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AVERAGES (Excercize)

1. Find the average of first 61 natural numbers.

2. Find the average of first 61 even numbers
3. Find the average of first 61 odd numbers
4. Find the average of first 61 whole numbers
5. Find the average of first 5 prime numbers
6. Find the average of squares of natural numbers till 7.
7. Find the average of cubes of natural numbers till 7.
8. The average of 12 numbers is 35. If each of the number is multiplied by
2 then find the average of new set of numbers ?
9. The average of 11 numbers is 21. If 3 is added to each given number,
what will be the new average?
10. The average of 11 results is 50. The average of first 6 results is 49
and that of last 6 is 52, find the 6 th result?
11. The average age of students in section A of 50 students is 14 years and
the average age of students in section B of 30 students is 6 years. Find
the average age of students in both sections taken together?
12. The average age of 30 boys of a class is equal to 14 years. When the
age of the class teacher is included the average becomes 15 years.
Find the age of the class teacher?
13. The average age of 24 boys and a class teacher of a class is equal to 15
years. If class teacher left the class due to health problem the average
becomes 14. Find the age of class teacher who left the class.
14. The average of the first 100 positive integers is ?
15. Average weight of 25 persons is increased by 1 kg when one man
weighing 60 kg is replaced by a new person. Weight of new person is ?
[Hint: x= y + i × N]
16. The average of 13 papers is 40. The average of the first 7 papers is 42
and of the last seven papers is 35. Find the marks obtained in the
7th paper?
17. The average weight of A, B and C is 45 kg. If the average weight of A
and B be 40 kg and that of B and C be 43 kg, then the weight of B is:
18. If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students
respectively is 50, 55, 60, then the average marks of all the students is:
19. David obtained 76, 65, 82, 67 and 85 marks (out in 100) in English,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. What are his average
20. A student was asked to find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 3, 11, 7,
9, 15, 13, 8, 19, 17, 21, 14 and x. He found the mean to be 12. What
should be the number in place of x?
21. The average age of boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15
years. The average age for the whole class is
22. The average of five numbers id 27. If one number is excluded, the
average becomes 25. The excluded number is
23. A family consists of two grandparents, two parents and three
grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of
the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. What is
the average age of the family?
24. The average monthly income of P and Q is Rs. 5050. The average
monthly income of Q and R is Rs. 6250 and the average monthly
income of P and R is Rs. 5200. The monthly income of P is:
25. Of the three numbers first is twice the second and second is twice the
third. The average of three numbers is 21.The smallest of the three
numbers is:
26. The average of first nine prime numbers:
27. The average of five odd numbers is 7.What is the middle number if they

are arranged in descending order?

28. The average age of three boys is 15 years. If their ages are in the ratio

3:5:7, what is the age of the youngest boy?

29. a,b,c,d,e are five consecutive odd numbers .What is their average?
30. A person covers the first 10kms at 5km per hr, the next 40 kms at 8 km
per hr. Find his average speed during the total journey?
31. The sum of five numbers is 555. The average of first two numbers is 75
and third number is 115.What is the average of last two numbers?
32. If the arithmetic mean of 6 numbers is 45, what is the total sum of the

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