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Authorized Translation






NUMBER 7 OF 2018







Considering : a. whereas in order to implement the provisions of

Article 14, Article 15 and Article 28 paragraph (1)

sub-paragraph h of Law Number 25 Of 2007

concerning Investment and to observe Law

Number 23 Of 2014 concerning Regional

Authorized Translation

Government as amended several times, Law

Number 9 Of 2015 concerning the Second

Amendment to the Law Number 23 Of 2014

concerning Regional Government has been

stipulated Regulation of the Head of the

Investment Coordinating Board Number 14 Of

2017 concerning Guidelines and Procedures for

Controlling the Implementation of Investment;

b. whereas in order to implement the provisions of

Article 88 of Government Regulation Number 24

of 2018 concerning Electronically Integrated

Business License Services, it is necessary to

prepare Norms, Standards, Procedures and

Criteria for Controlling the Implementation of


c. whereas the Regulation of the Investment

Coordinating Board Number 14 Of 2017

concerning Guidelines and Procedures for

Controlling the Implementation of Investment

need to be adjusted to the amendment of laws

and regulations;

d. whereas based on the considerations as referred

to in letter a, letter b, and letter c, it is necessary

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to stipulate Regulation of the Investment

Coordinating Board on Guidelines and Procedures

for Controlling the Implementation of Investment;

In view of : 1. Law Number 25 Of 2007 concerning Investment

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year

2007 Number 67, Supplement to the State

Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number


2. Law Number 23 Year 2014 concerning Regional

Government (State Gazette of the Republic of

Indonesia Year 2014 Number 244, Supplement to

the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Number 5587) as amended several times, most

recently by Law Number 9 Of 2015 on the Second

Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2014 on

Regional Government (State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia Year 2015 Number 58,

Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic

of Indonesia Number 5679);

3. Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018

concerning Electronically Integrated Business

License Services (State Gazette of the Republic of

Indonesia Year 2018 Number 90);

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4. Presidential Regulation Number 90 Of 2007

concerning Investment Coordinating Board as

amended by Presidential Regulation Number

86/2012 concerning Amendment to Presidential

Regulation Number 90 Of 2007 concerning

Investment Coordinating Board (State Gazette of

2012 Number 210);

5. Presidential Regulation Number 97 Of 2014 on the

Implementation of One Stop Integrated Service

(State Gazette Year 2014 Number 221);

6. Presidential Regulation Number 91 Of 2017

concerning Acceleration of Entrepreneurship

(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year

2017 Number 210);







Article 1

In these Regulations referring to:

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1. Investment is any form of investment activity,

either by Domestic Investors or Foreign Investors,

to conduct business in the territory of the Republic

of Indonesia.

2. Investor is an individual or business entity

conducting Investment which may be Domestic

Investor and Foreign Investor which hereinafter in

the Regulation of this Agency may also be

referred to as investor.

3. Domestic Investor is an individual of Indonesian

citizen or Indonesian business entity of the

Republic of Indonesia, or region conducting

Investment in the territory of the Republic of


4. Foreign Investor is an individual foreign citizen,

foreign business entity, and/or foreign

government conducting Investment in the

territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

5. Domestic Investment hereinafter abbreviated as

PMDN is the activity of investment to conduct

business in the territory of the Republic of

Indonesia conducted by Domestic Investor by

using domestic capital.

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6. Foreign Investment hereinafter abbreviated as

PMA is an activity of investment to conduct

business in the territory of the Republic of

Indonesia conducted by Foreign Investors,

whether using foreign capital completely or in

association with Domestic Investor.

7. Investment Coordinating Board hereinafter

abbreviated to as BKPM is a non-ministerial

government institution responsible in the field of

Investment, which is headed by a Head who is

under and directly responsible to the President.

8. Online Single Submission Management and

Organizing Agency, hereinafter referred to as OSS

Institution, is a non-ministerial government

institution that conducts government affairs in the

field of investment coordination, namely BKPM.

9. One Stop Integrated Service, hereinafter

abbreviated as PTSP, is a licensing and non-

licensing activity based on the mandate of a

licensed and non-licensing agency or agency

whose management process begins from the

application stage until the publication of

documents conducted in one place.

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10. PTSP Centers in BKPM are services related to

Investment which is the authority of the

Government held in an integrated manner in a

unified process starting from the stage of

application until the completion of service

products through one door in BKPM.

11. Central Government is the President of the

Republic of Indonesia which holds the power of

government of the Republic of Indonesia which is

assisted by the Vice President and Minister as

referred to in the 1945 Constitution of the

Republic of Indonesia.

12. Regional Government is the administration of

government affairs by the Regional Government

and the regional legislature according to the

principle of autonomy and duty of assistance with

the principle of autonomy as wide as possible in

the system and principles of the Unitary State of

the Republic of Indonesia as referred to in the

1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

13. Regional Government is the regional head as an

element of the Regional Government organizing

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the execution of government affairs which is the

authority of the autonomous regions.

14. Department of Investment and One Stop

Integrated Services of Province, hereinafter

referred to as DPMPTSP Province is a regional

instrument as an assistant element of the

governor to carry out government affairs in the

field of Investment and One Stop Integrated

Service which is the authority of the province.

15. Department of Investment and One Stop

Integrated Service of Province, Regency/

Municipality, hereinafter referred to as DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality is the

element of assistant regional head for the

implementation of governmental affairs of

province, regency/municipality which performs the

main function of coordination in the field of

Investment in local government of province,


16. Free Trade Area and Free Seaport hereinafter

abbreviated as KPBPB shall be an area within the

jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of

Indonesia separated from the customs area so

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that it is free from imposition of entry duty, value

added tax, sales tax on luxury goods, and excise.

17. Special Economic Zone hereinafter abbreviated to

KEK is a region with certain borders within the

jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of

Indonesia which is determined to perform

economic functions and obtain certain facilities.

18. Task Force is a task force established to improve

the service, guarding, resolving obstacles,

simplification, and development of online system

in order to accelerate the implementation of

Business License including for micro, small and

medium enterprises after obtaining approval of

the investment.

19. Business License shall mean the registration

provided to the Investor to start and operate the

business and/or activity and shall be granted in

the form of an approval as outlined in the form of

a letter/decision or fulfillment of the terms and/or


20. Electronically Integrated Business License or

Online Single Submission hereinafter abbreviated

as OSS is Business License issued by the OSS

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Institution for and on behalf of ministers, heads of

institutions, governors or regents/mayors to

Investors through an integrated electronic system.

21. Electronically Information and Investment License

Service System, hereinafter abbreviated as

SPIPISE, is an electronic system of Licensing and

Non-Licensing services integrated between BKPM

and ministries/non-ministerial government

agencies with licensing and non-licensing

authority, KPBPB Operational Body Board, KEK

Administrator, DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality, and PTSP Implementing

Agency in the Field of Investment.

22. Business Registration Number hereinafter

abbreviated as BRN shall be the identity of the

Investor issued by the OSS Institution after the

Investor has been registered.

23. Electronic documents are any electronic

information created, forwarded, transmitted,

received, or stored in the form of analog, digital,

electromagnetic, optical, or the like, which may be

retrieved, displayed and/or heard through a

computer or electronic system, including but not

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limited to writing, sound, images, maps, designs,

photographs or the like, letters, signs, numbers,

access codes, symbols or perforations that have

sense or meaning or are understandable to those

who are able to understand them.

24. Electronic Signature is a signature consisting of

Electronic Information embedded, associated or

related with other Electronic Information used as

a verification and authentication tool.

25. Day is the day of work as determined by the

Central Government.

26. Investment Facilities shall be any form of fiscal

and non-fiscal incentives as well as ease of

investment services, in accordance with the

provisions of laws and regulations.

27. Representative Office of Foreign Company,

hereinafter abbreviated as KPPA, is an office led

by an Indonesian citizen or a foreign national

appointed by a foreign company or a foreign joint-

venture overseas as its representative in


28. Representative Office of Foreign Trading Company

hereinafter abbreviated as KP3A is an office

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headed by an individual Indonesian citizen or a

foreign national appointed by a foreign trading

company or a foreign joint-venture overseas as its

representative in Indonesia.

29. Representative Office of Foreign Construction

Services Business Enterprise hereinafter referred

to as BUJKA Representative Office is a business

entity established by law and domiciled in a

foreign country, having a representative office in

Indonesia, and equalized with a Limited Liability

Company entity engaged in construction services


30. Representative Office of Oil and Gas Subsector,

hereinafter referred to as KPA Migas, is an office

led by an individual Indonesian citizen or a foreign

national appointed by a foreign company or a

foreign joint-venture overseas as its

representative in Indonesia in the oil and natural

gas subsector.

31. Corporate Leader is a board of directors which is

incorporated in the articles of association or

amendment thereof who have been approved by

the Minister of Law and Human Rights for a legal

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entity of a Limited Liability Company or in

accordance with the provisions of the law and

regulation for non-legal entity of a Limited Liability


32. Right of Access is a right granted to Investors who

already have a user identity and access code to

administer permissions and facilities within the

network (online).

33. Company Folder is a means of storing corporate

documents in digital form provided in the system

at BKPM.

34. Industrial Estate is an area where concentration of

processing industry activities is completed with

infrastructure, facilities and other supporting

facilities provided and managed by industrial

estate companies.

35. Control is an activity of Monitoring, Guidance and

Supervision of Investors who have obtained

Investment Permit for the implementation of

Investment in accordance with the provisions of

law and legislation.

36. Monitoring is an activity undertaken to collect,

evaluate and present data on developments on

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the realization of Investment and representative


37. Guidance is an activity undertaken to provide

guidance/socialization of the implementation

provisions of Investment and facilitate the

settlement of problems in the context of

implementation of investment activities.

38. Supervision is an effort or activity undertaken to

examine the progress of the implementation of

Investment, prevent and/or reduce the occurrence

of irregularities against the provisions of the

implementation of Investment, including the use

of Investment Facilities.

39. Deconcentration is the delegation of authority

from the Government to the governor.

40. Project is a business activity undertaken by an

Investor who has obtained Business License.

41. Subsequent Investment Activity Report

abbreviated LKPM is a report on the progress of

realization of Investment and the problems faced

by Investors that must be made and submitted


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42. Minutes of Investigation hereinafter referred to as

Minutes of Investigation are the result of the

inspection conducted directly to the field on the

implementation of investment activities.

43. Ministries/Non-Technical Government Institutions,

hereinafter referred to as Technical Institutions,

are governmental instruments dealing with certain

affairs or performing certain tasks within the

government under the 1945 Constitution or other

laws and regulations.

44. Restrictions are administrative measures to

restrict business operations.

45. Freezing is an administrative action resulting in

temporary suspension of business activities

and/or Investment Facilities.

46. Revocation is an administrative measure which

resulted in the revocation of the Business License

and/or Investment Facility.

47. Closure is an administrative action to terminate

the activities of KPPA, KPA Migas, and Branch

Offices licensed by PTSP Center in BKPM.



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Article 2

Guidelines and Procedures for Controlling the

Implementation of Investment as governed by these

Regulations is intended as guidance for the apparatus of


Regency/Municipality, KEK Administrator, KPBPB

Management Board, and Investors and other public


Article 3

The Guidelines and Procedures for Controlling the

Implementation of Investment aims to realize the

standardization and information on the implementation

of the control of Investment in BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KEK

Administrator, KPBPB Management Board and Investors

and other public communities.



Article 4

The scope of the control of Investment implementation

covers the following activities:

a. Monitoring;

b. Supervising; and

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c. Controlling




Article 5

(1) The Authority to Control the Implementation of

Investment is carried out by:

a. The Central Government carried out by

BKPM through the Deputy of the

Implementation Control of Investment for

the business activities that are under the

authority of the Central Government,


1. Investment whose scope is across the


2. Investment related to non-renewable

natural resources with high risk of

environmental damage;

3. Investment in industry which is a high

priority on a national scale;

4. Investments in industrial fields that

process and produce toxic and

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hazardous materials (B3) and types of

strategic high technology industries;

5. Investment related to the unifying

function and link between the regions

or scope across provinces; 6.

Investment related to the

implementation of national defense

and security strategy;

7. PMA and Investors using foreign

capital derived from the government

of another country, based on

agreements made by the government

and other governmental officers; and

8. Other Investment Fields which

become the affairs of the Central

Government in accordance with the

provisions of laws and regulations;

b. In the provincial government shall be

conducted by the DPMPTSP Province on the

business activities that are under the

authority of the provincial government,


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1. Investment in the scope of activities

across Regency/Municipality; and

2. Investment which become the

authority of the Provincial Government

in accordance with the provisions of

laws and regulations;

c. Local Government of Regency/Municipality

shall be carried out by DPMPTSP of

Regency/Municipality for business activities

which become the authority of Local

Government of Regency/Municipality, that is

the scope of activity in Regency/


d. Free Trade Zone and Free Ports entity for

business activities located in the area of

KPBPB; and

e. Administrator of Special Economic Zone for

business activities located in KEK region.

(2) PMA and Investors using foreign capital as

referred to in paragraph (1) letter a number 7

shall include:

a. PMA conducted by the government of

another country;

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b. PMA conducted by foreign nationals or

foreign business entities;

c. Investors using foreign capital from other

governments, based on agreements made

by the Indonesian Government and other


(3) In the case of licensing of Investment issued by

PTSP Center in BKPM but currently has become

the authority of the Regional Government of the

province or the Regional Government of the

Regency/Municipality or the agency of KPBPB or

the KEK Administrator, the implementation of the

Investment Control shall be carried out by the

DPMPTSP Province/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body, or KEK Administrator in

accordance with its authority.

(4) In certain cases, BKPM may directly control the

implementation of Investment which is the

authority of the Provincial Government,

Regency/Municipality Government, KPBPB or KEK

Administrator Agency and deliver the results to


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

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KEK Administrator shall be in accordance with its


(5) In some cases, DPMPTSP Province can directly

control the implementation of Investment which is

the authority of the Regional Government of the

Regency/Municipality, KPBPB or KEK Administrator

Agency and deliver the results to the DPMPTSP of

the Regency/Municipality, KPBPB or KEK

Administrator in accordance with their authority.

(6) In certain cases, DPMPTSP of Province and

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality can directly

control the implementation of Investment which is

the authority of BKPM and submit the results to


(7) In certain cases, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality

can directly control the implementation of

Investment which is the authority of the DPMPTSP

Province and submit the results to the DPMPTSP


(8) Certain things as referred to in paragraph (4)

through paragraph (7) include:

a. the request of the authorized Technical


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b. the request for assistance from the

Provincial Government, the

Regency/Municipality Government, KPBPB or

KEK Administrator;

c. there is public complaints;

d. a complaint from the Investor; or

e. the occurrence of environmental pollution

and/or other matters that may endanger

public safety and/or disrupt the national

economy as well as the regional economy.




Article 6

Every Investor shall be entitled to obtain:

a. certainty of rights, law and protection;

b. open information about the business sector to


c. right of service; and

d. various forms of amenity facilities in accordance

with the provisions of law and legislation.

Article 7

Every Investor is obliged to:

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a. apply the principles of good corporate


b. carry out corporate social responsibility;

c. submit LKPM;

d. respect the cultural traditions of the communities

surrounding the location of business activities of


e. improve the competence of Indonesian citizens

through job training in accordance with the

provisions of law and legislation;

f. organize training and transfer technology to

Indonesian citizens in accordance with the laws

and regulations of the companies employing

foreign workers;

g. gradually allocate funds for the recovery of sites

that meet environmental feasibility standards for

companies that seek non-renewable natural

resources, whose implementation is in accordance

with the provisions of laws and regulations; and

h. comply with all laws and regulations.

Article 8

Every Investor is responsible to:

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a. guarantee the availability of capital originating

from sources that do not conflict with the

provisions of laws and regulations;

b. bear and complete all obligations and losses if the

Investor terminates or abandons its business


c. create a healthy competitive business climate and

preventing monopolistic practices;

d. preserve the environment; and

e. create safety, health, comfort, and welfare of




Part One


Article 9

(1) The monitoring activities as referred to in Article 4

letter a shall be conducted to determine the

progress of Investment realization and the

problems faced by the Investor through the

collection, verification and evaluation of:

a. LKPM delivered by Investor;

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b. report on the realization of imports and/or

fiscal facilities delivered by the Investor;

c. report on the activities of representative

offices by KPPA, KP3A, BUJKA and KPA

Migas; and

d. report of other business activities required

in accordance with the regulations of the

relevant Technical Institutions.

(2) The monitoring activities as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be implemented by BKPM,


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

KEK Administrator in accordance with their


(3) Monitoring Activities shall be conducted on

Investment since obtaining Business License.


Regency/Municipality shall monitor all realization

of Investment both its Business Licenses are

issued through OSS System, PTSP Center in


Regency/Municipality or other Technical

Institutions both central and regional.

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(5) The Chairman of BKPM may provide mandate for

the implementation of Monitoring activities which

are the authority of the Central Government to

the governor through Deconcentration.

(6) The mandate as referred to in paragraph (5) shall

be regulated in the Investment Coordinating

Board Regulation.

Article 10

(1) The obligation to submit LKPM as referred to in

Article 7 letter c shall be conducted online and

periodically through SPIPISE for every business

activity undertaken by the Investor.

(2) Investor as referred to in paragraph (1)

conducting business activity for every business

field and/or location with investment value more

than Rp500.000.000,00 (five hundred million

rupiah) must submit LKPM.

(3) Investor conducting business activities for each

business and/or location with investment value up

to Rp500,000,000.00 (five hundred million

rupiah), submits a report of business activities in

accordance with the regulations of the authorized

technical institution.

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(4) The submission of LKPM shall refer to the data

and/or changes in the data of Business License

including changes to data as contained in the OSS

system in accordance with the current period.

(5) The submission of LKPM as referred to in

paragraph (2) shall be submitted with the

following provisions:

a. Investor must submit LKPM every 3 (three)

months (quarterly) with the format as

contained in Appendix I which is an integral

part of this Agency Regulations.

b. The reporting period of LKPM as referred to

in letter (a) shall be regulated as follows:

1. The first quarter report shall be

submitted no later than the 10th of

April of the relevant year;

2. The Second Quarterly Report shall be

submitted no later than the 10th of

July of the year in concerned;

3. The third quarter report shall be

submitted no later than the 10th of

October of the year; and

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4. The Forth Quarterly report shall be

submitted no later than the 10th of

January of the following year.

(6) The Investor as referred to in paragraph (2) has

the obligation to submit the first LKPM for the

implementation of Investment activities in the

corresponding period after the date of issuance of

Business License.

Article 11

The format of LKPM as referred to in Article 10

paragraph (5) letter a consists of:

a. LKPM for non-commercial business activities; and

b. LKPM for commercial business activities.

Article 12

LKPM as referred to in Article 11 letter b shall be

submitted by Investors who have declared ready to

produce/operate commercially online through SPIPISE

with the format as contained in Appendix II constituting

as an inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

Article 13


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

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KEK Administrator shall verify and evaluate online

at PTSP Center in BKPM against data of

Investment realization as mentioned in LKPM on

Business License in accordance with their

respective authority as referred to in Article 5.

(2) In the case of verification and evaluation of data

as referred to in paragraph (1), BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator may

request explanation from the company or request

improvement of LKPM.

(3) In the event that an Investor performs an

improvement on LKPM as referred to in paragraph

(2), the repairs must be submitted online twice at

most, with any maximum improvement of 2 (two)

Days in the same reporting period.

(4) In the event that an Investor does not revise

LKPM as referred to in paragraph (2) and

paragraph (3), the Investor shall be deemed not

to submit the LKPM.

(5) The results of verification and evaluation of data

on Investment realization as specified in approved

LKPM are stored online through SPIPISE.

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(6) BKPM compiles data on the realization of National

Investment based on LKPM recording data online

as referred to in paragraph (5).

(7) The compilation result as referred to in paragraph

shall be submitted to the public at the latest:

a. the 30th April of the year in concerned for

the first quarter report;

b. the 31st of July of the year in concerned for

the second quarter report;

c. the 31st of October of that year for the third

quarter report; and

d. the 31st of January of the following year for

the fourth quarter report.

Article 14

(1) KPPA shall report its activities every 6 (six)

months to BKPM in the format as contained in

Appendix III which is an integral part of this

Agency Regulations, with the following reporting


a. The first semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of July of the year; and

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b. The second semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of January of the

following year.

(2) KP3A shall submit its activity report every 6 (six)

months to BKPM with format as contained in

Appendix IV which is an integral part of this

Agency Regulations, with the following report


a. The first semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of July of the year; and

b. The second semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of January of the

following year.

(3) BUJKA Representative Office shall submit annual

activity report to BKPM and Ministry of Public

Works and Public Housing no later than the 10th

of January of the following year in the format as

contained in Appendix V which is an integral part

of this Agency Regulations.

(4) KPA Migas shall submit its activity report every 6

(six) months to BKPM in the format as contained

in Appendix VI which is an integral part of this

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Agency Regulations, with the following reporting


a. The first semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of July of the year; and

b. The second semester report is submitted no

later than the 10th of January of the

following year.

(5) The submission of reports as referred to in

paragraphs (1) through paragraph (4) shall be

submitted to BKPM online through SPIPISE.

Article 15

(1) Investors who have received exemption facilities

of entry duty on machinery and/or goods shall be

obliged to convey reports of realization of imports

to BKPM no later than 7 (seven) days after

receiving Letter of Approval of Goods Release

(SPPB) from the Directorate General of Customs

and Excise, with the format as contained in

Appendix VII which is an integral part of this

Agency Regulations.

(2) The submission of import realization report, as

referred to in paragraph (1), shall be done online

through SPIPISE.

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Article 16

(1) BKPM shall make a report:

a. cumulative realization of Investment

nationally every 3 (three) months and

submitted to the President and related

Technical Agency; and

b. recapitulation of the realization of import of

machinery and/or Goods and Materials

obtaining the entry duty exemption facility

from BKPM every 6 (six) months to the

Minister of Finance through the Fiscal Policy

Office, in the format as contained in

Appendix VIII constituting as an inseparable

part of this Agency Regulations.

(2) The DPMPTSP Province shall prepare a cumulative

report on the implementation of Investment in the

provincial territory every 3 (three) months and

shall be submitted to the governor with a copy to


(3) DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality shall prepare

cumulative report on the implementation of

Investment in the Regency/Municipality every 3

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(three) months and shall be submitted to the

regent/mayor with copies to the governor.

(4) KPBPB Operational Body and Administrators of

KEK shall prepare cumulative reports on the

implementation of Investment in KPBPB and KEK

areas every 3 (three) months and submitted to

BKPM with copies to the governor.

(5) The cumulative report as referred to in paragraph

(1) a, paragraph (2), paragraph (3) and

paragraph (4) shall be submitted with at least the


a. reporting period;

b. realization of PMA and PMDN investments in

the reporting period;

c. number of projects and realization of

investment based on project location,

business sector and country for PMA; and

d. number of projects and realization of

investment based on project location,

business sector for PMDN.

Article 17

To improve the Company's compliance with obligations

and responsibilities as referred to in Article 7 and Article

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Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, and KEK

Administrator may award the Best Investor in

accordance with their authority.

Part Two


Article 18

(1) Development Activities as referred to in Article 4

letter b shall be executed by BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator to the

regional apparatus and Investor.

(2) Development activities carried out by BKPM as

referred to in paragraph (1) to the regional

apparatus shall be conducted by the Deputy Unit

of Investment Cooperation with norms, standards,

procedures and criteria set out in the Investment

Coordinating Board Regulation.

(3) The Guidance Activities as referred to in

paragraph (1) conducted on Investor shall be

executed through:

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a. socialization guidance, workshops, technical

guidance, or investment dialogue on the

implementation of Investment Regularly;

b. giving consultation on controlling the

implementation of Investment in accordance

with the provisions of laws and regulations;

c. facilitation of problem solving faced by


d. facilitation of acceleration of investment

project realization in the form of ease effort

for Investor; or

e. escorting the acceleration of the national

strategic projects realization that already

have licenses.

(4) The implementation of Guidance activities as

referred to in paragraph (3) may be conducted in

a coordinated with the related parties.

(5) In the event that an Investor requests Guidance

concerning the issue of the implementation of

Investment activities, BKPM, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator may carry

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out Development activities as referred to in

paragraph (3) letter c.

(6) In the case of facilitation of problem solving faced

by the Investor as referred to in paragraph (3)

letter c, in relation to the issue of dispute among

shareholders not reaching the settlement

agreement, BKPM may block the Right of Access.

(7) The opening of the blocking of access rights as

referred to in paragraph (6) may be made after

the shareholders reach a settlement agreement on

the matter.

(8) The blocking and/or opening of access rights as

referred to in paragraph (6) and paragraph (7)

may be made on the proposal of:

a. the disputed parties;

b. Technical Institution, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

and/or KEK Administrator Agency.

Article 19

(1) Application for Development as referred to in

Article 18 paragraph (5), Investor may submit

through LKPM and/or letter addressed to

Chairman of BKPM or Deputy of Controlling

- 37 -
Authorized Translation

Implementation of Investment, Head of DPMPTSP

Province, Head of DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality,

Head of KPBPB Operational Body, or KEK

Administrator in accordance with its authority.

(2) Based on the application for guidance as referred

to in paragraph (1), BKPM, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator in

accordance with its authority to facilitate the

settlement of Investment problem through stages


a. identification and verification of problems;

b. coordination no facilitation of problem-

solving with relevant technical institutions,

relevant local technical agencies, and/or

other related parties;

c. in the case of facilitation of resolving

obstacles to Business License, coordination

with the National Task Force, Task Force of

Technical Institution, Provincial Task Force,

the relevant Regency/Municipality Task

Force; and

- 38 -
Authorized Translation

d. report on the delivery of facilitation results

to the parties in concerned.

(3) The results of facilitation as referred to in

paragraph (2) letter b and letter c shall be set

forth in the minutes, with the format as contained

in Appendix IX constituting as an inseparable part

of this Agency Regulations.


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or

KEK Administrator monitor and evaluate the

progress of facilitation of problem solving.

Part Three


Article 20

Supervision Activities as referred to in Article 4 letter c

shall be conducted on business and/or activity as a

follow up of:

a. evaluation of the implementation of Investment;

b. granting exemption from entry duty of machinery

and/or goods and materials;

c. requests from other units in BKPM and/or related

technical agencies;

- 39 -
Authorized Translation

d. any indication or preliminary evidence of

deviations from the provisions of the

implementation of Investment or non-fulfillment

of obligations and responsibilities as referred to in

Article 7 and Article 8;

e. proposal of Business Licenses Revocation filed to


Regency/Municipality for the Project which is the

authority of the Central Government;

f. proposal of Business Licenses Revocation filed to

the DPMPTSP Province by the DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality for Project which is the

authority of the Provincial Government; or

g. the process of imposition and withdrawal of


Article 21

(1) Supervision Activities shall be carried out by the


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or

KEK Administrator in a coordinated manner and

may be accompanied by the Technical Institution

and/or related institution.

- 40 -
Authorized Translation

(2) Supervision, as referred to in Article 20 letter a,

may be implemented by BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator in

accordance with their authority.

(3) The supervision, as referred to in Article letters b

and c, shall be carried out by BKPM and may be

accompanied by the DPMPTSP Province and/or

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality.

(4) Supervision as referred to in Article 20 letters d

and g shall be carried out by BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator in

accordance with their authority and may be

accompanied by relevant Government Agencies

and authorities.

(5) The supervision as referred to in Article letter e

may be executed by BKPM and accompanied by

DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/


(6) Supervision as referred to in Article 20 letter f,

implemented by DPMPTSP Province and

accompanied by DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality.

- 41 -
Authorized Translation

(7) In conducting Supervision, BKPM, DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator may

cooperate with profession having certificate of

expertise in Supervision field in accordance with

required field.

Article 22

(1) The Supervision Activity as referred to in Article

20 shall be executed by sending notification letter

no later than 3 (three) Days prior to the date of

implementation of Supervision to the company, by

using the format as contained in Appendix X

constituting as an inseparable part of this Agency


(2) Supervision activities as referred to in Article 20

shall be executed by sending notification letters

no later than 3 (three) days prior to the date of

execution of Supervision to the DPMPTSP

Province, DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body, KEK Administrator and/or

Technical Institution at the location Supervision

activities, by using the format as contained in

- 42 -
Authorized Translation

Appendix XI which is an integral part of this

Agency Regulations.


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

KEK Administrator in every Supervision shall

appoint Supervisory officers in writing in the

assignment letter, in the format as contained in

Appendix XII constituting as an inseparable part

of this Agency Regulations; and signed:

a. BKPM by the relevant Regional Director in

the Deputy Unit of Controlling

Implementation of Investment;

b. DPMPTSP Province by the Head of DPMPTSP


c. DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality by the Head

of DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality;

d. KPBPB Operational Body by the Head of

KPBPB's Enterprise; or

e. KEK by KEK Administrator.

(4) In the event that the Management/Principal does

not respond, Supervision is still carried out by


- 43 -
Authorized Translation

Regency/Municipality, KPBPB or KEK Administrator


(5) In the event that the supervision is conducted due

to indication or initial evidence of deviation on the

implementation of Investment as referred to in

Article 20 letter d, the Supervision shall be

conducted without prior notification to the

Management/Principal of the Company.

Article 23


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or

KEK Administrator shall be entitled to an

explanation and information and/or request the

necessary supporting data related to the company

subject to the Supervision.

(2) The company as referred to in paragraph (1) shall

provide explanation and information and/or

provide complete and correct supporting data.

Article 24

(1) The results of inspection to the location of the

Project within the framework of the Supervision

shall be set forth in the Minutes of Investigation

signed by the Supervisory Officer from BKPM,

- 44 -
Authorized Translation

DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/

Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, and/or KEK

Administrator with the relevant Technical

Institution and Corporate Leaders/Responsible at

the Project site.

(2) Minutes of Investigation as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be made in the form as stated

in Appendix XIII which is an integral part of this

Agency Regulations.

(3) In the event that the Management/Principal of the

Company at the Project site refuses to sign the

Minutes of Investigation, the Supervisory Officer


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or

KEK Administrator shall make the report of the

rejection event, in the format as contained in

Appendix XIV signed by the Management/Principal

of the Company.

(4) Minutes of Investigation that is not signed by the

Management/Principal as referred to in paragraph

(3) is declared valid.


- 45 -
Authorized Translation



Part One


Article 25

(1) Administrative action for controlling the

implementation of Investment whose licenses are

not issued through the OSS system in the form of:

a. revocation of licenses based on the request

of Investor;

b. revocation of licenses based on court

decisions that have permanent legal force;

c. closure of KPPA and KPA Migas based on the


d. closing Branch Offices whose Business

License is issued by PTSP Center in BKPM,

based on the application; and

e. imposition of sanctions.

(2) The administrative measures for the control of the

implementation of Investment whose licenses are

not issued through the OSS system based on their

authority are exercised by:

- 46 -
Authorized Translation

a. Chairman of BKPM on behalf of the

Technical Minister or Deputy of Investment

Implementation Control for the Chairman of

BKPM on behalf of the relevant Technical

Ministers in accordance with the license

mandated to BKPM;

b. Deputy for Controlling Implementation of

Investment on behalf of Chairman of BKPM;

c. Head of DPMPTSP Province;

d. Head of DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality;

e. Head of KPBPB Operational Body;

f. KEK Administrator; or

g. Related technical agencies.

(3) The administrative measures as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be signed by the official in

accordance with their authority by:

a. electronically signatures; or

b. manually signatures.

(4) The revocation or closure as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be made to the valid

investment permit.

Part Two

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Authorized Translation

Revocation of Investment Permit Based on the

Company's Application Not Through OSS

Article 26


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

KEK Administrator shall revoke the license in

accordance with their authority, based on the

request of Investor to:

a. revocation due to the liquidation of the

company (liquidation); or

b. revocation that does not include the

liquidation of the company (liquidation).

(2) In the event that the application for Revocation is

made by a PMA company with only 1 (one) Permit

of Investment and still interested in conducting

business in Indonesia, the company must firstly

obtain Business License attached in the Request

for Revocation.

(3) In the event that the application for Revocation is

done by a PMA company that has only 1 (one)

Permit of Investment and does not attach a new

Business License as referred to in paragraph (2),

- 48 -
Authorized Translation

the request for revocation must be accompanied

by the liquidation of the company (liquidation).

(4) Revocation of Investment shall be issued in the

form of a Decision Letter, with the format as

contained in Appendix XV constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations or in

accordance with the nomenclature, format and

stipulation established by the relevant Technical


Article 27

(1) Application for the revocation of permit for

Investment as referred to in Article 26 paragraph

(1) shall be filed online through SPIPISE, with the

requirements of data already furnished in the

Company Folder as follows:

a. the identity of the board of directors or the

person appointed as the liquidator by

signing the application letter;

b. power of attorney without substitution rights

and sufficient stamp duty, in the format as

contained in Appendix XVI which is an

integral part of this Agency Regulations,

together with the recording of the identity of

- 49 -
Authorized Translation

the attorney in fact, in the event that the

handling of the application is not done

directly by the board of directors or the

person appointed as the liquidator;

c. the decision of the General Meeting of

Shareholders or the statement of the

shareholders stating the approval of the

request for the revocation of the licenses of

the Investment or the dissolution of the


d. recording of company dissolution from the

Ministry of Law and Human Rights, in the

event of dissolution or liquidation;

e. Investment permit to be revoked;

f. LKPM of the last period that has been

approved for all projects in the case of an

Investor having more than 1 (one) project;

g. TIN of the company that have been

validated in accordance with the provisions

of law and legislation; and

h. deed of establishment of the company and

its amendment accompanied by the

- 50 -
Authorized Translation

legalization and/or acceptance of notification

from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

(2) Revocation of Investment permit is issued no later

than 3 (three) Days after the file is declared

complete and correct.

(3) In the case of Decision Letter of Investment

License Revocation shall be issued for liquidation,

as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a,

Revocation Letter shall be followed by closing

Access Right in BKPM.

Part Three

Revocation of Investment Permit Based on the Court's


Article 28


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

KEK Administrator shall revoke in accordance with

their authority based on decision of court having

permanent legal force.

(2) In the case of a court decision as referred to in

paragraph (1) to decide on the revocation of

licensing on a foreign investment company that

- 51 -
Authorized Translation

has only 1 (one) License, the company must be


(3) In the case of a court decision as referred to in

paragraph (1) to decide on the revocation of

licensing at an Investment company which has

more than 1 (one) permit, Revocation shall be

processed without liquidation.

(4) In the case of a court decision as referred to in

paragraph (1) to decide on the revocation on one

(1) of the Project in 1 (one) permit, it is followed

up through a License change.

(5) License revocation shall be issued no later than 21

(twenty one) days after the date of court decision

with permanent legal force.

(6) License revocation of Investment shall be issued

in the form of a Decision Letter, as the format as

contained in Appendix XV constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations or in

accordance with the nomenclature, format and

provisions established by the relevant Technical


Part Four

- 52 -
Authorized Translation

Closing Representative Office and Company’s Branch

Offices Based on the Application

Article 29

(1) BKPM conducts Closure of KPPA and KPA Migas

based on the application;

(2) Closure Application as referred to in paragraph (1)

shall be filed by:

a. Head of KPPA; or

b. Head of KPA Migas.

(3) KP3A and Representative Office of BUJKA submit

Closure application through OSS system.

(4) Application for Closure of KPPA and KPA Migas

shall be submitted online through SPIPISE, with

the data requirements already furnished in the

Company Folder:

a. Representative Office permit;

b. IMTA of the Head of Representative Office of

Foreign Citizenship or ID Card of the Head

of Representative Office of Indonesian


c. passports of the Company's Board of

Directors in the country of origin;

- 53 -
Authorized Translation

d. TIN of Representative Office that has been


e. a statement on the sufficient stamp duty

from the Head of Representative Office or

Board of Directors of the Company in the

country of origin stating that it has no

accounts payable with the other party;

f. warrant or statement from the Company's

Board of Directors in the country of origin

concerning the closure of the Representative

Office; and

g. the last reports of Representative Office.

(5) The Deputy of Controlling Implementation of

Investment on behalf of the Chairman of BKPM

shall issue a Closing Letter of KPPA and KPA

Migas, with the format as contained in Appendix

XVII constituting as an inseparable part of this

Agency Regulations.

(6) The issuance of Closure Letter of KPPA and KPA

Migas shall be made no later than 3 (three) Days

after the file is declared complete and correct.

Article 30

- 54 -
Authorized Translation

(1) BKPM undertakes the Closing of Branch Offices of

the Company whose its parent company business

license is issued by BKPM, based on the


(2) The Closing Application as referred to in

paragraph (1) shall be filed by the Board of

Directors of the Company establishing the Branch


(3) Application for closure of a company's Branch

Office as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

submitted to BKPM in accordance with its

authority online through SPIPISE, with the

requirements of data already furnished in the

Company Folder:

a. license for opening branch office;

b. certificate of domicile of the company's

branch office;

c. deed of incorporation and its amendment;

d. ID Card of the Head of Branch Office;

e. TIN of Branch Office that has been validated

in accordance with the provisions of law and

legislation; and

- 55 -
Authorized Translation

f. Power of Attorney without substitution rights

and sufficient stamp duty for the application

of a petition not directly done by the Board

of Directors, with the format as contained in

Appendix XVI constituting as an inseparable

part of this Agency Regulations, together

with its identity.

(4) The Deputy for Controlling of Investment on

behalf of the Chairman of BKPM shall issue a

Closing Letter of a Branch Office in accordance

with its authority, with the format as contained in

Appendix XVIII constituting as an inseparable part

of this Agency Regulations.

(5) Issuance of Closure Letter of Branch Office shall

be made no later than 3 (three) Days after the file

is declared complete and correct.

Part Five

Imposition of Sanctions

Article 31


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, KEK

Administrator, or relevant Technical Institution in

- 56 -
Authorized Translation

accordance with its authority, impose administrative

sanctions to Investor who:

a. does not fulfill one of the obligations as referred to

in Article 7;

b. does not fulfill any of the responsibilities as

referred to in Article 8;

c. commit a particular and urgent violation of the

occurrence of environmental damage and/or

endanger the safety of communities impacting

cross-regional or cross-border regions; and/or

d. meet the criteria for imposition of sanctions

arranged by the relevant Technical Agency.

Article 32

(1) Administrative sanctions, as referred to in Article

31, shall be effected by:

a. written or online warning;

b. restrictions on business activities;

c. freezing of business activities and/or

Investment Facilities; or

d. revocation of business activities and/or

licensing of Investment and/or Investment


- 57 -
Authorized Translation

(2) For administrative sanctions, as referred to in

paragraph (1) a, b, and c, BKPM may block the

Access Rights.

(3) The opening of the blocking of Access Rights as

referred to in paragraph (2) may be made after

the Investor has provided a written response and

follow-up on the administrative sanctions as

referred to in paragraph (1) a, b, and c;

(4) The blocking and/or opening of access rights as

referred to in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3)

may be made on the proposal of the Technical

Institution, DPMPTSP Province, and/or DPMPTSP


(5) Administrative sanctions, as referred to in

paragraph (1) letter b, letter c, and d, may be

imposed directly in the event of a particular and

urgent violation as referred to in Article 31 letter


(6) For the imposition of administrative sanctions,


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or

KEK Administrator, may request other agencies in

the Central Government or Local Government to

- 58 -
Authorized Translation

provide information and support data, as well as

legal considerations for violations committed by

the Investor

Article 33

(1) Administrative sanctions in the form of warning

letters, as referred to in Article 32 paragraph (1)

letter a shall be imposed on Investor for 3 (three)

times consecutively, at a maximum grace period

of 30 (thirty) calendar days since the anniversary

date was issued.

(2) The warning letters as referred to in paragraph

(1) shall be issued by the Regional Director within

the Deputy Unit for the Implementation of

Investment, the Head of DPMPTSP Province, the

Head of DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, the Head

of KPBPB Operational Body or KEK Administrator

based on their authority and may be submitted in


(3) The form of warning letters as referred to in

paragraph (1), with the format as contained in

Appendix XIX constituting as an inseparable part

of this Agency Regulations.

Article 34

- 59 -
Authorized Translation

(1) Administrative sanctions in the form of warning

letters as referred to in Article 32 paragraph (1)

letter a shall be applied to the first and last

Investor may be imposed in the following cases:

a. do not submit LKPM in accordance with the

provisions of the implementation of

Investment for 3 (three) reporting periods

respectively; and/or

b. there is a report from the authorized

Technical Agency and/or the relevant

institution concerning the violation of the

laws and regulations.

(2) The Investor shall respond in writing and follow-

up on the administrative sanctions as referred to

in paragraph (1), within 30 (thirty) calendar days

as of the date of issuance.

(3) Investor may subject to administrative sanctions

as referred to in paragraph (1) but fails to provide

written responses and follow-up within 30 (thirty)

calendar days, the authorized Officials may

directly impose administrative sanction in the

form of Revocation of Investment permit and/or

Investment Facility.

- 60 -
Authorized Translation

(4) The form of the first and last warning letter, as

referred to in paragraph (1), shall be in the format

as contained in Appendix XX which is an integral

part of this Agency Regulations.

Article 35

(1) Administrative sanctions in the form of business

activity restrictions as referred to in Article 32

paragraph (1) letter b may be imposed if the

Investor fails to provide a written response and

follow-up within 30 (thirty) calendar days since

the issuance of the third warning letter.

(2) The limitation of business activities, as referred to

in paragraph (1), may be in the form of:

a. Limitation of business activities in one or

more locations for Investors who have

Projects in several locations; and/or

b. Production capacity limitation;

(3) The letter form of restrictions on business

activities as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

in the format as contained in Appendix XXI

constituting as an inseparable part of this Agency


- 61 -
Authorized Translation

(4) In the event that the Investor has fulfilled the

obligations and improvements on the imposition of

administrative sanctions as referred to in

paragraph (1), the Investor may apply for the

revocation of business restrictions at BKPM,


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or

KEK Administrator issuing the letter Restricting

business activities using a letter, with the format

as contained in Appendix XXII constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

(5) Upon request for revocation of the restrictions on

business activities as referred to in paragraph (4),

if necessary BKPM, DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality, KPBPB Agency, or KEK

Administrator no later than 7 (seven) Days, set

forth in the Minutes of Investigation, with the

format as contained in Appendix XIII which is an

integral part of this Agency Regulations.

(6) Upon the request to revoke restrictions on

business activities as referred to in paragraph (4),

Deputy for Controlling Implementation of

Investment on behalf of the Chairman of BKPM,

- 62 -
Authorized Translation

Head of DPMPTSP Province, Head of DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality, Head of KPBPB Operational

Body or KEK Administrator in accordance with

their authorities to issue revocation Letter of the

restriction of business activities shall not exceed 3

(three) days after the inspection as referred to in

paragraph (5).

(7) The form of withdrawal letter of the restrictions

on business activities as referred to in paragraph

(5) are stated in Appendix XXIII constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

Article 36

(1) Administrative sanctions in the form of Freezing

business activities and/or Investment Facilities as

referred to in Article 32 paragraph (1) letter c

shall be imposed if the Investor fails to provide a

written response and follow-up within period of 30

(thirty) calendar days as from the issuance letter

of Restriction on business activities.

(2) The freezing of business activities and/or

Investment Facilities as referred to in paragraph

(1) may be in the form of:

- 63 -
Authorized Translation

a. suspension of some activities at the location

of the Project/place of business;

b. temporary suspension of some business

sectors for Investor having several business


c. freezing of Investment Facility provided to

Investor; and/or

d. failure to grant permit application and

Investment Facility.

(3) The form of freezing letter of business activities

and/or Investment Facilities, with the format as

contained in Appendix XXIV constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

(4) In the event that an Investor has fulfilled his

obligations and improvements on the imposition of

administrative sanctions as referred to in

paragraph (1), the Investor may apply for the

revocation of freezing of business activities and/or

Investment Facilities to BKPM, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB or KEK

Administrator Agency issuing Letter of Freezing of

Business activity and/or Investment Facilities

using letter form, with the format as contained in

- 64 -
Authorized Translation

Appendix XXV constituting as an inseparable part

of this Agency Regulations.

(5) Upon request for the revocation of freezing

business activity and/or Investment Facilities as

referred to in paragraph (4), if necessary BKPM,

DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/

Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or KEK

Administrator no later than 7 (seven) conduct

examination at the project site as outlined in the

Minutes of Investigation, with the format as

contained in Appendix XIII which is an integral

part of this Agency Regulations.


Regency/Municipality, KPBPB or KEK Administrator

Agency shall issue a letter of withdrawal of

business activity and/or Investment Facility no

later than 3 (three) days after inspection as

referred to in paragraph (5).

(7) DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/

Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or KEK

Administrator, notify in writing to BKPM, prior to

freezing business activities on Investor receiving

Investment Facility issued by BKPM.

- 65 -
Authorized Translation

(8) Investors subject to administrative sanctions as

referred to in paragraph (1) but fail to respond in

writing and follow-up within 30 (thirty) calendar

days, the authorized Officials may immediately

impose administrative sanctions in the form of

Revocation of Business License for Investment

and/or Investment Facility.

(9) The form of revocation letter for freezing of

business activities and/or Investment facilities, as

referred to in paragraph (6), with the format as

contained in Appendix XXVI constituting as an

inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

Article 37

(1) The administrative sanction in the form of

Revocation as referred to in Article 32 Paragraph

(1) Sub-Paragraph d may be imposed on an

Investor, based on:

a. proposals from BKPM, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body, or KEK Administrator;

b. proposals from the relevant Technical

Agency; or

- 66 -
Authorized Translation

c. evaluation of the work unit performing the

Implementation of Control function of


(2) The revocation as referred to in paragraph (1)

shall be done by BKPM, DPMPTSP Province,

DPMPTSP Regency/Municipality, KPBPB

Operational Body or KEK Administrator in

accordance with its authority by issuing the

Decision Letter of Revocation.

(3) DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/

Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body, or KEK

Administrator, shall notify in writing to BKPM prior

to revocation of Investor receiving Investment

Facility issued by BKPM.

(4) The revocation letter as referred to in paragraph

(2) shall be issued in the form of a decision letter,

in the format as contained in Appendix XV which

is an integral part of this Agency Regulations.

(5) Revocation based on the proposal of the relevant

Technical Agency as referred to in paragraph (1)

letter b shall be issued in accordance with the

nomenclature, format, and stipulation established

by the relevant Technical Institution.

- 67 -
Authorized Translation

Article 38

(1) Proposal of License revocation of Investment

and/or Investment Facilities as referred to in

Article 37 paragraph (1) letter a and letter b shall

be filed with completeness in the form of a letter

of proposal to revoke the license of Investment

and/or Investment Facility signed by the

authorized official of the proposing agency, based

on the format as contained in Appendix XXVII

which is an integral part of this Agency


(2) License revocation of Investment and/or

Investment Facilities shall be issued no later than

5 (five) Days after the file is declared complete

and correct.

Article 39

Revocation of licensing for Investment and/or

Investment Facilities as referred to in Article 37

paragraph (1) letter c, completed by Minutes of

Investigation and/or supporting documents as contained

in the database system at BKPM.



- 68 -
Authorized Translation

Article 40

(1) Investor shall not be charged in controlling

activities of Investment conducted by BKPM,

DPMPTSP Province, DPMPTSP Regency/

Municipality, KPBPB Operational Body or KEK


(2) The costs required by BKPM officers and officials

of the relevant Technical Institution for the

controlling activities of Investment are charged to

the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget.

(3) Costs required by DPMPTSP Province or DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality and officials of relevant

agencies in the region for the activities of

controlling the implementation of Investment is

charged to the Regional Revenue and Expenditure

Budget respectively.

(4) The cost required by KPBPB or KEK Administrator

Agency for controlling activities of Investment is

charged to Budget of KPBPB or KEK Administrator.



Article 41

(1) Submission:

- 69 -
Authorized Translation

a. reports of representative offices, as referred

to in Article 14;

b. report on the realization of imports based on

exemption of entry duty, as referred to in

Article 15;

c. application for revocation of the permit for

Investment, as referred to in Article 26;

d. application for closure of representative

office, as referred to in Article 29; and

e. applications for closure of branch offices, as

referred to in Article 30, shall be made in

stages through SPIPISE.

(2) The submission of reports, applications for

revocation and closure applications online through

SPIPISE as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be

submitted to BKPM no later than 2 June 2019.

(3) Submission of reports, applications for revocation

and closure applications online as referred to in

paragraph (1) letter b and letter c, to the

DPMPTSP Province, KPBPB Operational Body, and

KEK Administrator shall be started no later than 2

January 2019.

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Authorized Translation

(4) In the event that reporting, revocation and closing

as referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3) have not

been allowed yet, the reporting, revocation and

closure shall be conducted outside the network


(5) In the case of execution of online revocation as

referred to in paragraph (4), use the revocation

form, with the format as contained in Appendix

XXVIII which is an integral part of this Agency


(6) In case of online closure as referred to in

paragraph (4), use the closing form, with the

format as contained in Appendix XXIX constituting

as an inseparable part of this Agency Regulations.

Article 42

(1) The implementation as referred to in Article 41

paragraph (1) letter c in DPMPTSP

Regency/Municipality is gradually adjusted to the

capability of supporting facilities and

infrastructures in their respective regions.

(2) In the event that facilities and infrastructure are

not supported, as referred to in paragraph (1), the

- 71 -
Authorized Translation

submission of reports and applications for

revocation shall be conducted online.



Article 43

At the time this Regulation comes into force, the

Regulation of the Investment Coordinating Board

Number 14 of 2017 concerning Guidelines and

Procedures for Controlling the Implementation of

Investment (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia

Year 2017 Number 1768) shall be revoked and declared

null and void.

Article 44

This Regulation shall come into force on the date of


For public cognizance, this Regulation shall be

promulgated by placing it in the State Gazette of the

Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta

on 19 July 2018

- 72 -
Authorized Translation




Enacted in Jakarta on 20 July 2018




The copy is in accordance with the original

Chief Secretariat of BKPM
Head of Legislation Bureau,
Public Relations, and Corporate Administration

Signed & stamped

Ariestu Puspasari

This is to certify that have translated the foregoing from Indonesian to English, that
is true and complete, and I am competent in both languages.
Jakarta, 31st July 2018

- 73 -
Drs. Sularno Popomaruto
Sworn Translator by virtue SK.Gub.KDKI Jkt.No.1715/2000

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