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Practice Questions for Lateral Entry Students
1. From a city 3 news papers A,B,C are being published. A is read by 20% B is read by 16%, C is read by
14% both A and B are read by 8%, both A and C are read by 5% both B and C are read by 4% and all
three A,B,C are read by 2%. What is the percentage of the population that read at least one paper.

2. State and prove Baye’s theorem

3. A random variable X has the following probability distribution.

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P(x) k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k 7k 8k
Find the value of (i) k (ii) P(x  2) (iii) P(2  x  5) (iv) Mean and variance

4. The diameter of an electric cable x is continuous random variable with probability Density Function.
F(x)= kx(1-x) if 0≤x≤1
= 0 other wise
Find (i)The value of k(ii)The cumulative distribution function of x
5. If X is a Poisson variate such that 3P( x  4)  p( x  2)  p( x  0) find (i) the mean of x
(ii) p ( x  2)

6. Find mean and variance of Poison distribution.

7. The probability that a pen manufactured by a company will be defective is 1/10. If 12 such pens are
manufactured find the probability that (i)Exactly two will be defective (ii)At least two will be
defective (iii)None will be defective.

8. The probability of a man hitting a target is 1/3.

(i) If he fires 5 times, what is the probability of his hitting the target at least twice.

9. In a bolt factory machines A.B.C manufacture 20%, 30% and 50% of the total of their output and
6%,3%and 2% are defective. A bolt is drawn at random and found to be defective. Find the
probabilities that it is manufactured from (i) Machine A (ii) Machine B (iii) Machine C.

10. For the following bivariate probability distribution of X and Y, find

(i) P( X  1, Y  2) (ii) P ( x  1) (iii) P (Y  3) (iv) P (Y  3) (v) P( X  3, Y  4)
X/Y 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 0 1/32 2/32 2/32 3/32
1 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8
2 1/32 1/32 1/64 1/64 0 2/64

11. Suppose the random variables X and Y have the joint density function defined by
c(2 x  y); 2  x  6, 0  y  5
f ( x, y )  
0 otherwise
Find (i)c (ii) P ( X  3, Y  2) (iii) P ( X  3) (iv) P( X  Y  4)

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12. From a lot of 10 items containing 3 defectives, a sample if 4 items is are drawn at random. Let the
random variable x denote the number of defective items in the sample. Find the probability
distribution of X when the sample is drawn without replacement.

13. If A tells the truth 4 out of 5 times and B tells the truth 3 out of 4 times. What is the probability that
both expressing the same fact contradict to each other?

14. If a random variable has the probability density f(x) as

f(x) =2e-2x, for x>0
=0, for x≤0
Find the probabilities that it will take on a value(i) between 1and 3 (ii) greater than0.5.

15. If a random variable has the probability density f(x) as

f(x) =2e-2x, for x>0
=0, for x≤0
Find the probabilities that it will take on a value(i) between 1and 3 (ii) greater than0.5.

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