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Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 4 (2017) pp. 1154-1167
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Review Article

An Overview on Molecular Basis of Genetic Recombination

Mamta Nehra1*, Rajesh Kumar Sharma2 and Mukesh Choudhary3
G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar- 263145, India
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012, India
ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana- 141 004, India
*Corresponding author


Recombination is a process by which pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to

produce new combinations of alleles. In 1964, Robin Holliday proposed a model for
understanding molecular basis of recombination that accounted for heteroduplex formation
Keywords and gene conversion during recombination. A new modified major model for
recombination was given by Jack Szostak and colleagues in 1983, it is called the double-
Holliday model,
strand-break model. The initial steps in finding enzymes that carry out recombination were
DSB model, genetic screens for mutants of E. coli that are defective in recombination. One of the major
RecBCD enzyme. pathways for generating 3‟ single-stranded termini uses the RecBCD enzyme. The pairing
of the two recombining DNA molecules (synapsis) and invasion of a single strand from the
Article Info initiating duplex into the other duplex are both catalyzed by the multi-functional protein
RecA. RuvA tetramers recognize the Holliday junction, and RuvB uses the energy of ATP
Accepted: hydrolysis to unwind the parental duplexes and form heteroduplexes between them. Ruv C
12 March 2017 is the endonuclease that cleaves the Holliday junctions. In eukaryotes, spo11 protein
Available Online:
introduces DSBs in chromosomal DNA at many locations to initiate meiotic
10 April 2017
recombination. MRX protein processes the cleaved DNA ends for assembly of the RecA-
like strand exchange proteins. Dmc1/ Rad51 is a RecA-like protein that specifically
functions in meiotic recombination.

Recombination is the production of new DNA Illegitimate or non homologous
molecule(s) from two parental DNA recombination occurs in regions where no
molecules or different segments of the same large-scale sequence similarity is apparent,
DNA molecule. At least four types of e.g. translocations between different
naturally occurring recombination have been chromosomes or deletions that remove several
identified in living organisms. General or genes along a chromosome. Another type of
homologous recombination occurs between recombination, called site specific
DNA molecules of very similar sequence, recombination, can alter gene order and also
such as homologous chromosomes in diploid add new information to the genome. Site-
organisms. General recombination can occur specific recombination moves specialized
throughout the genome of diploid organisms, nucleotide sequences, called mobile genetic
using one or a small number of common elements, between non homologous sites
enzymatic pathways. within a genome. The movement can occur

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

between two different positions in a the recombination process proved impractical

single chromosome, as well as between two because of their complexity, liability, and low
different chromosomes. Site- abundance, eliminating that potentially
specific recombination can proceed via either informative avenue of investigation. Finally,
of two distinct mechanisms, each of which genetic analysis uncovered the complexity of
requires specialized recombination enzymes the recombination processes, demonstrating
and specific DNA sites (1) Transpositional the involvement of a multitude of genes. For
site-specific recombination usually involves example, in both the prokaryote Escherichia
breakage reactions at the ends of the mobile coli and the eukaryote Saccharomyces
DNA segments embedded in chromosomes cerevisiae, dozens of genes were identified as
and the attachment of those ends at one of either essential or important to genetic
many different non homologous target DNA recombination. In most cases, the genes
sites. It does not involve the formation of identified were not involved in other DNA
heteroduplex DNA. (2) Conservative site- metabolic processes but, instead, were shown
specific recombination involves the to be uniquely important to recombination or
production of a very short heteroduplex joint, recombinational repair. The genetic disclosure
and it therefore requires a short DNA of redundant functions served to underscore
sequence that is the same on both donor and the intricacy of the recombination process and
recipient DNA molecules. to hinder identification of the role of each
gene product in the recombination mechanism
The process of homologous genetic (Kowalczykowski et al., 1994).
recombination is essential to all organisms. It
is important for the generation of genetic Holliday Model for General
diversity, the maintenance of genomic Recombination: Single Strand Invasion
integrity, and the proper segregation of
chromosomes. The predictable assortment of In 1964, Robin Holliday proposed a model
genes by homologous recombination that accounted for heteroduplex formation and
underlies the basic principles of genetics. Yet gene conversion during recombination. It
despite the importance of this central illustrates the critical steps of pairing of
biological process, the biochemical details of homologous duplexes, formation of a
the molecular mechanism by which segments heteroduplex, formation of the recombination
of DNA are exchanged between chromosomal joint, branch migration and resolution (Fig.
homologs are unclear. Part of the explanation 1).
for this uncertainty lies in the biochemical
uniqueness and complexity of the The steps in the Holliday Model are-
recombination process. In contrast to the
mechanisms of many other transactions 1. Two homologous chromosomes, each
involving nucleic acids (e.g., replication, composed of duplex DNA, are paired with
transcription, and translation), which result in similar sequences adjacent to each other.
net macromolecular biosynthesis, the simplest
models of homologous recombination 2. An endonuclease nicks at corresponding
mandated little or no DNA synthesis; thus, regions of homologous strands of the
biochemical assays for components of the paired duplexes.
recombination apparatus were not easily
forthcoming. Furthermore, the isolation and 3. The nicked ends dissociate from their
characterization of bonafide intermediates of complementary strands and each single

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

strand invades the other duplex. This changes to the model. For instance, the
occurs in a reciprocal manner to produce a Holliday model treats both duplexes equally;
heteroduplex region derived from one both are the invader and the target of the
strand from each parental duplex. strand invasion. Also, no new DNA synthesis
is required in the Holliday model. However,
4. DNA ligase seals the nicks. The result is a subsequent work showed that one of the
stable joint molecule, in which one strand duplex molecules is the used preferentially as
of each parental duplex crosses over into the donor of genetic information. These ideas
the other duplex. This X-shaped joint is have been incorporated into a new model of
called a Holliday intermediate or Chi recombination involving double strand breaks
structure. in the DNAs.

5. Branch migration then expands the region Double-strand-break model for

of heteroduplex. The stable joint can recombination
move along the paired duplexes, feeding
in more of each invading strand and A new model for recombination from Jack
extending the region of heteroduplex. Szostak and colleagues given in1983 (Szostak
et al., 1983), it is called the double-strand-
The recombination intermediate is then break model. New features in this model
resolved by nicking a strand in each duplex (contrasting with the Holliday model) are
and ligation. initiation at double-strand breaks, nuclease
digestion of the aggressor duplex, new
Resolution can occur in either of two ways, synthesis and gap repair. However, the
only one of which results in an exchange of fundamental Holliday junction, branch
flanking markers after recombination. The migration and resolution are retained, albeit
two modes of resolution can be visualized by with somewhat greater complexity because of
rotating the duplexes so that no strands cross the additional numbers of Holliday junctions.
over each other in the illustration. In the
“horizontal” mode of resolution, the nicks are The steps in the double-strand-break model
made in the same DNA strands that were up to the formation of the joint molecules are
originally nicked in the parental duplexes. diagrammed in figure 2.
After ligation of the two ends, this produces
two duplex molecules with a patch of 1. An endonuclease cleaves both strands of
heteroduplex, but no recombination of one of the homologous DNA duplexes.
flanking regions. In contrast, for the “vertical” This is the aggressor duplex, since it
mode of resolution, the nicks are made in the initiates the recombination. It is also the
other strands, i.e. those not nicked in the recipient of genetic information, as will be
original parental duplexes. Ligation of these apparent as we go through the model.
two ends also leaves a patch of heteroduplex,
but additionally causes recombination of 2. The cut is enlarged by an exonuclease to
flanking regions. generate a gap with 3' single-stranded
termini on the strands.
Although the original Holliday model
accounted for many important aspects of 3. One of the free 3' ends invades a
recombination (all that were known at the homologous region on the other duplex
time), some additional information requires called the donor duplex. The formation of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

heteroduplex also generates a D-loop (a duplex has been filled with DNA donated by
displacement loop), in which one strand of the invaded duplex. The filled gap is now
the donor duplex is displaced. flanked by heteroduplex. The heteroduplexes
are arranged asymmetrically, with one to the
4. The D-loop is extended as a result of left of the filled gap on the aggressor duplex
repair synthesis primed by the invading 3' and one to the right of the filled gap on the
end. The D-loop eventually gets large donor duplex. Branch migration can extend
enough to cover the entire gap on the the regions of heteroduplex from each
aggressor duplex, i.e. the one initially Holliday junction. Each joint can be resolved
cleaved by the endonuclease. The newly horizontally or vertically. The key factor is
synthesized DNA uses the DNA from the whether the joints are resolved in the same
invaded DNA duplex as the template, so mode or sense (both horizontally or both
the new DNA has the sequence specified vertically) or in different modes.
by the invaded DNA.
If both joints are resolved the same sense, the
5. When the displaced strand from the donor original duplexes will be released, each with a
extends as far as the other side of the gap region of altered genetic information that is a
on the recipient, it will anneal with the "footprint" of the exchange event. That region
other 3' single stranded end at that end of of altered information is the original gap, plus
the gap. The displaced strand has now or minus the regions covered by branch
filled the gap on the aggressor duplex, migration. For instance, if both joints are
donating its sequence to the duplex that resolved by cutting the originally cleaved
was initially cleaved. Repair synthesis strands ("horizontally" in our diagram of the
catalyzed by DNA polymerase converts Holliday model), then you have no crossover
the donor D-loop to duplex DNA. The at either joint. If both joints are resolved by
duplex that was initially invaded serves as cleaving the strands not cut originally
the donor duplex; i.e. it provides genetic ("vertically" in our diagram of the Holliday
information during this phase of repair model), then you have a crossover at both
synthesis. Conversely, the aggressor joints. This closely spaced double crossover
duplex is the recipient of genetic will produce no recombination of flanking
information. Note that the single strand markers.
invasion models predict the opposite,
where the initial invading strand is the Enzymes required for recombination in E.
donor of the genetic information. coli

6. DNA ligase will seal the nicks, one on the At least 25 different proteins are involved in
left side and the other on the right side. all types of homologous recombination in E.
Although the latter is between a strand on coli; these include the RecA, RecBCD, RecF,
the bottom duplex and a strand on the top RecG, RecJ, RecN, RecO, RecQ, RecR,
duplex, it is equivalent to the ligation in RuvAB, RuvC, PriA and SSB proteins, DNA
the first nick. In both cases, sealing the polymerases, DNA topoisomerases and DNA
nick forms a Holliday junction. ligase, as well as the cis-acting recombination
hotspot x (Kowalczykowski et al.,1994).
At this point, the recombination intermediate Three different pathways have been
has two recombinant joints (Holliday characterized that differ in the steps used to
junctions). The original gap in the aggressor generate the invading single strand of DNA.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

All three pathways use RecA for homologous the point of entry of the RecBCD enzyme,
pairing and strand exchange, RuvA and RuvB presumably by binding to the complementary
for branch migration, and RuvC and DNA strand and disrupting its contact with the
ligase for resolution. slower translocating domain(s) (Anderson and
Kowalczykowski, 1997).
The E. coli RecBCD enzyme is a
multifunctional protein complex (330 kDa) The DNA helicase activity requires the
containing three subunits, the products of the nucleotide cofactor adenosine triphosphate
recB, recC, and recD genes. This enzyme (ATP) and magnesium ion, with 1.7–3
displays four distinct activities: nuclease, molecules of ATP being hydrolyzed per base
helicase, ATPase, and site-specific pair unwound. Helicase activity is inhibited
recognition of the DNA regulatory sequence by the ssDNA produced during processing of
chi (crossover hotspot instigator, x). adsDNA molecule. Binding of SSB protein to
Originally identified as exonuclease V, the the ssDNA products alleviates this inhibition
RecBCD enzyme is responsible for the (Anderson and Kowalczykowski, 1998).
seemingly disparate functions of DNA
degradation and repair of the bacterial In addition to being a helicase, the RecBCD
chromosome. Under optimal conditions, the enzyme is also a potent nuclease, functioning
RecBCD enzyme is a highly processive to protect the cell from invasion by infecting
helicase, unwinding an average of 30 viral DNA. The RecBCD enzyme degrades
kilobases per binding event at a rate of 1000– both dsDNAand ssDNA, but the activity
1500 base pairs per second (Fig. 3) (Roman et toward ssDNA is much lower than that for
al., 1992). A blunt double stranded DNA dsDNA. The dsDNA nuclease activity is
(dsDNA) end is the preferred substrate for coincident with translocation by RecBCD
initiation of unwinding, but single-stranded enzyme. Thus, although this degradation of
DNA (ssDNA) tails of less than 25 dsDNA is formally defined as an
nucleotides can also serve as initiation sites. „exonuclease‟ activity, the cleavage is
actually endonucleolytic and the requirement
During unwinding, either ssDNA loop-tails, for a dsDNA end pertains to helicase
or twin loops of ssDNA are formed, which function. Degradation during unwinding is
extend from the RecBCD enzyme complex asymmetric, with the 3‟ terminal strand
(Taylor and Smith, 1980). Atphysiological (relative to the dsDNA entry site) being
temperature (378C), the loops grow at a rateof degraded much more vigorously than its
about 100 nucleotides per second. The complement. Hence the enzyme degrades
presence of the loop-tail or twin-loop dsDNA primarily in a 3‟ to 5‟ direction
structures implies that there are at least two (Dixon and Kowalczykowski, 1993). SSB
translocating domains in the holoenzyme: a protein, in addition to binding the potentially
more rapidly moving domain(s) containing inhibitory ssDNA produced by the helicase
the helicase activity and a slower domain(s) activity as discussed above, also moderates
that translocates along the ssDNA produced. the 5‟ to 3‟ nuclease activity, lowering the
Thus, as the dsDNA substrate is processed, frequency of cutting by the enzyme
ssDNA loop(s) form between these domains. (Anderson and Kowalczykowski, 1998)
E. coli single stranded DNA-binding protein (Table 1).
(SSB) favours production of the loop-tail
structure with the loop being createdfrom the This voracious nuclease activity seems at
DNA strand terminating with a 3‟ hydroxyl at odds with the fact that RecBCD enzyme plays

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

a principal role in promoting DNA repair and Synapsis and invasion of single strands
homologous recombination, processes that, by
their very nature, require the preservation of The pairing of the two recombining DNA
DNA. Resolution of this apparent molecules (synapsis) and invasion of a single
inconsistency is found in the regulatory strand from the initiating duplex into the other
aspects of the recombination hotspot x.x is a duplex are both catalyzed by the multi-
DNA locus that stimulates the frequency of functional protein RecA invasion of the
genetic recombination in its vicinity. This duplex DNA by a single stranded DNA
recombination hotspot was originally results in the replacement of one of the
discovered as a mutation in l phage that strands of the original duplex with the
protected the phage genome from degradation invading strand, and the replaced strand is
by RecBCD enzyme (Lam et al., 1974). As displaced from the duplex. Hence this
shown in figure 4, the sequence of x is the reaction can also be called strand assimilation
octamer 5‟-GCTGGTGG-3‟, and most single or strand exchange (Zaitsev and
base mutations within the octamer reduce x Kowalczykowski, 2000).
activity (Smith et al., 1981). Recombination
in the vicinity of a x site is stimulated by 5- to The process of single-strand assimilation
10-fold over background levels. Key features occurs in three steps (Fig. 5). First, RecA
need to be emphasized to understand the polymerizes onto single-stranded DNA in the
nature of this recombination hotspot. presence of ATP to form the presynaptic
filament. The single strand of DNA lies
First, the stimulation is highly polar, with the within a deep groove of the RecA protein, and
region of enhanced recombination extending many RecA-ATP molecules coat the single-
downstream of the 5‟ end of the w sequence. stranded DNA. One molecule of the RecA
Enhancement of recombination downstream protein covers 3 to 5 nucleotides of single-
of w decreases by a factor of two for every stranded DNA. Next, the presynaptic filament
2.2–3.2 kb, returning to background levels 10 aligns with homologous regions in the duplex
kb downstream when no heterologous regions DNA. The aligned duplex and single strand
intervene (Myers et al., 1995). Second, all forms a paranemic joint, meaning that the
recombination stimulated by this site requires single strand is not intertwined with the
the activity of the RecBCD enzyme, whose double strand at this point. Finally, the strands
nuclease activity would seemingly destroy its are exchanged from to form a plectonemic
own substrate. Numerous genetic and joint. In this stage, the invading single strand
biochemical studies have shown that the is now intertwined with the complementary
increase in recombination is due to a direct strand in the duplex, and one strand of the
interaction between the x sequence and the invaded duplex is now displaced. In E. coli,
RecBCD enzyme, and that this stimulation exchange occurs in a 5' to 3' direction relative
only occurs if the enzyme approaches from to the single strand and requires ATP
the 3‟ side (Figure 4) (Taylor and Smith, hydrolysis (Arnold and Kowalczykowski,
1995). The interaction with x elicits several 2000).In contrast, the yeast homolog, Rad51,
changes in enzyme function that are manifest causes the single-strand to invade with the
in an overall decrease in nuclease activity, opposite polarity, i.e. 3' to 5'. Thus the
which accounts for the protection of DNA direction of this polarity is not a universally
observed in vivo. Thus, x is a regulator of conserved feature of recombination
RecBCD enzyme and, hence, of genetic mechanisms. The product of strand
recombination. assimilation is a heteroduplex in which one
strand of the duplex was the original single-

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

stranded DNA. The other strand of the stranded breaks and inter strand cross links,
original duplex is displaced (Fig. 6). from chromosomes. HR is also critical for the
preservation of replication forks, for telomere
Branch migration maintenance, and chromosome segregation in
meiosis I. The HR reaction is mediated by a
The movement of a Holliday junction to conserved class of enzymes termed
generate additional heteroduplex requires two recombinases. Two recombinases, Rad51 and
proteins. One is the RuvA tetramer, which Dmc1, catalyze the pairing and shuffling of
recognizes the structure of the Holliday homologous DNA sequences in eukaryotic
junction. RuvB is an ATPase. It forms cells via a filamentous intermediate on
hexameric rings that provide the motor for ssDNA called the presynaptic filament. The
branch migration. RuvA tetramers recognize assembly of the presynaptic filament is a rate-
the Holliday junction, and RuvB uses the limiting process that is enhanced by
energy of ATP hydrolysis to unwind the recombination mediators, such as the breast
parental duplexes and form heteroduplexes tumor suppressor BRCA2. HR accessory
between them (Iwasaki et al., 1992). factors that facilitate other stages of the
Rad51- and Dmc1-catalyzed homologous
Resolution DNA pairing and strand exchange reaction
have also been identified (Bullard, 1996).The
Ruv C is the endonuclease that cleaves the enzymes that mediate the pairing and
Holliday junctions. It forms dimers that bind shuffling of DNA sequences during HR are
to the Holliday junction; recent data indicate called recombinases, and the reaction
an interaction among RuvA, RuvB and RuvC mediated by these enzymes is termed
as a complex at the Holliday junction. The homologous DNA pairing and strand
structure of the RuvA-Holliday junction exchange. Two recombinases, Rad51 and
complex suggests that the open structure of Dmc1, exist in eukaryotes. Rad51 is needed
the junction stabilized by the binding of RuvA for mitotic HR events such as DSB repair and
may expose a surface that is recognized by also for meiotic HR, whereas Dmc1 is only
Ruv C for cleavage. RuvC cleaves expressed in meiosis so its function is
symmetrically, in two strands with the same restricted therein. The salient attributes of the
nearly identical sequences, thereby producing DMC1 gene and encoded protein are
ligatable products. The preferred site of discussed in a separate section. Much of our
cleavage by RuvC is 5‟ WTT‟S, where W = A knowledge on the RAD51 gene and its
or T and S = G or C, and „is the site of encoded protein has been derived from
cleavage. RuvC can cut strands for either genetic and biochemical studies done in S.
horizontal or vertical resolution. Strand cerevisiae (Jimura et al., 1992).
choice is influenced by the sequence
preference and also by the presence of RecA The S. cerevisiae rad51 mutants are highly
protein, which favors vertical cleavage (i.e. to sensitive to DNA damaging agents and show
cause recombination of flanking markers) defects in mitotic and meiotic recombination.
(Dunderdale et al., 1991). Analysis of the S. cerevisiae RAD51 gene,
which was cloned independently by three
Molecular basis of recombination in different groups, revealed significant
eukaryotes homology of its encoded protein to the
bacterial recombinase RecA, with particular
Homologous recombination (HR) serves to conservation of those RecA residues that are
eliminate deleterious lesions, such as double- critical for its recombinase function, including
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

DNA binding and ATP hydrolysis. The promotes a specialized form of DNA strand
structure of the Rad51 protein has been exchange that involves the formation of a HJ
conserved among eukaryotes. Whereas S. and migration of the branch point in the HJ.
cerevisiae rad51 mutants are viable Nucleation of Rad51 onto ssDNA is a slow
mitotically. Just as in the case of RecA, with process, which renders presynaptic filament
ATP (or an analogue of ATP) available, S. assembly prone to interference by the ssDNA
cerevisiae Rad51 protein assembles onto binding protein RPA. Certain recombinase
ssDNA or dsDNA to form a right-handed accessory factors, which have been termed
helical polymer that can span thousands of recombination mediators and include the
bases or base pairs. The Rad51-ssDNA tumor suppressor BRCA2, can overcome the
nucleoprotein filament is often referred to as inhibitory effect of RPA on the assembly of
the presynaptic filament, and the biochemical the Rad51 presynaptic filament. As such,
steps that lead to the assembly of the Rad51 these recombination mediators are critical for
filament are collectively known as the the efficiency of HR in vivo.
presynaptic stage. Once assembled, the
presynaptic filament captures a duplex DNA The meiosis-specific recombinase DMC1
molecule and searches for homology in the
latter. From studies done with RecA, it is The DMC1 gene was isolated by Bishop et al.
expected that the homology search process in a screen for cDNA species specific for S.
occurs by way of random collisions between cerevisiae meiosis. The DMC1-encoded
the presynaptic filament and the duplex protein is present in almost all eukaryotes
molecule. including humans and is structurally related to
RecA and Rad51. Ablation of DMC1 in S.
Thus, segments of the duplex are bound and cerevisiae, Arabidopsis thaliana, and mice
tested in a reiterative fashion until homology produces a constellation of meiotic
is found. Upon the location of homology in abnormalities that reflect an indispensable
the duplex molecule, the presynaptic filament role of the Dmc1 protein in meiotic
is able to form DNA joints that are either recombination and chromosome segregation.
“paranemic” or “plectonemic” in nature. In
the paranemic joint, an internal region of the Dmc1 exists as an octamer in solution, and
ssDNA is paired with the duplex molecule via recent biochemical studies have provided
canonical WatsonCrick hydrogen bonds, but compelling evidence that it too forms right-
the paired DNA strands are not topologically handed, helical filaments on ssDNA in an
linked. The threestranded, paranemically ATP-dependent manner and catalyze the
paired nucleoprotein intermediate is referred homologous DNA pairing and strand
to as the synaptic complex. Although exchange reaction within the context of these
relatively short-lived, the paranemic joint nucleoprotein filaments. Thus, in its action as
facilitates the location of a free DNA end to a recombinase, Dmc1 possesses the same
initiate the formation of a plectonemic joint, functional attributes as have been documented
in which the participant DNA strands are for RecA and Rad51 (Bishop, 1992).
bound by Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds and
topologically intertwined. The nascent The S. cerevisiae RAD52 Protein and its
plectonemicjoint can be extended by DNA Recombination Mediator Activity
strand exchange being catalyzed by the
presynaptic filament (Cao et al., 1990). The The S. cerevisiae Rad52 protein has been the
DNA strand exchange reaction is facilitated most intensely studied recombination
by the Rad54 protein. Moreover, Rad54 also mediator to date.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

Table.1 Proteins and sites involved in genetic recombination in E. coli

Protein and Site Activity

RecA DNA strand exchange, DNA renaturation, DNA-dependent
ATPase, DNA-and ATP- dependent co-protease
RecBCD(exonuclease V) DNA helicase, ATP-dependent dsDNA and ssDNA exonuclease,
ATP- stimulated ssDNA endonuclease, x hotspot recognition
RecBC DNA helicase
RecE (exonucleaseVIII) dsDNA exonuclease, 5‟-3‟specific
RecF ssDNA dsDNA binding, ATP binding
RecG Branch migration of Holiday junctions, DNA helicase
RecJ ssDNA exonuclease, 5‟-3‟ specific
RecN Unknown, ATP- binding consensus sequence
RecO Interaction with RecR and (possibly) RecF proteins
RecQ DNA helicase
RecR Interaction with RecO and (possibly) RecF proteins
RecT DNA renaturation
RuvA Holiday-,cruciform-, and four-way junction binding; interaction
with RuvB proteins
RuvB Branch migration of Holiday junctions, DNA helicase,
interaction with RuvA proteins
RuvC Holiday junction cleavage, four-way junction binding
SbcB (exonuclease I) (xonA) ssDNA exonuclease, 3‟-5‟specific, deoxyribophosphodiesterase
SbcCD ATP-dependent dsDNA exonuclease
SSB ssDNA binding
DNA topoisomeraseI (topA) ɷ protein, type I topoisomerase
DNAgyrase (gyrA and gyrB) DNA gyrase, typeII topoisomerase
DNA ligase (lig) DNA ligase
DNA polymerase I (polA) DNA polymerase, 5‟-3‟ exonuclease, 3‟-5‟ exonuclease
Helicase II (uvrD, uvrE,recL, DNA helicase
Helicase IV (helD) DNA helicase
sbcA mutations are regulatory mutations that activate recE function.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

Fig.1 Holliday model for general recombination: single strand invasion

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

Fig.2 Double-strand-break model for recombination

Strand invasion of 3‟ end

Second strand invasion and DNA repair

synthesis at 3‟ end

Branch migration and intermediate with

two holiday junctions


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

Fig.3 Initiation of homologous recombination by the coordinated activities of RecBCD enzyme

and RecA protein

Fig.4 Orientation dependence of xrecognition

Fig.5 Role of RecA in assimilation of single-stranded DNA

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

Fig.6 Schematic representation of recombination in eukaryotes

In both mitotic and meiotic cells, the DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) The major
recruitment of Rad51 to DSBs is strongly steps along the recombination pathway have
dependent on Rad52, but the DSB recruitment been best defined in the budding
of Rad52 shows no dependence on Rad51. yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Keeney et
Taken together, the genetic and biochemical al., 1997).DSB formation is catalyzed by
studies on S. cerevisiae Rad52 provide Spo11, which appears to act via a
compelling evidence that it helps deliver topoisomerase-like reaction to generate a
Rad51 to the ssDNA substrate during HR transient, covalent protein-DNA intermediate.
(Alani et al., 1990). After DSBs are formed, Spo11 is removed
from the DNA and the 5′ strand termini are
Spo11 and the Formation of DNA Double- nucleolytically resected to yield variable-
Strand Breaks in Meiosis length, 3′ single-stranded tails (Klapholz et
al., 1985). In a series of reactions dependent
Most sexually reproducing organisms use on yeast homologs of bacterial RecA, these
recombination to connect homologous tails undergo strand invasion of intact
paternal and maternal chromosomes to one homologous duplexes, ultimately giving rise
another during prophase I of meiosis. This to mature recombinant products. The repair of
connection is essential for accurate any given meiotic DSB can result in either
chromosome segregation at the first meiotic reciprocal exchange of the chromosome arms
division. Meiotic recombination has at its flanking the break (a crossover), or no
heart the formation and subsequent repair of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(4): 1154-1167

exchange of flanking arms (a non crossover or relationship between meiotic

parental configuration). chromosome synapsis and
recombination. Cell, 61: 419-436.
In conclusion, general recombination allows Anderson, D.G. and Kowalczykowski, S.C.
large sections of the DNA double helix to 1997. The translocating RecBCD
move from one chromosome to another, and it enzyme stimulates recombination by
is responsible for the crossing over of directing RecA protein onto ssDNA in a
chromosomes that occurs during meiosis in x-regulated manner. Cell, 90: 77–86.
fungi, animals, and plants. General Anderson, D.G. and Kowalczykowski, S.C.
recombination is essential for the maintenance 1998. SSB protein controls RecBCD
of chromosomes in all cells, and it usually enzyme nuclease activity during
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How to cite this article:

Mamta Nehra, Rajesh Kumar Sharma and Mukesh Choudhary. 2017. An Overview on
Molecular Basis of Genetic Recombination. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(4): 1154-1167.


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