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Time : 3 Hours | Code : 15CS-31T Register Number Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2017 PROGRAMMING WITH C | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part ~ A. Each questions carries § marks. 6. 9. (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each questions carries 10 marks, PART-A Explain Basic Data Types of C language. List Rules and Guidelines for naming variables. Play store Explain the syntax of for loop with example. Differentiate between while and do-while statements, Explain the syntax of user defined function with example. Differentiate between call-by-value and call-by-reference. Define Macro. Explain maero substitution with example Explain general syntax of a structure with example. Define Union. Explain the general syntax of union with example. 1of2 6x5=30 5 :Diplor 3 5 {Turn over 18C8-31T 2of2 2 PART-B 7x10=70 10. Explain formatted input and output statements used in C with syntax and example. 10 11. Write an Algorithm and C-program to find sum and average of 3 numbers. 10 12. Explain the syntax of if-else statement. Write a C-program to check whether a number is even or odd using if-else. 13. Discuss the following = 0 (i) Break (ii) Continue (iii) Goto (iv) Label (v) Conditional operator Play store :Dipjoma QP PGB technologies 14, Illustrate the switch statement with syntax and an example Write a C-program to find factorial of a given number using function. 10 16. (a) Explain array, declaration and initialization of one-dimensional array. 5 (b) List the advantages and disadvantages of an array. 5 17. Write a C-program to Add two matrices using Array. 10 18, Define string. Explain string handling functions of C. 10 19. Write a C-program to create a structure with employee details and display the same. 10 Code : 15CS-32T Register Nuniber I Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2017 COMPUTER ORGANISATION Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part ~ A. Each questions carries $ marks, (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each questions carries 10 marks, PART — 1... Explain the basic functional Unit of a Computer. 5 2. Describe the Big-endian and Little-endian addressability + 3. Describe register and absolute addressing mode. 5 4. Write a note on hardwired control unit 5 $. Write a note on vectored interrupts. 3 6. IMustrate how to implement a static RAM memory cell. 5 7. Explain the configuration of ROM cell. 5 8. Explain the significance of cache memory. 5 9. Explain super scalar processor. 5 Lof2 [Turn over 188-327 2of2 1224 PART-B 10, Describe following addressing modes with examples : 10 (a) Immediate (b) Autoinerement (©) Indirect 11, Describe program controlled /O operation. 10 12. Explain single bus organization. 10 13. With block diagram explain complete processor. 10 14. (a) Write anote on DMA. (>) Explain how to enable and disable an interrupt. 15. Explain Serial Port Interface. Play store :DipiSma Qi PGB technologies 16. Explain static and dynamic memory system. 10 17. Describe the features of PROM, EPROM and EEPROM. 10 18, Explain VLIW Architecture. 10 19. Explain CISC Scalar and RISC Scalar Processor. 10 225 Code : 15CS-33T Register Number IIT Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2017 ATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ‘Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part - A. Each questions carries $ marks. (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part - B. Each questions carries 10 marks. PART-A 1. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and the database designers ? 5 2. Define : 5 (a) Logieal data independence (b) Physical data independence oe ; 3. List the various notations used for E-R diagram. 5 4. Explain with example entity integrity constraints and referential integrity constraints. 5 5. Classify the constraints on databases and give example for each of them. 5 6. List the different data types supported by SQL. 5 7. Explain the different types of aggregate functions with an example. 5 8. Explain third normal form with an example. 5 9, Explain the desirable properties of a transaction, 5 1of2 [Turn over 15€8-33T 2of2 10. 1 12. 13. 14, 15. 17. 18. 19. PART-B Explain the important characteristics of database approach. Develop an E-R diagram for a company database Describe the following terms : (1). Simple Attribute 2) Composite Attribute (3) Multi-valved Attribute (4) Derived Attribute (5) Key Attribute Explain the following term with example : (a) Domain () Attribute (c) Tuple (@)_ Relation Schema (R) (©) Relation (r) Explain the following with example : (1) Insert (2) Delete @B) Group by (4) Order by (8) Where Consider the following schema and write the SQL queries : DEPARTMENT (Dno; Dname, loc) EMPLOYEE (Empno, Ename, Dno, Salary) (a) _ Retrieve the names of all employees who belongs to *CS’ department. (b) Find the sum of the salaries of all employees. (0) _ Retrieve the total No. of employees in each department, (@)__ Create a view that has employee name and salary of employee table. Discuss the informal design guidelines for relational schema. Explain the different UPDATE anomalies of tables. Draw a state diagram and discuss the typical states during transaction execution. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of distributed computing. PGB technologies 1225 10 10 10 Play store :Diploma QP 10 10 10 Code : 15CS34T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2017 COMPUTER NETWORK Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part - A. Each carries § marks. (ii) Answer any seven questions from Part ~ B, Each carries 10 marks. PART-A 1. Describe the different types of data flow Explain with neat diagram Star & Bus topology. Ilustrate different types of errors. 8 4. _ Explain briefly CSMA protocol 5 5. Discuss controlled Access methods. 6. _ Explain twisted pair cable with neat diagram. 5 7. Explain token ring data frame format. 5 8. Explain the features of IP address classes. 9. Explain the working of ISDN. 5 1of2 [Turn over ISCSHT 2of2 Ho. 1226 PART-B 10, Explain briefly the component of Data Communication with neat diagram, 10 11, Explain OSI reference mode! with neat diagram. 10 12, Explain with neat diagram the process of error detection using Block coding method. 10 13. Describe WLAN with neat diagram. 10 14, Explain HTTP and FTP Higher layer protocols. 10 15. Explain ARC net and its data frame format. 0 16. Explain the process of dividing a network into subnets. 10 Play store :Diplomg QP PGB technologies 17. Describe different type of Gateways. 18. Illustrate the working of VPN with a neat diagram. 10 19. Explain briefly transparent bridge. 10 455 Code : 15CS31T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 PROGRAMMING WITH C Time : 3 Hours] - [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part — A. Each question carries 5 marks (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each question carries 10 marks. PART-I L Define variable. Summarize the rules and guidelines for naming variable. Et 2. Define flowchart, List the symbols used in flowchart. 5 3. Discuss relational and logical operators. 5 4. Explain for statement with an example. 5 + Differentiate between actual and formal parameters. ee 6. Explain the advantages of functions 5 7. List string handling functions. 8 8. Define structure. Explain with an example, the general syntax ofa structure. 8 9. Differentiate between Union and Structure. 5 {10f2] [Turn over 1SCS31T [202] 1455 10. 1B. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, PART-B Explain the basic datatypes of C language. i 10 Write an algorithm and C program to swap the two variables without using third variable. 10 Illustrate the switch statement with syntax and an example. 10 Write a C program to find the reverse of a given number. 10 Explain if ... else statement with syntax and example. 10 Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using function. 10 @ Explain how to declare and initialize a single dimensional array, 5 (b) List the advantages and disadvantages of an array. 5 Write a C program to find the sum of 2 matrices. 10 (a) _ Explain briefly how to use # define directive. 5 (b) Write a C program to concatenate 2 strings using butlt-in string function. 5 Write a C program to create structure with an employec details and display the same. 10 Code : 15CS32T Register Number HII Semester ploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 COMPUTER ORGANISATION Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part — A, Each question carries $ marks, (ii) Answer any seven questions from Part ~ B. Each question carries 10 marks. PART-A 1. Describe the basic functional unit of computer. 5 2. Explain the Big-Endian and Little-Endian addressability. 5 3. Explain the basic memory operation. 5 4, Write a note on Register transfer. 5 5. Write a note on interrupts. 8 6. Illustrate how to implement a static RAM memory cell. 8 7. Explain the configuration of ROM cell 5 8. Write anote on RAM bus memory. 9. Compare CISC Verses RISC. 5 110f2] [Turn over 15¢832T [20f2] PART-B 1456 10. Explain with example one-address, two-address and three ~ address instruction types. 10 11, Illustrate with example the following addressing modes : (i) Direct (i) Indirect (iii) Immediate 12. Explain single bus organization. 13. With block diagram explain complete processor. 14, (a) Explain bus arbitration logic. (b) List the activities of /O interface. 10 10 10 15. Explain hardware components for connecting a keyboard to a processor with block diagram. 16. Describe types of ROM. 17. Illustrate with diagram memory hierarchy with respect to speed; size end gost. 18. Explain VLIW Architecture. 19, Describe arithmetic, instruction and processor pipelining, 10 10 10 10 10 Code : 15CS33T Register oe nnn II Semester Diploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 ATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks ; 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part-A. (5 marks each] Gi) Answer any seven questions from Part-B. [10 marks cach] PART-A Note : Answer any six questions. Each carries 5 marks. 5x6=30 1 Explain 3-level schema architecture of Database system. 2. Define: (a) Entity Integrity & (b) _ Referential Integrity constraints. 3. Explain update operations. 4, Explain CREATE & ALTER command with examples. 5. _ Illustrate view with examples. 6. Explain functional dependencies. 7. Ilustrate second normal form with examples. 8. Explain properties of transaction 9. Explain the advantages of distributed computing. {1of2] (Turn over ISCS331 [20f2] 1457 PART -B : Answer any seven full questions. Each carries 10 marks. 10x7=70 Explain the actors on the scene and workers behind the scene. Define the following (i) Data Modet (ii) Database Schema Gi), DML (iv) DCL @w) DDL Desiga E-R diagram for a company database using suitable entity and relationship. Explain different types of entity and attributes with examples. Consider suitable schema and write the SQL queries (i) Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the ‘Research’ Dept, (i) Find sum of salaries of all the employees and find the maximum and minimum salary of employee. Gili) Retrieve the number of employees in Maintenance Department (iv) Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependent. (v) Retrieve all employees in department-5 & whose salary is between 15000 & 30000. List and explain the different aggregate functions available in SQL with examples. Write Informal design guidelines for relation schema. Draw a state transition diagram of a transaction and explain each state. Explain insert, delete operations with examples in Relational Model Deseribe SQL. statement SELECT with all clauses, Code : 15CS34T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2016 COMPUTER NETWORK Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part ~ A. Each carries § marks Gi) Answer any seven full questions from Part — B. Each carries 10 marks. PART-A Answer any six questions, Each carries § marks. 5x6=30 1. Describe the different types of data flow. ‘ 5 2. Explain the need of networking. 3 3. Ilustrate with example different types of errors. 5 4, Explain multimode transmission of optical fibre. 5 5, _ Explain the role of NIC. 5 6. Explain the components of an IP address. 5 7. Explain the working of ISDN. 5 8. _ Explain the advantages and disadvantages of leased lines. 5 9. Discuss frame relay protocol. : 5 Hof?) (Turn over 1SCS34T [20f2]) 1458 10. te 12 1B. 14. 15. 16. 7 ons PART-B OY ‘Answer any seven full questions. Each carries 10 marks. 10x7=70 Explain briefly the components of data communication with diagram, 10 Explain OSI reference model with neat diagram. 10 Discuss controlled access methods. 10 Explain with a diagram and an example, the process of error detection using block coding method. 10 Describe the Token Ring data frame format. 10 Explain with diagram Repeaters and Hubs. 10 Explain HTTP and FTP higher layer protocols. 10. Explain the features of IP address of classes. 10 Ilustrate the working of VPN with a neat diagram. 10 Discuss PPP and X-25 protocols. 10 Code : 15CS31T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2017 PROGRAMMING WITH C e : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks ; 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part ~ A. Each carries 5 marks. (ii) Answer any seven questions from Part — B. Each carries 10 marks. PART-A ‘Answer any six questions 1. Define constant, List the different types of °C” constants. 2. Discuss the important features of C language 5 3. Define algorithm and explain its characteristies. 5. 4, Explain relational operators with examples. 5 5. Describe function, List different types of functions. 5 6. — Explain actual and formal parameters. 5 7. Discuss one dimensional array with example. 3 8. Explain the following string handling functions 5 (a) stremp() (b) strlen() 9. Define structure. Explain with an example, the general syntax of a structure. 5 1of2 [Turn over 1SCS31T 20f2 1153 PART-B ‘Answer any seven full questions. Each carries 10 marks. 10, Write an algorithm and C program to find the sum and average of three numbers. 10 11. Explain nested for loop with example. 10 12. Write a C program to check whether the given number is prime or not. 10 13. Explain the switch statement with example, 10 14, Write a program to find factorial of given number using functions. 10 15, Write a program to search an element in an array. 10 16. Illustrate the declaration and initialization of two dimensional array. 10 17. Write a C program to compare two strings. 10 18, Discuss array of structure with an example. 10 19. Write a C program to create structure with five students details and display the same. 10 Code : 15CS32T Register Number LI Semester Diploma Examination, Nov./Dec. 2017 COMPUTER ORGANISATION Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Section — A. Each question carries 5 marks. (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Section ~ B. Each question carries 10 marks, SECTION -A : Answer any six questions. Each question carries 5 marks. 5x6=30 1. Describe the role of MAR, MDR, PC and IR. 5 2. Describe the Big-endian and Little-endian addressability. 5 3. Explain the basic memory operation. 5 4, Explain how a complete instruction is executed. 5 5. Write a note on Hard Wired Control Unit 5 6. Explain the memory mapped /O concept. 3 7. Explain how to enable and disable an interrupt. 3 8. Illustrate how to implement a static RAM memory cell. 8 9. Write a note on Flash memories. 5 1of2 {Turn over 18C832T 2of2 1154 SECTION -B ‘Answer any seven full questions. Each question carries 10 marks. 10X7=70 10, Illustrate with example direct addressing mode, indirect addressing mode. 10 11. (a) Explain different assembler directives. 5 (b) Describe fetching « word from memory. 5 12, With block diagram explain complete processor. 10 13. With block diagram explain serial port interface. 10 14. Describe the working of DMA. 10 15. Explain the intemal organisation of memory chips. 10 16, Explain the use of memory controller with diagram, 10 17, Write a note on : (a) Rambus Memory 5 (6) Memory hierarchy 5 18. With neat diagram explain multicore Architecture. 10 19. (a) Compare super scalar versus VLIW. 5 (b) Explain Non-linear pipeline processor. 5 Code : 15CS34T Register Number 111 Semester Diploma Examination, Nov/Dec. 2017 COMPUTER NETWORK Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six questions from Part — A. Each carries 5 marks. (ii) Answer any seven questions from Part — B. Bach carries 10 marks. PART-A 1 Describe the different types of data flow. 5 2. List different network topologies. Explain with a diagram any one topology. 5 3. Illustrate with example different types of errors. 5 4. Explain coaxial cable with a diagram. 5 5. Explain ARCnet data frame format. 5 6. Explain the components of an IP address. 5 7. Differentiate between LAN and WAN technologies. wo 8. Describe the components of VSAT network. 5 9. Discuss frame relay protocol. 5 PART -B 10. Explain briefly the components of Data Communication, with a diagram, 10 11. Explain OSI reference model with neat diagram. ty [1of2] [Turn over 15C834T [20f2] W 6 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 7. 19. Explain the design of CRC encoder and decoder, with diagram, Discuss controlled access methods, Explain with a diagram HUB, switch, Deseribe wireless LAN with a diagram, Describe the token ring data frame format. Explain the features of IP address of classes. Explain briefly Source Route Bridge. IMlustrate the working of DHCP with a diagram. 1156 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Code : 15CS33T Register . | Number 111 Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours | | Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part — A. Each carries five marks. (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part — B. Each carries ten marks. PART-A 1. What do you mean by end users ? List the different types of end users. 5 2. ‘List the various DBMS interfaces and explain each. 3 3. List out the notations used for E-R diagram. 5 4. List and explain the different types of attributes. 5 5. — Classify and explain the constraints on databases and give examples for each of them. 5 6. Define the following terms : \ 5 (a) Domain (b) Attribute (©) Tuple (@)_ Relation (*) (e) Relation schema (R) 7. Write anote on CREATE and DROP command with example. 5 8. » Explain second normal form with an example. 5 9. Bring out the advantages and disadvantages of NoSql. 5 1of2 [Turn over 15CS33T - 2jof 2 1222 PART-B 10. Discuss any five advantages of DBMS. 10 11. With a neat diagram explain the differeft phasés of database design. 10 12. “What is a constraint ? Explain with example the different constraints that are violated during INSERT, UPDATE and DELETIE operations. 10 13. Explain the following with example : 10 (@ INSERT () DELETE (ce) UPDATE (4) Group by (©) Order by 14, (a) Retrieve the total number of lemployees in the research department by considering EMPLOYEE an DEHARTMENT tables. 5 (6) Create a view that has employe> number, employee name and salary on the employee table. 5 15. (a) Explain different types of aggregate function. (b) Whats Data independence and ekplain its types. 5 16. What is normalization ? Explain the different UPDATE anomalies of tables. 10 17. Discus the informal design guidelines for relational schema. 10 18. What is a transaction ? Explain the desjrable properties of transaction. 10 19. Explain any five type of failures. 10 Code : 15CS31T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 PROGRAMMING WITH C Time : 3 Hours | { Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part ~ A. Each carries five marks. (i) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each carries ten marks. PART-A 1. What is constant ? Explain different types of C constant. 5 2. Define algorithm. List out its characteristics. 5 3. With general syntax, explain switch statement. ° 5 4, Write block structure of a function, 5 5, Write short note on C-library functions. . : 5 6. Write a program to transpose a given matrix. : 5 x 7. Define string. How to declare and initialize string variables with an example ? 8 8. What are structure variables ? Explain how to declare and initialize structure variable. 5 9. Define Union. Explain with an example the general syntax of a union. 3 lof2 [Ture over 15CS31T : fae 7 1224 P. -B 10. With general syntax, explain formatted input-output statements. Give example for each. 10 11. Write an algorithm arid flow chart to find sum and average of 3 mimbers. 10 12. Explain nested for loop with general symtax and example. 10 13. Write a program to check whether thel given number is prime or not. 10 14. Explain the following with syntax : 10 (a) While loop (6) Do-while loop 15, Write a program to find factorial of ajgiven number using function 10 16. (@) With an example explain dedlaration and initialization of one dimensional array. 5 (©) List any five advantages of an r 5 17. Write a program to sort N elements ofan array. 10 18. . Writea program to find area of a'cirdle using macros. 10 19, Write a program to illustrate array off structures. 10 Code : 15CS34T Number III Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 COMPUTER NETWORKS Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part — A. Each carries five marks. Gi) Answer any seven full questions from Part—B. Each carries ten marks. PART-A 5x6=30 Answer any six full questions. Each carries five marks. 1. _ Explain briefly the components of data communication with a diagram. 3 2. List different network topologies. Explain with a diagram star topology. 5 3. _ Explain the different types of errors with an example. 5 4, _ Explain coaxial cable with a diagram. s 5. List the benefits of WLAN verses conventional LAN. 5 6. Write a note on IPv6. . 5 7.” Describe the content of routing table. 5 8. Describe the components of VSAT network. 5 9. Discuss point-to-point protocol. 5 1of2 [Turn over 15CS34T 2af2 1221 PART-B 10x7=70 ‘Answer any seven full questions. Each carries ten marks. 10. Explain the different categories of netwotks. 10 1. “Explain OSI reference model with neat dlagram, 0 _ 12. With an example, explain design of CRC| encoder and decoder. 10 13, Write a note on : 10 (@) CSMA/CD (6) Polling 14, Explain ARCNet and its data frame format. 10 15, Explain FDDI Lower Layer Protocol. 10 16. (a) Explain TCP/IP middle layer protqpol. 10 (b) Explain HTTP higher layer protocgl. 17. Write the features of IP address classes. 10 18. Compare the features of Radio and Infrdred waves. 10 19. Describe different types of gateways. 10 Code : 15CS34T Register Td Number UII Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 COMPUTER NETWORKS Time : 3 Hours } [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) “Answer any six full questions from Part - A. Each carries five marks. ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each carries ten marks. PART -A. 5x6=30 Answer any six full questions. Each carries five marks, 1, _ Explain briefly the components of data communication with a diagram. 3 2. List different network topologies. Explain with a diagram star topology. 3 3. Explain the different types of errors with an example. 5 4, Explain coaxial cable with a diagram. 5 5. List the benefits of WLAN verses conventional LAN. 5 6. Write a note on IPv6. 5 7. Describe the content of routing table. . 5 8. Describe the components of VSAT network. 5 9. Discuss point-to-point protocol. 5 1of2 {Turn over 1SCS34T 2pf2 1224 PART -B 10x7=70 ‘Answer any seven full quettions. Each carries ten marks. 10. Explain the different categories of networks. 10 11, Explain OSi reference mode! with neat fliagtam. . 10 12. With an example, explain design of CR¢ encoder and decoder. 10 13. . Write a note on : 10 (a) CSMA/CD (b) Polling 14. Explain ARCNet and its data frame format. 10 15. Explain FDDI Lower Layer Protocol. 10 16. (a) Explain TCP/IP middle layer protgcol. . 10 (>) Explain HTTP higher layer protocpl. 17. Write the features of IP address classes.| 10 18. Compare the features of Radio and Infrared waves. 10 19. Describe different types of gateways, 10 Code : 15CS31T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 - PROGRAMMING WITH C Time :-3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part — A. Each carries five ‘marks. Gi) Answer any seven full questions from Part — B, Each carries ten marks. PART-A 1. Whatis constant? Explain different types of C constant. 5 2. Define algorithm. List out its characteristics. 5 3. With general syntax, explain switch statement. 5 4, Write block structure of a function. ; 5 5, Write short note on C-library functions. 5 6. Write a program to transpose a given matrix. 8 7. Define string. How to declare and initialize string variables with an example? 5 8. What are structure variables ? Explain how to declare and initialize structure variable. 5 9. Define Union. Explain with an example the general syntax of a union. 5 * 1of2 (Turn over 1SCS31T cE 20f2 ri 1224 10. With general syntax, explain formatted jinput-output statements. Give example for each. 10 11, Write an algorithm atid flow chart to find Fum and average of 3 numbers. 10 12. Explain nested for loop with general syntakc and example. 10 13. Write a program to check whether the givdn number is prime or not. 10 14, Explain the following with syntax: : 10 (2) While loop (b) Do-while loop 15. Write a program to find factorial of a given|number using function. 10 16. (a) With an example explain declaratidn and initialization of one dimensional array. : 5 (b) List any five advantages of an array. 5 17. Write-a program to sort N elements of an antay. 10 18. , Write a program to find area of a circle using macros. 10 19. Write a program to illustrate array of structes 10 Code : 15CS33T © seme L_[ [ | TT 71 Number : II Semester Diploma Examination, April/May-2018 " ATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours | _ [ Max. Marks : 100 Note: (i) Answer any six full questions from Part ~ A. Each carries five marks. “ (ii) Answer any seven full questions from Part ~ B. Each carries ten marks. PART-A 1, What do you mean by end users ? List the different types of end users. 5 2. List the various DBMS interfaces and explain each. 3 3. List out the notations used for E-R diagram. 5 4. List and explain the different types of attributes. 5 5. Classify and explain the constraints on databases and give examples for each of them. 5 6. Define the following terms : 5 (a) Domain (b) Attribute (©) Tuple ()_ Relation (r) (©) Relation schema (R) 7. Write a note on CREATE and DROP command with example. 5 8. Explain second normal form with an example. 5 9. Bring out the advantages and disadvaritages of NoSqh 5 1of2 [Turn over 15C833T 2of2 PART| Discuss any five advantages of DBMS. With a neat diagram explain the different phases of database design. ‘What is a constraint ? Explain with examp] during INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Explain the following with example : (@)_ INSERT (b) DELETE (©) UPDATE (Group by (©) Order by Retrieve the total number of emp! considering EMPLOYEE an DEPAR’ @ erations. 1222 B 10 10 the different constraints that are violated - 10 10 yyees in the research department by tables. 5 (b) Create a view that has employee aurber, employee name and Salary on the employee table, (a) Explain different types of aggregate function. 5 (©) What is Data independence and explair{ its types. s What is normalization ? Explain the differen|UPDATE anomalies of tables. 10 Discus the informal design guidelines for relational schema. 10 What is a transaction ? Explain the desirable properties of transaction. 10 Explain any five type of failures. . 10 Code : 15CS34T Register Number IiI Semester Diploma Examination, Nov/Dec. 2018 COMPUTER NETWORKS Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (1) Answer any six questions from Part - A. Each carries § marks. (2) Answer any seven questions from Part —B. Each carries 10 marks. PART-A 1. Explain briefly the components of Data Communication with diagram. 5 2. — Explain the functions of physical and data link layers of OSI Models, 5 Se eae Play Store:Diploma OP , (@) Burst Error (b) Redundancy (©) Forward Error Correction 4. Mention some standards of CRC polynomials. 5 5. Explain coaxial cable with a diagram. 5 6. List the LAN connectors used for twisted pair, coaxial and optical fibre cables. s 7. Explain the components of an IP address. 5 8. Differentiate between LAN and WAN technologies. 5 9, Illustrate the different types of errors. 5 lof2 {Turn over SE ee 1SCS34T 2o0f2 “pis PART-B 10. Explain the different categories of networks. 10 11. Compare BUS and Ring Topologies with neat diagram. 10 12. Explain CSMA protocol. 10 13, _ Explain different types of twisted pair cables. 10 14, Compare the functions of Hub and Repeater. 10 15. Explain HTTP and SNTP higher layer protocol. 10 Play Store:Diploma QP 16. Explain the process of dividing a network into subnets. 10 17. Describe VSAT N/W Architecture and Access Technology. 10 18. Explain briefly source Route Bridge. 0 19. Describe PPP and X.25 Protocol. 10 Code : 15CS33T Register Number III Semester Diploma Examination, Nov/Dec.-2018 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Time : 3 Hours | [ Max. Marks : 100 Instructions: (1) Answer any six questions from Part - A. (5 marks each) (2) Answer any seven questions from Part - B. (10 marks each) PART-A 1. Explain the characteristics of database approach. 2. _ Differentiate between logical data independence and physical data independence. Play Store:Diploma QP 3. Explain various DBMS languages. 4. Explain with examples entity integrity constraints. 5. _ Explain UPDATE and INSERT command with examples. 6. Illustrate first normal form with examples. 7. Define view. How to create it ? Give example. 8. Write a note on system log. 9. Discuss the advantages of distributed computing. 10f2 [Tarn over I UU UI aL VU 2of2 +PART-B 10, Explain the BMS component modules. 1SCS33T w 11. Explain the insert and delete operations with examples. 12. Design E-R diagram for a company database using suitable entity and relationship. 13. Define the following term with example = (a) Entity (b) Entity set (©) Composite attribute (@ Derived attribute (©) Multivalued attribute 14, Consider the following schema and write the SQL queries : EMPLOYEE (FName, LName, SSN, address, Bd: Dinic, DEPARTMENT ( D Name, D Number, MGRSSN} fayrstore Di Pp loma QP (i Retrieve the date of birth and address of the employee whose name is Mahesh. (ii) Retrieve distinct salary of all employees, Retrieve the total number of employees in the company. (iv) For each department, retrieve the department number, the number of employers in the department and their average salary. (¥) Find the sum of salaries of all employees, the maximum salary, the minimum “ salary and average salary. 15. Explain the different constraints that are violated during UPDATE and DELETE operations. 16. Discuss the informal design guidelines and guidelines for relation schema. 17. Explain 2NF and BCNF, with example. 18. Explain the need for concurrency control, 19. Explain column store and row store with examples.

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