Buset Na Short Story.

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Once upon a time there was a two earth processes that are very close to each other. They are weathering and
erosion. They were really best friend since high school. One day weathering decided to call erosion.
weathering: hey! Erosion. Can we meet up? I just want to have some time for you coz you know Im kinda bored
right now.

Erosion: Oh hi weathering. Sure, Actually I’m just going to call you but you call me first.

They meet up in their favourite place ever since their friendship started. They were really happy to see each other.
They started to talk about their present life.

Erosion: so Weathering how’s your life right now?

Weathering: hmm It’s okay still breathing haha kidding aside. As you know I’m working now. Im so happy that I
achieved my dreams. So how about yours?

Erosion: I’m fine. My life is fine too. I enjoyed what I’ve become right now. And I’m so happy that you’ve achieved
all of your dreams.

Weathering: Oh same here Erosion. Back then I’m so thankful that I have you as my best friend.


It’s June and time to go back to school. There are many students who are excited to go back to school. But there is
one student who are very lazy to go to school. She don’t want to go to school because she is afraid that she might
get bullied and because she is a transferee.

Teacher: Okay class. Good Morning. I’m your homeroom Teacher I’m Miss. Rutherford. And I was teaching here
since 2011 so I’ve been here for 8 years. I hope to get along with you and to have your cooperation. Anyways we
have a transferee class, please be good to her. Class it’s time for you to introduce yourself. Let’s start with you.
(pointing to the transferee)

Transferee: Hi good morning I am Erosion. I am a process where natural forces like water, wind, ice, and gravity
were away rocks and soil. I am occurring at the Earth’s surface, And I have no effect on Earths’ mantle and core. I
hope to be friends with you.

Student 1: Hi good morning I’m composite volcano, but you can call me strato volcano and I am formed over
hundred of thousand years through multiple eruptions. I can also build up large quantities of thick magma.

Student 2: Hi I’m Lava. I’m a molten rock emerging as liquid onto earth’s surface. I’m a solidified rock formed by
the cooling of a molten lava flow.

Student 3: Hi guys. Good Morning I am Weathering. I am the breakdown of rocks at the Earth’s surface, by the
action of rainwater, extremes of temperature, and biological activity. And take note Im not involve in the removal
of rock material.

Miss Rutherford: So everyone has introduced themselves. Uhm Erosion you can sit beside Weathering. Let’s call it
a day and start our lesson tomorrow. Class Dismiss.

When the teacher left the class started to get noisy and talk to each other.

Weathering: Hi. Erosion right?

Erosion: Uhm hello. Yes.

Weathering: So can you tell me more about you?

Erosion: hmm. I have four main types. The abrasion, attrition, hydraulic action and solution. Brasion is the process
of sediments wearing down the bedrock and the banks. The Attrition is is the collision between sediment particles
that break into smaller and more rounded pebbles. Hydraulic is the force of water against the banks compressing
air pockets into cracks , which causes to expand and fracture the rock over time and lastly is the solution where the
acidic water dissolving soluble sediment. How about you?

Weathering: I have three main types that is the Physical weathering, chemical and Biological. The Physical
weathering is caused by the effects of changing temperature on rocks, causing the rock apart, and the process is
sometimes assisted by water. The Chemical weathering is caused by rainwater reacting the mineral grains in rocks
to form new minerals. While the biological weathering is caused by plants and animals.

Erosion: oh that’s good. I love that we get to know each other. Anyways thank you for approaching me. Can you be
my friend?

Weathering. Oh sure no problem. That’s my first reason why I approach you first because I knew that it would be
hard for you to adjust.

Erosion: Thank you very much. So Friends? (smiles)

Weathering : Friends. (smiles)

And they started talking to each other every day. Because of that their friendship become deeper. They are
together every day and become a shoulder for each other. Through hard times and good times.


Weathering: OMG. I can’t believe this haha. I approach you first. I’m so kind haha.

Erosion: Me too. I’m speechless were best friends for uhm 15 years? Argh so thankful to have you as my best
friend Weathering. Again thank you so much for all the memories. I’ll treasure all of our memories since we

Weathering: Oh common Erosion haha. Im very thankful too that you’re there through hard and good times of my
life until now. Thank you too.

And they eat happily. With the smile on their faces. They continue to eat and talk about their happenings on their
present life.

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