Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal

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Archives of Environmental Health: An International

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The 1997 Haze Disaster in Indonesia: Its Air Quality and

Health Effects
a b a c d
Osamu Kunii , Shuzo Kanagawa , Iwao Yajima , Yoshiharu Hisamatsu , Sombo
e f a
Yamamura , Takashi Amagai & Ir T. Sachrul Ismail
Department of International Community Health , Graduate School of Medicine, The
University of Tokyo , Tokyo, Japan
International Medical Center of Japan , Tokyo, Japan
Environmental Management Center , Bapedal, Indonesia
Department of Community Environment Sciences , National Institute of Public Health ,
Tokyo, Japan
Department of Protection, of the Human Environment , World Health Organization ,
Geneva, Switzerland
Institute for Environmental Sciences University of Shizuoka , Shizuoka, Japan
Published online: 05 Apr 2010.

To cite this article: Osamu Kunii , Shuzo Kanagawa , Iwao Yajima , Yoshiharu Hisamatsu , Sombo Yamamura , Takashi Amagai
& Ir T. Sachrul Ismail (2002) The 1997 Haze Disaster in Indonesia: Its Air Quality and Health Effects, Archives of Environmental
Health: An International Journal, 57:1, 16-22, DOI: 10.1080/00039890209602912

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The 1997 Haze Disaster in Indonesia:
Its Air Quality and Health Effects


SHUZO KANAGAWA Department of Protection
Department of International Community Health of the Human Environment
Graduate School of Medicine World Health Organization
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The University of Tokyo Geneva, Switzerland

and Institute for Environmental Sciences
International Medical Center of Japan University of Shizuoka
Tokyo, Japan Shizuoka, Japan
Environmental Management Center Department of International Community Health
Bapedal, Indonesia Graduate School of Medicine
YOSHl HARU HISAMATSU The University of Tokyo
Department of Community Environment Sciences Tokyo, Japan
National Institute of Public Health and
Tokyo, Japan Environmental Management Center
Bapedal, Indonesia

ABSTRACT. In this study, the authors assessed air quality and health effects of the 1997 haze
disaster in Indonesia. The authors measured carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur diox-
ide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particulate matter with diameters less than or equal to 10 pm,
inorganic ions, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The authors also interviewed 543
people and conducted lung-function tests and determined spirometric values for these indi-
viduals. Concentrations of carbon monoxide and particulate matter with diameters less than
or equal to 10 pm reached “very unhealthy” and “hazardous” levels, as defined by the Pol-
lution Standards Index. Concentrations of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were 6-1 4
times higher than levels in the unaffected area. More than 90% of the respondents had res-
piratory symptoms, and elderly individuals suffered a serious deterioration of overall health.
In multivariate analysis, the authors determined that gender, history of asthma, and fre-
quency of wearing a mask were associated with severity of respiratory problems. The results
of our study demonstrate the need for special care of the elderly and for care of those with
a history of asthma. In addition, the use of a proper mask may afford protection.
<Key words: forest fires, haze, health effects, Indonesia, particulates, respiratory symptoms>

BIOMASS BURNING (i.e., burning of living and/or mate dictates4t5that the bulk of the world’s biomass
dead vegetation for land-clearing and its land-use burning occurs in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia
change or as fuel for cooking and heating) is a signifi- and South America and in the savannas of Africa;
cant source of trace gases and aerosol particulates. It approximately 90% of the burning results from human
ultimately affects atmospheric chemistry and cloud actions, and only about 10% occurs as a result of “nat-
properties, and the global radiation budget is also pro- ural” fires triggered by atmospheric lightning6
foundly affected by this pra~tice.’-~Consequently, cli- Among nations that have dense, tropical forests,

16 Archives of Environmental Health

Indonesia has historically been affected repeatedly by low-volume air sampler. Airborne particulate samples
forest fires (e.g., in 1982, a 3.5-million hectare [ha] area were collected with a high-volume air sampler, and
was burned; in 1987, a 50,000-ha area was burned; in inorganic ions (e.g., chloride [CII, nitrate [NO3],sulfate
1991, a 120,000-ha area was burned; and, in 1994, a [S042-],and ammonium [NH4+]) were analyzed with ion
160,000-ha area was burned’). In 1997, the dry condi- chromatography. From other samples, which were also
tions that prevailed in Southeast Asia that resulted from collected with a high-air volume sampler, we analyzed
the El Niiio Southern Oscillation climate phenomenon (El polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs [also known as
Niiio), together with land-clearing practices, caused the carcinogens]) with the high performance-liquid
second largest forest fire disaster in this century in chromatography spectrofluorometric/computer system.
Indonesia. Subsequent to June 1997, more than 1,500 2. Health effects, perception, and preventive
fires consumed more than 300,000 ha (i.e., mainly in the behavior. A face-to-face structured interview was
Kalimantan and Sumatra islands) and had generated administered in Indonesian language to 543 persons who
intense smoke, which affected neighboring countries were selected by convenience sampling at 6 sites in
(e.g., Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) and the Indonesian Jambi City (i.e., 105 in an elementary school, 102 in a
Islands for several months. The haze smoke paralyzed secondary high school, 110 in a high school, 53 in a
transportation and triggered secondary disasters (i.e., air- nursing home, 94 in a local government office, and 79 in
bus and tanker crashes). a small village). The interview, which required 10-15
Between September 1997 and November 1997 in min, included the following: 41 questions about past
Indonesia, there were 527 haze-related deaths, 298,125 histories of asthma, bronchitis, and heart diseases; 21
cases of asthma, 58,095 cases of bronchitis, and questions about types of health problems (i.e., whether
Downloaded by [New York University] at 12:08 11 October 2014

1,446,120 cases of acute respiratory infection reported. health problems developed or worsened following
In South Sumatra, the number of acute respiratory infec- exposure to haze and determination of the severity of
tion cases increased 3.8 times during the aforementioned each health problem [classified as “mild”-to the extent
time period, compared with the prior year.’ However, that daily life was undisturbed; “moderate”-to the
there were no data or information about the health effects extent that daily life was disturbed, but medical help was
of this haze episode on the general public. Even for the not required; and “severe”-to the extent that daily was
other vegetation fire episodes-such as the 1987 forest disturbed and medical help was required]). We also
fires in California and the 1994 Sydney bush fires-there asked whether the interviewees wanted to evacuate to
were hospital-basedstudies, but there was a lack of com- safer places, whether they were worried about their
munity-based studies. In the current study, we (1) future prospects as a result of the haze, and, while
assessed air quality, (2) investigated overall health effects remaining outside, how often they put on a mask for
and factors that influenced the severity of respiratory protection.
problems, and (3) determined the affected community’s We examined every 4th respondent who developed or
perceptions and practices in response to the haze in exhibited exacerbated respiratory problems (a total of
Indonesia. 138 individuals), to establish whether they had conjunc-
tivitis and abnormal respiratory sound, as determined by
Methods inspection and by auscultation, respectively. We also
tested lung functions of these individuals with spirometry.
All of the following surveys were conducted between Statistical analysis. Data were stored and analyzed
September 29, 1997, and October 7, 1997. This period with the SPSS statistical package version 7.5 developed
of time was in the middle of the forest fire disaster that by SPSS lnc.8 We used the chi-square test to assess the
occurred from June 1997 through December 1997. Dur- significance of the differences in the severity of
ing this period, the haze smoke had constantly covered respiratory problems between those who had and those
many parts of Indonesia. who did not have preexisting histories of asthma or heart
1. Air quality. The size distribution of particulates and problems. We also used it to examine the significance of
the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon differences in the change of general health conditions
dioxide (C02)were measured at 8 sites between Jakarta between age groups and between males and females, as
(in Java),which was affected only minimally by the haze, well as the difference between age groups with respect
and Jambi (in Sumatra), which was severely affected by to perception and protective practices taken in response
the haze. To determine if remaining indoors could be pro- to the presence of haze. We used Student‘s t test to
tective, we measured particulates inside and outside 3 examine the differences in lung function (i.e., forced
types of buildings in Jambi. The size distribution of par- vital capacity [FVCI and forced expiratory volume in 1
ticulates was determined with a light-scattering particle sec [FEVI.ol) between 2 age groups and between males
analyzer (RION KM-07). Carbon monoxide and C 0 2 and females.
were measured with the detector and tubes. We performed multivariate analysis with the stepwise
We measured sulfur dioxide (SO2),nitrogen dioxide linear-regressionmodel to determine if factors associated
(NOz),ozone (03), particulate matter less than 10 microns with severity of respiratory problems developed or wors-
in diameter (PMlo), CO, and C 0 2at 3 sites of Jambi. Sulfur ened following exposure to haze. In this model, we used
dioxide, NO2, and O3 were measured by the a 4-point scale to present the severity of respiratory prob-
Parazosanilin, Saltzmann, and kalium iodine methods, lem(s) (0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe) as
respectively. PMlo was collected and measured with a dependent variables, and we used 7 items (i.e., gender,

January/February 2002 [Vol. 57 (No.l)] 17

age, history of allergy, asthma, bronchitis, heart prob- of 3 buildings in Jambi. The indoor/outdoor particle
lems, and frequency of using a mask) as independent concentrations were 428,978 particles/m3 and 435,719
variables. All tests were two-tailed, and a p value of I particles/m3, respectively, of a farmer’s house (not air
.05 was indicative of a statistically significant difference. conditioned); 432,283 and 436,234, respectively, of a
hotel (air conditioned); and 438,172 and 454,215,
Results respectively, of a local government office (air condi-
Air pollution. The concentration of particulates 0.3
5.0 pm in size gradually increased as one moved closer
- tioned). However, outdoor concentrations of the coarse
particles (i.e., 5.0 pm) were considerably higher than
indoor concentrations. The indoor and outdoor con-
to the heavily affected area, whereas the concentration centrations were 209 and 226, respectively, for the
of particulates > 5.0 pm in size increased very little (Fig. farmer’s house; 21 8 and 401, respectively, for the hotel;
1). The concentrations of CO and C 0 2 also increased in and 155 and 275, respectively, for the local government
the affected sites, although the concentrations office (air conditioned).
increased only slightly in Jakarta; perhaps this increase With respect to inorganic ions in suspended particu-
reflected typical urban air pollution (Fig. 2). lates, the concentration of S042-(i.e., 37.98 pg/m3)was
A major air pollutant of the haze in Indonesia was 5-1 0 times higher than concentrations in Tokyo, where-
particulates that far exceeded the “hazardous” level and as CI- (4.98 pg/m3)and NO3-(5.3 pg/m3)concentrations
the maximum value of 500 in the Pollutant Standards
Index (PSI) (Table 1). The concentration of 1,864 pg/m3
was more than 10 times higher than that in Jakarta, and
Downloaded by [New York University] at 12:08 11 October 2014

it was approximately 8 times higher than the maximum n

level of PMlo in the 1987 forest fire disaster in Califor- 25
nia, which consumed more than 2.4 million ha.9 CO
also exhibited a high concentration at the “very
unhealthful” level of the PSI, but SO2, NO2, and O3
were at a “good” or “moderate” level.
There was little difference in particle concentrations
in the 0.3-5.0-pm size range in the indoor/outdoor air

+ 03-50Urn p=Eq
300 ‘i _______


t--*- 5

Jambi Grisik Prabumulih Tanjungkarang
Jambi Palambang Martapura Jakarta

Fig. 2. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (COz) con-

centrations measured in 8 sites of Indonesia on October 1,

Table 1.-Air Pollutants Measured in 3 Sites in Jambi,

Indonesia (October 34,1997)

Pollutant A 6 C PSI

SO2 (ppm) 0.01 0.01 0.01 18

NO2 (ppm) 0.01 0.02 0.004 -
0, (ppm) 0.03 0.03 0.06 54
CO (ppm) 20 20 20 247
PMlo (pg/m3) 1,684 1,635 1,864 1,584

Notes: SO2 = sulfur dioxide, NO2 = nitrogen dioxide, 0, =

oxides, CO = carbon monoxide, and PMlo = particulate mat-
ter with a diameter of < 10 p. PSI = Pollutant Standards Index,
developed by United States Environmental Protection Agency.
The PSI determines the daily index number for each of the 5
pollutants herein, and the highest of the 5 figures is reported.
Fig. 1. Particle concentrationsof sizes 0.3-5.0 pm and 5.0 p+ A PSI value < 50 indicates “good” air quality, 51-100 indi-
measured in 8 sites of Indonesiaon October 1,1997. Note: The cates ”moderate” air quality, 101-200 represents “unhealth-
values of 0.3 and 5.0 pm are cut-off sizes of the light scattering ful” air, 201-300 indicates “very unhealthy” air, and a value >
particle analyzer. 300 indicates hazardous air.

18 Archives of Environmental Health

were almost identical, and NH4+concentrations (0.69 ”much worse”; among females, there was a slightly
1g/m3)were slightly less than concentrations of CI- and higher proportion who perceived that their health con-
NO3-.The concentrations of the 5-7-ring PAHs in the dition worsened (Table 5).
affected area were 6-14 times those in the unaffected Physical examination revealed the presence of con-
area (i.e., an almost proportional value to the particle junctivitis in 33.3% of respondents, wheezing in 8.7%
concentration), and the 4-ring PAHs in Jambi were of respondents, and other abnormal respiratory sounds
40-60 times higher than in Jakarta (Table 2). in 2.9% of respondents. In lung function tests, a
Health effects. Of the 543 interviews conducted, we restrictive respiratory functional pattern (YOFVC [FVC
collected 539 usable answers. The mean age of the 539 measured/FVC predicted] < 80%); an obstructive pat-
respondents was 24.9 yr (standard deviation [SDI = f tern (FEVl.o [FEVl,dFVCl < 80%); and both patterns
18.9 yr); 296 (54.9%) of the respondents were male. were found in 68.2%, 38.6%, and 22.7%, respective-
Some of the respondents had a preexisting history of ly, of respondents. Whereas there was no significant
allergy (20.8), asthma (7.4), bronchitis (8.21, and heart difference in percentage FVC between age groups and
problems (2.8%). Almost all of the respondents (98.7%) between male and female groups, elderly individuals
developed or suffered from an exacerbation of symp- (i.e., > 60 yr of age) had a significantly ( p < .001)
toms, and 91.3% had respiratory symptoms (Table 3). lower FEVl.o (65.7 f 27.5%) than younger individuals
Most of the health problems were mild, but 13.1YO (91.1 * 18.5%). Individuals with severe mucus pro-
perceived their health problems as severe (i.e., to the duction had a significantly ( p = .011) lower FEVl.o
extent that they required medical help), and 49.2% (59.1 * 30.2%) than individuals with mild sputum
reported that the health problems disturbed their daily production (85.0 f 20.3%). Individuals with severe
Downloaded by [New York University] at 12:08 11 October 2014

life. Among those with respiratory problems, 31.1 YOex- breathlessness when they worked hard had a signifi-
hibited fever, 46.6% were short of breath when they
walked, 34.1 Yo experienced chest discomfort, 18.5%
experienced depression, and 28.8% experienced Table 3.4ncidence and Severity of Reported Symptoms
appetite loss. that Developed after Exposure to Haze
In Table 4 are shown preexisting illnesses and sever-
ity of health problems. The chi-square test revealed that Severity of symptom
those with a past history of asthma and heart problems Mild Moderate Severe
presented the most severe health problems. The group Symptom n Yo n % n % n Yo
of individuals 60+ yr of age had a higher proportion of
persons who perceived that their health condition was Respiratory
problems* 492 91.3 231 47.0 217 44.1 44 8.9
Eye irritation 425 78.9 276 64.9 135 31.7 14 3.4
Table 2.-Concentrations (vg/m3) of Polycyclic Aromatic Headache 331 61.5 199 60.0 119 35.8 14 4.2
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Particulates Fatigue 280 61.5 206 73.6 67 24.0 7 2.4
Short of breath
Molecular walking 239 44.4 155 64.7 77 32.1 8 3.2
PAHs Jambi Jakarta weight Short of breath
with hard
work 192 35.7 109 56.8 71 36.9 12 6.3
Fluoranthene 16.7 0.255 202.3 Chest
Pyrene 21.1 0.396 202.3 discomfort 175 32.5 10962.5 59 33.8 6 3.7
Triphenylene 20.2 0.411 228.3 Fever 161 29.8 10766.7 49 30.8 4 2.5
Benz(a)anthracene 16.8 0.438 228.3 Appetite loss 151 18.0 10871.3 39 25.9 4 2.8
Chrysene 41.7 0.910 228.3 Sleeplessness 129 23.9 8465.0 38 29.2 7 5.8
Perylene 2.60 0.219 252.3 Nausea 126 23.3 10180.3 23 18.1 2 1.6
Benzo(e)pyrene 14.7 1.22 252.3 Palpitations 121 22.5 88 72.4 33 27.6 0 0.0
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 15.1 1.62 252.3 Abdominal
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 6.45 0.793 252.3 pain 121 22.4 89 73.6 28 23.1 4 3.3
Benzo(a)pyrene 15.3 1.05 252.3 Depression 95 17.7 55 57.6 32 33.7 8 8.7
Indeno(l,2,3-c,dpyrene 11.1 2.24 276.3 Dizziness 22 4.1 0 0.0 17 77.3 5 22.7
Benzo(g,h,r)perylene 12.8 1.78 276.3 Diarrhea 16 3.0 11 68.8 4 25.0 1 6.2
Dibenz(a,c)anthracene 0.428 0.158 278.4 At least 1
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.823 0.120 278.4 symptom
Benzo(b)chrysene 1.66 0.164 278.4 cited
Coronene 0.914 0.121 300.4 abovet 532 98.7 200 37.6 262 49.2 70 13.1
Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene 3.15 - 302.24
‘Included cough, sneezing, runny nose, sputum production,
Characteristic Jambi Jakarta
and sore throat.
tlndividuals who developed 1 or more symptoms or had a
Particle (pg/m3) 1,707 167 symptom that worsened. If an individual had at least 1 “se-
Air volume (m’) 565 1,995 vere” symptom, it was classified as ”severe.” lf an individual
Collected amount of had at least 1 “moderate” symptom, but had an absence of a
particles (gm) 0.9646 0.3338 severe symptom, it was classified as “moderate.” If only mild
Sampling time (hr) 5.2 23.8 symptoms were present, they were classified as ”mild.”

january/February 2002 [Vol. 57 (No. l)] 19

cantly ( p = .042) lower FEVl.o (62.9 f 36.7%) than indi- future, and they worried less about evacuation than the
viduals with mild breathlessness (91.8 A 19.6%); individ- other age groups. In this older age group, 62.5% had
uals with severe breathlessness had a significantly (p = never put on a mask when they were outdoors, and the
.047) lower FVC (58.7 *
11.9%) than those with mild young generation (i.e., 0-19 yr) used masks less
breathlessness (76.4 *
13.0%). Subjects who had a frequently than the other age group.
wheezing respiratory sound by auscultation had a signif-
icantly ( p < .001) lower FEVl.o (49.3 f 18.5%) than those Discussion
who did not have wheezing sounds (86.2 2 22.7%).
Factors associated with the severity of respiratory In our study, particulate matter-especially inhalable
symptoms. Factors associated with severity of res- or respirable particulate matter-was a major source of
piratory symptoms, developed or exacerbated by haze, air pollution, and its concentration reached levels that
as determined with multiple linear-regression analysis, were very hazardous to humans. In addition, this con-
are shown in Table 6. Gender (female), history of centration produced an extremely high incidence of
asthma, and less frequent use of a mask were associated respiratory problems; approximately 30% of the indi-
significantly with development or exacerbation of viduals had an infection and a high prevalence of
severe respiratory symptoms. aggravated lung function. However, given that we used
Perception and protective practice toward haze. Of a convenience sampling method in our study and we
the respondents, 82.2% and 43.2%, respectively, made no comparison between unaffected area or pre-
worried about their future prospects as a result of the disaster time, the generalizability of our findings and a
haze or wanted to evacuate to safer places (Table 7). cause-effect relationship between haze and health
Downloaded by [New York University] at 12:08 11 October 2014

Those who were 60+ yr of age worried less about their impact are questionable.

Table 4.-Preexisting Illnesses and Severity of Health Table C.-Multiple Linear Regression Analysis of Severity of
Problems in 532 Subjects Respiratory Symptoms

Severity of illness Variable B* Rt P

Mild -
Moderate -
Severe Gender 0.312 -0.143 .001
Illness n* n YO n YO n YO pt History of asthma -0.219 0.258 ,000
Frequency of using mask 0.754 -0.095 .023
(Constant) -0.049
Asthma (-) 493 197 40.0 243 49.3 53 10.8 Multiple R 1.602
< .001
(+) 39 3 7.7 19 48.7 17 43.6
Notes: Dependent variable is the severity of respiratory prob-
lem (0 = none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, and 3 = severe). Inde-
Heart (-) 518 199 38.4 256 49.4 63 12.2
pendent variables and values of the study included are as fol-
problem < .001 lows: gender-1 = male, 0 =female; history of allergy, asthma,
(+) 14 1 7.1 6 42.9 7 50.0 bronchitis, and heart disease-1 = yes, 0 = no; and frequency
of using mask when remaining outside-1 = never, 2 = some-
*Respondents who developed at least 1 symptom or who had times, 3 = often, and 4 = always.
a symptom that worsened. *Unstandardized regression coefficients.
tChi-square test. tstandardized regression coefficients.

Table 5.4hanges in General Health Condition of Respondents, by Age and Gender

Health condition
worse Worse Unchanged Better
Age and gender n YO n YO n Yo n % P*

Total no. of subjects

( N = 539) 44 8.2 348 64.6 87 16.1 60 11.1
Age (yr)
0-19 (n = 343) 15 4.4 216 63.0 53 15.5 59 17.2 < .001
20-59(n=149) 19 12.8 105 70.5 24 16.1 1 0.7
60+ (n = 47) 10 21.3 27 57.4 10 21.3 0 0.0
Male (n = 296) 28 9.5 176 59.5 57 19.3 35 11.8 < .05
Female (n = 243) 16 6.6 172 70.8 30 12.3 25 10.3

*Chi-square test.

20 Archives of Environmental Health

Table 7.-Perceptions and Activities of Subjects ( N = 539) in Response to Haze, by Age

Age group (yr)

Total 0-1 9 20-59 60+
Perception/activity n YO n YO n YO n YO P

Worry about future

Yes 443 82.2 290 84.5 130 87.2 23 48.9 < .001
No 96 17.8 53 15.5 19 12.8 24 51.1
Want to evacuate
Yes 233 43.2 216 63.0 86 57.7 4 8.5 < ,001
No 306 56.8 127 37.0 63 42.3 43 91.5
Use mask outside
Never 337 62.5 235 68.5 81 54.4 21 44.7 < .001
Sometimes 72 13.4 18 5.2 36 24.2 18 38.3
Often 68 12.6 54 15.7 10 6.7 4 8.5
Always 62 11.5 36 10.5 22 14.8 4 8.5

Epidemiological studies of health effects caused by from biomass burning is quite different from that of fos-
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vegetation fires or biomass burning are limited. An sil-fuel combustion. One reason is that the chemistry of
increase in emergency room visits of asthmatic patients respirable particles might be different between 2 types
was shown in the reports of an urban warehouse firelo of haze. Another reason is that the complexity and vari-
and the 1987 bush fireg in California. But, in studies of ability of the mixture of air pollution-the interaction
the 1991 urban wildfire in California” and the 1994 and intercorrelation for which might be important in
Sydney bush fires,12 little or no increase in asthma producing adverse health effects-must vary. The tech-
emergency room visits was evident. Several studies nical feasibility and scientific validity of isolating the
have addressed occupational exposure of forest and effect of single pollutants in such complex mixtures and
wildland fire fighters, and they have reported relatively analyzing the interaction and intercorrelation of pollu-
mild and reversible respiratory health effects.13-15Such tants require further research and careful consideration.
public health impacts of smoke might be determined by In our study, the result of multivariate analysis might
exposure patterns (i.e., exposure time and concentra- support a hypothesis that the frequent use of masks con-
tions of air pollutants), demographic characteristics, tributes to a reduction in severity of respiratory prob-
and susceptibility of the affected population group, lems during haze episodes. In Indonesia, we observed
diagnostic fashions, emergency room practices, etc. that many affected people wore simple surgical masks
Compared with fire events in previous studies, the 1997 or simply covered their mouth with a handkerchief or
haze disaster in Indonesia affected more individuals at thin cloths. However, surgical and other simple masks
higher concentrations of particulates for a longer peri- may not be useful in preventing inhalation of fine parti-
od, thus producing a greater public health impact. cles because they cannot filter particles of less than 10
In typical urban air pollution from fossil fuel com- pm-the main pollutant of the haze. Therefore, these
bustion, PMto,or much-finer PM2.5, is reportedly asso- devices may give a false sense of security to the users.
ciated significantly with several indicators of acute Respirators are special masks designed for the protec-
health effects (e.g., mortality,16,17 hospital admis- tion of workers exposed to occupational health haz-
s i o n ~ , ~emergency
,’~ visit^,'^,^^ physical/functional limi- ards. Such masks filter almost 100% of particles of less
tation,2’ symptom manifestations,22lung f ~ n c t i o n ~ ~ , ~ ~than
) . 0.2 pm or more than 0.4 pm and 80% to 99% of
In addition, several studies indicated that PMlo or PM2.5 particles between 0.2 pm and 0.4 pm. They are, how-
was associated significantly with overall and disease- ever, uncomfortable, and they increase the effort of
specific mortality.’ 2,1 3t25-27 Several reviews of these breathing, thus making them less than suitable for indi-
studies suggest that a 1O-pg/m3 change in PMlo is asso- viduals with severe cardiopulmonary symptoms. More-
ciated with a 1.0-1.6%, 3.4%, and 1.4% change in over, the efficiency of filtration can last only for 8 hr;
~ v e r a l l , respiratory,
~ ~ , ~ ~ and cardiovascular mortality,26 therefore, it may not be feasible to sell or distribute
respectively. If we apply the formula of urban air pollu- enough respirators to protect all those affected for sev-
tion presented by the World Health Organization,28 eral months, especially in developing countries, even
excess deaths resulting from the increase in PMlo are though these respirators cost only 2 or 3 U.S. dollars.
estimated at about 15,000 in the haze-affected area of Staying indoors i s generally recommended in haze
Indonesia. Nevertheless, only 527 deaths were reported episodes. This action reduces exposure to particulate
from affected province^.^ This reported number might air pol lution,26and evidence shows that indoor partic-
be underestimated as a result of possible misclassifica- ulate concentrations are one-half the outside particulate
tion and miscoding of haze-related cases, incomplete concentration^.^^,^^ However, in our study we could not
documentation, and reporting. Nevertheless, the vast find any such difference in the indoor and outdoor con-
disparity implies that the health effect of PMlo arising centrations of fine particulates. Perhaps the size of par-

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22 Archives of Environmental Health

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