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"all reported cases of psychological disorder X has been diagnosed before the patient hits
1 puberty. Therefore all cases of psychological disorder X is discoverable before puberty." inductive
is what kind of argument?
2 "Choose Brand X because it’s the most popular brand in America!" is what fallacy? appeal to popularity or ad populum

3 "Ghosts really exist because no one has proof that they don’t exist." is what fallacy? burden of proof fallacy or ad ignorantiam or appeal to ignorance
"Giraffes are dogs. Dogs are eagles. Therefore Giraffes are eagles." is what kind of
4 deductive
"Giraffes are dogs. Dogs are eagles. Therefore Giraffes are eagles." is what kind of
5 not a fallacy
6 "God is love. Love is blind. Ergo, God is blind." is what fallacy? equivocation
"He has walked every afternoon from work to his house. Every night he would
7 experience leg pains. Therefore, his leg pains are caused by his afternoon walks." is what Causal
"Her heart has been broken by some guy. Therefore all guys are heartbreakers." is what
8 Hasty generalization or the fallacy of converse accident
"I don’t think the chancellor should be replaced because if he is replaced then who will
9 appeal to consequences of belief
be my friend in the school administration?" is what fallacy?
"If you are pro-choice, then I hope someday you could forgive yourself for all the lives
10 you have taken and for all the innocent laughter you did not allow to echo into this appeal to guilt
earth." is what fallacy?
"It did not rain. If it rained, the ground is wet. Therefore the ground is not wet." is what
11 Denying the antecedent
kind of fallacy?
12 "It does not follow" in Latin. non sequitur
"It rained. If it rained, the ground is wet. Therefore the ground is wet." is what kind of
13 deductive
"It rained. If it rained, the ground is wet. Therefore the ground is wet." is what kind of
14 not a fallacy
"My proposal should be accepted because I have worked for it tirelessly and I have
15 appeal to pity or ad misericordiam
sacrificed my health for it." is what fallacy?
"Ok so I use drugs and maybe I shouldn’t. But slip-ups in life are common and forgivable.
16 Straw Man Fallacy
Maybe you should just forgive me." is what fallacy?
"Ok so I use drugs and maybe I shouldn’t. But you also used drugs in your youth. Maybe
17 You Too/tu Quoque Fallacy
its ok to use drugs." is what fallacy?
"Ok so I use drugs and maybe I shouldn’t. But you are a paid DSWD worker. Of course
18 Ad hominem Circumstancial
that's what you will say." is what fallacy?
"Ok so I use drugs and maybe I shouldn’t. But you have always hated me and pointed out
19 red herring
my flaws…why do you always attack who I am?" is what fallacy?
"Ok so I use drugs and maybe I shouldn’t. But you only say that since you are a self-
20 Ad hominem Abusive
righteous insensitive bastard!" is what fallacy?
"Ok so you say that I shouldn’t be pro-choice. Although, you are only saying that since
21 Ad hominem Abusive
you are a close minded and uncivilized demon." is what fallacy?
"Ok so you say that I shouldn’t be pro-choice. Although, you are only saying that since
22 Ad hominem Circumstancial
you are Catholic." is what fallacy?
"Ok so you say that I shouldn’t be pro-choice. Although, you yourself had an abortion
23 You Too/tu Quoque Fallacy
once in your life. You have no case, then." is what fallacy?
"Since a strand of hay burns under ten seconds, the heap of hay would also burn under
24 composition
ten seconds." is what fallacy?
"Since the brain is located inside the body, the location of the mind must be somewhere
25 category mistake
inside the body as well." is what fallacy?
"Since the heap of hay burns brightly, a strand of hay burns will burn brightly as well." is
26 division
what fallacy?
"The ground is wet. If it rained, the ground is wet. Therefore it rained." is what kind of
27 Affirming the consequent
"The socialist government must be kept since it has been our government since we
28 appeal to tradition
became a nation." is what fallacy?
"The virtue of obedience to God is learned from Creationism.Creationism is a poor
29 genetic
concept. Therefore the virtue of obedience is also a poor concept." is what fallacy?
"The whole of Korea belongs to China since China can conquer Korea easily with the
30 appeal to force or ad baculum
former’s military might." is what fallacy?
"There is a proposal to strengthen the army and cut the budget for the mentally ill. This
31 was once a suggestion of Hitler, you know. I don’t think the proposal should push guilt by association
through, do you?" is what fallacy?
"We shouldn’t allow our children to go home late at night. Next thing we know, they
32 Slippery Slope
would go home pregnant or high on drugs." is what fallacy?
"When you cut people with knives and they die, you are a killer. Some surgeons cut
33 people up and then the patient dies. Therefore some surgeons are killers." is what accident
34 "Without the rooster the sun will never rise again." is what fallacy? Post Hoc
35 "You are the most important since everyone else is less important." is what fallacy? Circular/Begging the Question/ Petitio Principii

36 ______ Arguments are inductive arguments that seek to establish a causal relationship. Causal
_______ ambiguity exists when it is unclear which among the meanings of a word is to be
37 Semantic
_______ ambiguity exists when the phrasing of a sentence leads to multiple
38 Syntactic
_______ exists when there are multiple but still identifiable and limited possible
39 Ambiguity
40 _______ exists when there is a very huge array of possible interpretations. Vagueness
_______ occurs when the portion of the population is too small to make a reasonable
41 Hasty generalization or the fallacy of converse accident
inference about the entire population or all cases.
A _______ argument is a kind of argument where the conclusion is absolutely true if all
42 deductive
the premises are assumed to be true.
A _______ is committed when what is true of A is also true of a related concept B in spite
43 category mistake
of B belonging to a different category.
A cognitive Bias where instead of trying to arrive at the true answer, the group arrives at
44 Groupthink
the least offensive answer to the members of the group.
A cognitive bias where one is more critical of opposing claims and less critical of allied
45 Confirmation Bias
46 A cognitive bias where the value of a bought thing is higher than before it was bought. Post-Purchase Rationalization
47 A misinterpretation that makes it easier for the statement to be attacked. Straw Man Fallacy
48 A misinterpretation that makes it easier for the statement to be defended. Charitable
49 A premise that does not strengthen, justify or entail the conclusion is ________. irrelevant
50 A rational exchange of opposing or clarificatory statements. Dialectic
51 A term's assigned definition, may be temporary. Stipulative Definition
52 A testimony is good if it comes from a person of the proper __________. authority
53 A valid argument with presies that are actually true. Sound arguments
A/an ________ argument is a kind of argument where if all the premises are assumed to
54 inductive
be true, the conclusion is only most likely to be true.
55 After examining an argument one may do any of these three things. Accept, Reject, Suspend Judgment
56 An argument has _______ if it avoids complex sentence structure and terms. Simplicity
57 An argument has _______ if it's length is appropriate to the occasion. Brevity
An argument has _______ when one has properly made his statement understood by
58 Clarity
59 An argument that is polite, poised and well-conducted is a ________ argument. Civil
60 An argument that responds and attacks an earlier argument. Counterargument
61 An argument that uses loaded language to substitute for actual premises. Argument by Epithet
62 AN argument whose conclusion is true if the premises are assumed true. Deductively Valid argument
63 Argument structure of a conductive argument. COnvergent
64 Argument structure with at least two conclusions and only a single premise. Divergent
65 Argument structure with at least two independent premises and only a single conclusion Convergent

66 Argument structure with at least two interdepent premises and only a single conclusion Linked
Arguments should be composed of _______ language which is not designed to solicit
67 Neutral
emotional responses.
68 Arguments where conclusions are assumed in the premise. Circular/Begging the Question/ Petitio Principii
69 Arguments whose conclusion is not justified by its premise is called _______. non sequitur
70 Boy pick up is a similar case to this fallacy. non sequitur
71 Common or Dictionary Definition is also known as: Lexical Definition
72 Contrary or Contradictory? 1. This is all white. 2. This is not all white. Contradictory
73 Contrary or Contradictory? 1. This is all white. 2. This is partially white. Contrary
74 Contrary or Contradictory? 1. This is partially white. 2. This is not partially white. Contradictory

75 Contrary or Contradictory? 1. This is partially white. 2. This is partially not white. Neither
76 Define Logic. The study of the methods of correct and incorrect reasoning.
77 Definitinos that are acceptable to everyone; factual. Objective definition
78 Definitinos that use words that are uncommon and difficult to comprehend. Obscure
79 Definition that are from a particular point of view. Subjective Definitions
80 Definitions that associates non-essential characteristics to a word's meaning. Trivial
81 Definitions that exclude actual samples of the term. Narrow
82 Definitions that include non-samples of the term. Broad
83 Definitions that use "not" or "no" and the likes. Negative
84 Definitions that uses terms that are synanymous to the term being defined. Circular
85 Definitions with biases; made in order to push a view. Persuasive definition
Fallacy when one assumes that a word used in two different ways was used in the same
86 equivocation
87 Greek word which means "love". Philia
88 Greek word which means "wisdom". Sophia
89 He coined the term "philosophia". Pythagoras
90 Latin for circular arguments. Petitio Principii
91 Logical mistakes in reasoning. Fallacies
Mistakes in reasoning that we are psychologically inclined to commit due to our
92 Cognitive Biases
psychological make-up.
93 Premises that make the strongest arguments. Factual
94 Premises that make the weakest arguments. False premises
95 Statements that emphasize motives of a claim to make it more understandable. Explanations by Purpose
96 Statements that establishes one thing is implied by another. Conditional Statements

97 Statements that merely express one's insight or belief. Opinion

98 Statements that narrate what caused a person to have a particular view. Causal Explanations

99 Statements that provide a definition to make something more understandable. Explanations by Meaning

100 Statements that seek to make claims acceptable. Argument/s

101 Statements that seek to make claims understandable. Explanation/s

102 T or F: "If that is true, then this is false." is a conditional statement. TRUE
103 T or F: "If that is true, then this is false." is an argument. FALSE
104 T or F: "If that is true, then this is false." is not a conditional statement. FALSE
105 T or F: "If that is true, then this is false." is not an argument. TRUE
106 Testimonies may either be: Reliable or Unreliable
107 Testimonies taken from an insignificant portion of the population. Anecdotal Evidences
108 The "condition" in a conditional statement. Antecedent
109 The "effect" in a conditional statement. Consequent
The ______ Fallacy is committed when a speaker unjustifiably assumes an event as a
110 Slippery Slope
cause for a much greater event in order to make the claim more grave than it really is.
The ______ fallacy occurs when one simply assumes that since event X follows event Y,
111 Post Hoc
the cause of Y is X.
The _______ fallacy consists of unjustifiably assuming that the claim has properties which
112 genetic
its origin has.
113 The ____________ consists of using the lack of counterevidence as evidence. burden of proof fallacy or ad ignorantiam or appeal to ignorance
The fallacy of _____________ consists of justifying a claim based on the significant
114 appeal to popularity or ad populum
number of people who believes the claim.
115 The fallacy of injects guilt into the listener in order to manipulate his decisions. appeal to guilt
The fallacy of ______ is committed when one assumes that what is true of the whole is
116 division
true of a part of that whole.
117 The fallacy of _______ consists of using scare tactics or threat to persuade a person. appeal to force or ad baculum
The fallacy of _______ is committed when one assumes that what is true of a part of the
118 composition
whole is true of the whole.
The fallacy of _______ occurs when a generalization is applied to an exempted case, or to
119 accident
a case whose non-essential features render the general rule inapplicable.
The fallacy of ________ consists of justifying a claim solely through the fact that it is part
120 appeal to tradition
of routine.
The fallacy of ________ consists of using pity or compassion to elicit a favorable response
121 appeal to pity or ad misericordiam
instead of a reasonable justification.
The fallacy of _________ is committed when a negatively received person or party is
122 guilt by association
associated with a claim in an attempt to make the claim negatively received as well.
123 The fallacy of __________ uses the promise of a reward. appeal to desire
The fallacy of ____________ consists of denying a claim using its unfavorable
124 appeal to consequences of belief
consequences or justifying a claim using its favorable consequences.
125 These are given temporarily to premises in order to further arguments. Provisional Acceptance
This fallacy occurs when the topic is abandoned by intriducing a seemingly relevant but
126 red herring
irrelevant new issue.
127 This fallacy uses the strategy of misleading the topic. red herring
This important aspect of an argument includes who stated the argument, when was it
128 Context
stated, what was the motive behind it, how was it stated and the likes.
129 This is committed when contraries are mistaken as contradictories. False Dichotomy
130 Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with beauty and art. Aesthetics
Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with power, governance, state and
131 Politics/Political Philosophy
132 Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with the physical universe. Natural Philosophy
133 Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with the study of what we ought to do. Ethics
134 Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with the ultimate reality. Metaphysics
135 Traditional branch of philosophy that deals with theories of knowledge. Epistemology
136 What are the two parts of an argument? A premise and a conclusion.
137 What is a conclusion? The part of an argument that contains the claim of the argument.
138 What is a premise? The part of an argument that contains the justification for the claim.
139 What is an argument? A statement that seeks to persuade or convince.
140 What is the degree of commitment in "A few of them have a small chance of being here." Weak
141 What is the degree of commitment in "Most of them are certainly here." Strong
142 What is the scope in "A few of them have a small chance of being here." Narrow
143 What is the scope in "Most of them are certainly here." Broad
144 What is the structure of: "Since A, Since B, therefore C." Convergent
145 What is the structure of: "Since A, therefore B and C and D" Divergent
146 What is the structure of: "Since A, therefore B." Linear
147 What is the structure of: "Since both A and B, therefore C." Linked
When an argument X does not consider any part of an earlier argument Y, argument X
148 Ignores
________ argument Y.
When an argument X examines the truth of the premise or validity of the conclusion of
149 Responds
an earlier argument Y, argument X ________ to argument Y.
When an argument X states what the speaker feels about an earlier argument Y,
150 Reacts
argument X ________ to argument Y.
When you have only 2 classmates who are boys and you say, "Our boy classmate was
151 ambiguous
there." Your statements is _______.
When you have only 42 classmates who are boys and you say, "Our boy classmate was
152 vague
there." Your statements is _______.
153 Who is the father of Logic? Aristotle

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