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A set of questions on the concepts of a function, in calculus, are presented along with their solutions.

These questions have been designed

to help you gain deep understanding of the concept of a function as well as its domain and range which are of major importance in
mathematics. If you have difficulties answering a question, review the definition(s) and theorem(s) related to the question.

Properties of the Graphs of Functions

The questions below have been designed to help you gain deep understanding of the properties of the graphs of functions which are
of major importance in Calculus. You may need to review some definitions and theorems related to the graphs of functions in order to
answer the questions below. More on graphing is located in this site.

Solutions and Explanations to Intermediate Algebra Questions in Sample 1

Solutions and full explanations of intermediate algebra questions in sample 1 are presented.

1. Write 230,000,000,000 in scientific notation.


Write the given number in the form

a × 10 n , where a is a real number such that 1 ≤ |a| < 10 and n is an integer.

230,000,000,000 = 2.3 × 100,000,000,000 = 2.3 × 10 11

2. Evaluate: 30 - 12÷3×2 =


According to order of operations, 12÷3×2 (division and multiplication) is done first from left to right

12÷3×2 = 4 × 2 = 8


30 - 12÷3×2 = 30 - 8 = 22
3. Evaluate: |4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11| =


According to order of operations, inner brackets first. Hence

|4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11| = |4 - 8*(-9)| - |5 - 11|

According to order of operations, multiplication within absolute value signs (which may be considered as brackets when it comes

to order of operations) next. Hence

= |4 + 72| - |5 - 11|

= |76| - |-6|

= 76 - 6 = 70

4. Evaluate: -18 + 4(6 ÷ 2)2


According to order of operations, inner brackets first. Hence

-18 + 4(6 ÷ 2)2 = -18 + 4(3)2

According to order of operations, power next. Hence

= -18 + 4*9

According to order of operations, multiplication next. Hence

= -18 + 36

= 18
5. Evaluate: 11 + sqrt(- 4 + 6×4÷3)


According to order of operations, inner brackets first where 6×4÷3 is first calculated since it has a multiplication and a division.

6×4÷3 = 24÷3 = 8


11 + sqrt(- 4 + 6×4÷3) = 11 + sqrt(- 4 + 8)

= 11 + sqrt(4) = 11 + 2 = 13

6. Simplify: 12x3 - 3(2x3 + 4x -1) - 5x + 7


First expand the term - 3(2x3 + 4x -1)

12x3 - 3(2x3 + 4x -1) - 5x + 7 = 12x3 - 6 x3 - 12 x + 3 - 5x + 7

Group like terms

= 6 x3 - 17 x + 10

Solutions and Explanations to Intermediate Algebra Questions in Sample 2

Solutions and full explanations of intermediate algebra questions in sample 2 are presented.

1. (True or False) The inequality |x + 1| < 0 has no solution.


The absolute value of a real expression is either positive or equal to zero. Therefore there is no value of x that makes |x + 1|

negative and therefore |x + 1| < 0 is never true and the statement "The inequality |x + 1| < 0 has no solution" is TRUE.
2. (True or False) If a and b are negative numbers, and |a| < |b|, then b - a is negative.


Since a and b are both negative, they are positioned to the left of zero on the number line. Since |a| < |b|, a is closer to zero than b

and therefore a is greater than b which written as


Subtract a to both sides and simplify



Hence the statement "b - a is negative" is TRUE.

3. (True or False) The equation 2x + 7 = 2(x + 5) has one solution.


Let us solve the given equation

2x + 7 = 2(x + 5)

2x + 7 = 2x + 10 , expand right hand term

2x + 7 - 2x = 2x + 10 - 2x , subtract 2x from both sides

7 = 10 , simplify

4. The above statement is never true and therefore the given equation has no solutions. The statement "The equation 2x + 7 = 2(x +

5) has one solution" is FALSE.

5. (True or False) The multiplicative inverse of -1/4 is -1/8.

If a real number x is not equal to zero, its multiplicative inverse is equal to 1/x. Hence the inverse of -1/4 is equal to

1 / (-1/4) = (1/1) / (-1/4) = (1/1)*(-4/1) = - 4

and therefore the statement "The multiplicative inverse of -1/4 is -1/8" is FALSE.

Questions with Solutions

Question 1

True or False. The two functions f and g defined by

f(x) = 3x + 3 for x real and g(t) = 3t + 3 for t real and positive

are equal?

Answer :

False. Two functions are equal if their rules are equal and their domains are the same.

Question 2

If functions f and g have domains Df and Dg respectively, then the domain of f / g is given by

(A) the union of Df and Dg

(B) the intersection of Df and Dg

(C) the intersection of Df and Dg without the zeros of function g

(D) None of the above

Answer :

(C). Division by zero is not allowed in mathematics. Students tend to forget this point.

Question 3

True or False. The graph of f(x) and that of f(x + 2) are the same

Answer :

False. The graph of f(x + 2) is that of f(x) shifted 2 units to the left.

Question 4
Let the closed interval [a , b] be the domain of function f. The domain of f(x - 3) is given by

(A) the open interval (a , b)

(B) the closed interval [a , b]

(C) the closed interval [a - 3 , b - 3]

(D) the closed interval [a + 3 , b + 3]

Answer :

(D). The graph of f(x - 3) is that of f(x) shifted 3 units to the right. To shift the closed interval [a , b] to the right you need to add 3 units to

the endpoints a and b of the interval.

Questions with Solutions

Question 1

True or False. The domain of a function is the set of all real values for which the function is real valued.

Answer :


Question 2

True or False. The sign of the first derivative of a given function f informs you on the interval(s) where f(x) is positive, negative or equal

to zero.

Answer :

The sign of the first derivative informs you on the interval(s) where f is increasing, decreasing or constant.

Question 3

True or False. The sign of the second derivative of a given function f informs you on the concavity of the graph of f.

Answer :


Question 4

True or False. The horizontal asymptote to the graph of a given function f is determined by finding the limit, if it exists, of f(x) as x

approaches 0.

Answer :


A horizontal asymptote may be determined by finding the limit of f(x) as x approaches + or - infinity (very large or very small values).
Question 5

True or False. Any value of x that makes the denominator of rational function f equal to zero, represents a vertical asymptote to the graph

of f.

Answer :


Not always. Let f(x) = (x + 3) / (x 2 -9).

Factor the denominator and simplify to obtain f(x) = 1 / (x - 3)

Although x = - 3 makes the denominator equal to 0 there is no vertical asymptote at x = - 3; in fact there is a hole.

Question 6

True or False. A horizontal asymptote may intersect the graph of the function.

Answer :

Example: f(x) = sin x / x

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Question 7

True or False. The x intercepts of the graph of a function corresponds to the zeros of the function.

Answer :

Question 8:

True or False. A graph cannot cut its vertical asymptote.

Answer :


More references on calculus questions with answers and tutorials and problems .

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