Oratory Speech

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Change seems to be elusive at these times of hopeless realities- of chaos and discord.

When I tried
to look back in the past, there is no big difference from what we have now. Different from what it was-
of cruel and offensive wars yet the degree of destruction seem just the same. We are still oppressed
by valiant enemies of poverty, injustice and segregation. We ought to fight and win over these
enemies but we, until now, are dispirited. We are manacled by our choice to embrace mediocrity and
we are encapsulated in the prism of reluctance in facing change. We lack the strength to hammer a
strong foundation that will keep us firmly standing in the middle of the tests of time.

I seek to make a difference. My voice maybe small, it maybe unheard but it billows a loud sound for
change, change which will start from me. Change with me will echo to others and to my country.

Change with me, resonates the hopeful sound of unity in the middle of cultural and social differences.
We may have different religions, we may come from different echelons of the society but we share a
common goal of living a happy and satisfying life, a dream that we have envisioned long before. We
are urged to free ourselves in the tyranny of discrimination and injustice. Let us not identify ourselves
with our differences but rather, with what we can do to create a wholesome and harmonious place to
live in.

Change with me washes away the stain of greed and corruption. I believe that the never ending
problems of corruption rooted from us and from what we used to do. We think that simple cheating
means nothing, thus, incessantly we resort to it. Using the resources of the government for personal
use like office supplies, vehicles and the like are common forms of corruption that we have enjoyed
for ourselves. Whether we do it consciously or unconsciously, we are held liable for our actions.
These forms of corruption may appear simple yet its effect are gradually engulfing us, losing our clear
visions of tomorrow.

I call for total transformation. I call for change. Let us all moderate our greed and think for the
common good. We can start it in a simple way. Let us not be swayed by our selfish desire, and our
hunger for power. Learn to be happy and contented with what we have. Work and prove our worth so
that everything will fall right in its place.

As a youth, my ideas are vibrant, strong and pure. I would consolidate my ideas, weave my thoughts
and express my opinions, transforming these to one big action to inspire change. I believe that I am
the future and whatever I do now would illumine what will become of me tomorrow. I would ensure
that whatever I do would inspire others to follow. Yes, the task is arduous, but my strong desire to
step on the threshold where there is lasting progress and sustainable development would keep me
standing. It will fuel me with zeal and dedication to be the best that I can be and to take the necessary
route which will lead me to the right path of change.

Change with me, initiates a big leap for progress and development. We have been longing to save
our country from the shackles of poverty, hoping that we won’t suffer from hunger and unemployment.
We envision a better Philippines where every Filipinos does not need to seek for a job abroad. We
want a better Philippines where every leader has no other purpose but to serve for the common
welfare. We can do this, let us reconcile with ourselves and change for the better. Surely, I could not
do it alone. We all have to work hand in hand to realize our dreams and to carry out our aspirations;
but, before we think of the big picture, let us win over ourselves. Let us hurdle the drawback of our
mistakes and rise up as a better person who is positive in dealing with the bend and turns of life, a
person who is willing to embrace the mechanisms of change-change for the better and for the
common good.

As a youth , the good promise of tomorrow rests in our hands. Whatever we do now shapes the future
of this nation. Let us, in our simple way, deliver the country to where it should be. Let us steer the
wheel, leading us to a new, better and progressive Philippines.

It is clear that what we enjoy now is the result of our actions. If we choose to dwell what is good and
right, then we will enjoy its lasting and fulfilling result. It is only us who can decide which route to take.
It is therefore us who can resolve the pressing problems of our nation. And so everything should start
with us. I believe that the change with me will resonate to others and most especially to my country.

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