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Application Areas of

Artificial Intelligence(AI)
Lecture 3
Some Application Areas of AI
o Game Playing
o Computer Vision
o Expert Systems
o Biology and Medicine
o Machine Learning
o Natural Language Understanding
o Scheduling and Planning
Game Playing
o IBM’s Deep Blue
o First AI to beat a human chess champion:
Garry Kasparov, 1997
o Blondie24
o Machine learning program that won a
checker’s tournament
Computer Vision
o Handwriting recognition
o US Postal Service automatically sorts mail
o Face recognition
o Government / bank security systems
o Autonomous Land Vehicle
o The ALVINN system from CMU autonomously
drove a van from Washington, D.C. to San
Diego (all but 52 of 2,849 miles), averaging 63
mph day and night, and in all weather conditions
Expert Systems
o Rely on obtaining the knowledge of human
experts and programming that knowledge into a
o Diagnostic systems
o Financial decision making
o Classification systems
Diagnostic systems
● MYCIN system for diagnosing bacterial
infections of the blood and suggesting
● Intellipath pathology diagnosis system
(AMA approved).
● Pathfinder medical diagnosis system,
which suggests tests and makes
● Whirlpool customer assistance center.
Financial decision making

● Credit card companies, banks, and the U.

S. government employ AI systems to
detect fraud and expedite financial
transactions. For example, AMEX credit
check. Systems often use learning
algorithms to construct profiles of
customer usage patterns, and then use
these profiles to detect unusual patterns
and take appropriate action.
Classification Systems
● Put information into one of a fixed set of
categories using several sources of
information. E.g., financial decision
making systems. NASA developed a
system for classifying very faint areas in
astronomical images into either stars or
galaxies with very high accuracy by
learning from human experts'
Biology & Medicine
o Diagnosis systems
o Specialists often use statistical AI tools to
diagnose a patient has a disease based on his/
her symptoms
Machine Learning
o Automated Mathematician, designed to discover
mathematical laws.
Natural Language
● Text Understanding
● Speech Understanding
Natural Language Understanding
Text Understanding
o Machine translation
o Altavista’s Babelfish server
o Catepillar's Truck manuals translated into 20 languages
o Information retrieval
o Google search engine
o Text classification and organization
o Google news, SPAM filtering (junk: email)
o Document summarization
o Columbia University’s Newsblaster
Natural Language Understanding
Speech Understanding

o Airline reservation systems

o PEGASUS allows users to obtain flight info and make reservations
by speaking over the phone

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