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Did you know that…

 The Reuleaux Triangle is a shape of constant width other than a circle

 Rene Descartes came up with the theory of coordinate geometry by looking at a fly walk
across a tiles ceiling.

 Euclid’s ‘Elements’ is one of the most powerful works in the history of mathematics,
considered the chief textbook for mathematics (particularly geometry) from the time of
its creation till the late 19th or early 20th century.

 Archimedes was famous for his contributions to the field of mathematics. He determined
the exact value of pi.

 Archimedes, the greatest mathematician of antiquity, made his greatest contributions in

geometry. His methods anticipated the integral calculus 2,000 years before Newton and

 Of all of his notations, Euler's most important may be the idea of the function, as he was
the first mathematician to designate the function by writing it f(x).

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