Bullies: Use of English Choose The Correct Item (A, B, C or D) For Each Gap in The Text

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Choose the correct item(a ,b, c or d) for each gap in the text.


A bully is someone 1)____hurts others. Bullies usually hurt the 2)___ person,
again and again, on purpose. There is no typical bully. Bullies 3)___ be boys, girls
or adults. There are three kinds of 4)____. Young bullies usually use words (verbal
bullying). They call people ugly names and tease their 5)___. Older bullies often
use physical bulling – they hit, push, kick and so on. Teenagers often use 6)___
kind, called emotional bullying. This means that bullies 7)___touch the other
person but they play with 8)___ feelings. For example, bullies spread false
9)___about someone in class. They ignore people or laugh at them behind their
back to make the victims feel like they don’t belong 10)__ the group. Or they may
use cyber bullying, which 11)___ more and more common. For example, they post
photos on the internet. Let’s be clear about three things: (a) bullying is not
‘normal’ – it’s not a part of growing up; (b) one type of bullying is not 12)__
another – bullying is bullying; and (c) all bullying is wrong.

a b c d
1 whose which what who
2 same similar like alike
3 have to could can must
4 bully bullying to bully bullied
5 victims criminals opponents friends
6 third three the third the thirds
7 didn’t doesn’t isn’t don’t
8 peoples people’s peoples’ people
9 rumours evidence silence ideas
10 with in to into
11 become is becoming becomes are becoming
12 the better than the best than good than better than

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