DND 5e Adventure

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Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)

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Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Design: 4-5 PCs level 11-12
Written By: Roderic Waibel
Editing: Tyler Omichinski
Art: Eric Lofgren (cover and interior)
Mark Helwig (interior)

Table of Contents
GM Notes...........4
Key Personalities.......4
Random Encounters........6
Optional Rules.......9
Magic Items........13
Spider’s Reach.......13
Hss’ril Village.........18
Well of Dimensions........21
The Lost Temple........22
Primordial is Summoned.........31
Roguish Archetype: Treasure Hunter........38
New Monsters.......39

© 2016 Sacrosanct Games, All Rights Reserved

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
GM NOTES primordial. They believe the primordial will
destroy their enemies (the lizardfolk and drow)
This adventure is meant to be a natural once and for all, and grant them dominion over
progression after the party has spoken with the cavern. In order to accomplish this, they
the Ssrall Mak clan in the superdungeon, Felk need to find the Heart of Hades artifact, and
Mor. Players who have played Felk Mor, or at destroy it as part of their ritual in X’haugin by
the very least met the clan, will have sufficient the high priest. The primordial only responds
background information for a solid launching to a great sacrifice of magic worthy of its
point for this adventure. attention (any artifact). Once the artifact is
However, this module can be played as a destroyed, the primordial will be summoned
standalone adventure. This setting can also (see The Primordial is Released at the end of this
easily be placed anywhere within Faerûn that adventure).
has access to deep underground caverns. With It is entirely possible for the party to complete
a little bit of creativity , this adventure can be much of this adventure without ever knowing
incorporated into nearly every pre-existing about the ritual. After all, they are primarily
campaign. For one example, if your group is here for lost treasure. But be advised that the
leaving the Underdark, have them discover this motivations of all the other inhabitants remain
cavern just as the way behind them (that leads regardless of what the party might do or not
to the Underdark) collapses in rubble. do, and that the chain of events will continue to
Regardless of which world you choose to play happen.
this adventure in, the starting point will be in
the underground river that leads to aquifer
(located at the bottom of the map). The players Key Personalities
will have the Player’s Map in their possession.
They either got this from the lizardfolk in There are several NPCs here that all have a
Ssrall Mak, or will have acquired it in another major influence in the chain of events. Many, if
manner, possibly from a trader or part of the not all of them, will be encountered by the PCs.
loot of a defeated monster at some point in an
earlier adventure. Alfoifissal
If you are not using this adventure as part of A highly paranoid mind flayer, Alfoifissal
the Felk Mor storyline and have the party start made his way to the caverns a decade ago. He
through a more traditional route, either read has discovered an artifact of great power is here
or give the players the Player’s Background in the caverns, he just doesn’t know exactly
handout. where.
After discovering the cavern, he went back
Note: It is assumed that from the research the down to the Underdark to recruit a drow
PCs will have completed while studying the map, contingent, and built the fortress at Spider’s
they will have come to the clear understanding Reach.
that much of this adventure will take place in He is highly secretive, and will try to keep
an aquatic environment, and you may want to his presence unknown from the PCs as long as
remind them to take appropriate precautions and possible by using Illandrea as his spokesperson.
preparations for such an adventure. Having some However, he also has a very short temper, and
way of being able to use magic like water breathing won’t hesitate to bring his full wrath upon those
or freedom of movement will be crucial. who he thinks have wronged him.
Alfoifissal’s primary motivation is to
The Ritual acquire the artifact, and use it to become the
most powerful merchant guild leader of the
The primary goal of the sahuagin is to Underdark.
perform a ritual that will summon a great
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Baron Tasmoli is extremely careful to remain loyal until the
Tasmoli is no longer a baron, even though he right moment arrives.
likes to refer to himself as such He was ousted Her ultimate goal is to have the primordial
by Baron Ushal and forced to do his bidding; destroy most of the Underdark, then swoop in
a situation which Tasmoli is extremely bitter and deliver the killing blow to her weakened
about. He holds more hatred toward Ushal than enemies, taking power for herself.
he does for the drow or even Lizardfolk, and
would literally do anything to regain power of Rhrassil
the sahuagin. The lizardfolk shaman is lost in his own
world most of the times He loves to tell the
Baron Ushal great stories of his clan, and believes as long as
Baron Ushal is relatively new to X’haugin. he remains faithful, Azuel will soon destroy the
He arrived only a year prior under the guise of sahuagin and provide the clan with a new holy
being the prophesized one to bring glory to the temple. First impressions are that he is a bit
clan. He defeated Tasmoli in combat, and thus senile.
rose to power. All of the other sahuagin revere
him and will follow him out of fear and awe. Vampire Lord
His main goal is to summon the primordial and Originally the high priest of the lizardfolk,
use it to establish unquestioned rulership in the when the cavern collapsed trapping he and the
cavern. other priests inside, he felt betrayed by Azuel
and renounced his faith. He does not even
Grassalak remember his original name anymore. His
The lizardfolk chieftain, despite his great curse was finalized when he cannibalized the
size and intimidating appearance, is actually other priests by drinking their blood to stay
very thoughtful and contemplating, at least alive. Once the others were long dead and he
for a lizardfolk. His primary motivation is the was on the brink of starvation, he cursed Azuel
success of his clan, and he thinks of long term one final time, thinking he would die as well.
strategy and how it will affect his clan before However, he rose as a vampire, and over the
making decisions. decades has ruled the temple, cursing Azuel for
He has no hostility towards the party, and has his misfortune. Unlike most vampires, he is
only two real enemies: the sahuagin and the immune to water damage, but is vulnerable to
undead who reside in the holy temple. If the acid.
party helps him with his troubles, he will be a
strong ally to them. Aquifer
Grassalak, like most of the lizardfolk, is highly
superstitious, and views any old lizardfolk The giant subterranean aquifer is where
artifacts as direct gifts from the god Azuel. He most of the travel time will be completed by
believes them to belong only to the lizardfolk, the party. It is vast—roughly 75 miles wide by
and will do anything to keep them with the clan. 150 miles long. There is no wind here, so all
This may cause conflict with the party at some transportation by boat will have to be done by
point… rowing or other means.
The southern entrance to the aquifer where
Illandrea the river enters is roughly 100 deep to the
A fiercely ambitious drow warrior mage, bottom of the cavern, but the center areas can
Illandrea agreed to join Alfoifissal because she be up to 800ft deep in places.
saw an opportunity for herself. She will lie, To put that into context, the average speed of
cheat, and steal so long as she thinks it will a rowboat is 2mph, meaning that it will take on
benefit her. This does not mean she is rash, average 6 days (12 hours rowing due to needed
however. She is highly calculating, and is more rest) to reach the lost temple area from where
than aware of Alfoifissal’s power. Therefore she the PCs enter the aquifer.
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Luckily for the PCs, the aquifer is abundant Random Encounters
with various aquatic life (fish, kelp, shellfish,
etc) and the water is potable. A DC 10 survival Every day, there is a 25% chance that a
check can be made to provide enough food for random encounter will occur. Some of these
that individual. If a PC has a fishing or mariner may only impact the party if they are above
background, or is skilled in survival, enough water (like being in a boat), and some will only
food can be acquired for up to one person per have a major impact if they party is underwater.
proficiency modifier of the PC doing the check. The important thing to remember is that this is
Because there is no wind, there are no waves a living ecosystem, and all creatures continue to
either. The water is very still, the surface only function in their daily lives and routines.
being broken by the occasional creature or
falling debris. Weeks of sitting on a boat in a
Die Roll Encounter Type
deep underground location where there is no
wind and no waves, and with an eerie bluish 1-15% Cavern Shriek
green glow illuminating everything, will take its 16-30% Dire shark
mental toll on the party. Even the most mentally
stout person will feel a strong sense of unease 31-45% School of Fish
after a few days here. 46-50% Cave-in
Along the far western edge of the aquifer are
51-55% Azuel or Leuza
miles of beaches covered in fungal forests. This
area is as difficult to travel as a rainforest would 56-60% Insect Swarm
be, but only various types of fungi grow here, 61-65% Trap Kelp
including mushrooms that stand over 20 feet
tall. 66-72% Octopus
Deep underwater are many kelp forests 73-80% Lizardfolk fishermen
growing from the floor. This kelp can grow
over 100ft tall, and covers large patches of area. 81-90% Sahuagin hunting party
Within these forests are many creatures that use 91-95% Seahorse herd
them to hide from predators. And then there is
96-100% Murk Kelpie
the trap kelp that presents a danger just by itself.

Typical Inhabitants
Cavern Shriek: 2 cavern shrieks will emerge
from the darkness, using their shrieks first,
Aquifer: Pretty much every type of animal found
and then swooping around for another pass to
in the deep ocean is found here, including squid,
grasp any paralyzed targets. They will carry the
fish, shellfish, kelp, tiny shrimp, crab, etc. The
targets to their nest that resides high up on the
twin serpents, Azuel and Leuza control pretty
nearest cavern wall.
much the entire area.

Fungal forests: Sporadic clans of mushropods Cavern Shriek (CR4, XP: 1,100)
and myconids. STR: +2, DEX: +3, CON: +2, INT: -2, WIS: 0, CHA: -1
AC: 15, HP: 75
Special: Shriek (recharge 5-6, DC 13 CON or restrained)
Northern beaches: Lizardfolk clan. Actions: Claw
Claw: +9, 2d10+5 piercing
Ssrall Mak : Various lizardfolk undead

Dire Shark: A group of 1d6+2 dire sharks will

attempt to set a trap for the PCs if they are on
a boat, or just attack if the PCs are underwater.
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
They have kept the body of a previous victim Cave-In: Several large chunks of rock will
(most likely a lizardfolk) with many items on it dislodge from the cavern ceiling and come
that shine or gleam. They will place the body crashing down in a tremendous and violent
floating in hopes the party will investigate, manner. There is only a 5% chance of one of
while swimming out of sight (stealth check). these stones hitting a boat (10d10 damage), but
When someone reaches for the body, they will they will cause great gouts of water to splash up,
attack. drenching anyone nearby.
There is also a 25% chance that a huge chunk
of the ceiling will fall, causing a 20ft tall wave to
Dire Shark (CR: 3, XP: 700)
STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: 0, WIS: -1, CHA: -2 ripple out from the point of impact. A rowboat
AC: 14, HP: 59 caught in this wave must make a DC 15 save or
Special: Blood frenzy be capsized (one player rolls a d20 for a straight
Actions: Bite check with no adjustments). The DC for a
Bite: +5, 3d8 piercing fishing boat is 12, a longship’s DC is 10, and a
galley’s DC would be 5 for this check.

School of Fish: A pod of dozens of small fish will

swim nearby, feeding on any tiny creatures or Azuel or Leuza: One of these great serpents will
food that may have been thrown overboard. swim by, examining the boat to see if it’s worth
They are the size of sardines, and are perfectly attacking. Most often, it will bang against the
edible if caught. boat and cause it to tilt, but won’t do a full
on attack by itself. The primary goal of this
encounter is to remind the PCs that very large
and very dangerous creatures live in the aquifer.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Insect Swarm: A swarm of flying, stinging insects Octopus (CR: 1, XP: 200)
will sweep across the boat. They are a prime STR: +3, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: -3, WIS: 0, CHA: -3
food source for some of the smaller animals that AC: 11, HP: 52
live in the caverns (bats, fish, etc), but are also a Special: Hold breath, camouflage
Actions: Tentacles, ink cloud
significant hindrance.
Tentacles: +5, 15ft, 2d6+3 bludgeoning + DC 16 or grappled.

Insect Swarm (CR: ½, XP: 100)

STR: -4, DEX: +1, CON: 0, INT: -5, WIS: -2, CHA: -5
Lizardfolk Fishermen: Both of the lizardfolk
AC: 12, HP: 22
Special: Swarm boats (see Hss’ril Village below) with a full crew
Actions: Bite of 20 total lizardfolk will be out fishing. They
Bite: +3, 4d4 piercing will not be initially hostile to the party, but will
be cautious and curious to know what these
strangers are doing out on the lake.
Trap Kelp: What normally appears as a 25ft-50ft
patch of 50ft high kelp is actually trap kelp. This Lizardfolk (CR ½, XP: 100)
deadly plant appears as normal kelp until prey STR: +2, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: -2, WIS: +1, CHA: -2
finds its way into the patch, at which point the AC: 15, HP: 22
kelp will attempt to restrain the prey until it Special: Hold breath
Actions: 2ea, by weapon or bite
dies. Once dead, the body will drift to the floor
Bite: +4, 1d6+2 piercing
of the aquifer where it will decompose and feed
the kelp patch.
Any creature entering the kelp patch will
Sahuagin Hunting Party: A group of 10 sahuagin
have to make a dexterity saving throw at a DC
will be out swimming, primarily looking for any
17 or be grappled and restrained and suffer 2d8
straggling lizardfolk, but won’t hesitate to attack
bludgeoning damage. At the start of each of
anything they think they can kill. With them
the victim’s turns, a new athletics check must
will be four dire sharks.
be made or it will suffer an additional 2d8
bludgeoning damage. A successful check means
the victim is able to break free of the kelp. Sahuagin (CR: ½, XP: 100)
A total of 50 damage must be made in a single STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +1, CHA: -1
AC: 12, HP: 22
round to the vines in order to free the victim, as
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark
at the start of the next round, more kelp vines telepathy
will replace those that have been damaged. The Actions: 2ea melee attacks
vines are resistant to all damage except slashing Bite: +3, 1d4+1 piercing
and force. Claws: +3, 1d4+1 slashing
Often the remains of previous victims can be Spear: +3, 1d6+1 piercing
seen at the floor of the cavern where the kelp
grows, which may include a valuable item to Dire Shark (CR: 3, XP: 700)
lure prey into it. STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: 0, WIS: -1, CHA: -2
AC: 14, HP: 59
Special: Blood frenzy
Actions: Bite
Octopus: A pair of giant octopi will be in the area
Bite: +5, 3d8 piercing
hunting for food. They will not attack anyone
on a boat, but anyone in the water who is more
than 50ft away from a larger group will be
Seahorse herd: A herd of more than a dozen
giant seahorses will be swimming by in the near
area. They are skittish of any humanoid, but
are more friendly to elves. If a successful DC 15
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
animal handling check is made, they will allow
themselves to be ridden as mounts.
Much of this adventure will take place
Seahorse (CR: ½, XP: 100) underwater that will have a significant
STR: +1, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: -4, WIS: +1, CHA: -3 impact to how traditional combat and magic
AC: 13, HP: 16 might work. Please reference this section for
Special: Charge
Actions: Ram
applicable modified rules in this environment.
Ram: +3, 1d6+1 bludgeoning
Like all rules, these are guidelines and may be
adjusted to how you see fit.

Murk Kelpie: A pair of murk kelpies will

approach the party and attempt to lure them Combat Underwater
into the water, where they will pull them under Reference the PHB for rules in fighting
in an attempt to drown them. underwater, and how it impacts melee and
ranged attacks.

Murk Kelpie (CR: 3, XP: 700)

STR: 0, DEX: +2, CON: +1, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: +3
AC: 13, HP: 40, 47
Special: DC 14 WIS save or enthrall
Actions: Constrict
Constrict: +5, 2d8 constricting+grapple

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Diving Call Lightning: Spell fails to materialize unless
Bodies will suffer damage from water the cloud is out of the water. If the target is
pressure if diving too deep. A DC 13 CON save in water, the radius for additional targets is
is required every minute in order to avoid the increased from 5ft to 10ft, and targets have
affects listed hereafter. (100-150ft: intoxication, disadvantage on saving throws.
150-250ft: hallucinations, confusion, terror,
250-300ft: stupification, loss of memory, 300+: Chain Lightning: Target(s) suffer disadvantage
blackout). on saving throws.
Upon returning to normal pressure, a DC 15
CON save is required in order to avoid the bends. Chromatic Orb: Range is reduced to 45ft. Target
This is a wracking pain that will last until a will have resistance to acid and fire damage.
successful save is made. A new save is made Gain advantage on attack roll if using lightning
at the start of the PC’s next turn (if in Combat, or thunder damage.
otherwise a new save is attempted every minute
out of combat), and until it is made, the PC will Cloudkill: Cloud cannot be moved, and duration
be considered restrained from the pain. is concentration, up to 1 minute before the water
disperses it.
The murky depths of the aquifer significantly Color Spray: Roll 10d10 instead of 6d10 when
affects vision. For the first 50ft of depth, vision determining hit points for any of the creatures
is reduced to 50ft and is considered dim light. that live in the Cavern due to their sensitivity to
Deeper than 50ft of depth without any source light.
of light is treated as darkness. Creatures with
darkvision below 50ft of depth will also have Cone of Cold: The water in the cone freezes.
their range reduced by half. Creatures with Creatures failing their saving throw are also
tremorsense will have the effective range considered restrained until the end of their next
doubled while underwater. Blindsight and turn.
truesight are not affected.
Conjure Creatures: Any summoning spells that
Spells Underwater conjures animals, fey, elementals, etc must
reflect existing creatures that are found in the
Naturally spells will not work underwater environment. Naturally most of these will be
as they might in the air. Unless a PC has aquatic.
waterbreathing, he or she will be unable to
cast any spell that requires verbal components. Conjure Elemental: Fire elementals take 25hp of
Additionally, the following changes will be in damage when they are summoned, and at the
affect: start of each of their turns. Earth elementals
can be summoned, but remain on the lake floor.
Acid Splash: 30ft range.
Conjure Volley: Range is reduced to 75ft.
Arcane Gate: If one portal is underwater and
the other is not, water gushes from the second Continual Flame: It won’t be quenched, but light
portal. radius and any heat is reduced to 25% of normal.

Bigby’s Hand: Movement is reduced to 30ft per Control Water: You can also create a tunnel
turn. through the water 10ft wide by 300ft long.

Burning Hands: Targets have resistance to Control Weather: No effect underwater or in the
damage. cavern.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Dancing Lights: Attracts many of the predators Fire bolt: Range is reduced to 60ft, and the target
living in the dark depths of the lake. After 2d4 has resistance to fire damage.
rounds, some sort of creature will be attracted
(roll on the random encounter table. Reroll Fire Shield: If you choose a warm shield, make
until you get an encounter that lives in the a DC 10 Concentration check at the start of
water. each of your turns or the shield is extinguished.
Attackers have resistance to the shield’s fire
Daylight: Radius is reduced by one half. damage.

Delayed Blast Fireball: Make a DC 10 Fire Storm: Targets have resistance to fire
Concentration check each round you do not damage, and nothing is set ablaze.
detonate the ball. Failure means the water
extinguishes the bead and the spell fails. Like all Flame Blade: Targets have resistance to
fire, victims are resistant to damage. fire damage, and you must make a DC 10
Concentration check at the start of each or your
Destructive Wave: Thunder damage is turns or the blade is extinguished.
automatically maximized.
Flame Strike: Targets have resistance to fire
Earthquake: No effect unless the structure is on damage.
the floor of the lake.
Flaming Sphere: Targets have resistance to
Eldritch Blast: Range is reduced to 60ft. fire damage. Additionally, make a DC 10
Concentration check at the start of each or your
Elemental Weapon: Targets are resistant to turns or the sphere is extinguished.
fire damage. Thunder and lightning weapons
increase the extra damage from 1d4 to 1d8. Fly: You gain a swim speed equal to 60ft for the
Ensnaring Strike: Instead of thorny vines, the
target is wrapped in kelp, and bludgeoning Fog Cloud: The water disperses the cloud after
damage replaces piercing damage as the kelp 2d6 rounds.
constricts rather than having thorns that pierce.
Gaseous Form: Don’t cast this on you or an
Entangle: Kelp appears to entangle in the area. ally. Seriously. The “victim” will need to make
The targets do not need to be on the lake floor, a DC 15 CON save at the start of each of his or
but can be up to 50ft up in the water from the her turns, or the water will disperse the cloud
floor. enough to instantly kill whoever was in this
Feather Fall: The target becomes light as air,
causing them to rise at a rate of 60ft per round. Grasping Vine: A kelp vine is summoned, and
An unwilling target can make a Dexterity saving does not need to originate from the ground.
throw to avoid being affected, and if used in this Anywhere in water works.
manner, concentration is required.
Grease: No affect other than making whatever
Find Steed: The creature will be aquatic, such as was in the target area a bit greasy.
a giant seahorse.
Gust of Wind: Range is reduced to 10ft.
Fireball: All targets have resistance to the fire
damage. Heat Metal: Targets gain resistance to heat
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Hellish Rebuke: Target has resistance to fire choice is granted: choose to prevent water from
damage. entering.

Hunger of Hadar: Spell works as described, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere: The area frozen is
except the whispers and noises cannot be heard. increased from 30ft square to the entire 60ft
Ice Storm: Bludgeoning damage is eliminated
as the water prevents the blows, but the area of Poison Spray: Range is reduced to 5ft.
effect will freeze. Any creature failing its saving
throw will suffer the cold damage as normal, as Produce Flame: Range is reduced to 15ft, targets
well as will be restrained until the end of their have resistance to fire damage, and a DC 10
next turn. concentration check must be made at the
start of each of your turns or the flame is
Incendiary Cloud: All targets gain resistance to extinguished.
fire damage. The cloud has no duration, and
is extinguished immediately at the end of the Ray of Frost: Movement is reduced by 15 feet
caster’s turn. rather than 10.

Insect Plague: The spell works as normal, but the Reverse Gravity: This spell has no effect other
insects are sand fleas and other aquatic insects. than items will sink upward, rather than
downward. For creatures that can swim or
Jump: The swimming speed is increased by 10ft float, there is no significant affect.
for the duration.
Rope Trick: The space also keeps out water.
Leomund’s Tiny Hut: The hut contains
breathable air for the duration. Scorching Ray: Targets gain resistance to fire
Levitate: The target begins to float to the surface
at a rate of 20ft per round. If the target tries to Searing Smite: The target does not ignite.
swim against this, their movement rate would
be reduced by 20ft. Shatter: The radius is increased to 15ft, and all
creatures have disadvantage on saving throws.
Lightning Arrow: All targets suffer disadvantage
on their saving throws. Shocking Grasp: You have advantage on the
attack roll, even if the target is not wearing
Lightning bolt: All creatures suffer disadvantage metal armor.
on their saving throws.
Sleet Storm: The only affect this spell has is
Melf’s Acid Arrow: Range is reduced to 60ft, and obscurement as described, and is considered
only initial 4d4 damage is dealt. Subsequent difficult terrain to swim in.
damage is nullified by the water dilution.
Stinking Cloud: At the start of each of the caster’s
Meteor Swarm: Targets have resistance to both turns, a DC 10 concentration check must be
the fire damage and the bludgeoning damage made or the water disperses the cloud.
from this spell.
Storm of Vengeance: This spell cannot be cast in
Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion: This spell water. Any creature more than 10ft under the
prevents the water from entering as well. surface of the water is unaffected. Any creature
Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum: An additional 10ft deep or less in the water will gain resistance

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
to bludgeoning damage, but suffer disadvantage • Any good aligned creature who
on any saving throw vs. lightning damage. voluntarily touches it will suffer 2d10 necrotic
Tenser’s Floating Disk: The weight limit is • Any spell or effect targeting an undead by
doubled while underwater. the wielder of the relic forces that creature to
make its save at disadvantage.
Thunderous Smite: Damage is increased from • During the night, anything within 1ft
2d6 to 2d8, and the target suffers disadvantage of the relic dies (plant and small animal life
on its strength saving throw. only). This radius grows 1 ft each night, but
resets if it’s moved to a different area.
Thunderwave: The area affected increases from • Whoever carries the relic has the
a 15ft cube to a 20ft cube, and saving throws appearance of a cadaver (max CHA 4 for the
suffer disadvantage. purposes of reactions).

Wall of Fire: All creatures affected gain fire Water Cloak (uncommon): A finely woven
resistance to damage while underwater. greenish-blue cloak that seems to shimmer as
Additionally, at the start of the caster’s next if it’s always wet. Wearing this cloak gives the
turn, the wall is extinguished. wearer resistance to all fire damage.

Wind Walk: As soon as any creature becomes

gaseous, at the start of each of their turns, they
must make a DC 10 CON save or die instantly
due to the water dispersing the gas.
Located near the center of the aquifer is a
large rock formation rising out of the water.
Wind Wall: This spell fails instantly.
Originally it rose all the way to the ceiling, but
time has eroded it to a solitary island.
Spider’s reach holds a secret. It provides
MAGIC ITEMS passage to the Underdark. None of the
inhabitants of the aquifer know this, but several
Aquatic talisman (rare): Grants water breathing denizens of the Underdark discovered this long
and a swimming speed equal to base movement ago. In fact, currently it is a drow outpost.
rate of the creature wearing it. The mind flayer, Alfoifissal, discovered this
passage more than a decade ago. He quickly
Equilibrium potion (uncommon): Allows body to realized the importance of having such an
match pressure of water. Duration 24 hours outpost, and recruited several drow to build
an official stronghold here, keeping any of the
Heart of Hades (relic): The relic, assumed to local inhabitants from venturing into his lands
be the petrified heart of the avatar of Hades, deeper in the earth.
radiates necrotic magic. The undead revere and In the past few years, however, he has
worship it. detected something else. Something of
Abilities (once attuned): much greater importance. His spies and his
• Cause Fear (1 action): All within 20ft divinations have revealed that the sahuagin
radius must make DC 15 WIS save or be are looking for a rare artifact, and need to use
stricken with fear as per the spell. that to perform some sort of ritual. So he and
• Sicken (1 action): All within 20ft radius his drow are here to investigate exactly what is
must make a DC 15 CON save or retch going on.
uncontrollably until save is made (necrotic The north half of the island is sheer jagged
magic). rock that rises more than fifty feet above the

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
water. While difficult terrain to climb, there is Interacting with the Drow
nowhere one could dock a boat. The southern
half of the island is very flat, and slopes upward When the island is approached, the drow
out of the water at a very slight angle. Docking will not initially be hostile. They will be very
a boat here is easily accomplished, and the party cautious, as they are surprised that other
can see the stone 20ft tall wall that rings this humanoids are here besides the lizardfolk
part of the island, as well as the large gatehouse. and sahuagin. But they will want to find out
The point on the map where the beach stops everything about the party, and thus will be
and the rocks start is where the rock rises open to dialog.
sharply and vertically to a height of fifty or so If the party is not hostile, they will be brought
feet. Tunnels have been excavated into the rock to the drow commander, Illandrea, for further
at the noted points on the map, leading into the questioning. If Illandrea is convinced the PCs
complex itself. are no threat, she will advise the players of
Because this island is inhabited by drow, there their concerns, and will attempt to recruit the
aren’t any typical light sources you would find party to do a recon mission and return with
in any surface keep. Only the occasional candle any information they can gather as to what the
or lantern is found. The party will be required Sahuagin are doing. She can provide the party
to provide their own light if they want it. a brief map of the cavern in general, but can’t
detail specifics of where Ssrall Mak is located,
doesn’t know about the Well of Dimensions,
Drow Patrol and can only give the general area as to where
X’haugin is located.
At all times, a drow patrol of four guards Most importantly, she will not reveal the
and an elite drow warrior patrol the island and presence of Alfoifissal, nor will he reveal
all of the chambers (except Alfoifissal’s secret himself to the party. Illandrea is very cautious,
room). If the party attacks the island, the drow and won’t reveal any more information than
patrol, along with Saendrais and Illandrea, will necessary. She has no loyalty to the party, and
go out to meet them in combat while the rest will use them as much as she can, and then
of the drow attempt to fortify the entrances. discard them when they are no longer useful.
Alfoifissal retreats to the Underdark if the battle If she becomes aware that the party may need
is going badly. to travel deep underwater, she is able to provide
up to 10ea equilibrium potions. Anyone who
succeeds in a DC20 Arcana check will be able
Drow Warriors (CR ¼, XP: 50)
STR: 0, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CHA: +1 to deduce the ingredients of the potion (shark
AC: 15, HP: 13 bladder, sahuagin blood, and fungi from the
Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting mushroom forest).
Actions: Short sword or hand crossbow If the party has found out about the ritual to
Short sword: +4, 1d6+2 piercing
summon the primordial to flood the Underdark,
Hand Crossbow: +4, range 30/120, 1d6+2 piercing plus DC
Illandrea will press hard to glean any and all
13 CON save or poisoned for 1 hour
information from the party as to what they
know about the specifics of the ritual.
Elite Drow (CR: 5, XP: 1,800) Although hidden, Alfoifissal will be privy
STR: +1, DEX: +4, CON: +2, INT: +0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1 to this conversation. If the sahuagin gain the
AC: 18, HP: 72
Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting, parry (+3 to AC
artifact, he will later advise Illandrea to give the
against one attack) party any aid they need in stopping the ritual
Actions: Two attacks and recovering the artifact (if the party divulges
Short sword: +7, 1d6+4 piercing + 3d6 poison they know about it). This aid will be in the form
Hand crossbow: +7, 1d6+4 piercing +DC 13 CON or be of seven drow warriors and one elite warrior

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
If the party hasn’t acquired the artifact and
the sahuagin ritual is progressing as planned,
she will also plot deception.
While agreeing with her mind flayer master
to aid the party in their efforts to stop the ritual,
she will wait for the opportune moment to
betray everyone. Her drow warriors will not
enter the fray, but will stay behind until the
battle is complete, even assisting the sahuagin if
the battle looks to be in the party’s favor. Once
the ritual is complete, they will attempt to steal
the artifact in the ensuing chaos and return it
to Illandrea. They are not aware that it will be
destroyed in the ritual.
Alfoifissal, on the other hand, does not want
the ritual to be completed, but does covet the
artifact, and will use all of his resources to
acquire it, from bribery to outright ambushing
the party for it. If Illandrea’s treachery is
discovered, he will have her put to death by
dissolving her brain.
If an all-out battle begins between the two
leaders, the drow will side with Illandrea, and
Alfoifissal will attempt to ally with the party.
If that fails, he knows he can’t win and will
disappear to plot his revenge later.

A: Gatehouse
This entire building was built from stone
molded from magic. A heavy iron portcullis
prevents entry into the walled compound.
The controls for the portcullis are located on
who have been given equilibrium and water the north wall, and a platform is above the
breathing potions. That’s all she can afford to passageway with murder holes built in.
send. The gatehouse is manned at all times by
four drow warriors, who will see any boat
Artifact is Discovered approaching long before it docks. As soon as
any intruder is detected, one of them will go an
As soon as Illandrea becomes aware of the alert Illandrea and the rest of the drow.
artifact and its purpose (whether because the
PCs have acquired the artifact, or the sahuagin
Drow Warriors (CR ¼, XP: 50)
have it for their ritual), she will plot her betrayal. STR: 0, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CHA: +1
If the party has returned from the temple with AC: 15, HP: 13
the artifact, she will do her best to magically Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting
put them to sleep, attempt to steal the artifact, Actions: Short sword or hand crossbow
and give it to the sahuagin so they can complete Short sword: +4, 1d6+2 piercing
Hand Crossbow: +4, range 30/120, 1d6+2 piercing plus DC
their ritual. She actually wants the Underdark
3 CON save or poisoned for 1 hour
flooded, because she believes it would weaken
the drow there enough for her to make a move.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
B: Forge weaknesses in the event she will have to engage
The entire east wall of this building is open to in combat at a later time.
the air; only stone posts support the roof. Inside At any given time, there are four drow
the building is a small forge along with forging warriors here:
tools, barrels of water, and racks holding
various woodworking and metalworking tools.
Drow Warriors (CR ¼, XP: 50)
Crates of raw ore and a woodpile are stacked STR: 0, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CHA: +1
against the south wall. AC: 15, HP: 13
Manning this forge is Ibixia, the crafter. He is Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting
in charge of crafting and repairing much of the Actions: Short sword or hand crossbow
Short sword: +4, 1d6+2 piercing
wood and ironwork seen in this island.
Hand Crossbow: +4, range 30/120, 1d6+2 piercing plus DC
3 CON save or poisoned for 1 hour
Ibixia (CR 5, XP: 1,800)
STR: +3, DEX: +4, CON: +2, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1 E: Sleeping Quarters
AC: 16, HP: 81 A total of sixteen bunk beds along with
Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting, parry (use
reaction to add 3 to AC against one attack) sixteen footlockers are in this room. This is
Actions: Two hammer attacks where the main force of the drow warriors
Hammer: +7, 1d8+6 bludgeoning sleep. Each footlocker is locked (DC 15), and
includes basic personal items the drow may
C: Drider Pen have: clothing, 5d10gp of various coins, etc.
If the drow have a few minutes of preparation At any given time, there are four drow here
before the party arrives, they will keep the sleeping that normally provide guard duty
drider here and the door locked (DC 20). The during off hours.
drider tolerates the rest of the drow, but will
have to make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw to Drow Warriors (CR ¼, XP: 50)
avoid attacking the party on sight. There is also STR: 0, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CHA: +1
the risk of the party attacking when seeing the AC: 15, HP: 13
drider before Illandrea gets her information. Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting
Actions: Short sword or hand crossbow
The drider itself is Saendrais, once a very
Short sword: +4, 1d6+2 piercing
promising drow warrior before failing in her Hand Crossbow: +4, range 30/120, 1d6+2 piercing plus DC
test. Part of her punishment was to be exiled 3 CON save or poisoned for 1 hour
F: Storage Room
Saendrais (CR 6, XP: 2,300) This chamber is full of sacks, crates, and
STR: +3, DEX: +3, CON: +4, INT: +1, WIS: +2, CHA: +1 barrels of various foodstuffs and drink. It also
AC: 19, HP: 125 stores the extra rope, cloth, leather, and various
Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting, spider climb, tools brought from the Underdark.
web walker
Actions: 3 attacks, one can be with bite
Bite: +6, 1d4 piercing + 2d8 poison G: Sergeant’s Room
Longsword: +6, 1d8+3 slashing This room holds two bunks and two
Longbow: +6, range 120/600, 1d8+3 piercing footlockers. At any given time, an elite drow
warrior will be here while the other is out
D: Reception Area on patrol. A small passage leads to a hidden
This room has a very large table along with entrance roughly 30ft above the water level
eight chairs in the center. This is the room outside.
where Illandrea will try to make her deal with Each bunk contains the personal effects of
the party, and/or try to find out everything she the elite warriors, along with 250gp worth of
can about the party, including strengths and jewelry.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Elite Drow (CR: 5, XP: 1,800) Illandrea, Drow Mage (CR: 7, XP: 2,900)
STR: +1, DEX: +4, CON: +2, INT: +0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1 STR: -1, DEX: +2, CON: 0, INT: +3, WIS: +1, CHA: +1
AC: 18, HP: 72 AC: 12 (15 with mage armor), HP: 45
Special: Fey ancestry, innate spellcasting, parry (+3 to AC Special: Fey Ancestry, Innate spellcasting, spellcasting
against one attack) (Save DC 14, +6 to hit)
Actions: Two attacks Actions: Spell, staff, or summon demon
Short sword: +7, 1d6+4 piercing + 3d6 poison Staff: +2, 1d6 bludgeoning + 1d6 poison
Hand crossbow: +7, 1d6+4 piercing +DC 13 CON or be
poisoned Spells Prepared:
Cantrips; mage hand, minor illusion, poison
H: Tunnel to the Underdark spray, ray of frost
In the center of this cave is the winding 1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile,
passage that leads to the depths of the shield, sleep
Underdark. Feel free to place the end of this 2nd level (3 slots): alter self, misty step, web
miles-long passage anywhere you feel most 3rd level (3 slots): fly, lightning bolt
appropriate in the Underdark. 4th level (3 slots): Evard’s black tentacles,
greater invisibility
I: Secret Prison Rooms 5th level (2 slots): cloudkill
These hidden rooms (DC 18 secret door) each
contain a prisoner that Alfoifissal interrogates. K: Alfoifissal’s Chamber
As the drow capture more prisoners, these Only accessible by a secret door from
rooms are where they will be kept. Illandrea’s room to the east, this room is also
The southern room contains a lizardfolk lavishly furnished. Colorful drapes hang on
warrior chained to the back wall. He is barely each wall, a feather bed is along the west wall,
alive, and nearly driven mad. If freed, he will and an ornate desk and chair, with a lamp, is in
ask to be brought back to his tribe at Hss’ril. He the center. On the desk are several papers and
also has knowledge of the tribal village layout drawings, detailing out everything Alfoifissal
and the mushroom forest. knows about this area and the artifact. If he has
In the northern room is a sahuagin prisoner, time and is in serious danger, he will activate his
also near dead and completely mad. He is of no robe of the stars and flee back to the Underdark.
use, but he has alerted Alfoifissal of the artifact
and where X’haugin is located.
Alfoifissal (CR 7, XP: 2,900)
STR: 0, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: +4, WIS: +3, CHA: +3
J: Illandrea’s Chamber
AC: 15, HP: 77
This large room is furnished lavishly. A very Saves: INT: +7, WIS: +6, CHA: +6
large canopy bed is along the south wall, and a Special: Magic resistance, innate spellcasting
large mahogany armoire rests against the north Actions: Rentacles, extract brain, mind blast
east wall. A thick velvet carpet covers almost the Tentacles: +7, 2d10+4 psychic + grapple + stun
Extract brain: +7, 10d10 piercing
entire room.
Mind Blast: recharge 5-6. 60ft cone, DC 15 INT save or
Both secret doors to this room are hard to
4d8+4 psychic + stun
detect (DC 20). The north one opens up to a
private closet where Illandrea keeps her most
L: Secret Chamber
prized possessions. These include a locked (DC
The secret door to this tiny room is very hard
20) and trapped (DC 20, 4d10 poison needle)
to detect (DC 22). Inside is a single lever along
chest with 895gp, 44pp, and 1,293sp. There is
the east wall. When this lever is pulled, the
also a Tomb of Clear Thought.
entire inner complex will begin to crumble in
Unless she is talking with the PCs or
on itself, blocking the way to the Underdark in
patrolling, Illandrea will be found here.
rubble. Alfoifissal will only do this in the most
dire of circumstances.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
HSS’RIL VILLAGE Dire Sharks (CR: 3, XP: 700)
STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: 0, WIS: -1, CHA: -2
AC: 14, HP: 59
Living on the beach of this area are those Special: Blood frenzy, water breathing
lizardfolk who did not escape with the rest of Resistances: radiant, necrotic
the clan after the cave-in that buried the temple. Actions: 1ea bite
They have lived here for generations, trying to Bite: +5, 3d8 piercing
survive while battling the sahuagin raids that
are all too frequent.
Sahuagin (CR: ½, XP: 100)
If the party has been sent by the Ssrall Mak STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +1, CHA: -1
delegation from Felk Mor, or if they can prove AC: 12, HP: 22
they were friendly to that clan, they will find the Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark
opportunity to have allies here. Even if the party telepathy
has never met that delegation, the lizardfolk Actions: 2ea melee attacks
Bite: +3, 1d4+1 piercing
here are not inherently evil, but are very Claws: +3, 1d4+1 slashing
distrustful. More than anything they’d like to Spear: +3, 1d6+1 piercing
eliminate the sahuagin threat and retrieve some
of their most holy artifacts from the lost temple. A: Dock
If an alliance is struck, the lizardfolk will This crudely built dock is where the lizardfolk
share their knowledge of the area, including all set out on their fishing trips. There are two
the major inhabitants of the aquifer, as well as boats here, which are usually crewed by 10
warning the party of the undead kindred who lizardfolk male each. This is both for protection
now inhabit the temple, as well as warning against sahuagin raiders, and to help carry the
of the “maelstrom”. They do not have any large nets they use for fishing.
information about the drow outpost on Spider’s
Reach other than to say that they have spotted B: Shipwreck
dark elves there. The bones of a large long ship are half buried
There are 63 total lizardfolk here, evenly in the sand here. Best estimates put the ship
split between males and females. There are an there more than 50 years ago. No lizardfolk
additional 12 hatchlings. The clan is led by King recalls when exactly it happened. They assumed
Grassalak, an exceptionally large lizardfolk who it was from a hundred years ago or longer and
believes in “might makes right”, but is willing to was one of their original ships.
listen to anyone he thinks he can use as an ally The truth is that it was a ship by another
against the sahuagin. group of explorers who met an ill fate against
Each of the shacks here have had areas where sahuagin decades ago, and the ship washed
they dug deep enough in the sand to reach the ashore here.
water table, allowing pools of water to seep up An astute observer (DC 13 perception check)
in each of the buildings. will notice that some of the rigging and design
elements match those of surface humans, not a
lizardfolk clan.
Sahuagin Raid If the ship is dug free (a total of 25 man hours
Every night, there is a 5% chance that a of labor), a captain’s cabin will be revealed. The
sahuagin raiding party will attack. This party lock and wood have long since deteriorated
will consist of a dozen sahuagin warriors and and are easily broken. In this cabin is a desk,
three dire sharks. They will attempt to destroy which in turn contains the captain’s log (refer
the boats in the dock, and hopefully lure the to Captain’s Log handout). In addition, there is
lizardfolk into the water where the sharks can a Tome of Understanding, and notes about a key
attack. In the past, the water elemental has needed to gain entry into the lizardfolk temple
driven them off, but they are persistent. (see the Captain’s Notes handout).

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
C: Ruined Huts E: Shaman’s hut
These three buildings lie in ruins and rubble. This hut is adorned with dozens of chimes
A small group of lizardfolk built them here, and knick knacks all created from stones, bones,
intending to be close to the shipwreck, which hides, and whatever else the shaman could find.
they considered a holy relic. Unfortunately for The owner is one of the elder lizardfolk, and is
them, being so far away from their main area highly respected among the clan. He is one of
made them prime targets for a sahuagin raid. the more open minded of the group. If asked
Since then, Grassalak has prohibited anyone about the key needed to gain entry into the
from living away from the village. temple, he will say he does not know, but most
likely anything of value was probably stolen by
D: Crafter the sahuagin (spits).
Rhrassil and his family. reside in this building If prompted, he will gladly share the history
He is the chief crafter in the clan, highly of the clan (see Rhrassil’s handout).
respected for his weapons, armor, and jewelry
that he makes from shells, obsidian, and other
Shaman (CR 2, XP: 450)
materials. Along with him, there is his mate and STR: +2, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: 0, Wis: +2, CHA: -1
three hatchlings. AC: 13, HP: 27
Special: Hold breath, spellcasting (5th level, save DC: 12),
change shape
Rhrassil (CR ½, XP: 100) Actions: spell or 2ea weapon attacks
STR: +2, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: -2, WIS: +1, CHA: -2 Bite: +4, 1d6+2 piercing, or in crocodile form, add grapple.
AC: 15, HP: 22
Special: Hold breath
Actions: 2ea, by weapon or bite The shaman wears an aquatic talisman (see
Bite: +4, 1d6+2 piercing new magic items section). He can craft a similar
talisman over a week-long period.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
F: Uralsolas’s Hut This pool is actually home to the protector of
This average looking hut belongs to Uralsolas. the clan, a water elemental. The elemental
He is a normal lizardfolk, but holds a great demands a black pearl every month as payment
secret. He was captured some time back by to protect the clan from the sahuagin and their
the mind flayer and brainwashed. He is now shark allies. It will not appear unless someone
a thrall in his control, acting as a spy, ready to tries to steal a pearl, or if the sahuagin show up
alert the Drow on Spider’s Reach of any new as noted above.
developments that they might find important. If the party has spoken with the clan before
He is constantly murmuring to himself, a reaching here, they will have been told of the
condition that causes the other superstitious elemental.
lizardfolk to avoid him.
Water Elemental (CR: 5, XP: 1,800)
G: King Grassalak’s Abode STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +4, INT: -3, WIS: 0, CHA: -1
This hut is much larger than any other, and AC: 14, HP: 114
has several rooms. The center is a large room Special: Water form, freeze
with a giant algae filled pool in the center. This Actions: 2ea slam attacks
area is where the clan does all of its official Slam: +7, 2d8+4 bludgeoning
King Grassalak is always here along with
four lizardfolk guards and a half dozen female MAELSTROM
lizardfolk. His chief motivation is getting rid of
the sahuagin once and for all. Beyond that, he This is the area where the twin serpents hunt
wants to return his clan to the temple, or at the the most frequently, even though they can be
very least recover some sacred items. encountered anywhere. However, this is the
Every third day, the lizardfolk gather to listen only area in which they will be encountered
to Rhrassil tell stories about the glory of their together. Anywhere else and they will be
clan history (see Rhrassil’s handout). hunting as individuals.
When the party enters this area, the twins
King Grassalak (CR: 4, XP: 1,000) will attempt to create a whirlpool vortex, hoping
STR: +3, DEX: +1, CON: +2, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CH: +2 to suck down the ship and the crew. If the
AC: 15, HP: 78 whirlpool is not successful, they will not attack
Special: Hold breath, skewer but will retreat, looking for easier prey. Anyone
Actions: 2ea, by weapon or bite
Bite: +5, 1d6+3 piercing stupid enough to jump in the water will be
Trident: +5, 1d6+3 piercing attacked.
The lizardfolk believe these beasts to be their
Locked (DC 17, Grassalak has the key) in his gods (see Rhrassil’s Handout).
private room is the clan’s most treasured items.
Several idols and exquisitely carved statuettes Azuel & Leuza (CR 13, XP: 10,000)
are there (9ea, valued at 100gp each) along with STR: +8, DEX: +2, CON: +7, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: -1
2 potions of greater healing, and a dozen black AC: 17, HP: 263ea
Special: Swallow whole, amphibious, whirlpool, legendary
pearls worth 50gp each.
Actions: 1 bite
H: Elemental Protector Bite: +9, 2d10+5 piercing
This large, deep pool is fed by a two foot wide
stream that originates from a hole in the rock About 650ft down directly below this area
cavern wall. The bottom of the pool is visible, is a giant cave in which these creatures use as
and 87 (worth 50gp each) black pearls are visible their lair. Most other creatures that live in the
to anyone looking within. aquifer avoid this area, and an observant (DC

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
14 perception) individual will notice this as
Inside the cave, along with hundreds of bones
Deep within the mushroom forest lies the
and skeletons of ripped apart boats, is the twins’
Well of Dimensions. It appears as an ancient
treasure horde:
well with carved reliefs of alien creatures
and objects along the outside. These carvings
• 2,983 gp
represent the various creatures and objects
• 23,232 sp
that belong in other dimensions, and would be
• 65,323 cp
unrecognizable to PCs.
• 342 ep
This well is tightly guarded by the myconid
• 333 pp
colony that resides here, and is surrounded by a
• 23 items of jewelry worth an average of
half dozen mushropods.
25gp each
Because the well lies miles inland from the
• 9 gems worth 50gp each
fungal forest, the PCs will most likely have
• 32 gems worth 25gp each
travelled for a several hours to get here, and
• 2 gems worth 500gp each
that’s even if they know where to look. During
• A suit of mariner’s armor (plate mail)
this time, they will encounter at least one
• Potion of water breathing
myconid scouting party, as well as random
• Sustenance ioun stone
encounters of mushropods. At any given time,
the party will be within 100ft of 1-2 mushropods
Note: Often the twin serpents will destroy a boat
while in the forest.
and leave, waiting for the prey to drown before
How you handle this is up to you. Initially the
eating them. These two beasts, if fought together,
myconids and mushropods will not be hostile
very well may be way too tough for the party to
unless the party does something to endanger
handle. It is advised that they be played as if they
the mushrooms. A myconid scouting party
were hunting for food and not thinking of the party
will approach the party and inquire as to their
as a challenge. If either serpent is dropped to half
HP or less, it will flee into the depths to recover.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
purpose for being there. If the PCs are peaceful
and searching for enlightenment, the myconids
will be peaceful in return and tell them of
Deep below the surface of the water lies
the Well. In fact, the myconids will seem
the lost temple of the Ssrall Mak tribe. The
extremely happy to have someone to share their
complex lies more than 100 ft down, and with
philosophy with (see the Myconid handout).
the exception of a few visible domes or towers,
A typical scouting party will consist of 10
is completely buried by rock. If searched, these
myconid adults, in addition to the mushropods
domes and broken towers reveal that they have
that may be in the area. The main circle of
also been severely damaged, and do not allow
myconids is 22 strong, with 21 adults and one
entry into the complex. Only a thorough search
(taking 4 man hours) will reveal an opening in
the rubble (see encounter #3).
Myconid adult (CR ½, XP: 100) A heavy feeling of death falls over the party
STR: 0, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: -2 like a blanket as they get near. No sea life is
AC: 12, HP: 22 seen around the temple area either, and the
Special: Distress spore, sun sickness
Actions: Fist melee attack, pacifying spores (3x/day), or
rocks are free from any vegetation or shellfish.
rapport spores Currently all of the undead are in a long term
Fist: +2, 2d4 bludgeoning + 2d4 poison slumber. However, if the PCs make a decent
amount of noise (like combat), then it may alert
the rest of the undead in the temple, and will
Myconid Sovereign (CR: 2, XP: 450) give them time to prepare and/or try to hunt
STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +2, INT: +1, WIS: +2, CHA: 0
AC: 13, HP: 60 down the party if they try to rest. The best
Special: Distress spores, sun sickness advice is to run the creatures as they would
Actions: Spores + 1 fist attack each round. Animating normally behave if their lair was infiltrated, and
spores (3x/day), hallucination spores, pacifying spores, tailor it to your personal table with what you
rapport spores
think will offer the best game session for your
Fist: +3, 3d4+1 bludgeoning + 3d4 poison

Mushropod (CR: 3, XP: 700) Baron Tasmoli

STR: +4, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: -1, WIS: -2, CHA: -2 A group of ten sahuagin, led by Baron
AC: 10, HP: 75 Tasmoli, will be found in this area also
Special: Camouflage
searching for the artifact. They will be waiting
Actions: Up to 8 tentacle attacks
for the party to exit the temple before accosting
Tentacle: +4, 1d6+4 bludgeoning + grapple
them. The Baron knows the temple is full of
undead, and will prefer if the party takes the
The well itself is enchanted that it will
risk instead of him.
teleport anyone who steps into it to anywhere
When the party exits, he will demand they
they want to be, so long as they can envision it,
give up the artifact in exchange for their lives.
even if it is to another dimension or plane of
Otherwise he will attack and try to kill them.
If the party tries to parlay with him, he loves
to hear himself monologue, and will reveal the
sahaugin plans for the ritual.

Baron Tasmoli (CR 5, XP: 1,800)

STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: +2, WIS: +1, CHA: +3
AC: 16, HP: 76
Saves: Dex+5, Con+6, Int+5, Wis+4
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Actions: 1 bite, 2 claws or trident bell without causing another collapse. This bell
Bite: +7, 2d4+4 piercing
was used to alert the temple if the scouts saw
Claws: +7, 2d6+4 slashing
Trident: +7, 2d6+4 piercing any intruders.

2: Lost Crew
Sahuagin (CR: ½, XP: 100) A small tunnel opens up into an air pocket
STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +1, CHA: -1
chamber here. Strewn upon some of the rubble
AC: 12, HP: 22
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark rising out of the water, and half buried in the
telepathy sand below the water are the bones of several
Actions: 2ea melee attacks humans. Their clothing is almost disintegrated,
Bite: +3, 1d4+1 piercing and remnants of rusted blades lie in the sand.
Claws: +3, 1d4+1 slashing
These were several of the crewmembers of
Spear: +3, 1d6+1 piercing
the ship that now lies in ruins on the lizardfolk
beach. They got trapped here, and without a
1: Scout Tower way to breath to get back to the surface, they
This pile of rubble used to be a guard tower. perished.
It is accessible still from the main entrance,
although much of the tower itself has collapsed 3: Entrance
into a smaller area. The ceiling is thirty feet Several piles of rubble lie scattered in front of
high, and does hold a pocket of air inside that a large stone door. Because of the damage to the
fills most of the tower. The water only rises temple during the collapse, the door is actually
three feet from the floor of the tower before the several feet above the ground, facing almost
pocket of air begins, and there is enough rubble completely down. I.e., if the PCs stand on the
that several people could climb completely out lake floor and look up, they will see the door. It
of the water if they wanted. also has a carving depicting what appears to be
Underwater, semi-buried in the rubble and a huge basin with a silhouette profile of a small
sand, are the skeletal remains of four lizardfolk. lizardman at one edge tossing something into
They were guards when the collapse happened the air. Above the basin are carvings of giant
and died here. If the area is searched, the bone waves, as if they are about to crash into the
and shell tips of spears can be found. The shafts basin.
have long since been decayed. Also discovered Close inspection reveals two further things:
buried in the rubble at the ceiling is a smashed an inscription between the basin and the waves,
large iron bell. There is no way to remove the and that the basin itself is carved deeply into
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
the stone with a small shelf protruding,
almost as if it were a large stone pocket or
half bowl.
The inscription is in lizardfolk tongue,
and reads “Only those with the key may enter.”
There are no other features to the door, and it is
unable to be opened. It does radiate faint magic if a
detect magic spell is used.
If the immediate area is searched, there will be
several items buried within the rubble: shells of various
crustaceans, scales from a lizard or reptile, smoothed pink
pebbles, dozens of copper coins, and teeth from what might
have been an alligator or something.
The “key” here refers back to the lizardfolk mythology.
Anyone who has heard the tales of Rhrassil may recall (DC 15
history check if the players don’t remember themselves) that Azuel,
the lizardfolk god, sewed his scales into this cavern and flooded it
to create the lizardfolk. If the scales are placed into the tray of the
door, it will open. It will not open otherwise.

4: Entrance Room
When the main door is opened to this room, some water
does pour in, but only to the depth of an inch or two, as due to the
orientation, the air pockets keep the water out. The PCs can swim
up through the door opening, and quickly find themselves at a stone
ledge to a fairly large room.
The undead here haven’t had a reason to move or awaken
in the decades since the last living creatures were here, so a thick
coating of dirt covers the floor with no prints. In this particular
chamber, there are also several larger stones that had dislodged from
the wall and ceiling during the cave in.
The air here, as well as the rest of the temple, is stagnant and
reeks of rot, but is breathable.
There is no light source here in the temple either, so the
party must find a way to overcome that if they choose. They
will note that the smoke of their torches does not flow any
direction either, but rises to accumulate in the high, 20ft
tall ceilings.

5: The Watchers
The passageway widens out into a fairly large
room with an exit to the far side, and several
large holes in upper walls and ceiling that go
into darkness. What is immediately clear is
that the rough hewn stonework becomes
more detailed and refined at this point.
Rather than crude chambers, the
passageway that leads west is a uniform
10ft wide by 20ft high passage with

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
sconces every thirty feet or so. These sconces most likely set it off, which causes several darts
are long since empty of torches, however. to shoot forth from the alcove to the west. A
Hiding within the dark recesses of the ceiling DC 15 Dexterity save is allowed to only take
are six lizardfolk wraiths (18 on their stealth half damage, otherwise the full 5d10 points of
check). They will wake from their slumber piercing damage will be inflicted.
when the party enters chamber #4, and will wait
until the party has entered the room, dropping 9: Reception Hall
from the ceiling to attack with surprise (if not This large chamber is completely barren with
detected earlier). the exception of a large stone table in the very
center. There are no chairs, or any other visible
objects in the room.
Lizardfolk Wraith (CR: 4, XP: 1,100)
STR: -1, DEX: +3, CON: +1, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1 This room was used as a reception hall to
AC: 13, HP: 49 perform any temple duties with visitors. It is
Special: Incorporeal completely empty with the exception of the
Actions: Bite table.
Bite: +5, 3d8 necrotic damage + DC 13 CON save or max HP
10: Latrine
This door is unlocked, and as soon as it is
Hidden in some of the holes in the ceiling and opened, a horrible smell will assault the party.
walls are the treasures the wraiths collected Along the south and east wall are a series of
from previous victims over the decades: holes cut out of the floor. Examination reveals
• 8 gems worth 50gp each only a few inches down is an awful slurry of
• 293 gp water mixed with decades old feces and other
• 1,294 sp decaying matter.
• 44 pp
• Helm of comprehend languages 11: Storage
The door to this room is locked (DC 10), and
6: Guest Rooms the key has long since disappeared. Inside the
The door to this room is unlocked. It opens room were originally racks of drying fish and
up to a plain room with six straw beds. Or what barrels of wine. These have long since broken
was once straw beds, as now they are decayed down into splinters and loose pieces of wood.
almost to the point of non-recognition. A gallon
sized bronze basin covered in cobwebs still sits 12: Dining Area
against one corner. This large room has a long rectangular table
This room was originally used as sleeping in the center, along with more than a dozen
quarters for anyone visiting the temple, but is wooden chairs around it. Amazingly, the table
empty now. and chairs still appear to be in good enough
condition to be used. On the table is a full three
7: Underwater section course meal laid out, as if a great feast was
This section of passageway is cracked and has about to occur. The food seems to be in a fresh
sunken more than 20ft. It is still accessible on condition, as if it were just served.
either side, but the sunken portion is completely On the north wall is a large stove or oven,
submerged in water. but the chimney has long since collapsed into
rubble. If examined, the PCs can feel heat
8: Dart Trap radiating from it as if there were a cooking fire
There is a pressure plate (DC 20 to detect going on.
and disarm) on the floor on the first stone that If a detect magic spell is cast, this entire room
rises out of the sunken part of the passage. will radiate conjuration magic strongly. When
Anyone who climbs out of the passage will the temple was still in service, a permanent
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
dweomer was created to automatically summon aquatic life form, including elementals).
a feast whenever living creatures entered the • 18 pearls worth 100 gp each
room. The food may be eaten, and will have the • Dozens of shell jewelry that is effectively
following effects: worthless
However, once any living creature enters this
Appetizers: room, four lizardfolk wraiths will rise up and
• Scallops (DC 15 CON save or be poisoned attack.
until neutralized or a short rest is
Lizardfolk Wraith (CR: 4, XP: 1,100)
• Kelp soup (skin takes on a greenish tinge STR: -1, DEX: +3, CON: +1, INT: 0, WIS: +1, CHA: +1
for 1d4 days). AC: 13, HP: 49
• Seaweed salad (gain water breathing for Special: Incorporeal
24 hours). Actions: Bite
Bite: +5, 3d8 necrotic damage + DC 13 CON save or max HP
Main Course:
• Sushi (gain freedom of movement for 24 If the players are in battle with the vampire
hours). and these wraiths haven’t been encountered yet,
• Shark steaks (DC 15 CON save or gain the they will heed his call and come to his aid.
ability to shapechange into a reef shark
once per long rest for a duration of 1 hour. 14: False Treasure Room
This ability is similar to how a druid’s In the very center of this room is a large,
wildshape works. Failure also gives the ornate treasure chest. As soon as the chest is
character a fear of arid and dry places. touched, both of the doors here will lock shut
• Wine (regular wine). and the west wall will protrude with spikes
• Crab cakes (PC gains the ability to eat that are previously hidden, moving at a rate of
rotten food without any adverse effects). 5ft per round to the east wall. Anyone in this
• Grilled eel (DC 15 CON save or become room when the wall reaches the other side will
poisoned for 2d6 days). suffer 5d10 piercing damage and be considered
Each door can be busted down with an
Desert: athletics check against a DC of 25, or if they
• Crème Brule (normal food) suffer 100 hp of damage. The chest is an
• Chilled fish eyes (vision is unaffected illusion, and will disappear after being touched.
while underwater). If the west wall is searched before the trap is
sprung, a successful investigation or perception
Any food taken out of this room will lose its check against a DC of 20 will reveal the tiny
magical properties. holes and spikes behind them. The trap can be
disarmed, but is extremely difficult (DC 26).
13: Secret Chamber
A secret door (DC 18) hides this room from 15: So Many Bugs
detection. This chamber was originally used by The floor of these rough hewn passages and
the lizardfolk to hold the wealth of any captives chambers is covered with a thick layer of dirt
until it could be sorted by the chieftain. Some of and small rocks. No humanoid tracks are
that wealth still remains. found, however.
Contained in a few open boxes are the In this particular chamber, the long dead
following: bones of lizardfolk lie strewn all over the
• Polished shell necklace worth 50gp chamber floor. Dozens of small holes riddle the
• Shell dagger (+1d6 damage against any walls and ceiling.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
If any creature wanders into the center of the 18: The Heart of Hades
room, ten swarms of aquatic centipedes will This large chamber was originally the main
pour forth from these holes. ceremony chamber for the temple. The walls
still have carvings of the lizardfolk in various
everyday life activities, as well as giant reliefs
Centipede swarm (CR ½, XP: 100)
STR: -4, DEX: +1, CON: 0, INT: -5, WIS: -2, CHA: -5 of Azuel standing over his lizardfolk people. A
AC: 12, HP: 22 carving on the ceiling depicts Azuel in battle
Special: Any creature brought to 0 hp will be paralyzed for with a giant sea serpent.
one hour from poison. Near the center of this chamber is a very large
Actions: bite
fountain. The western corner of the fountain
Bite: +3, 4d4 piercing damage (2d4 dmg if HP is less than
has a 10ft tall stone statue of Azuel, holding out
his hands, which in turn holds an ebony black
stone the size of an apple. The stone seems to
pulsate and draw the light into it. Each PC has
16: The Accursed
a strong feeling of death when they enter this
At first glance, this room appears to be yet
room. The fountain itself has a large pool that is
another area filled with bones. However, it is
filled with black murk. Attempts to determine
home to four bone nagas—cursed to live in
depth reveal that it cannot be determined—any
undeath and serve the vampire who rules this
pole or anything put into the pool will not find
temple. A DC 16 perception check is needed to
the bottom.
identify them before they rise from the rest of
Make it clear to the players that the good
the bones to attack, which they will do as soon
aligned PCs will feel the most unease when
as any PC enters the center of the chamber.
near the heart. Only a non-good aligned PC can
touch it without suffering (see item description).
Bone Naga (CR: 4, XP: 1,100) As soon as the Heart is removed, the vampire
STR: +2, DEX: +3, CON: +1, INT: +2, WIS: +2, CHA: +3 lord will be alerted (if he has not been already),
AC: 15, HP: 58
Special: Spellcasting (DC 12, +4 to hit, Spirit naga spells)
and his guardian will rise from the black depths
Actions: Bite of the pool. The vampire lord will arrive in six
Bite: +5, 2d6+3 piercing + 3d6 poison rounds from his crypt (or other location as it
may be).
This guardian was an aquatic beholder who
17: Boneyard Treasure Room thought it would rule this temple, but was very
This chamber has several inches of bones mistaken when the vampire lord faced against
strewn all over the floor and piled along the it. As punishment, the vampire lord turned the
walls. Some are lizardfolk, many are fish. beholder into a zombie to serve it for eternity.
This chamber used to be the actual room
where the priests stored the temple treasure. Beholder Zombie (CR: 5, XP: 1,800)
The vampire lord has no real need or urgency to STR: 0, DEX: -1, CON: +3, INT: -4, WIS: -1, CHA: -3
move them, and figures the naga are more than AC: 15, HP: 95
able protectors. Special: Undead fortitude, Ray
Actions: Bite, Ray
Buried underneath the bones are four coral
Bite: +3, 4d6 piercing damage
chests containing:
The secret door to the south can be detected
Chest 1: 349cp, 23 pearls worth 25gp each
by passing a DC 15 perception check.
Chest 2: 57 mother of pearl worth 10gp each
Chest 3: 3,139gp, 223ep, 122pp
19: High Priest’s Quarters
Chest 4: water cloak, goggles of night, 3 pots
This room was once the high priest’s quarters.
of Nolzur’s marvelous pigments
Tapestries depicting Azuel’s greatness hung

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
from the walls, and a well made bed/nest was facing each other. In the center is a table with
in the center. After the high priest became a several tomes on it.
cursed as a vampire, he came into this room and Each of the tomes are written in lizardfolk
shredded everything to pieces. He hasn’t been tongue, and are simple stories about the
back here since. superiority of the lizardfolk race, their history,
If the party spends time going through the and their beliefs. The books are here as the only
tapestry fragments, they can piece together real source of entertainment for the consorts
these scenes. Azuel is always represented as a when they are not out hunting.
giant compared to the other lizardfolk, and is Anyone reading the books will become
positioned over them in a position of power and familiar with the story of Azuel (see Rhrassil’s
reverence. handout).

20: Acolytes’ Quarters 23: Trophy Room

Each of these small rooms were the sleeping A foot high raised platform runs the length of
quarters of two acolytes. Currently the beds the south and northwest wall of this chamber.
are completely destroyed, and the mummified On the platform, posed in classical poses, are
remains of the lizardfolk are all that remains. the emaciated bodies of some of the vampires’
If examined, the mummies will reveal victims. These are sahuagin and lizardfolk,
puncture holes in their necks, as they met their drained of blood and almost mummy-like.
death by the high priest. The secret door on the northeast wall can be
detected with a successful DC 15 perception
21: Consort’s Quarters check.
This room is filled with fine silk pillows and
swaths. Resting on the pillows are two female 24: Vampire Lord’s Tomb
lizardfolk dressed in finery and wearing jewelry. A single great sarcophagus lies in the center
When the party enters, they will look at them of this room. It is carved from thick pink coral.
with wry smiles and beckon them in. This is the resting place of the vampire lord who
These are actually two vampire spawn that rules this temple. Unless he has been alerted
the vampire lord created for company. They will to intrusion, he will remain in asleep here. He
try to lure in the party before attacking. will only be alerted if there is a significant loud
noise (from battle nearby), if his consorts in
room 21 wake him, or if the Heart is removed.
Vampire Spawn (CR: 5, XP: 1,800)
STR: +3, DEX: +3, CON: +3, INT: 0, WIS: 0, CHA: -1 Otherwise, he will not wake unless someone
AC: 15, HP: 80, 85 tries to open the sarcophagus lid.
Special: Regeneration (10 hp), spider climb, weaknesses
Actions: Multi-attack
Bite: +6, 1d6+3 piercing + 2d6 necrotic Vampire Lord (CR: 13, XP: 10,000)
Claws: +6, 2d4+3 slashing or grapple STR: +4, DEX: +4, CON: +4, INT: +3, IS: +2, CHA: +4
AC: 16, HP: 145
Special: Shapechange (instead of bat, use a piranha),
If the battle is going badly for them, they will legendary resistance, misty escape, regeneration,
attempt to flee and wake the vampire lord in spider climb, vampire weakness (acid instead of water),
room 24. Each wears random assorted jewelry legendary actions
worth 500gp. Actions: Multi-attack, unarmed strike, bite, charm,
children of the night (instead of bats, use aquatic
centipede swarms).
22: Study Unarmed Strike: +9, 1d8+4 bludgeoning or grapple
This room is illuminated by dim continual Bite: +9, 1d6+4 piercing + 3d6 necrotic
light stones set into sconces. Four plush chairs
(built in such a way as to accommodate a large
tail by the creature sitting in it) are in the room

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
If reduced to zero HP, he reverts to a mist
form as a normal vampire would, but reforms in
his sarcophagus.
The sahuagin clan make their home here
If he is discovered before he has woken, the
in this collection of buildings. A large temple
players will see that his entire body is wrapped
platform is in the center of the village, with two
in moist kelp. This is to keep him moistened
large underwater pillars of stone rising more
while in his long periods of sleep, and may cause
than 50ft up on either side.
the party to confuse him with a mummy at
There are two states in which this village
first. In fact, if he is awoken and immediately
will be encountered: the sahuagin not having
goes into battle, the PCs might still think he is a
possession of the artifact, or them having
mummy at first.
possession and the ritual is in progress. If
Hidden in a compartment in the sarcophagus
the PCs come near X’Haugin prior to them
(DC 15 to detect) is his treasure:
having the artifact and are detected, they will
• Potion of supreme healing
be met with sahuagin patrols who demand
• 5 ounces of sovereign glue
their surrender so they can speak to the Baron
• Wizard spell scroll (3 random level 6 spells)
for interrogation. If the ritual is already in
• 4ea crossbow bolts +3
progress, the sahuagin will attack once alerted.
Each sahuagin patrol consists of five sahuagin
25: Secret Access
and five reef sharks. They patrol out to 300
The tunnel leading to this chamber becomes
yards from the village perimeter, and there are
fully submerged by the time it reaches the
four patrols at any given time.
chamber. A secret tunnel in this chamber
In addition, if an attack on the village is
follows a 100 yard tunnel before coming out in
attempted, an additional 20 sahuagin, 10 reef
a concealed area away from the temple on the
sharks, four priests (if not maintaining the
aquifer floor. This is where the vampires enter
ritual), and the baron can all come to battle.
and leave the temple to hunt.
If the PCs try a frontal assault without
Because of his lizardfolk heritage, unlike most
assistance (the lizardfolk for instance), it very
vampires, this one is not damaged by water. He
well could be a deadly encounter for them.
is, however, vulnerable to acid.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
A: Living Quarters C: Crafting Huts
These buildings house the sahuagin of the Each one of these underwater huts is used for
village. Not only the 40 warrior sahuagin, but a crafting purpose, and no sahuagin live here.
an additional 55 that do not attack (young and Some are used to prepare caught food, one is
other non-combatants) live in these buildings. used to craft weapons and armor, another is
The buildings also include all the personal for crafting trinkets, etc. Label them as you see
items of the sahuagin, which consist of basic fit, or with any replacement you find would be
trinkets and items of little value. better.

B: Baron’s Palace D: Temple Platform

This larger building is home to the baron and A huge temple platform sits here in the center
the priestesses. There are a total of five rooms, of the village, and is where the priestesses
one for each. The baron’s is the largest, and perform their daily rituals. In the center is a
each is more lavishly furnished than the rooms large basin of “heavy” water. I.e., water that
in buildings A. is more dense than the lake water, and thus it
A locked (DC 20, baron has the key) coral chest seems as if it’s a pool under the normal water.
in the baron’s room contains the following: If the sahuagin have the artifact, they will be
• 4,553 gp here performing the ceremony to summon the
• 9,434 sp primordial.
• 14,932 cp This ritual will last 10 minutes once the PCs
• 32 ep enter within 300 yards of the village (or at
• 33 pp some point a day or so after the sahuagin gain
• 27 black pearls worth 100gp each possession of the artifact). At the end of the 10
• Water cloak minutes, refer to the Primordial Summoned
section below.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
The ritual requires all four priestesses to If the ritual is completed, the primordial
perform, and if they are interrupted (if any fail will be summoned. The water will begin to
a concentration check), they will have to begin churn violently for more than a 300ft radius
anew. of the ritual platform and artifact, essentially
forcing a DC 15 athletics check at the start of
each PC’s turns every round, or they will be
Baron Ushal (CR 5, XP: 1,800)
STR: +4, DEX: +2, CON: +3, INT: +2, WIS: +1, CHA: +3 considered restrained. A successful save means
AC: 16, HP: 96 the creature can move, albeit at one half the
Saves: Dex+5, Con+6, Int+5, Wis+4 normal rate. This churning will last 1 minute (10
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark rounds).
A milder churning will exist out to a five mile
Actions: 1 bite, 2 claws or trident
Bite: +7, 2d4+4 piercing radius from the same point, but no DC check is
Claws: +7, 2d6+4 slashing needed. The movement penalty is still active,
Trident: +7, 2d6+4 piercing however. In addition, the entire lake will begin
to roil and churn even after the one minute
duration is complete.
Sahuagin Priestess (CR: 2, XP: 450)
STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +2 CHA: +1
During this time, there will be total chaos.
AC: 12, HP: 33 The sahuagin won’t know what is going on
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark exactly, and will attempt to flee. The lizardfolk
telepathy, spellcasting (DC 12, +4 to hit) will believe that their god has become angry and
Actions: Multi-attack, bite, claws is out to destroy them all. They will cower in
Bite: +3, 1d4+1 piercing
their huts waiting for the end.
Claws: +3, 1d4+1 slashing
At the end of the minute, a gargantuan geyser
will begin to form near Spider’s Reach. This
Sahuagin (CR: ½, XP: 100) geyser will reach to the cavern ceiling, and then
STR: +1, DEX: 0, CON: +1, INT: +1, WIS: +1, CHA: -1 suddenly plow downward into the center of
AC: 12, HP: 22 the island, like a drill burrowing downward.
Special: Blood frenzy, limited amphibiousness, shark
Millions of gallons of water will flood the tunnel
Actions: 2ea melee attacks that leads to the Underdark. Anything caught
Bite: +3, 1d4+1 piercing in this geyser, that forces its way through miles
Claws: +3, 1d4+1 slashing of tunnels, will be slain from the sheer force of
Spear: +3, 1d6+1 piercing being smashed.
The geyser will last a full week, draining the
Reef Shark (CR: ½, XP: 100) water of the cavern almost completely as the
STR: +2, DEX: +1, CON: +1, INT: -5, WIS: 0, CHA: -3 primordial moves into the Underdark to wreak
AC: 12, HP: 20 havoc there.
Special: Pack tactics, water breathing Naturally, this will have a major impact to
Actions: Bite anything in the cavern at the time. Anything
Bite: +4, 1d8+2 piercing in the water during this period will be drawn
towards the tunnel along with the primordial. It
would be in the best interests of the party to find
land somewhere if they do not want to be killed.
PRIMORDIAL IS SUMMONED Most lake life will also be killed. Once
drained, the floor of the cavern will be littered
There is a very real chance that the primordial with dying fish and other life, and even the two
will be released, either through the party simply great serpents Azuel and Leuza will be impacted.
not knowing about it, their attempts to stop it They will not be immediately dead, but will be
sabotaged by Illandrea, or not being able to stop landlocked, barely able to move, and eventually
it in time.
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
will die if out of the water for more than a week.
The original river path that led to this aquifer
will be a tunnel now a hundred feet up the wall
from the cavern floor. Not all the water will be
drained, but what remains will be puddles, for
a lack of a better term, as they will be 10ft deep
or less, and spread sporadically throughout the
And of course this does not address the
amount of destruction that the Underdark will
face. The exact amount is up to you, but before
the primordial is driven off/killed/dispelled,
it will have caused a tremendous amount of


Regardless of how the adventure may have

panned out, at some point the party will want
to leave the cavern. Maybe they followed
the primordial down to the Underdark (an
adventure of your own design, as it is not
included herein). Otherwise another route will
be necessary.
There are several options available to the
party. Teleporting is always an option for those
who have mages with that spell handy. Using
the Well of Dimensions is another option. Or
leaving back through the underground river is
another option.
If none of those are feasible for whatever
reason, make sure you have some way for the
party to return back to the surface. Perhaps
they find a lost tunnel that leads back to the
surface after miles of winding passages.
If you are not using XP awards for this
adventure, then upon completion, each PC
should be able to level up to the next level.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
beasts and desertion, and had to double yet again
CAPTAIN’S LOG the pay of those who remained. Need to find
that blasted cave!
7th day of Tarsahk, 1334
19th day of Eleasis, 1334
At last! The voyage is approved, and my investors Found the cave!
have provided enough starting capital to finally
get this underway. This has been a harrowing 22nd day of Eleasis, 1334
process. Everyone thought I was crazy. But I We’ve been travelling steadily deeper for the past
was finally able to find a group who understood several days. Light sources are waning (thank the
the rewards. Thank the gods for Acer...Akerak... gods for Irar the mage), and food is running low.
Azer...something or other, and his deep purse. But I just KNOW we are on the right path.
Something seems odd about him, however…
2nd day of Elient, 1334
14th day of Tarsahk, 1334 I think it’s the 2nd day. Hard to be sure here
We set out today. I anticipate about a month’s underground. Found a giant underground lake.
journey before we reach the mountain entrance in The walls of this cavern are covered in glowing
the Anauroch. Supplies are packed, and men lichen, which makes it easy on us. I tell you,
have been hired. luck is on our side! Time to start building a ship
with that lumber we brought along. The crew is
4th day of Mirtul, 1334 finally starting to see my wisdom in bringing it.
We were attacked by bandits today. They must
have thought we were a standard caravan. Bad 18th day of Elient, 1334
luck for them. We have been on this blasted lake for days now,
with no end in sight. We have to row, as there
8th day of Flamerule, 1334 is no wind. The crew has said they’ve seen
We have arrived at the Anauroch. The men were strange things swimming in the lake, and heard
not pleased when I told them we need to bring horrifying screeches in the dark, but I haven’t
cords of lumber with us. When I told them it was seen anything yet
for a ship, they looked at me like I was mad. If
I were not paying them double what they would 23rd day of Elient, 1334
normally make on such an expedition, I just might We seem to have stumbled upon a small
have mutiny on my hands. whirlpool. Nothing major. Must be a drain or
something deep underwater.
12th day of Eleasis, 1334
The journey in the desert was harder than I
thought. I’ve already lost several men to various
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)

I keep these notes separate from my

official log, as they are for my eyes only,
and not for my benefactor, Acer...whatever.
The treasure is real. I know this for a fact.
I have found the location of the lost city.
The mage cast his dwemors on myself and
another who is sworn to secrecy that allows
us to breath and swim like a fish. We have
explored the lost city and found an entrance.
There seems to be a receptacle of some
sort in the door. Our wizard translated an
inscription to the effect of “Use the key to
enter”. So now we must find a key. A
hunter’s work is never done.

Alas, we have become shipwrecked on

a beach not far from the lost city. It
appears that there is a clan of lizardfolk
here. They are not hostile, as long as we
remain friendly ourselves.

My luck has run out it seems. We

have been attacked by a sahuagin raiding
party. I am the last of my crew, and I
am not long for this world. I can feel my
life seeping out of me. So close. So close.
The key is not a key.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Ah! We have quite the story to tell! I’m
sure you will enjoy it very much. Sit back,
soak in the earth, and listen.
We are the keepers of the Well. We have
seen all the universe has to offer, and
have humbly hosted them as you would
a treasured guest. We offer all we have to
give, as long as you respect the circle, the
Well, and the cavern.
The Well has existed for as long as any
can remember. Certainly longer than our
sovereign can recall. It is said that the first
sovereign came to be as a sproutling next
to the Well itself, and was tasked to be the
gardener for the forest of fungi that was
At first the Well was a blank slate—a
simple stone well. As you can see—or as
you will soon see—the Well is no longer
a blank stone. Every visitor who has
unlocked the secret, we are tasked to record
the visit on the Well.
Over the decades, we have seen every
visitor you can imagine, and some you
cannot. Men like you, others with weapons
more deadly than anything you carry,
and items that are alien to you.
How exactly have all of these people came
to be here? That’s the secret of the Well. If
you are a caretaker—a true caretaker of the
earth and soil, all you need to do is imagine
the place you want to be, and the Well will
magically take you there.
Now, that is enough about our history.
I am anxious to hear about your exploits
so that we may record them. Tend the
gardens with us for a while, and learn the
appreciation for the earth and soil. Then we
will take you to the Well if you so choose.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
All of you stood around the table, looking
down upon the crudely drawn map tattooed
on the sheet of cracked and worn leather. It’s
a very basic map, devoid of riddles, runes, or
mystic hidden symbols that can only be revealed
by the moonlight on a certain day. It seems
basic enough. Acquired in previous adventures,
you wondered what a very basic map like this
was doing being protected by such formidable
It wasn’t until you were able to spend hours
and hours of research into the one clue on
the map, “Ssrall Mak”, before you realized the
importance of it. From this research you found
out that Ssrall Mak was the name of a lizardfolk
clan, or more specifically, the name of a great
temple used by the clan. This great temple
resided in a deep underground aquifer where
mankind was oblivious to its existence. One day
an earthquake caused huge chunks of stone to
fall from the cavern ceiling, burying the temple.
Many of the clan were able to escape, but the
great treasures remain.
Eventually you followed the clues that led you
to an underground river. Miles and miles of
deep aquifer channels had to be traversed before
you finally exit into a huge cavern miles wide.
The entire cavern seems to belong to another
world, separate from the earth you used to call
home. Bluish and green fungi emit a soft glow
all over the cavern walls and ceiling, bathing the
entire area in a dim light similar to that of a full
moon. As you all sit in your boat, you realize
now is when the real adventure begins.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
RHRASSIL’S HANDOUT completely. Here was the perfect home
for our people, and we have been here
Water is life. Water is the force that ever since.
awakens us from our dormant egg, It wasn’t long before Leuza heard
yet has the power to carve the hardest of this prosperous home and became
stone. It provides us with food, and is jealous. He found Azuel (which is easy
quick to exact its wrath when we fail to for those of the same birth) and wanted
give homage to Azuel, who created this to take this area for his own people—the
resource for us. That is why we pray, filthy sahuagin. The two have been
and we give offering to the deep black. fighting ever since.
Thousands of years ago, when Azuel But we weren’t always faithful.
crawled out of the parched desert his Generations ago, our people forgot their
twin brother Leuza created (oh, but that is loyalty in their apathy caused by all
another story for another day), he found that was provided. They forgot it was
a cave. The darkness and dampness Azuel who gave us all this, and soon
soothed his cracked skin. For a hundred took advantage of all this bounty without
years he rested in this cave, gathering providing proper homage. In righteous
his strength. Eventually he began to rage, Azuel caused the stones to rain
explore the depths of the cave, and came down upon our great buildings, killing
across a huge cavern. many of us and leaving no trace. Most
Azuel observed this cavern for a great escaped for new lands, but a few of us
period of time before deciding that it who remained faithful remained here.
would be an ideal home for his people. So let that be a reminder that we
He plucked scales from his belly and must always honor Azuel and all he has
sowed them into the ground in the middle done for us. And that we must always
of this cavern. Then he called to the fight against the sahuagin and their
spirits who must obey, and torrents of blasphemous Leuza.
water began to pour from the cavern

As this water washed over the scales,
they began to change. They formed
the first of our people. The water kept
pouring until it filled the cavern almost
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)

The treasure hunter specializes in finding Treasure Hunter’s Luck

and recovering lost treasures. These are not Starting at 17th level, you gain the uncanny
just scholars who study artifacts and treasures, ability to avoid a trap, spell, or attack that would
but have the skills and wherewithal to actually strike down anyone else. As a reaction, you
go get them. Often these treasures are guarded can use this ability to nullify the effects of any
by monstrous beasts or deadly traps—things single attack, trap result, or spell targeting you
the treasure hunter has gained certain skills to that you can see. You can regain the use of this
defeat. ability once you complete a long rest.

Starting at 3rd level, you gain resistance to
all damage from traps, and gain advantage on
all saving throws to resist debilitating effects
of both traps and spells (but not from attacks).
These effects include anything that would cause
a grappled, restrained, or petrified condition.

Research Master
Also at 3rd level, when you are researching an
item’s history or lore, you add your proficiency
bonus if you do not already have the history or
arcane skills. If you do, then you add double the
proficiency bonus.

At 3rd level, through your experience working
with lost treasures, you have gained contacts in
which you can sell various treasured items that
might not be available to other people. Your
friend may not be able to find a buyer for the
jeweled sword he found in the small town you’re
in, but you can.

Second Chance
At 9th level, if you fail a lockpicking check,
trap disarming check, or a skill check to solve
a puzzle, you can immediately reroll and take
the new result. You can use this ability once per
short rest.

Lore Master
At 13th level, your knowledge of treasures is
second to none. You can identify the properties
and history of all magical items after spending
10 minutes studying each one. You also gain the
ability to cast locate object once per long rest.
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Azuel & Leuza ACTIONS
(CR 13, XP: 10,000) ___________________________________________
Melee Attack. Bite. +9 to hit, one creature, 15ft
Str 26 (+8) Dex 15 (+2) Con 25 (+7) range. Hit: 16 (2d10+5) piercing damage.
Int 10 (0) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 8 (-1)
Legendary Actions. Azuel and Leuza have 3
Gargantuan monstrosity, neutral points to use on legenary actions each round,
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) taking effect at the end of another particpant’s
Hit Points 263 (15d20+105) turn. Only one legendary action can be used at a
Speed swim 80 ft time.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13
Languages undercommon Tail slap (2 points). +9 to hit, up to three large
Damage Resistances cold, thunder, bludgeoning sized or smaller creatures, 15ft range. Hit: 12
Saving Throws strength +12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning damage and target must
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be
grappled, prone, restrained knocked prone.

Bite (1 point). An additional bite attack may be

Swallow Whole. On any bite attack that succeeds Ram (3 points). +9 to hit, one target. 27 (4d10+5)
by a margin of 5 or more on a large sized or smaller bludgeoning damage. This attack does double
creature , that creature will be swallowed whole. damage to structures and vehicles, and any large
The target will be considerered to be blinded and sized or smaller creature on the structure or
restrained, automatically taking 15 (2d10+4) acid vehicle must make a DC 20 strength check or be
damage at the start of each of Azuel or Leuza’s knocked prone.
If Azuel or Leuza takes 25 points of damage from
a single attack from a creature inside of it, they ECOLOGY
must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or ___________________________________________
regurgitate all swallowed creatures. Azuel and Leuza are two behemoth intelligent
sea serpents that rule the underground aquifer. No
Amphibious. These twin serpents can breath air one knows exactly how long they have lived there,
and water. but there are stories dating back over a hundred
years. The lizardfolk view them as twin gods.
Whirlpool. Azuel and Leuza can work in unison Their favorite tactic is to swim undected,
to create a whirlpool, sucking ships down into the surrounding a slow moving boat. They will then
watery depths. On the start of their turn, they will begin to form a whirlpool in hopes of sinking the
begin to circle the ship, creating the whirlpool. boat and it’s crew. Once the crew drowns, it’s easy
On the start of their third round, they will have pickings for both a meal and for any valuables the
created enough force to suck down any ship the victims may have had.
size of a rowboat or large sized creature. On the
start of the sixth round, they have enough power to
suck down any ship the size of a longship or huge
creature. Any ship that is travelling more than 3
mph is immune as it is travelling too fast for the
serpents to keep up.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Cavern Shriek
(CR 4, XP: 1,100)
Str 14 (+2) Dex 17 (+3) Con 15 (+2) ___________________________________________
Int 7 (-2) Wis 10 (0) Cha 8 (-1) Melee Attack. Claw. +6 to hit, 5ft, one creature. Hit:
16 (2d10+5) piercing damage. On hit, target medium
Huge monstrosity, neutral evil size or smaller is grappled. While grappled, target
Armor Class 15 will automatically take 16 (2d10+5) piercing damage
Hit Points 70 (8d12+16) at the start of the cavern shriek’s turn.
Speed 5ft, fly 60ft
Senses blindsense 120 ft., passive perception 16
Languages cavern shriek, understands under- ECOLOGY
common ___________________________________________
Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Wisdom +3 No one knows exactly how the cavern shriek
evolved, or was created. Regardless of their origins,
they quickly gained a reputation of being one of
SPECIAL ABILITIES the more terrifying creatures encountered in the
___________________________________________ deep subterranean caverns.
Shriek. Recharge 5-6. The cavern shriek can emit Cavern shrieks appear as giant bats the size of
a sonic blast in a cone out to a range of 60ft. This an elephant, with long hawk-like legs that end in
blast causes extreme pain in the eardrums of foot long razor sharp claws. They live in covens
anything in the area of effect, causing them to be of about a dozen or so beasts, and prefer to hunt
considered to be restrained for 1 minute if they fail by paralyzing their prey via their shriek attack,
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. A new saving swooping in to grab the helpless prey for a meal
throw can be attempted at the start of each of the later on.
victim’s next turns, ending the effect.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
LIzardfolk, Wraith
(CR 4, XP: 1,100)

Str 9 (-1) Dex 17 (+3) Con 12 (+1)

Int 10 (0) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 13 (+1)

Medium undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 49 (9d8+9)
Speed 0 ft, fly 60ft, swim 60ft
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13
Languages lizardfolk
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
thunder, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
from non magical attacks that aren’t silvered.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,

Incorporeal Movement. Can move through any
creature or object as if they were difficult terrain.
Takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside
an object.

Sunlight Sensitivity, While in sunlight or bright

light, the wraith has disadvantage on attack rolls
and perception checks.

Create Specter. The lizardfolk wraith can target

any creature that was killed within the past minute
and died violently. The target’s spirit rises as a
specter in the space of its corpse or in the nearest
unoccupied space. The specter is under the wraith’s
control. Up to two specters can be created for each
wraith in this way.

Melee Attack. Bite. +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one
creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) necrotic damage. The
target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or have its hit points maximum reduced
by an amount equal to the damage taken. This
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
maximum to 0. 41
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Murk Kelpie
(CR 3, XP: 700)

Str 11 (0) Dex 15 (+2) Con 12 (+1)

Int 10 (0) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 17 (+3)

Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 44 (8d8+8)
Speed swim 60ft
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 13
Languages common, undercommon, kelpie
Damage Resistances cold
Damage Vulnerabilities lightning
Skills persuasion +5, deception +5

Shapechange. Murk Kelpies can change their
shape into that of a beautiful man or woman of
any humanoid species.

Enthrall. Once per day, the kelpie can enthrall a

target victim. If the target fails a DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw, he or she is enthralled with the kelpie
and will want nothing more than to embrace it. ECOLOGY
The victim must spend its action moving towards __________________________________________
the kelpie regardless of hazards. Once near the Murk kelpies are ruthless hunters of
kelpie, the victim will want nothing more than to humanoids, using their shape changing and
embrace it, regardless of any damage the victim enthrall abilities to compel victims to literally
may be suffering. A new saving throw can be walk into the water and allow themselves to
attempted at the start of the victim’s next turn and be killed via a combination of drowning and
every turn thereafter to break the spell. constricting damage.
In it’s natural form, the murk kelpie resembles
Amphibious. Kelpies can breathe water and air. the top half of a horse, but instead of hind legs,
thick kelp-like vines sprout forth. However, the
form it normally takes is one that is appealing to
whatever victim it is trying to lure.
Melee Attack. Constrict. +5 to hit, one creature,
5ft. Hit: 9 (2d8) constricting damage and target is

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Mushropod ECOLOGY
CR 3 (XP: 700) _________________________________________
Mushropods live deep in subterranean
Str 18 (+4) Dex 10 (0) Con 12 (+1) caverns, typically within large colonies of giant
Int 8 (-1) Wis 6 (-2) Cha 7 (-2) fungi. Because giant mushrooms are a common
food source for subterranean creatures, and
Huge monstrosity, neutral the mushropod relies on creatures to survive,
Armor Class 10 its favorite tactic is to disguise itself as a giant
Hit Points 75 (10d12+10) mushroom until a prey source comes near, at
Speed 5 ft. which point it will attack.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning Once the victim is slain, the mushropod will
Condition Immunities charmed, prone, deafened, bury it at the base of its trunk, and use the
frightened, sleep decomposing flesh as a food source. It can move
Senses darkvision 60ft, passive perception 8 by uprooting itself, albeit very slowly.
Saving Throws Constitution +4, Wisdom +2 Mushropods can grow to over twenty feet
Languages n/a in height, with a trunk more than five feet in
diameter. Each tentacle can reach out to 20ft
from the cap. They typically live in pods of 2d6
SPECIAL ABILITIES creatures, spread out so no creature is closer
______________________________________________ than 40 feet of another.

Camouflage: When motionless, the mushropod ap-

pears as a normal (albeit giant) mushroom. A DC 15
perception check must be made to realize that it is a

Multi attack. Mushropods can make up to eight
melee tentacle attacks.

Melee Attack. Tentacle: +4 to hit (reach 20ft, one

creature). Hit: 8 (1d6+4) bludgeoning damage. On
a successful hit, the target is considered grappled.
Only two tentacles can attack the same target at a
time. Once a target is grappled, it will suffer 8 (1d6+4)
constricting damage automatically at the start of
each of the mushropod’s turns until the victim is able
to break free. Due to the suckers on the tentacles, the
mushropod has advantage on all grappling checks.

Each tentacle may be severed (AC 14) if 11 (2d10) points

of damage are inflicted upon it. This damage is not
suffered from the creature’s total hit points, and a
severed tentacle will grow back in one week.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Shark, Dire
(CR 3, XP: 700)

Str 18 (+4) Dex 14 (+2) Con 15 (+3)

Int 10 (0) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 6 (-2)

Large monstrosity, neutral evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 59 (7d10+21)
Speed swim 60ft
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive perception 13
Languages dire shark
Damage Resistances radiant, necrotic
Skills Perception +2

Blood Frenzy. Dire sharks have advantage on
melee attack rolls against any target that does not
have its full hit points.

Water Breathing, Dire sharks can only breathe


Melee Attack. Bite. +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one
creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) piercing damage.

What makes a dire shark more terrifying than its
normal cousins is the fact that they are intelligent,
evil creatures. They use this intelligence to lure
prey into traps and make strategies to best take out
any threat.
They tend to live in packs of 5-8 sharks, working
as a cohesive unit to hunt. They have even been
known to use other creatures as either bait, or
cannon fodder in these hunts.

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Lost Temple

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Player’s Map

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)
Thank You So Much!

I hope you will enjoy this adventure.

If you want to play the superdungeon
campaign that precedes this adventure,
Felk Mor, you can find it here.

Happy Gaming!

Timothy Grimshaw (Order #19290904)

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