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Answers and Rationale  Option B: Diabetes mellitus is a risk factor that

can be controlled with diet, exercise, and

Here are the answers and rationale for this exam. Counter medication.
check your answers to those below and tell us your scores. If  Option D: Altering one’s diet, exercise, and
you have any disputes or need more clarification on a certain medication can correct hypertension.
question, please direct them to the comments section.
7. Answer: D. 200 mg/dl
1. Answer: C. Left anterior descending artery
 Option D: Cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dl are
 Option C: The left anterior descending artery is the considered excessive. They require dietary
primary source of blood for the anterior wall of the restriction and perhaps medication. Exercise also
heart. helps reduce cholesterol levels. The other levels
 Options A, B, and D: The circumflex artery listed are all below the nationally accepted levels
supplies the lateral wall, the internal mammary for cholesterol and carry a lesser risk for CAD.
artery supplies the mammary, and the right
coronary artery supplies the inferior wall of the 8. Answer: B. Enhance myocardial oxygenation
 Option B: Enhancing myocardial oxygenation is
2. Answer: B. During diastole always the first priority when a client exhibits signs
and symptoms of cardiac compromise. Without
 Option B: Although the coronary arteries may adequate oxygen, the myocardium suffers damage.
receive a minute portion of blood during systole,  Option C: Sublingual nitroglycerin is administered
most of the blood flow to coronary arteries is to treat acute angina, but its administration isn’t the
supplied during diastole. first priority.
 Option A: Breathing patterns are irrelevant to  Options A and D: Although educating the client
blood flow. and decreasing anxiety are important in care
delivery, neither are priorities when a client is
3. Answer: B. Coronary artery disease compromised.

 Option B: Coronary artery disease accounts for 9. Answer: C. Oral medication administration
over 50% of all deaths in the US.
 Option A: Cancer accounts for approximately  Option C: Oral medication administration is a
20%. noninvasive, medical treatment for coronary artery
 Options C and D: Liver failure and renal failure disease.
account for less than 10% of all deaths in the US.  Option A: Cardiac catheterization isn’t a treatment
but a diagnostic tool.
4. Answer: A. Atherosclerosis  Options B and D: Coronary artery bypass surgery
and percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty are invasive, surgical treatments.
 Option A: Atherosclerosis, or plaque formation, is
the leading cause of CAD.
 Option B: DM is a risk factor for CAD but isn’t 10. Answer: C. Inferior
the most common cause.
 Option D: Renal failure doesn’t cause CAD, but  Option C: The right coronary artery supplies the
the two conditions are related. right ventricle or the inferior portion of the heart.
 Option C: Myocardial infarction is commonly a Therefore, prolonged occlusion could produce an
result of CAD. infarction in that area.
 Options A, B, and D: The right coronary artery
doesn’t supply the anterior portion (left ventricle),
5. Answer: B. Plaques obstruct the artery
lateral portion (some of the left ventricle and the
left atrium), or the apical portion (left ventricle) of
 Option B: Arteries, not veins, supply the coronary the heart.
arteries with oxygen and other nutrients.
 Option A: Atherosclerosis is a direct result of
11. Answer: A. Chest pain
plaque formation in the artery.
 Option D: Hardened vessels can’t dilate properly
and, therefore, constrict blood flow.  Option A: The most common symptom of an MI is
chest pain, resulting from deprivation of oxygen to
the heart.
6. Answer: C. Heredity
 Option B: Dyspnea is the second most common
symptom, related to an increase in the metabolic
 Option C: Because “heredity” refers to our genetic needs of the body during an MI.
makeup, it can’t be changed.  Option C: Edema is a later sign of heart failure,
 Option A: Cigarette smoking cessation is a often seen after an MI.
lifestyle change that involves behavior
 Option D: Palpitations may result from reduced  Options A, B, and C: Morphine will also decrease
cardiac output, producing arrhythmias. pain and anxiety while causing sedation, but isn’t
primarily given for those reasons.
12. Answer: B. Left fifth intercostal space, midclavicular
line 17. Answer: C. Coronary artery thrombosis

 Option B: The correct landmark for obtaining an  Option C: Coronary artery thrombosis causes
apical pulse is the left intercostal space in the occlusion of the artery, leading to myocardial
midclavicular line. This is the point of maximum death.
impulse and the location of the left ventricular  Option A: An aneurysm is an outpouching of a
apex. vessel and doesn’t cause an MI.
 Option C: The left second intercostal space in the  Option D: Renal failure can be associated with MI
midclavicular line is where the pulmonic sounds but isn’t a direct cause.
are auscultated.  Option B: Heart failure is usually the result of an
 Option A and D: Normally, heart sounds aren’t MI.
heard in the midaxillary line or the seventh
intercostal space in the midclavicular line. 18. Answer: C. Potassium

13. Answer: D. Pulmonary  Option C: Supplemental potassium is given with

furosemide because of the potassium loss that
 Option D: Pulmonary pain is generally described occurs as a result of this diuretic.
by these symptoms.  Options A and D: Chloride and sodium aren’t lost
 Option C: Musculoskeletal pain only increases during diuresis.
with movement.  Option B: Digoxin acts to increase contractility but
 Options A and B: Cardiac and GI pains don’t isn’t given routinely with furosemide.
change with respiration.
19. Answer: D. Metabolic
14. Answer: C. Pulmonic
 Option D: Both glucose and fatty acids are
 Option C: Abnormalities of the pulmonic valve are metabolites whose levels increase after a
auscultated at the second left intercostal space myocardial infarction.
along the left sternal border.  Options A and C: Mechanical changes are those
 Option A: Aortic valve abnormalities are heard at that affect the pumping action of the heart, and
the second intercostal space, to the right of the electrophysiologic changes affect conduction.
sternum.  Option B: Hematologic changes would affect the
 Option B: Mitral valve abnormalities are heard at blood.
the fifth intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
 Option D: Tricuspid valve abnormalities are heard 20. Answer: A. Ventricular dilation
at the third and fourth intercostal spaces along the
sternal border.
 Option A: Rapid filling of the ventricles causes
vasodilation that is auscultated as S3.
15. Answer: C. Troponin I  Option B and D: Increased atrial contraction or
systemic hypertension can result is a fourth heart
 Option C: Troponin I levels rise rapidly and are sound.
detectable within 1 hour of myocardial injury.  Option C: Aortic valve malfunction is heard as a
Troponin I levels aren’t detectable in people murmur.
without cardiac injury.
 Option A: Lactate dehydrogenase is present in 21. Answer: A. Left-sided heart failure
almost all body tissues and not specific to heart
muscle. LDH isoenzymes are useful in diagnosing
 Option A: The left ventricle is responsible for the
cardiac injury.
most of the cardiac output. An anterior wall MI
 Option B: CBC is obtained to review blood counts,
may result in a decrease in left ventricular function.
and a complete chemistry is obtained to review
When the left ventricle doesn’t function properly,
resulting in left-sided heart failure, fluid
 Option D: Because CK levels may rise with
accumulates in the interstitial and alveolar spaces
skeletal muscle injury, CK isoenzymes are required
in the lungs and causes crackles.
to detect cardiac injury.
 Options B, C, and D: Pulmonic and tricuspid
valve malfunction cause right-sided heart failure.
16. Answer: D. To decrease oxygen demand on the
client’s heart
22. Answer: D. Electrocardiogram

 Option D: Morphine is administered because it

decreases myocardial oxygen demand.
 Option D: The ECG is the quickest, most accurate, left ventricular dysfunction. The condition occurs
and most widely used tool to determine the location in approximately 15% of clients with MI.
of myocardial infarction.  Option B: Because the pumping function of the
 Option B: Cardiac enzymes are used to diagnose heart is compromised by an MI, heart failure is the
MI but can’t determine the location. second most common complication.
 Option C: An echocardiogram is used most widely  Option D: Pericarditis most commonly results
to view myocardial wall function after an MI has from a bacterial or viral infection but may occur
been diagnosed. after MI.
 Option A: Cardiac catheterization is an invasive
study for determining coronary artery disease and 27. Answer: B. Heart failure
may also indicate the location of myocardial
damage, but the study may not be performed  Option B: Elevated venous pressure, exhibited as
immediately. jugular vein distention, indicates a failure of the
heart to pump.
23. Answer: B. Administer oxygen  Options A and D: Jugular vein distention isn’t a
symptom of abdominal aortic aneurysm or
 Option B: Administering supplemental oxygen to pneumothorax.
the client is the first priority of care. The  Option C: An MI, if severe enough, can progress
myocardium is deprived of oxygen during an to heart failure; however, in and of itself, an MI
infarction, so additional oxygen is administered to doesn’t cause jugular vein distention.
assist in oxygenation and prevent further damage.
 Options A and C: Morphine and sublingual 28. Answer: C. Raised 30 degrees
nitroglycerin are also used to treat MI, but they’re
more commonly administered after the oxygen.  Option C: Jugular venous pressure is measured
 Option D: An ECG is the most common diagnostic with a centimeter ruler to obtain the vertical
tool used to evaluate MI. distance between the sternal angle and the point of
highest pulsation with the head of the bed inclined
24. Answer: A. “Tell me about your feeling right now.” between 15 and 30 degrees.
 Options B and D: Inclined pressure can’t be seen
 Option A: Validation of the client’s feelings is the when the client is supine or when the head of the
most appropriate response. It gives the client a bed is raised 10 degrees because the point that
feeling of comfort and safety. marks the pressure level is above the jaw
 Options B, C, and D: The other three responses (therefore, not visible).
give the client false hope. No one can determine if  Option A: In high-Fowler’s position, the veins
a client experiencing MI will feel or get better and would be barely discernible above the clavicle.
therefore, these responses are inappropriate.
29. Answer: A. Apical pulse
25. Answer: A. Beta-adrenergic blockers
 Option A: An apical pulse is essential for
 Option A: Beta-adrenergic blockers work by accurately assessing the client’s heart rate before
blocking beta receptors in the myocardium, administering digoxin. The apical pulse is the most
reducing the response to catecholamines and accurate point in the body.
sympathetic nerve stimulation. They protect the  Option B: Blood pressure is usually only affected
myocardium, helping to reduce the risk of another if the heart rate is too low, in which case the nurse
infarction by decreasing the workload of the heart would withhold digoxin.
and decreasing myocardial oxygen demand.  Option C: The radial pulse can be affected by
 Option B: Calcium channel blockers reduce the cardiac and vascular disease and therefore, won’t
workload of the heart by decreasing the heart rate. always accurately depict the heart rate.
 Option C: Narcotics reduce myocardial oxygen  Option D: Digoxin has no effect on respiratory
demand, promote vasodilation, and decreased function.
 Option D: Nitrates reduce myocardial oxygen 30. Answer: A. Digoxin
consumption by decreasing left ventricular end-
diastolic pressure (preload) and systemic vascular  Option A: One of the most common signs of
resistance (afterload).
digoxin toxicity is the visual disturbance known as
the green halo sign.
26. Answer: C. Arrhythmias  Options B, C, and D: The other medications aren’t
associated with such an effect.
 Option C: Arrhythmias, caused by oxygen
deprivation to the myocardium, are the most 31. Answer: A. Crackles
common complication of an MI.
 Option A: Cardiogenic shock, another
complication of MI, is defined as the end stage of
 Option A: Crackles in the lungs are a classic sign  Option A: Atherosclerosis accounts for 75% of all
of left-sided heart failure. These sounds are caused abdominal aortic aneurysms. Plaques build up on
by fluid backing up into the pulmonary system. the wall of the vessel and weaken it, causing an
 Option B: Arrhythmias can be associated with aneurysm.
both right and left-sided heart failure. Left-sided  Options B, C, and D: Although the other
heart failure causes hypertension secondary to an conditions are related to the development of an
increased workload on the system. aneurysm, none is a direct cause.

32. Answer: D. Right-sided heart failure 38. Answer: B. Distal to the renal arteries

 Option D: The most accurate area of the body to  Option B: The portion of the aorta distal to the
assess dependent edema in a bedridden client is the renal arteries is more prone to an aneurysm because
sacral area. Sacral, or dependent, edema is the vessel isn’t surrounded by stable structures,
secondary to right-sided heart failure. unlike the proximal portion of the aorta.
 Options A, B, and C: Diabetes mellitus,  Option A: Distal to the iliac arteries, the vessel is
pulmonary emboli, and renal disease aren’t directly again surrounded by stable vasculature, making this
linked to sacral edema. an uncommon site for an aneurysm.
 Option C: There is no area adjacent to the aortic
33. Answer: C. Oliguria arch, which bends into the thoracic (descending)
 Option C: Inadequate deactivation of aldosterone
by the liver after right-sided heart failure leads to 39. Answer: A. Abdominal aortic aneurysm
fluid retention, which causes oliguria.
 Options A, B, and D: Adequate urine output,  Option A: The presence of a pulsating mass in the
polyuria, and polydipsia aren’t associated with abdomen is an abnormal finding, usually indicating
right-sided heart failure. an outpouching in a weakened vessel, as in
abdominal aortic aneurysm. The finding, however,
34. Answer: D. Inotropic agents can be normal on a thin person.
 Options B, C, and D: Neither an enlarged spleen,
gastritis, nor gastric distention cause pulsation.
 Option D: Inotropic agents are administered to
increase the force of the heart’s contractions,
thereby increasing ventricular contractility and 40. Answer: A. Abdominal pain
ultimately increasing cardiac output.
 Options A and B: Beta-adrenergic blockers and  Option A: Abdominal pain in a client with an
calcium channel blockers decrease the heart rate abdominal aortic aneurysm results from the
and ultimately decrease the workload of the heart. disruption of normal circulation in the abdominal
 Option C: Diuretics are administered to decrease region.
the overall vascular volume, also decreasing the  Option D: Lower back pain, not upper, is a
workload of the heart. common symptom, usually signifying expansion
and impending rupture of the aneurysm.
35. Answer: B. Tachycardia  Options B and C: Headache and diaphoresis aren’t
associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm.
 Option B: Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
system causes tachycardia and increased 41. Answer: D. Lower back pain
 Options A, C, and D: The other symptoms listed  Option D: Lower back pain results from expansion
are related to the parasympathetic nervous system, of an aneurysm. The expansion applies pressure in
which is responsible for slowing the heart rate. the abdominal cavity, and the pain is referred to the
lower back.
36. Answer: D. Right-sided heart failure  Option A: Abdominal pain is most common
symptom resulting from impaired circulation.
 Option D: Weight gain, nausea, and a decrease in  Option B: Absent pedal pulses are a sign of no
urine output are secondary effects of right-sided circulation and would occur after a ruptured
heart failure. aneurysm or in peripheral vascular disease.
 Option B: Cardiomyopathy is usually identified as  Option C: Angina is associated with
a symptom of left-sided heart failure. atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
 Option C: Left-sided heart failure causes primarily
pulmonary symptoms rather than systemic ones. 42. Answer: B. Arteriogram
 Option A: Angina pectoris doesn’t cause weight
gain, nausea, or a decrease in urine output.  Option B: An arteriogram accurately and directly
depicts the vasculature; therefore, it clearly
37. Answer: A. Atherosclerosis delineates the vessels and any abnormalities.
 Option A: An abdominal aneurysm would only be 48. Answer: B. Severe lower back pain, decreased BP,
visible on an X-ray if it were calcified. decreased RBC, increased WBC
 Options C and D: CT scan and ultrasound don’t
give a direct view of the vessels and don’t yield as  Option B: Severe lower back pain indicates an
accurate a diagnosis as the arteriogram. aneurysm rupture, secondary to pressure being
applied within the abdominal cavity. When rupture
43. Answer: B. Aneurysm rupture occurs, the pain is constant because it can’t be
alleviated until the aneurysm is repaired. Blood
 Option B: Rupture of an aneurysm is a life- pressure decreases due to the loss of blood. After
threatening emergency and is of the greatest the aneurysm ruptures, the vasculature is
concern for the nurse caring for this type of client. interrupted and blood volume is lost, so blood
 Option A: Hypertension should be avoided and pressure wouldn’t increase. For the same reason,
controlled because it can cause the weakened the RBC count is decreased – not increase. The
vessel to rupture. WBC count increases as cells migrate to the site of
 Option D: Diminished pedal pulses, a sign of poor
circulation to the lower extremities, are associated
with an aneurysm but isn’t life-threatening. 49. Answer: C. Retroperitoneal rupture at the repair site
 Option C: Cardiac arrhythmias aren’t directly
linked to an aneurysm.  Option C: Blood collects in the retroperitoneal
space and is exhibited as a hematoma in the
44. Answer: C. Media perineal area. This rupture is most commonly
caused by leakage at the repair site.
ADVERTISEMENTS  Options A and B: A hernia doesn’t cause vascular
disturbances, nor does a pressure ulcer.
 Option D: Because no bleeding occurs with rapid
 Option C: The factor common to all types of expansion of the aneurysm, a hematoma won’t
aneurysms is a damaged media. The media has form.
more smooth muscle and less elastic fibers, so it’s
more capable of vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
50. Answer: C. Marfan’s syndrome
 Options A, B, and D: The interna and externa are
generally no damaged in an aneurysm.
 Option C: Marfan’s syndrome results in the
45. Answer: C. Middle lower abdomen to the left of the degeneration of the elastic fibers of the aortic
midline media. Therefore, clients with the syndrome are
more likely to develop an aortic aneurysm.
 Option A: Although cystic fibrosis is hereditary, it
 Option C: The aorta lies directly left of the hasn’t been linked to aneurysms.
umbilicus; therefore, any other region is
 Option B: Lupus erythematosus isn’t hereditary.
inappropriate for palpation.
 Option D: Myocardial infarction is neither
hereditary nor a disease.
46. Answer: B. HPN
51. Answer: D. Surgical intervention
 Option B: Continuous pressure on the vessel walls
from hypertension causes the walls to weaken and
 Option D: When the vessel ruptures, surgery is the
an aneurysm to occur.
only intervention that can repair it.
 Option C: Atherosclerotic changes can occur with
 Options A and C: Administration of
peripheral vascular diseases and are linked to
antihypertensive medications and beta-adrenergic
aneurysms, but the link isn’t as strong as it is with
blockers can help control hypertension, reducing
the risk of rupture.
 Option D: Only 1% of clients with syphilis
 Option B: An aortogram is a diagnostic tool used
experience an aneurysm.
to detect an aneurysm.
 Option A: Diabetes mellitus doesn’t have direct
link to aneurysm.
52. Answer: A. Cardiomyopathy
47. Answer: A. Bruit
 Option A: Cardiomyopathy isn’t usually related to
an underlying heart disease such as atherosclerosis.
 Option A: A bruit, a vascular sound resembling
The etiology in most cases is unknown.
heart murmur, suggests partial arterial occlusion.
 Options B and C: Coronary artery disease and
 Option B: Crackles are indicative of fluid in the
myocardial infarction are directly related to
 Option C: Dullness is heard over solid organs,
 Option D: Pericardial effusion is the escape of
such as the liver.
fluid into the pericardial sac, a condition associated
 Option D: Friction rubs indicate inflammation of with pericarditis and advanced heart failure.
the peritoneal surface.
53. Answer: A. Dilated  Option B: Cardiac output isn’t affected by
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy because the size of
 Option A: Although the cause isn’t entirely the ventricle remains relatively unchanged.
known, cardiac dilation and heart failure may  Options A and C: Dilated cardiomyopathy and
develop during the last month of pregnancy of the restrictive cardiomyopathy all decrease cardiac
first few months after birth. The condition may output.
result from a preexisting cardiomyopathy not
apparent prior to pregnancy. 59. Answer: D. Failure of the ventricle to eject all the
 Option B: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an blood during systole
abnormal symmetry of the ventricles that has an
unknown etiology but a strong familial tendency.  Option D: An S4 occurs as a result of increased
 Option C: Myocarditis isn’t specifically associated resistance to ventricular filling after atrial
with childbirth. contraction. This increased resistance is related to
 Option D: Restrictive cardiomyopathy indicates decrease compliance of the ventricle.
constrictive pericarditis; the underlying cause is  Option A: A dilated aorta doesn’t cause an extra
usually myocardial. heart sound, though it does cause a murmur.
 Option C: Decreased myocardial contractility is
54. Answer: C. Hypertrophic heard as a third heart sound.
 Option B: An s4 isn’t heard in a normally
 Option C: In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, functioning heart.
hypertrophy of the ventricular septum – not the
ventricle chambers – is apparent. 60. Answer: B. Beta-adrenergic blockers
 Options A, B, and D: This abnormality isn’t seen
in other types of cardiomyopathy.  Option B: By decreasing the heart rate and
contractility, beta-adrenergic blockers improve
55. Answer: A. Heart failure myocardial filling and cardiac output, which are
primary goals in the treatment of cardiomyopathy.
 Option A: Because the structure and function of  Option A: Antihypertensives aren’t usually
the heart muscle is affected, heart failure most indicated because they would decrease cardiac
commonly occurs in clients with cardiomyopathy. output in clients who are often already hypotensive.
 Option C: Myocardial infarction results from  Option C: Calcium channel blockers are
prolonged myocardial ischemia due to reduced sometimes used for the same reasons as beta-
blood flow through one of the coronary arteries. adrenergic blockers; however, they aren’t as
 Option D: Pericardial effusion is most effective as beta-adrenergic blockers and cause
predominant in clients with pericarditis. Diabetes increase hypotension.
mellitus is unrelated to cardiomyopathy.  Option D: Nitrates aren’t’ used because of their
dilating effects, which would further compromise
56. Answer: A. Cardiomegaly the myocardium.

 Option A: Cardiomegaly denotes an enlarged heart Answers and Rationale

 Option B: Cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle
disease of unknown origin.
 Option C: Myocarditis refers to inflammation of 1. Answer: 2. Enhance myocardial oxygenation
heart muscle.
 Option D: Pericarditis is an inflammation of the Enhancing myocardial oxygenation is always the first
pericardium, the sac surrounding the heart. priority when a client exhibits signs or symptoms of cardiac
compromise. Without adequate oxygenation, the
57. Answer: D. Restrictive myocardium suffers damage.

 Option D: These are the classic symptoms of heart  Options A and D: Although educating the client
failure. and decreasing anxiety are important in care
 Option A: Pericarditis is exhibited by a feeling of delivery, neither are priorities when a client is
fullness in the chest and auscultation of a compromised.
pericardial friction rub.  Option C: Sublingual nitroglycerin is administered
 Option B: Hypertension is usually exhibited by to treat acute angina, but the administration isn’t
headaches, visual disturbances, and a flushed face. the first priority.
Myocardial infarction causes heart failure but isn’t
related to these symptoms. 2. Answer: 3. Oral medication therapy

58. Answer: B. Hypertrophic Oral medication administration is a noninvasive, medical

treatment for coronary artery disease.
ADVERTISEMENTS  Option A: An aneurysm is an outpouching of a
vessel and doesn’t cause an MI.
 Option A: Cardiac catheterization isn’t a treatment,  Option B: Heart failure is usually a result from an
but a diagnostic tool. MI.
 Options B and D: Coronary artery bypass surgery  Option D: Renal failure can be associated with MI
and percutaneous transluminal coronary but isn’t a direct cause.
angioplasty are invasive, surgical treatments.
8. Answer: 1. Ventricular dilation
3. Answer: 1. Chest pain
Rapid filling of the ventricle causes vasodilation that is
The most common symptom of an MI is chest pain, auscultated as S3.
resulting from deprivation of oxygen to the heart.
 Option B and D: Increased atrial contraction or
 Option B: Dyspnea is the second most common systemic hypertension can result in a fourth heart
symptom, related to an increase in the metabolic sound.
needs of the body during an MI.  Option C: Aortic valve malfunction is heard as a
 Option C: Edema is a later sign of heart failure, murmur.
often seen after an MI.
 Option D: Palpitations may result from reduced 9. Answer: 1. Left-sided heart failure
cardiac output, producing arrhythmias.
The left ventricle is responsible for most of the cardiac
4. Answer: 4. Pulmonary output. An anterior wall MI may result in a decrease in left
ventricular function. When the left ventricle doesn’t function
Pulmonary pain is generally described by these symptoms. properly, resulting in left-sided heart failure, fluid
accumulates in the interstitial and alveolar spaces in the
lungs and causes crackles.
 Options A and B: Cardiac and GI pains don’t
change with respiration.
 Option C: Musculoskeletal pain only increases with  Options B, C, and D: Pulmonic and tricuspid valve
movement. malfunction cause right-sided heart failure.

5. Answer: 3. Troponin I 10. Answer: 2. Administer oxygen

Troponin I levels rise rapidly and are detectable within 1 Administering supplemental oxygen to the client is the first
hour of myocardial injury. Troponin I levels aren’t priority of care. The myocardium is deprived of oxygen
detectable in people without cardiac injury. during an infarction, so additional oxygen is administered to
assist in oxygenation and prevent further damage.
 Option A: Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is present
in almost all body tissues and not specific to heart  Options A and C: Morphine and nitro are also used
muscle. LDH isoenzymes are useful in diagnosing to treat MI, but they’re more commonly
a cardiac injury. administered after the oxygen.
 Option B: CBC is obtained to review blood counts,  Option D: An ECG is the most common diagnostic
and a complete chemistry is obtained to review tool used to evaluate MI.
 Option D: Because CK levels may rise with a 11. Answer: 1. Beta-adrenergic blockers
skeletal muscle injury, CK isoenzymes are required
to detect cardiac injury. Beta-adrenergic blockers work by blocking beta receptors in
the myocardium, reducing the response to catecholamines
6. Answer: 4. To decrease oxygen demand on the client’s and sympathetic nerve stimulation. They protect the
heart myocardium, helping to reduce the risk of another infarction
by decreasing myocardial oxygen demand.
Morphine is administered because it decreases myocardial
oxygen demand.  Option B: Calcium channel blockers reduce the
workload of the heart by decreasing the heart rate.
 Options A, B, and C: Morphine will also decrease  Option C: Narcotics reduce myocardial oxygen
pain and anxiety while causing sedation, but it isn’t demand, promote vasodilation, and decrease
primarily given for those reasons. anxiety.
 Option D: Nitrates reduce myocardial oxygen
consumption by decreasing left ventricular end-
7. Answer: 3. Coronary artery thrombosis
diastolic pressure (preload) and systemic vascular
resistance (afterload).
Coronary artery thrombosis causes an inclusion of the
artery, leading to myocardial death.
12. Answer: 3. Arrhythmias
Arrhythmias, caused by oxygen deprivation to the Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system causes
myocardium, are the most common complication of an MI. tachycardia and increased contractility. The other symptoms
listed are related to the parasympathetic nervous system,
 Option A: Cardiogenic shock, another complication which is responsible for slowing the heart rate.
of an MI, is defined as the end stage of left
ventricular dysfunction. This condition occurs in 20. Answer: 4. Right-sided heart failure
approximately 15% of clients with MI.
 Option B: Because the pumping function of the Weight gain, nausea, and a decrease in urine output are
heart is compromised by an MI, heart failure is the secondary effects of right-sided heart failure.
second most common complication.
 Option D: Pericarditis most commonly results from  Option A: Angina pectoris doesn’t cause weight
a bacterial or viral infection but may occur after the gain, nausea, or a decrease in urine output.
MI.  Option B: Cardiomyopathy is usually identified as
a symptom of left-sided heart failure.
13. Answer: 2. Heart failure  Option C: Left-sided heart failure causes primarily
pulmonary symptoms rather than systemic ones.
Elevated venous pressure, exhibited as jugular vein
distention, indicates a failure of the heart to pump. 21. Answer: 1. Cardiomyopathy

 Options A and D: JVD isn’t a symptom of Cardiomyopathy isn’t usually related to an underlying heart
abdominal aortic aneurysm or pneumothorax. disease such as atherosclerosis. The etiology in most cases is
 Option C: An MI, if severe enough, can progress to unknown.
heart failure, however, in and of itself, an MI
doesn’t cause JVD.  Options B and C: CAD and MI are directly related
to atherosclerosis.
14. Answer: 1. Digoxin  Option D:Pericardial effusion is the escape of fluid
into the pericardial sac, a condition associated with
One of the most common signs of digoxin toxicity is the Pericarditis and advanced heart failure.
visual disturbance known as the “green-yellow halo sign.”
The other medications aren’t associated with such an effect. 22. Answer: 1. Dilated

15. Answer: 1. Crackles Although the cause isn’t entirely known, cardiac dilation
and heart failure may develop during the last month of
Crackles in the lungs are a classic sign of left-sided heart pregnancy or the first few months after birth. The condition
failure. These sounds are caused by fluid backing up into the may result from a preexisting cardiomyopathy not apparent
pulmonary system. prior to pregnancy.

 Option B: Arrhythmias can be associated with both  Option B: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an

right- and left-sided heart failure. abnormal symmetry of the ventricles that has an
 Option D: Left-sided heart failure causes unknown etiology but a strong familial tendency.
hypertension secondary to an increased workload  Option C: Myocarditis isn’t specifically associated
on the system. with childbirth.
 Option D: Restrictive cardiomyopathy indicates
16. Answer: 4. Right-sided heart failure constrictive pericarditis; the underlying cause is
usually myocardial.
The most accurate area on the body to assess dependent
edema in a bed-ridden client is the sacral area. Sacral, or 23. Answer: 3. Hypertrophic
dependent, edema is secondary to right-sided heart failure.
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hypertrophy of the
17. Answer: 3. Oliguria ventricular septum—not the ventricle chambers—is
apparent. This abnormality isn’t seen in other types of
Inadequate deactivation of aldosterone by the liver after cardiomyopathy.
right-sided heart failure leads to fluid retention, which
causes oliguria. 24. Answer: 1. Heart failure

18. Answer: 4. Inotropic agents Because the structure and function of the heart muscle is
affected, heart failure most commonly occurs in clients with
Inotropic agents are administered to increase the force of the cardiomyopathy.
heart’s contractions, thereby increasing ventricular
contractility and ultimately increasing cardiac output.  Option C: MI results from prolonged myocardial
ischemia due to reduced blood flow through one of
19. Answer: 2. Tachycardia the coronary arteries.
 Option D: Pericardial effusion is most predominant  Option C: Unstable angina doesn’t always need a
in clients with pericarditis. trigger, is more intense, and lasts longer than stable
25. Answer: 4. Heart failure  Option D: Variant angina usually occurs at rest—
not as a result of exercise or stress.
These are the classic signs of failure.
31. Answer: 4. Unstable angina
 Option A: Pericarditis is exhibited by a feeling of
fullness in the chest and auscultation of a Unstable angina progressively increases in frequency,
pericardial friction rub. intensity, and duration and is related to an increased risk of
 Option B: Hypertension is usually exhibited by MI within 3 to 18 months.
headaches, visual disturbances, and a flushed face.
 Option D: MI causes heart failure but isn’t related 32. Answer: 4. Inadequate oxygen supply to the
to these symptoms. myocardium

26. Answer: 2. Hypertrophic Inadequate oxygen supply to the myocardium is responsible

for the pain accompanying angina.
Cardiac output isn’t affected by hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy because the size of the ventricle remains  Option A: Increased preload would be responsible
relatively unchanged. All of the rest decrease cardiac output. for right-sided heart failure.
 Option B: Decreased afterload causes increased
27. Answer: 4. Failure of the ventricle to eject all of the cardiac output.
blood during systole  Option C: Coronary artery spasm is responsible for
variant angina.
An S4 occurs as a result of increased resistance to
ventricular filling after atrial contraction. The increased 33. Answer: 4. 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)
resistance is related to decreased compliance of the
ventricle. The 12-lead ECG will indicate ischemia, showing T-wave
inversion. In addition, with variant angina, the ECG shows
 Option A: A dilated aorta doesn’t cause an extra ST-segment elevation.
heart sound, though it does cause a murmur.
 Option B: An S4 isn’t heard in a normally  Option A: A chest x-ray will show heart
functioning heart. enlargement or signs of heart failure, but isn’t used
 Option C: Decreased myocardial contractility is to diagnose angina.
heard as a third heart sound.
34. Answer: 1. Reversal of ischemia
28. Answer: 2. Beta-adrenergic blockers
Reversal of the ischemia is the primary goal, achieved by
By decreasing the heart rate and contractility, beta-blockers reducing oxygen consumption and increasing oxygen
improve myocardial filling and cardiac output, which are supply.
primary goals in the treatment of cardiomyopathy.
 Option B: An infarction is permanent and can’t be
 Option A: Antihypertensives aren’t usually reversed.
indicated because they would decrease cardiac
output in clients who are already hypotensive. 35. Answer: 1. Sit the client down
 Option C: Calcium channel blockers are
sometimes used for the same reasons as beta- The initial priority is to decrease the oxygen consumption;
blockers; however, they aren’t as effective as beta- this would be achieved by sitting the client down.
blockers and cause increased hypotension.
 Option D: Nitrates aren’t used because of their
 Option B and D: After the ECG, sublingual nitro
dilating effects, which would further compromise
would be administered. When the client’s condition
the myocardium.
is stabilized, he can be returned to bed.
 Option C: An ECG can be obtained after the client
29. Answer: 3. Heart transplantation is sitting down.

The only definitive treatment for cardiomyopathy that can’t 36. Answer: 3. Preload, afterload, contractility, and
be controlled medically is a heart transplant because the heart rate.
damage to the heart muscle is irreversible.
Myocardial oxygen consumption increases as preload,
30. Answer: 2. Stable angina afterload, renal contractility, and heart rate increase.
Cerebral blood flow doesn’t directly affect myocardial
The pain of stable angina is predictable in nature, builds oxygen consumption.
gradually, and quickly reaches maximum intensity.
37. Answer: 3. In high Fowler’s position cardiac output or, therefore, the onset of pulmonary
A high Fowler’s position promotes ventilation and facilitates  Options B and D: If the right atrium and right
breathing by reducing venous return. ventricle were damaged, right-sided heart failure
would result.
 Options A and B: Lying flat and side-lying
positions worsen the breathing and increase the 43. Answer: 1. Erythema marginatum, subcutaneous
workload of the heart. nodules, and fever
 Option D: Semi-Fowler’s position won’t reduce the
workload of the heart as well as the Fowler’s Diagnosis of rheumatic fever requires that the client have
position will. either two major Jones criteria or one minor criterion plus
evidence of a previous streptococcal infection. Major criteria
38. Answer: 4. Hypocapnia include carditis, polyarthritis, Sydenham’s chorea,
subcutaneous nodules, and erythema marginatum (transient,
non pruritic macules on the trunk or inner aspects of the
In an attempt to compensate for increased work of breathing
upper arms or thighs). Minor criteria include fever,
due to hyperventilation, carbon dioxide decreases, causing
arthralgia, elevated levels of acute phase reactants, and a
hypocapnea. If the condition persists, CO2 retention occurs
prolonged PR-interval on ECG.
and hypercapnia results.

44. Answer: 1. Activate the resuscitation team

39. Answer: 4. Increased BP and fluid retention
Immediately after establishing unresponsiveness, the nurse
The body compensates for a decrease in cardiac output with
should activate the resuscitation team. The next step is to
a rise in BP, due to the stimulation of the sympathetic NS
open the airway using the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver and
and an increase in blood volume as the kidneys retain
check for breathing (looking, listening, and feeling for no
sodium and water.
more than 10-seconds). If the client isn’t breathing, give two
slow breaths using a bag mask or pocket mask. Next, check
 Option A: Blood pressure doesn’t initially drop in for signs of circulation by palpating the carotid pulse.
response to the compensatory mechanism of the
45. Answer: 2. Ineffective tissue perfusion;
 Option B: Alteration in LOC will occur only if the cardiopulmonary
decreased cardiac output persists.
MI results from prolonged myocardial ischemia caused by
40. Answer: 1. Call for help reduced blood flow through the coronary arteries. Therefore,
the priority nursing diagnosis for this client is Ineffective
Production of pink, frothy sputum is a classic sign of acute tissue perfusion (cardiopulmonary).
pulmonary edema. Because the client is at high risk for
decompensation, the nurse should call for help but not leave
 Options A, C, and D: Anxiety, acute pain, and
the room. The other three interventions would immediately
ineffective therapeutic regimen management are
appropriate but don’t take priority.

41. Answer: 1. Afterload

46. Answer: 1. Pulmonary edema

Afterload refers to the resistance on maintained by the aortic

SOB, tachypnea, low BP, tachycardia, crackles, and a cough
and pulmonic valves, the condition and tone of the aorta,
producing pink, frothy sputum are late signs of pulmonary
and the resistance offered by the systemic and pulmonary
47. Answer: 4. A 76-year-old client who was admitted 1
 Option B: Cardiac output is the amount of blood hour ago with new-onset atrial fibrillation and is
expelled by the heart per minute. receiving IV diltiazem (Cardizem).
 Option C: Overload refers to an abundance of
circulating volume.
The client with A-fib has the greatest potential to become
 Option D: Preload is the volume of blood in the
unstable and is on IV medication that requires close
ventricle at the end of diastole.
monitoring. After assessing this client, the nurse should
assess the client with thrombophlebitis who is receiving a
42. Answer: 3. Left ventricle heparin infusion, and then go to the 58-year-old client
admitted 2-days ago with heart failure (her s/s are resolving
The left ventricle is responsible for the majority of force for and don’t require immediate attention). The lowest priority
the cardiac output. If the left ventricle is damaged, the is the 89-year-old with end stage right-sided heart failure,
output decreases and fluid accumulates in the interstitial and who requires time-consuming supportive measures.
alveolar spaces, causing pulmonary edema.
48. Answer: 1. “Report fever, anorexia, and night sweats
 Option A: Damage to the left atrium would to the physician.”
contribute to heart failure but wouldn’t affect
An essential teaching point is to report signs of relapse, such ADVERTISEMENTS
as fever, anorexia, and night sweats, to the physician.
 Options A and C will not help in tolerating
 Option B: To prevent further endocarditis episodes, ambulation.
prophylactic antibiotics are taken before and  Option D: Removal of telemetry equipment is
sometimes after dental work, childbirth, or GU, GI, contraindicated unless prescribed.
or gynecologic procedures.
 Options C and D: A potassium-rich diet and daily 55. Answer: 1. Normal sinus rhythm
pulse monitoring aren’t necessary for a client with
56. Answer: 4. It can develop into ventricular fibrillation
at any time.
49. Answer: 3. Peptic ulcer disease
Ventricular tachycardia is a life-threatening dysrhythmia
Heart failure is precipitated or exacerbated by physical or that results from an irritable ectopic focus that takes over as
emotional stress, dysrhythmias, infections, anemia, thyroid the pacemaker for the heart.
disorders, pregnancy, Paget’s disease, nutritional
deficiencies (thiamine, alcoholism), pulmonary disease, and
hypervolemia.  Option A: Client’s frequently experienced a feeling
of impending death. Ventricular tachycardia is
treated with antiarrhythmic medications or
50. Answer: 2. Digoxin (Lanoxin) magnesium sulfate, cardioversion (client awake), or
defibrillation (loss of consciousness).
Digoxin exerts a positive inotropic effect on the heart while  Option B: The low cardiac output that results can
slowing the overall rate through a variety of mechanisms. lead quickly to cerebral and myocardial ischemia.
Digoxin is the medication of choice to treat heart failure.  Option D: Ventricular tachycardia can deteriorate
into ventricular fibrillation at any time.
 Options A, C, and D: Diltiazem (calcium channel
blocker) and propranolol and metoprolol (beta 57. Answer: 2. Anorexia, nausea, and visual disturbances
blockers) have a negative inotropic effect and
would worsen the failing heart. The first signs and symptoms of digoxin toxicity in adults
include abdominal pain, N/V, visual disturbances (blurred,
51. Answer: 4. Extremely anxious yellow, or green vision, halos around lights), bradycardia,
and other dysrhythmias.
Pulmonary edema causes the client to be extremely agitated
and anxious. The client may complain of a sense of 58. Answer: 3. Variant angina
drowning, suffocation, or smothering.
Variant angina, or Prinzmetal’s angina, is prolonged and
52. Answer: 3. Potassium level severe and occurs at the same time each day, most often in
the morning.
The serum potassium level is measured in the client
receiving digoxin and furosemide. Heightened digitalis  Option A: Stable angina is induced by exercise and
effect leading to digoxin toxicity can occur in the client with is relieved by rest or nitroglycerin tablets.
hypokalemia. Hypokalemia also predisposes the client to  Option B: Unstable angina occurs at lower and
ventricular dysrhythmias. lower levels of activity and rest, is less predictable
and is often a precursor of myocardial infarction.
53. Answer: 4. Acute renal failure
59. Answer: 1. Obtaining an infusion pump for the
The client who undergoes cardiac surgery is at risk for renal medication
injury from poor perfusion, hemolysis, low cardiac output,
or vasopressor medication therapy. Renal insult is signaled IV nitro infusion requires an infusion pump for precise
by decreased urine output and increased BUN and creatinine control of the medication.
levels. The client may need medications such as dopamine
(Intropin) to increase renal perfusion and possibly could
need peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis.  Option B: BP monitoring would be done with a
continuous system, and more frequently than every
4 hours.
54. Answer: 2. Premedicate the client with an analgesic
 Option C: Hourly urine outputs are not always
The nurse should encourage regular use of pain medication  Option D: Obtaining serum potassium levels is not
for the first 48 to 72 hours after cardiac surgery because associated with nitroglycerin infusion.
analgesia will promote rest, decrease myocardial oxygen
consumption resulting from pain, and allow better
60. Answer: 2. Antithrombotic action
participation in activities such as coughing, deep breathing,
and ambulation.
Aspirin does have antipyretic, antiplatelet, and analgesic Activity intolerance is a primary problem for clients with
actions, but the primary reason ASA is administered to the heart failure and pulmonary edema. The decreased cardiac
client experiencing an MI is its antithrombotic action. output associated with heart failure leads to reduced oxygen
and fatigue. Clients frequently complain of dyspnea and
61. Answer: 4. Can perform personal self-care activities fatigue.
without pain
 Options A, B, and D: The client could be at risk for
By day 2 of hospitalization after an MI, clients are expected infection related to stasis of secretions or impaired
to be able to perform personal care without chest pain. Day skin integrity related to pressure. However, these
2 hospitalization may be too soon for clients to be able to are not the priority nursing diagnoses for the client
identify risk factors for MI or begin a walking program; with HF and pulmonary edema, nor is constipation
however, the client may be sitting up in a chair as part of the related to immobility.
cardiac rehabilitation program. Severe chest pain should not
be present. 66. Answer: 3. Vasodilator

62. Answer: 2. Small, easily digested meals ACE inhibitors have become the vasodilators of choice in
the client with mild to severe HF. Vasodilator drugs are the
Recommended dietary principles in the acute phase of MI only class of drugs clearly shown to improve survival in
include avoiding large meals because small, easily digested overt heart failure.
foods are better digested foods are better tolerated. Fluids
are given according to the client’s needs, and sodium 67. Answer: 1. 5 to 10 minutes
restrictions may be prescribed, especially for clients with
manifestations of heart failure. Cholesterol restrictions may After IV injection of furosemide, diuresis normally begins in
be ordered as well. about 5 minutes and reaches its peak within about 30
minutes. Medication effects last 2 to 4 hours.
 Options A and D: Clients are not prescribed a diet
of liquids only or NPO unless their condition is 68. Answer: 2. Tomato juice
very unstable.
Canned foods and juices, such as tomato juice, are typically
63. Answer: 1. Left ventricular atrophy high in sodium and should be avoided on a sodium-
restricted diet.
In older adults who are less active and do not exercise the
heart muscle, atrophy can result. Disuse or deconditioning 69. Answer: 2. Left ventricular enlargement
can lead to abnormal changes in the myocardium of the
older adult. As a result, under sudden emotional or physical
A normal apical impulse is found under over the apex of the
stress, the left ventricle is less able to respond to the heart and is typically located and auscultated in the left fifth
increased demands on the myocardial muscle. intercostal space in the midclavicular line. An apical
impulse located or auscultated below the fifth intercostal
64. Answer: A and C. space or lateral to the midclavicular line may indicate left
ventricular enlargement.
HF is a result of structural and functional abnormalities of
the heart tissue muscle. The heart muscle becomes weak and 70. Answer: 3. Left anterior descending artery
does not adequately pump the blood out of the chambers. As
a result, blood pools in the left ventricle and backs up into
The left anterior descending artery is the primary source of
the left atrium, and eventually into the lungs. Therefore,
blood for the anterior wall of the heart.
greater amounts of blood remain in the ventricle after
contraction thereby decreasing cardiac output. In addition,
this pooling leads to thrombus formation and ineffective  Options A, B, and D: The circumflex artery
tissue perfusion because of the decrease in blood flow to the supplies the lateral wall, the internal mammary
other organs and tissues of the body. Typically, these clients artery supplies the mammary, and the right
have an ejection fraction of less than 50% and poorly coronary artery supplies the inferior wall of the
tolerate activity. heart.

 Option B: Activity intolerance is related to a

decrease, not increase, in cardiac output.
 Option D: Gas exchange is impaired. However, the
decrease in cardiac output triggers compensatory
mechanisms, such as an increase in sympathetic
nervous system activity.

65. Answer: 3. Activity intolerance related to pump

PEDIA 5. Answer: B. Absent or diminished femoral pulses

Answers and Rationale  Option B: Absent or diminished femoral pulse is a

classic characteristic of coarctation of aorta.
1. Answer: D. Aneurysm formation  Option C: Severe cyanosis at birth is seen in such
defects as transposition of the great vessels.
 Option D: Kawasaki disease is a rare childhood  Options A, D: Tet episodes and squatting are
illness that affects the blood vessels. 20% to 25% characteristic of tetralogy of Fallot.
of children can develop aneurysm formation if not
intervened. Treatment depends on the degree of the 6. Answer: A. Treating streptococcal throat infections
disease, but is often immediate treatment with IV with an antibiotic
gamma globulin or aspirin. Corticosteroids can
sometimes lessen impending complications.  Option A: Rheumatoid fever results from
Children who experience the disease usually need improperly treated group beta-hemolytic
lifelong follow-up appointments to keep an eye on streptococcal infections, usually pharyngitis.
heart health. Therefore, prompt treatment of streptococcal throat
infections with an antibiotic is a key preventive
2. Answer: C. Normal weight for age measure.
 Option B: Initial prevention is not possible once
 Option C: Adequate weight for height the child has rheumatic fever. However, the child
demonstrates adequate nutritional intake and lack will be treated with penicillin to prevent a
of edema. recurrence of streptococcal infections.
 Option A: Daily use of antibiotic is not indicated  Option C: A corticosteroid may be used to reduce
in heart failure. inflammation during treatment of rheumatic fever,
 Option B: A pulse rate less than 50 beats/minute, not as a preventive measure.
bradycardia, probably indicates digoxin toxicity.  Option D: An antibiotic is given to children with
 Option D: An elevated RBC count demonstrates cardiac disease to prevent carditis, not rheumatic
polycythemia. fever.

3. Answer: B. Ventricular septal defect, overriding aorta, 7. Answer: C. Extreme bradycardia

pulmonic stenosis (PS), and right ventricular
hypertrophy  Option C: Extreme bradycardia is a cardinal sign
of digoxin toxicity
 Option B: The defects associated with tetralogy of  Options A, B, D: Headache, respiratory distress,
Fallot include ventricular septal defect, overriding and constipation are not related to digoxin toxicity.
aorta, pulmonic stenosis (PS), and right ventricular
hypertrophy. 8. Answer: C. Scheduling care to provide for
 Option A: The aorta exiting from the right uninterrupted rest periods
ventricle with no communication between the
systemic and pulmonic circulation describes the  Option C: Organizing nursing care to provide for
defects associated with transposition of the great uninterrupted periods of sleep reduces cardiac
vessels. demand.
 Option C: Coarctation of aorta and aortic and  Option A: Feeding time should be restricted to a
mitral valve stenosis are defects associated with maximum of 45 minutes or discontinued sooner if
tricuspid atresia. Severe coarctation of aorta, severe the infant tires.
aortic valvular stenosis or atresia, and severe mitral  Option B: In an attempt to get her own way, the
valve stenosis or atresia are defects associated with child may cry. Excessive crying should be limited;
hypoplastic left heart syndrome. however, appropriate limit setting should still be
 Option D: Also, the left ventricle, aortic valve, observed.
mitral valve, and ascending aorta usually are small  Option D: Developing and implementing a
or hypoplastic. consistent care plan can be important, but it is not
related to decreasing cardiac demands or workload.
4. Answer: C. Obstruction of blood flow from the right
ventricle 9. Answer: A. Replacing regular nipples with easy-to-
suck ones
 Option C: PS refers to an obstruction of blood
flow from the right ventricle.  Option A: The nurse should replace regular
 Option A: Truncus arteriosus involves a single nipples with easy-to-suck-ones because the infant
vessel arising from both ventricles. may tire instantly with regular nipples and thus
 Option D: Total anomalous pulmonary venous would not be able to suck sufficiently.
communications involve the return of blood to the  Options B, C: Also to prevent tiring, small
heart without entry into the left atrium and frequent feedings lasting no more than 45 minutes,
obstruction of blood flow from the left ventricle. rather than large evenly spaced feedings or ones
lasting longer than 1 hour, should be given.
 Option D: Typically, the infant receives a low-  Options A,B: Coarctation of aorta and AS are
sodium, high-calorie diet. obstructive defects where obstruction, not shunting,
is the problem.
10. Answer: D. Apex  Option C: With PDA, blood flows from the aorta
through the PDA and back to the pulmonary artery
and lungs (shunting of oxygenated blood to the
 Option D: The blunt, rounded point of the heart is
pulmonic system), causing increased pulmonary
the apex.
vascular congestion.
 Option A: The larger, flat portion at the opposite is
the base.
 Option B: The pericardium is also called the 14. Answer: D. Jatene Procedure
pericardial sac. It has a fibrous outer layer and a
thin inner layer that surrounds the heart.  Option D: The Jatene procedure, arterial switch
 Option C: The aorta is the largest artery operation or arterial switch, is an open heart
that carries blood from the left ventricle to the surgical procedure used to correct dextro-
body. transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA).
 Option B: The Rastelli operation was originally
11. Answer: D. 5—1—3—4—2 used for the repair of d-transposition of the great
vessels with ventricular septal defect and
pulmonary stenosis. It has subsequently been
 Option D: The SA node is the natural pacemaker
utilized for a variety of congenital heart defects
of the heart. The electrical stimulus from the SA
characterized by two ventricles and overriding of
node eventually reaches the AV node and is
the aorta with severe pulmonary stenosis or
delayed briefly so that the contracting atria have
pulmonary atresia. Pulmonary atresia with
enough time to pump all the blood into the
ventricular septal defect and double outlet right
ventricles. Once the atria are empty of blood the
ventricle with pulmonary stenosis or atresia are
valves between the atria and ventricles close. At
anatomic subtypes also frequently submitted for the
this point, the atria begin to refill and the electrical
Rastelli procedure. Cyanosis is the prevailing
stimulus passes through the AV node and Bundle
preoperative pathophysiology.
of His into the Bundle branches and Purkinje
 Option A: A Balloon Atrial Septostomy (Rashkind
procedure) is a procedure that is used to create an
opening in the wall between the upper chambers of
12. Answer: B, C, and D the heart (atria). This is performed in certain cases
to improve blood oxygenation, particularly for
 Option B: The SA node consists of a cluster of congenital heart defects. A deflated balloon
cells that are situated in the upper part of the wall catheter is guided into the heart and into a small
of the right atrium (the right upper chamber of the hole in the atrial septum. The balloon is then
heart). inflated, created a larger hole in the atrial septum.
 Option C: When action potentials reach the AV  Option C: The purpose of PAB is to lessen
node, they spread slowly through it. pulmonary artery pressure and excess pulmonary
 Option D: Action potentials pass slowly through blood flow. PAB requires the insertion of a band
the atrioventricular node. around the pulmonary artery to reduce blood flow
 Option A: The SA node is the heart’s natural into the lungs. A variety of banding materials are
pacemaker. used; one commonly used material is
13. Answer: D. Tetralogy of Fallot
15. Answer: B. Shunts the combined cardiac output
ADVERTISEMENTS from the pulmonary artery to the systemic circulation

 Option D: Tetralogy of Fallot consists of four  Option B: In the developing fetus, the ductus
major anomalies: ventricular septal defect, right arteriosus, also called the ductus Botalli, is a blood
ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonic stenosis (PS), vessel connecting the pulmonary artery to the
aorta overriding the ventricular septal defect. PS proximal descending aorta. It allows most of the
impedes the flow of blood to the lungs, causing blood from the right ventricle to bypass the fetus’s
increased pressure in the right ventricle, forcing fluid-filled non-functioning lungs.
deoxygenated blood through the septal defect the
left ventricle. As a result of this decreased
pulmonary flow, deoxygenated blood is shunted
into the systemic circulation. The increased
workload on the right ventricle causes hypertrophy.
The overriding aorta receives blood from both the
right and left ventricles. This is the definition of
defect with decreased pulmonary blood flow where
unoxygenated blood is shunted into the systemic
leaves the heart through the aortic valve, into the aorta, and
to the body.
CVD Ana Phy
3. It is considered as the bluntly rounded portion of the
1. Specialized cell membrane structures that decrease heart
electrical resistance between the cells allowing action
potentials to pass efficiently from one cell to adjacent A. Aorta
cells are the: B. Apex
C. Base
A. Extensive capillary network D. Pericardium
B. Intercalated disks
C. Mitochondria 3. Answer: B. Apex
D. Gap junctions
B: The blunt, rounded point of the heart is the apex.
1. Answer: D. Gap junctions A: The aorta is the largest artery that carries blood from the
left ventricle to the body.
D: Gap junctions are a specialized intercellular connection C: The larger, flat portion at the opposite is the base.
between a multitude of animal cell-types. They directly D. The pericardium is also called the pericardial sac. It has
connect the cytoplasm of two cells, which allows various a fibrous outer layer and a thin inner layer that surrounds the
molecules, ions and electrical impulses to directly pass heart.
through a regulated gate between cells.
A: Extensive capillary networks allows abundant supply of 4. Which event will NOT occur during depolarization
oxygen and nutrients on tissues such as skeletal muscle, phase?
liver, and kidney.
B: Intercalated disks support synchronized contraction of A. Na+ channels open
cardiac tissue. They occur at the Z-line of the sarcomere and B. Ca+ channels open
can be visualized easily when observing a longitudinal C. K+ channels open
section of the tissue. D. None of the above
C: Mitochondrion is an organelle found in large numbers in
most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration
4. Answer: C. K+ channels open
and energy production occur.
Na+ channels open, increasing the permeability of the cell
2. Complete the diagram so that it will show the correct membrane to Na+. Sodium ions then diffuse into the cell,
route of blood in the heart. causing depolarization. This causes K+ channels to close
quickly, decreasing the permeability of the cell membrane to
A. (1) Tricuspid Valve, (2) Aortic Valve, (3) Pulmonary K+. The decreased diffusion of K+ out of the cell also causes
Circulation, (4) Mitral Valve, (5) Pulmonic Valve depolarization. Ca2+ channels slowly open, increasing the
B. (1) Mitral Valve, (2) Pulmonic Valve, (3) Pulmonary permeability of cell membrane to Ca2+. Calcium ions then
Circulation, (4) Tricuspid Valve, (5) Aortic Valve diffuse into the cell and cause depolarization.
C. (1) Mitral Valve, (2) Aortic Valve, (3) Pulmonary
Circulation, (4) Tricuspid Valve, (5) Pulmonic Valve
5. Which of these statements regarding the conduction
D. (1) Tricuspid Valve, (2) Pulmonic Valve, (3) Pulmonary
system of the heart is TRUE?
Circulation, (4) Mitral Valve, (5) Aortic Valve
A. The sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart acts as the
2. Answer: D. (1) Tricuspid Valve, (2) Pulmonic Valve, pacemaker.
(3) Pulmonary Circulation, (4) Mitral Valve, (5) Aortic B. The SA node is located on the upper wall of the left
Valve atrium.
C. The AV node conducts action potentials rapidly through
Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior it.
and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from D. Action potentials are carried slowly through the
the body into the right atrium. As the atrium contracts, blood atrioventricular bundle.
flows from your right atrium into your right ventricle
through the open tricuspid valve. When the ventricle is full,
5. Answer: A. The sinoatrial (SA) node of the heart acts
the tricuspid valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing
as the pacemaker.
backward into the right atrium while the ventricle contracts.
As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the
pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs, A: The SA node is the heart’s natural pacemaker.
where it is oxygenated. The oxygenated blood then returns B: The SA node consists of a cluster of cells that are situated
to the heart through the pulmonary veins. The pulmonary in the upper part of the wall of the right atrium (the right
veins empty oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the left upper chamber of the heart).
atrium. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from your left C: When action potentials reach the AV node, they spread
atrium into your left ventricle through the open mitral valve. slowly through it.
When the ventricle is full, the mitral valve shuts. This D: Action potentials pass slowly through the atrioventricular
prevents blood from flowing backward into the atrium while node.
the ventricle contracts. As the ventricle contracts, blood
6. In a normal electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG), A. Starling’s law of the heart has a major influence on
cardiac output.
A. The P wave results from repolarization of the atria. B. As venous return increases, cardiac output decreases.
B. The QRS complex results from depolarization of the C. In response to stretch, cardiac muscle fibers contract with
ventricles. less force.
C. The T wave represents repolarization of the auricles. D. In response to stretch, there is a slight decrease in heart
D. During the P-R interval, the ventricle contract. rate.

6. Answer: B. The QRS complex results from 9. Answer: A. Starling’s law of the heart has a major
depolarization of the ventricles. influence on cardiac output.

B: The QRS complex consists of three individual waves: the A: The relationship between preload and stroke volume is
Q, R, and S waves. The QRS complex results from called Starling’s law of the heart.
depolarization of the ventricles, and the beginning of the B: As venous return increased, resulting in an increased
QRS complex precedes ventricular contraction. preload, cardiac output increases.
A: The P wave results from depolarization of the atrial C: In response to increased preload, cardiac muscle fibers
myocardium, and the beginning of the P wave precedes the contract with greater force.
onset of atrial contraction. D: In response to stretch, there is a slight increase in heart
C: The T wave represents the repolarization of the rate.
ventricles, and the beginning of the T wave precedes
ventricular relaxation. 10. Repolarization of the ventricles is shown as the
D: During the P-R interval, the atria contract and begin to __________ on an ECG or EKG.
A. P wave
7. During the Ventricular Systole, atrioventricular valves B. P-Q or P-R interval
open, semilunar valves close. The statement is: C. QRS complex
D. Q-T interval
A. True E. T wave
B. False
C. Partially true 10. Answer: E. T wave
D. Partially false
E: The T wave represents the repolarization of the
7. Answer: B. False ventricles, and the beginning of the T wave precedes
ventricular relaxation.
During ventricular systole, contraction of the ventricles A: The P wave results from depolarization of the atrial
causes pressure in the ventricle to increase. Almost myocardium, and the beginning of the P wave precedes the
immediately the AV valves close (the first heart sound). The onset of atrial contraction.
pressure in the ventricle continues to increase. Continued B: The time between the beginning of the P wave and the
ventricular contraction causes the pressure in the ventricle to beginning of the QRS complex is the PQ interval,
exceed in the pulmonary trunk and aorta. As a result, the commonly called the PR interval because the Q wave is very
semilunar are forced open and blood is ejected into the small. During the PR interval, the atria contract and begin to
pulmonary trunk and aorta. relax.
C: The QRS complex consists of three individual waves: the
ADVERTISEMENTS Q, R, and S waves. The QRS complex results from
depolarization of the ventricles, and the beginning of the
QRS complex precedes ventricular contraction.
8. This sound is produced during the closure of the D: The QT interval extends from the beginning of the QRS
semilunar valves. complex to the end of the T wave and represents the length
of time required for ventricular depolarization and
A. lubb repolarization.
B. dupp
C. lubb dupp
D. lubb duppshhh

8. Answer: B. dupp

B: The second heart sound can be represented by dupp. It

occurs at the beginning of ventricular diastole and results
from closure of the semilunar valves.
A: The first heart sound can be represented by the syllable
lubb. It occurs at the beginning of ventricular systole and
results from closure of the AV valves.

9. Which of these statements correctly applies to intrinsic

regulation of the heart?
Answers and Rationale  Options C and D: PVCs can be caused by cardiac
disorders or by any number of physiological
stressors, such as infection, illness, surgery, or
trauma, and by the intake of caffeine, alcohol, or
1. Answer: 1. Normal sinus rhythm

measurements are normal, measuring 0.12 to 0.20 second 7. Answer: 1. Hypotension and dizziness
and 0.4 to 0.10 second, respectively.
The client with uncontrolled atrial fibrillation with a
ventricular rate more than 150 beats a minute is at risk for
2. Answer: 2. Tightly secured cable connections
low cardiac output because of loss of atrial kick. The nurse
assesses the client for palpitations, chest pain or discomfort,
Motion artifact, or “noise,” can be caused by frequent client hypotension, pulse deficit, fatigue, weakness, dizziness,
movement, electrode placement on limbs, and insufficient syncope, shortness of breath, and distended neck veins.
adhesion to the skin, such as placing electrodes over hairy
areas of the skin. Electrode placement over bony
prominences also should be avoided. Signal interference can 8. Answer: 2. Atrial fibrillation
also occur with electrode removal and cable disconnection.
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by a loss of P waves; an
undulating, wavy baseline; QRS duration that is often within
normal limits; and an irregular ventricular rate, which can
range from 60 to 100 beats per minute (when controlled with
3. Answer: 2. Ventricular tachycardia medications) to 100 to 160 beats per minute (when
Ventricular tachycardia is characterized by the absence of P
waves, wide QRS complexes (usually greater than 0.14 9. Answer: 1. Vagus nerve to slow the heart rate
second), and a rate between 100 and 250 impulses per
minute. The rhythm is usually regular.
Carotid sinus massage is one of the maneuvers used for
vagal stimulation to decrease a rapid heart rate and possibly
4. Answer: 3. Administer amiodarone (Cordarone) terminate a tachydysrhythmias. The others include inducing
intravenously the gag reflex and asking the client to strain or bear down.
Medication therapy often is needed as an adjunct to keep the
First-line treatment of ventricular tachycardia in a client who rate down or maintain the normal rhythm.
is hemodynamically stable is the use of antidysrhythmics
such as amiodarone (Cordarone), lidocaine (Xylocaine), and 10. Answer: 2. Ventricular fibrillation
procainamide (Pronestyl). Cardioversion also may be
needed to correct the rhythm (cardioversion is recommended
Ventricular fibrillation is characterized by irregular, chaotic
for stable ventricular tachycardia).
undulations of varying amplitudes. Ventricular fibrillation
has no measurable rate and no visible P waves or QRS
 Option A: Defibrillation is used with pulseless complexes and results from electrical chaos in the ventricles.
ventricular tachycardia.
 Option D: Epinephrine would stimulate and already 11. Answer: 2. Notify the physician promptly
excitable ventricle and is contraindicated.
PVCs are often a precursor of life-threatening dysrhythmias,
5. Answer: 2. Inhale deeply and cough forcefully every 1 including ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.
to 3 seconds. An occasional PVC is not considered dangerous, but if
PVCs occur at a rate greater than 5 or 6 per minute in the
Cough Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) sometimes is post-MI client, the physician should be notified
used in the client with unstable ventricular tachycardia. The immediately. More than 6 PVCs per minute is considered
nurse tells the client to use cough CPR, if prescribed, by serious and usually calls for decreasing ventricular
inhaling deeply and coughing forcefully every 1 to 3 irritability by administering medications such as lidocaine.
seconds. Cough CPR may terminate the dysrhythmia or
sustain the cerebral and coronary circulation for a short time  Option A: Increasing the IV infusion rate would not
until other measures can be implemented. decrease the number of PVCs.
 Option C: Increasing the oxygen concentration
6. Answer: 1. Blood pressure and peripheral perfusion should not be the nurse’s first course of action;
rather, the nurse should notify the physician
Premature ventricular contractions can cause hemodynamic promptly.
compromise. The shortened ventricular filling time with the  Option D: Administering a prescribed analgesic
ectopic beats leads to decreased stroke volume and, if would not decrease ventricular irritability.
frequent enough, to decreased cardiac output.
12. Answer: 4. Syncope and slow ventricular rate
 Option B: The client may be asymptomatic or may
feel palpitations.
In complete atrioventricular block, the ventricles take over  Options 1, 2, and 4 may or may not help
the pacemaker function in the heart but at a much slower discriminate the origin of pain. Pain of
rate than that of the SA node. As a result, there is decreased pleuropulmonary origin usually worsens on
cerebral circulation, causing syncope. inspiration.

13. Answer: 4. Widening of QRS complexes to 0.12 3. Answer: 2. Bathroom privileges and self-care activities
second or greater.
On transfer from the CCU, the client is allowed self-care
Bundle branch block interferes with the conduction of activities and bathroom privileges. Supervised ambulation
impulses from the AV node to the ventricle supplied by the for brief distances are encouraged, with distances gradually
affected bundle. Conduction through the ventricles is increased (50, 100, 200 feet).
delayed, as evidenced by a widened QRS complex.
4. Answer: 1. Review the intake and output records for
14. Answer: 2. Defibrillate the client the last 2 days

Ventricular fibrillation is a death-producing dysrhythmia Edema, the accumulation of excess fluid in the interstitial
and, once identified, must be terminated immediately by spaces, can be measured by intake greater than output and
precordial shock (defibrillation). This is usually a standing by a sudden increase in weight.
physician’s order in a CCU.
 Option B: Diuretics should be given in the morning
15. Answer: 1, 2. whenever possible to avoid nocturia.
 Option C: Strict sodium restrictions are reserved
The consistency of the RR interval indicates regular rhythm. for clients with severe symptoms.
A normal P wave before each complex indicates the impulse
originated in the SA node. 5. Answer: 1. Check the client status and lead placement

 Option C: The number of complexes in a 6-second Sudden loss of electrocardiogram complexes indicates
strip is multiplied by 10 to approximate the heart ventricular asystole or possible electrode displacement.
rate; normal sinus rhythm is 60 to 100. Accurate assessment of the client and equipment is
 Option D: Elevation of the ST segment is a sign of necessary to determine the cause and identify the
cardiac ischemia and is unrelated to the rhythm. appropriate intervention.
 Option E: The QRS duration should be less than
0.12 second; the PR interval should be 0.12 to 0.20 6. Answer: 4. Taking a blood pressure within 15 minutes
second. after nicotine or caffeine ingestion.

16. Answer: 3. A continuous and totally unpredictable BP should be taken with the client seated with the arm
irregularity bared, positioned with support and at heart level. The client
should sit with the legs on the floor, feet uncrossed, and not
In atrial fibrillation, multiple ectopic foci stimulate the atria speak during the recording. The client should not have
to contract. The AV node is unable to transmit all of these smoked tobacco or taken in caffeine in the 30 minutes
impulses to the ventricles, resulting in a pattern of highly preceding the measurement.
irregular ventricular contractions.
 Option B: The client should rest quietly for 5
Answers and Rationale minutes before the reading is taken.
 Option C: The cuff bladder should encircle at least
80% of the limb being measured. Gauges other
than a mercury sphygmomanometer should be
1. Answer: 4. Allergy to iodine or shellfish calibrated every six (6) months to ensure accuracy.

This procedure requires an informed consent because it 7. Answer: 4. Protamine sulfate

involves injection of a radiopaque dye into the blood vessel.
The risk of allergic reaction and possible anaphylaxis is The antidote to heparin is protamine sulfate and should be
serious and must be assessed before the procedure. readily available for use if excessive bleeding or hemorrhage
should occur.
2. Answer: 3. “Does the pain get worse when you breathe
in?”  Option A: Vitamin K is an antidote for warfarin.

ADVERTISEMENTS 8. Answer: 3. Within the therapeutic range

Chest pain is assessed by using the standard pain assessment The therapeutic range for prothrombin time is 1.5 to 2 times
parameters. the control for clients at risk for thrombus. Based on the
client’s control value, the therapeutic range for this
individual would be 16.5 to 22 seconds. Therefore the result Compliance is the most critical element of hypertensive
is within the therapeutic range. therapy. In most cases, hypertensive clients require lifelong
treatment and their hypertension cannot be managed
9. Answer: 2. Inhibits synthesis of specific clotting successfully without drug therapy. Stress management and
factors in the liver, and it takes 3-4 days for this weight management are important components of
medication to exert an anticoagulant effect. hypertension therapy, but the priority goal is related to
Warfarin works in the liver and inhibits synthesis of four
vitamin K-dependent clotting factors (X, IX, VII, and II), 17. Answer: 1. Cerebrovascular accident
but it takes 3 to 4 days before the therapeutic effect of
warfarin is exhibited. Hypertension is referred to as the silent killer for adults,
because until the adult has significant damage to other
10. Answer: 1. Administer the morphine systems, hypertension may go undetected. CVA’s can be
related to long-term hypertension.
Although obtaining the ECG, chest x-ray, and blood work
are all important, the nurse’s priority action would be to  Option B and D: Liver or pulmonary disease is
relieve the crushing chest pain. generally not associated with hypertension.
 Option C: Myocardial infarction is generally
11. Answer: 2. Dissolve clots he may have related to coronary artery disease.

Thrombolytic drugs are administered within the first 6 hours 18. Answer: 3. Take a nitroglycerin tablet before
after onset of an MI to lyse clots and reduce the extent of climbing the stairs.
myocardial damage.
Nitroglycerin may be used prophylactically before stressful
12. Answer: 1, 3, 5 physical activities such as stair climbing to help the client
remain pain-free.
In a client who has had an ECG, the P wave represents the
activation of the electrical impulse in the SA node, which is  Option A: Visiting her friend early in the day
then transmitted to the AV node. In addition, the P wave would have no impact on decreasing pain episodes.
represents atrial muscle depolarization, not ventricular  Option B: Resting before or after an activity is not
depolarization. The normal duration of the P wave is 0.11 as likely to help prevent an activity-related pain
seconds or less in duration and 2.5 mm or more in height. episode.

13. Answer: 2. Start an intravenous line 19. Answer: 1. A change in the pattern of her pain

Advanced cardiac life support recommends that at least one The client should report a change in the pattern of chest
or two intravenous lines be inserted in one or both of the pain. It may indicate increasing severity of CAD.
antecubital spaces.
20. Answer: 2. Assess the extent of arterial blockage
 Options A, C, and D: Calling the physician,
obtaining a portable chest radiograph, and drawing Cardiac catheterization is done in clients with angina
blood are important but secondary to starting the primarily to assess the extent and severity of the coronary
intravenous line. artery blockage, A decision about medical management,
angioplasty, or coronary artery bypass surgery will be based
14. Answer: 4. Myocardial infarction on the catheterization results.

Detection of myoglobin is one diagnostic tool to determine 21. Answer: 3. Vasodilation of peripheral vasculature
whether myocardial damage has occurred. Myoglobin is
generally detected about one hour after a heart attack is Nitroglycerin produces peripheral vasodilation, which
experienced and peaks within four (4) to six (6) hours after reduces myocardial oxygen consumption and demand.
infarction (Remember, less than 90 mg/L is normal). Vasodilation in coronary arteries and collateral vessels may
also increase blood flow to the ischemic areas of the heart.
15. Answer: 1. Blocks beta-adrenergic stimulation and Nitroglycerin decreases myocardial oxygen demand.
thus causes decreased heart rate, myocardial Nitroglycerin does not have an effect on pericardial
contractility, and conduction. spasticity or conductivity in the myocardium.

Propranolol hydrochloride is a beta-adrenergic blocking 22. Answer: 1. Headache

agent. Actions of propranolol hydrochloride include
reducing heart rate, decreasing myocardial contractility, and Because of the widespread vasodilating effects,
slowing conduction. nitroglycerin often produces such side effects as headache,
hypotension, and dizziness. The client should lie or sit down
16. Answer: 3. Make a commitment to long-term therapy to avoid fainting. Nitro does not cause shortness of breath or
stomach cramps.
23. Answer: 3. Take one (1) tablet, then an additional The ECG is the quickest, most accurate, and most widely
tablet every five (5) minutes for a total of three (3) used tool to determine the location of myocardial infarction.
tablets. Call the physician if pain persists after three
tablets.  Option A: Cardiac catheterization is an invasive
study for determining coronary artery disease and
The correct protocol for nitroglycerin used involves may also indicate the location of myocardial
immediate administration, with subsequent doses taken at 5- damage, but the study may not be performed
minute intervals as needed, for a total dose of three (3) immediately.
tablets. Sublingual nitroglycerin appears in the bloodstream  Option B: Cardiac enzymes are used to diagnose
within two (2) to three (3) minutes and is metabolized within MI but can’t determine the location.
about 10 minutes.  Option C: An echocardiogram is used most widely
to view myocardial wall function after an MI has
24. Answer: 3. Left anterior descending artery been diagnosed.

The left anterior descending artery is the primary source of 30. Answer: 4. Tightness
blood flow for the anterior wall of the heart.
The pain of angina usually ranges from a vague feeling of
 Options A, B, and D: The circumflex artery tightness to heavy, intense pain. Pain impulses originate in
supplies the lateral wall, the internal mammary the most visceral muscles and may move to such areas as the
supplies the mammary, and the right coronary chest, neck, and arms.
artery supplies the inferior wall of the heart.
31. Answer: 4. Vascular resistance
25. Answer: 2. During diastolic
Vascular resistance is the impedance of blood flow by the
Although the coronary arteries may receive a minute portion arterioles that most predominantly affects the diastolic
of blood during systole, most of the blood flow to coronary pressure.
arteries is supplied during diastole. Breathing patterns are
irrelevant to blood flow.  Option B: Cardiac output determines systolic blood
26. Answer: 3. Inferior
32. Answer: 3. Kidneys’ excretion of sodium and water
The right coronary artery supplies the right ventricle or the
inferior portion of the heart. Therefore, prolonged occlusion The kidneys respond to a rise in blood pressure by excreting
could produce an infarction in that area. The right coronary sodium and excess water. This response ultimately affects
artery doesn’t supply the anterior portion (left ventricle), systolic pressure by regulating blood volume.

 Options A, B, and D: The right coronary artery 33. Answer: 1. Changes in blood pressure
doesn’t supply the anterior portion (left ventricle),
lateral portion (some of the left ventricle and the Baroreceptors located in the carotid arteries and aorta sense
left atrium), or the apical portion (left ventricle) of pulsatile pressure. Decreases in pulsatile pressure cause a
the heart. reflex increase in heart rate. Chemoreceptors in the medulla
are primarily stimulated by carbon dioxide. Peripheral
27. Answer: 3. Pulmonic chemoreceptors in the aorta and carotid arteries are
primarily stimulated by oxygen.
Abnormalities of the pulmonic valve are auscultated at the
second left intercostal space along the left sternal border. 34. Answer: 1. Afterload

 Option A: Aortic valve abnormalities are heard at Afterload refers to the resistance normally maintained by the
the second intercostal space, to the right of the aortic and pulmonic valves, the condition and tone of the
sternum. aorta, and the resistance offered by the systemic and
 Option B: Mitral valve abnormalities are heard at pulmonary arterioles.
the fifth intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
 Option D: Tricuspid valve abnormalities are heard  Option B: Cardiac output is the amount of blood
at the 3rd and 4th intercostal spaces along the expelled from the heart per minute.
sternal border.  Option C: Overload refers to an abundance of
circulating volume.
28. Answer: 3. Troponin I  Option D: Preload is the volume of blood in the
ventricle at the end of diastole.
Troponin I levels rise rapidly and are detectable within 1
hour of myocardial injury. Troponin levels aren’t detectable 35. Answer: 4. Preload
in people without cardiac injury.

29. Answer: 4. Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Preload is the amount of stretch of the cardiac muscle fibers 41. Answer: 3. Distal to the catheter insertion
at the end of diastole. The volume of blood in the ventricle
at the end of diastole determines the preload. ADVERTISEMENTS

 Option A: Afterload is the force against which the Palpating pulses distal to the insertion site is important to
ventricle must expel blood. evaluate for thrombophlebitis and vessel occlusion. They
 Option B: Cardiac index is the individualized should be bilateral and strong.
measurement of cardiac output, based on the
client’s body surface area. 42. Answer: 4. Myocardial scarring and perfusion
 Option C: Cardiac output is the amount of blood
the heart is expelling per minute.
This scan detects myocardial damage and perfusion, an
acute or chronic MI.
36. Answer: 3. Question the physician about the order
 Option D: Specific ventricular function is tested by
Propranolol and other beta-adrenergic blockers are a gated cardiac blood pool scan.
contraindicated in a client with asthma, so the nurse should
question the physician before giving the dose. The other
responses are appropriate actions for a client receiving 43. Answer: 3. Maintaining cardiac monitoring
propranolol, but questioning the physician takes priority.
The client’s apical pulse should always be checked before Even though initial tests seem to be within normal range, it
giving propranolol; if the pulse rate is extremely low, the takes at least 3 hours for the cardiac enzyme studies to
nurse should withhold the drug and notify the physician. register. In the meantime, the client needs to be watched for
bradycardia, heart block, ventricular irritability, and other
arrhythmias. Other activities can be accomplished by the MI
 Options A, B, and D: The other responses are
appropriate actions for a client receiving
propranolol, but questioning the physician takes
priority. The client’s apical pulse should always be 44. Answer: 3. The heart has to pump faster to meet the
checked before giving propranolol; if the pulse rate demand for oxygen when there is lowered arterial
is extremely low, the nurse should withhold the oxygen tension.
drug and notify the physician.
The arterial oxygen supply is lowered and the demand for
37. Answer: 3. Hypokalemia oxygen is increased, which results in the heart’s having to
beat faster to meet the body’s needs for oxygen.
Furosemide is a potassium-depleting diuretic than can cause
hypokalemia. In turn, hypokalemia increases myocardial 45. Answer: 1. Creatine kinase (CK or CPK)
excitability, leading to ventricular tachycardia.
Creatine kinase (CK, formally known as CPK) rises in 3-8
38. Answer: 4. “Avoid salt substitutes.” hours if an MI is present. When the myocardium is
damaged, CPK leaks out of the cell membranes and into the
Because Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic, the
client should avoid salt substitutes because of their high
potassium content.  Options B, C, and D: Lactic dehydrogenase rises in
24-48 hours, and LDH-1 and LDH-2 rises in 8-24
 Options A, B, and C: The client should also avoid
potassium-rich foods and potassium supplements.
To reduce fluid volume overload, sodium 46. Answer: 1. Decreased arterial blood flow secondary
restrictions should continue. to vasoconstriction

39. Answer: 4. Impulse to travel to the ventricles Decreased arterial flow is a result of vasospasm. The
etiology is unknown. It is more problematic in colder
climates or when the person is under stress. Hyperemia
The P-R interval is measured on the ECG strip from the
occurs when the vasospasm is relieved.
beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS
complex. It is the time it takes for the impulse to travel to
the ventricle. 47. Answer: 1. “Apply the patch to a nonhairy, nonfatty
area of the upper torso or arms.”
40. Answer: 1. “Cardiac rehabilitation is not a cure but
can help restore you to many of your former activities.” A nitroglycerin patch should be applied to a nonhairy,
nonfatty area for the best and most consistent absorption
Such a response does not have false hope to the client but is
positive and realistic. The answer tells the client what
cardiac rehabilitation is and does not dwell on his negativity  Option B: Sites should be rotated to prevent skin
about it. irritation.
 Option C: The drug should be continued if
headache occurs because tolerance will develop.
 Option D: Sublingual nitroglycerin should be used
to treat chest pain.

48. Answer: 3. Apply the nitroglycerin patch for 14

hours each and remove for 10 hours at night

Tolerance can be prevented by maintaining an 8- to 12-hour

nitrate-free period each day.

49. Answer: 3. Heart rate increases

Heart rate increases in response to decreased blood pressure

caused by vasodilation.

50. Answer: 2. This combination promotes diuresis but

decreases the risk of hypokalemia

Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic; furosemide

is a potassium-losing diuretic. Giving these together
minimizes electrolyte imbalance.

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