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Name:_________________ Date:____________

Grade & Section:_______________

Test I. Direction write T if the statement is fact and F if the statement is opinion

_______1. Spring is the most beautiful season of all.

_______2. John Doe said” I killed her because I love her”
_______3. First day of the school year is scary.
_______4. Your birthday comes only one day a year.
_______5. April is a month with 30 days.
_______6. Some families eat turkey on Thanksgiving
_______7. Statement is fact when there is a clear evidence to support the key ideas.
_______8. Statement is an opinion when there is a word I think, I believe or in my perspective.
_______9. Fact if it is tested or proven to be true.
______10. There are 12 months in the year.

Test II. Paper and pencil test: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What kind of poem is Porphyria’s Lover?
A. Narrative Poetry
B. Dramatic Poetry
C. Lyrical Poetry
D. Sonnet
2. What is the tone in Porphyria’s’ Lover?
A. Uneasy then satisfied and Happy
B. Awfully and pathetic
C. Happy and Fulfilling
D. All of the Above
3. What is the theme of the Poetry?
A. Even a lover may be a power hungry person?
B. For the desire for control could over power the desire for love
C. Violent love
D. Only death could separate us
4. Who is the speaker talking to in Porphyria’s Lover?
A. Robert Browning
B. John Doe
C. Porphyria
D. Sob Sister
5. In Porphyria’s lover, what does the speaker of the poem do to porphyria?
A. Abandon her
B. Sets her on fire
C. Strangles with her hair?
D. Marries
6. Do you think the speaker feels guilty about what he has done?
A. No, because the only feeling the narrator really registers is that they feel” Happy and proud”.
B. Yes, because base from the defendant testimony he said, “ I killed her because I love her”.
C. No, because the feeling of the narrator is satisfied and fulfilling as no one can separate them.
7. Porphyria’s Lover is written in the form of a dramatic monologue. What is dramatic monologue?
A. When there is drama in the piece
B. When one characters talks to another
C. When the author writes in a persona or voice
D. None all of the answer are correct.
8. What literary period did Robert Browning write in?
A. The Beat Generation
B. The Romantic Period
C. The Renaissance
D. The Victorian Period
9. What is the symbolism in the lines “That moment she was mine, mine fair”.
A. The repetition of “mine” indicating the jealous possessiveness of the narrator”.
B. The repetition of “mine” indicating the obsessions that leads to unlawfully fate.
C. The repetition of “mine” indicating the desire to possess forever as they insanely inlove with each other.
D. All of the Above
10. Give the rhyme scheme pattern of the poem Porphyria’s Lover.

TEST III. Paraphrase what the speaker intended to convey (10pts).

SPEAKER: (ORIGINAL STATEMENT) “I don’t believe that love is the key to effective relationships. After all, what is love
anyway? I think the key is negotiation and compromise”.


Test 1V. Give atleast 5 benefits of chew gum and give 5 disadvantages of chew gum.


Prepared by:

Ms. Joan O. Sioco

Subject Teacher

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