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Internship Report

UCB Capital Management Limited

Subject: HR Management Process & Practice

Submitted to
Shamil M. Al-Islam
Lecturer of Economics, School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh

Submitted by
Rifat Nowrin Islam
Id: 1231027
Date: 08/04/2018

Letter of Submission

Mr. Shamil M. Al-Islam

Lecturer of Economics

School of Business

Independent University, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on UCB Capital Management Limited.

Dear Sir,

I intend to submit the internship report of my three months long internship program in the UCB
Capital Management Limited in their Human Resource Department. This report has been
prepared to fulfill the requirement of my internship program.

I have put my best effort to make this report a successful one. It has been joyful & enlightening
experience for me to work in the organization & prepare this report. It was also great source of
learning for me.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind guidance & suggestions in
preparing the report. If you need any further clarification for any part of this Internship Report, I
would eagerly provide any kind of information regarding this Internship report on UCB Capital
Management Limited.

Yours Sincerely

Rifat Nowrin Islam


It is high time to express my humble gratitude to the Almighty Allah as I finished my internship
report in due time. I additionally need to pay my extraordinary appreciation for the bolster some
kind hearted individuals who have truly helped me to finish the report.

My acknowledgement begins by thanking my honorable faculty, Shamil M. Al-Islam who has

provided me with suggestions for making this Final Internship Report and also provided me with
the format for preparing this report. I would like to show my warm-hearted gratitude to the
Human Resource department of UCB Capital Management Ltd, which has provided me with
great deal of information, adequate data and lastly cooperated me for the accomplishment of this
report successfully. Finally, I would like to thank each and every employee of the department
and my reporting Manager Mr. A.K.M. Iqbell Hossain (Officer, HR Department) for his kind
assistance regarding the report. My special thanks and most profound appreciation to Mr.
Nayamul Hoque.ACS (Company Secretary & Head of HR and Corporate Affairs), who
constantly enlivened me to learn new things and helped me while I confronted any sort issue.
Without his it would not possible for me to complete this difficult task, I got all necessary
guideline, cooperation, advice from his to complete this complicated task. I am very much
thankful to UCB Capital Management Ltd, its management and all employees for their cordial
support to prepare this report with important information and data. I am also grateful to the other
officials & my friends who helped me while preparing the report by giving their suggestions,
assistance and information, which were valuable to me. Their kind cooperation supported me to
complete my report successfully.

Table of Content

Executive Summery....................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter – 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 6

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Company Profile.............................................................................................................................. 8
1.1.1 Operations Review .................................................................................................................... 11

1.1.2 Divisions & Departments .......................................................................................................... 15

1.1.3 Responsibilities of Departments ................................................................................................ 17

1.1.4 Operating Performance ............................................................................................................ 19

1.1.5 CSR Activities ............................................................................................................................. 20

1.1.6 Marketing Activities .................................................................................................................. 24

Chapter – 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 25
Internship Experience ............................................................................................................................ 25
2.1 Job Responsibility ......................................................................................................................... 26
2.2 Function of the Department ........................................................................................................ 28

Chapter – 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 30

Outcome of Internship ........................................................................................................................... 30

3.1 Problems and challenges I faced in the workplace ...................................................................... 31

3.2 Analysis of the issue based on relevant theories ......................................................................... 32

3.3 Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 36

Chapter – 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 37

Conclusion and Implication .................................................................................................................... 37

4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 38

Implication .................................................................................................................................. 39

Reference .................................................................................................................................. 40

Executive Summary

UCB Capital Management Limited has emerged as one of the esteemed stock broker in
Bangladesh Capital Market. It is a subsidiary of United Commercial Bank Limited.
UCB Capital Management Limited has opened its service door in June 2013 with a highly
experienced and proficient management team to provide a global standard service to the clients
of home and abroad in relation to securities originating in Bangladesh.
This report describes the learning and experiences derived from working in UCB Capital as an
intern for three months Firstly I wrote a brief about UCB Capital Management Ltd. I wrote about
the background of UCB Capital and their history and also their service what they are offering to
the customers. I also discuss the management process and practices of UCB Capital Management
Ltd. because I was working under the HR department. Through I can observe their full
management process. This report is based on direct observations and interviews. Through the
observation and interviews it has been found that UCB Capital is fastest growing stock broker so
still they have less structured management practice but the coordination among the activities is
strong. They have an experienced management body that will be responsible for the functions of
Through the challenges and practical learning, I have been able to discover my capabilities and
lacking. In the process, I have also gained and improved some corporate skills which can be of
great value like communication skill, multitasking, flexibility, being calm and humble. Lastly,
UCB Capital has also shaped my career plans by making me realize the importance of corporate
experience and thus I am planning to work for at least a year before doing my post graduate.

Chapter – 1


UCB Capital Management Limited (UCB Capital) is a modern, professional and prominent
securities brokerage house in Bangladesh Capital Market. TREC holder with Dhaka Stock
Exchange (DSE TREC No. 181) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE TREC No. 015), UCB
Capital is currently the fastest growing stock broker and dealer in the country. It is a subsidiary
of United Commercial Bank Limited (UCBL), the second largest private commercial bank in the
The Principal objectives of the company are to act as a TREC Holder of Dhaka Stock exchange
Ltd. and Chittagong exchange Ltd. to carry on the business of stock brokers in relation to relation
to shares and securities dealing and other services as mentioned in the memorandum and Articles
of Association of the company.
The Company is also registered with the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange commission
(BSEC) to act as Stock Dealer for carrying its own investment in the capital market. It also
extends margin loan to its clients against their margin for investment in the listed securities. The
required margin level is monitored daily and pursuant to established guidelines, customers are
required to deposit additional margin to reduce the position, where necessary.
This report has been prepared to meet the requirements of the Internship program of Independent
University, Bangladesh. This report is an outcome of almost three-month internship program. I
worked three months as an intern in UCB Capital Management Limited where I gathered
experiences how Human Resource Department work which is a wing of Operations. I got to
know many things about the entire works. I worked under the close supervision of Mr. Neyamul
Hoque, ACS who is the head of HR department.

1.1 Company profile

UCB Capital Management Ltd. (The Company), former Maryellen Capital Management Ltd.
(DSE TREC No: 181, CSE TREC No: 015) was incorporated in Bangladesh and registered with
the registrar of Joint Stock Companies vide its registration number C-69039(1551)/07 on
November 20, 2007 as a Private Limited Company. The Name of the Company was changed by
passing a resolution in an Extra- Ordinary General Meeting of UCB Capital Management Ltd
held on January 17, 2013. After name change the company commenced the business from 19 th
June 2013. The registered office of the company is located at 6 Dilkusha C/A(First Floor),
In 2013, UCB Capital Management Ltd started its operation with paid up capital of Taka 1
Crore. In 2014, this company had been turned its paid up capital to Taka 51.35 Crore through
the amalgamation with two dormant companies which are UCB Securities Limited and Anam
Capital Limited. The paid up capital remained same till October 2016. In November 2016, they
issued 2 crore shares at per Taka 100 and the paid up capital turned into Taka 200 Crore from
Taka 51.35 Crore. They raised Taka 148.65 Crore through share money deposit for issuing
rights share from parent company United Commercial Bank (UCB). From 2 crore shares
Chairman Muhammad Ali owns only 1 share and the rest shares owned by UCB.
UCB Capital Management Ltd. encompasses a wide range of services having registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission to act as “Depository Participant” of Central Depository of
Bangladesh Limited (CDBL).
Since, UCB Capital started commercial operation in 2013. Despite a late start, UCB Capital has
established a sizeable customer base and a solid reputation within the industry. As a full service
brokerage house, UCB Capital offers a full range of professional stock brokerage services for the
institutional and individual inventors (including NRBs) in Bangladesh as well as foreign
institutions and individuals. It has a branch network covering Dhaka and Chittagong, the two
largest cities in Bangladesh.

1.1 Offerings of UCB Capital Management Limited:
 Securities trading through both DSE and CSE.
 BO account opening and maintenance.
 Full depository participant services through CDBL.
 Dematerialization and re-materialization of securities.
 Transfer and Transmission of securities.
 Pledging and un- pledging of securities.
 Margin facility.
 Tele/e-mail trading.
 VIP trading booth.
 Institutional trading desk.
 International trading desk.
 Fundamental and technical analysis.
 One-stop customer support desk.

1.1 Organizational Overview:

The Current Board of Directors and the Chairman of UCBCML are listed below:

Current Board of 1. Mr. A. E. Abdul Muhaimen, Director.

Directors 2. Mr. Akhter Matin Chaudhury, Independent Director (
Nominated by UCB)
3. Mr. Mohammad Shawkat Jamil, Director ( Nominated by
4. Mr. Ahsan Alzal, Director ( Nominated by UCB)
5. Mr. Arif Quachi, Director ( Nominated by UCB)
6. Mr. Md. Shohrab Mostula, Director ( Nominated by UCB)
7. Mr. ATM Tahmidduzzaman FCS, Director ( Nominated by
8. Mr. Mohammed Rahamat Pasha, Managing Director & CEO
(Nominated by UCB)
9. Mr. Nayamul Haque ACS, Company Secretary (Nominated
by UCB)
Chairman Mr. A. E. Abdul Muhaimen

1.1 Company’s Vision:
To be the preferred Brand for Investment Management in the Bangladesh Capital Market.

1.1 Company’s Mission:

 Exceed investor’s expectations.
 Be the leading source of Capital Market research.
 Operate state of the art technologies for efficient operations and superior customer
 Be the most ethical and compliant Capital Market player.
 Develop human capital for organized growth and constructive customer relationship.
 Promote gender diversity, environment consciousness and care for the community.

1.1 Company’s Core Values:

 Integrity: We are honest, open ethical and fair.
 Trust: We build trust through our every action.
 Respect: Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.
 Accountability: Ensuring responsibility and conformity.
 Quality: What we do, we ensure quality.

1.1 Business Review of UCB Capital Management Limited:

Despite a late start, UCB Capital has established a sizeable customer base and a solid reputation
within the industry. As a full-service brokerage house, UCB capital offers a full range of
professional stock brokerage services for the institutional and individual investors (including
NRBs) in Bangladesh as well as foreign institutions and individuals. It has a branch network
covering Dhaka and Chittagong, the two largest cities in Bangladesh.

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1.1.1 Operations Review:

UCB Capital registered a net loss of BDT 10.10 million in 2016 compared to a net profit of BDT
25.02 million in 2015. The net loss was mostly due to the provisioning of BDT 44.18 million
against negative equity accounts which was necessary to mitigate risks. Profit before provision
stood at BDT 48.25 million in 2016 compared to BDT 40.36 million in 2015 registering a growth
of 19.55%. UCB Capital executed transactions worth BDT 15,776.33 million in 2016 compared
to BDT 11,239.98 million which is 40.36% higher. In 2016, the company’s loans to clients stood
at BDT 640.64 million as against BDT 456.36 million in the previous year. The number of
clients increased in 2016 by 40.25% compared to the previous year. UCB Capital performed
progressively better especially towards the end of the year ranking 24th for the month of
December 2016 and 40th overall in 2016. The paid-up capital of the company was enhanced from
BDT 513.5 million to BDT 2,000 million during the year 2016.

UCB Capital's Yearly Ranking in DSE



2013 2014 2015 2016

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UCB Capital's Monthly Ranking (2016) in DSE

19 17

50 50 48 48
52 53
62 63

1.1.1 Profit before Provision and Tax:

The profit before provision and tax of UCB Capital Management Ltd. from 2013 to 2016 is
shown below through a diagram:

Profit before Provision & Tax (BDT mn)




2013 2014 2015 2016

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1.1.1 Turnover:
The turnover of UCB Capital Management Ltd. from the year 2013 to 2016 is also shown below:

Turnover (BDT mn)


11,223.48 11,239.98


2013 2014 2015 2016

1.1.1 Business Revenue

During 2017 income from all major heads increased notably as compared to the previous year. The total
income of BDT. 437.13 million Comprised of brokerage commission income of 171.92 million, income
from margin loan of BDT. 152.47 million and fees and charges of BDT. 112.73 million.

Particulars 2015 2016 2017

Brokerage 48,142,160 171,922,568
Commission 34,480,871

Net Interest Income 23,618,668 27,111,294 152,471,268

Other Income 681,429 15,627,194 112,737,490

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Brokerage Commission Net Interest Income Other Income



1.1.1 Financial Performance of UCB Capital Management Limited:

UCB Capital Management Limited is highly committed to increase long term value for
shareholders through successful execution of strategic priorities and action plan. Against various
odds, the company succeeded to achieve good financial outcomes. However, UCB Capital
Management Limited registered a net profit of BDT. 213.13 million in 2017 compared to a net
loss of BDT. 10.09 million in 2016. Operating Profit stood at BDT. 301.13 million in 2017
compared to BDT. 48.25 million in 2016 registering a growth of 524.06%. UCB Capital
Management Limited executed transactions worth BDT. 60,551.03 million in 2017 compared to
BDT. 15,776.33million which is 384% higher. In 2017, the Company’s loans to clients stood at
BDT. 1,579.43 million as against BDT. 640.64 million in the previous year. The number of
clients increased in 2017 by 80.79%. UCB Capital Management Limited performed
progressively better especially towards the end of the year ranking 10th for the month of
December 2017 and 13th overall in 2017. The Board of Directors has decided to enhance the
paid-up capital of the Company from BDT. 513.50 million to BDT. 2,000 million. However, no
new shares have been issued as of December 31, 2017.

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Particulars 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Shareholders’ 14,246,827 546,132,356 571,149,588 2,047,554,575
Total Assets 401,120,186 1,145,928,922 1,094,523,854 2,424,548,482 3,968,869,982

Total Liabilities 386,873,359 599,796,566 523,374,267 376,993,907 1,708,182,287

Revenue from 10,311,305 34,295,836 34,480,871 48,142,160

Net Interest 2,868,041 20,463,920 23,618,668 27,111,294

Net Profit After 4,252,069 28,385,529 25,017,232 -10,095,013

Return on Assets 1.06% 3.67% 2.23% -0.57% 5.37%
Return on Equity 29.85% 10.13% 4.48% -0.77% 9.43%
No of Share 100,000 5,135,000 5,135,000 5,135,000 5,135,000
EPS 42.52 5.53 4.87 -1.97 41.51

1.1.2 Corporate Divisions and Departments:

 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
 Sales & Trade Department
 Research Department
 Human Resource Department
 Settlement Department
 Accounts and Finance Department
 Information & Technology (IT) Department

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1.1.2 Organogram of UCB Capital Management Limited:

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1.1.3 Responsibilities of these Departments:
Chief Executive Officer:

 Leads the Company from front as a leader

 Advice the Board
 Advocates/ advance company and stakeholder change identified with organizations
 Works as motivation to the employee of the organization.
 Formulates policies and planning recommendations to the Board.
 Looks over the whole operations of the organizations.

Sales & Trade Department:

The roles of all sales & Trade department such as retail sales, corporate trade & sales and
international trade & sales are almost the same. Such as –

 Increasing the number of accounts through motivating customer or people.

 Increasing the turnover through increasing the sales etc.

Research Department:

The main role of the research department is to prepare investment advice for the clients both
internal and external. Internal clients are the dealer accounts (Company’s own portfolio) in the
company and the rest are external clients.

Other work flow of research department which is given below:

 First, they pick up a stock

 Do research on the item
 Prepare recommendation in the format of report and they prove it to their clients.

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Human Resource Department:

 HR planning
 Training and Development Program
 HR retention – Employee have the courage to move another company if they got better
option, better salary and better opportunities. So the HR has to take necessary step so that
he can retain employees in the organization.

Settlement Department:

 BO Account opening and maintenance.

 Follow the rules and restrictions of Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL).

Accounts and Finance Department:

 Analyzing performance of the company.

 Main driver for creating budgets of the company.
 Developing strategy so that the organization can make more profits.

Information & Technology Department:

 Develops and maintains both internal and external communication.
 Manages the data of the organization.
 Through management information system (MIS) enables the organization to track sales,
expenses etc.
 Make IT more effective so that the company can build a strong customer relationship.

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1.1.4 Operating Performance:

Particulars 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Income 13,515,400 55,081,653 58,780,968 90,880,648 437,131,326
Expenditure 7,573,306 13,764,539 18,423,272 42,626,858 135,998,206
Operating 48,253,790 301,133,121
Profit 5,942,094 41,317,114 40,357,697

Operating Performance
Amount in BDT

250,000,000 Income
Operating Profit
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Operating Years

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1.1.5 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):
United Commercial Bank Ltd. has a long history of associating itself in different spectrum of
social responsibility and there are numerous glaring instances in which it can take pride. Over the
past 30 years, UCB has rendered extensive financial assistance for benevolent purpose. As a
responsible corporate body, UCB have adopted CSR practices in a formal, structured manner in
line with our organizational vision to help the disadvantaged population of our country by taking
socially responsible initiatives.

The "social contract" between the corporation and the community is of critical importance for
United Commercial Bank. CSR is ingrained in our corporate culture and it is a part and parcel of
what they do. UCB has incorporated CSR activities into its core strategic business planning and
translated it into action across different areas and community of the country. As a subsidiary of
UCB, so UCB Capital has no extra CSR activity. UCB Capital participates with Bank’s CSR
activities. The Bank has organized its CSR activities around seven main areas:

 Education: They always consider education to be the strongest apparatus for the
sustainable development of our country. Also believe that education is to be always
aligned with creative and resourceful activities like debates, art competitions, science
fairs etc. Accordingly UCB & UCB Capital always put emphasis on extra-curriculum
activities apart from conventional education. Their activities in educational sector
 Initiatives to enhance the capability of extra-curriculum involvement of school-
college-university students.
 Scholarship for poor and brilliant students.
 Financial support for education for underprivileged children.
 Extensive literacy programs.
 Educate the next generation of consumers in our markets on how to save, spend,
borrow and manage money wisely.
 Donation to Educational Institutions for educational development purpose.
 Initiatives on debate programs, knowledge-enhancement seminars, career fairs, art
competitions, essay writing competitions, educational fairs, science fairs, donation
to student re-unions etc.

 Health: Health hazards are very common in a country like ours, sometimes in
contagious, sometimes in non-contagious and sometimes in epidemic form. UCB are in
high need to develop more hospitals and medical colleges where destitute will get easy

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access. Moreover, it’s also important to patronize non – profit NGOs to work in this
sector. Whatever the form is, UCB & UCB Capital is determined to help build up a
healthy Bangladesh. Over the years UCB contributed to different projects for
improvement of health sector in Bangladesh. Some of these are improvement in medical
education, survival and healthy development of children, health and well being of
women, disability reduction and the adoption and maintenance of healthy lifestyles etc.
The activities in Health Sector include:
 Financial Assistance to poor and destitute for their health issues.
 Donation to Non-Profit organizations for working on child health, disability,
underprivileged children etc.
 Donation to Non-Profit organizations who give free treatment to the destitute.
 Social awareness during outbreak of Epidemic, plague or other severe contagious
 Awareness on survival and healthy development of children.
 Initiatives to create awareness about health and well being of women.
 Public awareness on maintenance of healthy lifestyles etc.
 Donating to different health-care institutions.

 Disaster Management: Disaster Management has become one of the most discussed
issues in today’s world. Specially, for a county like Bangladesh it is even more important
since our environment is so prone to disasters. Our geographical location and other
factors have made us a country prone to natural calamity. Not only the lives of people but
also economy is effected by natural disasters. Whenever the country is struck by any
disaster, UCB & UCB Capital always takes quick steps to help the affected people by
assisting government and non-government bodies who work on disaster management.
Initiatives include:
 Financial support to government and non-government relief & welfare funds for
victims of natural disasters like storm, flood, earthquake, severe winter etc.
 Creating awareness for effective intervention and mitigation of disasters in

 Environment: Global warming and environmental degradation is now a burning issue all
across the world. Though not responsible that much, yet Bangladesh is a major victim of
this environmental degradation. To fight against this menace, UCB & UCB Capital have
to look forward towards a green atmosphere along with creating mass attention. They

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has always been a strong stakeholder to participate in activities to protect our
environment. Thus awareness raising campaign is very significant in relation to
environment. UCB believes that it’s high time to take effective measures for sound
environment through proper mitigation and adaptation process. Our activities in this
sector include:
 Initiatives / Donation to activities to protect climate/environment.
 Create awareness regarding climate change and environmental degradation (tree
plantation, seminars on ecological balance, disaster management initiative/
support etc).
 Efforts to go towards a greener atmosphere.
 Drawing attention to general & specific problems of our environment and also to
educate common people on such issues.
 Initiatives towards Less Fuel consumption and energy saving.

 Sports: Bangladesh is a sports loving country. Over the last couple of decades our sports
sector specially cricket has improved a lot. UCB & UCB Capital has always been a great
patron of development of sports. For a past couple of years, they have been tremendously
supporting the growth of "Football" and "golf" sector. Main activities include:
 Patronization on sports and youth development especially at rural and sub-urban
 Financial support for development of major sports like football, cricket and golf.

 Art and Culture: Arts & Culture is a strong medium to uphold the rich heritage and
tradition of our country. Regular cultural programs are a must to keep our tradition
moving forward. Believing on that UCB & UCB Capital contributes in arts & culture
throughout the year. They also support any kind of endeavors to explore the country’s
rich cultural heritage. Their initiatives are taken mostly from grass-root level so that the
talents and skills may come from rural and district level. Their activities in "Art &
Culture" include:
 Financial support to different cultural groups and associations.
 Financial support to poor artists.
 Donation to institutions/ associations who work for development of art & culture
 Organizing art competition, photography completion etc to provide opportunity to
children to blossom their latent talent.

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 Arranging and supporting different classical cultural events.
 Promotion and support to local cultural traditions.
 Awareness on preserving rich cultural heritage of Bangladesh.
 Financial support and Scholarship to young and budding talents.
 Initiatives taken for the purpose of study /exploration of our socio-cultural

 Socio Economic Development: The status of a country is determined by the strength of

entire socio-economic structure of the country. In that regard, UCB & UCB Capital
works on different arenas like community development, SME entrepreneurship, textile
sector, women empowerment, tourism etc to construct a happy and prosperous
Bangladesh. Though government is the paramount mechanism for the development of
country, yet sometimes non-government organizations are contributing in their own
limits for the socio-economic development. They are working in many diversified areas
like poverty alleviation, human rights, child rights, women empowerment etc. They are
always supporting them to patronize and also physically intervening to the socio-
economic development of Bangladesh. Their activities in this arena include:
 Financial support to non-profit organizations who work with poor and destitute to
improve their financial condition.
 Financial support to organizations who work on human rights, child rights, labor
rights, women empowerment etc.
 CSR awareness among employees and Employee involvement in social and
voluntary works.
 Developing the tourism industry in the country.
 Support for development of textile sector in the country.
 Support and development for SME sector.
 Encouraging women entrepreneurship.

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1.1.6 Marketing Department & Marketing Process:

To increase the sales, brand image and create a value for the brand is every important for any
organization. This is a center focal point for every organization as the business means to sell the
services or experiences. Basically they called there marketing department as Corporate Affairs
Department. In UCBCML, the marketing team is very efficient and energetic, the verification we
can get from their excellent selling records and their highly appreciated values towards the
customers. UCBCML’s marketing department mainly conducts two activities called Brand
marketing and Trade marketing which includes several other works. Besides this, promotion or
advertising activities is very important for any organization.

There marketing activities is on corporate to corporate. UCB Capital is a subsidiary of UCB

Bank, so they can fine their potential clients or customers through Bank and their own personal
connection. Through Sell team of UCB Capital, they motivate their potential Bank’s client to
invest their money in stock market and they also motivate their personal connection or network
to invest their money in stock market. Research team also works for marketing as well as
because they research on market and they can give upcoming market situation and give their
customers to invest more money to gain profit.

For Brand Marketing UCB Capital use paper advertisement, leaflet, and personal gifts with
brand logo like Note Book, Pen stand, Pen, different books etc. UCB Capital also uses Digital
Marketing process, which is very famous process for good marketing. Through this Digital
Marketing activity people can know about them very easily.

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Chapter -2
Internship Experience

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2.1 Job Responsibilities:

UCB Capital Management Limited gives a greatest opportunity to the interns to develop their
work experience related to studies. The primary goal of the internship is to provide an ‘on the
job’ exposure to the student and an opportunity for transformation of theoretical conceptions in
real life situation. The students are in different departments as well as their related subject.

I was assigned in Human Resource Department as my minor subject is HRM and I am interested
to make my career in HR sector that’s why they assigned me in HR department to get real life
experience. In this department I worked under Mr. Nayamul Hoque, ACS. He is the head of HR
Department and he is also Company Secretary and head of other two departments. In HR
Department I learned and experienced many things and sometimes he gave me some work to do
my own responsibility. So that was great opportunity for me to learn real work and how to
handle work under pressure with responsibility. Now UCB Capital has 66 employees and their
next target is recruiting more than 100 employees for this organization. As the business of UCB
Capital Management Ltd. is growing so the company needs a vast amount of employees for
expanding their business. So, they appointed 14 employees previous year and appointed 20
employees current year.

My responsibilities was new employees joining and joining file submission, creating employees
details information file in excel, annual increment bonus file and letter creation, board meeting
file creation. In other department activities were BO account opening and checking and those
documents to finance department and sales department as well.

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 Visit to different departments: At first, I needed to know about all the services which
are being provided to every department in UCB Capital. So I went Sales Department
wants to know that what type of service actually they provide. Then I went Research &
investment department, Operation department, HR department, IT department, Finance
department. As I have to work in HR department then I have to known about all
departments and I have to meet their employees to get idea actually what type of
employees they appointed.

 New employee joining: In 3 months long internship period they appointed 5 employees
as AVP – Assistant Vice President (2 Person), SEO – Senior Executive Officer (2
Person), SO – Senior officer (1 Person). They need some papers for new joining as
mandatory. Mandatory Papers are – NID copy and Passport size Picture 5 copy,
Academic Certificates copy, Release Letter from previous work organization, 3 Stamp
copy for legal issue, Joining letter, TIN certificate, Nominee NID copy and passport size
picture 2 copy, Training certificates (if available).

 New joining files submission: When any new employee joins this organization then they
collect all information and all data are recorded in joining file. Create individual
employee file and head of department check all those documents and signed for approval.

 Employee information file creating: Employees detail information such as Name,

father’s name, mother’s name, NID number, present and permanent address, designation,
joining date this information enrolled in excel file for emergency contact.

 Annual Increment letter create and issue: Based on year performance all employee get
annual increment. These increment letters create, checking and name wise issue this is an
important work for HR department. So I did this work very carefully.

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 Board meeting file checking: UCB Capital Management limited organized a Board
Meeting with their board members every 3 months a year. In my internship period 41st
Board Meeting was held on 15th March, 2018. In this meeting board member needs some
legal papers for take important decision for company. So I learn how to make those
papers and arrange them.

 BO account opening: BO accounts for new clients those who want to take their service.
Clients have to open a BO account for transaction. I helped to open 4/5 accounts.

 Compensation and Benefits Survey for HRD: HR department have to attend a HR

survey based on their existing policies and employee’s benefits. So I successfully
complete this survey and submit them a report based on their employee’s benefits.

2.2 Function of the Department:

The main function of HR Department is staffing. The managerial function of staffing can be
defined as filling and keeping filled positions in the organization. This is done through
identifying employee requisitions, inventorying the people available and recruiting, selecting,
placing, promotion, appraising, and developing both current jobholders and candidates so that
they can accomplish their tasks effectively and efficiently. In staffing process I will discuss the
recruitment process, training and development process, remuneration policy, and performance
appraisal and promotion policy of UCB Capital Management Ltd.
 Recruitment Process: Firstly they analyze about manpower planning and job positions.
Then they go for requisitions from departments then sourcing through advertisement or
collecting CV’s then applications then they go for short short listing through primary viva
then take written test for freshers again take interview then placement.

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 Training & Development: UCB Capital provides their employee a number of training
program and the program maybe for any specialized department or maybe for every
employee in the company. Their trainings are like portfolio management for research
team, sales and marketing and interpersonal communication training for sales and
marketing department. Anti- Money laundering and countering Financing of Terrorism
training for all employees.
 Remuneration: For remuneration, UCB Capital Management Ltd. follows the structure
of their parent company that means United Commercial Bank Ltd. The structure of
remuneration is shown for example:

Basic House House Conveyance Medical Other Benefit

Pay Rent Maintenance Allowance
Utility Mobil PF Gratuit EW
Bill e Bill y F

They also provide their employees with:

 Leave Fare Facilities (LFF)
 Incentive Bonus
 Festival Bonus
 Executive Car Facilities (ECF)

 Performance Appraisal: For performance appraisal UCB Capital follows Key

performance Indictor (KPI). They use this KIP as core business and also have another
section for the performance appraisal of their employees along with these which is
behavioral competencies.
 Promotion: The objective set for the company’s promotion policy is mainly to provide
opportunity of advancement and a career path for the company’s officers. Starting from
the intake –point at the junior management level, the promotion process moves
progressively upward, giving prime importance to the consideration of vacancies
available in the organization, merit, and performance and potential.

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Chapter -3
Outcome of Internship

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3.1 Problems and challenges I faced in the workplace:

1. Work Pressure: Sometimes there is no work and sometimes work pressure is so high. So
work pressure depends on my ability and time.

2. Importance of Priority Task: The job of an intern was not much systematic. It was
difficult to understand the priority task.

3. More Experienced Hand: I was assigned in HR department. So more experienced hands

are there to do best work.

4. Difficulties in Internet access: In this organization internet access was restricted for
interns. So when I need to browse internet to fine any clear idea for any topic then it was
difficult for me to understand this topic.

5. Pending work: There were a lot of pending works being kept aside for a year or more
which were responsibility to complete.

6. Lack of Internal Communication: There was some lacking of internal communication

between employees to employee. Through it is up growing organization management
change some decision immediately which was not well known to employees.

7. Difficulties in MS Excel: I initially faced problem operating MS excel, since almost

every work in my workplace demanded sound MS excel knowledge. Later on I learned it
by having YouTube lessons.

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3.2 Analysis of the issues based on relevant theories:

Stress in Organization:

Stress in organization is defined in terms of its physical and physiological effects causes by a
demand that challenges or exceeds the individual's coping ability. Pressure was given beyond my
capability. Due to which there was a high chance of dropping down the quality of work. The
work I did could have been better if more time was given and proper plan was made by
employees who assigned me the work.

Job description of an intern is required:

An intern need to know what is expected from them and how they will be evaluated. It should
clearly spell out the duties and responsibilities. An effective job description specifies the primary
functions of the job, how the tasks will be carried out, and the necessary skills needed to perform
the job. It cuts out misunderstanding and misinterpretation. For an intern, it very much important
because an intern is completely new and without any experience in the corporate field.

Recruitment Process Interruption:

A recruitment process is an organization specific model of candidate sourcing for the purpose of
finding and hiring new employees. Recruitment is a core function of Human Resource
Management. It is the first step of appointment. Recruitment refers to the overall process of
attracting, short listing, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs in an organization. I
was assigned for my internship in HR Department so I saw they have major problem in their
recruitment process. As the business of UCB Capital Management Ltd. is growing so the
company needs a vast amount of employees for expanding their business. So, they appointed 14
employees previous year and also appointed 20 employees current year. They have their own
recruitment structure if they follow this process then they can have well and quality full
employees to expend their business. Through UCB Capital planning that they will go for

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international trading system so have to bring experienced employees. They should not follow any
personal request for employment because it will hamper their business and customer’s

In order to increase efficiency in hiring and retention and to ensure consistency in the
recruitment process, it is recommended the following process should be followed –

 Identify Vacancy and Evaluate Need

 Develop Position Description
 Develop Recruitment Plan
 Select Search Committee
 Post Position and Implement Recruitment Plan
 Review Applicants and Develop Short List
 Conduct Interviews
 Select Hire
 Finalize Recruitment

This all steps can help an organization to get experienced and best quality employees to function
their organization activities and production properly. So they should follow these steps to get
better employees to run their operation smoothly.

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Training Opportunity:

Training is a subsystem of an organization and core function of human resource management. It

ensures continuous skill development of employees working in organization and habituates
process of learning for developing knowledge to work. Training is the foundation for obtaining
quality output from employees. Basically training means giving new or current employees the
skills they need to perform in their job. As I work in HR department so I saw that their training
facility is for some selected employees. They have to maintain a proper process for training
program. In HR practice training is most important part for growing employee’s productivity and
outstanding performance. When employees attend proper and continuous training programs it
will help them to grow their confidence and they can work again with new flow and employee’s
productivity will increase more than before. Here is a diagram that shows a proper process of
training which will improve employee’s productivity and proper knowledge for service.

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Marketing Strategy Management:

A proper marketing plan focuses on winning and keeping customers; it is strategic and includes
numbers, facts and objectives. A good marketing plan or strategy spells out all the tools and
tactics organization will use to achieve their sales goals. It is organization’s plan of action that
what company will provide their customers, what type of product they will sell, who will want to
buy it and the tactics they will use to generate leads that result in sales. In UCB Capital their
marketing strategy is not much strong as they need. They have a strong brand value but lack of
proper branding and strategy they could not utilize it properly. The most effective marketing
strategies are those that are targeted toward a specific audience, focused on key benefits based on
the audience’s point of view and interests, and delivered at an appropriate time – when the
audience is most likely to be attentive to and interested in the message being delivered. If they
use these 5 steps to create a marketing plan then they can reach their target customer and can
achieve their goals-

Step 1: Begin with a snapshot of company current situation. It’s called “Situation Analysis”.

Step 2: Describe your target Audience.

Step 3: List your marketing goals.

Step 4: Develop the marketing Communications strategies and tactics they will use.

Step 5: Set your marketing budget.

Marketing strategy is a section of proper planning that outline your overall plan how an
organization will attract clients and customers to business. So it is a most important part for
company and organization must have to update their planning based on market changing

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3.3 Recommendation:
 UCB Capital Management requires give more important on their management functions.
The authority must conscious about whether the management functions are regularly
followed or not.
 They should introduce more modern technologies and also follow others modern
technologically competent companies for operations.
 The company should give more emphasis on recruiting fresh graduates.
 The owners of the company must be sensible while making the budget for the company.
They should consider several factors and they should also think what they provide
whether it is possible to achieve or not. For this they need to do several investigations.
 They need to increase their distribution channels so that they can expand their business
 As UCB Capital Management Ltd. plans to start foreign trade so they must need
experienced employees in international trade and Sales department who will expand the
business and also ensure high turnover.
 The Promotion policy should make more simple and flexible. Promotion of employees
takes much time so they should focus on that issue.
 The Company should introduce sufficient motivational plan so the employee will get
more enthusiasm and enjoyment to do their works.
 The company should take or make enough changes so that external communication of the
company will be easier enough.
 Company should go for more and more advertisement so that they can easily make a
place in the mind of customer.
 The company should give emphasis on leisure period of employees and also make proper
arrangement for spending their leisure period.

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Chapter -4
Conclusion and Implication

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4.1 Conclusion:

UCB Capital Management Ltd. is a newly emerging company in the brokerage house. Through it
is a newly emerging company in the market but it is already achieved a huge customer base and
expanded its business rapidly. They strive to offer all-inclusive, sustainable brokerage solutions
to maximize value for their clients, shareholders and employees as well as maintaining faithful to
their corporate and social responsibilities.

This report shows how UCB Capital Management Ltd. practiced their Human Resource
Management functions and also whether they are effective and efficient in achieving their
objectives or not. The company has little or insufficient management practices in the
organization although they have a strong co-ordination among the function what they did. So, it
is can be easily said that, the management of UCB Capital Management Ltd. is satisfactory. They
also have to give emphasis on developing some aspects such as IT, Accounts & Finance, Sales &
Trade, Marketing & Corporate Affairs department.

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An internship is a practical work experience which in IUB has to be done after finishing all the
courses. It gave me a chance to apply some of the knowledge gained during work. I also got to
know my own strengths and weaknesses. It helped to take my first move in the career path
successfully. It leaded me to a proper direction.

During my internship, I have acquired several soft skills which can be of great value for
progressing in corporate life. I had to communicate with a lot of people for different work
purposes. At first, I tried to keep my communications strictly formal with everyone but it did not
aid me in achieving the work objectives very well. Then, I learned to change the approach of
communication in accordance with the nature of the task in hand. I also emphasized on
developing productive working relationships. This enabled me to establish a professional yet
friendly mode of interaction with them and get the help I needed to finish my assignments. This
enhanced my communication skill to a great extent. I had to do a lot of tasks simultaneously on
my own. Although I struggled a lot in the first few weeks, I soon got used to multitasking and
things got a lot easier. I was assigned in HR Department. I had to work with employees of HR
department. It was not always easy. I had to be present in meetings for and their other corporate
programs and Board Meeting as well. I must have to say that their employees of this organization
are too much helpful. Without their help maybe I could complete difficult tasks because some
works are totally new for me. It taught me to be adaptable and flexible. Besides, my patience
and self-control has also improved to a great extent.

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1. UCB Capital Management Annual Report 2016
2. UCB Capital Management Annual Report 2017
3. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, Twelfth Edition, 2013-2014

Reference from Websites:

4. ,on 24 February 2017

5. ( Bank Website)
6. DSE and CSE Journal

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