Use Case Document 3

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Title Description
Use Case ID UC 01
Use Case Name Flight booking application
Precondition Customer should download the application
Post Condition Customer can get the desired flight booking
Use Case Description This system allows the customers to book the desired domestic or
international flight ticket.

Use Case Scenario 1. The customer enters the application.

2. The customer should get the login page with the following
Forget Password
Sign up
3. Once the customer login, he should get the booking page
with the following options
Domestic or International flights
One way, Round trip, Multicity
From (starting place) To (destination place)
Departure date, Month, Day, year
Return, Month, Day, year
Number of passengers
Travelling class
Search button
4. Once search button clicked, the result page shall display
with the following options
Airline name with logo
Currency selection with drop down menu
Sort selection with drop down
Flight details like departure journey starting time, place,
and date, & arrival time, place, date.
Duration of the journey
Return journey starting time, place, and date, & arrival
time, place, date.
Duration of the journey
Refundable or Non refundable
Baggage information
Flight details
Fare details
Deals and discounts
Fare display
Book now button
5. Once the customer clicked book now button, customer
details and payment page should open with the following
Billing address
Phone number
Email address
Alternate phone number
Debit or credit card
Card number
Name on card
Expiry date
CVV number
Pay now button.
6. Once customer clicked pay now button, the final page will
open with the following display
Payment successful and the booked ticket will appear with
Print ticket
Send ticket to email
Log out

Actors • Customer
• Airline

• Bank
Alternative Flows 1) Customer login

1.1) If customer enters wrong user name or password the system

shall display

Invalid username and password please try again

2) wrong resource type

2.1) if in step 3 of the use case scenario the employee selected the
resource of out availability or out of budget.

1) The system shall display the message “Invalid leave type and
reason-please try again”

3) Rejection from the supervisor

3.1)if in step 4 of the use case scenario the employee gets the
reject message from the supervisor.

a) The system shall display a warning message and ask the

employee to renter the purchase order.

4) No Response from supervisor

4.1)if in the step 4 of the use case scenario there is no response

from the approver with in10days then

a) automatically at 11th day the system will approve.

5) Rejection from the purchase manager

5.1)if in step 5 of the use case scenario the purchase team gets the
reject message from the purchase manager.

a) The system shall display a warning message and ask the

employee to cancel the purchase order.

6) No Response from purchase manager

6.1)if in the step 4 of the use case scenario there is no response

from the approver with in10days then

a) Automatically at 11th day the system will approve.

5) resources fail to arrive

If in the step 8 of the use case scenario the if all the resources are
not arrived to the company then

a)then system shall issue a display message “Only 2 of 4 resources

are received.” To the inventory manager,

6) amount above the budget

If in the step 9 of the use case scenario ,If the amount is above the
specified budget then

a)the system will get the money from the other accounts and
payments are done.

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