When Pancoast tumors are resected through The anterior jugular vein’s anatomy is variable as
the anterior cervical approach, the venous system it arises from submental venous plexuses and

is invaded by the tumor, it can be resected

Box 4. Suprahyoid muscles (connect the without a need for reconstruction. On the left
hyoid bone to the skull) side, ligation of the thoracic duct usually is
Deep layer
Geniohyoid: Extends from inferior Arteries of the root of the neck
maxillary to the hyoid bone
The right subclavian artery (Box 6) is a termi-
Middle layer nal branch of the innominate artery. The left sub-
Mylohyoid clavian artery originates directly from the aortic
Large and thin muscle that supports arch. Both arteries enter the root of the neck be-
the floor of the mouth hind their respective sternoclavicular joints. Each
Located above the anterior belly of artery then arches superiorly and posteriorly be-
digastric muscle hind the scalenus anterior muscle.
Superficial layer Three branches of the subclavian artery orig-
Stylohyoid: Small strip of muscle located inate in the sternocleidomastoid region. The first
along the upper border of posterior and most important one is the vertebral artery,
belly of digastric which arises in the first portion of the artery
Digastric medial to the anterior scalenus muscle. Next to
Has two bellies (anterior, posterior) the vertebral branch and also medial to the
joined by an intervening tendon scalene anterior muscle is the thyrocervical trunk,
Anterior belly arises from mandible which gives rise to the inferior thyroid artery and
Posterior belly arises from mastoid to the ascending cervical branch that supplies the
process muscles of the posterior triangle of the neck. The
internal mammary branch arises from the inferior
aspect of the subclavian artery opposite the
thyrocervical trunk. It runs downward into the
thorax parallel to the sternum.
During surgery for Pancoast tumors, the sub-
drains into the external jugular vein posterior to
clavian artery and its branches must be dissected.
the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
This maneuver is much easier when the operation
The subclavian vein begins on the lateral
is done from above, through the anterior supra-
border of the first rib and crosses that rib anterior
clavicular approach. If necessary, the subclavian
to the scalenus anterior muscle (anterior to
artery can be resected locally and reconstruction
scalene tubercle). On the medial border of the
performed either with an end-to-end anastomosis
scalenus anterior muscle it joins the internal
or graft interposition. The vertebral artery never
jugular vein to form the innominate vein.
should be sacrificed unless the continuity of the
The internal jugular vein is the largest vein of
circle of Willis has been well documented
the neck. It begins in the posterior cranial fossa,
where it drains blood from the brain, and runs
inferiorly lateral to the carotid artery (carotid
Nerves of the root of the neck
sheath) in the anterior triangle of the neck. It then
passes deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle to From the skull, the vagus nerve passes in-
unite with the subclavian vein to form the in- feriorly through the neck within the carotid
nominate vein posterior to the sternal end of the sheath behind the internal carotid artery and
clavicle. internal jugular vein. At the base of the neck,
On the left side, the thoracic duct, which the right vagus nerve crosses the origin of the
ascends from the mediastinum, empties in the right subclavian artery behind the sternoclavicu-
venous system at the union of the left internal lar joint, where it gives off the right recurrent
jugular vein and subclavian vein. laryngeal nerve (inferior laryngeal nerve) that
When Pancoast tumors are resected through loops around and under the subclavian artery
the cervicothoracic approach, all branches of the (Figs. 10 and 11). This nerve ascends in the tra-
subclavian vein must be visualized clearly, and cheoesophageal groove (Box 7), where it can be
proximal and distal control should be obtained injured during extensive cervicomediastinal dis-
early during the dissection. If the subclavian vein sections done for tumors located near or at the

Posterior belly of
digastric muscle

Anterior belly of
Posterior digastric muscle

Middle Anterior belly of

scalene omohyoid muscle


belly of

Fig. 6. Lateral view of the neck muscles showing the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

thoracic inlet. On the left side, the recurrent laryn- seen when operating on the upper esophageal
geal nerve originates close to the ligamentum arte- sphincter. The recurrent nerves supply all of the
riosum where it courses around the aortic arch intrinsic muscles of the larynx except the cricothy-
from front to back before ascending to the neck, roid muscle.
also in the tracheoesophageal groove. On each In general, the right recurrent nerve has a more
side, the recurrent nerves accompany the laryn- asymmetrical and diagonal course than the left
geal branch of the inferior thyroid artery deep recurrent nerve, and this course is one of the
to the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx reasons most surgeons choose the left thoracic
behind the cricothyroid articulation. Before enter- inlet as the venue for transposing colon or
ing the larynx, each recurrent nerve sends off 8 to stomach [9,10].
14 short branches into the lateral wall of the The superior laryngeal nerves arise from the
esophagus; these branches sometimes can be vagus nerves in the neck behind the upper portion


Trapezius Rhomboideus
muscle minor muscle

major muscle


Fig. 7. Topography of the trapezius muscle.


C5 muscle
C7 nerve



Superior trunk of
brachial plexus

Middle trunk of Clavicle

brachial plexus

Lower trunk of
brachial plexus

Cords of First
brachial rib


Fig. 8. General anatomy of the cervicothoracic region (the root of the neck).

of the triangle made by the carotid artery bi- located over the medial surface of this muscle,
furcation and almost immediately divide into two 3 to 4 cm lateral to the sternoclavicular joint.
terminal branches. The internal laryngeal nerve The phrenic nerve descends posterior to the sub-
pierces the thyrohyoid membrane with the supe- clavian vein and anterior to the internal mammary
rior laryngeal artery; the external branch accom- artery to enter the thorax.
panies the superior thyroid artery posterior to the Surgically, the phrenic nerve can be accessed
sternothyroid muscle. by a transverse incision made over the posterior
The phrenic nerve arises from C3-to-C5 (the border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle 2 finger-
main root arises from C4) and descends obliquely breadths above the clavicle. With the sternoclei-
in the neck on the anterior surface of the scalenus domastoid muscle and internal jugular vein
anterior muscle. At the base of the neck, it is retracted medially, the phrenic nerve can be seen

medius muscle

anterior muscle

Facial External
vein jugular vein

Sternocleidomastoid Internal
muscle jugular vein

jugular vein
(inferior belly)


Fig. 9. Veins at the root of the neck.

over the anterior surface of the scalene anterior prevertebral fascia, which separates them from
muscle. It can be injured during a prescalene the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.
nodal biopsy for the purpose of staging lung The superior ganglion is large and fusiform and
cancer [11,12], because the floor of the prescalene is located at the level of the second and third cer-
space is formed by the scalenus anterior muscle vical vertebrae. The middle cervical ganglion is
with the phrenic nerve lying in its sheath. During small and inconsistent and is located at the level
resection of a Pancoast tumor through the cervi- of the sixth cervical vertebra. The inferior cervical
cothoracic approach, every attempt should be ganglion or stellate ganglion lies anterior to the
made to preserve the phrenic nerve; for this reason transverse process of C7 near the superior border
the scalene anterior muscle must be divided as of the neck of the first rib. The stellate ganglion
close to its site of insertion on the first rib as also is known as the ‘‘cervicothoracic ganglion’’
possible. because it is generally fused with the first thoracic
The cervical sympathetic trunks (see Fig. 10) ganglion. Although it is called the ‘‘stellate
are made of three sympathetic ganglia (Box 8) ganglion,’’ its form can be quite variable (eg, semi-
joined by intermediate longitudinal strands of lunar or circular), and indeed it is seldom star-
nerve fibers. There structures are located on the shaped.

Box 5. Veins at the root of the neck Box 6. Arteries at the root of the neck

External jugular vein Right subclavian artery

Drains mandibular and auricular regions Originates from the innominate artery
Located in posterior triangle of the neck Enters the root of the neck behind the
Empties into subclavian vein sternoclavicular joint
Anterior jugular vein Left subclavian artery
Drains submental regions Originates from the aortic arch
Variable anatomy Ascends and enters the root of the neck
Empties into internal jugular vein behind the left sternoclavicular joint
Subclavian vein Branches of the subclavian arteries
Continuation of axillary vein Vertebral: Arises medial to the scalenus
Crosses the first rib anterior to the anterior muscle
scalene anterior muscle Thyrocervical trunk: Gives rise to inferior
thyroid and ascending cervical
Internal jugular vein
Drains blood from the brain
Internal mammary:
Runs inferiorly lateral to the common
Arises from inferior aspect of
carotid artery
subclavian artery
Crosses deep to the sternocleidomastoid
Descends inferomedially into the
muscle to unite with the subclavian

Fascia and fascial spaces of the neck splits to surround the thyroid gland, trachea,
and esophagus completely. It invests the strap
The fascial planes (Box 9) and spaces (Box 10)
muscles, and laterally it fuses with the superfi-
of the neck are important to the thoracic surgeon
cial fascia opposite the carotid sheath. In cases
because they connect the mediastinum with the
of spontaneous pneumomediastinum, interstitial
neck, and air (pneumomediastinum) or infection
air usually reaches the neck by dissecting along
(mediastinitis) can travel that route. The fascia
this fascia [13].
of the neck comprise three layers, the superficial
The posterior cervical fascia consists of two
or investing fascia, the middle or pretracheal fas-
layers. The first or alar fascia lies posterior to the
cia, and the posterior or prevertebral fascia.
visceral compartment of the neck and continues
The superficial (investing) fascia is deep to
laterally to form the carotid sheath. The second or
the subcutaneous fascia and encircles the neck
prevertebral fascia extends from the base of the
completely, investing the platysma, sternoclei-
skull to the third thoracic vertebra and covers the
domastoid, and trapezius muscles. Superiorly it
prevertebral muscles.
is attached to the superior nuchal line and
There are two cervicothoracic spaces (Fig. 12)
spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae,
of importance to the thoracic surgeon, the previsc-
and inferiorly it is attached to the manubrium,
eral or pretracheal space and the retrovisceral or
clavicle, and scapula. Superior to the sternal
retropharyngeal space (see Box 10).
notch, this fascia splits into two layers that are
The pretracheal space, which lies beneath the
attached to the anterior and posterior manubrium.
strap muscles, is opened during mediastinoscopy,
The space between these two layers, the supra-
thyroid surgery, and surgery of the cervical
sternal space or space of Burns, contains the
trachea. It extends from the thyroid cartilage
sternal heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscles
above to the upper border of the aortic arch
and the arch of the internal jugular vein.
where it terminates by adhesions extending from
The middle or pretracheal fascia extends
the fibrous pericardium to the posterior surface of
from the thyroid and cricoid cartilages down
the manubrium. These fibrous adhesions form
into the thorax. It is an extensive fascia that


Vagus nerve
(CN X)





Inferior cervical



Ansa subclavia

Right recurrent
laryngeal nerve

Fig. 10. Arteries and nerves at the root of the neck.



Left vagus
nerve (CN X)

Right vagus
nerve (CN X)

Right recurrent
laryngeal nerve

Left recurrent
laryngeal nerve


Fig. 11. Anatomy of the left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves.

Box 7. Anatomy of the recurrent Box 9. Fascias of the neck

laryngeal nerves (inferior laryngeal
nerves) Superficial (investing) fascia
Encircles the neck completely
Right recurrent laryngeal nerve Attached superiorly to superior nuchal
Loops around the right subclavian artery line and spinous processes of C1–C7
Ascends in tracheoesophageal groove Attached inferiorly to manubrium,
Has a more asymmetric and diagonal clavicle, and scapula
course than the left recurrent nerve
Middle (pretracheal) fascia
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve Extends from thyroid and cricoid
Loops around the aortic arch near the cartilages down into the thorax
ligamentum arteriosum Splits to surround the thyroid, trachea,
Ascends in the tracheoesophageal and esophagus completely
Posterior (prevertebral) fascia
Extends from the base of the skull to the
third thoracic vertebra
Covers prevertebral muscles

a relative barrier to the downward gravitational

spread of infection.
The retrovisceral or retropharyngeal space
consists of loose connective tissue located in front
of the prevertebral fascia. It extends from the skull
through the neck and posterior mediastinum
Box 10. Cervicothoracic fascial spaces
down to the diaphragm. Laterally, it seals off at
the transverse processes of the cervicothoracic Pretracheal (previsceral) space
vertebrae. This space is of considerable impor- Located between trachea and strap
tance, because retropharyngeal abscesses second- muscles and between trachea and
ary to oropharyngeal infections can spread to the posterior manubrium
mediastinum producing a diffuse necrotizing Extends from thyroid cartilage to upper
mediastinitis [14,15]. border of aortic arch (T4)
Retropharyngeal (retrovisceral) space
Located in front of the prevertebral fascia
Extends from the skull to the diaphragm

Box 8. Sympathetic ganglia of the neck

Superior cervical ganglion Summary

Large and fusiform
Located at the level of C2, C3 All thoracic surgeons must have an extensive
knowledge of the anatomy of the neck, because
Middle cervical ganglion
cervical approaches are used on an almost daily
Small and inconsistent
basis to access the cervical trachea, upper esoph-
Located at the level of C6
agus, and superior mediastinum. In addition to
Inferior cervical ganglion (stellate basic and scholarly knowledge of anatomy, they
ganglion) also must understand the anatomic relationships
Generally fused with the first thoracic among the neck, the mediastinum, and both
ganglion pleural spaces. Indeed, such knowledge forms
Located at the level of C7 the basis for the diagnosis and management of
Seldom star-shaped many aspects of pulmonary, mediastinal, and
esophageal pathologies.



Fig. 12. The anatomy of the previsceral and retrovisceral spaces.


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