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Consumer behavior in Digital marketing


Digital marketing is the source of electronic communication which is used by the marketers to
deliver the goods and the services towards the marketplace (Satya.P., 2017)
In 1990s the word digital marketing was introduced with the debut of servers/clients
Thomson Holidays UK was the first online business to business online shopping system installed
In India India Mart B2B marketplace was the first online shopping system

On the mid of 2017 Digital marketing gained its growth. This gave a good opportunity to E-
commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon to gain the Audience and increase their sales. And
now they are known as the E- commerce giants. The Internet provides the opportunity to these
companies to increase their business hours in global level instead to typical 8 hours a day they
can now operate 24/7.Young generation plays a vital in the growth of digital marketing. Age
group of 18-25 spend most of the time in their mobiles they do not prefer going out and
purchasing thing they need the work should be done in one click by sitting in one place which
saves a lot of time.

Digital marketing saves a lot of time as it can be done from anywhere and anytime this is not
only the reason. They find that the after sales service are far better than the physical
doubt that the product which is hand-picked is more satisfying then the product which is ordered

Consumer behavior is the study of an individual, groups or organization or all those activities
which is related to purchase. It including the consumer's emotional, mental and behavioral
responses that precede or follow these activities.

Consumer behavior have always been a area of major interest for social science researchers
witnessing and explosion over 50 years. (Kaveh., 2016)
Consumer Behavior refers to the study of buying mind-set of consumers. An person who goes
for shopping is not sure that he will end up buying products. There are several stages through.

Average people think that social media is for entertainment purpose. They think social media
exists so that they can connect with their friends and family and share the important
information’s to them. That is exactly what it is from a consumer point of view. It is a free
service that allows them to connect with their loved ones for free. However nothing in this world
comes for free social media is a serious multibillion dollar industry which is fueling the next
generation. The upcoming years will be turn the world into fully digital world each and every
thing will be done in just one click

Review of Literature

According to Y.K.Bushan Digital marketing saves a lot of time and people who prefer to
save their time go for digital his study it was discovered that online shopping
preferred by both male and female among them majority of respondent belong to age group
of 19-25 who are mostly student. If we talk about mode of payment the most preferable one
is cash on delivery whereas the least preferable one is online mode of payment.

P. Sathya says that Digital Marketing allows the customer to know better about the
company. Companies constantly update the information about their goods and services,
product availability. Still this technologies can be only opted by large companies small firms
can’t afford this method

Atshaya.S says that Digital marketing has a wide reach which means it can reach it can
attract huge number of customers in very less it is not much costly so the firms can
easily afford it

According to Andrew T. Stephen Digital technologies is becoming a part of billions of

people in daily life. As websites like flipkart and amazon tracks the user data his last searches
so it helps them to target the consumers by advertising the products which they need.

Fawad Khan Says that Company considers Digital Marketing as essential tool for marketing
their products and services but at the same time they think that the issue of privacy and
misleading of information.

According to Kieran.S Nair For successful implementation and integration of social

networks in to organizations marketing strategy they need to develop a social media
marketing model These platforms offer organization cheap yet effective and strong medium
to promote their product and service to reach the right audience.

K. Grishikashvili says that advances in digital technologies had made a significant impact on
marketing theory and technology expands the opportunity of full filling the
customer needs and demand increases.

Isidro Fierro says that Due to globalization, technology has been exerting pressure on businesses
to adapt their practice into modern and diverse mechanisms that society is currently demanding.
Multinational companies knows the importance of implementing a digital relationship with


1. To find the awareness of digital marketing.

2. To find the impact of awareness on buying behavior of consumer.

Research Methodology

The data used in this research is Primary Data and the data is collected by the researcher by its
own. A survey was conducted on people Living in Chandigarh, Delhi NCR, Madurai, Chennai,
Hyderabad INDIA. The study was conducted by questioners with the help of Google form.

Population sampling

The people who participated were from different backgrounds. Students, job going people, senior
citizens. The people from different age group had different experience level. The questionnaires
were shared with 80 people from the different states with different age which 50 people
responded successfully i.e.- 80% which can be considered as a good rate.

Research Design

The research design used in the research is Qualitative research design in which conclusion
derived were from questionnaire that were answered by different the study is about
consumer behavior in digital marketing and we are trying to find the awareness of it and also
trying to know the opinion of different people.

The data collected from respondent was analyzed in statistical research design which was applied
during the research study

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