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Elfriede Krauth, Hans Moonen*

Rotterdam School of Management,Department of Decision and Information Sciences
ErasmusUniversityRotterdam,Burg.Oudlaan 50,P. O. Box1738,3000DR,Rotterdam,The Netherlands
Authorsranked in alphabetical order.*= Corresponding author (Room F1-26,Telephone:+31104081403,Fax:+3110

Viara Popova, Martijn Schut

Department of Computer Science,Facultyof Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,De Boelelaan 1081a,1081HV,Amsterdam,The Netherlands
E-mail:popova@ few.,schut@ cs.

Keywords: KeyPerformance Indicators (KPI), PlanningSystems, Logistics Service Providers, System Development

Abstract: Output of a planning process is a set of assigned individual tasks to resources at a certain point in time.
Initially a manual job, however, in the past decades information systems have largely overtaken this role,
especially in industries such as (road-)logistics.This paper focuses on the performance parameters and
objectives that playa role in the planningprocess.In order to gain insight in the factors which playa role in
designing new software systems for Logistical Service Providers (LSPs).Therefore we study the area of
KeyPerformance Indicators (KPI).Typically, KPIs are used in a post-ante context:to evaluate a company’s
past performance.W e reason that KPIs should be utilized in the planning phase as well;thus ex-ante.
The paper describes the extended literature survey that we performed, and introduces a novel framework
that captures the dynamics of competingKPIs, bypositioningthem in the practical context of an LSP.This
framework could be valuable input in the design of a future generation of information systems, capable of
incorporatingthe business dynamics of today’s LSPs.

1 INTRODUCTION an i mpact on operati onal performance of logi sti

service providers?W e brieflydescribe the Logistics
Planningis the process of assigning individual tasks Service Providers (LSP) industry and shortly
introduce the KPI field (section 2). Then, we
to resources at a certain point in time.Originally,
planning was a manual task, performed by a human undertake a literature review in the areas of supply
planner.Over the last decades information systems chain management and LSPs (section 3).Building
upon, we compose a framework for logistical KPIs,
have increasingly taken over this role in industries
such as road-logistics; in practice however the considering a multi-dimensional and multiple
human planner has still a considerable role.In order stakeholder perspective (section 4).Section 5covers
validation. Future research directions and
to make the transition from planning input to
planning output, a planning system – manual or conclusions are discussed in section 6.
computerized – must employ the proper objectives
to derive to an optimal planning.To gain insight in
this area, we consider the Key Performance 2 LOGISTICS SERVICE
Indicators (KPI)literature.KPIs are typicallyused in PROVIDERS AND KPI’S
a post-ante context:to evaluate the past performance
of a company.W e reason that KPIs could be utilized
in the planningphase as well;ex-ante. The increasing focus on core competencies opened
upmanybusiness opportunities for Logistics Service
The research question we pursue with this paper
is:Whi ch are the performance i ndi catorsthat have Providers (LSPs)(Christopher, 1998).LSPs, often


also referred to as Third Party Logistics Service In this paper, we review the different theories
Providers (3PLs), carry out the logistic activities for and empirical findings known in literature on KPIs
one or more companies within the supply chain; in(road-)logistics.W e specifically include elements
functioning as anintermediary (Lai et al. , 2004).The such as the multi-dimensionality of companies
functions of 3PLs or LSPs can be divided in: (several hierarchical planning levels as well as
warehousing, transportation, customer service, and relevant business functions per company), general
inventory and logistics management (Sink et al. , business performance versus individual order
1996), (Vaidyanathan, 2005). performance, and the principles of supply chain
Logistics service providing is an industry under management (steering a chain of companies versus
great pressure. M argins are small, and therefore solely steering one’s own company).Note that the
LSPs continuously seek for opportunities to make perceptionof performance is relative:cost efficiency
their business more profitable. That can be, for may be one of the important measures for an LSP,
example, by scaling up or expanding their activities still this might not be what the shippers and
outside their home country (Lemoine et al.2003). consignees desire – they would instead prefer high
Planning and control is crucial for the operations quality and low price (Lai et al., 2004).
of anLSP:both for the day-to-day operations as well In the literature we identified two major
as the more long-term strategic obj ectives.A good perspectives.First, there is a clear split between
insight in performance information and therewith performance indicator related research that focuses
steering mechanisms for planning is important. on internal operations of an individual firm, versus
Historically, companies concentrated on financial literature that takes the supply chainperspective and
indicators.Nowadays it is widely recognized that seeks to optimize inter-organizational performance.
non-financial and evennon-numerical indicators can For one exception we refer the reader to Gibson et
give valuable information as well (Brewer et al, al. (2002), which compared how shippers and
2000, Ittner et al., 2003).Such indicators though are carriers rank service.The second perspective relates
more difficult to measure and compare. to the use of performance indicators;in general the
Selecting the right indicators for measuring (and indicators are used either at the strategic level, for
steering!)however is rather complicated.A full set performance evaluation, or at the highly operational
of indicators could result in a huge amount of data level, for planning and control.In the next sections
which would require a lot of efforts and high costs we review the different sources of literature.
both in acquiring and analyzing.Another difficulty
is that it is not uncommon that the selected 3.
1 Suppl
indicators turnout to be conflicting –improving one
may worsenanother.
Performance indicators are to a large extent LSPs are specialists in supply chain management,
and are generally well aligned with the type of
domainspecific.Our research focuses onthe area of
third-party logistics.But evenhere no unique subset supply chainthey serve.Fisher (1997)makes a split
of indicators canbe selected.The choice is company between efficient and responsive supply chains.
Christopher et al. (2002)make a similar distinction
specific and depends on the goals, state and
orientation of the company. Therefore it is into lean and agile. W eber (2002) is using a
worthwhile to first concentrate efforts on providing hierarchical model to measure supply chain agility.
The Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model
aid in the selection process.The existing literature
onperformance measurement in logistics provides a (SCOR)offers a model with standards to describe
large number of potentially useful indicators. supply chains (SCOR, 2003).M easurements which
can be used to measure efficiency or leanness of
LSPs include fill rate of delivery plans, empty-to-
loaded backhaul mile index, equipment utilization
3 LITERATURE REVIEW rates (hours), equipment utilization rates, vehicle
maintenance costs. M etrics to measure
KPIs are used to evaluate the past performance of a responsiveness or agility include export shipment
company: making it possible to compare processing time, delivery performance to customer
performance with previous periods of measurement, requested date, customs clearance time.
or industry standards or evenindividual competitors. A strong partnership emphasizes direct, long-
Consequently, any logistical system should try to term collaboration, encouraging mutual planning
optimize and steer its decisions to the metrics it later and problem solving efforts.
shall be evaluated upon.A clear insight into the Another important point is the use of information
factors that drive logistical operations provides us systems (Sander, et al. 2002);as well as the type of
with adequate planning objectives. systems.Informationsystems support the integration


of inter-organizational processes (Hammer, 2001). Delivery performance can be measured by on-

For an LSP information systems revolve aroundfour time delivery. This determines whether a perfect
major players:the LSP’s customer, the customer’s delivery has taken place or not, it thus measures
clients, the customer’s suppliers and alliances, and customer service. Stewart (1995) identifies the
the LSP provider itself (Vaidyanathan, 2005). Ross following as the measures of delivery performance:
(2002) shows that IT investment can have a positive delivery-to-request rate, delivery-to-commit date,
impact on market performance as a result of better order fill lead-time andgoods in transit. Qualityand
coordination in the value chain. However, putting the way the information is exchanged determine the
sucha highlevel of collaboration into practice is not delivery performance to a large extent; possible
easy. Both information quality and relationship performance indicators are: number of faultless
commitment play an important role (M oberg et al, invoices, flexibility of delivery systems to meet
2002). As Kemppainen et al. (2003) suggest;it is particular customer needs. M easures of customer
neither feasible nor profitable to have strong service and satisfaction are flexibility, customer
collaboration with all supply chain partners. LSPs query time, and post transaction measures of
should select key customers and focus on these customer service. See (Fowkes et al. 2004) for a
relationships. This then might result in different discussion on the reasons for delay and how
types of inter-organisational systems: hierarchies reliabilityandpredictabilityis valuedin industry.
and/ or markets (Graham et al., 1994), (Toni et al, M entzer et al. (1991) study performance
1994), (Lewis et al, 2000). evaluation in logistics. They identify a list of
performance measures in five sub-areas of logistics.
3.2 Performance managementfrom They differentiate between: labour measures
(loading, driving, general labour), cost measures,
an internal company perspective equipment measures, energy and transit-time
W hereas supply chain performance evaluation can Closely related to performance management, are
take many identities as has been shown above, modern accounting methods, suchas ActivityBased
researchers agree on internal measurement, cost Costing (ABC) (Pirttila et al., 1995;Themido et al.,
calculation and performance evaluation methods. 2001). ABC differs from traditional cost accounting
Company-centredperformance management focuses by tracing costs to products according to the
on the measurement and evaluation of decision activities performed on them. ABC has gained
making on companyperformance. acceptance within manufacturing; however, most
In the 1990s Van Donselaar et al. (1998) companies have not yet extended ABC to logistics
performed a large-scale study in the transportation operations. In theory, the application of ABC within
and distribution sector in the Netherlands. They an LSP would make it possible to trace costs to
focused on logistics performance from the specific orders, customers, or supplychannels.
provider’s point of view – where they make a
division between distribution and transportation.
Their findings include the attractiveness of long trips
3.3 Planninglevels
for long-distance transportation (which might be
influenced in the order-intake process). Furthermore A company is usually divided into the levels
they show that a lower percentage of empty miles strategic, tactical andoperational. Gunasekaran et al.
(of total miles driven) leads to better results. Finally, (2001) assigned metrics to the appropriate
combining (international) shipments might be management level. Van Donselaar et al. (1998)
beneficial, thoughit consumes more handling time. distinguish between segments, which are marked by
UPSexecutive Peter Bromley(2001) lists the big the different services that are offered to customers.
five KPIs important for UPS Logistics: on-time The relevant costs on segment level were variable
receiving, on-time shipping and delivery, order costs (fuel, tyres, maintenance, etc.), direct costs
accuracy, inventory accuracy, returns cycle time. (depreciation, insurance, leasing, etc.) and driver
Although low costs are important for UPS, the wages.
perfect customer experience (through a perfect Lohman et al. (2004) perceive performance
service) seems to direct its business processes;for measurement systems as process control systems. If
other LSPs this maybe different. there is discrepancy between the actual and desired
Similar findings were reported by M enon et al value of a metric, knowledge about the behaviour of
(1998) who list the most important factors relevant the organization is used to modify the process. At
for customers in their selection of an LSP. M ost the tactical or strategic level the control loop is used
important are:speedandreliability, loss anddamage to evaluate the operational level andadj ust its goals.
rate andfreight rates (tariffs).


3.4 Measuring the un-measurable The motivation for including four different
points of view comes from the fact that in many
It is compelling to note that most literature focuses cases they will be conflicting and, in order to
on numerical factors such as:cost, time, faults, IT achieve a balance, the management shouldbe aware
utilization. Environmental factors, customer of the needs and desires of all parties involved.
perceptions, employee happiness, et cetera are Consider for example the prices for the logistics
hardly covered in logistical performance indicator services the company offers.Increasing the price
literature.An exception is the balanced scorecard will bring more profit which is desirable for the
which provides a formalizedmechanism to achieve a company. The customer, however, prefers low
balance between non-financial and financial results prices.The society on the other hand is clearly not
across short-term and long-term horizons and is so concerned with prices alone but more with the
based on the notion that companies have to aim at a economic climate as a whole, e. to increase
true integration of marketing, production, the competition, fight monopolies, etc.Employees
purchasing, sales andlogistics (Brewer et al. , 2000). are in general not so concerned with the prices but
The balanced scorecard distinguishes four main with their work conditions.Another example would
perspectives (Kaplan et al., 1992): customer, be labour efficiency.M anagement is interested in
internal, financial, innovation and learning. The maximum utilization of labour which, without
managers need to create their own version of the applying restrictions, will lead to overexploitation.
balanced scorecard and concentrate on the most This naturally comes in conflict with the point of
critical measures. view of the employees. The society might be
Knemeyer, et al. (2003)studythe perspective of concerned with cases of overexploitation on a large
a customer.If the customer perceives that the LSP scale that leads to drastic increases in accidents,
focuses on the interaction between the companies strikes disrupting traffic or health insurance issues.
and is concerned with winning and keeping the The vertical axis in Figure 1 divides the
customer, the relationship can be strengthened. performance indicators in long-term and short-term.
Stank et al. (2003) examine how relational, This distinction has been previously used in other
operational and cost performance relate to customer research (e. g. Gunasekaran et al, 2001) and is
satisfaction, loyaltyandmarket share. accepted as a meaningful division that the decision
The internal business perspective translates the makers find applicable.Short term indicators can
customer perspective into what the company must be measured for example within the period of a
do in order to meet its customer’s expectations.But month.The final choice of short term indicators
the targets for success keep changing; and thus depends on organizational strategy and
innovation is needed. For LSPs innovations can measurements costs.For instance, an organization
include additional activities, regions, transport aiming at maximizing its total number of driven
modes and communication systems e. g.RFID or kilometers wouldwant to report this on a dailybasis.
W ebServices (Chapman et al., 2003, Lemoine et al., Progress in information and communication
2003). Financial indicators measure if the technology might lower costs for more granular
company’s strategy, implementation and execution measurements.Long term performance indicators
contribute to bottom-line improvement. are measuredover longer periods of time.
The classification discussed so far is very
general.It incorporates all relevant points of view
but does not provide structure within these
4 OUR FRAMEWORK viewpoints.Thus we extend it in this direction.An
extra extension has been added for the management
The literature overview presented in the previous point of view, the KPI scheme has been further split
section supports the view that a new framework for in four categories;see the lower part of Figure 1.
performance indicators can be beneficial in the area The reason for onlyenriching the management point
of third party logistics.W e consider different points of view is that we expect it to accumulate a richer
of view (both internal and external) on the collection of indicators where further refinement
company’s performance. Figure 1 presents the will be necessary. W e differentiate between the
general scheme of our framework.On the horizontal following four categories:
axis we separate the different viewpoints Effectiveness – Effectiveness measures the
corresponding to the parties involved.The internal capability of producing an intended result.It thus
point of view is represented by the two parties concerns the ‘outside’ of the organization – what
within the company – management and employees. results does the organization achieve?
The external point of view shows the perspective of Efficiency – Efficiency is the measurement for
the customer andthe society. producing results taking into account usedresources.


It thus refers to the ‘inside’ of the organization – industry. W e plan to conduct field studies with two
how does the organization achieve its results? W e LSPs (i.e. with management and planners). After
may also say that efficiency measures the ratio finishing our evaluation, we intend to use the
between input and output. framework and its indicators in the development of a
Satisfaction – Satisfaction represents the human new agent-based software system for road-logistics
factor in our model. All organizational achievements planning.
may be optimal regarding effectiveness and
efficiency, the people in the organization should still 5.1 Expert interview
be able to do their work to some degree of
satisfaction. In this way, it makes the performance
The interviewee prepared for the interview by
optimization problem of the organization more
constrained. reading a draft version of this article, i.e. the
IT and innovation – An organization must also literature review, and the definition part of the
framework. The semi-structured interview lasted for
be concerned with its future performance. As such,
innovation and IT utilization are indispensable one-and-a-half hours. The interviewer started with a
factors for measuring long term performance. An short introduction. He explained in ten minutes what
the purpose was of this interview, what has been
organization that is working optimal now may not be
the best tomorrow if it does not take its own done so far, and what future plans were.
circumstances into reconsideration constantly. Furthermore he made clear why especially this
interviewee was selected. Over the next seventy-five
W e applied this framework to our extensive
collection of performance indicators;for results see minutes, the interviewee gave his vision on
Table 1. performance measurement and performance
indicators. His thoughts were guided by twenty
years of logistical industry experience. At the end of
the interview, the interviewer used five minutes to
5 FRAMEWORK EVALUATION summarize the points discussed in the interview,
which were confirmed by the interviewee. The
W e present here preliminary validation results results of the interview are presented below, in Table
although validation is at the time of writing not yet 2;it contains a summary of the most relevant aspects
completed. W e conducted an expert interview to discussed during the interview;before publication it
cross-validate our model with feedback from was checked with the interviewee.

Figure 1:High-level framework to cluster KPI’s relevant for LSPs


Table 1: List of clustered performance indicators for LSPs

Internal perspective - Management point of view
Revenue Ĺ Total number of orders Ĺ Longterm plansavailability /development Ĺ
Profit margins Ĺ Number of customers Ĺ M arket share widthĹ
Capacityutilization Ĺ Number of new customers Ĺ Number of marketsthat have been penetrated Ĺ
Km per dayĹ Number of regular customers Ĺ Successful contacts–% of successful dealsout of the initial offersĹ
Labour productivityĹ Number of profitable customers Ĺ Effectivenessof distribution planningschedule Ĺ
Price Ĺ Continuous improvement,rate Ĺ % of ordersscheduled to customer request Ĺ
Turnover per km Ĺ Product range Ĺ % of supplier contracts negotiated meeting target terms and
Number of deliveries Ĺ Plan fulfilment Ĺ conditionsfor quality,delivery,flexibility and cost Ĺ
Benefit per deliveryĹ Total loadingcapacity(for trucks)Ĺ Competitive advantage Ĺ
Trips per period Ĺ On-time delivery performance Ĺ
Perfect order fulfilment Ĺ
Total distribution cost Ļ Average fuel use per km Ļ Overhead/management/administrative costsĻ
Labour utilization Ĺ Average delivery re-planningtime Ļ Quality of delivery documentation per truck/ driver Ĺ
Overhead percentage Ļ M arketingcostsĻ Effectivenessof delivery invoice methodsĹ
Overtime hoursĻ Failure costsĻ % orders/linesreceived withcorrect shippingdocumentsĹ
% Absent employeesĻ Prevention costsĻ % product transferred without transaction errorsĹ
Salariesand benefitsĻ Appraisal/Inspection costsĻ Item/Product/Grade changeover time Ļ
Controllable expensesĻ % of failed ordersĻ Order management costsĻ
Non-controllable expensesĻ % of realized km out of planned km Ĺ Supply chain finance costsĻ
Customer service costsĻ Performance measurementscostsĻ Total supply chain costsĻ
Order management costsĻ Human resource costsĻ Total time in repair (for trucks)Ļ
InventoriesĻ Variable asset costsĻ Ratio of realized ordersvs.requested ordersĹ
Number of trucksin use Ĺ Fixed asset costsĻ Average delivery planningtime Ļ
Total delivery costsĻ Information system costsĻ
Attrition of driversĻ On-time delivery performance Ĺ % of ordersscheduled to customer request Ĺ
M orale,motivation of personnel Number of customer complainsĻ Overall employeessatisfaction Ĺ
Ĺ Overall customer satisfaction Ĺ Overall society satisfaction Ĺ
ITandinnovat ion
Information system costsĻ Number of new productsin the range Ĺ % of information management assetsused /production assetsĹ
Up-to-date performance % of information exchange throughIT Ĺ % of invoice receiptsand paymentsgenerated via EDIĹ
information availability Ĺ % of employeeswithIT trainingĹ Average time for new productsdevelopment Ļ
Utilization of IT equipment Ĺ Availability of IT equipment Ĺ Average costsfor new product development Ļ
IT trainingcostsĻ
Internal perspective – Employee’s point of view
Km per trip Ļ W eight to (un)load per labour hour Ļ Salariesand benefitsĹ
W orkingconditionsĹ
External perspective – Customer’s point of view
Transportation price Ļ Transparency for a customer Ĺ Servicesvariety Ĺ
Insurance price Ļ Possible typesof communication Ĺ Order configuration flexibility Ĺ
Primary servicesprice Ļ Available types of goods insurance Ĺ Order Possibility to change order detailsĹ
Goodssafety Ĺ size flexibility Ĺ Additional servicesprice (priority transportation)Ļ
Product variety Ĺ Timelinessof goodsdeliveryĻ Contact points(number of people to contact)Ļ
Response time Ļ
External perspective – Society’s point of view:
Level of CO2emission Ļ Solid particlesemission Ļ Competition level amongsimilar companiesĹ
Society satisfaction Ĺ W asting Taxesto the national treasury Ĺ Care for animals/children around Ĺ
resourcesĻ Participation in charitable actionsĹ Use of innovation technologiesĹ
Recyclinglevel Ļ Reputation of a company Ĺ Development of innovation technologiesĹ
Employeessatisfaction Ĺ Road maintenance costsĻ Cooperation withother companiesĹ
Disaster riskĻ Number of available workplacesĹ


Table 2: Expert Interview

In traditional OperationsResearch (OR),operationsare often rated and optimized upon a small set ofparametersonly –
sometimesonly one single parameter.Thisresultshowever in non-optimal system behaviour.Consider the example of
empty-kilometer minimization.Thisoptimization often resultsin trucksstanding still,waiting for a next order (preferably
with a starting point equal to the place ofwaiting).Trucksdo not anticipate on the next order (in a more fruitful region).
Often waitingtime doescost money aswell – the driver needsto be paid andthe truck could have been utilized for other
purposes.Reviewing single optimization parameterscan hardly be seen separate from other indicators,asthe following
indicates: Let usconsider an LSP that hasa truckdrivingaroundwithonly one small package –so,it usesonly 5% ofits
carriage capacity–utilizinga veryinefficient route,withlotsofdetours.It ishowever not drivingaroundempty–sofrom
an empty-milesperspective thistruckoperatesveryeffective.Althoughwe dorealize that the truckcouldhave carriedmore
cargo,andthe route it tookcouldhave been more efficient.However,we donot know yet whether the customer isactually
paying for thistrip – because ifso,no LSP would mind to have a truck driving around via an inefficient route,with only
little cargoaslongasthe customer ispayinga goodprice.
Not all indicatorsdohave a direct translation in costs,or financial measurements,but dotranslate in,for example,extra
appreciation from the customer.An interesting example isCehave – a Netherlandsbased organization active in the agri-
business.W hen delivering feed products to farmers,farmers prefer and value it to be the first farm on the delivery-
roundtrip,since with each extra visit (between Cehave’splant,and the farm)the risk on animal diseasesand infections
rises.The paradox however isthat,although farmersprefer the service ofbeing the first customer,they are not willing to
payfor thisservice.
Agility is more-and-more required for LSPs business operations.It is very important to have a flexible business
infrastructure,capable ofquickly reacting and adapting to changes in operations: new orders,re-routing ofa truck,or
handling changesin the environment (such asa traffic jam).Therefore quick react capabilities are oftrue importance;
measuringthese however isa complex matter.
Planning systems targeted at such industries could well be build by using agent technology,and dynamic systems
(control)structures;utilizing measurement and reaction mechanismsto derive to smart decisions.[W e]believe that smart
local decision making,makingthe right decisionsat the right moment andright place are likely toresult in well behaving
planningsystems.Feedbackplaysan important role in suchsystems.Performance measurement shouldnot onlylookat the
parameter assuch,but alsoat the waythose parameterschange (andbehave)over time –thusbe aware ofthe first or second
derivative ofthe function aswell.
The frameworkaspresentedin thispaper isveryinteresting.It isfinallyan attempt tohave a complete scheme,looking
beyondjust financial indicators,andespeciallydedicatedfor the logistical industry.It measuresmore than solelycosts,like
it also capturesperceptions(ofmanagement,customers,employeesat different levels,et cetera).A very useful division is
the split between the strategic,tactical,andoperational time-domains.It might furthermore help in overcomingproblemsin
supply chains that want to assess chain wide performance.However,some adjustments and generalizations might be
Critical noteson the work include: a subdivision/refinement aswasmade for the classification ofthe management
point-of-view (see Table 2)shouldbe made for all the categoriesasmentionedin the framework,thusincludingemployees,
customer andsocietyaswell.Therewiththe frameworkbecomesthree-dimensional.Be aware that optimal,doesnot mean
the same toall companies.Optimal for one company,can be far from optimal for another company.
Interestingaspect ofthe presentedworkisthat it couldserve asa tool that makesperformance indicators,andtherewith
system-control a discussable issue in an organization –whichwouldbe a real valuable tool toevaluate current systems,and
to design future systems.The true advantage ofthisapproach isthat it could be relatively easy translated into an agent-
based software system.W ith software agentsmonitoring and controlling single performance indicators,and steering upon

6 CONCLUSIONS logistics.However,these studies are mainly on a

particular area or case and are focused on external
and quantitative indicators. Our review has
The contribution ofthispaper istwofold.Firstly,we
present a literature survey on the concept of considered the areas of supply chains, internal
performance indicators in logistics.Secondly,we company performance, planning and qualitative
present a framework capturing the dynamics of
performance indicators for LSPs including an The framework that we present is a first step
extensive list ofLSPperformance indicators. towards our long term aim to use performance
indicatorsex-ante rather than post-ante.The model
The literature survey identifies a number of
studieson performance measurement/evaluation for considersindicatorsalongtwomain dimensions.On


the one hand we look at the perspecti ve:i nternal Christopher, M . , & Towill, D. R. (2002). Developing
(management,employees) and external (customer, M arket Speci ficSupplyChai n Strategies.International
society);on the otherhand we classi fy i
ndi catorsas Journal of Logistics Management,13(1):1-14.
short-term or long-term.W e i dentify the cost of Donselaar, K. v. , Kokke, K. and Allessie, M . (1998).
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ews forvali dati
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obtaining more i nsi ght in the relationshipsbetween Does the Freight Transport Industry Value Journey
the indicators as well as the relati onships between Time Reliabili ty - and for W hat Reasons?
indicators on di fferent aggregati on levels. The International Journal of Logistics - Research and
knowledge gai ned wi ll be appli ed i n the DEAL Applications 7(1):33-43.
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partnership issues, rankings and satisfaction.
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decision objecti ves, insight in logisti
cal KPIs i s partnerships.International Journal of Purchasing and
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formal language for expressi ng the relationshi ps Gunasekaran, A. , Patel, C. and Tirtiroglu, E. (2001).
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