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Though less intuitive than amplitude modulation, frequency modulation is still a fairly
straightforward method of wireless data transmission. Frequency modulation (FM) is a method of
modulating data onto a carrier wave by varying the instantaneous frequency of the wave. This
scheme can be used with both analogue and digital data. But we are going to focus on analogue
one since the digital data FM Modulation will be going to further explained in Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK) Modulation.

In analogue FM, the frequency of the

carrier, varies in a continuous manner. That
being said, there are infinitely many
possible carrier frequencies. From what I
learned, there are both narrowband and
wideband that differs in terms of their
respective bandwidth. The first,
Narrowband FM, are mostly used in two-
way wireless communications, the
instantaneous carrier frequency varies by
up to 5 kilohertz above and below the
frequency of the carrier with no modulation.
While in wideband FM, used in wireless
broadcasting, the instantaneous frequency
Pic 1 Difference between analogue modulation techniques (AM, FM and PM )
varies by up to several megahertz.

When the input wave has positive polarity, the carrier frequency shifts in one direction; when the
instantaneous input wave has negative polarity, the carrier frequency shifts in the opposite direction.
At every instant in time, the extent of carrier-frequency shift (the deviation) is directly proportional
to the extent to which the signal amplitude is positive or negative.

Frequency modulation is similar in practice to phase modulation (PM), the third and least known
form of analogue modulation. When the instantaneous frequency of a carrier is varied, the
instantaneous phase changes as well. The converse also holds: When the instantaneous phase is
varied, the instantaneous frequency changes. But FM and PM are not exactly equivalent, especially
in analogue applications. When an FM receiver is used to demodulate a PM signal, or when an FM
signal is intercepted by a receiver designed for PM, the audio is distorted. This is because the
relationship between frequency and phase variations is not linear; that is, frequency and phase do
not vary in direct proportion.

The following will dig deeper in aforementioned concepts.


Previously, I’ve executed the attached code that written in the assignment instructions. The Following
is the results from various variations on the possibly modified variables. The four modifiable
variables are Frequency of both sine wave messages that also acts as the input, The sine wave
carrier signal, amplitude of each message and carrier signal, and modulation index.

The first question is what’s the effect of differing modulation index? To search the answer for this, I
-of course- made a variations on modulation index variable, and look for something different of
each results with same other variables. The following is the graph taken with a constant value set
of Amplitude of carrier and message equals to 1, and frequency of message is 5 and carrier is 5,
The only difference is modulation index.

Pic 3 Modulation Index =2 Pic 4 Modulation Index = 5 Pic 2 Modulation Index = 8

Three of the next graph is produced by another set of constant value set of Amplitude of carrier
and message equals to 1, and frequency of message is 3 and carrier is 4, The only difference is
modulation index.

Pic 5 Modulation Index = 3

Pic 7 Modulation Index = 8
Pic 6 Modulation Index = 5
From two set of examples mentioned above, we could see that any slight changes to the modulation
index could affect the whole final modulated signal. So, what is modulation index?

y = vc*sin(2*pi*fc*t+m.*cos(2*pi*fM*t));

Well, speaking from the code, modulation index is declared as m variable, and then it will be used
to calculate final modulation signal, it seems that in the modulation code, the m value and t value
(from is sampling ratio from matlab plot declaration) used as a multiplication index for the message
frequency. But why in the first place we even need a modulation index?

As cited from various sources, Modulation index is one of two key parameters in any frequency
modulation, the other one being deviation ratio. These two parameters describe some of the basic
characteristics of a given FM signal - the modulation index providing a measure of what is
effectively the level of modulation and the deviation ratio a measure of the deviation relative to
the modulating frequency.

The frequency modulation index is the equivalent of the modulation index for AM , but obviously
related to FM. In view of the differences between the two forms of modulation, the FM modulation
index is measured in a different way.

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝑀𝑎𝑥 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦

The FM modulation index is equal to the ratio of the frequency deviation to the modulating
frequency. To give an example of the FM modulation index, take the example where a signal has
a deviation of ±80Hz, and the modulating frequency is 16kHz, then the modulation index for this
particular instance is 80 / 16 = 5.

Frequency modulation is used in a variety of applications. Different levels of deviation are used in
different applications. For broadcast FM transmissions the aim is to be able to transmit high quality
audio and to achieve this high levels of deviation are used and the bandwidth is wide. For
communications purposes, quality is not the issue, but bandwidth is more important. Accordingly
deviation levels are less and the bandwidth is much smaller.

This has given rise to classifications of narrow band FM and wide band FM. These can be related
to the modulation index and deviation ratio. Back to the beginning when we’re talk about wideband
and narrowband. Narrowband is declared for any FM signals that it’s modulation index fall below
0.5, meanwhile Wideband is declared for any FM signals with modulation index above 0.5

In Narrowband FM, the deviation is small enough that the Bessel function is small enough and the
sidebands are negligible.

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