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Choose only one answer and mark your answer using 2B pencil in the provided sheet of

It has culture, language, foods, mutual interest and other common

characteristic by itself.

1. The above statement reflects definition for?

A. Culture
B. Society
C. Segregation
D. Amalgamation

It is mixture of lifestyle, beliefs, customs, ideas related to law, social and


2. The above statement resembles?

A .Culture
B. Society
C. Segregation
D. Amalgamation

3. Accommodation concepts can be define as a?

A. Culture transformation
B. Making or becoming suitable or adjusting to circumstances
C. To be come absorbed or incorporated
D. To create blended society

This concept emphasis on absorbing or incorporating a value of majority
group into minority group.

4. Which concept can be suitable for the above statement?

A. Accommodation
B. Acculturation
C. Assimilation
D. Amalgamation

At this stage society becomes mixed and fusion

5. The above description explains?

A. Accommodation
B. Acculturation
C. Assimilation
D. Amalgamation

6. As people co-exist there will be a tendency to have frequent contact.

The frequent contact can cause?

A. Compromise
B. Conflict
C. Integration
D. Unity

7. The best way to form united society is by?

A. Compromise
B. Fight
C. Avoid contact
D. Extend Conflict

8. What are the obstacles to National Integration?

I Goodwill II Prejudice III Communalism IV Ethnocentrism

A I, and II B II, III and IV

C I, II and IV D All of the above

9. In Malaysia, the important bases of unity and national integration are

I Sharing of political power

II Promoting cultural tolerance
III Ensuring sound economic growth
IV Practicing of Rukun Negara

A I, and II B I, II and III

C I, II and IV D All of the above

10. What are the characteristics of a plural society such as that of Malaysia?

I Ethnic groups living in peace and harmony but not integrated.

II Every ethnic group has its own language, culture, religion, values and way
of life.
III Ethnic groups having deep internal ties and a common identity.
IV Ethnic groups having diversity of culture, racial identification and lack of
social contact

A I, II and III B I, II and IV

C III only D All of the above

11. Before our country achieves the stage of integration, ethnic relations usually
go through the five stages of change. Arrange the five stages of change from the
lowest to the highest.

I Amalgamation
II Assimilation
III Segregation
IV Acculturation
V Accommodation

A III, II, V, I and IV B V, III, II, I and IV

C V, II, I, IV and III D III, V, IV.II and I

12. An immigrant group that was not responsible for the formation of multi-racial
society in Malaysia is

A. Indians from South India

B. Chinese from Kwangtung and Fukien territories
C. Indonesians from Boyan Island
D. Spanish from the Philippines

13. What are the results of the political bargaining of non-Malay ethnic groups
such as the Chinese and Indians during the formation Malaya in 1957?

I Rights of citizenship
II Economic rights
III Freedom to preserve, practice and propagate their religion, culture and

A I, and II B I, and III

C II, and III D All of the above

14. From the angle of national integration, the problem of racial relations is actually
caused by psychological factors (mental or belief). Which of the following is NOT
its main factor?

A Prejudice
B Personality
C Racism
D Ethnocentrism

15. Culture field can be grouped as EXCEPT

A. Thoughts/ideas
B. Arts
C. Values and Norm
D. Civilization

16. The national Constitution is a unifying factor in the country. In your opinion,
what aspects of the Constitution ensure national unity among the people?

I A democratic government
II Basic rights guaranteed
III Islam is the official religion but the practice of all other religions is allowed
IV The Prime Minister as the head of the government

A I, II and III B I, II and IV

C I, III and IV D II, III and IV

17. Which are the following characteristics of culture?

I Culture is learned.
II Culture is a social gratifying.
III Culture is adaptive.
IV Culture is a social phenomenon.
V Culture is inculcated.

A I, II, III and IV B I, III, IV and V

C II, II, IV and V D All of the Above

18. “They originated from Sumatra. In Malaysia, most of them settled in Negeri
Sembilan and practice the adat perpatih”. This Statement portrays which sub-
ethnic group?

A. Jawa
B. Boya
C. Minangkabau
D. Bugis

19. Which are the following tribal communities does not inhabit in Sarawak?

A. Penan
B. Dusun
C. Kayan
D. Kelabit

20. The Malay ethnic group, consists of Banjar, Bugis, Boyan and Jawa

A. True
B. False


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