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Unix and Windows: A Competitive History

Unix rose from the ashes of a failed attempt in the early 1960s to develop a reliable
time-sharing operating system. A few survivors from Bell Labs did not give up and
created a system that provided a development environment described as "of unusual
simplicity, power, and elegance."

Since the 1980s, Unix's main competitor, Windows, has gained popularity due to the increasing
power of microcomputers with Intel-compatible processors. At the time, Windows was the only
major OS designed for this type of processor; however, a new version of Unix called Linux, also
specifically developed for microcomputers, emerged in the early 1990s. Since Linux can be
obtained for free, it's a more cost-effective choice for individuals and businesses

UNIX vs. Windows

Unix is a Command Line User Interface Windows is event driven whereas this
and Windows is Graphic User Interface feature is absent in Unix operating system
operating system.

Unix is command based Windows is menu based operating

File system in Unix is (STD.ERR,STD.IO), and in Windows it is (FAT32,NTFS

In Unix multiprocessing is possible Whereas it is not possible in Windows.

In terms of security, Unix is more secure Windows as we can restrict the permission
of each user.

plug and play and this feature is not Windows operating system support plug
available in Unix and play

Unix is free source operating system . Windows is licensed operating system

In Unix, a shared object (.so) file contains In Windows, a dynamic-link library (.dll) file
code to be used by the program, and also has no dangling references. Instead, an
the names of functions and data that it access to functions or data goes through a
expects to find in the program. When the lockup table. So the DLL code does not
file is joined to the program, all references have to be fixed up at run time to refer to
to those functions and data in the file's the program's memory; instead, the code
code are changed to point to the actual already uses the DLL's look-up table, and
locations in the program where the the look-up table is modified at run-time to
functions and data are placed in memory. point to the functions and data.
This is basically a link operation.

In Unix, there is only one type of library file In Windows, there are two types of library,
(.a) which contains code from several a static library and an import library (both
object files (.o). During the link step to called .lib). A static library is like a Unix .a
create a shared object file (.so), the linker file; it contains code to be included as
may find that it doesn't know where an necessary. An import library is basically
identifier is defined. The linker will look for it used only to reassure the linker that a
in the object files in the libraries; if it finds it, certain identifier is legal, and will be
it will include all the code from that object present in the program when the DLL is
file. loaded. So the linker uses the information
from the import library to build the look-up
table for using identifiers that are not
included in the DLL. When an application
or a DLL is linked, an import library may be
generated, which will need to be used for
all future DLLs that depend on the symbols
in the application or DLL.

Unix, such updates must be performed manually.

UNIX Security Features

 User Accounts
 File Permissions
 Data Verification
 Encrypted Storage
 Secure Remote Access with Open SSH
 Software Management
 Host Integrity Testing
 System Recovery
 Resource Allocation Controls
 Monitoring and Audit Facilities
 The System Firewall
 Application Isolation
 A Note on Viruses and Malware

Which Operating System best for use

The Windows operating system is intended to be used with a GUI, its command line is
for those with advanced computer skills.

Unix gives you the option to use either the command line for more control and flexibility
or a GUI which many people find easier to use.

Because of Microsoft’s aggressive marketing practices, millions of people use the

Windows OS that came with their PCs. These people either enjoy the convenience of
the pre-installed operating system or they're not aware that there are operating systems
like Unix and Linux.

If you're unsure which OS to use at home or for your business, consider one of the
varieties of Linux or Unix. The mostly free or inexpensive open-source operating
systems, such as Linux and BSD, are very attractive to aspiring and experienced
computer wizards because of their flexibility and control. Many of the smartest
programmers are developing state-of-the-art software free of charge for the fast-growing
"open-source movement."

No single operating system offers universal solutions to all your computing needs. It is all about
having choices and making educated decisions

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